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New York justice advocates expose colonizer Fauci outside his home, demand end to government support for settlement funders

Photo: Andy Ratto

On Tuesday, 27 July, New York city advocates for justice in Palestine, led by Al-Awda NY, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, exposed infamous extreme Zionist settler Justin “Yaakov” Fauci outside his Long Island home. Fauci became notorious for publicly admitting his crime when he stated, “If I don’t steal it, someone else is gonna” as he invaded the Palestinian home of the Al-Kurd family, home to Muna, Mohammed and Nabil al-Kurd among generations of Palestinian strugglers. He moved from New York to become a colonizer in Palestine and seize the Al-Kurd family home in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem.

Photo: Andy Ratto

In East Meadow, Long Island, the organizers delivered mock eviction notices to Fauci’s home and posted “Wanted” posters around the area while wearing t-shirts bearing the notorious statement Fauci made as he casually invaded the Al-Kurd home, reading, “If I don’t steal it someone else is gonna steal it = home invasion, genocide and Zionist extremism.”

Settlers like Fauci are supported by a string of Zionist organizations in the U.S., most of which enjoy both federal and state-level tax-exempt status in New York.

Photo: Andy Ratto

Attorney Lamis Deek, of Al-Awda NY, declared: “It is a violation of U.S. federal law for Americans to engage in war crimes and genocide, it is shocking that there is impunity for such open acts of violence, and it is outrageous that New York State actively shelters, promotes and celebrates such violence, which is itself also a crime.”

Protesters also highlighted other levels of complicity throughout local governments in supporting the colonization of Palestine.  Under Councilmen Esposito and Blakeman, Hempstead was twinned with an Israeli settler-colony built on stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank and dedicated a plaza to settler spokesman David Friedman, who calls for the colonization of all of Palestine.

Photo: Andy Ratto

“These councilmen are celebrating anti-Palestinian violence and sending a message to Palestinians that they are not safe in New York or in Palestine. Our government should e work to protect all our communities and not exhorting them to export violence, to break US laws, and legislating anti-Palestinian racism. This has to end, and the Hempstead IHRA Executive Order issued must be struck down,” said Suzanne Adely, president-elect of the National Lawyers Guild.

Photo: Andy Ratto

Following the action at Fauci’s home, activists protested the offices of New York Attorney General Letitia James in Brooklyn. The protest was organized by Al-Awda NY and the NY4Palestine Coalition, including Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network,  American Muslims for Palestine – New Jersey Chapter, Existence Is Resistance, Within Our Lifetime: United for Palestine,  and Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, along with allied organizations Jewish Voice for Peace – New York City, and was attended by a large contingent of Neturei Karta.

Photo: Jehad Dawoud

The protest drew attention to New York-based Zionist nonprofits helping settlers – like Fauci himself – to participate in the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians.

Photo: Jehad Dawoud

“We’re here today because this is what the people of Palestine – our friends, comrades, and in many cases our families – ask of us,” U.S. coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, said, speaking about the new Campaign to Defund Racism launched by over 150 Palestinian activists, municipalities, and organizations, including the Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine, on July 21.

Photo: Jehad Dawoud

The protesters urged New York Attorney General Letitia James to shut down and revoke the non-profit, tax-exempt status of groups which are funding war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine. The groups are also demanding an end to New York-based Zionist extremism, and calling on New York communities and government officials to stop aiding and normalizing war criminals operating in the state.

Photo: Jehad Dawoud

“The U.N. Human Rights Commission Rapporteur recently decried settlements as war crimes, and New York private and government actors are actively abetting war crimes, violence and genocide in Palestine with wholesale impunity. This must end if Palestine and the region can ever see peace,” said attorney Audrey Bomse, a member of Al-Awda New York and the National Lawyers Guild.

Photo: Jehad Dawoud

Deek closed by saying, “This will be the first of many actions to demand the closure and prosecution of Israeli apartheid and war crime perpetrators. New Yorkers want our taxes to be used to support our communities here instead of being used to destroy communities and commit high crimes in Palestine.”

Photo: Jehad Dawoud

31 July, NYC: Honor the Martyrs of Palestine Memorial and Rally

Saturday, 31 July
4:30 pm
72nd St and 5th Ave
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CR2dxDhCyM-/

ALL OUT THIS Saturday in Bay Ridge Brooklyn at 4:30 PM for a memorial and rally to honor the martyrs of Palestine. As Palestine disappears from the headlines and people begin to go to back to turning a blind eye, we must remind the world what we are fighting for.

The genocide against the Palestinian people is ongoing and every day there are more martyrs, prisoners, injured and displaced Palestinians, and the list goes on and on. We must take a moment to honor our martyrs, to say their names, and to remind the world that their sacrifice for our struggle will not go in vain. Just because main stream media goes back to business as usual on Palestine, that does not mean that our people are not dying. In the span of just the past few days the killings of Muhammad Munir al-Tamimi and Yousef Nawaf Mhareb brought the death toll of Palestinian youth killed by Israeli gunfire in the West Bank in 2021 to 11.

On Wednesday 43-year-old Abd Yusuf al-Khatib al-Tamimi from East Jerusalem was pronounced dead while in israeli custody for notorious for cruel Israeli interrogation tactics and torture. He was arrested for traffic violations, but there were marks on his body that showed he was most likely beaten and tortured by Zionist police who are evading responsibility. We will not forget, we will not forgive, and we will never stop fighting for Palestine until all of the land is liberated from the river to the sea. If you have come out to protest in the last few months, do not let the momentum die down, do not forget we are fighting for, the martyrs who have paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives for our struggle cannot and will not go in vain, we will make sure the world knows who they are, and we will continue to fight with everything we have from everywhere we are for all of Palestine.

#GlobalizeTheIntifada #FreePalestine #WithinOurLifetime #DefendPalestine #SaveSilwan #Palestine

Organized by Within Our Lifetime

Day 7 of the Samidoun Delegation to Lebanon: Ain el-Helweh refugee camp

On Wednesday, 28  28 July 2021, the Ghassan Kanafani Brigade, the Samidoun delegation to Lebanon, spent its seventh day in Lebanon in the city of Saida, specifically in the Ain el-Helweh refugee camp.

Ain el-Helweh refugee camp is populated by 100,000 refugees, of which 90-95% are Palestinians. All of them are located in an area of 1 square kilometer. The camp was created in 1948/1949 to shelter all those Palestinians who were forcibly displaced from Palestine during the Zionist ethnic cleansing in 1948 (the Nakba). During the war in Lebanon, many other refugees from other camps, as well as Lebanese who had been displaced from their homes in the south, sought shelter in Ain el-Helweh, which has become the largest refugee camp in Lebanon.

The Samidoun delegation began its day in Ain el-Helweh with the coordinators of the “Nuwat – Social Solidarity Center Association.” This organization was created in 2004, mainly by young people. As its name suggests, “Nuwat” (“seed”) was born with the main objective of providing educational services to the new generations of Palestinian refugees in the camp. However, as time went by, it expanded the breadth of its activities to include health services, education, psychological support, sports, political training, media, training on international law and refugee issues, leadership training, etc.

The following programs are currently underway: a gymnasium for girls and sports activities; extracurricular reinforcement classes; alternative education programs to fill the gaps in the curriculum provided by UNRWA schools; psychological care, especially for women; recreational activities; bookstore and library; care and assistance for women in contexts of gender violence; courses for computer use; providing gas and other basic needs in the camps.

Between 2013 and 2018, the organization played a very important role also for Syrian refugees, just as they had in 2006 for Lebanese refugees fleeing from other areas of Lebanon, especially from the South. This was the first time that many Lebanese would have to come to Palestinian refugee camps.

Secondly, the delegation visited the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine office in Ain el-Helweh. This office is named after Abu Saleh al-Assadi, one of the founders of the Arab Nationalist Movement and later the Popular Front. Abu Saleh was a legendary figure of the Palestinian liberation movement, who repeatedly secretly passed through Zionist lines, from 1948 when he was forcibly exiled, until 1967, to be with his wife, who remained inside occupied Palestine.

He fought in the 1936-39 revolution in Palestine, defended Palestine in the Nakba; joined the organized Palestinian resistance from its earliest days; and fought back against the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Read this 1983 interview with Abu Saleh al-Assadi in the PFLP Bulletin (on page 20, English, 1983). 

The delegation met with Abu Ali Hamdan, the leader of the Front in the Saida region. He explained the role of the front in the camp as well as the role of weapons in the camp. Weapons are not shown and presented in offices and only used when necessary for the defense of the camp and confrontation of the enemy. In the office we were told about inspiring stories of strugglers and martyrs who overcame sectarian barriers to confront the enemy.

The brigade also visited the martyrs’ cemetery in the camp, visiting the gravesite of Abu Saleh al-Assadi and paying tribute to all those who laid down their lives to defend Palestine and the Palestinian people and struggle for liberation.

Next, delegates visited the shop of Abu Bayram, a Tunisian internationalist fighter for Palestine, who joined the armed wing of the Palestinian revolution and defended Beirut against Israeli invasion during the siege of the city in 1982. Abu Bayram lives steadfast in the camp, even after his son lost his life. Abu Bayram continues to live in the camp amongst the people and considers himself a Palestinian. He is yet another example of the Arab character of the Palestinian revolution and its broad international scope.

Finally, the delegation had a meeting in Al-Nidaa hospital (Human Call) with its executive director, Abu Atieh.

Al-Nidaa hospital was established in 1986 but became officially operational in 1988. There are many things that characterize and differentiate the Human Call Association, and one of them is that they openly recognize that they are an organization politically positioned on the left, unlike most of them that claim to be neutral. The Human Call Association was established in order to provide health care through a team of professionals in the field.

The hospital provides primary care services, inpatient facilities and admission wards and ICUs. Palestinian doctors working in the center are not allowed to work in the Lebanese hospitals and health centers, nor are they allowed to unionize, due to Lebanese labor law excluding Palestinians in registered professions. As Palestinians, they are only allowed to work in UNRWA or other specifically Palestinian centers. This is just one example of the many discriminatory laws and forbidden professions for Palestinians in Lebanon.

There is only one UNRWA hospital in Ain el-Helweh; further, it covers only 50% of the necessary medical services and does not provide services to undocumented people. It mainly provides primary care services, Mainly those related to primary care. More complex diseases and surgeries, including cancer, are not treated. The two private clinics in the camp are very expensive and only open from 9 am to 2 pm. Al-Nidaa however, is open to anyone for the price of 40,000 Lebanese lira (2 USD at the current unofficial exchange rate) per appointment.

Another essential characteristic of Al-Nidaa, which is part of the historical and political context in which it has been developing, is that it not only works in the health sector, but also provides services for Palestinian children. In the last year, Al-Nidaa has carried out three projects focused on consolidating the awareness and active political role of young Palestinian refugees. They brought together 2,000 young people from different social, family and political backgrounds in a program that aimed to strengthen the bonds for a healthy community and prevent them from falling into violence and idleness in the streets.

This project included all kinds of training, especially those related to human rights, the environment and a specific course on humanitarian and international law for Palestinian refugees. At the end of the course, a large conference was held to evaluate and continue the project in the long term.

Al-Nidaa hospital and Human Call Association represent not only a specific infrastructure that provides the necessary services to maintain optimal health in the camp; it also represents a project that goes beyond the limits of mere humanitarianism to become a political idea that seeks to elevate the Palestinian struggle on the political agenda. That is why they consider it essential to strengthen relations and collaboration with other leftist organizations at Palestinian, Arab and international levels to press and raise the issue of the liberation of Palestine and the return of the refugees to an ever higher level.

The delegation will proceed throughout the coming days, with ongoing reports of the delegation’s meetings and work throughout Lebanon. You can also follow the progress of the delegation on Samidoun Stockholm’s social media (@samidoun08), Collectif Palestine Vaincra (@collectifpalestinevaincra) and Samidoun Spain (@samidoun.esp).


The delegation is self-funded by Samidoun Network and the participants taking part in the delegation and its meetings. However, the delegation also aims to support organizing and build resources in the Palestinian refugee camps and throughout Lebanon, which is currently experiencing an extreme financial crisis, the greatest burden of which is falling on the most marginalized.

Your contribution can help the delegation to support the work of grassroots organizers in the Palestinian refugee camps to sustain and build their work as well as launching new centers for organizing for liberation and return for Palestine. Make your donation below to support this important initiative. 

Click here to make a donation.

Solidarity from Palestine to the Philippines: No to U.S.-Duterte state terror!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network denounces the Duterte government of the Philippines’ designation of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines as a “terrorist organization” and reaffirms our solidarity with the struggle of the peoples of the Philippines for justice and liberation from imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism. Duterte has escalated official cooperation of the Philippine government with Israel, acting in line with his service to U.S. imperialism. The use of the “terror” label is routinely used by the Israeli occupation and the U.S. and other imperialist powers as well as in the Philippines to demonize and repress people’s movements for liberation. We know that this designation will never repress the dynamic struggle of the Filipino people for justice and true liberation. From Palestine to the Philippines, stop the U.S./imperialist war machine! 

We are republishing below this important statement from the Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle:

Just and lasting peace, no to US-Duterte state terrorism!

We, Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle, condemn in the strongest possible terms the designation of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) as terrorist by the so-called ‘Anti-terrorism Council’ (ATC) of the Duterte government.

The listing of the NDFP as a terrorist organization is an attack to the Filipino people and their just struggle for genuine social change and national liberation. It also serves as a grave distortion of reality, and is part of the US-backed Duterte regime’s maneuver to hide the fact that he is the actual terrorist perpetrating vicious human rights violations against the Filipino people.

Duterte has proven himself to be a loyal puppet to US imperialism by continually patronaging the ‘US war on terror’ exported to the country to desperately delegitimize the Filipino people’s struggles and befuddle the term terrorism. The Duterte regime has used this as pretext to demonize and discredit the Filipino people’s aspirations for national liberation and genuine social change; justify the killings, illegal arrest and detention, filing of trumped up charges and other attacks against thousands of Filipinos.

Even without the listing, numerous NDFP peace consultants have been killed, proving that the US-Duterte regime is disinterested in the resolution of the root causes of armed conflict through the peace negotiations. Instead it is taking the path of facism and state terrorism to desperately hold onto power and repress and suppress the Filipino people.

We fully agree with Julieta de Lima, Interim Chairperson of the NDFP Negotiating Panel, that: “The ATC Resolution No. 21 designating the NDFP as a terrorist organization, is an anti-peace act.” Thus, it is but just to condemn the listing of the NDFP and Duterte’s fascist rule.

Our Calls

We call upon the international community to join us in our demand to pursue genuine peace, and to end state terroristic repression. Concretely, we call upon everyone who stand in support of the Filipino people’s struggle for people’s rights, social justice and national democracy to:

  • Call for an end to all forms of state terroristic repression by the US-Duterte regime.
  • Demand the immediate de-listing of the CPP, NPA and NDFP and all other progressive individuals and forces that were listed because of their supposed links to either of the entities as part of the state terroristic repression.
  • Demand and put pressure to the Duterte government to seriously and genuinely heed to the people’s demand for just and lasting peace by laying down the conditions for the resumption of peace talks with the NDFP to address the root causes of the armed conflict.

Our Actions

We, as part of the international community that stand in support of the Filipino people’s rights, cannot be silent or docile to this onslaught of terroristic repression by the US-Duterte regime. We will:

  • Conduct demonstrations and mobilization in our countries to show our support to the Filipino people in struggle and call for “Just and lasting peace, no to US-Duterte state terrorism!”
  • Conduct a globally coordinated demonstration on the 26th of August to register the international community’s support for genuine peace in the Philippines.
  • Lobby our own governments and parliaments to call on the Duterte government to heed the people’s demands for genuine peace through peace talks.
  • Gather the broadest support for the Filipino people’s struggle against Duterte’s fascist rule.




3 August, Online Event: Palestine Solidarity and the Boycott Movement: An Inter-Generational Dialogue

Tuesday, 3 August
4 pm Pacific, 7 pm Eastern
Register to join on Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/palsolidarity

A moderated, dynamic and inter-generational discussion of the history, current challenges and prospects for the Palestine solidarity movement in Canada.

Speakers: Hanna Kawas (Canada Palestine Association); Charlotte Kates (Samidoun); Bruce Katz (Palestinian and Jewish Unity); Moe Alqasem (Palestinian Youth Movement); Aiyanas Ormond (BDS Vancouver – Moderator)

Organized by Canada Palestine Association and BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories. Endorsed by the Canadian BDS Coalition, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and Just Peace Advocates)

REGISTER to participate: https://tinyurl.com/palsolidarity

Samidoun Delegation to Lebanon Day 6: Borders of occupied Palestine, Khiam prison and Mleeta resistance landmark

The sixth day of the Ghassan Kanafani Brigade, the Samidoun delegation to Lebanon, began with a trip to Maroun al-Ras, on the border with occupied Palestine. The delegation traveled with members of the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine, an international campaign founded in 2013 headquartered in Lebanon to defend and promote Palestinian refugees’ inalienable right to return to their homeland. Samidoun, member organizations and allied groups, including Collectif Palestine Vaincra and Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization, have participated widely in many campaigns and actions of the Global Campaign over the years.

At Maroun al-Ras, the delegates overlooked occupied Palestine and the homes of the settlers. It was a powerfully emotional moment for the delegation, especially its Palestinian members displaced from their homeland and living in exile.

Next, the delegation traveled to visit the park in Adaisa village, dedicated to the families of the martyrs who were slain as they tried to return to Palestine, crossing the border. The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine plants a tree in the park for each of the martyrs, to honor their memory and pledge to continue to move forward towards return and liberation for Palestine.

The brigade then visited Khiam prison, the former detention center that has been converted into a museum to honor the prisoners of the Lebanese resistance jailed by the Israeli occupation. The Khiam prison was founded in 1933 by the French colonial mandate in Lebanon before being taken over by the Lebanese Army in 1943 to become a military base. After the Zionist invasion of the southern part of Lebanon in 1982, the prison was taken over by the “South Lebanon Army,” the proxy militia of collaborators with Israeli occupation.

In 1985, Khiam was turned into a prison camp where thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese were detained and brutally tortured. Khiam became notorious internationally for the severe torture to which the detainees were subjected.

Following the liberation of the south of Lebanon in 2000, the torturers of the SLA followed their Israeli occupation sponsors into occupied Palestine, fleeing justice. The detention center was closed and converted to a museum.

In 2006, the majority of the Khiam prison was destroyed when the museum was targeted by the Israeli military for aerial bombing in their attack on Lebanon, destroying not only much of the prison but also evidence of Israeli crimes against humanity.

The remaining parts of Khiam prison have remained a museum, and prison cells and small metal cages used as a method of torture are still standing at the center.


The delegation was led through Khiam by Abu Ali, a former detainee who spent four years held there under the SLA and the Israeli occupation.

He spoke about his experience and those of his fellow detainees, and delegation members shared their work to liberate Palestinian and Arab prisoners from Zionist jails and their messages of solidarity.

The brigade ended the day with a tour of the Mleeta Resistance Landmark. This museum and center for resistance tourism was opened on 25 May 2010, the 10th anniversary of the liberation of southern Lebanon in 2000.

In Mleeta, delegates were shown the museum of resistance, including tanks, machinery and items left behind by the Israeli occupation army as well as commemorating the heroism of the resistance and the sacrifice of the martyrs to liberate the south of Lebanon.

28 July, Webinar: #DefundRacism with the Good Shepherd Collective

Wednesday, 28 July
9 am Pacific/12 pm Eastern
Register to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rd-ysrjsqEtAsVxU4eIelOn1UN12zN0ZL

Join the Justice for Palestine committee of the Syracuse Peace Council and the Good Shepherd Collective for a private webinar about a new campaign to defund “charitable” NY-based settler organizations harming Palestinian communities.

We are looking to build a coalition of organizations in New York state to pressure NYS Attorney General Letitia James to open investigations into the tax-exempt status of several organizations that directly sponsor Israeli settler-colonialism in Palestine and violence against Palestinians. We are supporting Palestinian organizations on the ground who have initiated this campaign, particularly the Good Shepherd Collective. Currently, we are making a soft push around a petition to investigate the Hebron Fund and sharing information about settler orgs via social media while we map out the broader public campaign aimed at multiple settler organizations.

Join us to learn more about the role of settler organizations in maintaining Israeli apartheid, how we plan to move forward with the campaign, and how you can be involved.

Samidoun Delegation to Lebanon Day 5: With the Democratic Popular Party in Saida

On the fifth day of the Ghassan Kanafani Brigade, the Samidoun international delegation in Lebanon, the delegation met with the Popular Democratic Party in Saida, Lebanon, incuding the General Secretary, Mohammed Hashisho and Coordinator, Rita Hamdan.

The Democratic Popular Party is a historic Lebanese Marxist-Leninist political party which was actively involved in the armed Palestinian resistance, both in the south of Lebanon and in organizing in the cities. Being a Palestinian and Lebanese political party, they consider the cause of Palestine their own and central to the communist struggle within Lebanon.

The Party and the delegation engaged in discussions on a wide variety of topics. The Party operates a People’s Kitchen which provides free hot meals to eight hundred people in need each day and health clinic that serve the community in Saida city.

The Democratic Popular Party shared with the delegation their history of active participation in armed struggle against the Zionist state from inside Lebanon. The party recognizes the importance and necessity of encouraging and supporting all forms of struggle aimed at the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.

Another of the fundamental premises on the basis of which the Party operates is the rejection of any solution that does not seek to decolonize all of Palestine, so they position themselves categorically against the Oslo Accords. They view the Oslo Accords as aiming to close the possibility of confrontation and Palestinian resistance both inside and outside Palestine (Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Syria) while at the same time opening the door to Zionist and U.S. imperialism, using occupied Palestine as its center of military operations and its neo-liberal experiment in the region.

The role of the Democratic Popular Party was fundamental during the Lebanese “civil war” in the protection of the popular classes and the Palestinian resistance. They have historically worked in coordination with Palestinians inside Palestine, but also with Palestinians in Lebanon, as well as with other internationalist causes struggling for liberation. That is why they are part of other projects, such as the campaign for the release of Cuban prisoners in U.S. jails or the campaign for the release of George Ibrahim Abdallah. In the same way they play a role in the formation of the Alternative Palestinian Path (Masar Badil) and its local committee in Lebanon.

The role of the Palestinian resistance has gone through three different stages (being at this moment centered inside Palestine and especially in Gaza). The Democratic Popular Party focuses its efforts on generating the optimal objective conditions to consolidate the resistance to overthrow Zionism in a coordinated manner.

The Party also mentioned to the delegation as a fundamental point the creation of an international Arab force that breaks with the years of normalization with Zionism and undertakes a social and economic war against imperialism, whose spearhead is Zionism.

In relation to the current state of the Palestinian liberation movement, the Party believes on re-establishing Palestinian armed struggle outside of Palestine in unity with the resistance inside Palestine. It considers this aspect crucial to the success of the project which is the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. The Party has unwaveringly stood for this political line.

The Samidoun delegation also presented their political work and perspectives to the Democratic Popular Party organizers, speaking about Samidoun’s history, formation, membership and chapter-building activities in Europe, Palestine, North America and internationally. Each country presented on their work, with members of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra in France speaking about their work to liberate Georges Abdallah and to organize among the left, Palestinian and Arab communities, and other marginalized groups; Samidoun Netherlands spoke about their work to strengthen the ties between the people’s struggle in the Philippines and the Palestine liberation movement as well as to develop resources and study centers for Palestine.

Samidoun Spain spoke about their work with the United Left to push for a broader support for Palestinians’ right to return and right to resist, and for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea, as well as the work in the European Parliament to stand for Palestine and confront anti-Palestinian repression in Europe, such as the political ban imposed on Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat in Germany. The comrades from Samidoun Stockholm and Malmo in Sweden spoke about their work with antifascist groups and the Kurdish movement as well as their efforts to rebuild an anti-imperialist front, which has been particularly devastated in the past 20 years.

Finally, the delegation discussed with the party the situation of political, social and economic crisis engulfing Lebanon. Their analysis of the Lebanese regime is that it is a fundamentally unproductive economy, without any industry or agriculture, depending mostly on the financial sector. This situation is being maintained by the comprador state, which serves the interests of US imperialism instead of the popular and poor classes in Lebanon. Lebanon’s current economic and political crisis is a clear reflection of this, and the crises will worsen unless there is a revolutionary change.

For our comrades, this crisis is neither sporadic nor accidental, but is part of a concrete form of political organization. The Lebanese political system, direct heir of French colonialism, is fundamentally based on financial speculation and the destruction of the national productive system and, while the neo-liberal economic forces have dragged the country into misery, the hegemonic Lebanese left has not been able to give an adequate alternative to the people.

This crisis especially affects the Palestinians living in the refugee camps in Lebanon, who are under siege both by the Lebanese army, by the Lebanese reactionary forces, and also by some Palestinian parties, notably the Palestinian Authority. Therefore, it is essential that the true Lebanese revolutionary left is able to create a strong alternative that prevents the above mentioned forces from using the situation of misery brought by the crisis to make the Palestinian community dependent on them.

The Party has good relations with all organizations which practice resistance against Zionism and US imperialism, inside and outside of Palestine and Lebanon. While the liberation of Palestine is its central goal, it practices this alongside anti-sectarian revolutionary struggle in Lebanon and proletarian internationalism.

The delegation also visited the memorial for the martyr Maarouf Saad, the assassinated Lebanese political leader in Saida, Nasserist and strong supporter of Palestine. Saad was assassinated in 1975 as he led general strikes in Saida against the attempt of a corporation to monopolize fishing and destroy the union organization among the fishers.

The delegation will proceed throughout the coming days, with ongoing reports of the delegation’s meetings and work throughout Lebanon. You can also follow the progress of the delegation on Samidoun Stockholm’s social media (@samidoun08), Collectif Palestine Vaincra (@collectifpalestinevaincra) and Samidoun Spain (@samidoun.esp).


The delegation is self-funded by Samidoun Network and the participants taking part in the delegation and its meetings. However, the delegation also aims to support organizing and build resources in the Palestinian refugee camps and throughout Lebanon, which is currently experiencing an extreme financial crisis, the greatest burden of which is falling on the most marginalized.

Your contribution can help the delegation to support the work of grassroots organizers in the Palestinian refugee camps to sustain and build their work as well as launching new centers for organizing for liberation and return for Palestine. Make your donation below to support this important initiative. 

Click here to make a donation.

#BlockTheBoat action at New Jersey port mobilizes to support Palestinian workers, boycott ZIM

Photo credit: Jehad Dawoud

A crowd of protesters in New Jersey took to the streets outside Maher Terminal in Elizabeth as part of the #BlockTheBoat campaign targeting Israeli ZIM shipping for its complicity in and profiteering from Zionist colonialism and Israeli apartheid. The demonstrators gathered despite rainy weather at 6:00 am to greet the ZIM Qingdao and call for it not to be unloaded.

Photo credit: Jehad Dawoud

The protest was organized by the Block the Boat Coalition NY/NJ, which includes the NY4Palestine Coalition, Al-Awda NY, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition; Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine; Labor for Palestine; Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network; American Muslims for Palestine – NJ; People’s Organization for Progress; Jews for Palestinian Right of Return; Jewish Voice for Peace – NYC; the ANSWER Coalition; and CUNY4Palestine.

“We’re doing this in support of Palestinian liberation and the call for boycott, divestment and sanctions, but we are also doing this in solidarity with Palestinian workers,” said Suzanne Adely, President-Elect of the National Lawyers Guild.

Photo credit: Jehad Dawoud

“We are sending a message that profiteering from Israeli apartheid and the ongoing violence against the Palestinian people will not be welcome in New York, New Jersey, or anywhere on the East Coast,” said Nerdeen Kiswani, Chair of Within Our Lifetime-United for Palestine. “Our communities are taking a stand against the ethnic cleansing, evictions, and bombings that Palestinians face every day.”

This action comes on the heels of #BlockTheBoat protests across North America and internationally. Dock workers in Italy and South Africa refused to unload Israeli ZIM cargo ships in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

Photo credit: Jehad Dawoud

Meanwhile, ZIM-operated vessels were prevented from unloading in Oakland, Prince Rupert and Seattle, with protests organized in Vancouver, Los Angeles, Detroit, Philadelphia, Elizabeth and Houston.

Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd (ZIM) is Israel’s largest cargo shipping company, often dealing in Israeli manufactured military technology, armaments and logistics equipment.

Photo credit: Jehad Dawoud

The San Francisco-based Arab Resource and Organizing Center first called on communities to block ZIM-operated ships in the U.S. in 2014, with the first successful #BlockTheBoat action, in which International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10 workers abided by a community picket line, keeping the ZIM ship out of the port of Oakland, a victory repeated again this year.

The Block the Boat coalition will continue its efforts in New York and New Jersey, combining efforts with AROC and organizations around the world working to shut down ZIM’s profiteering from stolen Palestinian land and ongoing colonization in Palestine. The Block the Boat campaign works to build ties between Palestinian workers and the international labor movement.

Photo credit: Jehad Dawoud

The next action in New York City will take place on Tuesday, July 27, at 4:30 pm, when Al-Awda New York: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, with the NY4Palestine Coalition, which includes American Muslims for Palestine – New Jersey Chapter, Existence Is Resistance, Within Our Lifetime: United for Palestine, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, and allied groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace – New York City, will protest outside the Brooklyn office of New York Attorney General Letitia James.

Photo credit: Jehad Dawoud

The protest aims to draw attention to New York-based Zionist nonprofits helping settlers – like Long Island-born Justin “Yaacov” Fauci – to participate in the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians. Fauci moved from New York to invade and steal Palestinian lands including the Al-Kurd family home and became notorious for publicly admitting his crime when he stated, “If I don’t steal it, someone else is gonna” as he invaded the Palestinian home.

Photo credit: Jehad Dawoud

The advocates will urge New York Attorney General Letitia James to shut down and revoke the non-profit, tax-exempt status of groups which are funding war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine. The groups are also demanding an end to New York-based Zionist extremism, and calling on New York communities and government officials to stop aiding and normalizing war criminals operating in the state. All supporters of justice in Palestine are invited to join the action.

#BoycottPuma campaign in Toulouse fights corporate complicity in Israeli apartheid

On Friday, 23 July, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network, organized a Palestine Stand in Toulouse, France, at the Bagatelle market. The stand took place as part of the international campaign to boycott athletic wear manufacturer Puma due to its sponsorship of the Israeli Football Federation.


In the hot summer weather, the Collectif held the information booth for over two hours, distributing flyers and free stickers to many people interested in learning more about how they can concretely support the Palestinian people and their resistance to Zionist occupation. The stand was adorned with Palestinian flags, and a large banner reading, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will win.”

Passers-by who visited the booth took a number of photos and encouraged the Collectif to continue their ongoing street actions and presence in support of Palestine in Toulouse. Speakers emphasized why it was important to boycott Puma as well as all of the corporations complicit in and profiting from Israeli apartheid, colonialism and occupation. People were outraged to learn that the sports equipment and athletic wear company was sponsoring Israeli football teams and endorsing apartheid, especially teams in settlements in the occupied West Bank of Palestine.

Dozens participated in a solidarity action, taking photos with a sign, “Boycott Puma – Red Card for the sponsor of Israeli apartheid football teams.”

The Collectif will continue to organize stands and actions in Toulouse for Palestine

Throughout the year, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra continues to organize solidarity activities in Toulouse for Palestine. Contact the Collectif to get involved with these actions, or contact Samidoun to get involved in your area.

Read the original French report at Collectif Palestine Vaincra.