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Take action 12-19 June: Week of Action to Free Georges Abdallah

Join the international week of action between 12 and 19 June for the liberation of Georges Abdallah! Georges Abdallah is a Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestinian liberation imprisoned in France since 1984 and the longest-held political prisoner in Europe. The call for this international week of action was launched by the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah and supported by a joint appeal signed by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, alongside many other organizations, emphasizes that “Your release is our determination and our commitment, so that this 37th year of detention that you face, strong in your conscience, with constant resistance, may finally be the end of this ‘little eternity that is life imprisonment.'”

The call emphasizes, “We, the signatories of this text, are launching a call to amplify, coordinate and converge, in particular, our mobilization, from 12 to 19 June 2021, in France and around the world, for a week of national and international actions for the release of Georges Abdallah.”

Events and actions are being organized in France around the world, including the French national demonstration in Paris on 19 June as well as a solidarity video and art action in Austin, Texas. These mobilizations are an important occasion to escalate the campaign for the liberation of Georges Abdallah, who has become a Palestinian, Arab and international symbol of the struggle against imperialism, Zionism and reactionary Arab regimes.

Take action!

We urge all supporters of Palestine to join activities in your city or organize initiatives to highlight the case of Georges Abdallah and demand his liberation. Here are some examples:

  • Print, distribute and post these posters (image above and downloadable here) calling for the liberation of Georges Abdallah in your community.
  • Organize a screening of the new film, Fedayin, the Struggle of Georges Abdallah in your community. The film is fully subtitled and available in English, French, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, and German. To organize a screening, please contact vacarmesfilms@gmail.com
  • Protest or deliver a letter demanding Georges Abdallah’s release at the French consulate or embassy in your city.
  • Include Georges Abdallah’s liberation – and the liberation of Palestinian prisoners – in demonstrations, actions and vigils for Palestine and the boycott of Israel in your city.
  • Participate in the mobilization on social networks using the hashtags #MacronLibérezAbdallah and #FreeGeorgesAbdallah. Use the Facebook profile decor to draw attention to the case.
  • Write Georges Abdallah and send him solidarity messages (individually or as a collective action of your group). Send letters to:

Monsieur Georges Ibrahim ABDALLAH
2388/A221 CP de Lannemezan
204 rue des Saligues
BP 70166

Contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net for more information or to let us know about your action or send us a message on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

Who Is Georges Ibrahim Abdallah?

A Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine, Georges Abdallah has been imprisoned in French prisons since 1984, convicted on charges of participation in armed actions by the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Faction, working to fight off colonialist and Zionist invasions in Lebanon.

From his youth, Georges Abdallah was an activist, working first with the Syrian Social Nationalist party and then with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). With the PFLP, he resisted and was injured by Israeli forces invading Lebanon in 1978. A committed Communist and internationalist, he views the Arab struggle for liberation from Zionism and imperialism as part and parcel of the international workers’ struggle for liberation from capitalism.

The Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Faction (LARF) was formed to fight off and resist U.S., Israeli and other imperialist attacks on Lebanon. Georges Abdallah was accused of participating in attacks on U.S. and Israeli military officials in France.

He has been eligible for release since 1999 yet continues to be denied parole, despite having parole requests approved several times by French judges. The Lebanese government has officially asked for his release, and he is asking to be deported to Lebanon. Yet the French state has intervened at the highest levels, alongside the U.S and Israeli regimes, to deny Georges Abdallah’s parole requests.

In fact, in 1985, the French government agreed to a prisoner exchange – to release Abdallah in exchange for a captured French diplomat. Instead, the diplomat was released – and Abdallah remained in prison. His own original lawyer was in fact a spy working for the French state and reporting on him to the highest levels of French intelligence; all of which was used against him in court.

People throughout France and around the world have campaigned for his freedom for decades. His brothers and loved ones in Lebanon lead the International Campaign to Free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. He is considered to be part of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement by Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

His case represents also the coherence of U.S., Israeli and European colonialist interests in the imprisonment of Palestinian and Arab strugglers for liberation and the attack on the Palestinian people.

19 June, Paris: National demonstration for the liberation of Georges Abdallah

Saturday, 19 June
2:30 pm
Place des Fetes
Paris, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/469848320788391

Demonstrate, June 19, 2021, to demand his release!

Georges Abdallah, our struggle, our fight! His release is our determination!

Georges Abdallah, our struggle, our fight, because we are on the side of the oppressed and not the oppressor! Emancipation and freedom! Insubordination and insurrection! Revolt is a just and legitimate right! Anger and dignity!

Georges Abdallah, our struggle, our fight, to unmask the systems of exploitation, of domination – capitalist, imperialist, colonialist – and their barbarism.

Georges Abdallah, our struggle, our fight, for unwavering support for the Palestinian cause and resistance in all its forms. For the self-determination of the Palestinian people! For past, present and future Intifadas! For the liberation of the resistance heroes held captive in Zionist jails! For the right of return of all refugees! Against Normalization and all forms of liquidation, procrastination, compromise and negotiations! For the affirmation of the law, whose universal validity is still demonstrated today by reality, that only the resistance can confront the occupier and its plans, and unify the Palestinian people in their historic project of national liberation struggle.

Georges Abdallah, our struggle, our fight, always standing alongside the masses and working-class neighborhoods for their rights gained through struggle.

Georges Abdallah, our struggle, our fight against injustice, police violence, repression and emergency regimes!

Georges Abdallah, our struggle, our resolutely internationalist and radically anti-fascist fight, because siamo tutti anti-fascisti!

Georges Abdallah, our unwavering line of what is progressive and revolutionary and what is not!

Georges Abdallah, our comrade! Your battles are ours! Your release is our determination and our commitment, so that this 37th year of detention that you face, strong in your conscience, with constanct resistance, may finally be the last of “this little eternity of life imprisonment”.

May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish everywhere to demand your release and to remind the highest authorities of the French state of this pressing need addressed to the Minister of the Interior that “he must sign”.

And in this sense, we are launching a call to amplify, coordinate and converge, in particular, our mobilization:
– from June 12 to 19, 2021, in France and around the world, for a week of national and international actions for the release of Georges Abdallah
– Saturday, June 19, 2021, for the 5th national and international event organized in Paris, at 2:30 p.m., in order to massively hear from the Place des Fêtes to the Place de la République our imperative demand to finally see Georges Abdallah, our comrade, released .

The journey towards liberation and freedom is long, full of pitfalls and contradictions, but here again if there is an affirmation by our comrade Georges Abdallah that we make our own, it is that of the imperative need for the struggle. and resistance, in the diversity of our expressions and the convergence of our commitments so that is finally translated into action, by the established balance of power, into his liberation, because “it is together and only together that we will win” for “Victory or victory!”

Paris, May 31, 2021
Unitary campaign for the liberation of Georges Abdallah

Endorsed by:

Collectif pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah (C.L.G.I.A), Collectif 65 pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Comité tunisien pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Le Cri Rouge pour la libération des prisonniers révolutionnaire, Samidoun – réseau de solidarité des prisonniers palestiniens, Soccorso Rosso Proletario (Italia), Le Collectif Palestine Vaincra, L’Association France Palestine Solidarité (A.F.P.S) 63, L’Association France Palestine Solidarité (A.F.P.S) 82, Collectif 69 de soutien au peuple Palestinien, Association Couserans Palestine, l’Association Nationale des Communistes (ANC), le Front Uni de l’immigration et des Quartiers Populaires (F.U.I.Q.P), le Parti des Indigènes de la République (P.I.R), Jeunes Révolutionnaires (J.R), Le Collectif Ni Guerres Ni État de Guerre, Sud Solidaires, Le Comité d’actions et de soutien aux luttes du peuple marocain, Rete dei Comunisti (Italie), Le Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos – CEBRASPO (Centre Brésilien de Solidarité au Peuple – CEBRASPO Brasilia), Front populaire de Turquie, Le Front anti-impérialiste (Turquie), D.I.P (Turquie), Coriente Del Pueblo-Sol Rojo (Mexique), International Relations Committee (IRC) – Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan (CMPA), Internationalist Youth Movement (Switzerland)

Samedi, 19 juin
Place des Fêtes
75019 Paris, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/469848320788391

Manifestons, le 19 juin 2021, pour exiger sa libération !

Georges Abdallah, notre lutte, notre combat ! Sa libération est notre détermination !

Georges Abdallah, notre lutte, notre combat car du côté de l’opprimé et non de l’oppresseur ! De l’émancipation et de la liberté ! De l’insoumission et de l’insurrection ! De la révolte, de ce droit juste et légitime ! De la colère et de la dignité!

Georges Abdallah, notre lutte, notre combat pour démasquer les systèmes d’exploitation, de domination -capitaliste, impérialiste, colonialiste- et leur barbarie.

Georges Abdallah, notre lutte, notre combat pour un soutien indéfectible à la cause palestinienne et à la résistance sous toutes ses formes. Pour l’autodétermination du peuple palestinien ! Pour les Intifadas passées, actuelle et à venir ! Pour la libération des héros résistants captifs des geôles sionistes ! Pour le droit au retour de tous les « réfugiés » ! Contre la Normalisation et toutes les formes de liquidation, de tergiversations, de compromissions et de négociations ! Pour l’affirmation de la loi, dont la validité universelle est encore démontrée aujourd’hui par l’actualité, que seule la résistance peut contrer l’occupant, ses plans et unifier le peuple palestinien sur son projet historique de lutte de libération nationale.

Georges Abdallah, notre lutte, notre combat, toujours debout aux côtés des masses et des quartiers populaires pour leurs droits et nos acquis.

Georges Abdallah, notre lutte, notre combat contre les injustices, les violences policières ! La répression et les régimes d’exception !

Georges Abdallah, notre lutte, notre combat résolument internationaliste et radicalement antifasciste car siamo tutti antifascisti !

Georges Abdallah, notre ligne indéfectible de ce qui est progressiste et révolutionnaire et de ce qui ne l’est pas !
Georges Abdallah, notre camarade ! Tes combats sont les nôtres ! Ta libération est notre détermination et notre engagement pour que cette 37ème année de détention que tu affrontes, fort de ta conscience, sans reniement et toujours résistance, soit enfin la dernière de « cette petite éternité qu’est la prison à vie ».
Que mille initiatives solidaires fleurissent partout pour exiger ta libération et pour que soit rappelée au plus haut sommet de l’Etat français cette impérieuse nécessité adressée au ministre de l’intérieur du « il faut qu’il signe ».

Et en ce sens, nous lançons un appel à amplifier, coordonner et faire converger, en particulier, notre mobilisation :

– du 12 au 19 juin 2021, en France et partout dans le monde, pour une semaine d’actions nationales et internationales pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
– le samedi 19 juin 2021, pour la 5ème manifestation nationale et internationale organisée à Paris, à 14h30, afin de faire entendre massivement de la Place des Fêtes à la place de la République notre revendication impérieuse de voir enfin Georges Abdallah, notre camarade, libéré.

Le cheminement vers la libération et la liberté est long, plein d’embûches et de contradictions mais là encore s’il est une affirmation de notre camarade Georges Abdallah que nous faisons nôtre, c’est bien celle de l’impérieuse nécessité de la lutte et de la résistance, dans la diversité de nos expressions et la convergence de nos engagements pour que soit enfin traduite en acte, par le rapport de force établi, sa libération et parce que « c’est ensemble et seulement ensemble que nous vaincrons » pour « la victoire ou la victoire ! ».


Paris, le 31 mai 2021
Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah

11 June, Online Event: Palestine Today: Settler colonialism, popular uprisings and bad journalism

Friday, 11 June
12 pm Eastern time (9 am Pacific, 6 pm central Europe, 7 pm Palestine)
Register to join the event on Zoom: https://carleton.ca/socanth/cu-events/palestine-today/
Organized by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University

What led to the current events?
How to understand the images we are seeing?
What is to be done?

Join us for a Zoom webinar, and hear from speakers Nahla Abdo (Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University), Moe Alqasem (Palestinian Youth Movement, CUPE 1281 President), Chandni Desai (Assistant Professor, Critical Studies of Equity and Solidarity, University of Toronto), and Charlotte Kates (International Coordinator of Samidoun, the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network).

Registration is required.
Please use theonline form to register for this event.


9 June, Staten Island: #BlockTheBoat – Protest ZIM! + Car Caravan

Wednesday, 9 June
4:00 pm
ZIM America Offices
1110 South Ave
Staten Island, NY

The #BlockTheBoat campaign is growing – come join the NY4Palestine Coalition and more to keep organizing in NYC to confront ZIM with this action in Staten Island! The protest will be followed by a car caravan throughout Staten Island for Palestine. Follow Within Our Lifetime on Instagram for updates.

Sheikh Jarrah defenders Muna and Mohammed al-Kurd detained by Israeli occupation: Take action!

UPDATE: Muna al-Kurd has now been released. 

UPDATE 2: Mohammed al-Kurd has been released! Now is the time to keep up the struggle until all Palestinian prisoners – and all of Palestine – is free. 


On Sunday morning, 6 June, Palestinian activists from Sheikh Jarrah, twin brother and sister Muna and Mohammed al-Kurd, 23, were seized by Israeli occupation forces. Both Muna and Mohammed have appeared extensively in Arab and international media, including CNN, MSNBC and Democracy Now, highlighting the Israeli state and settlers’ attempts to steal their family home in Sheikh Jarrah, occupied Jerusalem. Their massive reach on social media has allowed them to tell the story of Palestinian Jerusalemites to millions, with Muna having over 1 million Instagram followers and Mohammed with hundreds of thousands of twitter followers. Take action now to demand Mohammed el-Kurd’s immediate release! 

In addition to the theft of their home, the family has faced repeated repression and attacks by Israeli occupation forces. Just the day before, Mohammed al-Kurd said that Israeli settlers threw stones and gas at his home as Israeli occupation police looked on. Both Kurd siblings witnessed the assaults and detention of Al Jazeera correspondent Givara Budeiri and photographer Nabil Mazzawi as they covered protests in Sheikh Jarrah marking the Naksa and demanding an end to settler colonialism on Palestinian land.

Since 2009, half of the al-Kurd home has been occupied by illegal Israeli settlers, half of both Mohammed and Muna’s lives. Muna’s video of Yaakov Fauci, the infamous Kahanist Zionist settler who declared, “If I don’t steal it, someone else gonna steal it,” spread around the world, highlighting the massive injustice taking place in Sheikh Jarrah and throughout occupied Palestine.

Israeli occupation forces invaded the Al-Kurd family home on Sunday, 6 June. Mohammed and Muna’s father, Nabil al-Kurd, said that he awoke to occupation forces inside his bedroom and armed forces taking his daughter away. They also demanded that Mohammed al-Kurd, who was not home, turn himself in for interrogation or they would “come back every hour” to harass the family. In an interview following his children’s abduction by occupation forces, Nabil al-Kurd emphasized that these arrests were an attempt to silence their voices. “The Palestinian voices are more frightening than their tanks!” he affirmed.


Mohammed al-Kurd later came to the Israeli occupation police station in Jerusalem, and both al-Kurd siblings are currently being detained.

In 1948, the al-Kurd family – like thousands of other Palestinians – were forced from their homes and lands by militias seeking to create an exclusively Jewish state, Israel, in occupied Palestine. Over 750,000 Palestinians were made refugees during the Nakba, and millions of Palestinian refugees have been denied their fundamental right to return home for the past 73 years. The al-Kurd family was moved into the Sheikh Jarrah district of East Jerusalem under an agreement between Jordan and the United Nations to house 28 families. They were housed in Sheikh Jarrah, with the provision that the property titles would be transferred to those families after 3 years.

In 1967 Israel illegally annexed East Jerusalem, and Sheikh Jarrah has remained under occupation since then. Working hand in hand with the state and military, Israeli illegal settler organizations have attempted to uproot these Palestinian families – already once displaced by Israeli violence and colonization – from the homes where they have lived for decades, and who are entitled to their land as property owners under the agreement between Jordan and the United Nations.

Far-right racist settler groups have claimed ownership of Sheikh Jarrah and have been taking over Palestinian homes, evicting their rightful owners with the backing of Israeli courts and the Zionist state as a whole. Adding insult to injury, displaced Palestinian families are then ordered to pay money to the courts to cover the legal costs of the settler organizations. Today, dozens of families are threatened with forcible expulsion from their homes.

The struggle to save Sheikh Jarrah and the ongoing Nakba perpetrated against the Palestinian people throughout occupied Palestine and in exile and diaspora by the Zionist state sparked the recent uprising throughout Palestine, a strong response by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza and encouraged millions of people to take the streets around the world.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins people of conscience around the world in demanding the immediate release of Muna and Mohammed al-Kurd – and all Palestinian political prisoners and detainees. They are being detained for defending their homes and raising their voices and stories to the world – it is time to act to free them, save Sheikh Jarrah and stand with the Palestinian liberation movement to defend Palestine, from the river to the sea. 


Protest at the Israeli Embassy or Consulate in Your Country!

Join the many protests taking place around the world — confront, isolate and besiege the Israeli embassy or consulate in your city or country of residence. Make it clear that the people are with Palestine! Send us your events at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Take to the streets: Organize a protest in solidarity with Palestine!

Hundreds of thousands – millions of people – around the world have marched and protested with Palestine, its people and its liberation over the past week. Your protest and organizing is also key to supporting this strike!  Take to the streets and join the actions on our full list of events, which is constantly being updated as new actions are announced! Organize your own if there is none in your area, and send us your events at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Boycott Israel

The international, Arab and Palestinian campaign to boycott Israel can play an important role at this critical time. Local boycott groups can protest and label Israeli produce and groceries. During Ramadan, Israeli dates from stolen Palestinian land are marketed around the world while Israel attempts to force Palestinians from Jerusalem, demolish homes, and imprisons thousands more. By participating in the boycott of Israel, you can directly help to throw a wrench in the economy of settler colonialism. Download our Boycott Flyer to distribute at supermarkets, stores and other venues in your community! Block the Boat – join the campaigns to stop Israeli apartheid shipping internationally, which just won a major victory in Oakland, turning back an Israeli ZIM ship from unloading at the port.

Demand Your Government Sanction Israel!

The racist, settler colonial state of Israel and its war crimes against the Palestinian people are enabled and backed extensively by the over $3.8 billion each year given to Israel by the United States — targeted directly to support the Israeli occupation military killing children, women, men and elders throughout occupied Palestine. From Canada to Australia to the European Union, Western governments and imperialist powers provide ongoing diplomatic, political and economic support to Israel as well as selling billions of dollars of weaponry to the settler-colonial state. Meanwhile, they also purchase billions of dollars in weaponry from the Israeli state. Governments in league with imperialist powers, such as in the Philippines, Brazil, India and elsewhere, also buy weapons and “security” services — all “battle-tested” on the Palestinian population. Call your representatives, MPs, political officials and demand your government sanction Israel now, cut off all aid, expel its ambassadors, and stop buying and selling weapons!

June 8: BLOCK THE BOAT Vancouver: End Israeli Apartheid – Defend Palestine!

Tuesday, June 8 – gather at 3 pm at Woodland Park (Woodland and Frances, Vancouver) — please stay alert through joining the text system for date and time changes!
Vancouver, BC, Occupied Coast Salish Territories
TEXT YOUR NAME to: +1-833-590-1987 for updates and action alerts
Join the Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1169263640162975


** Get updates and news. Text your name to +1-833-590-1987 **

TUESDAY, JUNE 8 — BRING YOUR MASK AND KEFFIYEH AND GATHER AT 3 PM AT WOODLAND PARK: Zim-Operated Ship scheduled to dock at Vancouver harbour Port.
Please note the time change! There was a tremendous victory in Oakland yesterday (see https://bit,ly/StopZim ) and our organizing is pressuring Zim to slow down its cargo across north America!
The Zim-operated ship is now scheduled on Tuesday, June 8. Please sign up for text alerts for details and plan to join us on Tuesday, June 8 at 3 pm at Woodland Park, Woodland & Frances, Vancouver!
** Please note, due to shipping schedules, this plan may change! Please sign up for text alerts at +1-833-590-1987 to ensure you get the latest updates!! **

For the past 10 days, the threat of the #BlockTheBoat protest organized in the Bay Area has kept a cargo ship operated by ZIM – apartheid Israel’s largest and oldest shipping company – from docking at the Port of Oakland. We are winning! Our people power is working, and sending a clear message that Israel’s ongoing settler-colonialism, occupation, and violence against the Palestinian people will come with a heavy price. Every hour that ZIM cargo ships remain undocked and unloaded is a huge victory, as it means that the apartheid state of Israel is losing enormous amounts of money.

Here in Vancouver, we are responding to an international call to action to BLOCK THE BOAT here at the Port of Vancouver as well! Learn more about #BlockTheBoat at https://blocktheboat.org

We are calling on the Port of Vancouver to reject Israeli Apartheid ships and shipping lines and stop enabling them to profiteer from the occupation and colonization of Palestinian land.

We urge workers to show solidarity with Palestinian workers and with ILWU Local 10 and refuse to cross the community picket line.

Let’s send a clear message: Israeli apartheid is not welcome at Vancouver’s ports!

** Because shipping times and docks can always change, it’s important to be organized and ready to block the boat! Text your name to +1-833-590-1987 to make sure you stay in the loop! ** 

Organized and endorsed by:
AROC – Arab Resource and Organizing Center
BAYAN Canada
BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories
Canada Palestine Association
Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver
International League of Peoples’ Struggle Canada
Palestinian Youth Movement
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Youth for Palestine Vancouver
Queers Against Israeli Apartheid Vancouver

4 June, Toulouse: Palestine Stand – Solidarity is our weapon!

Friday, 4 June
11 am to 1 pm
Metro Bagatelle
Toulouse, France
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/225330892443874/

On Friday, 4 June, Collectif Palestine Vaincra will organize a Palestine Stand at the exit of Bagatelle metro station in Toulouse, France, in solidarity with Palestine. In the aftermath of the murderous Israeli assault on Gaza, Palestine, the Palestinian people need our support more than ever in their struggle for return and liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. All are invited to join in, gather stickers and flyers, take solidarity photos and sign on to the campaign to free Georges Abdallah.

This event has been registered with the prefecture and will comply with required COVID-19 measures (masks, sanitizer, etc.)

6 June, Amsterdam: Stand up for a free Palestine!

Sunday, 6 June
3 pm
Dam square
Amsterdam, Nederland
Info: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=113192577631424&id=100068220454753

Join Samidoun Nederland and many more activists and organizers for Palestine to take the streets in Amsterdam and stand up for Palestine!

5 June, Frankfurt: Naksa Day – Palestinian Resistance Continues

Saturday, 5 June
4 pm
Hauptbahnhof (Central train station)
Frankfurt, Germany
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPngcUZLPbj/

The 54th anniversary of Naksa, the wound that will never heal.

The day the Zionist occupation annexed further parts of Palestine, the Naksa was the continuation of an illegal occupation, the continuation of the Nakba. Nineteen years earlier, in 1948, the Zionist occupiers unilaterally proclaimed the establishment of Israel, stole 78% of Palestine, and uprooted and displaced more than 800,000 Palestinians from their homeland.

The colonization of Palestine has continued to this day in a violent process of the ongoing displacement and genocide of Palestinians.

However, Palestine cannot be silenced; resistance against occupation, colonization and displacement continues to this day. Despite all attempts to criminalize, divide and weaken the resistance, the voice of Palestine can be heard loud and clear. Palestinians in the lands occupied in 1948 and 1967, in the refugee camps in neighboring countries, around the world, unite with one clear demand: Freedom for Palestine! Return for all Palestinian refugees, displaced persons and their descendants!

Side by side with them stand millions worldwide who support the just struggle of Palestine, the legitimate resistance to violent colonization. Everywhere, and especially in Germany, the struggle for a free Palestine is met by the state, media and politicians with repression and defamation. The oppressors, warmongers and racists are all concerned with one thing: to stifle the fight for truth, for justice. We recognize all the more that our freedom is closely linked to the freedom of our brothers and sisters in Palestine and around the world.

That is why we say: end the occupation of Palestine! Palestine will not be silent!

Be strong against the ongoing occupation and support our struggle and legitimate resistance.

5 June, Madrid: Palestine demonstration — with the Intifada of Unity

Saturday, 5 June
12 pm
Cibeles to Callao, Madrid
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPka22gjWl5/

On June 5, 1967, the Zionist entity, Israel, perpetrated one of the largest massacres in Palestine, condemning more than 400,000 Palestinians to join the rest of the displaced after the Nakba of 1948.

For this reason we will go out to the streets again in support of the Palestinian people confronting the ongoing Nakba and the genocide, ethnic cleansing and plunder still continuing.

For the right of return, to historical reparations, for the liberation of prisoners, and against international complicity, we call on you to join us:

El 5 de junio de 1967, el ente sionista de Israel perpetró una de las mayores masacres sobre Palestina condenando así a más de 400.000 palestinos a unirse al resto de desplazados tras la Nakba de 1948.

Por este motivo saldremos a las caes nuevamente en apoyo a la población palestina porque la Nakba no termina, por el genocidio, la limpieza étnica y el expolio aún continua.

Por el derecho al retorno, a la reparación histórica, por la liberación de los presos y las presas, y en contra de la complicidad internacional, te esperamos: