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Video: Isaías Barreñada: International Solidarity and the Right to Resistance

In this video (above), Isaías Barreñada, professor of international relations at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, speaks in solidarity with Palestinian organizers, including Jaldia Abubakra of Samidoun Espana, Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and the Masar Badil, denouncing right-wing attacks and defending the right to resist occupation and oppression.

Video in Spanish with English and Arabic subtitles.

June 6 — From Oakland To NYC: #BlockTheBoat International Week of Action

#BlockTheBoat NY Update: Be prepared to mobilize against Israel’s apartheid-profiteering ZIM company this Sunday at the Maher terminal, 1210 Corbin Street Elizabeth, NJ 07201. Please arrive by 6:30am for a lively picket line. Exact time will depend on when the ship docks. Bring signs, your voices, comfy shoes, water & snacks. For public transit, go to Newark Penn Station & grab ride share from there. If driving, park near EWR & grab ride share as well. 

Join us and receive updates by texting your name to 833-320-1973.

Join #BlockTheBoatNYC as we stand with workers and community organizers of #BlocktheBoatOakland, California who have blocked cargo ships operated by ZIM – apartheid Israel’s largest and oldest shipping company – from docking for over 11 days.

Here in the NYC-NJ area, the ZIM Tarragona is scheduled to dock in the Port of New York and New Jersey on Sunday, June 6th. This week, as part of the Arab Resource & Organizing Center’s International Week of Action to #BlockTheBoat, we are going to send a clear message: Israeli apartheid is NOT welcome in New York and New Jersey ports! The specific time and location is TBD. Join us and receive updates by texting your name to 833-320-1973.

To Endorse this Action: bit.ly/BTBNYEndorse

After over a decade of grassroots organizing with dockworkers in the Port of Oakland in California, and multiple victories blocking container ships operated by the Israeli shipping company ZIM from unloading cargo , the Block the Boat campaign, led by Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC) had stopped Zim from returning to Oakland since 2014.

Zim is trying to return to the Port of Oakland for the first time since 2014.

AROC is currently leading another #BlockTheBoat campaign targeting ZIM, and calling for a #BlockTheBoat International Week of Action from June 2 to June 9. 

Over the course of the past two weeks, the threat of AROC’s protest has kept a ZIM cargo ship from docking at the Port of Oakland. In AROC’s own words,

“We are winning! Our people power is working, and sending a clear message that Israel’s ongoing settler-colonialism, occupation, and violence against the Palestinian people will come with a heavy price. Every hour that ZIM cargo ships remain undocked and unloaded is a huge victory, as it means that the apartheid state of Israel is losing enormous amounts of money.”

AROC is now calling on communities everywhere to organize solidarity actions with Oakland and community picket lines to block ZIM-operated ships at your port during the week of action. https://blocktheboat.org/actions-by-city/

In the wake of the latest Israeli massacre in Gaza, this is a critical moment to build with port workers in solidarity, and encourage them to heed the call from labor unions in Gaza asking workers everywhere not to handle Israeli cargo or engage with Israeli businesses.

To Endorse this Action: bit.ly/BTBNYEndorse 

Vancouver Call to Action: Ofra’s Kitchen and Global TV owe the Palestinian community an apology


Write to Global TV and demand an apology to the Palestinian community for airing an interview with an Israeli West End restaurant owner falsely accusing pro-Palestinian protesters of making threats against her. Samidoun endorses this call to action: read the original at this Google doc!

Send an email to Global at these addresses: jordan.armstrong@globalnews.ca, ViewerContactBC@globalnews.ca, tips@GlobalTVBC.com and/or call and leave a message at: 778-945-9399

Demand a retraction and an apology for the uncritical airing of baseless accusations by Ofra Sixto, the owner of Ofra’s kitchen on Denman, against Palestinian demonstrators and the Palestinian community, in a news segment on Friday, May 28.

Refer to the back story below and our eight points on the next page about Global’s violation of journalistic standards and ethics in this coverage to draft your letter. Feel free to copy and paste any parts of this document in your email!

For better effect, you can cc the following politicians on your email. You can look up the contact info for your own MLA and MP and send your email to them as well.rachna.singh.MLA@leg.bc.ca, info@bchumanrights.ca, Sonia.Furstenau.MLA@leg.bc.ca, jonina.campbell@greenparty.bc.ca, Adam.Olsen.MLA@leg.bc.ca, Jenny.Kwan.C1A@parl.gc.ca, don.davies@parl.gc.ca, Jagmeet.Singh@parl.gc.ca, info@annamiepaul.ca, PAUL.MANLY@PARL.GC.CA, kennedy.stewart@vancouver.ca, jean.swanson@vancouver.ca, christine.boyle@vancouver.ca, adriane.carr@vancouver.ca, stopihradefinitioncampaign@gmail.com

Share this page with your network and ask them to do the same!

This call to action is endorsed by: 

* * *

The Back story  (also explained in this IG video — please share!)

On Friday night, May 28, Global TV aired an absolutely uncritical interview with Ofra’s Kitchen restaurant owner, Ofra Sixto, where she was given a platform to freely make abhorrent, baseless, and hateful accusations against Palestinians and Palestine supporters with no fact-checking, no evidence and no questions asked. The interview consisted of Sixto telling a one-sided and false version of events, playing on the sympathies of viewers and victimizing herself. The interview lacked journalistic integrity and ethics. 

Ofra Sixto wrote a post on her business’s Facebook page earlier this week alleging that she was targeted outside of her shop by antisemitic hate from pro-Palestine demonstrators on Denman Street on Monday, May 24. 

It turned out later that the only incident occurring outside her shop was one of Sixto being racist and Islamophobic and subsequently being rebuked by bystanders. 

When her post went viral, eyewitnesses refuted her allegations, sharing video evidence of the rally on social media depicting exactly what had transpired outside her restaurant that day. It was not what she claims it to be (see the videos here).

One female eyewitness in the video notes that she heard Sixto comment to a passerby, referring to the protesters across the street, “Why are they so angry? This is how they behave in their own countries.” The eyewitness rebuked Sixto at the time for her comments and posted about the incident on Instagram. However, in consideration of Sixto’s anonymity at the time the eyewitness did not record her face or show the front of her business. However, the location of the video is identifiable as the front of Sixto’s restaurant. 

Another male passerby also pushed back against Sixto’s remarks, calling her out for her overt racism. A white man who was not attending the rally, stood outside Sixto’s restaurant following the remarks as the car rally peacefully continued. He then told two women entering the restaurant that the owner was racist, saying they may want to consider their choice. He later wrote a review on a community page on Facebook regarding her racist behavior, and other passers-by also noted the event in Facebook reviews left only minutes after the original incident. These reviews contained no hatred, threats or vile language, but only called out Sixto’s racist remarks and behaviour.

* * * 

Please use any of the following points to write your own letter of complaint to Global TV against their biased and terrible reporting on this issue

  1. Zero fact-checking of the claims and no questions asked of the interviewee: No objectivity in reporting on Sixto’s claims. No questions asked or evidence requested from Sixto regarding her claims nor any provided to the viewers, making the segment come across as paid advertisement rather than journalism. The Global report makes claims of online hate and in person threats made against the business owner but provides no screenshots, which should be easy to locate and provide, nor any footage or photos of protestors outside her door. Even though Sixto mentions that out of fear for her life she has installed security cameras outside her restaurant, no footage is shown to corroborate her story. Even a police officer who was interviewed in the story did not confirm anything about incidents related to the Monday rally. While the reporter claims Sixto is “apolitical”, a visit to her FB page shows vocal support for Israel (see this, this, and this). We question whether Global TV did their due diligence. 
  2. One-sided story with no attempt to represent the other side: Story not counterbalanced by any facts, expert opinions or voices of the other side. If Global TV had contacted the rally organizers they would have been made aware of evidence to the contrary of Sixto’s claims and been able to report on their side of the story. It’s peculiar that the “both sides to the conflict” argument only exists when Palestinians are being mass murdered with Israeli weapons provided by the US and Canada. But an Israeli business owner can make sweeping baseless accusations against Palestinians and there’ll be only one side that’s given a platform and voice, hers.
  3. Lack of journalistic ethics and promoting hate against a vulnerable group: Utilizing  emotionally charged language with no grounding in facts, feel good footage inside her store and a sweeping narrative with racist and orientalist tropes, the report: plays on the sympathies of the viewers, erases and dehumanizes the Palestinian side of the story and encourages hate and violence against this community and their supporters. Sixto claims in the interview that she received a “threatening phone call, ”saying that the caller will “grind her, r*pe her and kill her.” No further information is given about these claims and the viewer is left to conjure up the worst possible scenarios in their minds. 
  4. Implicit generalizations, dog whistle narrative, and the story not adding up: There are several gaps and inconsistencies in the story that Global TV does not bother to clarify. The story in Ofra’s facebook starts from the Monday rally where she was allegedly called “a racist and murderer” by protesters outside her store, followed by online hate and threatening phone calls. In the Global report however, the story starts with a threatening phone call, its connection to the Palestine rally unexplained but assumed, after which “the hate continued online” and only then “the protesters come to her door.” In the interview a police officer says that they have received three phone calls this year from this business regarding incidents. But Palestine demonstrations have only been held the last two weeks. What were those other incidents and what legitimizes this shameless, unethical linking of all of this with Palestine? No further explanation given by Global.
  5. Egregious double standards on Palestine: Ignoring and erasing the large peaceful demonstrations by people in Vancouver in the past weeks in support of Palestine but giving exclusive airtime to an Israel supporter to make false claims against the demonstrators. Would a Palestinian business owner receiving similar targeted harassment and hate from Zionists also receive such sympathetic coverage from Global TV? Or, would they be ruthlessly fact-checked, counter-balanced by “expert” opinions and both-sided into oblivion? 
  6. Systemic racism and anti-Palestinian bias in the media: This further erasure and dehumanization in reporting the news is consistent with how Canadian media often portrays Palestinians and Palestinian solidarity activists, shifting between ignoring them and characterizing them as terrorists and perpetrators of violence. It exposes the systemic racism and Islamophobia of Global TV and Canadian media institutions and their disgusting bias in support of the state of Israel and its crimes against humanity. CBC in fact (as the Intercept reports) orders reporters not to even use the word Palestine. Many reporters who have complained against biased coverage on the matter and the exclusion of Palestinian voices have been taken off coverage of Israel and Palestine altogether. Global TV is also complicit in this systemic bias and must be held to account.
  7. Global TV and Ofra’s Kitchen’s promoting hate against Palestine: The Facebook post of Ofra’s Kitchen is laced with anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic and rightwing extremist hate and racism. Ofra Sixto has deleted the comments from eyewitnesses (including this, and this) and anyone pushing back against her sweeping generalization of pro-Palestine protesters as antisemitic and violent. However, she has allowed the hateful and racist comments to remain on her post (See some of the comments here). Despite claiming to be apolitical in her interview with Global TV, Sixto allows her restaurant’s followers on Facebook to use her post as a breeding ground for alt-right, white supremacist , anti-Palestinian and Islamopohobic hate without condemning it once. We demand Global TV apologize for implicitly promoting such hateful narratives against Palestine and Palestine supporters. For examples of how these false narratives promote backlash and violence against the Palestinian community and Palestine supporters see this report
  8. A disservice to the fight against antisemitism: Antisemitism is a real and serious danger. The Palestinian community and their allies have always strongly condemed it. However, intentional conflation of Palestinian solidarity and criticism of Israel with hatred for Jews is very damaging to the fight against it. Jews and non-Jews alike should be very concerned about such false claims being made and uncritically disseminated. This is a deliberate and ongoing tactic by Zionists to derail support for Palestine and unfortunately it helps give cover to white supremacists and actual antisemitic violence while utilizing racist and orientalist tropes to encourage violence against Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims. Media is often complicit in this dangerous conflation and must be held accountable. For reference to other similar false claims of antisemitism, see these articles about the Toronto rally false antisemitic incident, the Times Square false antisemitic incident, and a closer look at the Anti-Defamation League’s commentary on the rise in antisemitic hate, corresponding to the wave of support for Palestine across the world, and on why criticizing Israel is not antisemitic, all written by Jewish allies of Palestine.

June 8: BLOCK THE BOAT Vancouver: End Israeli Apartheid – Defend Palestine!

Tuesday, June 8 – gather at 3 pm at Woodland Park (Woodland and Frances, Vancouver) — please stay alert through joining the text system for date and time changes!
Vancouver, BC, Occupied Coast Salish Territories
TEXT YOUR NAME to: +1-833-590-1987 for updates and action alerts
Join the Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1169263640162975


** Get updates and news. Text your name to +1-833-590-1987 **

TUESDAY, JUNE 8 — BRING YOUR MASK AND KEFFIYEH AND GATHER AT 3 PM AT WOODLAND PARK: Zim-Operated Ship scheduled to dock at Vancouver harbour Port.
Please note the time change! There was a tremendous victory in Oakland yesterday (see https://bit,ly/StopZim ) and our organizing is pressuring Zim to slow down its cargo across north America!
The Zim-operated ship is now scheduled on Tuesday, June 8. Please sign up for text alerts for details and plan to join us on Tuesday, June 8 at 3 pm at Woodland Park, Woodland & Frances, Vancouver!
** Please note, due to shipping schedules, this plan may change! Please sign up for text alerts at +1-833-590-1987 to ensure you get the latest updates!! **
For the past 10 days, the threat of the #BlockTheBoat protest organized in the Bay Area has kept a cargo ship operated by ZIM – apartheid Israel’s largest and oldest shipping company – from docking at the Port of Oakland. We are winning! Our people power is working, and sending a clear message that Israel’s ongoing settler-colonialism, occupation, and violence against the Palestinian people will come with a heavy price. Every hour that ZIM cargo ships remain undocked and unloaded is a huge victory, as it means that the apartheid state of Israel is losing enormous amounts of money.

Here in Vancouver, we are responding to an international call to action to BLOCK THE BOAT here at the Port of Vancouver as well! Learn more about #BlockTheBoat at https://blocktheboat.org

We are calling on the Port of Vancouver to reject Israeli Apartheid ships and shipping lines and stop enabling them to profiteer from the occupation and colonization of Palestinian land.

We urge workers to show solidarity with Palestinian workers and with ILWU Local 10 and refuse to cross the community picket line.

Let’s send a clear message: Israeli apartheid is not welcome at Vancouver’s ports!

** Because shipping times and docks can always change, it’s important to be organized and ready to block the boat! Text your name to +1-833-590-1987 to make sure you stay in the loop! ** 

Organized and endorsed by:
AROC – Arab Resource and Organizing Center
BAYAN Canada
BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories
Canada Palestine Association
Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver
International League of Peoples’ Struggle Canada
Palestinian Youth Movement
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Youth for Palestine Vancouver
Queers Against Israeli Apartheid Vancouver

PAST EVENTS: Calendar of Resistance

Click here for new events upcoming! 

Friday, May 14





  • Calgary – Friday, 14 May, 5:30 pm, City Hall, Calgary, AB, Canada
  • London, ON: Standing with Al Quds Rally – Friday, 14 May, 5:00 pm – gather at Masonville Mall and/or White Oaks Mall to converge in the middle. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/928336557736967 


  • Santiago – Friday, 14 May, 5 pm, Italy Square, Santiago, Chile


  • Copenhagen: Stop Israeli Apartheid! – Friday, 14 May, 3:30 pm, Svanemollen Station, Copenhagen, Denmark. More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/220157009550511/ 


  • Miliau – Friday, 14 May, 11 am, Place des Halles, Miliau, France



  • Bari: Solidarity with Palestine – Friday, 14 May, 5:30 pm, Piazza Prefettura, Bari, Italy
  • Bologna: Solidarity with the Palestinian PeopleFriday, 14 May 6:00 pm Piazza Puntoni Bologna, Italy
  • Cagliari, Sardinia: Sit-in to commemorate 73 years of Nakba Friday, 14 May 6:00 pm Piazza Garibaldi Cagliari, Sardinia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/369236677833407/
  • Reggio Emilia – Friday, 14 May, 6 pm, Piazza Prampolini, Reggio Emilia
  • Savona, Friday, 14 May, 5:30 pm, Piazza Mameli, Savona
  • Siena, Friday, 14 May, 6 pm, Presso Logge del Papa, Siena, Italy
  • Torino (Turin): Solidarity with Palestine – Friday, 14 May, 3 pm, Piazza Castello, Torino, Italy
  • Trieste, Friday, 14 May, 10:30 am, Rai, Via Fabio Severo 7, Trieste
  • Verona: Rally for Palestine – Friday, 14 May,4 pm, Piazza Bra, Verona, Italy



  • Utrecht: Friday, 14 May, 5 pm, Jaarbeursplein, Utrecht, Netherlands

Spanish State/Spain

  • Barcelona, Friday, 14 May, 7 pm, Carrer de Mallorca, 278, Barcelona, Catalonia  More info: https://twitter.com/samiabensaed/status/1392808158230458368 
  • Figueres, Friday, 14 May, 5:30 pm, Rambla de Figueres, Figueres
  • Girona, Friday, 14 May, 7:30 pm, Placa del Vi, Girona
  • Reus, Friday, 14 May, 6:00 pm, Placa Mercadal, Reus
  • Teruel, Friday, 14 May, 8:00 pm, Plaza de San Juan, Teruel
  • Sevilla, Friday, 14 May, 7:30 pm, Sala de La Insumisa (C/Miguel Cid 45), Sevilla
  • Vic, Friday, 14 May, 7 pm, Plaza Mayor de Vic, Vic
  • Xixon, Friday, 14 May, 8:00 pm, Plaza del Parchis, Xixon
  • Zaragoza, Friday, 14 May, 7:00 pm, Plaza Espana, Zaragoza


  • Basel, Friday, 14 May, 7 pm, Barfüsserplatz, Basel, Switzerland

United Kingdom

United States

Saturday, May 15



United Kingdom

Spanish State/Spain

  • Madrid: Rally to Commemorate the Nakba – Week of Palestinian Struggle – Saturday, 15 May 12 pm Atocha – Sol Madrid, Spain Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3939400912846327
  • Almeria, Saturday, 15 May, 12 pm, Puerta de Purchena, Almería, Andalucía
  • Almeria, Saturday, 15 May, 6 pm, CAP Javier Verdejo, C/Granada 190, Almería, Andalucía
  • Bilbao, Saturday, 15 May, 12 pm, Arriaga, Bilbao, Basque Country
  • Cordoba, Saturday, 15 May, 11:30 am, Oliva de la Resistencia Palestina (Jardines de la Agricultura), Cordoba
  • Donostia, Saturday, 15 May, 12 pm, Bulebar, Donostia, Basque Country
  • Elche, Saturday, 15 May, 6:30 pm, Avenida de la Libertad 76, Elche
  • Gasteiz, Saturday, 15 May, 5:00 pm, Plaza Bilbao, Gasteiz
  • Irunea, Saturday, 15 May, 12 pm, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Iruña
  • Granada, Saturday, 15 May, 12 pm, Fuente de las Batallas, Granada
  • La Cellera de Ter, Saturday, 15 May, 6:30 pm, Placa de l’Esglesia, La Cellera de Ter
  • Las Palmas de GC, Saturday, 15 May, 7 pm, Plaza de la Feria, Las Palmas
  • Lleida, Saturday, 15 May, 7 pm, Placa de la Paeria, Lleida
  • Sabadell, Saturday, 15 May, 7 pm, Placa Sant Roc, Sabadell
  • San Feliu del Llobregat, Saturday, 15 May, 7 pm, Cinebaix, c/Joan Batllori 21, San Feliu del Llobregat
  • Torrelavega, Saturday, 15 May, 12 pm, Plaza Mayor, Torrelavega
  • Usurbil, Saturday, 15 May, 8 pm, Plaza Mikel Laboa, Usurbil
  • Valladolid, Saturday, 15 May, 1 pm, Plaza de Fuente Dorada, Valladolid





United States






  • Geneva: Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People – Saturday, 15 May, 2 pm, Zone pietonne du Mont-Blanc, Geneva, Switzerland. More info: https://urgencepalestine.ch 
  • Lausanne: Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People – Saturday, 15 May, 3 pm Place du 14 Juin, St-Laurent, Lausanne, Switzerland. Info: https://twitter.com/Haj_Nisa/status/1392810461268152322/photo/1 
  • Zurich – Saturday, 15 May, 2 pm, Rathausbrucke, Zurich, Switzerland


  • Mexico City: Saturday, 15 May, 3 pm, Monumento de la Revolucion, Mexico City, Mexico






New Zealand


South Africa

  • Gauteng: #Nakba73 Defend Jerusalem #SaveSheikhJarrah – Saturday, 15 May Motorcade to Gauteng Provincial Legislature Depart: Lenasia (Rose Park 1 pm), Emmarentia (Marks Park 2 pm), Benoni (TBA 1 pm) Gauteng, South Africa
  • Pretoria: Nakba 73 Protest for Palestine – Saturday, 15 May, 9:00 am, Israeli Embassy, 428 Kings Highway, Lynwood, Pretoria, South Africa. RSVP: witspsc@gmail.com

Sunday, 16 May

United States




  • Herford – Sunday, 16 May, 2 pm, Alter Markt, Herford, Germany
  • Salzgitter – Sunday, 16 May, 4:30 pm, Lebenstedt, Berliner Str., Salzgitter, Germany



South Africa

Spanish State/Spain

  • Ciudad Real, Sunday, 16 May, 5 pm, Plaza Mayor, Ciudad Real
  • Eibar, Sunday, 16 May, 7 pm, Unzaga, Eibar
  • La Laguna, Sunday, 16 May, 12 pm, Plaza de la Candelaria, La Laguna
  • Malaga, Sunday, 16 May, 6 pm, Plaza Espana, Malaga
  • Mallorca, Sunday, 16 May, 6 pm, Plaza Espana, Mallorca
  • Valencia, Sunday, 16 May, 6 pm, Placa de la Verge, Valencia


United Kingdom


Monday, 17 May

United States



  • Liège: Monday, 17 May, 5 pm, Place St-Lambert, Liège, Belgium


Spanish State/Spain

  • Sevilla, Monday, 17 May, 7 pm, Palacio de San Telmo, Sevilla


  • Islamabad: Freedom for Palestine – Monday, 17 May, 5 pm, Islamabad Press Club, Islamabad, Pakistan


United Kingdom

Tuesday, 18 May

Spanish State/Spain


  • Barcelona: Tuesday, 18 May, 7 pm, Israeli Consulate, Gran Via Carlos III, Barcelona


  • A Coruna: Nakba 73 #SaveSheikhJarrah – Tuesday, 18 May, 8:30 pm, Obelisco, A Coruna, Spain. Info here and below: https://www.cig.gal/nova/basta-xa-de-xenocidio-contra-o-pobo-palestino.html
  • A Estrada: Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza do Concello
  • A Guarda: Galiza Coa Palestina – Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza Avelino Vicente, A Guarda
  • Allariz – Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Campo de Barreira
  • Bueu – Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Diante do Concello
  • Burela – Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza do Concello
  • Cangas – Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Diante do Concello, Cangas
  • Celanova – Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza Maior
  • Compostela, Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza do Toural, Compostela
  • Ferrol, Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza de Porta Nova (delante del Ambulatorio), Ferrol
  • Lalin, Tuesday, 18 May, 8:30 pm, Praa de Igrexa, Lalin
  • Lugo, Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza Maior (delante del Concello), Lugo
  • Monforte – Tuesday, 18 May, 8:30 pm, Praza de Espana
  • Nigran – Tuesday, 18 May – 8 pm, Capeia de San Campio (A Ramallosa)
  • Noia – Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Diante do Concello
  • O Barco, Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza do Concello
  • Ourense, Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Rua Paseo (delante de la Subdelegacion de Defensa), Ourense
  • Ponferrada – Tuesday, 18 May, 7 pm, Praza do Concello
  • Ponteareas, Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Diante do Concello, Ponteareas
  • Pontedeume – Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza do Concello
  • Pontevedra, Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza de Peregrina, Pontevedra
  • Redondela – Tuesday, 18 May, 8:30 pm, Praza do Concello
  • Ribeira – Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza do Concello
  • Vigo, Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Farola de Urzaiz
  • Vilagarcia, Tuesday, 18 May, 8 pm, Praza de Galiza


  • Brussels: Action for Palestine Strike –  Tuesday, 18 May, 6 pm, Parvis de Saint-Gilles, Brussels, Belgium. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/493840485098168/
  • Charleroi: Tuesday, 18 May, 4:30 pm, devant l’Hôtel de Ville Charleroi, Charleroi, Belgium. Organized by Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine





  • Berlin: Tuesday, 18 May, 4 pm, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
  • Hamburg: Tuesday, 18 May, 12 pm, Jungfernsteig, Hamburg


  • Naples – Tuesday, 18 May, 6 pm, Piazza San Domenico, Napoli

United Kingdom

United States

Wednesday, 19 May






  • Berlin: Wednesday, 19 May, 6 pm, Alexanderplatz, Berlin


  • Galway – Wednesday, 19 May, 6 pm, Curry’s Car Park, Headford Road, Car Caravan of Love for Palestine, Galway, Ireland.
  • Naas: Vigil for Palestine – Wednesday, 19 May, 5:30 pm, Main Rd beside Odeon Cinema, Dublin Rd, Nass, County Kildare, Ireland. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/322417402752824/



  • Rotterdam – Wednesday, 19 May, 1 pm, Rotterdam Centraal, Rotterdam, Netherlands



United Kingdom

United States

  • Anaheim, CA: Wednesday, 19 May, 401 S Brookhurst St, Little Arabia, Anaheim, CA. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/819130159032350/
  • Gainesville, FL: Solidarity with Palestine Demonstration –  Wednesday, 19 May, 7 pm, University Ave and 13th, Gainesville. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/259540675856124/
  • Las Vegas, NV: Day of Action in Solidarity with Palestinian Uprising – Wednesday, 19 May, 5 pm, 333 S. Las Vegas Blvd, Federal Courthouse, Las Vegas, NV. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CO-d07WNwMy/
  • Richmond, VA: Free Gaza! Free Palestine – Wednesday, 19 May, 5 pm, Monroe Park, Richmond, VA
  • Stamford, CT: Wednesday, 19 May, 6:30 pm, Mill River Playground, West Main Street, Stamford, CT.

Thursday, 20 May








  • Sondrio – Thursday, 20 May, 6:30 pm, Corso Vittorio Veneto 27, Sondrio, Italy



  • Bucharest: Free Palestine – Thursday, 20 May, 1 pm, Israeli Embassy in Romania, Bucharest, Romania. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/464795167966908/

South Africa


United States

Friday, 21 May











  • Dungannon, County Tyrone: Solidarity with Palestine – Friday, 21 May, 7:30 pm, Anne St. Car Park, Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland.







  • Dakar: Peaceful Protest for Palestine – Friday, 21 May, 3 pm, Place de la Nation, Dakar, Senegal

South Africa

Spanish State/Spain

Basque Country

  • Pamplona – Friday, 21 May, 7:30 pm, Plaza del Castillo, Pamplona




United Kingdom

United States

Saturday, 22 May




Bosnia – Herzegovina


Canary Islands

  • San Fernando – Saturday 22 May, 2:30 pm, Mas Palomas Plaza de los Camellos


Costa Rica

  • San José: Saturday, 22 May, 10:30 am, Parque Central de San José, Costa Rica. Red de Solidaridad con Palestina Costa Rica


  • Naestved – Saturday, 22 May, 2:30 pm, Dania 15-4700 Naestved








  • Bassano del Grappa – Saturday, 22 May, 3:30 pm, Piazza Liberta
  • Brescia – Saturday, 22 May, 4:30 pm, Piazza Vittoria
  • Campobasso – Saturday, 22 May, 4:30 pm, Piazza Prefettura
  • Cesena – Saturday, 22 May, 5:30 pm, Piazetta Amendola
  • Genzano di Roma – Saturday, 22 May, 10 am, Piazza Tommaso Franconi, Genzano di Roma, Italy. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/4060351720692350/
  • Lecco – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Piazza Era
  • Mantova – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Piazza Martiri di Belfiore
  • Milano – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Arco della Pace, Milan, Italy. 
  • Monza – Saturday 22 May, 3 pm, Largo Mazzini
  • Napoli – Saturday, 22 May, 6 pm, Piazza S. Croce
  • Padova – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Piazza Cavour, Padova (Padua). Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/924644538355834/
  • Palermo – Saturday, 22 May, 5:30 pm, Piazza Verdi
  • Poggibonsi – Saturday, 22 May, 3:30 pm, Piazza del Comune
  • Prato – Saturday 22 May, 3 pm, Piazza delle Carceri
  • Ravenna – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Piazza Kennedy, Ravenna, Italy. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/982645729164724/
  • Saronno – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Piazza Volontari del Sangue
  • Tavagnacco – Saturday, 22 May, 10 am, Udine Piazza Primo Maggio, Tavagnacco. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1195149217604619/
  • Teramo – Saturday, 22 May, 6 pm, Piazza Martiri della Liberta
  • Torino – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Piazza Castello
  • Trieste – Saturday, 22 May, 4:30, Piazza Unita
  • Varese – Saturday, 22 May, 3:30 pm, Piazza San Giuseppe, Varese, Italy. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/866796780388060/
  • Verona – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Via Giardino Giusti 2



New Zealand


South Africa

Spanish State/Spain



United Kingdom

United States

Sunday, 23 May


  • Canberra – Sunday, 23 May, 3:30 pm, Parliament House
  • Darwin – Sunday, 23 May, 9:30 am, Nightcliffe Markets
  • Perth: Stand with Palestine – Stop Bombing Gaza! Save Sheikh Jarrah! Sunday, 23 May, 11 am, Forrest Place, Perth, WA, Australia. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2954733614806101






  • Bergamo – Sunday, 23 May, 5:30 pm, Piazza Matteotti
  • Biella – Sunday, 23 May, 3 pm, Piazza Martiri
  • Ferrara – Sunday, 23 May, 4 pm, Piazza Castello


  • Rabat – Sunday, 23 May, 10 am




South Africa 

Spanish State/Spain


United Kingdom

United States

Monday, 24 May





  • Choisy-le-Roi – Monday, 24 May, 5 pm, Esplanade de la Gare, Choisy-le-Roi


  • Berlin – Monday, 24 May, 4 pm, Breitscheidplatz, Berlin, Germany

Spanish State/Spain

United States

Tuesday, 25 May




South Africa

United Kingdom

United States

Wednesday, 26 May




South Africa

Spanish State/Spain

  • Alicante/Alacant – Wednesday, 26 May, 8 pm, Escales del Jorge Juan, Alicante.



United States

US Virgin Islands

Thursday, 27 May



South Africa 

Spanish State/Spain

United States

Friday, 28 May



Czech Republic





South Africa

Spanish State/Spain

United Kingdom

United States

Saturday, 29 May









New Zealand

South Africa

Spanish State/Spain

United Kingdom

United States

Sunday, 30 May




South Africa

Spanish State/Spain


United Kingdom

United States

Monday, May 31






United Kingdom

United States

Tuesday, 1 June


Spanish State/Spain


United States

Wednesday, June 2


South Africa

Spanish State/Spain

United Kingdom

United States

Thursday, June 3



South Africa

United Kingdom

United States

Friday, June 4



South Africa

United Kingdom

United States

Saturday, June 5






New Zealand

South Africa

Spanish State/Spain


United Kingdom

United States

Sunday, June 6




South Africa

United States

Monday, June 7


Tuesday, June 8


Wednesday, June 9



United States

Thursday, June 10


United States

Friday, June 11





United States

Saturday, June 12


United Kingdom

United States

Sunday, June 13




United Kingdom

United States

Monday, June 14


Tuesday, June 15


United Kingdom

United States

Wednesday, June 16

South Africa

United States

Thursday, June 17


Friday, June 18

Spanish State / Spain

  • Almeria – Friday, 18 June, 7 pm, Boulevard de Vicar, zona de las carnicerias.

United States

Saturday, June 19




New Zealand



United Kingdom

United States

Sunday, June 20



United States

Tuesday, June 22


Friday, June 25



United Kingdom

United States

Saturday, June 26




  • Geneva – Saturday, 26 June, 3 pm, Tables, workshops, discussions and meal to End Israeli Apartheid Now. Centre de luttes autonome Le Silure, 3 sentier des Saules, 1205 Genève. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQQge25hlcs/

United Kingdom

United States

Sunday, June 27

United States

Thursday, July 1

United States

Friday, July 2


United Kingdom

United States

Saturday, July 3






United Kingdom

United States

Sunday, July 4


United Kingdom

United States

Monday, July 5

United States

Tuesday, July 6

Spanish State/Spain


Wednesday, July 7

United States

Thursday, July 8


Spanish State/Spain

United States

Friday, July 9




United Kingdom

United States

Saturday, July 10



United Kingdom

United States

Sunday, July 11



United States

Monday, July 12

United States

Tuesday, July 13

United Kingdom

Wednesday, July 14


  • Berlin – Wednesday, 14 July, 7 pm, Rathaus Neukolln, Karl-Marx-Str 83.

Friday, July 16

United States

Saturday, July 17

United States

Sunday, July 18


Friday, July 23



Saturday, July 24



United States

Sunday, July 25

United States

Tuesday, July 27

United States

Friday, July 30


Saturday, July 31



Tuesday, August 3

United Kingdom

United States

Saturday, August 7


United Kingdom

Thursday, August 12

United States

Sunday, August 15


United Kingdom

Monday, August 16

United States

Thursday, August 26

United States

Friday, August 27


Saturday, August 28


  • Toronto – Saturday, 28 August, 2 pm, Stop Pension Fund Support for Israeli Crimes., Rally outside Canada Pension Plan office 1 Queen St. E. (at Yonge)

Sunday, August 29

United States 

Saturday, September 4

United States

  • Las Vegas – Saturday, 4 September, 5:30 pm Car Rally for Palestine: Globalize the Intifada! Meet at Charlie Frias Park, 4801 S. Decatur Blvd. Organized by Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CS7QovVHZ7z/

Sunday, September 5


Spanish State/Spain

Monday, September 6

United Kingdom

Tuesday, September 7 


Friday, September 10


Saturday, September 11





Sunday, September 12

United States

  • New York City – Sunday, 12 September, 4:30 pm – Orientation for 9/17 #GlobalizeTheIntifada action,  5:30 pm – Rally for the 6 escaped prisoners, Washington Square Park, New York, NY 10012, Organized by Within Our Lifetime, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/179710347568611/
  • Portland – Sunday, 12 September, 8 pm, Peninsula Park, Portland, OR. Outdoor screening of “Gaza Fights for Freedom,” Organized by Demilitarize Portland-to-Palestine. Facebook: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTqSMwUJxmd/
  • Washington, DC – Sunday, 12 September, 6 pm – Support Palestinian political prisoners; Israeli Embassy, 3513 International Drive NW, Washington DC. Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTruHNQAZEL/

Tuesday, September 14

United Kingdom

Wednesday, September 15


Thursday, September 16

United Kingdom

United States

  • Minneapolis – Thursday, 16 September, 5:30 pm, Loring Park/Walker Art Center, Palestine bannering to remember Sabra and Shatila with the Anti-War Committee. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTxd_i8lKLV/

Friday, September 17


United States

Saturday, September 18



  • Sao Paulo – Saturday, 18 September, 4 pm, Al Janiah, Rua Rui Barbosa 269, Bela Vista, Sao Paulo/SP, Support Palestinian Prisoners and Remember Sabra and Shatila. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CT0Sz59vC0C/





Spain/Spanish State

  • Madrid – Saturday, 18 September, Protest for Palestinian prisoners outside Zionist embassy, 12 pm, C/Velazquez 150, Metro Republica Argentina, Madrid. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CT4nvOPjdyt/

United Kingdom

United States

Sunday, September 19




United States

Monday, September 20


United States

Tuesday, September 21

United Kingdom

United States

Wednesday, September 22


  • Den Haag – Wednesday, 22 September, 2 pm, Binnenhof 2513 AA, Den Haag, Netherlands. Support Palestinian prisoners!

Thursday, September 23


Friday, September 24


Saturday, September 25


Sunday, September 26


Wednesday, October 6


  • Vancouver – Wednesday, 6 October, 5 pm, Boycott Tour: Gather at London Drugs at Granville and Georgia. March to SportChek, BC Liquor Store, UBC Robson Square and SFU Harbour Centre. Part of Palestine Action Week. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1131774907353614/

Thursday, October 7

United States

  • Washington, DC – Thursday, 7 October, 12 pm, Maryland Ave NE & 1st St NE. Join DC campaign kick-off for Gaza is Palestine. RSVP: http://bit.ly/DC2Gaza

Friday, October 8


Saturday, October 9


Paris – Saturday, 9 October, 3 pm to 6 pm, Fontaine des Innocents (exit from the Forum des Halles via the Porte Lescot.) Support the Palestinian Resistance! Organized by CAPJPO-EuroPalestine https://europalestine.com/

Sunday, October 10


Monday, October 11


Saturday, October 16


Saturday, October 23


  • Lannemezan – Saturday, 23 October, 2 pm, national march to free Georges Abdallah. March from the Gare de la Prison to where Georges is detained. There are many car-pool, bus and other arrangements throughout France. Find out more: https://www.facebook.com/events/1018351712244651

Sunday, October 31

Spanish State/Spain

Tens of thousands march in DC to stand with Palestine at #March4Palestine

Photo by @idknuha, Twitter

Tens of thousands took to the streets in Washington, DC, despite cold and rainy weather on Saturday, 29 May 2021, at the National March for Palestine organized by American Muslims for Palestine, the US Council of Muslim Organizations and their partner groups. They organized buses from up and down the East Coast, while Palestinians and supporters of Palestine flew in across the country to take a stand and demand the United States sanction Israel.

Speakers from partner organizations and endorsing groups demanded an end to the over $3.8 billion in aid given to the Israeli occupation regime every year, which is funneled directly into military support for the ongoing colonization, occupation and oppression of Palestine and the Palestinian people. The march launched AMP’s Sanction Israel campaign, which demands an arms embargo on the apartheid regime, an end to the U.S.-Israel free trade agreement, a ban on settlement products and an end to the “charitable” organizations fundraising millions of tax-exempt dollars to fund war crimes and illegal settlements in Palestine.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network was among 100+ organizations to endorse the march and rally. Joe Catron, U.S. coordinator of Samidoun, noted: “This broad outpouring, on such short notice, shows the tremendous political gains the Palestinian national movement has made in recent weeks.” Hundreds of thousands of people across the United States have taken to the streets during the previous several weeks, joining millions around the world marching for the liberation of Palestine.

While the U.S. has continued its funding and arming of Israeli war crimes without hesitation, a growing number of politicians in the Democratic Party – perhaps due to the overwhelming and visible positions of their voter base in support of Palestinian rights – have expressed hesitation over the role of the U.S. empire in the subjugation of Palestinians, including introducing legislation to condition U.S. aid to Israel or freeze certain weapons shipments.

The success of the demonstration, organized approximately one week in advance, points to the importance of ongoing popular mobilization for Palestine to escalate the pressure to cut off the U.S. relationship with the Israeli settler colonial regime.

Internationalist march in Berlin demands liberation for Palestine

Samidoun Deutschland, together with the Network for Freedom for all Political Prisoners and the Freedom Committee, organized an internationalist leftist march for Palestine that took to the streets of Berlin on Saturday, 29 May. Participants gave speeches about the struggle for the liberation of Palestine and played revolutionary music, while organizations from the Turkish, Kurdish and German left movements — as well as a delegation from the Netherlands — joined the event and provided statements and expressions of solidarity.

The march wound through the Neukölln district of Berlin with enthusiastic chants of support for the Palestinian people and the struggle for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. Participants denounced the role of the Palestinian Authority in acting as an agent for Israel, the United States and the European Union while saluting internationalist struggles for a liberated society.

As the call for the demonstration noted, “The Palestinian cause is an internationalist, anti-colonial, anti-Zionist, anti-fascist, anti-racist and anti-imperialist cause, and struggling peoples everywhere confronting oppression, exploitation, imperialism and capitalism stand with the Palestinian people in their struggle for a liberated Palestine from the river to the sea….

From Turkey to the Philippines to Colombia to occupied Palestine, people’s movements rising up for justice face severe repression, criminalization and imprisonment. The political prisoners behind bars are true internationalist militant and vanguard of our struggles for justice…We know that the Palestinian liberation struggle does not only confront the Zionist project in occupied Palestine, the Israeli regime. The Palestinian movement is confronting imperialism and the reactionary regimes that carry out its agenda, an internationalist alliance of fascist, racist, colonialist forces.

Here in Europe, the imperialist powers of the European Union — including Germany — further mete out repression against internationalist people’s movements. Palestinian communities are targeted for repression, demonstrations banned, and police attacks unleashed against Palestinian and Arab youth. Meanwhile, Turkish and Kurdish comrades are jailed as political prisoners from Turkey to Greece to Germany for struggling for liberation.

Today, we join together in a united mobilization for justice and liberation from Palestine to the Philippines, from Turkey to Colombia, to the streets of Europe.”

The march found strong support and reception from the Palestinian and Arab public — and other passers-by — in Berlin as it marched through Neukölln. Samidoun Deutschland is organizing further events and actions for Palestine throughout Germany, and will be joining many organizations in Frankfurt on 5 June as part of the demonstration for Palestine taking place at 4 pm outside the city’s central train station.

Samidoun España speaks out for Palestine in multiple cities

Samidoun España joined a number of organizations in the Spanish capital Madrid to mark 73 years of ongoing Nakba and 73 years of ongoing Palestinian resistance with 73 hours of actions, demonstrations, presentations and artistic interventions.

On Friday, 28 May, Hadeel Shatara, the coordinator of Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine, addressed a gathering in Rivas-Vaciamadrid over a video link. Her presentation on the current situation in Palestine on the ground came alongside films, performances and presentations by activists based in Madrid, including Jaldía Abubakra, founder of Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and member of Samidoun España.

On Saturday, 29 May, Jaldía Abubakra, Daniel Lobato (of Samidoun and Unadikum) and Khaled Mursi (of Samidoun and Al Yudur Palestinian Youth) spoke about the Palestinian people’s struggle at an event in Hortaleza, Madrid. They discussed the prisoners’ movement, the siege on Gaza, the fight to defend homes in Jerusalem and the movement for return and liberation for Palestine, including the upcoming Alternative Palestinian Path (Masar Badil) conference in Madrid.

On Tuesday, 1 June, many Palestine solidarity groups in Madrid will gather for a demonstration at 7 pm at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, calling for the Spanish government to take action to free Juani Ruiz Rishmawi, the Spanish aid worker with the Health Work Committees unjustly imprisoned by Israel as a political detainee since April.

Block the Boat! International Week of Action, 2-9 June 2021

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is republishing the following call from AROC (Arab Resource and Organizing Center.) Samidoun members and chapters will be participating in Block the Boat activities in their locations and urge all supporters of Palestine to join in the call! To get all of the latest information, sign up to organize an activity or receive updates, please reach out to AROC and visit the official Block the Boat website! 

Block ZIM Everywhere! Profiteering from Israeli Apartheid is not Welcome Anywhere!

For the past 10 days, the threat of our #BlockTheBoat protest has kept a cargo ship operated by ZIM – apartheid Israel’s largest and oldest shipping company – from docking at the Port of Oakland. We are winning! Our people power is working, and sending a clear message that Israel’s ongoing settler-colonialism, occupation, and violence against the Palestinian people will come with a heavy price. Every hour that ZIM cargo ships remain undocked and unloaded is a huge victory, as it means that the apartheid state of Israel is losing enormous amounts of money.

We are now calling on communities everywhere to organize solidarity actions with Oakland, and hold a community picket to block a ZIM-operated ship at your port during this week of action against the apartheid-profiteering ZIM shipping line! Take action to stand in solidarity with our victorious #BlockTheBoat effort in Oakland, and amplify the impacts against the Israeli ZIM company everywhere. Build with port workers in solidarity, and encourage them to heed the call from labor unions in Gaza asking workers everywhere not to handle Israeli cargo or engage with Israeli businesses. Together, let’s demonstrate that we will no longer watch as the U.S. and countries all over the world continue their business as usual to enable Israeli apartheid. Let’s make clear that ZIM’s apartheid-profiteering will not be welcome at ports anywhere!

Just as the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement helped turn the tide and bring down apartheid in South Africa, so too will our international solidarity and actions today help Palestinians bring about a free Palestine, from the river to the sea.

To let AROC know about your event and action, fill out the form and sign up at: https://bit.ly/btbsolidarity

Statement of Palestinian Student Organizations in Support of CUNY Boycott Campaign

Photo: Joe Catron

CUNY4Palestine launched its campaign to demand the City University of New York system divest from corporations complicit in Israeli occupation, apartheid, settler colonialism and war crimes at a press conference and rally on Friday, 28 May in New York City, The CUNY Statement of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, signed by hundreds of faculty, students and organizations in the CUNY community, also demands that the university system implement the Palestinian call for academic and cultural boycott of Israel and support the rights of students to organize for Palestine.

Palestinian student and youth organizations inside occupied Palestine issued a letter of support to the CUNY campaign, which was read out at the press conference by Reihan Ahmed of John Jay College. At the press conference, hundreds of CUNY students, faculty and supportive New Yorkers rallied in support of the demands to university administration.

The letter text and signatories follow:

Statement of Palestinian Student and Youth Organizations in Support of CUNY Boycott Campaign

We, Palestinian students living under occupation, apartheid and settler colonialism, wholeheartedly endorse the City University of New York Community Statement of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. For over 73 years, our people have been confronting all forms of oppression, and our students and universities have come under repeated assault.

Palestinian universities and students, throughout occupied Palestine from the river to the sea, face mass incarceration and repression, armed raids, bans on activities, racist regulations and fundamental violations of our right to education. Hundreds of Palestinian students are jailed by the occupation, subjected to detention without charge or trial and tortured under interrogation, while Palestinian students in Gaza are living under siege for over 14 years.

We know that Palestinian students and students supporting Palestine around the world, including in New York City, are also fighting against repression, injustice and attacks of all forms for standing up for Palestinian liberation.

We join you in demanding that CUNY immediately divest from corporations that aid the colonization, war crimes and occupation directed against the Palestinian people. We further demand the full implementation of the academic and cultural boycott of Israel; Israeli universities are built on our stolen land and are deeply involved in the research and development processes that build the bombs, tanks and bulldozers that destroy our villages and target our homes. We salute your organizing in the United States, where you confront a government that provides over $3.8 billion in support to the occupier every year.

We demand accountability and justice, on the road to liberation. We stand with you today in your campaign as you stand with us, the Palestinian people and our resistance, on the road to victory, liberation and return for Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Student Council – An-Najah National University

Student Council – Bir Zeit University

Student Council – Al Quds Open University

Student Council – Arab American Universtity/Jenin

Progressive Student Action Front — Gaza, Palestine

Fateh Youth Movement – Palestine

Islamic Bloc – Gaza

Student Organization for the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Almubadara Student Association

Union of Palestinian Student Struggle Committees

Palestinian Liberation Youth

Union of High School Students — Gaza, Palestine

Almuntada – Arab Law Students Forum — occupied Palestine ’48

National Democratic Alliance Students – Haifa University

National Democratic Alliance Students – Technion

Taliba Student Movement — Jerusalem

Edward Said Forum

Samidoun Network in Occupied Palestine