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13 February, Online Event: A Palestinian Feminist Vision with Dr. Nahla Abdo

Saturday, 13 February
10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 7 pm central Europe/Madrid – 8 pm Palestine
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2783592595302913
Join on Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83536657726

Please join us for an online webinar with Dr. Nahla Abdo, “A Palestinian Feminist Vision: Toward an Alternative Cultural Discourse”

This event aims to discuss Palestinian society and culture, with a focus on gender relations. As a people with a highly developed historical culture of resistance, we reject that social and gender relations are outside the political realm. Let us ask questions together: How do we evaluate the contributions of Palestinian women to building their history and society? How do we restore women’s rightful place in recognizing their long history of struggle? How was Palestinian patriarchy formed, especially under settler colonialism, and what is the impact on women?

Join us at the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83536657726

Event in Arabic, live translation via Zoom in Spanish, English and French

الصديقات والأصدقاء شاركونا في حضور ندوة بعنوان ” رؤية فلسطينية نسوية: نحو خطاب ثقافي بديل”
حيث تهدف هذه الندوة إلى مناقشة الثقافة الاجتماعية الفلسطينية، مع التركيز على العلاقات بين الجنسين. بالنسبة لشعب يتمتع بثقافة مقاومة تاريخية شديدة التطور، نرفض أن تكون علاقاتنا الاجتماعية والجندرية بهذا الشكل القائم. لنطرح معا أسئلة أهمها: كيف نقيم مساهمة المرأة الفلسطينية في بناء تاريخها ومجتمعها؟ كيف نعيد للمرأة مكانتها الصحيحة تقديرا لتاريخها النضالي الطويل؟ كيف تشكلت السلطة الأبوية الفلسطينية وبالذات في ظل الاستعمار الاستيطاني وما تأثير النظام الذكوري على المرأة؟
وذلك عبر الرابط الآتي:

Esta charla tiene como objetivo discutir la cultura social palestina, con un enfoque en las relaciones de género. Para un pueblo con una cultura de resistencia altamente desarrollada, rechazamos que , las relaciones sociales y de género estén muy por detrás del ámbito político. Algunas de las preguntas que planteamos: ¿cómo evaluamos las contribuciones de las mujeres palestinas a su historia y sociedad? ¿Cómo restauramos a las mujeres a su lugar apropiado dentro de su larga historia de lucha? ¿Cómo se ha formado el patriarcado palestino, especialmente bajo el colonialismo de asentamientos y con qué impacto en las mujeres?

Rejoignez nous pour un webinaire avec Dr Nahla Abdo, “Une vision féministe palestinienne : vers un discours culturel alternatif”

Cet événement vise à discuter de la société et de la culture palestiniennes, avec une focus sur les relations de genre. En tant que peuple ayant une culture historique de résistance très développée, nous rejetons le fait que les relations sociales et de genre soient en dehors du domaine politique. Posons-nous ensemble des questions : comment évaluons-nous les contributions des femmes palestiniennes à la construction de leur histoire et de leur société ? Comment restaurer la place qui revient aux femmes dans la reconnaissance de leur longue histoire de lutte ? Comment le patriarcat palestinien s’est-il formé, en particulier sous la colonisation de peuplement, et quel est son impact sur les femmes ?

Rejoignez-nous sur Zoom avec le lien suivant: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83536657726

Évènement en arabe avec une traduction simultanée en français sur Zoom.

8 February, Online Event: Resistance Through Art with Wissam Rafeedi and Hafez Omar

Monday, 8 February
9 am Pacific – 12 pm Eastern – 6 pm Netherlands/Germany (central Europe) – 7 pm Palestine
Register to join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYocu-vrjsiHNSfAsrRUI2oprOC_PDP2sdG
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/343340000068360/

Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid voor Palestina (SRP) is happy to announce its first event of 2021 in cooperation with Samidoun Germany. We will be speaking with Palestinian writers and artists about the role of art and literature in the struggle against colonialism and Zionism, and for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. The events will take place on 08.02.2021 and 15.02.2020 respectively, both at 7pm Palestine time/6pm Berlin time.

Resistance through Art

Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid voor Palestina (SRP) is happy to announce its first event of 2021 in cooperation with Samidoun Germany. We will be speaking with Palestinian writers and artists about the role of art and literature in the struggle against colonialism and Zionism, and for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. The events will take place on 08.02.2021 and 15.02.2020 respectively, both at 7pm Palestine time/6pm Berlin time.

The registration link for the first webinar is: https://tinyurl.com/SRP-2021

The link for the second webinar will come out in the next couple of days.

About the events

When the forces of Zionist colonialism seek to erase the Palestinian identity, Palestinian art has proven vital to fighting these failed attempts. Was it through our paintings, novels, Dabka, embroidery, poems, songs, or sculptures, Palestinian art has been essential in shaping and maintaining the Palestinian identity. It has also played a major role in portraying the daily Palestinian struggle, resilience, and resistance. Through powerful symbolism, the depiction of Palestinian heroism and tragedies or the use of unmistakably Palestinian themes, our artists are on the frontlines of the cultural battle for the Palestinian identity.

We will explore the unbreakable link between Palestinian art and the struggle against the occupation. For that, two webinars will be held handling topics like: why is the occupation afraid of artists? How are Palestinian writers articulating our struggle? Why are Palestinian artists often thrown in jails? What is prisons art? How do artists help educate the world about Palestinian experiences and realities? How can art give a voice to the voiceless and portray issues we find hard to put into word? All of that, and more, will be discussed by our amazing speakers.

About the speakers

In the first webinar, Wisam Rafeedi and Hafez Omar will join us to discuss their works and experiences.

Prof. Wisam Rafeedi is a Palestinian writer, researcher, and professor of sociology in Bethlehem university. While in prison, he began writing his bestselling novel “the three hypostases” and through 54 “capsules”, he was able to sneak it out of prison right under the occupation’s nose.

Hafez Omar is a Palestinian graphic designer, visual artist and painter from A’nabta, Palestine. His work has been used in campaigns defending the rights of Palestinian prisoners and by the BDS movement with some of his famous posters, like the “unknown prisoner”, finding their way into the mainstream. As a freed prisoner, Hafez revitalized the use of this art-form as a means to expose and resist the occupation and bring forward Palestinian issues to the international stage

SRP is a student collective with the aim of an academic boycott against Israel. In addition, SRP seeks to educate students and youth about Palestine and build strong ties with other activist movements for the Palestinian cause.

Palestine Action and Extinction Rebellion shut down Israeli arms factory in UK

Please see this report in French at Collectif Palestine Vaincra, and the Palestine Action statement.

On Monday February 1, activists from Palestine Action and Extinction Rebellion blocked the entrance to an Elbit Ferranti arms factory in Oldham, Greater Manchester, UK. The various activists covered the building with red paint, smashed several windows and chained themselves to the gates using chains and padlocks. In addition, they deployed numerous #ShutElbitDown banners demanding the closure of 10 sites, including four arms factories, in Great Britain.

For several months, they have been mobilizing against Elbit Systems, an Israeli arms company which markets its weapons after having tested them on Palestinian civilians. The move comes weeks after the British government announced a new £ 100million contract with the Israeli company to supply cutting-edge technology to the military. In a statement , Palestine Action said: “Evidence of Israel’s war crimes, aided by Elbit’s deadly weaponry, has done nothing to stop the British Government from prioritising profits over people and the planet. The change must come from the people, to uphold human rights where our ‘leaders’ refuse to do so.”

As a result of this important action, at least 6 people were arrested by the British police who are deploying a significant repressive arsenal to try to silence this important campaign of direct action and civil disobedience against Israeli criminals and their British allies. . But the activists are determined to continue their mobilization and they are assured of all our solidarity: #ShutElbitDown!

31 January, Online Event: Palestine: A critical front line in the resistance struggle against Zionism locally and Imperialism internationally

Sunday, 31 January
12 pm Pacific – 3 pm Eastern – 9 pm central Europe – 10 pm Palestine
Register on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oj6ipZMyQGqds6_nkdM7Ag
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/126331826000424/
Organized by Anti-Imperialist Action Ottawa

Hear from our speakers on the struggles and efforts for the liberation of Palestine.

1. Charlotte Kates is the international coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and has organized delegations, actions, reports and articles that highlight the struggle for the liberation of Palestine and the Palestinian prisoners. She is also the coordinator of the International Committee of the U.S. National Lawyers Guild and a member of Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition and the Organizing Collective of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.

2. Khaled Barakat is a Palestinian leftist writer and activist whose work has been widely published in Arabic and English. In 2019, he was expelled from Germany on the basis of his advocacy for Palestinian liberation and Palestinian rights.

3. Hassan Husseini is a long-time labour and international solidarity activist, currently an organizer with Labour for Palestine-Canada.

Zoom Webinar Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oj6ipZMyQGqds6_nkdM7Ag

29 January, Online event: Ahmad Sa’adat — a revolutionary path confronting normalization

Friday, 29 January
10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 7 pm Berlin (central Europe) – 8 pm Palestine
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/406326383991863/
Join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84144414442

Samidoun Deutschland invites all to participate in an event to discuss the revolutionary path of struggle represented by the imprisoned Palestinian leader Ahmad Sa’adat, as part of the international week of solidarity to free Ahmad Sa’adat. We also plan to discuss the attacks against this revolutionary path organized by the forces of surrender and collaboration since the beginning of the Madrid-Oslo path three decades ago. Because the case of Ahmad Sa’adat does not only implicate Zionist colonialism, but also on the cooperation of the Palestinian Authority with the enemy and its submission to the imperialist powers in the world. In the event we will also address the different facets of the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners in the Zionist prisons, in particular their steadfastness in confrontation and their leadership role in the struggle of the entire Palestinian liberation movement.

Comrade Mohammed Khatib, the coordinator of the Samidoun network in Europe, is attending our meeting. Be there on Friday, January 29th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. GMT + 1 (Berlin) / (8:00 p.m. in occupied Palestine), under the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84144414442

This event will take place in Arabic, English translation is available.

الصديقات والأصدقاء الأعزاء، ندعوكم في شبكة صامدون للدفاع عن الأسرى الفلسطينيين- ألمانيا إلى المشاركة في ندوة نستعرض فيها النهج النضالي الذي يمثله الأسير البطل أحمد سعدات وذلك ضمن فعاليات “أسبوع التضامن الدولي مع القائد أحمد سعدات”، لنتطرق فيها إلى ضرب النهج النضالي من قبل النهج السلمي والتنسيق الأمني الذي جلبه مسار مدريد-أوسلو والمستمر منذ ثلاث عقود، حيث لا تمثل قضية الأسير القائد أحمد سعدات قضية استعمار صهيوني فقط بل تواطئ أجهزة السلطة وخضوعها لقوى الإمبريالية العالمية. ونتحدث فيها عن نضال الأسرى الفلسطينيين في السجون الصهيونية وسطور صمودهم في وجه السّجان، ودورهم القيادي في النضال والتحرر.

يشاركنا هذه الندوة، محمد الخطيب، منسق شبكة صامدون في أوروبا، وذلك يوم الجمعة الموافق29/1/2021، في تمام الساعة 7:00 مساءً بتوقيت برلين وفي الساعة 8:00 مساءً بتوقيت فلسطين المحتلة، وذلك عبر الرابط: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84144414442

PS: English translation is available.

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, wir in Samidoun Deutschland – das Netzwerk für die Befreiung der Palästinensischen Gefangenen, laden euch zur Teilnahme an einem Meeting ein, in welchem wir über den revolutionären Weg des Gefangenen und Helden Ahmad Sa’adat diskutieren wollen, und zwar im Hinblick auf “die internationale Woche zur Solidarität mit dem Anführer Ahmad Sa’adat”. Wir wollen auch die Angriffe gegen diesen revolutionären Weg besprechen, die von den Kräften der Kapitulation und Kollaboration seit dem Beginn des Madrid-Oslo-Pfads vor drei Jahrzehnten organisiert werden.

Denn die Frage des gefangenen Anführers Ahmad Sa’adat bezieht sich nicht nur auf den zionistischen Kolonialismus, sondern auch auf die Kooperation der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde mit dem Feind und ihre Unterwerfung gegenüber den imperialistischen Mächten in der Welt. Wir werden in der Veranstaltung auch die unterschiedlichen Facetten des Kampfes der Palästinensischen Gefangenen in den zionistischen Gefängnissen thematisieren, insbesondere ihre Standhaftigkeit in der Konfrontation mit dem Feind und ihre Führungsrolle in Kampf der gesamten Palästinensischen Befreiungsbewegung.

An unserem Meeting nimmt Genosse Mohammed Khatib, der Koordinator vom Netzwerk Samidoun in Europa teil. Seid dabei am Freitag,29.01.2021, um 19:00 Uhr GMT+1 (Berlin) / (20:00 Uhr im besetzten Palästina), unter dem folgenden Link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84144414442
PS: English translation is available.

Report on global actions: Voices around the world demand freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and Palestinian prisoners!

From 15 to 23 January 2021, activists and organizations around the world joined Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network in the Week of Action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners. The week of online events, media actions, demonstrations and street stands highlighted the case of Sa’adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation, and the 4,500 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails. The week also highlighted the complicity of the Palestinian Authority with the imprisonment of Sa’adat, part of the Oslo project and its “security coordination” with Israel, as well as the direct responsibility of the United States, UK, Canada and other imperialist powers for Sa’adat’s imprisonment and the ongoing dispossession and colonization of the land and people of Palestine.

People around the world joined in an array of diverse actions and initiatives to demand liberation for Sa’adat and his fellow Palestinian prisoners – and for Palestine, from the river to the sea. Despite the COVID pandemic and attendant health restrictions, activists and organizations devised creative mechanisms to raise the profile and highlight the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners as well as their leadership in the liberation movement.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network thanks and salutes all of the organizations and activists around the world who joined in the week of action. We invite you to continue to build and organize together for the liberation of Palestinian prisoners and of the land and people of Palestine. If you would like to get involved with Samidoun, launch a chapter in your area, affiliate to the Samidoun Network or plan a joint activity or action — or if your event is not included below — please email us at samidoun@samidoun.net. Onward — towards victory for Palestine!

Online Launch Event

The week of action was anchored by a webinar on Saturday, 16 January, featuring speakers Lena Meari, professor at Bir Zeit University and the author of “Sumud: A Palestinian Philosophy of Confrontation in Colonial Prisons;” Hadeel Shatara, coordinator of the Samidoun Network in Occupied Palestine; and Mohammed Khatib, coordinator of the Samidoun Network in Europe.

Watch the webinar in English:

Watch the webinar with French translation (via Collectif Palestine Vaincra):


Also on Saturday, 16 January, Collectif Palestine Vaincra in Toulouse, France, a member of the Samidoun Network, organized a Palestine Stand in central Toulouse at metro Capitole, where they distributed large numbers of flyers and gathered solidarity photos with Sa’adat and his fellow Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra had launched the week of action one day earlier, on 15 January, with media actions and postering throughout Toulouse, including a massive call for “Freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat!”

On Sunday, 24 January, a delegation from the Collectif Palestine Vaincra traveled to Lannemezan Prison to visit Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine imprisoned in French jails for over 36 years. During the meeting, he expressed his support and encouragement for the week of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and the growth of the work of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

Earlier, on Saturday, 23 January, activists from the Collectif in Toulouse distributed hundreds of small flyers highlighting the case of Sa’adat in the Bagatelle neighbourhood, building on efforts earlier in the week to post stickers and posters throughout downtown Toulouse and the Minimes district.

Activists in Marseille, France, also posted solidarity photos highlighting their support of the campaign to free Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Abdallah as part of the week of action.

In addition, Jeunes Revolutionnaires in Lyon and Saint-Etienne organized banner drops and solidarity photos calling for the liberation of Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Abdallah and all of Palestine:

The Week of Action to Free Ahmad Sa’adat came to a close on Sunday, 24 January as the Unified Campaign to Free Georges Abdallah rallied in Paris, France to free Sa’adat, Georges Abdallah, and all Palestinian prisoners; the rally also highlighted the cases of Walid Daqqa and Kamil Abu Hanish. Over 60 protesters gathered at Menilmontant to express full solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle and all Palestinian prisoners in imperialist and Zionist jails. A number of organizations joined the Campaign at the protest, including the ANC de France, ACTA and the Rete dei Comunisti.


Hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza rallied in Gaza City outside the International Committee of the Red Cross on Sunday, 17 January. The protest, organized by the PFLP, marked the 19th anniversary of the Palestinian Authority security services’ abduction of Ahmad Sa’adat, the under the Oslo accords’ PA “security coordination” with Israel.


After joining the Liebknecht-Luxemburg-Demo in Berlin, Germany, on 10 January, joining with thousands of revolutionary leftists with Palestinian flags, signs and banners highlighting the cases of Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners, Samidoun Deutschland launched a day of media actions in Berlin with posters, stickers and graphics throughout the city on Sunday, 17 January.

The Volksrat der Suryoye in Europe issued a call to action and a solidarity message with political prisoners for the week of action, highlighting Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Mehmet Ozdemir, Ali Osman Kose and Musa Asoglu, himself imprisoned for 4 years as a political prisoner in Germany:

In Magdeburg, Germany, Infoladen Bleibt hung a banner at their social center on 18 January to highlight the Week of Action to Free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners.

Next, on January 20, Samidoun Deutschland and Free Palestine FFM took to the streets in Frankfurt, Germany with posters, stickers and information materials to draw attention to the imprisonment of Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Abdallah, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Khalida Jarrar and all political prisoners.

On January 23, in Dusseldorf and Bremen, activists posted signs, graffiti and images highlighting the demand to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners.

On Saturday, 23 January, No Pasaran Hamburg issued a statement and participated in a demonstration for the freedom of all political prisoners. In their statement for the demonstration, No Pasaran Hamburg highlighted the continuing threat of US imperialism for Palestine: “A series of oppression, exploitation, and genocide – these are the results of the USAmerican settler politics; these are the goals and practice of the Israeli government. Just like the headquarters for global democracy in Washington exterminated 95% of the North American indigenous peoples, the so-called “only democracy in the Middle East” wants to carry out their policies against the Palestinians.”

Meanwhile, in Offenbach, activists posted signs and graphics around the city on 23 January calling for freedom for Sa’adat and his fellow imprisoned freedom fighters.

Samidoun Deutschland is continuing its activities for the liberation of Ahmad Sa’adat with an online event on Friday, 29 January, taking place in Arabic with English translation. Mohammed Khatib, the coordinator of Samidoun in Europe will speak about the Palestinian prisoners and the liberation struggle. The event will take place at 7 pm Berlin time (8 pm Palestine, 10 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern) on Zoom.


Samidoun Sweden in Stockholm and Gothenburg organized a photo campaign to collect solidarity images highlighting support for Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners. They gathered selfies, online meeting photos and more, with signs calling for the liberation of Sa’adat and of the Palestinian people.

On 21 January, activists in Stockholm displayed two banners on large roads, denouncing imperialism and calling for freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat.

In Gothenburg, the local section of the Left Party highlighted the week of action for Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners in its Instagram stories, tagging Samidoun Gothenburg:

A Swedish leftist podcast, Eld & Rörelse, with a focus on military history and related subjects highlighted Sa’adat and the week of action on their Instagram page:


In Denmark, activists of the Internationalt Forum published a series of articles for the Week of Action highlighting the case of Ahmad Sa’adat. The Internationalt Forum – Middle East Group published a report in Danish in Arbejderen, the newspaper of the Communist Party.

Further, the Internationalt Forum also translated Ahmad Sa’adat’s introduction to the French edition of Huey Newton’s book in Danish, publishing it at Konfront.dk. The translation was made from the Swedish translation produced by Samidoun Stockholm.


In Belgium, the Plate-Forme Charleroi-Palestine highlighted the Week of Action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners with a series of actions and photo campaigns. At the 401st rally in front of the Israeli embassy in Brussels, organized by the Association Belgo-Palestinenne, Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine raised posters for the campaign and the week of action, demanding freedom for Sa’adat and fellow imprisoned Palestinians.

The Plate-forme continued the campaign of photo solidarity, gathering many photos in Charleroi of supporters of the Palestinian prisoners.

On Friday, 22 January, Secours Rouge posted a solidarity action in Brussels, affixing three large banners calling for freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah as part of the week of action:


On Saturday, 23 January, Samidoun Nederland joined with Revolutionaire Eenheid, Partizan, Migrante (Philippines) and ILPS to hold a demonstration on Museumplein in Amsterdam, the Netherlands highlighting and denouncing continuing US imperialism.

The demonstrators noted that the inauguration of Biden will not bring any fundamental change to the United States, which remains the greatest enemy of working people around the world. Samidoun activists carried Palestinian flags and posters calling for freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat, highlighting the role of the U.S. in the ongoing colonization and occupation of Palestine.


In Italy, the Colletivo Contro la Repressione per un Soccorso Rosso Internazionale participated in Milan on 11 January 2021 in a protest outside the court where anti-Zionist activists for Palestine are being placed on trial for challenging Zionists at an anti-fascist protest in Italy, commemorating liberation from fascism, on 25 April 2018. There, they announced the week of action at the protest and declared their support for the campaign to free all Palestinian prisoners as well as fighting repression in Italy.

Comrades in solidarity with Palestine in Milan also joined in the protest outside S. Vittore jail in Milan on 18 January 2021, in support of 22 prisoners being subjected to trial for alleged riots in March 2020, in protest of the failure to protect prisoners from COVID-19. 14 prisoners were killed in the suppression of this uprising. They noted their solidarity with resistance to state repression in Italy as well as their solidarity with Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners.

A number of organizations in Italy, including Rete Italiana ISM, Colletivo Zam, West Climbing Bank, Acrobax, Compagne e compagni di Torino, Gaza FREEStyle, Casale Alba 2 and La Strada, joined in the Week of Action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners.

Activists hung banners in Milan, created a graffiti mural in Rome and posted signs and banners in Val Susa, noting that the Sa’adat case highlights the struggle against occupation as well as that against imperialism and security coordination and affirming Palestinians’ right to resist.

On 20 January, the Centro Cultural Handala Ali highlighted the Italian translation of Sa’adat’s book, the Echoes of Chains, inviting people to order the book in solidarity with Sa’adat.


In Switzerland, Secours Rouge Geneve organized a photo solidarity campaign with Palestinian prisoners and Ahmad Sa’adat, posting a series of photos in support of the Palestinian liberation struggle.


The Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism issued a solidarity statement in support of the week of action, emphasizing the call for the boycott of Israeli occupation: “Today, we join the call of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and once again call for Sa’adat’s immediate release from the Zionist prisons, as did we many times before. We also do stress a sine qua non of a real friendship with the Palestinian people and a real support to the Palestinian captives: An effective boycott of the Zionist entity, including a full ban on trade with Israel and an immediate end to all military & intelligence relations with it. A sine qua non that Turkish governments never fulfil!”


The Tunisian Committee of Solidarity for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah joined the week of action, hoisting flags and banners in support of Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Abdallah at a solidarity mural for Palestine:

Palestinian and Tunisian activists and artists in Tunis took solidarity photos highlighting their support for the week of action and the demand to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners.


On 15 January, Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland announced that members of Macradh-ISR Youth’s Slua Áth Cliath were launching in a seven day solidarity fast, with a different comrade taking part each day, to demand freedom for Sa’adat and his fellow political prisoners. Declaring, “From Ireland to Palestine- One Struggle Against Imperialism!” AIA also posted solidarity posters around Dublin, Ireland.

On 21 January, Eirigi activists in South Dublin joined the international week of action with solidarity photos and posters highlighting the case of Ahmad Sa’adat and his defiant speech before the Israeli military court that sentenced him to 30 years in prison.

As part of the international week of action for the imprisoned General Secretary of the PFLP Ahmed Sa’adat, and all Palestinian prisoners, Saoradh party activists and Éistigí members based at Saoradh’s Newry office showed solidarity and support at the Palestinian murals in Newry on Saturday, 23 January. Activists held flags, posters and banners in the short demonstration in Catherine Street. Saoradh affirmed, “Ireland and Palestine have an unbreakable bond which today is as strong as ever as together we struggle against colonial and imperialist aggression.”

Saoradh also issued a statement for the week of action, affirming: “Saoradh recognise the plight of the Palestinian struggle and on this occasion we respond to the call for international support and express our movement’s solidarity to Ahmed Sa’adat and the oppressed Palestinian people. Our chains will be broken before we are.”


In Nottingham, supporters of the Revolutionary Communist Group took part in the week of action, highlighting the cases of Georges Abdallah, Ahmad Sa’adat and Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and the Saoradh 9 with photos and solidarity images. “The RCG stands for the release of all political prisoners of imperialism, from Ahmad Sa’adat to Mumia Abu-Jamal, and will continue to take the streets, inspired by their resistance,” they affirmed.

Earlier, on 17 January, activists with Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! gathered in Manchester as part of the week of action, highlighting the case of imprisoned Palestinian doctor Issam Hijjawi Bassalat in British jais.


Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights at Queen’s University (SPHR Queen’s) launched a sticker sale in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners as part of the Week of Actions. Protests from the sale of stickers will be donated to support Palestinian prisoners’ families.

Canada Palestine Association and BDS Vancouver-Coast Salish Territories posted solidarity photos calling for liberation for Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners.

United States

Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine joined the week of action with graphics and social media posts, highlighting Ahmad Sa’adat’s ongoing political leadership and struggle: “Throughout his time in prison, he has carried on in the legacy of so many before him, putting pen to paper to amplify the cause of resistance and revolution and internationalize the struggle of those locked inside the prison walls. Freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and ALL Palestinian prisoners!”

The Freedom Socialist Party in the Bay Area joined the campaign for the Week of Action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners with solidarity photos, sharing the call for actions and social media campaigns.


In Greece, the Anti-Imperialist Front joined the week of action, posting banners in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and demanding freedom for Sa’adat and his fellow Palestinian prisoners along the road leading to the Israeli embassy in Athens.


The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (of which the Samidoun Network is a member) Commission 10, posted a solidarity statement and a series of photos highlighting solidarity with Sa’adat and the campaign to free him and all Palestinian prisoners. As the commission affirmed, “We join the struggle for Palestinian self-determination and liberation against the imperialist powers and Zionist-Israel occupation!”

The Anti-Imperialist Front created a poster and video for the Week of Action, affirming their ongoing support for Palestine and the Palestinian resistance.

Finally, on 18 January, the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine — of which Samidoun is a part — launched its campaign for 2021 as a year of action against normalization with a live broadcast from Gaza.

The “normalization” project being promoted by the United States and its partners, particularly reactionary Arab regimes, is an attempt to legitimize the illegitimate: the theft of Palestinian land and the expulsion of the Palestinian people at the hands of reactionary regimes in league with imperialism. Standing with the Palestinian prisoners is part and parcel of confronting normalization. During this week of action, we will join with the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine’s call to action against normalization for 2021.

As the week of action concludes, we urge all to continue to join Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network in a collective call for the freedom of Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners, with action and global solidarity to escalate the boycott of Israel, end aid and support to Israel, organize for justice in Palestine and resist imperialism and colonialism with ongoing actions and mobilization. We encourage organizers to continue to make use of these resources in organizing:

January 25: The World Says No to War on Yemen

Samidoun has joined with over 300 organisations from 18 countries to sign up for a call to action against the war on Yemen so far, making this the biggest international anti-war co-ordination since the campaign against the Iraq war. This protest is timed to take place just days after the inauguration of Joe Biden, who has promised to end US support for the war. This is our one central aim – to hold him to his word and force fellow governments to follow suit.

Unfortunately, due to the circumstances in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic many of the planned physical protests have had to be postponed but our global movement will not be silenced. For the World Says No to War on Yemen Global Online Rally we have brought together a group of prominent voices from across the world to speak out against this utterly brutal war and call for its immediate end.

Amongst those joining us at 7pm GMT on Mon 25th January will be…

Ahmed Al-Babati (British-Yemeni Soldier)
Dr. Shireen Aladeimi
Apsana Begum MP
Jeremy Corbyn MP
John Finucane MP (Sinn Féin)

Danny Glover (Actor)
Kate Hudson (CND)
Daniele Obono (French National Assembly Member)
Yanis Varoufakis (MeRA25 Secretary-General)
Dr. Cornel West

Here’s what you can do:


Women Fasting for the Children of Yemen
Mon 25 Jan 7:00 AM-7:00 PM
In your own home
Contact: marymele@gmail.com

Boston Says No to War on Yemen
Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston MA, 2133
01/25/2021 – 12:00 PM
Contact: info@masspeaceaction.org

World Says No to War on Yemen
Federal Plaza, 230 S. Dearborn, Chicago         IL, 60604
01/25/2021 – 5:00 PM

Iowa City
No to War on Yemen Caravan
Mercer Park, 2701 Bradford Dr, Iowa City, IA 52245
01/25/2021 – 11:45 PM
Click Here for More Info

World Says No to War on Yemen – “Hunger Ward” Movie & Discussion
01/25/2021 – 7:00 PM
Contact: info@peaceactionwi.org

Yemen Online Day of Action & Chapter Meetup hosted by WBW Upper Midwest Chapter
Online Zoom
01/25/2021 – 7:00 PM-8:30 PM
Contact: greta@worldbeyondwar.org

New Jersey
Rallying against the War on Yemen
One Gateway Center, 1 Gateway Center, Newark, NJ 07102
Contact: ourrevolutionmiddlesexnj@gmail.com

New Orleans
The World Says No to War on Yemen Day of Action
Jackson Square, 700 Decatur St., New Orleans, LA, 70116
01/25/2021 – 2:00 PM-6:00 PM
Contact: Joycestevens2000@yahoo.com

New York

Protest and March against War Profiteers Preying on Yemen
Union Square, NYC, NY             10003
01/25/2021 – 1:30 PM

Encourage Rep. Greg Meeks to Stand Up for Yemen
Rep. Meeks’ Office, 153-01 Jamaica Ave # 204, Queens, NY, 11432
01/25/2021 – 11:00 AM
Contact: Yemenialliancecommittteeny@gmail.com

North Carolina
No to War in Yemen
Bent Creek River Park, 1610 Brevard Road, Asheville, NC, 28806
01/25/2021 – 4:30 PM-5:30 PM
Contact: kwjj1949@gmail.com

Mainers say No To War On Yemen
Monday 25 Jan – 12:00 PM
Congress Square Park, Corner of Congress and High Street, Portland, ME, 04104

San Francisco
444 Spear St, San Francisco, CA, 94111
01/25/2021 – 12:00 PM

Adam Smith: No More Excuses! End the war in Yemen!
Online letter writing to Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Armed Services chairman, Monday 25th 2020 at 12pm: https://seattledsa.org/event/adam-smith-no-more-excuses-end-the-war-in-yemen/
Organized by Seattle Democratic Socialists of America

No More War in Yemen Action
Monday, January 25, 2021 – 12:00-1:30PM
25A and Bennetts Road, Setauket, NY 11733
Contact: ncpeaceg@gmail.com

Tell Lockheed To Stop Sending Bombs to Yemen
01/25/2021 • 2:30-4PM
Lockheed Martin, 1902 W Freeway St, Grand Prairie, TX 75051

Meet by 1st Congregational Church in W. Bratt., 880 VT-9, Brattleboro, VT, 5301
01/25/2021 – 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Contact: Isaac – national@actioncorps.org

Washington DC
World Says No to War on Yemen – DC Car Caravan
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, 601 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington DC, 20037
01/25/2021 – 11:00 AM
Contact: leonardo@codepink.org


Webinaire contre la guerre au Yémen et la complicité du Canada dans cette guerre – Collectif Échec à la guerre
765 rue Beaubien Est, Montreal, H2S 1S8, Canada
01/25/2021      6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Contact: info@echecalaguerre.org

Car Caravan – Day of Action for Yemen!



Eesidio anche a Genova lunedì 25 gennaio in occasione della giornata internazionale contro la guerra in Yemen.
25/01/20 – 4:30PM
Ponte Etiopia
Click Here for Full Info

Giornata mondiale di azione per la pace in Yemen
01/25/21 – 3:00 PM
Davanti a Montecitorio, Piazza di Monte Citorio, Rome, Italy 00186
Contact Info: http://www.sibialiria.org/wordpress/?p=3765

Cagliari, Sardinia
Sit in – In front of the Regional Government, viale Trento


Welt sagt Nein zum Krieg gegen den Jemen – Hamburg
Nahe US Generalkonsulat
Alsterufer 33-35, Hamburg, 20354, DE
01/25/2021 – 2:00 PM
Click Here for More Info

Webseminar zur Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft im Friedensprozess
01/25/2021 – 7:30 PM-8:30 PM
Click Here for More Info

Stoppt den Krieg in Jemen
01/25/2021 – 6:00 PM
Zinserdreieck, Tübingen, Germany 72070
Click Here for More Info


01/25/2021 – 6:30 PM
Contact: tabuque4@gmail.com

Old Astra Arms Factory
Goiko Ibarra 1, Gernika-Lumo, 48300, ES
01/24/2021 – 11:30 AM
Contact: gernikatikmundura@gernikatikmundura.org

Sun 24 Jan 2021 – 12:00 PM
Plaza Porticada, Pasaje Seguro Cantabria, Santander, Spain 39001
Contact Info: pasajesegurosantander@gmail.com


Världen säger nej till krig mot Jemen
01/25/2021 – 7:00 PM-8:30 PM
Contact: vansterstudentermalmo@gmail.com


Birmingham NEU – Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen
21/01/2021 – 5.30 PM
Zoom Link

Global Day of Action: Students Say No to War on Yemen
25/01/2021 – 5:00 PM
Click Here for More Info

No to War on Yemen! – Manchester & Cheshire StWC Joint Meeting Meeting
24/01/2021 – 1:00 PM
Click Here for More Info


20 January, Amsterdam: Stop the U.S. war machine!

Wednesday, 20 January
7:00 pm
US Consulate
Museumplein 19
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1657962144376515/

On January 20, Trump must leave the White House for good. His electoral defeat is partly due to years of protests against his politics in the service of billionaires, bankers and generals.

Under the banner of Black Lives Matter, Women’s marches and many alliances, the American people formed a fist against exploitation and oppression that reached new heights under the Trump regime.

Their activism shows that a better world is possible as long as we are willing to fight side by side for it.

The exploitation and oppression of the global population, by American multinationals and the state that serves its interests, will unfortunately not end under Biden.

For example, Biden has declared himself a staunch ally of the Israeli apartheid state and under his rule, the US will continue to fund Israeli crimes by the billions.

Also, under the leadership of Biden and Harris, US support for human rights abusive regimes around the world, such as governments in Turkey and the Philippines, will not end.

It is therefore of the utmost importance to continue our common struggle.

Together we can put an end to the impending climate catastrophe, the crises inevitable under capitalism and the ever-looming new wars.

We say together that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris do not stand for a better world and it is time to let the rest of the Netherlands know.

A world free from exploitation and oppression will only be the result of the concerted struggle of truly progressive forces.

That is why we are making a stand together in front of the American consulate in the Netherlands on 20 January.

Because we want to end America’s political, economic, and military domination, both in our own country and around the world.

Save the climate!

Save humanity from impending war and crisis!

Together for a world free from exploitation and oppression!

United against Biden and US Imperialism!

Supporting organizations:

– Dekolonisatie Netwerk voormalig Nederlands Indië
– Palestijnse gemeenschap in Nederland
– Samidoun, Palestijnse Gevangenen Solidariteitsnetwerk
– Revolutionaire Eenheid
– Partizan
– Migrante, global alliance of overseas Filipinos
– Left Laser
– Strijd Tegen Racisme
– Vrije bond Amsterdam

Our protest takes place during the peak of the second wave. We do not want to burden healthcare any further. So stay home if you have the flu or symptoms and try to avoid public transport as much as possible. Wear a mouth mask and keep your distance during the protest. We will facilitate a safe one and a half meter protest on the Museumplein.

The demonstration can also be followed via the livestream.

Does your organization also support the call? Fill out the form here:



20 januari dient Trump het Witte Huis definitief te verlaten. Zijn verkiezingsnederlaag is mede te danken aan de jarenlange protesten tegen zijn politiek ten diensten van miljardairs, bankiers en generaals.

Onder de vlag van ‘Black Lives Matter’, Women’s marches en vele vakbonden vormde de Amerikaanse bevolking een vuist tegen uitbuiting en onderdrukking die onder het Trump regime nieuwe hoogtepunten aannam.

Hun activisme toont aan dat een betere wereld mogelijk is, zolang wij bereid zijn om daar zij aan zij voor te vechten.

De uitbuiting en onderdrukking van de wereldwijde bevolking, door Amerikaanse multinationals en de staat die haar belangen dient, zal onder Biden helaas niet beëindigen.

Biden heeft bijvoorbeeld verklaart een trouwe bondgenoot van de Israëlische apartheidsstaat te zijn en onder zijn bewind zal de VS Israëlische misdaden met miljarden blijven financieren.

Ook onder leiding van Biden en Harris zal de steun van de VS aan mensenrechten schendende regimes over de hele wereld, zoals regeringen in Turkije en de Filipijnen, niet worden beëindigd.

Het is daarom van het grootste belang om onze gezamenlijke strijd voort te zetten.

Samen kunnen wij een einde maken aan de dreigende klimaat catastrophe, de onder het kapitalisme onvermijdelijke crisissen en de altijd dreigende nieuwe oorlogen.

Wij zeggen samen dat Joe Biden en Kamala Harris niet staan voor een betere wereld en het is tijd om dit aan de rest van Nederland te laten weten.

Een wereld vrij van uitbuiting en onderdrukking zal enkel het resultaat van de gezamenlijke strijd van echte progressieve krachten.

Daarom maken wij op 20 januari samen een vuist voor het Amerikaanse consulaat in Nederland.

Omdat wij een einde willen maken aan de politieke, economische en militaire dominantie van Amerika, zowel in ons eigen land als in de rest van de wereld.

Red het klimaat!

Red de mensheid van dreigende oorlog en crisis!

Samen voor een wereld vrij van uitbuiting en onderdrukking!

Verenigd tegen Biden en het Amerikaans imperialisme!

Ondersteunende organisaties:

– Dekolonisatie Netwerk voormalig Nederlands Indië
– Palestijnse gemeenschap in Nederland
– Samidoun, Palestijnse Gevangenen Solidariteitsnetwerk
– Revolutionaire Eenheid
– Partizan
– Migrante, global alliance of overseas Filipinos
– Left Laser
– Strijd Tegen Racisme
– Vrije bond Amsterdam

Ons protest vindt plaats tijdens de piek van de tweede golf. Wij willen de zorg niet verder belasten. Blijf dus thuis als je griep of symptomen hebt en probeer het openbaar vervoer zo veel mogelijk te vermijden. Draag een mondkapje en houd afstand tijdens het protest. Wij zullen een veilig anderhalvemeter protest op het Museumplein faciliteren.

De demonstratie zal ook via de livestream te volgen zijn.

Ondersteunt jouw organisatie de oproep ook? Vul het formulier hier in:


Georges Abdallah: Statement to anti-imperialist meeting

The following statement was provided by Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine imprisoned in French prisons for the past 36 years, to an anti-imperialist meeting convened online by the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, held on 15 January 2021. The statement below is republished from the original French:

Friday, 15 January 2021

Dear comrades, dear friends,

Allow me at the beginning of this short intervention to greet you all from behind these bars and, especially, to greet your call for the mobilization of the popular masses and their vanguard to better counter the recent developments on the borders of the country and throughout the region…

Certainly Algeria, our Algeria, retains a very special place in our hearts and our collective memory: This is the case throughout the Arab world and in quite a few African countries. Of course, we are no longer in the early 1970s, when Algiers was the Capital of the Third World, the flagship city of the Non-Aligned Movement; when revolutionaries from all over the world were welcomed there; which, at the time, made Amilcar Cabral say, “Christians go to the Vatican, Muslims to Mecca, and revolutionaries to Algiers.” However, after the devastation of Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen, it is the only Arab country that remains standing, although, as is the case for the others, it is a bourgeoisie of the state (of a particular type) which directs it. The Algerian popular masses, and behind them, all the Arab masses, even the martyred, will know how to stand up, as they have always taught us to do in the most difficult moments.

Quite naturally, we cannot ignore or underestimate the dangerousness and complexity of the situation, not only on the borders of the country, but also and above all throughout the Arab world. The capitulation of the Arab bourgeoisie in general and, more particularly, that of Saudi Arabia, the protectorates of the Gulf, and Morocco (not to mention others) and their unvarnished alignment with the Zionist camp always sharply accentuates the pressure on all of those who in one way or another resist the demands of the imperialists, especially American and European imperialism.

In the current political conditions, where the effects of the structural crisis which shakes the entire world system intertwine and interact, no geopolitical space, even the smallest, escapes these violent repercussions… It is clear, comrades, that nowadays, fulfilling national tasks and confronting the multiple factors which shake the foundations of various Arab entities, is more than ever conditioned upon the capacity of the popular masses and their vanguard to situate all of these factors within the framework of the global crisis of the world system. The latter is visible at all levels, all over the world.

Comrades, the more the crisis develops and the more “the power holders of globalized capital,” namely, the leaders of these imperialist states, these “officials of capital,” increase their interventions in the peripheries, increase their pressure on oppressed and subjugated peoples and sing praises about the bourgeois regimes in place. Recent developments in the region are more than enlightening in this regard. Certainly, there is room for other futures than submission to imperialist dictates whose harmful consequences can be seen at all times, in the form of the destruction of entire cities and the dismemberment of somewhat protesting states with processions of the dead, the displaced, and forced migration.

Certainly, the Algerian popular masses are fare more inclined to resistance than to submission to anyone, especially when it comes to a Zionist entity like the one that martyrs the Palestinian people and seeks by all means to destroy them for over a century… And of course, the Sahrawi people in the hearts of all those who fight for freedom and dignity cannot be left alone in the face of this dirty business of bargaining with such and such an imperialist power…

Comrades, certainly it is always according to your ability to counter this whole stratum of parasites who seek by all means in our countries to submit our whole existence to the interests of globalized capital, that our popular masses will be victorious.

Solidarity, all solidarity with the Palestinian and Sahrawi peoples!

Down with imperialism and its Zionist agents!

Down with imperialism and its lackeys, all these Arab reactionaries!

Honor to the martyrs and to the struggling popular masses!

Capitalism is nothing more than barbarism; honor to all those who oppose it in the diversity of their commitment!

To all of you, my revolutionary greetings.

Your comrade, Georges Abdallah


Monday, 18 January: Launch of 2021 – Year to Confront Normalization

With the participation of international and Arab activists, public figures and personalities the “2021 year to confront normalization” forum will be launched in Gaza tomorrow The Global Campaign for Return to Palestine, in cooperation with 61 partner institutions, is launching the International Forum to launch activities: “2021, year to confront normalization”, with the participation of international and Arab activists. The forum will be held in the besieged Gaza Strip, on Monday 18 – 01 -2021 at 1:00 pm Al Quds Time.  

International and Arab personalities participating in the forum are: 1. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Former Prime Minister of Malaysia. 2. Dr. Aleida Guevara, daughter of the internationalist Che Guevara, from Cuba. 3. South African freedom fighter PM. Mandla Mandela, the grandson of South African leader Nelson Mandela, from South Africa. 4. Mr. Tushar Gandhi, grandson of Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi, from India. 5. Hajjah Mubaraka Brahmi, a former member of the Tunisian Parliament, from Tunisia. 6. Professor Abdullah Al-Mousawi, a Kuwaiti researcher specializing in the Arab-Israeli conflict, from Kuwait. 7. Journalist Ammar Muhammad Adam, from Sudan. 8. Sheikh Yusuf Abbas, General Coordinator of the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine, from Lebanon. 9. Dr. Bassem Naeem, former Minister of Sports, Youth and Health, from the Gaza Strip. 10. The mother of the paramedic martyr Razan al-Najjar, from the Gaza Strip. 11. Mr. Khaled Al-Batsh, representative of the Palestinian national and Islamic forces, from the Gaza Strip. 

The global campaign invites all friends and free people around the world to follow the international forum to declare “2021 year to confront normalization”, on Monday 18 – 1 – 2021 at 1:00 pm in Al Quds time, directly through the page of the global campaign to return to Palestine in addition to Al-Mayadeen, Palestine today, and other satellite channels.

The global campaign to return to Palestine: https://www.facebook.com/ReturnToPalestine.net

AL- Mayadeen: https://www.almayadeen.net/live

Palestine Today:* https://paltoday.tv/live