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Palestinian Students Solidarity Campaign #FreePalestinianStudents

Free Palestinian Students: Call to Action

We, the undersigned organizations, join our voices together in a global call to urge the immediate freedom of imprisoned Palestinian students and the protection of Palestinian students’ right to education, right to political expression and involvement and right to determine their own futures. The Israeli occupation has targeted Palestinian students and, specifically, the Palestinian student movement and Palestinian student organizations for harsh repression and political detention and imprisonment. 

We join together to call for action and support for Palestinian students behind bars, including: 

  • Boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, including Israeli academic institutions, which are fully complicit in the systematic deprivation of Palestinian rights. 
  • Ending all military and economic aid, military transactions, joint projects and direct funding to the Israeli occupation regime by governments around the world. 
  • Challenging “normalization” programs that aim to legitimize Israeli occupation — this is an attempt to legitimize the criminalization and targeting of Palestinian students.
  • Organizing to build direct links of solidarity with Palestinian students and the Palestinian student movement, to ensure that they will not be isolated from their global community of support despite all attempts by the Israeli occupation. 


Hundreds of Palestinian students are routinely detained by the Israeli occupation, especially those who are part of student organizations involved with campus political life. At Bir Zeit University alone, approximately 74 students were detained by occupation soldiers during the 2019-2020 academic year. They are among nearly 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners jailed by Israel. The work of student organizing, from holding book fairs to organizing events and participating in student elections, is criminalized by the Israeli occupation. Still more students are detained for joining demonstrations or posting on their social media profiles. 

Palestinian students have been seized by Israeli occupation forces and abducted for their participation in the student movement in their homes, at their workplaces and on their campuses. 

Once arrested, Palestinian students are routinely subjected to torture under interrogation — subjected to stress positions and stretched out over chairs, suspended from walls and forced to stand on tiptoe, deprived of sleep, cuffed and pressured on injured limbs, and beaten.

Palestinian students may be sent to administrative detention — imprisonment without charge or trial, indefinitely renewable in six-month periods. Palestinians routinely spend years jailed with no charges, no trial and no real challenge to the deprivation of their rights. They may be brought before Israeli military courts, which convict over 99% of the Palestinians charged there. 

One of the most common charges is “membership in a prohibited organization,” typically referring to the student blocs. These represent the full spectrum of Palestinian politics. They organize lectures, book fairs, rallies and other campus events and participate in student elections. The charge sheets often refer to these standard activities of campus life, which are widely interpreted as a barometer for broader Palestinian political opinion

The targeting Palestinian students is an attack on Palestinian futures. It is a systematic attempt to undermine the capacity of young Palestinians to organize with one another for a liberated future for their people: One free of colonization, apartheid and occupation. 

These are not isolated cases, but a direct and collective violation of Palestinian students’ right to education, as affirmed in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.  The targeted repression of students is just one facet of Israel’s crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people.  

We condemn the complicity of the Palestinian Authority, which has not only failed to defend Palestinian students but has also engaged in political detention and harassment of student movements as part of its “security coordination” with Israel. 

Palestinian students in occupied Palestine ‘48 — Palestinian students in Israel — are subjected to ongoing, systematic harassment and discrimination, including bans on student groups and prohibitions on demonstrations and protests. 

Further, Palestinian and Palestine solidarity student groups internationally are targeted for campaigns of defamation, organization bans and administrative repression, with these efforts officially and unofficially supported by the Israeli government and pro-apartheid lobby organizations around the world. All the while, Palestinian refugee students are denied their right to return to occupied Palestine.

This persecution is supported by the billions of dollars in aid, military transactions and unlimited political support given to Israel by major imperialist powers like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the European Union states and Australia. This coincides with the militarization of police in imperialist countries and their global use of military and economic domination against the peoples of the world. Israeli persecution of Palestinians mirrors the state repression of popular movements and marginalized peoples in these countries, especially indigenous and Black liberation movements. 

We cannot and must not remain silent about the persecution of the Palestinian student movement and of individual Palestinian students behind Israeli bars. We stand with Palestinian students! 

Add your organization’s name to this statement: http://bit.ly/palstudentsignon

Nous, organisations signataires, unissons nos voix au sein de cet appel mondial revendiquant la libération immédiate des étudiants palestiniens emprisonnés, la protection de leur droit à l’éducation, à l’expression et à l’engagement politiques ainsi que leur droit à déterminer leur propre avenir. L’occupation israélienne a pris pour cible les étudiants palestiniens, notamment le mouvement étudiant palestinien et les organisations étudiantes palestiniennes et ce par le biais d’une répression sévère en plus des détentions et emprisonnements politiques. 

Nous nous unissons pour appeler à l’action et au soutien de ces étudiants palestiniens derrière les barreaux et ce par :

Le boycott, le désinvestissement et les sanctions contre Israël, y compris les institutions universitaires israéliennes, qui sont pleinement complices de la privation systématique des Palestiniens de leurs droits.

L’arrêt de toute aide militaire et économique, des transactions militaires, des projets communs et financement direct du régime d’occupation israélien par les gouvernements du monde entier.

La remise en question des programmes de “normalisation” qui visent à légitimer l’occupation israélienne et qui incarnent une tentative de légitimation de la criminalisation et du ciblage des étudiants palestiniens.

S’organiser pour tisser des liens de solidarité directs avec les étudiants palestiniens et le mouvement étudiant palestinien, s’assurant de l’échec des tentatives qui visent à les isolés du soutien de la communauté internationale et ce malgré toutes les tentatives de l’occupation israélienne.


Des centaines d’étudiants palestiniens sont régulièrement détenus par l’occupation israélienne, en particulier ceux qui font partie d’organisations étudiantes impliquées dans la vie politique de leurs campus. Rien qu’à l’université de Bir Zeit, environ 74 étudiants furent détenus par les forces d’occupation au cours de l’année universitaire 2019-2020. Ils font partie des quelque 5 000 prisonniers politiques palestiniens détenus par Israël. Le travail d’organisation des étudiants, qui va de la simple tenue de salons du livre jusqu’à l’organisation d’événements et la participation aux élections étudiantes, est criminalisé par l’occupation israélienne. Ainsi, un nombre croissant d’étudiants se font arrêtés pour avoir participé à des manifestations ou pour avoir publié sur leurs profils personnels sur réseaux sociaux.

Des étudiants palestiniens se font arrêtés par les forces d’occupation israéliennes pour leur participation au mouvement étudiant en plus d’être enlevés à leur domicile, sur leur lieu de travail ou sur leur campus.


Une fois arrêtés, les étudiants palestiniens sont régulièrement soumis à la torture lors des interrogatoires : ils sont soumis à des positions de stress et étirés sur des chaises, suspendus aux murs et forcés à se tenir sur la pointe des pieds, privés de sommeil, menottés, soumis à des pressions physiques sur leur blessures et battus. 

Les étudiants palestiniens peuvent être envoyés en détention administrative : forme de détention sans accusation ni procès, indéfiniment renouvelable par périodes de six mois. Les Palestiniens passent couramment des années en prison sans inculpation, sans procès et sans véritable contestation de la privation de leurs droits. Ils peuvent être traduits devant les tribunaux militaires israéliens, qui condamnent plus de 99% des Palestiniens qui y sont jugés. 

L’une des accusations les plus courantes est celle d'”appartenance à une organisation interdite”, faisant généralement référence aux organisations étudiantes. Celles-ci sont représentatives de tout le spectre de la politique palestinienne. Elles organisent des conférences, des salons du livre, des rassemblements ainsi que d’autres événements sur les campus, en plus de participer aux élections étudiantes. Les fiches d’accusation font souvent référence à ces activités standards de la vie de campus, qui sont largement interprétées comme un baromètre de l’opinion politique palestinienne au sens large. 

Le fait de cibler les étudiants palestiniens est une attaque contre l’avenir même des Palestiniens. C’est une tentative systématique de saper la capacité des jeunes Palestiniens à s’organiser les uns avec les autres pour un avenir libéré pour leur peuple : un avenir libéré de la colonisation, de l’apartheid et de l’occupation. 

Il ne s’agit pas de cas isolés, mais d’une violation directe et collective du droit des étudiants palestiniens à l’éducation, comme l’affirment l’article 26 de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme et l’article 13 du Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels.  La répression ciblée contre les étudiants n’est qu’une des facettes du régime d’apartheid criminel orchestré par Israël contre le peuple palestinien.  

Nous condamnons la complicité de l’Autorité Palestinienne, qui non seulement a échoué à défendre les étudiants palestiniens, mais s’est également engagée dans la détention politique et le harcèlement contre les mouvements étudiants dans le cadre de sa “coordination sécuritaire” avec Israël. 

Les étudiants palestiniens en Palestine occupée de 48 (les étudiants palestiniens en Israël) sont soumis à un harcèlement et une discrimination systématiques et permanents, y compris l’interdiction de groupes d’étudiants et l’interdiction de manifester et de protester. 

En outre, les groupes d’étudiants palestiniens et de solidarité internationale avec la Palestine sont la cible constante de campagnes diffamatoires, de dissolution et de répression administrative et ce avec le soutient tant officiel qu’officieux du gouvernement israélien et des organisations de lobbying pro-apartheid dans le monde entier. Pendant ce temps, les étudiants réfugiés palestiniens sont privés de leur droit de retour en Palestine occupée.


Cette persécution est soutenue par les milliards de dollars d’aide, de transactions militaires et de soutien politique inconditionnel accordés à Israël par les grandes puissances impérialistes comme les États-Unis, le Canada, le Royaume-Uni, les États membres de l’Union européenne et l’Australie. Cela coïncide avec la militarisation de la police dans les pays impérialistes et leur utilisation globale de la domination militaire et économique contre les peuples du monde. La persécution des Palestiniens par Israël reflète la répression étatique des mouvements populaires et des peuples marginalisés dans ces pays, en particulier les mouvements de libération des indigènes et des Noirs. 

Nous ne pouvons et ne devons pas rester silencieux face à la persécution du mouvement étudiant palestinien et des étudiants palestiniens derrière les barreaux israéliens. Nous nous tenons aux côtés des étudiants palestiniens ! 

Signataires : 

Ajoutez le nom de votre organisation à cette déclaration : http://bit.ly/palstudentsignon

نحن، المنظمات الموقعة أدناه، نضم أصواتنا معًا في دعوة عالمية للسعي إلى تحقيق الحرية الفورية للطلبة الفلسطينيين الأسرى في سجون العدو الصهيوني، وحماية حق الطلبة الفلسطينيين في التعليم، وحقهم في التعبير والمشاركة السياسية، والحق في تقرير مستقبلهم. حيث يستهدف العدو الصهيوني الطلبة الفلسطينيين وبالأخص المنخرطين الحركة الطلابية الفلسطينية والمنظمات الطلابية الفلسطينية بشتى وسائل القمع وحملات الاعتقال والعنف والترهيب.

 نتحد اليوم معاً وندعوكم إلى الانخراط في العمل في سبيل حرية الطلبة الفلسطينيين خلف القضبان، بما في ذلك:

  • المشاركة في مقاطعة الكيان الصهيوني بما في ذلك المؤسسات الأكاديمية الصهيونية، فهي متواطئة بشكل كامل في الاعتداء الممنهج على الفلسطينيين.
  • إنهاء جميع المساعدات العسكرية والاقتصادية، والعلاقات العسكرية والدبلوماسية والمشاريع المشتركة، والتمويل المباشر لمنظومة الاحتلال الصهيوني من قبل الحكومات المختلفة.
  • مواجهة ورفض برامج التطبيع الهادفة إلى شرعنة الاحتلال الصهيوني. فالتطبيع يضفي شرعيةً أيضاً تساهم بتجريم العمل الطلابي الفلسطيني.
  • التواصل والتضامن وبناء شبكات علاقات مع الحركة الطلابية الفلسطينية لإسنادها في نضالها


 تشن قوات العدو الصهيوني حملة منهجية تستهدف الحركة الطلابية الفلسطينية إذ تَعتقل مئات الطلبة الفلسطينيين بشكل مستمر وشبه يومي، ويتم استهداف كوادر القوى والكتل الطلابية المشاركة بفاعلية في الحياة السياسية والنقابية داخل الجامعة. ففي جامعة بيرزيت وحدها، اعتقل جنود الاحتلال ما يقارب 74 طالبًا وطالبة خلال العام الدراسي 2019/2020. هؤلاء الطلبة هم جزء مما يقارب الـ 5000 أسير فلسطيني يقبعون اليوم في سجون العدو الصهيوني. حيث يجرم العدو الصهيوني العمل الطلابي كتنظيم معارض للكتاب وتنظيم الفعاليات الثقافية والسياسية والمشاركة في الانتخابات الطلابية النقابية. فتختطف قوات الاحتلال الطلبة الفلسطينيين من منازلهم وسكناتهم الطلابية وأماكن عملهم ومن داخل الحرم الجامعي أيضاً.

يواجه الطلبة الفلسطينيون التعذيب بشكل منهجي في أقبية التحقيق والاستجواب، إذ يُجبِرُ الاحتلال الطلاب على الوقوف بوضعياتٍ مؤذية للجسد لفترات طويلة فيما يسمى عمليات “الشبح” على الكرسي وعلى الحائط، ويجبرهم أيضاً على الوقوف على أطرافهم، فضلاً عن تقييدهم المستمر وحرمانهم من النوم أثناء التحقيق.

يتعرض الطلبة الفلسطينيون أيضاً بشكل دائم إلى الاعتقال الإداري أي السجن دون تهمة أو محاكمة وهي عقوبة قابلة للتجديد كل ستة أشهر. فيقضي الفلسطينيون سنوات في السجن دون أي تهمة أو محاكمة حقيقية وبدون أي وسيلة تمكنهم من الاعتراض على هذه المنظومة الاحتلالية الإجرامية. حيث تقدم أجهزة الشاباك “ملف سري” أمام محاكم عسكرية صهيونية، وهي بدورها تدين أكثر من 99٪ من الفلسطينيين الذين يقعون في براثنها تحت بند الاعتقال الإداري.

واحدة من التهم الأكثر شيوعًا التي يواجهها الطلبة عند الأسر هي “العضوية في منظمة محظورة”، وهي تشير عادةً إلى الكتل الطلابية التي تمثل أذرع للأحزاب السياسة الفلسطينية في الجامعات. والتي يتمحور عملها بشكل أساسي على القضايا النقابية والسياسية من محاضرات ومعارض كتب واحتجاجات نقابية ووقفات وطنية في الحرم الجامعي ويشاركون في انتخابات المجالس الطلابية التي تُفسَّر على نطاق واسع على أنها مقياس للرأي السياسي الفلسطيني في الساحة الأوسع. غالبًا ما تشير لوائح الاتهام إلى هذه الأنشطة الطبيعية في الحياة الجامعية وفي الحرم الجامعي في أي مكان كان ولكنها في السياق الفلسطيني تشكل تهمة تعرض الطالب/ة للاعتقال.

إن استهداف الطلبة الفلسطينيين هو اعتداء على مستقبل الشعب الفلسطيني. فهي محاولة منهجية لتقويض قدرة الشباب الفلسطيني على التنظيم مع بعضهم البعض من أجل مستقبل حر لشعبهم: مستقبل خالٍ من الاستعمار والاحتلال.

الحالة الفلسطينية ليست حالة منعزلة، لكنها انتهاك مباشر وجماعي لحق الطلبة الفلسطينيين في التعليم، كما تم التأكيد عليه في المادة 26 من الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان والمادة 13 من العهد الدولي الخاص بالحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية. إن القمع الموجه ضد الطلبة ما هو إلا أحد جوانب الجريمة المستمرة والتطهير الذي يتعرض له الفلسطينيون.

إننا ندين تواطؤ السلطة الفلسطينية التي لم تفشل في الدفاع عن الطلبة الفلسطينيين فحسب، بل انخرطت أيضًا في عمليات الاعتقال السياسي ومضايقة الحركات الطلابية كجزء من “التنسيق الأمني” مع كيان الاحتلال وارتهاناً لسياسات الباب الدوار التي ينتهجونها.

 يتعرض الطلبة الفلسطينيون في الأراضي المحتلة عام 1948 لتضييقات وتمييز وضغط مستمر، بما في ذلك حظر المجموعات الطلابية وحظر المظاهرات والاحتجاجات. علاوة على ذلك، الاستهداف المستمر للمنظمات الطلابية المتضامنة مع الفلسطينيين وفلسطين دوليًا بحملات تشهير وحظر لهذه المنظمات وأساليب القمع الإداري ومنعها ممارسة أنشطتها وحرمانها ميزانياتها المقرة من المؤسسات التعليمية ويتم دعم هذه الجهود بشكل إما مباشر أو غير مباشر من قبل سلطات الاحتلال الصهيوني ومنظمات الضغط المؤيدة لسلطات الاحتلال في جميع أنحاء العالم. أما اللاجئون من الطلبة الفلسطينيين فهم محرومون من حقهم في العودة إلى فلسطين المحتلة، زيادة على ذلك الأوضاع الصعبة والحرمان من الفرص في مخيمات اللجوء.

هذه الجرائم مدعومة بمليارات الدولارات من المساعدات والعلاقات العسكرية والدعم السياسي غير المحدود المقدم للكيان الصهيوني من قبل القوى الإمبريالية الكبرى مثل الولايات المتحدة وكندا والمملكة المتحدة ودول الاتحاد الأوروبي وأستراليا. ويتزامن هذا مع عسكرة الشرطة في البلدان الإمبريالية واستخدامها العالمي للهيمنة العسكرية والاقتصادية ضد شعوب العالم. وتنعكس الاعتداءات الصهيونية على الفلسطينيين عند هذه الدول بقمعها للحركات الشعبية وشرائح المجتمع المهمشة في هذه البلدان، وخاصة حركات التحرر الأصلية وحراكات السود.

لن نبقى صامتين في ظل كافة الممارسات الصهيونية بحق طلبة فلسطين، ونقف خلفهم حتى الحرية وكسر القضبان.

لإضافة منظماتكم للبيان: http://bit.ly/palstudentsignon

Wir, die unten unterschreibenden Organisationen, erheben gemeinsam unsere Stimmen in einem globalen Aufruf, um die sofortige Freilassung der gefangenen Palästinensischen Studierenden zu verlangen, sowie um die Rechte der Palästinensischen Studierenden zu verteidigen, nämlich das Recht auf Bildung, das Recht auf politische Äußerung und politisches Engagement und das Recht darauf, die eigene Zukunft zu bestimmen. Die zionistische Besatzung hat die Palästinensischen Studierenden ständig angegriffen, insbesondere die Palästinensische Studentenbewegung und die Palästinensischen Studentenorganisationen mit gewalttätiger Repression und politischer Festnahme und Inhaftierung.

Wir rufen gemeinsam zur Aktion und Unterstützung der Palästinensischen Studierenden hinter Gittern auf, darunter :

  • Boykott, Desinvestitionen und Sanktionen gegen die zionistische Entität namens “Israel”, darunter die “israelischen” akademischen Institutionen, die bei den systematischen Angriffen gegen die Palästinensischen Rechte Komplizen sind.
  • Beendigung jeder militärischen und wirtschaftlichen Hilfe sowie aller militärischen Transaktionen, gemeinsamen Projekten und direkten Finanzierungen für das Regime der zionistischen Besatzung durch die Regierungen in der ganzen Welt.
  • Die Programme der “Normalisierung” herausfordern, die auf die Legitimierung der zionistischen Besatzung abzielen — dies ist ein Versuch, die Angriffe gegen die Palästinensischen Studierenden sowie ihre Kriminalisierung zu legitimisieren.
  • Sich organisieren, um direkte Beziehungen der Solidarität mit den Palästinensischen Studierenden und der Palästinensischen Studentenbewegung aufzubauen, um sicherzustellen, dass diese von ihrer globalen Unterstützungsgemeinschaft nicht isoliert werden, trotz der Versuche der zionistischen


Hunderte von Palästinensischen Studierenden sind routinemäßig verhaftet durch die zionistische Besatzung, insbesondere diejenigen, die Teile der Studentenorganisationen und somit im politischen Leben auf dem Campus involviert sind. Allein an der Birzeit Universität haben die Soldaten der zionistischen Besatzung circa 74 Studierenden während des akademischen Jahres 2019-2020 festgenommen. Sie gehören zu den circa 5000 Palästinensischen politischen Gefangenen, die sich in den zionistischen Gefängnissen befinden. Die Aktivitäten der Studentenorganisationen, von den Buchmessen bis zu den akademischen Veranstaltungen und studentischen Wahlen, werden von der zionistischen Besatzung kriminalisiert. Viele Studierenden wurden wegen der Teilnahme an Demonstrationen oder aufgrund von Social Media Inhalten inhaftiert.

Palästinensische Studierende wurden von der zionistischen Besatzung wegen ihrer Teilnahme an den Aktivitäten der Studentenbewegung entführt, als sie zuhause, am Arbeitsplatz oder auf dem Campus waren.

Einmal festgenommen, leiden die Palästinensischen Studierenden unter Folter während des Verhörs — die Foltermethoden beinhalten Schlafentzug, Stresspositionen, ausgestreckt auf Stühle und hängen an die Wand zu bleiben, auf die Zehenspitzen zu stehen etc. Die Studierenden werden gefesselt, geschlagen und ihre verletzten Glieder werden extra gedrückt, um mehr Schmerzen zu erzeugen.

Palästinensische Studierende leiden auch unter der sogenannten Administrativhaft — die Inhaftierung ohne Anklage noch Gerichtsverfahren, die in einem sechsmonatigen Rhythmus unendlich verlängert werden kann. Die Palästinenser verbringen routinemäßig viele Jahre im Gefängnis ohne Anklage, ohne Gerichtsverhandlung und ohne dass diese Angriffe gegen ihre Rechte herausgefordert werden. Sie können manchmal vor zionistischen Militärgerichte stehen, welche 99% der Palästinensischen Angeklagten verurteilen.

Eine der am meisten verbreiteten Anklagen lautet “Zugehörigkeit zu einer verbotenen Organisation”, was sich typischerweise auf die Studenten-Blöcke bezieht. Diese repräsentieren das vollständige Spektrum der Palästinensischen Politik. Sie organisieren Seminare, Buchmessen, Kundgebungen, Wahlen und andere Veranstaltungen auf dem Campus. Die Unterlagen der Anklagen beziehen sich oft auf diese Standard-Aktivitäten des studentischen Lebens, welche im Allgemeinen als Barometer der breiteren Palästinensischen politischen Meinung interpretiert werden.

Die Angriffe gegen die Palästinensischen Studierenden sind Angriffe gegen die Zukunft der Palästinenser. Es geht um den systematischen Versuch, die Möglichkeiten zu verhindern, dass junge Palästinenser sich mit einander organisieren, um eine gemeinsame freie Zukunft für ihr Volk zu gestalten : eine Zukunft, welche frei von Kolonialismus, Apartheid und Besatzung sein wird.

Diese Angriffe sind keine isolierte Einzelfälle, sondern systematische und kollektive Verstöße gegen die Rechte der Palästinensischen Studierenden auf Bildung, wie sie deutlich sowohl im Artikel 26 der allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte AEMR als auch im Artikel 13 des internationalen Pakts über wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte, verankert wurden. Die Angriffe und Repression gegen die Studierenden sind nur eine Facette des zionistischen Apartheid-Verbrechens gegen das Palästinensische Volk.

Wir verurteilen die Mittäterschaft der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde, die nicht nur unfähig war, die Palästinensischen Studierenden zu schützen, sondern sie war auch in den politischen Verhaftungen, Belästigung und Repression gegen die Studentenbewegung mitinvolviert, im Rahmen ihrer “Sicherheitskoordination” mit der zionistischen Besatzung.

Auch die Palästinensischen Studierenden im 1948 besetzten Palästina — Palästinensische Studierende in “Israel” — sind von den Angriffen und Repressionen direkt betroffen. Die dauerhafte und systematische Diskriminierung beinhaltet das Verbot von studentischen Gruppen sowie das Verhindern von Demonstrationen und Protestaktionen.

Darüber hinaus sind die Palästinensischen und die Palästina-solidarischen Studentengruppen auf internationale Ebene die Zielscheibe von Diffamierungskampagnen, Organisationsverboten und administrativen Repressionen: diese anti-Palästinensischen Bemühungen bekommen offiziell sowie inoffiziell die Unterstützung von der “israelischen” Regierung und den pro-apartheid Lobby Organisationen weltweit. Gleichzeitig werden die Rechte der studentischen Palästinensischen Flüchtlinge auf Rückkehr in ihre besetzten Heimat Palästina mit Füßen getreten.

All diese Persekutionen werden durch die milliardenschweren Spenden, die militärischen Transaktionen und die unbeschränkte politische Unterstützung ermutigt, die die zionistische Entität von den imperialistischen Mächten bekommt, wie von den USA, Kanada, UK, EU-Staaten und Australien. Dies steht in Übereinstimmung mit der Militarisierung der Polizei in den imperialistischen Ländern sowie mit ihrer globalen Anwendung von militärischen und wirtschaftlichen Domination gegen die Völker der ganzen Welt. Die zionistische Persekution der Palästinenser spiegelt den Zustand der Repression gegen die populären Bewegungen wieder sowie gegen die marginalisierten Menschen in diesen Ländern, insbesondere die einheimischen und Black Liberation Bewegungen.

Wir können nicht und wir müssen auch nicht schweigen über die Repression gegen die Palästinensische Studentenbewegung und gegen die einzelnen Palästinensischen Studierenden hinter den zionistischen Gittern. Wir stehen auf der Seite der Palästinensischen Studierenden!

Wenn auch ihr unterschreiben möchtet, füllt bitte dieses Formular aus: http://bit.ly/palstudentsignon 

Nosotras, las organizaciones abajo firmantes, unimos nuestras voces en una llamada global para exigir la inmediata liberación de los estudiantes palestinos encarcelados y la protección de los derechos a la educación, a la libertad de expresión y participación política para los estudiantes palestinos y el derecho a procurarse un futuro mejor. Los estudiantes palestinos y específicamente el movimiento estudiantil palestino y las organizaciones estudiantiles palestinas han sido objeto de una dura represión, detención y encarcelamientos políticos por parte de la ocupación Israelí.

Nos unimos al llamado de acción y solidaridad en apoyo a los estudiantes palestinos encarcelados, que incluye:


  • Boicot, desinversiones y sanciones al estado de Israel, incluyendo a las instituciones académicas israelíes, las cuales son completamente cómplices del sistema que ejerce violaciones a los derechos de los palestinos.
  • Poner fin a toda la ayuda militar y económica, transacciones militares, proyectos conjuntos y financiamiento directo por parte de los gobiernos de todo el mundo al régimen de ocupación Israelí.
  • Desafiar los programas de “normalización” que tienen como objetivo legitimar la ocupación israelí- el cual es un intento de legitimar la criminalización y el acoso a estudiantes palestinos-.
  • Organizarse para construir enlaces directos de solidaridad con los estudiantes palestinos y el movimiento estudiantil palestino, para asegurarnos de que no queden aislados de su comunidad popular de apoyo, a pesar de todos los intentos de la ocupación israelí. 


Cientos de estudiantes palestinos son detenidos rutinariamente por las fuerzas de ocupación israelí, especialmente aquellos que forman parte de organizaciones estudiantiles involucradas en la vida política de los campus, a los cuales comúnmente se les imputa el cargo de “miembro de una organización prohibida”. Durante el año académico 2019-2020 en la Universidad de Bir Zeit, fueron detenidos por las fuerzas de ocupación, aproximadamente 74 estudiantes; siendo estos arrestados y secuestrados de sus casas, lugares de trabajo y campus universitario.

Una vez arrestados, los estudiantes palestinos son torturados mientras son interrogados- sometidos a posiciones de estrés, estirados en sillas; suspendidos de las paredes y forzados a estar parados de puntillas, privados del sueño, esposados y presionando los miembros lesionados y golpeados. 

Los estudiantes palestinos también pueden ser condenados con la llamada “detención administrativa”- encarcelamiento sin cargos ni juicio, pudiéndose renovar indefinidamente cada seis meses. Los palestinos habitualmente pasan años en la cárcel, sin cargos ni juicios, sin que exista alguna instancia que pueda defenderlos en el tema de la privación de sus derechos. Ellos pueden ser llevados ante las cortes militares israelíes, los cuales condenan a más del 99% de los palestinos juzgados allí.

Actualmente existen cerca de 5.000 presos políticos palestinos, encarcelados por Israel. El trabajo de la organización estudiantil, que va desde la realización de ferias del libro, hasta la participación en elecciones estudiantiles, ha sido criminalizado por parte del ente sionista. Además, muchos estudiantes han sido detenidos por asistir a manifestaciones o por postear cosas en sus perfiles en redes sociales.

Al utilizar como objetivo a los estudiantes palestinos, están atentando contra el futuro de los propios palestinos. Es un intento sistemático para socavar la capacidad de organización de los jóvenes palestinos que buscan la liberación de su pueblo: unificado, libre de colonización, apartheid y ocupación

Estos no son casos aislados, sino una violación directa y colectiva del derecho a la educación de los estudiantes palestinos, como se afirma en el Artículo 26 de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y el artículo 13 de del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales. La represión selectiva de estudiantes es solo una faceta del crimen de apartheid de Israel contra el pueblo palestino.

Condenamos la complicidad de la Autoridad Palestina, que no solo no ha defendido a los estudiantes palestinos, sino que también se ha involucrado en la detención política y el acoso de los movimientos estudiantiles como parte de su “coordinación de seguridad” con Israel.

Los estudiantes palestinos en la Palestina ocupada del ’48 – estudiantes palestinos en Israel – están sujetos a un hostigamiento y discriminación continuos y sistemáticos, que incluyen prohibiciones a grupos de estudiantes y prohibiciones de manifestaciones y protestas.

Además, los grupos internacionales de estudiantes palestinos así como los de solidaridad con Palestina, son el blanco de campañas de difamación, se les prohíbe tener organizaciones y son víctimas de la represión administrativa, estas acciones son respaldadas oficial y extraoficialmente por el gobierno israelí y las organizaciones de presión pro-apartheid en todo el mundo. Mientras tanto, a los estudiantes palestinos refugiados se les niega el derecho a regresar a la Palestina ocupada.

Esta persecución está respaldada por miles de millones de dólares en ayuda, transacciones militares y apoyo político ilimitado que le dan a Israel las principales potencias imperialistas, como son, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, los estados de la Unión Europea y Australia. Esto coincide con la militarización de la policía en los países imperialistas y su uso global de la dominación militar y económica contra los pueblos del mundo. La persecución de palestinos por parte del régimen de ocupación israelí, refleja la represión estatal de los movimientos populares y los pueblos marginados en estos países, especialmente los movimientos de liberación indígenas y negros.

No podemos ni debemos permanecer callados sobre la persecución del movimiento estudiantil palestino y de estudiantes palestinos individuales tras las rejas israelíes. ¡Apoyamos a los estudiantes palestinos!

Agregue el nombre de su organización a esta declaración: http://bit.ly/palstudentsignon

Vi, de undertecknade organisationerna, sluter samman våra röster i ett globalt upprop för fängslade palestinska studenters omedelbara frigivning och till försvar för palestinska studenters rätt till utbildning, till politiskt uttryck och engagemang och till att avgöra sin egen framtid. Den israeliska ockupation förföljer palestinska studenter och, i synnerhet, den palestinska studentrörelsen och palestinska studentorganisationer med sträng repression och politiskt fångenskap.

Tillsammans manar vi till handling och stöd till palestinska studenter bakom galler, inklusive:

  • Bojkott, avinvestering och sanktioner mot Israel, inklusive israeliska akademiska institutioner som är fullt delaktiga i systematiska kränkningar av palestiniers rättigheter.
  • Slut på allt militärt och ekonomiskt stöd, militära utbyten, gemensamma projekt och direkt finansiering till den israeliska ockupationsregimen från regeringar världen över.
  • Utmana program för “normalisering” som syftar till att legitimera den israeliska ockupationen – detta är ett försök att legitimera kriminaliseringen och förföljelsen av palestinska studenter.
  • Organisera upprättandet av direkta solidaritetsband med palestinska studenter och den palestinska studentrörelsen för att se till att de inte isoleras globalt trots den israeliska ockupationens alla försök.


Hundratals palestinska studenter fängslas rutinmässigt av den israeliska ockupationen, särskilt de som är del av studentorganisationer som är aktiva i det politiska livet på universitet och högskolor. Bara vid Bir Zeit-universitetet fängslades ungefär 74 studenter av ockupationssoldater under läsåret 2019-2020. De hör till nästan 5 000 palestinska politiska fångar som årligen hålls fängslade av Israel. Studentorganisationers verksamhet, från att hålla bokmässor till att anordna öppna arrangemang och att delta i studentkårval kriminaliseras av den israeliska ockupationen. Studenter fängslas ytterligare för deltagande i politiska demonstrationer eller för innehåll på sina sociala medieprofiler.

Palestinska studenter har gripits av israeliska ockupationsstyrkor och blivit bortförda för sin delaktighet i studentrörelsen i sina hem, på sina arbetsplatser och på deras lärosäten.

När de väl är gripna utsätts palestinska studenter rutinmässigt för tortyr under förhör – utsatta för plågsamma kroppspositioner, bakböjda över stolar, upphängda från väggar och tvingade att stå på tår, berövade på sömn, handbundna och plågade med tryck på skadade kroppsdelar, och helt enkelt slagna.

Palestinska studenter kan bli skickade till administrativt förvar – fängsling utan åtal eller rättegång, obegränsat förlängbart i sexmånadersperioder. Palestinier hålls rutinmässigt fängslade i åratal utan åtal, utan rättegång och utan något större hinder mot kränkningarna mot deras rättigheter. De kan ställas inför israelisk militärdomstol, som dömer 99% av alla palestinier som åtalas där.

Ett av de vanligaste åtalspunkterna är ”medlemskap i en förbjuden organisation”, typiskt sett en hänvisning till studentblocken. Dessa representerar hela det palestinska politiska spektrumet. De anordnar föreläsningar, bokmässor, massmöten och andra studentaktiviteter och deltar i kårval. Brottsförteckningen hänvisar ofta till dessa helt vanliga studentaktiviteter, som allmänt anses vara en barometer för den bredare palestinska opinionen.

Förföljelsen av palestinska studenter är ett angrepp på palestinska framtider. Det är ett systematiskt försöka att underminera unga palestiniers förmåga att organisera tillsammans för en befriat framtid för sitt folk: En framtid fri från kolonisering, apartheid och ockupation.

Detta är inte isolerade fall, utan en direkt och kollektiv kränkning av palestinska studenters rätt till utbildning, som fastställt i artikel 26 i FN:s allmänna förklaring om de mänskliga rättigheterna och artikel 13 i Konventionen om ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella rättigheter. Den riktade repressionen mot studenter är bara en aspekt av Israels apartheidbrott mot Palestinas folk.

Vi fördömer Palestinska myndighetens medbrottslighet inte bara för att den har misslyckats att skydda och försvara palestinska utan även för att den har ägnat sig åt politisk repression mot studentrörelsen som del av dess ”säkerhetssamordning” med Israel.

Palestinska studenter i ockuperade Palestina ‘48, – palestinska studenter i Israel – utsätts för pågående, systematiska trakasserier och diskriminering, inklusive förbud mot studentgrupper och mot demonstrationer och protester.

Vidare så utsätts palestinska och pro-palestinska studentgrupper internationellt för förtalskampanjer, organisationsförbud och administrativ repression, åtgärder som officiellt och inofficiellt stöds av den israeliska regeringen och apartheidvänliga lobbyorganisationer. 

Denna förföljelse stöttas av flera miljarders dollar i stöd, militära utbyten och obegränsat politiskt stöd som ges Israel av imperialistiska stormakter som USA, Kanada, Storbritannien, EU och dess enskilda medlemsstater och Australien. Detta sammanfaller med polisens militarisering i imperialistiska länder och deras globala användning av militär och ekonomisk dominans mot världens folk. Israelisk förföljelse speglar den statliga repression mot folkrörelser och mot marginaliserade folk i dessa länder, i synnerhet urfolksrörelser och rörelser för svartas frigörelse.

Vi kan och får inte förbli tysta om förföljelsen av den palestinska studentrörelsen och av individuella palestinska studenter bakom israeliska galler. Vi står med palestinska studenter!

Lägg till din organisations namn till detta uttalande: http://bit.ly/palstudentsignon

Nós, as organizações abaixo assinadas, juntamos nossas vozes em uma chamada global para exigir a liberdade imediata dos estudantes palestinos presos e a proteção do direito dos estudantes palestinos à educação, direito à expressão política e envolvimento e direito de determinar seu próprio futuro. A ocupação israelense tem como alvo os estudantes palestinos e, especificamente, o movimento estudantil palestino e organizações estudantis palestinas por repressão severa e detenção política e prisão.

Nos unimos para pedir ação e apoio aos estudantes palestinos atrás das grades, incluindo:

  •         Boicote, desinvestimento e sanções (BDS) contra Israel, incluindo instituições acadêmicas israelenses, que são totalmente cúmplices da privação sistemática dos direitos palestinos.
  •         Acabar com toda a ajuda militar e econômica, transações militares, projetos conjuntos e financiamento direto ao regime de ocupação israelense por governos de todo o mundo.
  •         Desafiando os programas de “normalização” que visam legitimar a ocupação israelense – esta é uma tentativa de legitimar a criminalização e o direcionamento de estudantes palestinos.
  •         Organizando-se para construir ligações diretas de solidariedade com os estudantes palestinos e o movimento estudantil palestino, para garantir que eles não fiquem isolados de sua comunidade global de apoio, apesar de todas as tentativas da ocupação israelense.


Centenas de estudantes palestinos são rotineiramente detidos pela ocupação israelense, especialmente aqueles que fazem parte de organizações estudantis envolvidas com a vida política do campus. Somente na Bir Zeit University, aproximadamente 74 estudantes foram detidos por soldados da ocupação durante o ano acadêmico de 2019-2020. Eles estão entre os quase 5.000 presos políticos palestinos encarcerados por Israel. O trabalho de organização estudantil, desde a realização de feiras de livros até a organização de eventos e participação nas eleições estudantis, é criminalizado pela ocupação israelense. Ainda mais alunos são detidos por participarem de manifestações ou por postar em seus perfis de mídia social.

Estudantes palestinos foram capturados pelas forças de ocupação israelenses e sequestrados por sua participação no movimento estudantil em suas casas, em seus locais de trabalho e em seus campi.

Uma vez presos, os estudantes palestinos são rotineiramente submetidos à tortura sob interrogatório – submetidos a posições de estresse e estendidos sobre cadeiras, suspensos nas paredes e forçados a ficar na ponta dos pés, privados de sono, algemados e pressionados em membros feridos e espancados. 

Estudantes palestinos podem ser enviados para detenção administrativa – prisão sem acusação ou julgamento, indefinidamente renovável em períodos de seis meses. Os palestinos costumam passar anos presos sem acusações, sem julgamento e sem contestação real à privação de seus direitos. Eles podem ser levados aos tribunais militares israelenses, que condenam mais de 99% dos palestinos acusados ​​ali. 

Uma das acusações mais comuns é “filiação a uma organização proibida”, geralmente referindo-se aos blocos estudantis. Estes representam todo o espectro da política palestina. Eles organizam palestras, feiras de livros, comícios e outros eventos no campus e participam das eleições estudantis. As folhas de cobrança geralmente se referem a essas atividades padrão da vida no campus, que são amplamente interpretadas como um barômetro para a opinião política palestina mais ampla.

O alvo dos estudantes palestinos é um ataque ao futuro palestino. É uma tentativa sistemática de minar a capacidade dos jovens palestinos de se organizarem por um futuro liberado para seu povo: um futuro livre de colonização, apartheid e ocupação. 

Estes não são casos isolados, mas uma violação direta e coletiva do direito dos estudantes palestinos à educação, conforme afirmado no Artigo 26 da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos e no Artigo 13 do Pacto Internacional sobre Direitos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais. A repressão direcionada a estudantes é apenas uma faceta do crime de apartheid de Israel contra o povo palestino. 

Condenamos a cumplicidade da Autoridade Palestina, que não apenas falhou em defender os estudantes palestinos, mas também se envolveu na detenção política e no assédio de movimentos estudantis como parte de sua “coordenação de segurança” com Israel. 

Estudantes palestinos na Palestina ocupada em ’48 – estudantes palestinos em Israel – estão sujeitos a assédio e discriminação contínuos e sistemáticos, incluindo proibições de grupos estudantis e proibições de manifestações e protestos. 

Além disso, grupos de estudantes solidários palestinos e palestinos internacionalmente são alvos de campanhas de difamação, proibição de organizações e repressão administrativa, com esses esforços oficialmente e não oficialmente apoiados pelo governo israelense e por organizações de lobby pró-apartheid em todo o mundo. Enquanto isso, estudantes palestinos refugiados têm negado o direito de retornar à Palestina ocupada. 

Esta perseguição é apoiada por bilhões de dólares em ajuda, transações militares e apoio político ilimitado dado a Israel por grandes potências imperialistas como os Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, Estados da União Europeia e Austrália. Isso coincide com a militarização da polícia nos países imperialistas e seu uso global da dominação militar e econômica contra os povos do mundo. A perseguição israelense aos palestinos reflete a repressão estatal aos movimentos populares e aos povos marginalizados nesses países, especialmente os movimentos de libertação negra e indígena.


Não podemos e não devemos permanecer calados sobre a perseguição do movimento estudantil palestino e de estudantes palestinos individuais atrás das grades israelenses. Apoiamos os estudantes palestinos! 

O abaixo assinado: 

Adicione o nome da sua organização a esta declaração: http://bit.ly/palstudentsignon

Noi, organizzazioni firmatarie, uniamo le nostre voci in questo appello mondiale per rivendicare la liberazione immediata degli studenti palestinesi prigionieri, la tutela del loro diritto all’educazione, all’espressione e all’impegno politico cosí come il loro diritto a determinare il loro avvenire. L’occupazione israeliana ha preso di mira gli studenti palestinesi, soprattutto il movimento studentesco palestinese e le organizzazioni studentesche palestinesi, attraverso una severa repressione oltre alle detenzioni politiche e incarcerazioni.

Ci uniamo per invitare all’azione e al sostegno di questi studenti palestinesi dietro le sbarre:

  • Il boicottaggio, il disinvestimento e le sanzioni contro Israele, comprese le istituzioni accademiche israeliane, che sono pienamente complici della sistematica privazione dei diritti dei palestinesi.
  • La cessazione di tutti gli aiuti militari ed economici, le transazioni militari, i progetti comuni e il finanziamento diretto del regime di occupazione israeliano da parte dei governi di tutto il mondo.
  • La messa in discussione dei programmi di “normalizzazione” che mirano a legittimare l’occupazione israeliana e che incarnano un tentativo di legittimare la criminalizzazione e il prendere di mira gli studenti palestinesi.
  • Organizzarsi per creare legami diretti di solidarietà con gli studenti palestinesi e il movimento studentesco palestinese, assicurando il fallimento dei tentativi di isolarli dal sostegno della comunità internazionale nonostante tutti i tentativi dell’occupazione israeliana.


Centinaia di studenti palestinesi sono cotinuamente detenuti dall’occupazione israeliana, specialmente quelli che fanno parte di organizzazioni studentesche coinvolte nella vita politica dei loro campus. Nella sola università di Bir Zeit, circa 74 studenti sono stati detenuti dalle forze di occupazione durante l’anno accademico 2019-2020. Fanno parte dei circa 5.000 prigionieri politici palestinesi detenuti da Israele. Il lavoro di organizzazione degli studenti, che va dalla semplice organizzazione di fiere del libro all’organizzazione di eventi e alla partecipazione alle elezioni studentesche, è criminalizzato dall’occupazione israeliana. Cosí, un numero crescente di studenti viene arrestato per aver partecipato a proteste o per aver pubblicato sui propri profili personali sui social media.

Degli studenti palestinesi vengono arrestati dalle forze di occupazione israeliane per la loro partecipazione al movimento studentesco, oltre ad essere rapiti dalle loro case, luoghi di lavoro o campus.

Una volta arrestati, gli studenti palestinesi vengono regolarmente sottoposti a tortura durante gli interrogatori: vengono sottoposti a posizioni di stress e tirati su delle sedie, appesi ai muri e costretti a stare in punta di piedi, privati ​​del sonno, ammanettati, sottoposti a pressioni fisiche sulle loro ferite e picchiati.

Gli studenti palestinesi possono essere mandati in detenzione amministrativa: una forma di detenzione senza accusa né processo, rinnovabile a tempo indeterminato per periodi di sei mesi. I palestinesi trascorrono abitualmente anni in prigione senza accusa, senza processo e senza una vera possibilità di opporsi alla negazione dei loro diritti. Possono essere portati davanti ai tribunali militari israeliani, che condannano oltre il 99% dei palestinesi processati.

Una delle accuse più comuni è quella di “appartenere a un’organizzazione fuorilegge”, riferendosi generalmente alle organizzazioni studentesche. Queste ultime sono rappresentative dell’intero spettro della politica palestinese. Organizzano conferenze, fiere del libro, raduni e altri eventi nel campus, oltre a partecipare alle elezioni studentesche. Le carte d’accusa fanno spesso riferimento a queste attività basilari della vita del campus, che sono ampiamente interpretate come un barometro dell’opinione politica palestinese in generale.

Prendere di mira studenti palestinesi è un attacco al futuro stesso dei palestinesi. È un tentativo sistematico di minare la capacità dei giovani palestinesi di organizzarsi tra loro per un futuro libero per il loro popolo: un futuro libero dalla colonizzazione, dall’apartheid e dall’occupazione.

Questi non sono casi isolati, ma una violazione diretta e collettiva del diritto degli studenti palestinesi all’istruzione, come affermato dall’articolo 26 della Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’uomo e dall’articolo 13 del Patto internazionale sui diritti economici, sociali e culturali. La repressione mirata contro gli studenti è solo un aspetto del regime criminale di apartheid orchestrato da Israele contro il popolo palestinese.

Condanniamo la complicità dell’Autorità Palestinese, che non solo non è riuscita a difendere gli studenti palestinesi, ma si è anche impegnata nella detenzione politica e nella repressione dei movimenti studenteschi come parte del suo “coordinamento per la sicurezza” con Israele.

Gli studenti palestinesi in Palestina occupata del 48 (studenti palestinesi in Israele) affrontano molestie e discriminazioni sistematiche e continue, compreso il divieto di gruppi di studenti e il divieto di manifestazioni e proteste.

Inoltre, i gruppi studenteschi palestinesi e la solidarietà internazionale con la Palestina sono l’obiettivo costante di campagne diffamatorie, dissoluzione e repressione amministrativa, con il sostegno ufficiale e non del governo israeliano e delle organizzazioni a favore dell’apartheid in tutto il mondo. Nel frattempo, agli studenti rifugiati palestinesi viene negato il diritto di tornare in Palestina occupata.

Questa persecuzione è sostenuta dai miliardi di dollari in aiuti, dalle transazioni militari e dal sostegno politico incondizionato fornito ad Israele dalle grandi potenze imperialiste come gli Stati Uniti, il Canada, il Regno Unito, gli Stati membri dell’Unione europea e l’ Australia. Ciò coincide con la militarizzazione della polizia nei paesi imperialisti e l’utilizzo globale del dominio militare ed economico contro i popoli del mondo. La persecuzione israeliana dei palestinesi riflette la repressione statale dei movimenti popolari e dei popoli emarginati in questi paesi, in particolare i movimenti di liberazione degli indigeni e dei neri.

Non possiamo e non dobbiamo restare in silenzio di fronte alla persecuzione del movimento studentesco palestinese e degli studenti palestinesi dietro le sbarre israeliane. Siamo al fianco degli studenti palestinesi!

Aggiungi il nome della tua organizzazione a questa dichiarazione : http://bit.ly/palstudentsignon

پویش همبستگی و حمایت از دانشجویان فلسطینی

ما امضا کنندگان این پویش، خواستار آزادی فوری و بی قید و شرط دانشجویان فلسطینی در زندان های رژیم صهیونیستی هستیم. ما همچنین خواستار حمایت از حق تحصیل دانش آموزان و دانشجویان فلسطینی ، حق آزادی بیان و مشارکت سیاسی آنان همراه با حق تعیین سرنوشت برای  آینده فلسطینیان هستیم. جنبش ها، فعالان، و تشکل‌های دانشجویی فلسطینی همواره از اهداف اشغالگران صهیونیست بوده اند که این امر منجر به سرکوب شدید، بازداشت سیاسی، وحبس بسیاری از دانش آموزان و دانشجویان فلسطینی شده است.

در این فراخوان جهانی ما با هم متحد شده و خواستار اقدام و پشتیبانی از دانشجویان فلسطینی در حبس هستیم.

  • حمایت و پیوستن به پویش جهانی انزوا و عدم سرمایه‌گذاری در اسرائیل از جمله موسسات علمی و دانشگاهی این کشور که در محرومیت سیستماتیک حقوق فلسطینیان شریک هستند.
  • پایان دادن به همه کمک های نظامی و اقتصادی ، معاملات نظامی ، پروژه های مشترک و اختصاص بودجه مستقیم به رژیم اشغالگر اسرائیل توسط دولت های سراسر جهان.
  • به چالش کشیدن برنامه های “عادی سازی” روابط با اسرائیل که هدف آنها مشروعیت بخشیدن به این رژیم اشغالگر است – “عادی سازی” همچنین تلاشی برای مشروعیت بخشیدن به جرم انگاری و هدف قرار دادن دانشجویان فلسطینی است.
  • تلاش برای سازماندهی، ایجاد پیوندهای مستقیم و همبستگی با دانشجویان فلسطینی و جنبش دانشجویی فلسطین ، تا اطمینان حاصل شود که آنها بر خلاف همه تلاش های رژیم صهیونیستی ، از حمایت جامعه حمایت جهانی محروم نخواهند شد.

صدها تن دانشجويان فلسطينی، خصوصاً آن تشکل‌های دانشجويی که در فعالیت های سياسی دانشگاه ها حضور دارند، بطور مستمر توسط رژیم صهیونیستی بازداشت می شوند. بین سال ۲۰۱۹-۲۰۲۰ فقط در دانشگاه بیر زیت ، تقریباً 74 دانشجو توسط اشغالگران صهیونیست زندانی شده اند. این عدد بخش کوچکی از آمار ۵۰۰۰ نفر زندانیان سیاسی رژیم صهیونیستی است. کار سازماندهی و فعالیت دانشجویی، از برگزاری نمایشگاه های کتاب گرفته تا برپایی رویدادها و شرکت در انتخابات دانشجویی ، توسط رژیم صهیونیستی جرم شناخته شده است و هر روز دانشجویان بیشتری به دلیل پیوستن به تظاهرات یا فعالیت سیاسی در شبکه‌های اجتماعی بازداشت می‌شوند.

دانشجویان فلسطینی به دلیل مشارکت در جنبش دانشجویی در خانه هایشان ، در محل کارشان و در دانشگاه هایشان توسط نیروهای اشغالگر اسرائیلی دستگیر و ربوده شده‌اند. به طور معمول دانشجویان فلسطینی پس از دستگیری تحت بازجویی و شکنجه قرار می‌گیرند.  آنها اغلب به اجبار در موقعیت های استرس زا قرار مي‌گیرند.، روی صندلی ها کشیده می‌شوند ، از دیوارها آویزان می‌شوند و مجبور می‌شوند روی نوک انگشتان بایستند ، از خواب محروم می شوند ، دست و پای آنها بسته می‌شوند و اندام آسیب دیده انها  تحت فشار و مورد ضرب و شتم قرار مي‌گیرند.

دانشجویان فلسطینی بعضا بدون اتهام و یا بدون برگزاری دادگاه و به مدت نامشخص بازداشت می‌شوند. فلسطینی ها به طور معمول بدون هیچ اتهام، محاکمه و بدون هیچ گونه فرصت برای دفاع از حق خود سال ها در زندان به سر می‌برند. بعضی از آنها ممکن است به دادگاه‌های نظامی اسرائیل ، که بیش از 99٪ فلسطینیان متهم را در آنجا محکوم می کنند، معرفی شوند.

یکی از شایع ترین اتهامات “عضویت در یک سازمان ممنوع” است که معمولاً به تشکل‌های دانشجویی اشاره دارد. این تشکل ها نمایانگر طیف کاملی از سیاست فلسطین هستند. آنها سخنرانی‌ها ، نمایشگاه های کتاب ، تجمعات و سایر رویدادهای دانشگاه را ترتیب می دهند و در انتخابات دانشجویی شرکت می‌کنند و در قرائت اتهامات اغلب به این فعالیت‌های معمول دانشجویی اشاره می‌شود.

هدف قرار دادن دانشجویان فلسطینی حمله به آینده فلسطینیان است. این یک تلاش سیستماتیک برای تضعیف ظرفیت جوانان فلسطینی برای سازماندهی با یکدیگر برای آینده و آزادی مردمشان است: آینده ای عاری از استعمار ، آپارتاید، و اشغال.

این موارد جدا و منفرد ازهم نیستند، بلکه نقض مستقیم و جمعی حق تحصیل دانشجویان فلسطینی است که در ماده 26 اعلامیه جهانی حقوق بشر و ماده 13 میثاق بین المللی حقوق اقتصادی ، اجتماعی و فرهنگی تأیید شده است. سرکوب هدفمند دانشجویان تنها یک جنبه از آپارتاید اسرائیل علیه مردم فلسطین است.

ما همدستی مقامات فلسطینی را با اسرائیل برای کمک به بازداشت سیاسی و آزار و اذیت جنبش‌های دانشجویی بشدت محکوم می کنیم. این اقدام مقامات فلسطینی تحت عنوان “هماهنگی امنیتی” با اسرائیل، منجر به بازداشت سیاسی و آزار و اذیت جنبش‌های دانشجویی شده است.

دانشجویان فلسطینی در رژیم صهیونیستی تحت آزار و اذیت و تبعیض مداوم ، از جمله ممنوعیت فعالیت‌های دانشجویی و ممنوعیت تظاهرات و اعتراضات قرار دارند. بعلاوه ، تشکل‌های دانشجویی همبستگی با فلسطین در دنیا هدف حمله ، سرکوب، ممنوعیت، و افترا توسط سازمان‌های رسمی یا غیررسمی دولت اسرائیل و لابی طرفدار آپارتاید قرارهستند.

این آزار و اذیت با میلیاردها دلار کمک ، معاملات نظامی و پشتیبانی سیاسی نامحدود از طرف قدرت‌های بزرگ امپریالیستی مانند ایالات متحده ، کانادا ، انگلستان ، کشورهای اتحادیه اروپا و استرالیا به اسرائیل انجام می‌شود. این پشتیبانی همزمان مصادف با نظامی گری پلیس در کشورهای امپریالیستی و استفاده جهانی آنها از خشونت برای استمرار سلطه اقتصادی بر مردم جهان است. آزار و اذیت و سرکوب فلسطینیان توسط اسرائیل آینه تمام نمای سرکوب و خشونت دولت‌های سرمایه دار امپریالیستی علیه جنبش‌های مردمی و طبقه مظلوم در این کشورها ، به ویژه جنبش‌های آزادی‌بخش بومی و سیاه پوستان است.

ما نمی‌توانیم و نباید در برابر آزار و شکنجه جنبش دانشجویان فلسطینی که در زندان های اسرائیل قرار دارند سکوت کنیم. ما در کنار دانشجویان فلسطینی ایستاده ایم!

نام سازمان خود را به این فراخوان اضافه کنید: http://bit.ly/palstudentsignon

Organizations Supporting the Campaign

  • 100 Idee per la Pace Siena – Italy
  • Action Antifasciste Paris Banlieue
  • AFPS 0726 (Association France Palestine Solidarité Groupe local Ardèche Drôme)
  • AFPS 63 (France)
  • AFPS Douai
  • AFPS Nord- Pas de Calais
  • AFPS Paris 14-6
  • Africa4Palestine
  • Al Quds Day Committee of New York
  • Al-Awda NY, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • Alkarama Palestinian women’s movement)
  • All Nepal Peasants’ Federation (ANPFa)
  • All Nepal Peasants’ Federation (Revolutionary Centre)
  • Alliance for Global Justice
  • Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine
  • Allt åt Alla Kvinnofront
  • القطب الطلابي الديمقراطي التقدمي Al Qutob – Progressive Democratic Student Pole at Bir Zeit University
  • Al-Yudur Juventud Palestina | Al-Juzour Palestinian Youth
  • Amis des Arts et de al Culture de Palestine
  • AMP-NJ
  • Anakbayan-USA
  • Anti Imperialist Action Ireland
  • Anti-Imperialist Alliance – Ottawa
  • Anti-Imperialist Alliance Youth (AIA Youth – Ottawa)
  • Anti-Imperialist Front – France (AIF)
  • Antirasistiska Akademin
  • Arbetarmakt (Workers Power) – Swedish Section of The League for the Fifth International
  • ARENE (Association des ResidEnts de NanterrE)
  • Asamblea Plaza de los Pueblos Madrid
  • Asociación Brasileña Maloka
  • Asociación Estudiantil Madrid
  • Asociación Palestina Biladi
  • Asociación Punto Feminista Alcorcón
  • Asociación Teatro de la Tierra
  • Asociación Unadikum
  • Associación Americana de Juristas
  • Association Car t’y es libre
  • Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine (AURDIP)
  • Association Eunomia
  • Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité d’Albertville
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité Loire
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité Nîmes
  • Association Najdeh
  • Association Nationale des Communistes – ANC
  • Association of Palestinian Students – University of Toronto Mississauga
  • Association of Student Activism for Palestine (A.S.A.P))
  • Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina
  • Associazione Senza Paura Genova
  • AssoPacePalestina
  • Atelier Gaza
  • Australia Solidarity with Latin America
  • Bahraini society against normalization with Zionist enemy
  • Bahraini Society to Resist Normalization with Zionism
  • Basler Frauen für Frieden und Fortschritt
  • Baslerfreuenvereinigung für Frieden und Fortschritt
  • Bathurst Street United Church
  • BAYAN Canada
  • BAYAN Canada
  • BDS France Marseille
  • BDS France Montpellier
  • BDS Genova
  • BDS Maroc – BDS المغرب
  • BDS Mexico
  • BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories
  • Belgian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (BACBI)
  • Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG)
  • Boycott, Divest, Sanction, on CATerpillar
  • Bündnis gegen Krieg / Hände weg von Syrien
  • California Scholars for Academic Freedom
  • Campagne Unitaire pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah
  • Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament (CICD)
  • Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat
  • Canada Palestine Association
  • Canada Palestine Support Network (CanPalNet)
  • Canada-Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights (CPSHR)
  • Canadian BDS Coalition
  • Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3902 BDS Committee
  • Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
  • CAPJPO-EuroPalestine
  • Catholics for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land (Canada)
  • Center for Study and Preservation of Palestine
  • Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies
  • Centro Culturale Handala Ali – مركز حنظله علي الثقافي
  • Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
  • Claremont Students for Justice in Palestine
  • Col·lectiu Intifada
  • Coletivo Feminista Classista ANA MONTENEGRO
  • Coletivo pelos direitos no Brasil
  • Collectif 65 pour la liberation de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
  • Collectif 69 de soutien au peuple palestinien
  • Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine
  • Collectif Palestine Vaincra
  • Collectif stéphanois de soutien au peuple palestinien
  • Collettivo Palestina Rossa
  • Comité Antifa Saint Etienne
  • Comité d’actions et de soutien aux luttes du peuple marocain
  • Comité de Défense des Internés des Camps du Sud (Algérie)
  • Comite de Liberté pour Musa Aşoğlu!
  • Comité de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien/Casablanca
  • Comité de solidarité tunisien pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
  • Comité justice et vérité 31
  • Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche Orient (CPJPO)
  • Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran (CASI)
  • Communist Organization of Greece (KOE)
  • Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninst) Liberation
  • Communist Workers League
  • Comunidad Palestina de Chile
  • Confederación Intersindical Galega (CIG)
  • Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe – ATIK
  • Cordillera Peoples Alliance
  • Couserans-Palestine
  • Cultura è Libertà, una campagna per la Palestina
  • Dallas Palestine Coalition
  • Deutsch-Palästinensischer Frauenverein e.V.
  • Dirección de DDHH y Pluralismo Cultural. FHyAr
  • Droit Solidarite
  • DSA BDS & Palestine Solidarity Working Group Steering Committee
  • East Los Angeles Revolutionary Action Party
  • Éirígí- for A New Republic
  • End the Deadly Exchange Seattle
  • Europal Forum – London
  • Finnish-Arab Friendship Society, FAFS
  • FIRMES: Federación Internacional de Resistencia Migrante en España
  • Fordham SJP
  • Framåt kamrater
  • Free CUNY!
  • Free Palestine Movement
  • Freedom Road Socialist Organization
  • French Friends of the Freedom Theatre in Jenin (ATL Jénine)
  • Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism (Filistin Dostlari)
  • Friends of Sabeel North America
  • Front Populaire France (Turquie)
  • Front Uni des Immigrations et des Quartiers Populaires de Grenoble (FUIQP 38)
  • GABRIELA Alliance of Filipino Women
  • Galizan People’s Union-UPG
  • GATS
  • Gazainfo
  • Giovani palestinesi d’Italia
  • Giuristi Democratici
  • GMB union z60 branch Lincoln
  • Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine
  • Groupe Non-Violent LOUIS LECOIN
  • GUPS Aix-Marseille
  • Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers
  • Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War
  • HRA:PI/CD3-IP (Human Rights Awareness: Palestine Israel/CD3 Israel Palestine
  • Human Rights March, Denmark
  • ILPS Commission on Children
  • Indiana Center for Middle East Peace
  • Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL)
  • Inminds Human Rights Group
  • International Action Center
  • International Association of Democratic Lawyers
  • International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle – Australia Chapter
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) – Commission 10
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) – US Northeast
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle-US
  • International Social Movement France
  • International Solidarity Movement France
  • Internationalt Forum – Denmark
  • Int’l Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
  • IPNOTGlobal
  • Ireland Information Group of Sweden
  • ISM Northern California
  • Israel Palestine Task Force
  • IU-Marx Madera
  • IWA – Europe
  • Jailhouse Lawyers Speak
  • Jeune Garde Lyon
  • Jeunes Communistes de la Loire (JC42)
  • Jeunes Communistes du Bas-Rhin (France)
  • Jeunesse solidaire
  • Jewish Voice for Peace – Bay Area
  • Jewish Voice for Peace – Los Angeles
  • Jewish Voice For Peace Central Ohio
  • Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
  • Jóvenes Izquierda Unida
  • Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste
  • Justice for Palestinians, Calgary
  • Justice pour la Palestine
  • KAMARAD-مجموعة عمل نشريّة كاماراد/تونس
  • Kia Ora Gaza (Aotearoa New Zealand)
  • Labor for Palestine
  • Landless Workers Movement – MST
  • L’association Couserans-Palestine
  • Le Collectif Rouge Internationalistes pour la libération des prisonniers révolutionnaire (Le CRI Rouge – Paris)
  • Le Collectif Solidarité Palestine Ouest Étang de Berre
  • Le Poing Levé Mirail
  • Le poing levé Paris 8
  • League of Filipino Students
  • League of Filipino Students – Cavite State University
  • League of Filipino Students PUP
  • Letters for Palestine – Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Lynne Stewart Organization
  • Mar de Lumes – Comité Galego de Solidariedade Internacionalista
  • Massachusetts Peace Action
  • Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church (MUPMC)
  • Mesa Migración y Antirracismo SBC
  • الحملة الوطنية لتحرير الأسير جورج عبدالله National Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
  • National Jericho Movement
  • National Lawyers Guild
  • National Lawyers Guild International Committee
  • National Lawyers Guild, Loyola Chicago Chapter
  • National Students for a Democratic Society
  • National Students for Justice in Palestine
  • Netherlands Palestine Committee
  • Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen Magdeburg
  • Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI)
  • Noi Restiamo
  • NorCal Sabeel
  • North America Nakba Tour
  • Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste (NPA, France)
  • NPA Jeunes
  • NY Boricua Resistance
  • NY4Palestine Coalition
  • Oakland Jericho
  • OPRA (Oakville Palestinian Rights Association)
  • Palästina Antikolonial
  • Palestina Libre Murcia España
  • Palestinalibre.org
  • Palestine Advocacy Project
  • Palestine Network Shining Waters Region, United Church of Canada
  • Palestine Solidarity Alliance of Hunter College CUNY
  • Palestine Solidarity Committee Stuttgart, Germany
  • Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa
  • Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
  • Palestinian Cultural Club at the American University of Beirut
  • Palestinian Youth Movement
  • Pallasos en Rebeldia
  • Parti des Indigènes de la République
  • Peace Alliance Winnipeg
  • Palestine Solidarity Committee Stuttgart, Germany
  • Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa
  • Palestine Speaks Palästina Spricht ( Coalition for Palestinian Rights and Against Racism)
  • Palestine13
  • Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
  • Palestinian Cultural Club at the American University of Beirut
  • Palestinian Youth Movement
  • Pallasos en Rebeldia
  • Parti des Indigènes de la République
  • Peace Alliance Winnipeg
  • Peoples Power Assemblies NYC
  • Peoples Power Assembly
  • Peoria No Ban No Wall
  • Philippines ‐ Palestine Friendship Association
  • Philippines Australia Union Link
  • Plataforma Bolivariana de Solidaridad con Venezuela de Madrid
  • Plataforma Solidaria con Palestina de Valladolid
  • Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine
  • Popular Resistance
  • Principles NOT Parties
  • Prisoners Solidarity Committee
  • Prisoners Solidarity Committee of Workers World Party
  • Progressive Lawyers Association, CHD
  • Project South
  • Rattvise och frihet center
  • Red Banner Anti-Imperialist Collective
  • Release Aging People in Prison/RAPP
  • Resistance Festival – Athens, Greece
  • Resistencia Saharaui
  • Rete della Conoscenza
  • Rete Romana di Solidarietà cin il Popolo Palestinese
  • Revolutionaire Eenheid
  • Revolutionary Communist Group
  • Rojavakommittéerna Göteborg
  • Sacramento Area Peace Action
  • Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights
  • Sada Movement
  • Salinlahi Alliance for Children’s Concerns
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  • Santa Feans for Justice in Palestine
  • سير وصيرورة Sayr wa Sayroura
  • SDS (Students for a Democratic Society)
  • Secours Rouge de Belgique
  • Secours Rouge Genève
  • Secours Rouge International / International Red Help
  • Secours Rouge Montréal
  • Secours Rouge Toulouse
  • Secrétariat International de la CNT-France
  • Ship to Gaza – Gothenburg
  • جمعية شموع للمساواة / المغرب Shumu’a Association for Equality/Morocco
  • Sikhay-Marikina
  • SJP Chicago
  • SJP DePaul
  • SOAS Palestine Society
  • Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste
  • Solidaires 09
  • Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights UBC
  • SPHR Queen’s
  • Stand with Kashmir
  • Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina
  • Students Against Israeli Apartheid, University of Toronto
  • Students Against the Occupation DK
  • Students for a Democratic Society – Georgia Tech
  • Students For Justice in Palestine – San Diego State University
  • Students for Justice in Palestine at Arizona State University
  • Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA
  • Students for Justice in Palestine at UMass Amherst
  • Students for Justice in Palestine, University of California Irvine
  • Students for Justice in Palestine, University of South Carolina
  • Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights McGill University (SPHR McGill)
  • Students Not Consumers
  • SUD Education 31-65
  • Sulong UBC
  • Temple Students for Justice in Palestine
  • The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine
  • The Palestine Committee of Norway
  • The Palestine Solidarity Committee – Austin, Tx
  • The Rachel Corrie Foundation
  • Theorie und Praxis Verlag
  • Trawunche Madrid (Coordinación de Apoyo al Pueblo Mapuche)
  • Trueque de Ley por Derecho
  • Tunisian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (TACBI)
  • UBC Social Justice Centre
  • UCL (union communiste libertaire)
  • UJFP
  • UMass Amherst SJP
  • Unión de Juventudes Comunistas de España – Communist Youth Union of Spain (UJCE)
  • Union Départementale des Syndicats CNT de Haute-Garonne
  • Union départementale des syndicats CNT des Pyrénées Orientales
  • Union des Étudiant·e·s de Toulouse – UET
  • Union Générale des Etudiants de Palestine – GUPS France
  • Union syndicale Solidaires
  • Unione degli Studenti
  • Unione Democratica Arabo Palestinese
  • Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East
  • Unité Communiste
  • United Methodists’ Holy Land Task Force
  • United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
  • Unity of Child Rights Advocates Against Inhumane Treatment and Neglect of Children (UNCHAIN Children)
  • University of Leicester Palestine Society
  • US Boats to Gaza
  • US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
  • US Palestinian Community Network
  • UW United Students Against Sweatshops
  • Vänsterpartiet Göteborg
  • Victoria Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
  • V-SB (Vlaams Socialistische Beweging)
  • Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement
  • Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine
  • Women Against Military Madness
  • Women for Filipino Women and Children (WoW)
  • Women in Black, Vienna, Austria
  • Workers Assembly Against Racism
  • Workers Voice Socialist Movement, Louisiana
  • Workers World Party
  • Yeni Demokratik Gençlik – YDG
  • Youth Against War & Racism
  • Youth and Students Section of the Lebanese Communist Party

#FreePalestinianStudents Campaign Materials

We invite you to use these campaign materials in your own campaign! Please note that stickers and postcards of these images will be available – just write us at samidoun@samidoun.net to order some for your organization!

English Materials

Arabic Materials

French Materials

German Materials

Swedish Materials

Spanish Materials

Italian Materials


Use these easy to print, black-and-white PDFs to take selfies and add them to your social media with the hashtag, #FreePalestinian Students:




Actions You Can Take

Here are some actions that you can take to join the campaign and spread it in your local area and community!

We join together to call for action and support for Palestinian students behind bars, including: 

  • Boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, including Israeli academic institutions, which are fully complicit in the systematic deprivation of Palestinian rights.
  • Ending all military and economic aid, military transactions, joint projects and direct funding to the Israeli occupation regime by governments around the world.
  • Challenging “normalization” programs that aim to legitimize Israeli occupation — this is an attempt to legitimize the criminalization and targeting of Palestinian students.
  • Organizing to build direct links of solidarity with Palestinian students and the Palestinian student movement, to ensure that they will not be isolated from their global community of support despite all attempts by the Israeli occupation.

Writing Solidarity Letters

Palestinian prisoners and detainees repeatedly report that receiving letters from supporters around the world boosts morale and provides them with support. Israel wants to isolate Palestinian student leaders by keeping them behind bars, and letters help to break their isolation. This is a simple activity that can be done with physical distancing or combined with other prisoner support efforts. Contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net for a physical mailing address, or send us your letters — Samidoun in Occupied Palestine will share directly with the families and lawyers of detained students. 

Adopt a Prisoner

Share the stories of Palestinian student detainees with your community by “adopting” a prisoner. Share their stories, write letters to them and include their name and photo in your activities. Above, we’ve presented 25 student prisoners, and we’ll be continuing to share their stories and photos throughout this campaign. Please contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net for even more info on your organization’s adopted prisoner. 

Boycott Israel! Build the Academic Boycott

The academic boycott of Israel is a global call from Palestinian organizations, including student and faculty unions. As noted by the American Studies Association, “Israeli academic institutions function as a central part of a system that has denied Palestinians their basic rights.  Palestinian students face ongoing discrimination, including the suppression of Palestinian cultural events, and there is sanctioning and ongoing surveillance of Palestinian students and faculty who protest Israeli policies. Israeli universities have been a direct party to the annexation of Palestinian land. Armed soldiers patrol Israeli university campuses, and some have been trained at Israeli universities in techniques to suppress protestors.”

As noted by the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, “The academic boycott calls for an end to collaboration with and normalization of Israeli academic institutions, which are mostly state-controlled as well as complicit with Israeli occupation and apartheid. The overwhelming majority of Israeli intellectuals and academics have either contributed directly to maintaining, defending or otherwise justifying the above forms of oppression, or have been complicit in them through their silence. No Israeli academic institution or organization has ever taken an official collective stance in opposition to the Israeli state’s occupation and wars.

Students and faculty can play an important role in supporting the academic boycott and standing in solidarity with Palestinian students and academics whose right to education and academic freedom is denied by Israel. They can do so by organizing a range of activities and campaigns; for example:

  • Opposing Study Abroad in Israel programs that are based in Israeli academic institutions  and in doing so, exposing the complicity of Israeli universities with occupation and apartheid. Palestinian students in Israeli universities are also routinely subjected to racial harassment, surveillance, censorship,and disciplining .Such campaigns can highlight the restrictions on the freedom of travel and violations of academic freedom of Palestinian scholars and students as well as the lack of freedom experienced by Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim international students and scholars, who face restrictions when attempting to travel through Israeli borders for study, research, or academic exchange.
  • Passing a resolution in your academic association or student government society or faculty or graduate student union in support of the academic boycott.
  • Challenging the collaboration between academic programs at UScampuses and Israeli academic institutions and research institutes as a violation of the academic boycott.
  • Asking your university to support Palestinian academic and cultural institutions directly without requiring them to partner with Israeli counterparts as an explicit or implicit condition for such support.
  • Protesting talks by Israeli state officials or official representatives of Israeli academic institutions such as presidents, rectors or deans.
  • Opposing programs on campus to address the “Middle East conflict” that contract with anti-Palestinian organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) or the Simon Wiesenthal Center (Museum of Tolerance).Such organizations are also often involved in diversity and dialogue programs on campus and partner with student affairs offices.
  • Asking your administration or President/Chancellor to issue a public statement censuring Israeli destruction of Palestinian schools and universities and interference with Palestinian education, archives and re-search centers, for example, during the many wars on Gaza, and on an ongoing basis throughout occupied Palestine.
  • Organizing teach-ins or events with campus and community organizations at which the campaign for the economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel can be fully and openly discussed, in addition to divestment.”

Protest, Rally and Organize

Organize a protest or direct action! The United States, Canada, EU states, Australia and Britain, among others, provide ongoing military, economic, diplomatic and political support to Israel to continue the repression of Palestinian students. Protest on your campus or in your city, highlighting government and media complicity, or act and organize at Israeli embassies, corporations and institutions in your area. Bring our materials to highlight the student prisoners’ situation while rallying for Palestinian liberation. We will be producing stickers and postcards for this campaign – email samidoun@samidoun.net to order some for your organization!

Join the Social Media March to #FreePalestinianStudents

You can support Palestinian students on social media as well. Use our materials and student prisoner photos on your individual or group social media pages, on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Take a selfie or a group photo with our posters or just post these images with a message of your own. Use the hashtag #FreePalestinianStudents.

Pass a Resolution

Academic associations, labor unions and student governments have passed resolutions calling for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, including divestment from complicit corporations and the academic boycott of Israel. Large student coalitions have been built to oppose racist police and investment in arms dealers and environmental destruction. Include the student prisoners in your resolution or pass a resolution specifically calling for freedom for imprisoned Palestinian students. Use the information in the call and resources to build your resolution! For further support, email samidoun@samidoun.net.

Resources for Your Student Prisoner Campaign

Here are some useful articles, resources and references for building your campaign, creating resolutions, and more. We’ll keep adding new resources here — contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net to suggest a resource! 

Video: Freedom for Palestinian Students!

Video: Steadfastness and Resistance — The Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement

Palestinian Women in Struggle (with Mays Abu Ghosh, Samah Jaradat and Wedad Barghouthi — ENGLISH TRANSLATION)

Palestinian Women in Struggle (with Mays Abu Ghosh, Samah Jaradat and Wedad Barghouthi — ORIGINAL ARABIC)

IAW Cagliari: Palestinian Students Targeted for Imprisonment

Sheffield Students Demand Freedom for Palestinian Student Detainees

[td_block7 category_id=”86″ limit=”9″ custom_title=”News on Student Prisoners and Detainees” ajax_pagination=”load_more”]

Palestine Actionists detained illegally in Britain, homes raided

The following statement is republished from Palestine Action.

Since being arrested for occupying Elbit’s death factory in Shenstone yesterday, the 6 activists have been detained for longer than the legal 24-hour period, still without charges. Alongside this illegal detention, each activist has had their homes raided. It is unknown at this time whether their devices have been seized.

Police claim that the activists have caused substantial damage to Elbit Systems, but this pales in comparison to the damage that Elbit causes in the murder of innocent Palestinians.

Arriving before dawn, the 6 activists took over the covertly branded UAV Engines, a feeble attempt at covering up their reputation as war criminals. Police arrived on the scene and began by harassing a journalist with a press card, arresting them and disallowing them to film the occupation.

.During the occupation, the police brought a cherry-picker to transport them to the ground in order to arrest them. Activists sprayed this cherry-picker with the red paint used on the face of Elbit’s building, signifying the Palestinian blood spilled by Elbit’s drones and military technology. Windows, cameras and vents were smashed, their gates were chained shut, whilst the 6 activists stormed the building and occupied it in the name of Palestinian resistance.

This is the fourth time we’ve shut down Elbit’s factory in Shenstone in six months, only weeks after our occupation of Elbit-Ferranti with Extinction Rebellion North. We will not stop until Elbit is shut down.

Our persistence and determination in direct action sends a clear message to the immoral war mongers that profit off crimes against humanity. We will not stop until Elbit is chased out of the UK, and their murderous operations stop for good.

Please support the resistance by donating directly toward more factory shutdowns like what has happened in Shenstone again, by clicking the link!

Together, we will resist and we will win!


Earlier statement:

  • On Tuesday morning, activists from the direct-action network climbed on to the roof of Elbit’s UAV Engines factory in Staffordshire, smashed the windows and prevented the site from opening
  • Activists chained the factory gates shut to block off all access and splattered the building in blood-red paint
  • Palestine Action has vowed to continue targeting the Israeli arms company until it shuts down and vacates the UK 

Several activists from Palestine Action are occupying the roof of an Israeli-owned arms factory based in Shenstone, Staffordshire, and have blocked the entrances from the ground; forcing the site to halt its production of deadly weapons.

Arriving before dawn on Tuesday, activists took over the Elbit Systems factory, which is covertly branded as UAV Engines. They chained its gates shut, stormed the factory grounds, poured blood-red paint down the front of the building, smashed windows, sprayed the car park red, and displayed banners reading ‘Shut Elbit Down’ and ‘Elbit Arms: Israel Kills’.


…The action comes after a three-day rooftop occupation last September that cost the company an estimated £145,000 in damages. There have been other similar ‘shutdowns’ by Palestine Action in November 2020 and January 2021.

Today’s factory closure is the group’s second large-scale action this month: on 1st February, Palestine Action joined forces with Extinction Rebellion North to occupy Elbit-Ferranti in Oldham for 16 hours, in what was described as the “first of many” collaborations.

A member of Palestine Action said about today’s occupation:

“We’re back, and this is once again, a clear and unwavering message to the immoral profiteers of war and the perpetrators of crimes against humanity that we’re not going away until Elbit’s lethal chain of weapons factories are hounded out of the UK. Petitioning and protests don’t work, so it’s our moral obligation to take matters into our own hands and use direct action to shut these death factories down for good.”

Elbit Systems produces surveillance technology for Israel’s illegal apartheid wall and the engines for 85% of its military drones, among other weapons components. Its drones, which include the Hermes 450 and its later 900 model, were employed extensively during the 51-day attack on Gaza in 2014, which killed over 2,200 Palestinians, including 551 children.

Elbit markets its products as “battle-tested” and claims “outstanding capabilities” based on ”operational experience” gained from the experimental use of its weapons on the population of Gaza, around 50% of whom are children.

Over the last 16 years, Elbit has established a large presence in the UK, opening 10 production sites across England and Wales, including four factories. Since 2018, the UK government has bought £45m worth of military equipment from the company despite its role in aiding and escalating Israel’s war crimes in order to maintain its illegal occupation of Palestine and sustain its brutal system of apartheid.

In January, Britain’s Ministry of Defence gifted the company with a £102 million contract to develop new surveillance technology to enable “frontline” soldiers to detect and accurately fire on alleged “enemy” targets in a matter of seconds.

Palestine Action, which launched in August 2020, is working to shut Elbit’s UK-based war industry down and has collectively hit the firm’s sites around 50 times in just 6 months, also targeting its London landlord, LaSalle Investment Management.

Actions have caused Elbit’s factories to close on five separate occasions, while a series of occupations and well-attended public protests at its London HQ has disrupted the company’s business-as-usual complacency and raised considerable public awareness.

Palestine Action is a direct-action network of groups and individuals formed with the mandate of taking direct action against Elbit Systems’ UK locations at a grassroots level, calling for them all to be shut down and for the British Government to end its complicity in Israeli apartheid.

Open letter to Canadian federal politicians: Do not expand anti-terrorism laws in the name of anti-racism!

Photo credit: Romain Guy/Flickr

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joined with over 170 organizations and individuals to sign on to this letter to Canadian federal political party leaders, initiated by the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group and Azeezah Kanji. This statement comes in response to the addition of four white supremacist organizations to the federal Terrorist Entities List, warning against the expansion of “anti-terror” provisions under the justification of fighting white supremacy.

As noted in the statement, “The listing of organizations like the Proud Boys alongside Palestinian and Kashmiri groups – as well as charities like IRFAN, proscribed for donating medical equipment to the Gaza Strip – conflates groups originating under or responding to long-term military occupation, with White supremacists and neo-Nazis, all under the rubric of a broad and inconsistent concept of “terrorism.” Moreover, given repeated revelations about the use of anti-terrorism surveillance tools against Indigenous land and water protectors and rights advocates,[x] we are profoundly concerned about the possibility of future listings being deployed to target Indigenous nations defending their sovereign, constitutional, and international rights.”

We note that Canada’s Israel lobby group, CIJA, attempted to take advantage of this moment to further distract attention from the threat of racism and white supremacy — while encouraging the expansion of the “terror list” — by smearing Samidoun’s work to defend Palestinian prisoners and trying to gin up support for war and sanctions on Iran.  We reiterate our call to “Scrap the Terror List!”  — now is the time to build our alliances to confront the politics of counterinsurgency directed against popular movements, from Palestine to the Philippines to Turtle Island.

February 22, 2021

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

The Honourable Erin O’Toole
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0A6

Jagmeet Singh
Leader of the New Democratic Party
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0A6

Yves-François Blanchet
Leader of the Bloc Québécois
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0A6

Annamie Paul
Leader of the Green Party
Green Party of Canada
812-116 Albert Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3

Via email

Re: Use of anti-terrorism laws to combat racism and white supremacism

Prime Minister Trudeau, Mr. O’Toole, Mr. Singh, M. Blanchet and Ms. Paul,

As organizations and individuals with expertise in anti-racism, law, and/or human rights, we write to express our deep concern about the use of anti-terrorism powers to address the threat of White supremacism.

The growth, proliferation, and emboldening of White supremacist and far-right groups across Canada – numbering more than 300, according to one recent academic count[i] – is alarming, and urgently requires a strong response. We applaud and support the intention to condemn White supremacism communicated by the recent addition of the Proud Boys, Atomwaffen, the Base, and the Russian Imperial Movement to the terrorist entities list. However, the entrenchment and expansion of problematic anti-terrorism tools threatens to further intensify racism, rather than alleviate it.

Serious issues with Canada’s terrorist listing procedure identified by civil liberties groups, lawyers, and legal academics include: the imposition of serious financial and possibly criminal consequences on the basis of unaccountable executive listing decisions; the use of secret evidence; the likelihood of false positives; and the absence of adequate avenues for challenging listings and obtaining redress. This is exacerbated by the seizure of assets, making legal counsel difficult if not impossible to retain.[ii]

These shortcomings and the need for a substantive overhaul of the listing procedure were highlighted by many experts and advocates when Bill C-36, the Anti-Terrorism Act, was debated and adopted twenty years ago, and have been consistently pressed over the years since.

As University of Toronto Law Professor and noted national security expert Kent Roach has observed: “Unfortunately, a few token additions [of far-right organizations] to long lists of proscribed groups does nothing to address the many due process and operational flaws of proscription.”[iii]

Indeed, nine more groups identified as “Islamist” were added as terrorist entities at the same time as the Proud Boys and others. This perpetuates the discriminatorily Muslim-centric focus of Canadian anti-terrorism in general,[iv] and the listing procedure in particular,[v] despite the far greater toll inflicted by White supremacist and right-wing actors within Canada.[vi] The listing of organizations like the Proud Boys alongside Palestinian and Kashmiri groups – as well as charities like IRFAN, proscribed for donating medical equipment to the Gaza Strip[vii] – conflates groups originating under or responding to long-term military occupation,[viii] with White supremacists and neo-Nazis, all under the rubric of a broad and inconsistent concept of “terrorism.”[ix]

Moreover, given repeated revelations about the use of anti-terrorism surveillance tools against Indigenous land and water protectors and rights advocates,[x] we are profoundly concerned about the possibility of future listings being deployed to target Indigenous nations defending their sovereign, constitutional, and international rights.

The systemic racism pervasive in Canadian national security institutions has been documented by, inter alia: the 2006 O’Connor Inquiry (regarding the torture of Maher Arar);[xi] the 2008 Iacobucci Inquiry (regarding the torture of Abdullah Almalki, Ahmad Abou-Elmaati, and Muayyed Nureddin);[xii] the 2016 BC Supreme Court decision in R v Nuttall (detailing the entrapment of two Muslim individuals struggling with mental illness);[xiii] the 2020 report of the National Security Transparency Advisory Group;[xiv] the consistent findings of United Nations human rights bodies (including their condemnation of Canada’s complicity in torture and the use of security certificates);[xv] and multiple lawsuits against CSIS alleging severe racial discrimination and harassment against Muslim and racialized employees.[xvi] In 2011, the Canadian Human Rights Commission called on national security agencies to collect and analyze race-disaggregated data about their practices[xvii] – a basic transparency measure that remains unimplemented.

And so, instead of expanding anti-terrorism in the name of anti-racism, we urge you to address the pressing concerns raised repeatedly by civil liberties and anti-racism organizations[xviii] about the anti-terrorism apparatus itself.


Azeezah Kanji
Legal academic and journalist

Tim McSorley
National Coordinator
International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group

Signatories (for individual signatories, institutional affiliations are listed for identification purposes only):

  1. Idle No More Ontario
  2. Amnesty International Canada (English Section)
  3. Canadian Civil Liberties Association
  4. BC Civil Liberties Association
  5. Sherene H. Razack, Distinguished Professor, UCLA
  6. Rinaldo Walcott, professor and writer
  7. Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg scholar, writer, and artist
  8. Mohammad Fadel, Professor of Law, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
  9. Sunera Thobani, Professor, Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
  10. David Palumbo-Liu, Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor, Stanford University
  11. Kiké Roach, Unifor Chair in Social Justice & Democracy at Ryerson
  12. Niigaan Sinclair, Associate Professor, University of Manitoba
  13. Desmond Cole, journalist, author, activist
  14. Russ Diabo, Indigenous Truth Before Reconciliation Network
  15. Alex Neve, OC; Senior Fellow, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa
  16. Imam Dr. Hamid Slimi, Chair of the Canadian Centre For Deen Studies
  17. El Jones, Department of Social Justice and Community Studies, Saint Mary’s University
  18. Imam Yusuf Badat, Islamic Foundation of Toronto
  19. Peggy Mason, President of the Rideau Institute and a former Canadian Disarmament Ambassador to the UN
  20. Imam Dr. Shabir Ally
  21. Canadian Union of Postal Workers
  22. Hanna Kawas, Chair, Canada Palestine Association
  23. South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (SALCO)
  24. Yavar Hameed, Human rights lawyer
  25. Dr Arun Kundnani, writer
  26. James L. Turk, Director, Centre for Free Expression, Ryerson University
  27. Paul Champ, lawyer
  28. Roger Waters, musician
  29. Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa
  30. Arab Canadian Lawyers Association
  31. Canadian Arab Institute
  32. Imam Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, Jaffari Community Center
  33. Canadian Anti-racism Education and Research Society
  34. Inter Pares
  35. Dr Shahina Siddiqui, Executive Director, Islamic Social Services Association
  36. Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
  37. Canadians for Peace and Justice in Kashmir (CPJK)
  38. Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers)
  39. Cooperation Canada
  40. Mathabah Institute
  41. MiningWatch Canada
  42. Ivan Kalmar, Professor, University of Toronto
  43. Mehmet Tohti, Executive Director, Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project
  44. Independent Jewish Voices Canada
  45. Rideau Institute
  46. Dr Jeremy Wildeman, uOttawa
  47. Dr. Baljit Nagra, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
  48. Dimitri Lascaris (lawyer, journalist and activist)
  49. Randa Farah, Academic
  50. Chris Ramsaroop, Course Instructor Caribbean Studies, University of Toronto and Clinic Instructor Migrant Worker Clinic, Univeristy of Windsor Faculty of Law
  51. Dr. Alex Khasnabish, Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University
  52. Khaled Mouammar: Former Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
  53. Richard Fung, Professor Emeritus, OCAD University
  54. sylvat aziz , academic
  55. Jackman & Associates, lawyers
  56. Tim McCaskell, writer
  57. I. Abdillahi, professor and writer
  58. Roch Tassé, policy analyst
  59. Harry Smaller (Ph.D), York University
  60. Idrisa Pandit, anti-racism educator
  61. Faisal Bhabha, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
  62. David Antonacci, writer
  63. Robert Fantina, author and journalist
  64. Jeffrey Monaghan, Associate Professor, Criminology, Carleton University
  65. Najia Mahmud, Lawyer
  66. Omer Aijazi, Academic
  67. John Greyson, Associate Professor, York
  68. Justice for All Canada
  69. Yousuf Syed, Co-Founder of Canadians Against Oppression And Persecution (CAOP)
  70. Nikolas Barry-Shaw, writer and researcher
  71. Yasmin Jiwani, Professor
  72. Israt Ahmed, community organizer, advocate, and social justice advocate
  73. Nahla Abdo, Professor, Carleton University
  74. Rev. Dr. Cheri DiNovo CM
  75. Maria Christina Conlon, artist
  76. David Baker, BakerLaw
  77. Martin Lukacs, journalist
  78. Jehad Aliweiwi, Executive Director, Laidlaw Foundation
  79. Nadia Abu-Zahra, Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
  80. Ria Heynen – justice activist
  81. Molly Kane, human rights activist
  82. Robert Fox, civil society activist
  83. Syed Hussan, anti-racist organizer
  84. Bianca Mugyenyi, Director, Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
  85. Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste
  86. Karen Rodman (Rev), M.Div. M.Sc. (Extension Education)
  87. Jen Moore, Associate Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies
  88. Oumer Kinnarath- Fascist Free Treaty 1
  89. Hengameh Saberi, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
  90. World BEYOND War
  91. Hassan Law, law firm
  92. Cheryl Gaster, LL.B., C. Med
  93. Karl Gardner, PhD Candidate, York University
  94. Heidi Matthews, Assistant Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School & Co-Director, Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime & Security
  95. Faith In The City, a coalition of multi faith leaders fighting for social justice
  96. John Liss, lawyer
  97. Natalie Kouri-Towe, Assistant Professor, Concordia University
  98. Mark Ayyash, Associate Professor of Sociology, Mount Royal University
  99. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  100. Dalya Al Masri, Journalist & Human Rights advocate
  101. Helmut-Harry Loewen: Fascist Free Treaty One (Winnipeg), University of Winnipeg (Ret.), and Associate, Institute for the Humanities at Simon Fraser University
  102. Canadian Arab Anti Discrimination Committee
  103. Rev. Shawn Newton, Unitarian clergy
  104. Calgary Anti-Racist Action
  105. Robie Liscomb, poet
  106. Diana Ralph, Ph.D.
  107. Rev. Dr. Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd, United Church minister
  108. Martha Ruben MD, PhD
  109. Ronald Stockton, Labour & Human Rights Lawyer
  110. Harjeet Badwall, Associate Professor, York University
  111. Matthew Behrens, Campaign to Stop Secret Trials in Canada
  112. Nader Hashemi, University of Denver
  113. Regini David , Project Director, West Scarborough Community Legal Services
  114. Ann Rogers, Dept of Political Studies, Vancouver Island University
  115. Luk vervaet, former teacher in prisons
  116. James Beirne, PhD student, York University
  117. Natasha Bakht, Professor, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
  118. Dr. Sujith Xavier, Associate Professor Faculty of Law University of Windsor
  119. Dr. Ghada Ageel, University of Alberta
  120. Dania Majid, social justice lawyer
  121. Katherine R. Matchett, University of Windsor
  122. Sam Tecle, Assistant Professor, New College, UofT, SBL, JFAAP
  123. Margaret Rao former President Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice
  124. Grahame Russell, lawyer; adjunct professor, University of Northern British Columbia; Director, Rights Action
  125. Daniel C. Gallant (MSW, RSW, JD) Barrister & Solicitor
  126. Audrey R. Dwyer, School Settlement Worker, refugee & immigrant rights advocate, social & racial justice advocate, JFAAP
  127. Brian K Murphy, author, educator & policy analyst
  128. b.h. Yael, Professor/Artist, OCAD University
  129. thohahènte
  130. Karen Peters, Community Development Worker
  131. Amber-Sky Morin, Indigenous Family Advocate
  132. William Woolrich, Professor, Community Worker Program, GBC
  133. Rashmi Luther, School of Social Work, Carleton University (retired)
  134. Reem Bahdi, Professor, University of Windsor Faculty of Law
  135. Ratiba Hadj-Moussa, York University
  136. Bob Thomson, civil society activist
  137. Rev. Sharon Moon United Church clergy
  138. Selwyn Burrows, member Order of Manitoba, Coordinator, Point. Powerline
  139. Sylvia Nowak, PhD Student (Queen’s University)
  140. Aaron Brown, higher education professional
  141. Rowa Mohamed, community organizer
  142. krishna e bera, human rights and environmental justice activist
  143. Nima Hussein, Herongate Tenant Coalition
  144. Garrett Halas, University Instructor
  145. Canadian Voices for Palestinian Rights (CVPR)
  146. Vasanthi Venkatesh, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
  147. Mike Hoolboom, artist
  148. Elizabeth Mudenyo, community organizer and writer
  149. Alisa Gayle-Deutsch, Musician
  150. Dr Jon Burnett, academic
  151. Moilene Samuels, CSW
  152. David Barsamian, journalist, author, activist
  153. Alan Dutton, Director, Canadian Anti-racism Research and Education Society
  154. Jamie Kneen, researcher and activist
  155. Chandni Desai, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
  156. Global Peace Alliance BC society
  157. Jean Symes, activist and policy analyst
  158. Deborah G. Headley, RSW Clinical Social Worker, Educator, Consultant, Activist
  159. Sara Carpenter, Associate Professor, University of Alberta
  160. Karin Baqi, Lawyer
  161. Sarah Beamish, lawyer
  162. National Security Oversight Institute
  163. Katie Cameron, writer, activist, library worker
  164. Frederika Rotter, Lawyer
  165. Jail Accountability and Information Line
  166. Criminalization and Punishment Education Project
  167. Souheil Benslimane, abolitionist organizer
  168. Esperanza Moreno. Consultant
  169. Yves Engler, journalist and author
  170. Stefan Christoff, Artist and community organizer
  171. Dr Sanober Umar, Assistant Professor, York University
  172. Lia Tarachansky, Israeli filmmaker
  173. Janet Conway, Nancy’s Chair in Women’s Studies, Mount Saint Vincent University


[i] Alex Boutilier, “Researchers to probe Canada’s evolving far-right movements,” 6 March 2019, Toronto Starhttps://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2019/03/06/researchers-to-probe-canadas-evolving-far-right-movements.html.

[ii] Craig Forcese and Kent Roach, “Yesterday’s law: Terrorist group listing in Canada” (2018) Terrorism and Political Violencehttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09546553.2018.1432211?journalCode=ftpv20; Jim Bronskill, “Terror list a ‘problematic’ way to fight white supremacists, civil society groups say,” 30 January 2021, https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/terror-list-a-problematic-way-to-fight-white-supremacists-civil-society-groups-say-1.5288941.

[iii] Kent Roach, “Counterterrorism and the challenges of terrorism from the far right” (2020) Common Law World Reviewhttps://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1473779520975121

[iv] See for example, Fahad Ahmad, “Securitization and the Muslim community in Canada,” 17 July 2019, Broadbent Institute, https://www.broadbentinstitute.ca/atlast_atweet/securitization_and_the_muslim_community_in_canada; Tabasum Akseer, “Understanding the Impact of Surveillance and Security Measures on Muslim Men in Canada” (2018), Centre for International and Defence Policy, Queen’s University, https://www.queensu.ca/cidp/sites/webpublish.queensu.ca.cidpwww/files/files/publications/Martellos/Martello42EN.pdf; Azeezah Kanji, “Calling Islamophobic violence ‘terrorism’ won’t make Muslims safe,” 29 June 2017, Toronto Starhttps://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2017/06/29/calling-islamophobic-violence-terrorism-wont-make-muslims-safe.html; Baljit Nagra and Jeffrey Monaghan, “Security Governance and Racialization in the ‘War on Terror,’” in Contemporary Criminological Issues: Moving Beyond Insecurity and exclusion (2020), https://ruor.uottawa.ca/bitstream/10393/40451/1/9780776628714_WEB.pdf.

[v] 56 out of 73 currently listed entities are identified as Islamist or Muslim-linked. Public Safety Canada, “Currently listed entities, “ https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/lstd-ntts/crrnt-lstd-ntts-en.aspx#58.

[vi] Since 2001, White supremacist and right-wing actors have been responsible for at least 22 fatalities, and individuals identified as Islamist for 2; see Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society, “Canadian Incident Database,” http://extremism.ca/results.aspx?Pivot=PriP; Jacob Serebrin, “Ceremonies marking fourth anniversary of Quebec City mosque shooting begin with call for gun control,” 29 January 2021m Global Newshttps://globalnews.ca/news/7607421/quebec-mosque-shooting-anniversary-2021/l ; Leyland Cecco, “Toronto van attack suspect says he was ‘radicalized’ online by ‘incels,’” 27 September 2019, The Guardianhttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/27/alek-minassian-toronto-van-attack-interview-incels.

[vii] Daniel Leblanc and Colin Freeze, “Charity that worked with Palestinians added to Canada’s terror list,” 29 April 2014, The Globe and Mailhttps://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/charity-that-worked-in-palestine-added-to-canadas-terrorist-list/article18320497/; Darryl Greer, “Canadian charity fights to remove ‘terrorist’ label,” 9 March 2017, https://www.courthousenews.com/canadian-charity-fights-remove-terrorist-label/.

[viii] On Palestine, see Amnesty International, “Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories,” https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/; on Kashmir, see Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, “Report on the situation of human rights in Kashmir,” 14 June 2018, https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Countries/IN/DevelopmentsInKashmirJune2016ToApril2018.pdf.

[ix] Kent Roach, “Be careful what you wish for? Terrorism prosecutions in post-9/11 Canada,” (2014) Queen’s Law Journalhttps://canlii.ca/t/sx3w, especially sections III A and B “Legislative overbreadth in defining terrorism and terrorist offences” and “Freedom fighter issues.” See also Lisa Stampnitsky, Disciplining Terror: How Experts Invented ‘Terrorism.’ Cambridge University Press, 2013; Sharryn J Aiken, “Manufacturing ‘terrorists’: Refugees, national security, and Canadian law,” Refuge (2001), https://refuge.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/refuge/article/view/21205; Jeffrey Monaghan and Kevin Walby, “Making up ‘terror identities’: Security intelligence, Canada’s Integrated Threat Assessment Centre and social movement suppression,” (2012) Policing and Societyhttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10439463.2011.605131.

[x] See, for example: Proulx, Craig. “Colonizing Surveillance: Canada Constructs an Indigenous Terror Threat.” Anthropologica, vol. 56, no. 1, 2014, pp. 83–100. JSTORwww.jstor.org/stable/24469643; Abigail Curlew, “The New Threat Threshold,” 1 March 2017, Briarpatch Magazinehttps://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/the-new-threat-threshold; Ainslie Cruickshank, “Documents to be released years after allegations that Canada’s spy agency monitored pipeline protesters,” 5 July 2019, Toronto Starhttps://www.thestar.com/vancouver/2019/07/05/documents-to-be-released-years-after-allegations-that-canadas-spy-agency-monitored-pipeline-protesters.html; Jorge Barrera, “RCMP reactivated list of flagged activists days before Trans Mountain decision, documents show,” 14 January 2020, CBC Newshttps://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/rcmp-project-sitka-list-1.5422152; Jorge Barrera, “Aboriginal Affairs shared wide range of information with spy agency to bolster Idle No More surveillance: documents,” 18 March 2015, APTNhttps://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/aboriginal-affairs-shared-wide-range-information-spy-agency-bolster-idle-surveillance-documents/.

[xi] Dennis O’Connor, Commissioner, “Report of the events relating to Maher Arar” (2006), http://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/295791/publication.html.

[xii] Frank Iacobucci, Commissioner, “Internal inquiry into the actions of Canadian officials in relation to Abdullah Almalki, Ahmad Abou-Elmaati and Muayyed Nureddin” (2008), http://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/331864/publication.html.

[xiii] R v Nutall, 2016 BCSC 1404, https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/bcsc/doc/2016/2016bcsc1404/2016bcsc1404.html?autocompleteStr=R%20v%20Nuttall%2C%202016%20BCSC%201404&autocompletePos=1.

[xiv] National Security Transparency Advisory Group, “Initial report: what we heard in our first year” (2020), https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/2020-nstag-irwwh/index-en.aspx.

[xv] For example: UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, “Concluding Observations on the Combined Twenty-First to Twenty-Third Periodic Reports of Canada,” 13 September 2017, https://docstore.ohchr.org/SelfServices/FilesHandler.ashx?enc=6QkG1d%2fPPRiCAqhKb7yhstz6Kqb8xvweVxiwIinyzEnrSQTaImuyoLPtH1p%2b%2fBoA9aSpHnHOaSTR3D%2bGaG21xFo2B95JnqHNgalSwJoOiSGBGOUk6xxJIGD9T1UIJq2pb%2bLbXWwAtxJ%2fiP6NJCzvYQ%3d%3d, para 15; UN Committee Against Torture, “Concluding Observations on the Seventh Periodic Report of Canada,” 21 December 2018, https://docstore.ohchr.org/SelfServices/FilesHandler.ashx?enc=6QkG1d%2fPPRiCAqhKb7yhsglSZMQd1BoEakgym8DLljp%2ftVZwAcP32UhceoEv6s9EFDnHa%2ffIXxFR9KNVY4qkr3X7%2faP5eVqCmw6nDLJyD3dA5iGzIWJ0XfsLEbi0yIvz, paras 38, 42, 44, and 46.

[xvi] Jonathan Gatehouse, “A ‘second-class’ spy: Muslim CSIS agent alleges discrimination, abuse,” 21 January 2020, CBC Newshttps://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/csis-muslim-discrimination-lawsuit-1.5433654; Michelle Shephard, “CSIS settles multimillion-dollar lawsuit with employees who claimed workplace Islamophobia, racism and homophobia,” 14 December 2017, Toronto Star, https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/12/14/csis-settles-multimillion-dollar-lawsuit-with-employees-who-claimed-workplace-islamophobia-racism-and-homophobia.html.

[xvii] Canadian Human Rights Commission, “Human Rights Accountability in National Security Practices: A Special Report to Parliament,” (November 2011), http://www.chrc-ccdp.gc.ca/sites/default/files/chrc-specialreport-28112011.pdf.

[xviii] See, Canadian Bar Association, “Submission on the Three Year Review of the Anti-terrorism Act,” May 2005, https://www.cba.org/CMSPages/GetFile.aspx?guid=a3a97aa7-14c2-4cd5-ac20-66b50b59c6cc; Canadian Civil Liberties Association, “Submission to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security regarding Bill C-51, Anti-Terror Act, 2015,” March 2015, https://ccla.org/cclanewsite/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2015-03-17-C51-Submissions-Final-w-names.pdf; International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, “In The Shadow Of The Law,” 14 May 2003, https://iclmg.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/R-In-the-Shadow-of-the-Law.pdf; International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, “Brief on Bill C-59, the National Security Act, 2017,” https://iclmg.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/C-59-brief-May-2019-update.pdf; B.C. Civil Liberties Association, “Submission to the Consultation on Canada’s National Security Framework,” 13 December 2016, https://bccla.org/our_work/bcclas-written-submission-consultation-canadas-national-security-framework/.

Two Palestine stands in Toulouse urge: Boycott Puma, boycott Israel

The following reports are translated from the original French at Collectif Palestine Vaincra

On Saturday, 20 February, a dozen activists and supporters of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network, organized a Palestine Stand outside the Capitole metro station in Toulouse, France. They promoted the #BoycottPuma campaign, highlighting the complicity of this sponsor of Israeli apartheid football teams.

Despite strong winds, participants distributed hundreds of flyers calling for a boycott of Puma and had dozens of discussions with passers-by. At the same time, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra booth provided documents with lists of Israeli products to boycott, the situation of Palestinian prisoners and the history of Zionist colonization of Palestine. Many people expressed their interest and volunteered to participate in upcoming initiatives.

In addition, several people purchased the new book, “The Georges Ibrahim Abdallah Affair” by Said Bouamama, published by Editions PMN. Please contact Collectif Palestine Vaincra if you are interested in buying a copy. A portion of the proceeds from sales will be donated to the campaign to free Georges Abdallah, the longest-held political prisoner in Europe.

Many passers-by posed for photos to show their support for the global campaign to boycott Israel, solidarity with the Palestinian people and resistance to Israeli apartheid and colonialism.

At the exit to the Capitole metro station, activists displayed a large banner, declaring, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will win.”

Several activists from Collectif Palestine Vaincra spoke over the sound system in both French and Arabic, describing the Puma boycott campaign and the importance of supporting Palestinian resistance. Many people in the area were interested in the speeches and appalled by the double-talk of Puma, which boasts of supporting human rights in its charter while collaborating with a colonialist and racist state.

The Palestine Stand ended with the reading of the poem, “The Martyr,” by Abdel-Rahim Mahmoud, and an improvised Dabkeh dance. Participants held up Algerian and Sahrawi flags alongside the Palestinian flag, emphasizing that the Palestinian cause is one of all peoples of the Arab world and, more broadly, of all people who stand for justice and equality.

This came one day after another Palestine Stand on Friday, February 19, organized at the exit of Bagatelle metro in Toulouse, during the La Faourette market. Once again, activists displayed a large banner declaring, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will win,” and Palestinian flags, while distributing leaflets on the history of Zionist colonization in Palestine and the importance of developing solidarity with the Palestinian resistance.

Many passers-by stopped to chat, donate a few Euro or gather material, like information with the list of Israeli products to boycott, or to take pictures in support of the global mobilization to boycott Israel.

If you are interested in participating in future initiatives in France, please contact Collectif Palestine Vaincra to get involved.

Toulouse action to #BoycottHP for its complicity in Israeli apartheid

Translated from the original French at Collectif Palestine Vaincra:

On Sunday, 14 February, an awareness campaign was organized at the HP Store in Toulouse, France, on the Boulevard des Récollets. Red paint was sprayed on the store and several posters were put up denouncing Hewlett Packard’s collaboration with Israeli apartheid. The US-based multinational company has provided services and technologies to the Israeli occupation army and police, while participating in the maintenance of Israel’s central identification system and the Israeli police database, used to apply and implement systems of segregation, repression, apartheid, surveillance and siege.

In addition, HP is present in the illegal settlement of Beitar Illit in the occupied West Bank. This action comes as part of the large international campaign, calling to #BoycottHP to denounce its collaboration with Israeli crimes. Let’s build the campaign!

Call to Danish Men’s Football Team: Give Israel the Red Card!

Photo credit: Vanessa Roth

Samidoun is republishing the following call from Boykot Israel Kampagnen in Denmark. While Palestinian footballers are subjected to arbitrary arrests and persecution or denied the right to return to Palestine, forced to play in refugee camps or in exile instead of in their homeland, the Israeli occupation team represents settler colonialism, racism and Zionism. We support the global call to “give Israel the red card” and build the sports boycott of Israel:

Open letter from Boykot Israel Kampagnen Denmark

Call on DBU:

Give the Red Card to Israel

No to the Danish men’s Football team’s participation in the World Championship qualification matches against the Israeli Occupation Team!

Boykot Israel Kampagnen Denmark calls on The Danish Football Association (Dansk Bold-Union – DBU) to boycott the Danish men’s Football team’s participation in the qualification matches against Israel, planned to be on Israeli ground March 25 and on Danish ground September 7.

Israel violates the FIFA rules which ban racism and apartheid: Israel is occupying Palestine, is committing massacres in Gaza and is harassing Palestinian footballers by denying them any opportunity to circulate both inside and outside occupied Palestine, as well for training as for tournaments. Likewise, the Israeli army has destroyed several stadiums and is preventing spectators and fans from travelling to matches.

Israel deliberately uses Sports and Culture to cover over its crimes against the Palestinian people.

We call on the Danish players not to participate in matches against a team representing an occupying power and an Apartheid regime.

Therefore, drop the matches against Israel

Boykot Israel Kampagnen

www.boykotisrael.dk – facebook.com/boykotisrael.dk

Åbent brev fra Boykot Israel Kampagnen

Opfordring til DBU:

Giv Israel det røde kort!

Nej til det danske herrefodboldholds deltagelse i VM kvalifikationskampe mod det israelske besættelseshold!

Boykot Israel Kampagnen opfordrer DBU til at boykotte det danske herrefoldboldholds deltagelse i kvalifikationskampene Danmark – Israel der er planlagt til at finde sted den 25. marts på udebane og den 7. september på hjemmebane.

Israel bryder FIFA’s regler som forbyder racisme og apartheid:  Israel holder Palæstina besat, begår massakrer i Gaza og chikanerer palæstinensiske fodboldspillere der nægtes enhver mulighed for at bevæge sig i og uden for det besatte Palæstina, det være sig til uddannelse eller turneringer. Ligeledes har den israelske hær ødelagt flere stadions og forhindret tilskuere og tilhængere i at bevæge sig frit og overvære kampe.

Israel bruger bevidst sport og kultur til at dække over og hvidvaske sine forbrydelser mod palæstinenserne.

Vi opfordrer spillerne (som vi sportsligt har stor respekt for) til ikke at deltage i kampe mod et hold der repræsenterer en besættelsesmagt og et aparteidregime.

Drop kampene!

Boykot Israel Kampagnen

www.boykotisrael.dk – facebook.com/boykotisrael.dk

No to EastMed, Stand with Palestine: The EastMed fossil imperialist project and solidarity with the Palestinian resistance

While the liberation struggles of the oppressed and exploited have always been struggles over material resources and over what relations humans should have with their natural environment, recent periods have brought the struggles to stop environmental destruction and climate change to the fore, all across the imperialist world system, from peripheries to metropoles. Similarly, the struggle for a liberated Palestinian society, from the river Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea, has always been a struggle for the possibility of its peoples to determine their paths to sustainable futures. Currently, an international project, the EastMed fossil gas pipeline, is being planned by Israel, its allies in the region and its imperialist backers, which if successful will both entrench the Zionist settler colonial occupation of Palestine and do great harm to the environment and efforts to halt that existential threat of humanity, the climate crisis. We as Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stand with the international campaign to stop the EastMed pipeline and invite all to join us.

Introduction to EastMed: What is the EastMed pipeline?

The EastMed pipeline is a planned 1.900 km fossil gas pipeline (1.300 km underwater, 600 km on land) going from Israel through Cyprus to Greece and onwards to mainland Europe (through an additional 300 km pipeline from Greece to Italy called Poseidon). Financial investors and political supporters include Israel, the EU and EU member states, the Gulf states, and the United States, with companies planned to construct, operate and eventually make use of the pipeline based in those countries as well. With plans of the pipeline arguably reaching back to at least 2013, the partners, Israel, Cyprus and Greece, will make a final investment decision in 2022 and hope to complete construction of the pipeline in 2025.

The project is estimated to cost €6 billion ($7,3 billion) until construction is finalized, and is estimated to annually produce up to 20 billion cubic meters (350 billion cubic feet) of gas for European consumption. The EU Commission considers the project to be a top priority and has both granted it considerable financial support and provided it a special status which provides it with preferential treatment. Supporters of the EastMed pipeline project argue that it will offer a sustainable energy source (even by calling the term “natural gas” instead of “fossil gas”) for the EU and its member states as well as peace, security and economic prosperity for the region.

Economic and Ecological Viability

However, already on mere technical points, the anticipated international infrastructure project is facing serious critique. On the issue of meeting the gas needs of the EU and its member states, it has been remarked that not only are current and projected needs already being met, the demand for it is seeing a decrease (which, remarkably, is in line with the climate strategy of the EU Commission, one of the great supporters of the EastMed pipeline project, itself). Simultaneously, the economical profitability of fossil gas extraction in general and the €6 billion EastMed pipeline specifically, believed to become one of Europe’s longest and the world’s deepest, is seriously questioned.

Finalizing and running the pipeline profitably highlights another significant area of criticism, namely its ecological consequences. Keeping the fossil gas pipeline operational until it reimburses its investors and starts generating a profit would result in unsustainable amounts of greenhouse gas emissions (in violation of global climate agreements). Reportedly, the pipeline is projected to annually emit more greenhouse gases “than the biggest coal factory in Europe. The location and design of the pipeline itself are sources of environmental concern: the ecosystem of the Mediterranean Sea would be disturbed by the massive infrastructure project and in constant danger of toxic leaks from the pipeline, especially considering its placement in areas with frequent earthquakes.

The pipeline and solidarity with the Palestinian resistance

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network acknowledges and supports the struggle against the construction of the EastMed pipeline, and we encourage all progressive, radical and revolutionary forces around the world to join in this struggle. The struggle against what is nothing less than an imperialist endeavor of resource extraction, great power competition and immiseration of the world’s masses is indivisible from the struggle for the freedom of all Palestinan prisoners, for the right of return of all Palestinian refugees and for a liberated, democratic Palestine, from the river to the sea. 

The existential question for all of humanity of climate change and environmental destruction cannot be separated from and cannot be addressed without the liberation of Palestine and its exploited and oppressed masses from Zionist occupation, without the success of progressive, radical and revolutionary forces in the region and internationally against the forces of imperialism and reaction. The centrality of not only popular participation and leadership in the struggle for emancipation has long been a foundation of the Palestinian revolutionary movement, as expressed by imprisoned liberation leader Ahmad Sa’adat, ”Palestine will be freed by the people, not the elites”, in the analyses in the historic foundational document Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine, and beyond. In the EastMed context, we see this issue not the least in the open participation of regional reactionary regimes as well as the Palestinian Authority in forums of collaboration with the Israeli occupation and its imperialist partners: the US, the EU, France and others.

Connecting the struggles related to EastMed

In joining the international the struggle against the EastMed pipeline and fossil imperialism in the region, we acknowledge that the plunder of resources and the annihilation of the conditions of life are part and parcel of the conditions forced upon the Palestinian people: From the ongoing expulsion and displacement of millions of Palestinian refugees, the practice of land theft through aggressive settler colonial expansion in the West Bank to the military siege of the Gaza Strip and its 2 million Palestinian inhabitants, involving the forcible and sometimes lethal periodic prohibition of fishing and farming in its waters and on its land. The Gaza Strip is in fact the only official Palestinian territory with any access to the Mediterranean Sea, with gas reserves located in its formally internationally recognized waters. Under the military siege, and after several brutal military aggressions, the Gazan economy is in shambles, not the least its energy sector, an injury all the worse as this had led to an overflow of waste and sewage in the Gaza Strip, polluting its lands and waters.

Resisting the EastMed pipeline as an international imperialist project of competition, domination and accumulation reflects that the struggle for the liberation of Palestine is deeply connected to the wider indigenous people’s movements and radical climate movements across the world. Starting out in Palestine, the gas question is a crucial part of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination; Israel is stealing Palestinian gas, and it should be the liberated Palestinian people deciding democratically how they will (or will not!) utilize it, as with any other any other resource between the river Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea. Likewise, all financial, political and other benefits of the gas fields belong to the Palestinian people, instead of further strengthening the colonizer and its international backers. Importantly, and this almost goes without saying, stopping the EastMed project is a natural step for all engaged in anti-normalization and BDS actions and campaigns, as Israeli participation in the international fossil gas trade strengthens Israel’s regional and international position significantly.

The Palestinian struggle against the Zionist colonial occupation, its reactionary collaborators in the region and its international imperialist allies, echoes many struggles all around the planet – as once voiced by the late Palestinian revolutionary leader Ghassan Kanafani: “The Palestinian cause is not a cause for Palestinians only, but a cause for every revolutionary, wherever he is, as a cause of the exploited and oppressed masses in our era.” Over the whole world indigenous communities are fighting against pipelines, environmental exploitation and extraction of non-renewable resources, from the Americas to Africa. For many people, especially the resisting communities, this is a natural connection and was among others visible during the Dakota Access Pipeline, or #NoDAPL, protests.

Call to Action

The struggle to protect the environment and stop climate change, shoulder to shoulder with indigenous struggle and the struggle of peasants and all others who live in close connection with the land and the sea, takes many shapes around the world. From the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra in Brazil and the popular rural and urban mass movements of the Philippines, to the sprawling efforts to undo the brutally long lasting effects that have survived apartheid in South Africa and the struggle of the indigenous Sami people in the Sápmi region of northern Europe. In fact, Sami activists occupied the streets of Stockholm, capital of Sweden, together with climate activists last autumn, roughly a year after the successful large scale radical climate action ”Folk mot fossilgas” (“People Against Fossil Gas”) forced the country’s government to retract support for a large fossil fuel project. As late as on Monday 1 February 2021, the two direct action groups Palestine Action and Extinction Rebellion blockaded a factory in the UK owned by Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest private arms company, with the aim to perform further actions until the company shuts down.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands with all progressive forces around the world against imperialism, reaction and colonial oppression and exploitation. We therefore stand with the calls, Palestinian and international, to stop the EastMed pipeline, and just as we reject the theft of homes, of lands and of livelihoods and lives in Palestine, we reject the theft of fossil gas from the Palestinian peoples, and uphold the right of a liberated Palestinian people to democratically decide over the use of the resources in Palestine, from the river Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea.

We call upon all progressive, radical and revolutionary forces around the world to adopt the following goals:

  • Stop all trade of stolen Palestinian fossil gas.
  • Stop the EastMed pipeline.

As a first step in engaging in local, regional and international work, we call on all organizations and individuals to sign and support the call by the international climate network Gastivists to stop the EastMed pipeline: 


Further reading related to the EastMed pipeline:

15 February, Online Event: Resistance Through Art with Sada and Visualizing Palestine

Monday, 15 February
9 am Pacific/12 pm Eastern/6 pm Berlin-Amsterdam/7 pm Palestine
Join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87437048622
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1890435324441202

Resistance through Art

Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid voor Palestina (SRP) and Samidoun Germany are happy to announce the second event of the two-part webinar titled “Resistance through Art – communicating the struggle”.
This second event will be diving deeper into how art shapes the Palestinian identity, its importance in portraying the struggle and reality of Palestinian life, and how it’s used to popularize the cause and allow it to reach an international audience.

The second event will take place on 15.02.2020 at 7pm Palestine time / 6pm Berlin time. Join us on zoom:

The event will be held in Arabic and English with interpretation for both languages available.

About the events:

When the forces of Zionist colonialism seek to erase the Palestinian identity, Palestinian art has proven vital to fighting these failed attempts. Was it through our paintings, novels, Dabka, embroidery, poems, songs, or sculptures, Palestinian art has been essential in shaping and maintaining the Palestinian identity. It has also played a major role in portraying the daily Palestinian struggle, resilience, and resistance. Through powerful symbolism, the depiction of Palestinian heroism and tragedies or the use of unmistakably Palestinian themes, our artists are on the frontlines of the cultural battle for the Palestinian identity.

We will explore the unbreakable link between Palestinian art and the struggle against the occupation. For that, two webinars will be held handling topics like: why is the occupation afraid of artists? How are Palestinian writers articulating our struggle? Why are Palestinian artists often thrown in jails? What is prisons art? How do artists help educate the world about Palestinian experiences and realities? How can art give a voice to the voiceless and portray issues we find hard to put into word? All of that, and more, will be discussed by our amazing speakers.

About the speakers:

In our second webinar, we will feature speakers from Visualizing Palestine and Sada movement. Visualizing Palestine is a non-profit organization that combines data science and technology with design to pass down information about the Palestinian struggle to the public. Their research backed work has been used by international organizations to explain the complex network of repressive systems used by the occupation against Palestinians. Sada Movement, on the other hand, is a youth organization of Palestinian artists based in Jerusalem. Their collection of paintings, sculptures and art installations are exhibited in multiple galleries and shed the light on obscure and hard to explain Palestinian struggles and feelings.

About SRP and Samidoun:

SRP is a student collective with the aim of an academic boycott against Israel. In addition, SRP seeks to educate students and youth about Palestine and build strong ties with other activist movements for the Palestinian cause.

Samidoun Gremany is the newly created chapter of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. It works to raise awareness and provide resources about Palestinian political prisoners, their conditions, their demands, and their work to free themselves, their fellow prisoners, and their homeland. Its focus stretches to also include the intersections between the prisoners movement, the feminist movement, and the students’ movement.

We hope to see you there, and join us in a discussion about art and resistance!

21 February, Online Screening: Kofia – A Revolution Through Music w/Director Talk and Palestinian Music

Sunday, 21 February
12 pm Pacific – 3 pm Eastern – 9 pm central Europe – 10 pm Palestine
Register and get tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/full-film-preview-kofia-a-revolution-through-music-wdirector-talk-tickets-140088330969
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/422957458765408/

REGISTER AND GET YOUR TICKETS: : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/full-film-preview-kofia-a-revolution-through-music-wdirector-talk-tickets-140088330969

Online screening of the new film Kofia: A Revolution Through Music, with director’s introduction and live Palestinian music.

Have you heard “Leve Palestina” and other songs for Palestine in Swedish and wondered about their origins? Delve into the history and present of Palestinian Swedish music making with “Kofia: A Revolution through Music,” at this online screening of the new film.

Join us for a full film screening of the Kofia documentary, for the first time at a North American online screening! The program will include the full film (30 minutes), an introduction from director Dr Louis Brehony and a musical performance from Palestinian oud player and composer Reem Anbar from Gaza.
Any funds raised will support Samidoun’s work organizing Palestinian youth as well as the release of the film in Palestine and internationally. Zoom link will be sent to attendees. Tickets available by donation – pay what you can!

Singer-songwriter George Totari fled Palestine during Israel’s 1967 war and founded the political band Kofia in Sweden. Bringing the sounds and struggles of the Palestinian people to a grassroots music scene, the Kofia story is nothing short of remarkable. Their revolution is unfinished and their songs still reverberate.

Read Louis Brehony’s article on Kofia’s work: https://www.palestinechronicle.com/fire-fire-a-guide-to-the-music-of-palestinian-swedish-band-kofia/

Watch the trailer:

REGISTER AND GET YOUR TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/full-film-preview-kofia-a-revolution-through-music-wdirector-talk-tickets-140088330969

From Morocco to Western Sahara to Palestine: Confronting normalization with anti-imperialist struggle

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its strongest rejection of the the recent normalization agreements signed between Israel and Morocco, overseen by the United States. These agreements are part of a coordinated plan to set on paper and ink the full normalization of the Israeli colonial presence in the region, as the de-escalation of hostilities and resumption of full diplomatic agreements accelerates.

One after another, US-aligned states and clients like the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and now Morocco have signed agreements with Israel, leading to normal relations between them and illustrating the dominance of imperialism at the expense of the Palestinian people and the Arab people more broadly – not to mention, the people of the world.

It is clear that these agreements represent the acquiescence of the elites in furtherance of their own interests, at the expense of the people; indeed, the Arab masses have made it clear that despite all of the devastation, poverty, war and colonial subjugation that has been inflicted on the region at the hands of imperialism, they continue to reject the imperialist and Zionist forces embraced by reactionary regimes.

The international elements of the deal are clear. In the words of historic anti-Zionist militant Sion Assidon, there is a “novelty in the geostrategic order: the regional construction of a military axis,” bringing together the Gulf petro-states, and Egypt under Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, and furthermore indirectly or directly aligning them with Israel. This is a rupture with business as usual, even beyond Morocco’s intervention in the “war of aggression” against Yemen, especially given ever-mounting aggression against Iran.

Furthermore, the participation in forging an axis of war comes amidst rising bilateral military cooperation with the United States. On 2 October 2020, Morocco and the US signed military agreements. Those allowed for Morocco to obtain armaments from the US, but furthermore provided for the US to assist Morocco in the development of a local weapons industry. The US carried out the same procedure in Israel in the 1970s, and was a major spur to the creation of a local defense-industrial base. Furthermore, the US will shift one of its bases from Germany to Morocco.

This, too, is a vast departure from Morocco’s traditional stance of non-alignment, in which the last US military base there was officially closed in 1963, amidst the ambient atmospheric pressure from world-wide popular-nationalist and anti-colonial movements.

In “exchange” for the normalization deals, the US gave its blessing to the Moroccan “annexation” of the occupied Western Sahara, another centerpiece of the aggression of the Moroccan regime. Morocco continues continues to detain at least 23 Sahrawi strugglers in its attempt to quell their liberation struggle.

Such shifts are of a piece with the ugly face Morocco shows internally. Since 2011, the accusation, “attacking the security of the state” has become ever-more-common. Over the past years, amidst a massive social movement called the Hirak du Rif, the Moroccan state has detained journalists Omar Radi and Soulaimane Raissouni, and the university professor Maati Monjib, who recently entered in a hunger strike. The 23 detainees of the Rif movement are joined by those from Beni Tajit and the Jerrada miners’ struggle. In the words of Monjib, a distinguished historian and one of the most outspoken opponents of the Moroccan regime and defender of human rights, “it is the political police who rule Morocco.” His detention comes amidst politically-impelled accusations of money laundering.

Before Monjib’s arrest, he gave an interview to L’Humanite and Mediapart about the political repression targeting his work to form an association of investigative journalists. He highlighted the role of defamation and slander for an assortment of bogus criminal allegations – alongside political imprisonment – in an attempt to suppress popular movements as well as the corruption that benefits those willing to side unreservedly with the monarchy and its alliance with imperialism. “Those who constitute this regime use their political power to enrich themselves in a reckless way. In Morocco, great fortunes are increasing visibly. There is also this very sophisticated way of digesting the elite, the political parties, their apparatuses, their personnel. The intelligence services have files on all public figures. The slightest dissension exposes you, on the spot, to defamation. Even pro-regime ministers at the highest level are sometimes vilified. Anyone who steps aside is exposed to the wrath of the Palace and denigration of the libel media. It is a regime based on political cynicism and calumny.”

The Moroccan client state is as keen to maintain ironclad monarchical-capitalist control internally as it is to support the reactionary-capitalist-colonial international order. Escalating internal and external repression show as clear as day that the reactionary capitalist monarchies in the region are the enemy of Palestinians and the Arab peoples more broadly, and making it imperative to support struggles against their international repression as part of the broader project of uprooting imperialism and Arab reaction from the region.


The “normalization” project being promoted by the United States and its partners, particularly reactionary Arab regimes, is an attempt to legitimize the illegitimate: the theft of Palestinian land and the expulsion of the Palestinian people at the hands of reactionary regimes in league with imperialism. Standing with the Palestinian prisoners is part and parcel of confronting normalization, and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is part of the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine’s call to action against normalization for 2021. We invite all supporters of Palestinian liberation to join us in the campaign against normalization – and for liberation from Zionism, imperialism and reactionary regimes!