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8 November, NYC: Palestine Beyond the Law

Friday, 8 November
1:00 pm
CUNY School of Law
2 Court Square
Long Island City NY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/569867533760624/

Join CUNY Law SJP on Friday, November 8th for a discussion featuring lawyers and activists Lamis Deek and Huwaida Arraf, and CUNY law student Nerdeen Kiswani, on movement lawyering in the context of the Palestine movement. Our panelists will explore the state of the national movement in Palestine, civil liberty violations and challenges faced by Palestinians, and the legal challenges on an international, domestic, and local scale. Tarek Ismail will be moderating.

Lamis Deek is an attorney and human rights advocate specializing in defending Arab and Muslim community members, activists, and organizers against U.S. government attacks. She’s chief counsel to the Global Justice and Human Rights Law Network, the founder of the Muslim Defense Project of the National Lawyers Guild, and part of the growing international legal movement for war crimes prosecution in the Middle East and North Africa.

Huwaida Arraf is a Palestinian American attorney and human rights activist. In 2001, she co-founded the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a Palestinian-led nonviolent resistance movement, which has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. She was one of the primary organizers of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and was traveling with it when it was lethally attacked by Israeli forces on May 31, 2010.

Nerdeen Kiswani, a first-year CUNY Law student, is a Palestinian organizer from NYC. She’s a founder and chair of Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine, a Palestinian led community-based organization.

Co-Sponsors for this event include: MLSA, LALSA, APALSA, ILS, NLG, IALA, OUTLAWS, Dilley Delegation, HALT

Berlin protest stands in solidarity with Palestinian women prisoners in Israeli jails

Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva

The following report is reprinted from BDS Berlin: http://bdsberlin.org/2019/11/01/solidaritaet-mit-den-gefangenen-palaestinenischen-frauen/

(German below)

Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva

In solidarity with Palestinian women incarcerated in Israeli jails, who are subjected to the most brutal forms of violence and repression, and in struggle for their liberation and the liberation of Hiba Al-Labadi who has been on hunger strike for over 37 days, numerous supporters in Berlin followed the call of Palästina Spricht/Palestine Speaks and Tal3at and joined the yesterday’s demonstrations organised throughout Palestine and beyond, in Ramallah, Haifa, Jerusalem, Yaffa, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Rafah (Gaza), Berlin and London.

Activists organized protests in several locations in support of the administrative detainee Heba Al-Labadi, 24, who was detained on August 20th. Under administrative detention law, Israeli authorities can hold Palestinians without charge or trial based on “secret information”. Photos are from Haifa, Ramallah, Jaffa and Jerusalem by: Activestills.

Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva


Heba, a Palestinian with Jordanian citizenship, was detained as she and her mother attempted to cross the bridge to Palestine to attend a wedding in Nablus. The mobilizations also came on the same day that internationally well-known Palestinian feminist, leftist and parliamentarian Khalida Jarrar was seized by Israeli occupation forces in an armed raid on her Ramallah home. Jarrar was released only eight months prior from 20 months held without charge or trial under administrative detention. Samidoun is calling for days of action between 8 and 11 November to free Khalida Jarrar, Heba al-Labadi, Samer Arbeed and all Palestinian prisoners.

Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva


In Solidarität mit den palästinensischen Frauen, die in israelischen Gefängnissen inhaftiert sind, dort brutalsten Formen von Gewalt und Unterdrückung ausgesetzt sind, und im Kampf für ihre Befreiung und die Befreiung von Hiba Al-Labadi, die sich seit mehr als 37 Tagen im Hungerstreik befindet, sind in Berlin zahlreiche Unterstützer*innen dem Aufruf von Palästina Spricht/Palestine Speaks  und Tal3at  gefolgt und haben sich gestern Abend auf dem Hermannplatz den Demonstrationen angeschlossen, die in ganz Palästina und darüber hinaus, in Ramallah, Haifa, Jerusalem, Yaffa, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Rafah (Gaza), Berlin und London organisiert worden sind.

Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva
Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva
Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva
Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva
Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva
Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva
Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva
Photos by Magdalena Stefanova Vassileva


Call to Action Nov. 8-11: Free Khalida Jarrar, Heba al-Labadi, Samer Arbeed and all Palestinian prisoners!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of justice in Palestine to hold events, actions, info tables, demonstrations, postering campaigns and mobilizations on 8 through 11 November to demand freedom for Palestinian political prisoners struggling for freedom – and their very lives – in Israeli occupation prisons.

Khalida Jarrar, leading Palestinian feminist, leftist and parliamentarian, was seized in the pre-dawn hours of 31 October 2019 by Israeli occupation forces. The heavily armed force invaded her home with over a dozen military vehicles and 80 soldiers only eight months after she was last released from Israeli prison. She had been jailed there for 20 months with no charge and no trial under administrative detention. During Khalida’s imprisonment, over 275 organizations around the world joined the call for her freedom, and protests and mobilizations around the world highlighted her case. It is time to act again and demand Khalida’s immediate release!

Heba al-Labadi is a 24-year-old Palestinian with Jordanian citizenship. She has been on hunger strike since 24 September 2019 against her administrative detention – imprisonment without charge or trial. She is one of 425 Palestinians detained without charge or trial, many of whom spend years at a time jailed under indefinitely renewed administrative detention orders. There are over 5,500 Palestinians imprisoned in total by the Israeli occupation. Heba al-Labadi launched her hunger strike after five weeks of harsh interrogation involving techniques amounting to torture, including sleep deprivation, threats against her family, verbal abuse and sleep deprivation. Heba has been jailed by the Israeli occupation since 20 August, when she entered Palestine with her mother to attend a wedding in Nablus.

Samer Arbeed is being held in Hadassah hospital after severe Israeli torture under interrogation and brutal beatings that caused him to lose consciousness for weeks. He has been shackled to his bed and even tear-gassed in his hospital room by Israeli forces despite the fact that he has 11 broken ribs and pneumonia as well as kidney dysfunction so severe he now requires dialysis. He suffered from none of these medical conditions prior to being seized by Israeli occupation forces on 25 September, although his wife witnessed occupation soldiers begin to beat him immediately upon arresting him. He has been banned from lawyers’ visits and his lawyers were not informed that he was tear-gassed; in a medical report delivered by the intensive care unit at the hospital, it was noted that Samer’s lung health has further deteriorated due to contamination in his ventilation apparatus. He is being subjected to continuous interrogation even as he remains in his hospital room due to Israeli torture.

Khalida, Heba and Sameer have all, independently of one another, organized and spoken out for Palestinian prisoners. Khalida is one of the most prominent international advocates for Palestinian prisoners and their rights and the former vice-chair of the board of directors of Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association. Heba has written and campaigned about Palestinian political prisoners and urged their freedom, including that of Georges Abdallah, jailed in France for 35 years. Samer Arbeed volunteered and worked for organizations demanding freedom for prisoners – and has been previously targeted for his work.

On Friday, 8 November through Monday, 11 November, speak out for Khalida, Heba, Samer and all of the thousands of Palestinians held behind bars. Torture, arbitrary detention and abuse are taking place in full view of the world and we must speak out to stand with these Palestinians demanding their most fundamental rights. Free all Palestinian prisoners! Freedom for Palestine!

1) Organize or join an event or protest for the Palestinian prisoners. You can organize an info table, rally, solidarity hunger strike, protest or action to support the prisoners. If you are already holding an event about Palestine or social justice, include solidarity with the prisoners as part of your action. Send your events and reports to samidoun@samidoun.net.

2) Write letters and make phone calls to protest the violation of Palestinian prisoners’ rights. Demand your government take action to stop supporting Israeli occupation or to pressure the Israeli state to end the policies of repression of Palestinian political prisoners. In particular, demand that your political officials put pressure on Israel to end the policy of administrative detention, the imprisonment of Palestinians without charge or trial.

Call during your country’s regular office hours:

• Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Marise Payne: + 61 2 6277 7500
• Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland: +1-613-992-5234
• European Union Commissioner Federica Mogherini: +32 (0) 2 29 53516
• New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters: +64 4 439 8000
• United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt: +44 20 7008 1500
• United States President Donald Trump: 1-202-456-1111

3) Boycott, Divest and Sanction. Join the BDS campaign to highlight the complicity of corporations like Hewlett-Packard and the continuing involvement of G4S in Israeli policing and prisons. Build a campaign to boycott Israeli goods, impose a military embargo on Israel, or organize around the academic and cultural boycott of Israel. Learn more about the BDS campaign at bdsmovement.net.

Let us know about your events. Contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net or inform us on Facebook.

31 October, Berlin: For Palestinian Political Prisoners #Tal3at in Berlin

Thursday, 31 October
7:00 pm
Berlin, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1405031486320637/

For Palestinian political prisoners #Tal3at #PalästinaSpricht

In solidarity with Palestinian women incarcerated in Israel’s colonial jails, who are subjected to the most brutal forms of violence and repression, and in struggle for their liberation and the liberation of Hiba Al-Labadi who has been on hunger strike for over 37 days, we call on you to join the demonstrations organized across Palestine on Thursday 31/10/2019 in Ramallah, Haifa, Jerusalem, Yaffa, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Rafah (Gaza), Berlin and London.

We also urge our Palestinian communities across Palestine and in the diaspora to join us in action by organizing demonstrations, actions and rallies.

The liberation of Palestinian political prisoners is central to our national liberation movement and our struggle against all forms of violence and dispossession.

No Free Nation Without Free Women!

For more information on the conditions of Palestinian political prisoners see here: http://www.addameer.org/

For a detailed account of Hiba Al-Labadi’s case see here: http://www.palestinechronicle.com/palestinian-jordanian-hunger-striker-moved-to-hospital/

للأسيرات طالعات

دعمًا واسنادًا لأسيراتنا واسرانا في سجون الاحتلال، واللواتي يواجهن اقسى انواع القمع والتعنيف، ومن اجل حريتهن وحرية الاسيرة هبة اللبدي المضربة عن الطعام منذ 35 يوم والتي تقبع في المستشفى جراء تدهور خطير في صحتها.

ندعوكن في حراك #طالعات وتحالف فلسطين بتحكي للانضمام الى الوقفات المعلنة يوم الخميس الموافق 31/10/2019 في كل من حيفا ورام الله والقدس وبيت لحم وبرلين ولندن.

كما وندعو مناطق اخرى للانضمام وتنظيم وقفات في البلدات المختلفة داخل وخارج فلسطين، كي نؤكد معًا ان تحرر الاسيرات هو جزء اساسي من تحررنا الوطني وانعتاقنا من جميع انواع القمع والتعنيف.

فلنصرخ معًا من اجل الحرية ولنحطم معًا قيد المُستعمِر
لا وجود لوطن حر الّا بنساءٍ حرّة

Breaking news: Israeli occupation forces arrest Khalida Jarrar, Palestinian leftist, feminist parliamentarian

In the early dawn hours of Thursday, 31 October, Israeli occupation forces stormed the Ramallah home of Palestinian leftist and feminist leader and internationally-known parliamentarian, Khalida Jarrar. They seized Jarrar from her family home at 3 a.m. Jerusalem time, with over 70 soldiers and 12 military vehicles armed for the forcible invasion, as reported by her daughter Yafa on Facebook:

The arrest comes just eight months after Jarrar was last released from Israeli imprisonment after spending 20 months jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. Administrative detention orders can be issued for up to six months at a time, and they are indefinitely renewable. Palestinians like Jarrar have spent years at a time jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention.

Within the Israeli occupation prisons, she played a leading role in supporting the education of the minor girls held there, organizing classes on human rights and in review for mandatory high school examinations when the prison authority denied the girls a teacher.

Over 275 organizations, political parties and social movements around the world joined in a collective call for her release.

This was not the only time that Jarrar was imprisoned by the Israeli occupation; her arrest in 2017 came only 13 months after she was released from Israeli prison after serving a 15-month sentence for her public political activity. After being arrested in 2015, she was ordered to administrative detention; in response to public outrage, she was transferred to the military courts for a bogus trial. During this most recent 20 months in prison, she remained jailed with no charges and no trial the entire time.

Jarrar is a longtime advocate for the freedom of Palestinian prisoners and has served as the former Vice-Chair and Executive Director of Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association. A member of the Palestinian Legislative Council elected as part of the leftist Abu Ali Mustafa Bloc, associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, she chaired the PLC’s Prisoners Committee.

She is also an outspoken leader in the fight to hold Israeli officials accountable for war crimes in the International Criminal Court. She is a member of a Palestinian commission charged with bringing complaints and files before the international court about ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, from attacks on Gaza to land confiscation and settlement construction to mass arrests and imprisonment.

In 2014, she resisted – and defeated – an Israeli attempt to forcibly displace her from her family home in el-Bireh to Jericho. Only nine months later, in April 2015, she was seized by Israeli occupation forces and ordered to administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. After a global outcry, she was brought before Israeli military courts and faced 12 charges based on her political activity, from giving speeches to attending events in support of Palestinian prisoners.

After she was released in June 2016, she resumed her leading role in the Palestinian liberation movement, only to be seized once more on 2 July 2017 and once again thrown in prison with no charges and no trial.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges international mobilization and action to demand the immediate release of Khalida Jarrar. This arrest comes amid multiple hunger strikes, including a hunger strike of over a month carried out by Heba al-Labadi, and the severe torture of Samer Arbeed. It is yet another attempt by the Israeli occupation to attack Palestinian popular movements – and campaigns to defend Palestinian prisoners – and suppress them through fear, arrests and intimidation carried out by a massively armed occupation force.

It is urgent that we intensify our solidarity to demand the freedom of Khalida Jarrar, Heba al-Labadi and all of the thousands of Palestinian prisoners behind bars in Israeli occupation prisons, including building the movement to boycott Israel on an international level. 

Take action: Tell Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Tulsi Gabbard to demand Israel free Heba Al-Labadi

Sign an urgent petition calling on progressive U.S. presidential candidates to speak out for Heba Al-Labadi, now hospitalized on the 36th day of an open hunger strike against her “administrative detention,” imprisonment by Israel without charge or trial.


Then comment on the petition – your statements will go to each of their Congressional offices and presidential campaigns – and ask your friends to join you through the buttons on the site or links from Samidoun’s Facebook page and Twitter account.

29 October, Den Haag: Freedom for Georges Abdallah!

Tuesday, 29 October
2:30 pm
French embassy to the Netherlands
Anna Paulownastraat 76
Den Haag, the Netherlands
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2325571137696145/

On Tuesday, 29 October, Samidoun will demonstrate at the French embassy to the Netherlands for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. A Lebanese freedom fighter for Palestine, Georges Abdallah has been imprisoned in France for 35 years. Under French law, he has been eligible for release. However, he remains locked up to this day with interference from the US, the highest levels of the French govrernment and others.

Op dinsdag 29 oktober demonstreert Samidoun Nederland bij de Franse ambassade voor de vrijlating van Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. Georges Abdallah is een Libanese vrijheidsstrijder voor Palestina. Hij zit al 35 gevangen in Frankrijk. Sinds 1999 moet hij volgens de Franse wet en rechters worden vrijgelaten. Onder druk van o.a. de VS en de Franse regering blijft hij echter opgesloten tot op de dag van vandaag.

Georges Abdallah was betrokken bij het verzet tegen de Israëlische aanval op Libanon begin jaren tachtig. Daarna zette hij zijn verzet door in Europa, samen met Libanese, Palestijnse, Latijns-Amerikaanse en Europese kameraden. Uiteindelijk werd Georges in 1984 opgepakt vanwege het bezitten van valse papieren. Zijn proces staat sindsdien vol met fouten en mensenrechtenschendingen (zo bleek Georges’ advocaat een informant te zijn). Hoewel Georges al sinds 1999 in aanmerking komt voor vrijlating, en verschillende rechters dit hebben bevestigd, zit hij nog steeds gevangen.

Georges Abdallah is tijdens zijn gevangenschap altijd blijven strijden. Zijn standvastigheid is de reden dat Hillary Clinton’s kantoor in 2013 reageerde op een rechtelijke uitspraak die Georges’ vrijlating bepleitte: “we hope French officials might find another [non-legal] basis to challenge the decision’s legality.”

Inmiddels is Georges Abdallah een internationaal symbool van de revolutionaire bevrijdingsstrijd. Alle politieke gevangenen in Griekenland en de Filipijnen kennen Georges. In Libanon en Palestina scanderen duizenden mensen “vrijheid voor Georges Abdallah!”

Op 29 oktober laten we onze stem en die van Georges horen bij de Franse ambassade in Den Haag. We zullen een statement maken richting de Franse vertegenwoordigers: vrijheid voor Georges Abdallah!

Dinsdag 29 oktober, 14:30-15:30u
Franse ambassade, Anna Paulownastraat 76, Den Haag
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Wat kun jij doen voor Georges Abdallah?

Sluit je op 29 oktober aan bij het protest voor de Franse ambassade in Den Haag. Daar roepen we de Franse vertegenwoordiging op om Georges Abdallah onmiddellijk vrij te laten.

Contacteer de Franse ambassadeur en roep hen op Georges Abdallah vrij te laten. Telefoon ambassadeur in Den Haag: 070-3125800. Telefoon consulaat in Amsterdam: 020-5306969.

Organiseer een evenement of briefschrijfavond ter ondersteuning van Georges. Dit kan op school, in de universiteit, met je vereniging of bij iemand thuis. Vermeldt op je brief: “Mr. Georges Ibrahim ABDALLAH, 2388/A221, CP de Lannemezan, 204 rue des Saligues, BP 70166, 65307 LANNEMEZAN, France.”

Wil je meer informatie of samenwerken met Samidoun? We komen graag in contact! Stuur ons een bericht op Facebook of mail naar samidoun@protonmail.com

26 October, Berlin: Boycott Puma! Demonstration at Hackeschen Markt

Saturday, 26 October
1:00 pm
PUMA Concept Store
Hackescher Markt
Berlin, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/978845872492326/

BDS Berlin calls for a rally in front of the PUMA Concept Store at Hackescher Markt at Rosenthaler Str. 40/41 in 10178 Berlin on Saturday, October 26, 2019 at 13:00.


More than 200 Palestinian football teams have called on PUMA to end sponsorship of the Israel Football Association (IFA) due to its support for Israeli war crimes. The IFA includes football teams that are based in illegal settlements and host matches on land stolen from Palestinians.


Israel’s settlements contribute to serious human rights abuses and are a direct cause for restrictions on Palestinian freedom of movement, access to natural resources, and ability to build homes and conduct business.


By sponsoring the Israel Football Association (IFA), Puma is endorsing the continued ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Israel uses sport to whitewash its crimes and normalise the status of illegal settlements.

As the main international sponsor of the IFA, Puma is lending its brand to cover up and sportwash Israel’s human rights abuses, including against Palestinian footballers.

Until they end their sponsorship of the IFA, join us in boycotting Puma and calling on Puma-sponsored teams to drop Puma.

BDS Berlin ruft auf zur Kundgebung vor dem PUMA Concept Store am Hackeschen Markt in der Rosenthaler Str. 40/41 in 10178 Berlin am Samstag, den 26. Oktober 2019 um 13:00 Uhr.

Mehr als 200 palästinensische Fußballmannschaften haben PUMA aufgefordert, sein Sponsoring des Israelischen Fußballverbandes (IFA) aufgrund seiner Unterstützung für israelische Kriegsverbrechen einzustellen. Im IFA sind Fußballmannschaften, die in illegalen Siedlungen ansässig sind und Spiele auf von Palästinenser*innen gestohlenem Land ausrichten.


Israels Siedlungen tragen zu schweren Menschenrechts-verletzungen bei und sind eine unmittelbare Ursache für Einschränkungen der Bewegungsfreiheit der Palästinenser*innen, des Zugangs zu natürlichen Ressourcen und der Möglichkeit Häuser zu bauen und Geschäfte zu tätigen.


Mit dem Sponsoring des Israelischen Fußballverbandes (IFA) billigt PUMA die anhaltende ethnische Säuberung der Palästinenser*innen. Israel nutzt den Sport, um seine Verbrechen zu übertünchen und den Status illegaler Siedlungen zu normalisieren.

Als internationaler Hauptsponsor der IFA stellt PUMA seine Marke zur Verfügung, um die israelischen Menschenrechtsverletzungen, auch gegen palästinensische Fußballspieler*innen, zu vertuschen und zu verschleiern.

Macht mit, boykottiert PUMA und ruft von PUMA gesponsorte Mannschaften auf, PUMA fallen zu lassen bis das Unternehmen sein Sponsoring des IFA beendet. #BoycottPUMA

26 October, Montreal: Rally for the liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

Saturday, 26 October
2:00 pm
Consulate General of France in Montreal
1501 avenue McGill College
Montreal, QC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1119565334910752/

We are responding to the international call for a month of action for the freedom of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, a Lebanese communist struggler for the Palestinian cause imprisoned in France since 1984. We are calling for mobilization of all progresive organizations that support Palestiniana and Lebanese Communists to gather at the Consulate General of France in Montreal to demand the liberation of cur comrade.

***Nous répondons à l’appel international d’un mois d’agitation pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah***

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah est un communiste libanais et militant de la cause palestinienne détenu en France depuis 1984.

Il fut arrêté par les autorités françaises avec l’aide du Mossad et condamné à perpétuité pour avoir héroïquement résisté à l’invasion israélienne lors de la 1ère phase de la guerre du Liban. L’armée sioniste, en complicité avec les États occidentaux et les milices fascistes locales, tente d’anéantir les bases de la résistance palestinienne au Liban et organise un véritable massacre de la population civile. C’est dans ce contexte que Georges Abdallah s’engage au sein du Front populaire de libération de la Palestine (FPLP), puis des Fractions révolutionnaires armées libanaises (FARL) afin de combattre l’agression impérialiste.

Cette année marquera sa 36e année de détention alors qu’il est légalement libérable depuis 1999, la perpétuité étant de 15 ans en France. Il a donc purgé l’entièreté de sa peine, mais l’État français s’obstine à lui refuser son droit en raison des pressions directes des États-Unis et d’Israël. Cette situation est intolérable.

Par conséquent, nous appelons à une mobilisation de toutes les forces réellement progressistes ainsi que les communautés libanaises et palestiniennes devant le Consulat général de France à Montréal afin d’exiger la libération de notre camarade!

Contre l’impérialisme et le sionisme! Vive la lutte de libération des peuples! Vive la solidarité internationale! Liberté pour Georges Ibrahim Abdallah!

-Jeunes Socialistes pour le Pouvoir Populaire (JSPP)
-Secours Rouge Canada (SRC)

26 October, Lille: Unified demonstration to free Georges Abdallah!

Saturday, 26 October
2:30 pm
Place Charles de Gaulle Lille
Lille, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1478266752322135/

On Saturday, 26 October, we will rally for freedom for Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. This demonstration is called by: Solidarité Georges Abdallah Lille, Comité Libérez- les ! 59/62, CNT, PRCF, MJCF Nord, NPA, Collectif bassin minier pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Solidaires, CSP59, LDH, Coordination communiste 59/62, Front Uni des immigrations et des quartiers populaires (FUIQP), Action Antifasciste NP2C, MRAP, Collectif de soutien à la résistance palestinienne (CSRP59), Capjpo/europalestine, AFPS 59/62, Secours rouge Belgique, Secours rouge Lille, PCF Lille, Collectif Afrique, Christian Champiré, maire de Grenay 62, Section PCF de Grenay, UCL Lille, Collectif Selom et Matisse.

On 24 October 2019, Georges Abdallah will begin his 36th year in French prison, making him the longest-held political prisoner in Europe.

Ce samedi 26 octobre rassemblons nous à 14h30, Grand Place, pour exiger la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

Manifestation appelée par : Solidarité Georges Abdallah Lille, Comité Libérez- les ! 59/62, CNT, PRCF, MJCF Nord, NPA, Collectif bassin minier pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Solidaires, CSP59, LDH, Coordination communiste 59/62, Front Uni des immigrations et des quartiers populaires (FUIQP), Action Antifasciste NP2C, MRAP, Collectif de soutien à la résistance palestinienne (CSRP59), Capjpo/europalestine, AFPS 59/62, Secours rouge Belgique, Secours rouge Lille, PCF Lille, Collectif Afrique, Christian Champiré, maire de Grenay 62, Section PCF de Grenay, UCL Lille, Collectif Selom et Matisse.

Au début des années 1980 à l’heure où le Liban est attaqué une nouvelle fois par l’armée israélienne, Georges Abdallah, militant communiste, anti-impérialiste et de la cause palestinienne,
résiste à l’agression. Avec les Fractions armées révolutionnaires libanaises (FARL), il mène le combat en Europe au cœur des puissances occidentales alliées d’Israël. Arrêté à Lyon le 24 octobre 1984, il est condamné en 1987, à l’issue d’un procès, sous pression, à la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité pour complicité dans l’exécution en 1982, d’un agent du Mossad
israélien et d’un autre de la CIA, tous deux membres des services secrets des deux pays impliqués dans les attaques contre les peuples libanais et palestinien. La même année, des centaines de civils palestiniens sont assassinés dans les camps de réfugiés de Sabra et Chatila à Beyrouth-Ouest par les milices chrétiennes libanaises, avec la complicité d’Israël et de l’Occident. En toute impunité ! Georges Abdallah, 68 ans, est libérable depuis 1999. Par deux fois, en 2003 et en 2012, la justice française ordonne sa libération. Par deux fois, le gouvernement intervient pour l’empêcher. Ainsi en janvier 2013, Manuel Valls, alors ministre de l’Intérieur, refuse de signer le décret d’expulsion vers le Liban imposé par les juges comme préalable à sa libération.

Georges Abdallah commence le 24 octobre 2019 sa 36e année de prison ! Cet acharnement en fait le plus ancien prisonnier politique en Europe.

Incarcéré à Lannemezan dans les Pyrénées, Georges Abdallah a toujours apporté son soutien au peuple palestinien. Il n’a jamais renié son engagement au service de la résistance palestinienne :
« Camarades, la Palestine, ces jours-ci, compte au quotidien son quota de jeunes martyrs. La Résistance continue, et certainement elle continuera aussi longtemps que l’occupation durera. Tout naturellement les masses populaires palestiniennes peuvent compter plus que jamais sur votre solidarité active. » Georges Abdallah ;18 mars 2017.

OUI l’acharnement à maintenir emprisonné Georges Abdallah relève donc bien d’une logique politique et non pas judiciaire. Cette justice serait-elle soumise au pouvoir politique, lui-même sous influence d’Israël et des États-Unis d’Amérique ?
C’est au nom de ces idées d’émancipation que Georges Abdallah s’est engagé dans la lutte. Il a toujours refusé de se dissocier de cet engagement commencé il y a 40 ans. Résister toujours résister, y compris en tant que prisonnier politique, comme il l’a déclaré en septembre 2019 à un journaliste (l’Humanité 9 septembre 2019) : « On ne peut résister en prison qu’en inscrivant notre quotidien dans les luttes et les mouvements du monde »

Les autorités du Liban demandent au gouvernement français la libération de Georges Abdallah pour qu’il puisse rentrer dans son pays où il est attendu.

Nous, signataires, exigeons la libération immédiate et inconditionnelle de Georges Abdallah, pour cela nous appelons chacun à se joindre à nous :

MANIFESTONS le samedi 26 Octobre 2019 à 14h30
Place du Général De Gaulle – Lille (métro Rihour)