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13 July, Hamburg: Against home raids, repression and political trials!

Saturday, 13 July
3:00 pm
Große Bergstraße in Altona
(near Ikea)
Hamburg, Germany
More information: https://nopasaranhamburg.com/2019/07/09/gegen-hausdurchsuchungen-redeverbote-und-politische-prozesse-solidaritaet-schlaegt-repression/

On July 22, Palestinian writer and activist Khaled Barakat received a political ban from the Berlin immigration authorities forbidding him from appearing at political events and a threat that his residence permit would not be extended. The latter was confirmed in the meantime, he received a request to leave Germany within a time limit. The FRG is trying to punish and stop his commitment to the freedom of Palestine and the BDS campaign and to intimidate other activists.

Not one week later, on 26 June, the cops entered the homes of nine members of the former Jugendwiderstand organization, searched them and seized computers and cell phones, among other things. The reasons given were: an attack on participants of the fascist Rudolf Hess commemoration march in 2017 and arguments with anti-Germans who tried to disrupt an event with Manal Tamimi. It seeks to criminalize anti-fascism and, as in the case Khaled Barakat, the support of the Palestinian liberation movement. It also intends to pressure youth activists and spy on them (by confiscating cell phones and computers).

One day later, Erdal Gökoglu was sentenced to five years in prison for alleged DHKP-C membership. It was a show trial, in which the verdict was already fixed in advance and which served only to intimidate, delegitimize and defame the resistance. There were no specific crimes, and yet the Senate went beyond the demands of the prosecutor for more than a year – after two years of isolation torture and denial of decent medical treatment in custody.

These are but a few examples of such repression that take place massively whenever German imperialism sees its interests threatened. We continue to fight and show solidarity. Whether house searches, political bans or political trials and detention: individuals are hit directly – but they target all of us who offer political resistance!

Solidarity beats repression – come to the rally on July 13!

Raise up international solidarity!

No pasarán!

Am 22. Juli erhielt der Palästinensische Schriftsteller und Aktivist Khaled Barakat von der Berliner Ausländerbehörde ein Verbot, auf politischen Veranstaltungen aufzutreten und die Drohung, dass seine Aufenthaltsgenehmingung nicht verlängert würde. Letzteres bestätigte sich inzwischen, er erhielt die Aufforderung, binnen einer Frist Deutschland zu verlassen. Die BRD versucht so, sein Engagement für die Freiheit Palästinas und die BDS- Kampagne zu bestrafen und zu unterbinden und weitere Aktivisten einzuschüchtern.

Nicht eine Woche später, am 26. Juni, drangen die Bullen in die Wohnungen von neun Genossen der ehemaligen Gruppe Jugendwiderstand ein, durchsuchten sie und beschlagnahmten u.a. Computer und Handys. Als Gründe wurden genannt: ein Angriff auf Teilnehmer des faschistischen Rudolf- Heß- Gedenkmarsches 2017 und Auseinandersetzungen mit Antideutschen, die versuchten, eine Veranstaltung mit Manal Tamimi zu stören. Hier wird versucht, Antifaschismus und – wie auch bei Khaled Barakat – die Unterstützung der palästinensischen Befreiungsbewegung zu kriminalisieren und die Aktivisten des Jugendwiderstand unter Druck zu setzen und (durch Beschlagnahmung von Handys und Computern) auszuspionieren.

Einen Tag später wurde Erdal Gökoglu wegen vermeintlicher DHKP-C- Mitgliedschaft zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt. Es handelte sich um einen Schauprozess, bei dem das Urteil schon im vorhinein feststand und der nur zur Einschüchterung, Delegitimierung und Diffamierung des Widerstandes diente. Es gab keine konkreten Straftaten und trotzdem ging der Senat mehr als ein Jahr über die Forderungen der Staatsanwaltschaft hinaus – nach zwei Jahren Isolationsfolter und Verweigerung anständiger medizinischer Behandlung in der Untersuchungshaft.

Dies sind nur wenige Beispiele solcher Repressionen, die immer dann massiv stattfinden, wenn der deutsche Imperialismus seine Interessen bedroht sieht. Wir führen die Kämpfe weiter und zeigen uns solidarisch!Ob Hausdurchsuchungen, Redeverbote oder Politische Prozesse und Haft: es trifft einzelne – aber es zielt auf uns alle, die politischen Widerstand leisten!

Solidarität schlägt Repression – kommt zur Kundgebung am 13. Juli!

Hoch die internationale Solidarität!

No pasarán!

12 July, Saida: Solidarity meeting with Georges Abdallah w/Collectif Palestine Vaincra

Friday, 12 July
7:00 pm
Marouf Saad Cultural Center
Saida, Lebanon
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2028581407247719/

The National Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah is organizing a solidarity event with Georges Abdallah, imprisoned in France for the past 35 years. The program includes:

Art and cultural presentations
Speech of parliamentarian, Dr. Osama Saad
Speech of Palestinian resistance struggler, Leila Khaled
Speech of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra
Speech by Dr. Robert Abdallah, spokesperson of the Campaign

تدعوكم الحملة الوطنية لتحرير الأسير جورج عبدالله ب 12 تموز إلى لقاء تضامني مع الأسير جورج عبدالله في مركز الشهيد معروف سعد الثقافي في صيدا الساعة السابعة مساءً.
– تحية فنية
– كلمة النائب الد. أسامة سعد
– كلمة المناضلة ليلى خالد
– كلمة Palestine vaincra
– كلمة الحملة الوطنية يلقيها الد. روبير عبدالله

18 July, NYC: Straight Outta Palestine with Janna Jihad and Marc Lamont Hill

Thursday, 18 July
7:00 pm
Pearl Studios
500 8th Ave
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/318835472353814/

Existence is Resistance and Within our Lifetime • United for Palestine 2 Suns Shamsaan present: Straight Outta Palestine.
The worlds youngest recognized journalist and press card holder, Janna Jihad will be joining us along with Marc Lamont Hill for an evening of conversation about growing up under occupation and youth resistance.
Janna will talk about life in Nabi Saleh, a village in the West Bank, Palestine. She is the cousin of Ahed Tamimi who was arrested at the age of 16. She began reporting on the occupation when she was seven years old after two of her family members were murdered by Israel.

$20 suggested donation – no-one will be turned away!

11 July, North Bergen, NJ: An Evening with Janna Jihad

Thursday, 11 July
7:00 pm
American Muslims for Palestine-NJ
9020-28 Palisade Plaza
North Bergen, NJ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/445389859376413/

Join the AMP – NJ Chapter for an evening with journalist Janna Jihad to discuss the ongoing situation facing the Palestinians in the West Bank and her journalistic work.

Janna, from the village of Nabi Saleh, began recording her interactions and experiences with the Israeli Occupation Forces approximately 6 years ago at the age of 7. Her goal as a journalist is to share her message with the world, in hopes of bringing attention to the struggle.

This event is one for the whole family, but AMP – NJ encourages the youth and younger generations to connect with Janna. Work for Palestine in the United States is incomplete without a connection to our family on the ground in Palestine!

Palestinian woman detained without charge or trial joins six more on hunger strike for freedom

As Palestinian prisoner Fidaa Damas launched her open hunger strike, the number of Palestinian prisoners continuing their hunger strike against Israeli imprisonment without charge or trial reached seven: Jafar Ezzedine, Ihsan Othman, Ahmad Zahran, Mohammed Abu Aker, Mustafa al-Hassanat, Huzaifa Halabiya Bader and Fidaa Damas. Damas, 25 and a student at Al-Quds Open University, is currently the only Palestinian female prisoner held in administrative detention of approximately 50 Palestinian women prisoners. From Beit Ummar near al-Khalil, she has been jailed since May 2018.

Fidaa Damas.

Jafar Ezzedine, 48, has been on hunger strike since 16 June, when he was scheduled to be released from a five-month sentence in Israeli prison. Instead of returning to his waiting family in Jenin, he was instead ordered to three months in administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. Ezzedine is a veteran of administrative detention and has carried out four previous hunger strikes in the past against his imprisonment on the basis of secret evidence. Reports indicate that his health is deteriorating and he is experiencing serious pain. In retaliation for his protest, he has been thrown into solitary confinement and bared from family visits or the “canteen” (prison store.) He has also reported frequent night invasions by guards searching his room, depriving him of sleep.

Jafar Ezzedine. Photo: alasra.ps

Ihsan Othman, 21, a student at al-Quds University, has also been on hunger strike since 16 June. He was transferred to a hospital after the deterioration of his own health; he has been on hunger strike against his imprisonment without charge or trial. He has been jailed since 12 September 2018; when held in administrative detention in the past, he participated in the Karameh hunger strike of 2017.

Ihsan Othman

Ahmad Zahran, 42, of Deir Abu Mashal near Ramallah has been on hunger strike since 20 June, protesting his administrative detention. He was previously imprisoned for 15 years in Israeli jails. His strike prompted his comrades also held in administrative detention, Mohammed Abu Aker, 24, Mustafa Hassanat, 21, and Huzaifa Halabiya, 28, to launch their own hunger strike on 1 July. All three were transferred on Sunday, 7 July from the Negev desert prison to solitary confinement in retaliation for their hunger strike. Their mattresses are confiscated every day from 6 am to 7 pm in order to prevent them from resting, despite the fact that they are experiencing extreme fatigue as a result of the strike.

Palestinian prisoner jailed without charge on hunger strike, Mustafa Hasanat

Abu Aker and Hassanat are both from Dheisheh refugee camp, where they are leading activists and community organizers. Halabiya is from Abu Dis, Jerusalem; he suffers from serious health problems as he was injured as a child, has burns over a significant percentage of his body and recently battled leukemia.

Huzaifa Halabiya

Five more prisoners suspended their strikes after receiving an agreement to end their administrative detention after 12 days without food: the five prisoners from Dura, near al-Khalil were brothers Mahmoud and Kayed al-Fasfous, Said al-Nammoura, Abdel-Aziz al-Suweiti and Ghandafar Abu Atwan.

Administrative detainees are discussing escalating protest steps to campaign against the ongoing policy of imprisonment without charge or trial. There are currently approximately 500 Palestinians jailed under administrative detention orders. Issued for one to six months at a time on the basis of secret evidence, these orders are indefinitely renewable. Palestinians regularly spend years at a time jailed under administrative detention.

The Prison Branch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a second statement, highlighting the growing calls for action:

“First, this week, other prisoners with administrative detention orders, including some transferred to administrative detention after the expiration of the unjust sentences imposed on them by the military occupation courts, will be joining the strike.

Second, we warn the prison administration and the occupation intelligence from their continued violations of the rights of hunger striking prisoners.

Third, we urge the masses of our people and the forces of the resistance to take action in support of the hunger striking prisoners through events, popular support and wide activities. In this role, we support the leading role of the committees to support the prisoners in Gaza for their many activities organized in support of the strikers. This is one of the most important pillars supporting the prisoners’ struggle and putting pressure on the levers of struggle for the prisoners and the hunger strikers in particular. We also appreciate the call of the national and Islamic forces in Ramallah to participate in actions on Tuesday in a national popular action to support the prisoners and reject all attempts to harm the Palestinian national liberation cause.

Fourth, we call on all movements in the national liberation struggle to develop their programs to support the administrative detainees and raise this issue in all levels and venues.

Fifth, we renew our call for former prisoners and administrative detainees, especially those who have previously engaged in hunger strikes, to participate in a day of support including a one-day hunger strike….

This united battle will widen and escalate and requires all support and solidarity to strengthen the prisoners who are engaged in this confrontation to enable them to achieve their goals.”

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all to stand with these courageous prisoners who have put their lives on the line to seek freedom and an end to the unjust system of administrative detention. International solidarity can help them win their struggles, so all of our participation, protests, petitions and phone calls can play a role in helping them to seize victory for justice and freedom.

No One Is Illegal, MLPD, Italian trade union and more: Solidarity with Khaled Barakat, Solidarity with Palestine!

Anna Gabriel, Eulàlia Reguant et Carles Riera of the Candidatura d’Unitat Popular (CUP) of Catalonia stand in solidarity with Khaled Barakat. 5 July, Geneva

Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat has been subject to an ongoing political ban in Germany on 22 June when he was prohibited from speaking about the Bahrain “economic peace” conference and the “deal of the century.” Part of an ongoing series of repressive actions targeting Palestine organizing in Germany, the political ban on Barakat comes alongside an anti-BDS resolution, criminal charges against protesters interrupting a Knesset member, the deportation of Rasmea Odeh and the closure of Jewish Voice for Peace’s bank account, among other attacks.

Around the world, people of conscience are raising their voices in solidarity with Khaled Barakat and against the ongoing racist violations of Palestinian human rights both in Europe and in occupied Palestine. Please join the support campaign! Send your statements of solidarity to samidoun@samidoun.net or take a solidarity photo featuring the campaign posters to post online or share with us!

Some of the most recent statements and expressions of solidarity include the following documents and the solidarity photos from the CUP of Catalonia and the Zurich Youth Platform.

No One Is Illegal | Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) | Sindacato Generale di Base

No One Is Illegal Statement

Barakat was a co-founder of No One Is Illegal in Vancouver in 2002, fighting racism, deportation and repression. The following statement was issued on 4 July:

Statement of solidarity with Khaled Barakat
from No One Is Illegal-Vancouver, on unceded Coast Salish territories

We write in solidarity with comrade Khaled Barakat facing political censorship and repression in Germany. Khaled Barakat was a founder of the No One Is Illegal network and movement in Vancouver, advocating for the rights of Palestinian refugees and for all refugees in Canada, and fighting for the right of return for Palestinian refugees. He articulated a clear connection between Israeli apartheid and Canadian settler-colonialism. As a member of No One Is Illegal and as an active leader in social movements in Vancouver and across Canada, he was a consistent and passionate organizer against Zionist occupation and U.S imperialism and for Palestinian liberation from the river to the sea.

We stand unconditionally with Khaled Barakat. The attacks on Khaled Barakat are part of the illegal Israeli state’s attempt to quell the Palestinian diaspora in exile and the international Palestinian solidarity movement. The attempt to silence our friend Khaled Barakat occurs in the context of a campaign by the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs to attack Palestinian and solidarity organizations globally. By barring Khaled Barakat’s right to speak at demonstrations or meetings, threatening him with prison time, and potentially denying him and his wife the right to reside in Germany, the German state is aligning with the racist Israeli state. The illegal occupation of Palestine has been perpetuated by targeted killings, ethnic cleansing, massacres, torture, assassinations, humiliations at hundreds of checkpoints and roadblocks, curfews confining entire populations to their homes, caging of Palestinians in jails and open air prisons, annexation of Palestinian-owned land, building of illegal settlements, demolitions of homes and a systematic policy of material deprivation- all of which should be rightfully and legitimately exposed and resistance to which does not constitute anti-Semitism.

We offer our continued unconditional and unequivocal support to the Palestinian resistance movement against Zionist/Israeli apartheid and occupation. We support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign as a strategy of international solidarity. We oppose the Zionist-Eurocentric settler-colonial foundation of the State of Israel that claims a racist, exclusionary, and privileged Jewish identity and has, since its inception, violently displaced and discriminated against Palestinian people. We affirm the fundamental and inalienable right of all Palestinian refugees to return to the original towns, villages, and lands of 1948 and 1967 occupied Palestine from which they were expelled.

Knowing Khaled Barakat, we know he will not be intimidated nor be silenced. We will not be intimidated or silenced either, and we reiterate that we stand with him. We demand an end to the ongoing colonization and occupation of Palestinian lands, an end to the apartheid system in Palestine, full recognition of the fundamental right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, and an end to all forms of international support for Israeli war crimes. Palestine will be free.

MLPD Statement

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany has also come under attack from anti-Palestinian forces in Germany, particularly in 2017 when politicians demanded the prohibition of the Internationalist Alliance because of its inclusion of supporters of the PFLP among its ranks. The statement is below:

Statement of solidarity against political repression against Khaled Barakat
The MLPD hereby expresses its solidarity with Khaled Barakat and condemns his expulsion from Germany.

Dear Khaled,

The order of the Foreigners’ Authority of Federal Republic of Germany against you confirms the further repressive legal development of the Federal Government and the bourgeois parties. This order has been made without any evidence of a police defense against dangers.

With the passing of the new police laws, the “orderly return law” of Minister of Interior Seehofer and the reactionary condemnation of the German Bundestag against the BDS campaign it becomes clear: It is not about the prevention or prosecution of offenders and fascists like Anis Amri and the fascist Stephan E. who according to his own statements murdered the CDU politician Lübcke, but instead directed against the people and groups who are committed to international friendship, freedom and democracy. It serves to intimidate those who publicize and denounce the crimes committed by the Israeli military and Zionist government against the Palestinian people, including the false assertion that Khaled Barakat’s political and journalistic activity “brings foreigners against each other.”

Khaled Barakat is accused of belonging to an organization that is on the terrorist list of the US and Israel as well as the EU! President Trump calls the Chief Executive of North Korea “the dictator and enemy of world peace,” and the next day he is “his best friend.” This terrorist list depends on where and how best the imperialists can obtain money and political influence. The imperialists understand this, while claiming to respect peace and democracy. What a double standard!

The Federal Government’s decision to label the BDS campaign as anti-Semitic campaign is as unfounded as it is for the Palestinian forces who have been in reality fighting for years against the oppression, expulsion and murder of the Palestinian people.

We condemn this criminalization and denial of essential democratic rights and freedoms and will make this statement known and continue to protest.

Immediate withdrawal of the orders against Khaled Barakat!

Raise high international solidarity!

Proletarians of all countries unite!

With solidarity greetings
Monika Gärtner-Engel
International secretary of the MLPD


SGB (Sindacato Generale di Base)

The SGB, an Italian rank-and-file trade union, sent a letter from President Massimo Botti to the German Ambassador in Italy denouncing the attack on Khaled Barakat and the ongoing campaign to smear the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. The letter called for the defense of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, protection of freedom of expression and cancellation of the political ban on Khaled Barakat. See the letter below:

Youth Platform Zurich

The Zurich Youth Platform shows its solidarity with Khaled Barakat

Video: Khaled Barakat interviewed about anti-Palestinian repression in Germany

Khaled Barakat, the Palestinian writer who has been subjected to a political ban in Germany for his support of the Palestinian liberation movement, spoke out about the repression of Palestinian activism in Germany in an interview with the “Scope” program on Indus News on 4 July 2019. The program is hosted in Lahore, Pakistan, by journalist Waqar Rizvi.

Other guests on the program included scholar Neve Gordon and Irish parliamentarian Niall Collins. When the ban was issued, Barakat was threatened with up to a year in prison if he spoke at events, demonstrations or lectures. Barakat and Charlotte Kates, the International Coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, were told their residency would not be renewed in Germany as well. The repression in Germany also comes as part of a state-sponsored international, multi-million-dollar effort by the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs to repress growing solidarity with the Palestinian people and organizing in Palestinian communities around the world, especially in Western, imperialist powers who have aligned themselves with Israeli apartheid and occupation.

Watch the interview below:

6 July, Berlin: Give Puma the Boot! #BoycottPuma

Saturday, 6 July
2:00 pm
PUMA Concept Store
Hackescher Markt
Rosenthaler Str. 40/41
Berlin, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/397518550858674/

BDS Berlin calls for a

rally in front of the PUMA Concept Store at Hackescher Markt

at Rosenthaler Str. 40/41 in 10178 Berlin

on Saturday, 6 July 2019 from 14:00 to 16:00

More than 200 Palestinian football teams have called on PUMA to end its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association (IFA) for its support for Israeli war crimes. The IFA includes football teams based in illegal settlements playing games on land stolen from Palestinians.


Israel’s settlements contribute to serious human rights violations and are a direct cause of restrictions on Palestinian freedom of movement, access to natural resources, and the ability to build homes and conduct business.


Boycott PUMA – With its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association (IFA), PUMA endorses the ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Israel uses sport to whitewash its crimes and normalize the status of illegal settlements.

As the main international sponsor of the IFA, PUMA is making its brand available to cover up Israeli human rights violations, including against Palestinian football players.

Join in, boycott PUMA and call on teams sponsored by PUMA to drop PUMA until the company stops sponsoring the IFA. #BoycottPUMA

BDS Berlin ruft auf zur

Kundgebung vor dem PUMA Concept Store am Hackeschen Markt

in der Rosenthaler Str. 40/41 in 10178 Berlin

am Samstag, den 6. Juli 2019 von 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr

Mehr als 200 palästinensische Fußballmannschaften haben PUMA aufgefordert, sein Sponsoring des Israelischen Fußballverbandes (IFA) aufgrund seiner Unterstützung für israelische Kriegsverbrechen einzustellen. Im IFA sind Fußballmannschaften, die in illegalen Siedlungen ansässig sind und Spiele auf von Palästinenser*innen gestohlenem Land ausrichten.


Israels Siedlungen tragen zu schweren Menschenrechts-verletzungen bei und sind eine unmittelbare Ursache für Einschränkungen der Bewegungsfreiheit der Palästinenser*innen, des Zugangs zu natürlichen Ressourcen und der Möglichkeit Häuser zu bauen und Geschäfte zu tätigen.


Boycott PUMAMit dem Sponsoring des Israelischen Fußballverbandes (IFA) billigt PUMA die anhaltende ethnische Säuberung der Palästinenser*innen. Israel nutzt den Sport, um seine Verbrechen zu übertünchen und den Status illegaler Siedlungen zu normalisieren.

Als internationaler Hauptsponsor der IFA stellt PUMA seine Marke zur Verfügung, um die israelischen Menschenrechtsverletzungen, auch gegen palästinensische Fußballspeiler*innen, zu vertuschen und zu verschleiern.

Macht mit, boykottiert PUMA und ruft von PUMA gesponsorte Mannschaften auf, PUMA fallen zu lassen bis das Unternehmen sein Sponsoring des IFA beendet. #BoycottPUMA

Growing international solidarity campaign with Khaled Barakat defends Palestinian rights

New poster for Khaled Barakat, against the political ban on Palestine in Germany! The Arabic text: “Samidoun against the German Zionist polices. We are all Khaled Barakat”

International solidarity is growing with Khaled Barakat, the Palestinian writer who has been subjected to a political ban in Germany for his support of the Palestinian liberation movement. Barakat and Charlotte Kates, the International Coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, were told their residency would not be renewed in Germany as well. Barakat was threatened with up to a year in prison if he spoke at events, demonstrations or lectures. We are urging the broadest international support for this issue; it comes as part and parcel of a series of repressive attacks on Palestine organizing in Germany, including an anti-BDS motion passed by the Bundestag, the German Parliament, in May 2019.

The repression in Germany also comes as part of a state-sponsored international, multi-million-dollar effort by the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs to repress growing solidarity with the Palestinian people and organizing in Palestinian communities around the world, especially in Western, imperialist powers who have aligned themselves with Israeli apartheid and occupation. Gilad Erdan, the Minister of Strategic Affairs, often called the “anti-BDS ministry,” boasted in a Hebrew-language press release on 1 July about the political ban on Barakat as well as other repressive actions in Germany, including the closure of the bank account of Jewish Voices for a Just Peace and the disinvitation of artists who support justice in Palestine like rapper Talib Kweli.

At the same time that the Israeli government is urging escalated repression around the world, grassroots movements are standing in solidarity with Khaled Barakat and demanding that the political ban be dropped immediately – and, more broadly, with Palestinian rights. This political ban represents a dangerous precedent that could be applied to any non-German citizen who comes to speak about Palestine, especially coming only three months after a similar ban was applied to former Palestinian prisoner and feminist leader Rasmea Odeh.

Please join the support campaign! Send your statements of solidarity to samidoun@samidoun.net or take a solidarity photo featuring the campaign posters to post online or share with us!

Below are just some of the expressions of solidarity we’ve already received.

From Collectif Palestine Vaincra, the famous French comic book author Jacques Tardi and singer Dominique Grange stand in solidarity with Khaled Barakat:

Struggle-La Lucha marched with “Solidarity With Khaled Barakat” signs at the Queer Liberation Parade in New York City on 30 June:

Protesters in Berlin at the demonstration against anti-Palestinian repression and the Bundestag’s anti-BDS resolution on 28 June say, “Solidarity with Khaled Barakat!”

Photo: Janis
Photo: Janet
Photo: Afif el-Ali

Protesters in Brussels against Trump’s “Deal of the Century” and the Bahrain conference attempting to impose permanent occupation on the Palestinian people stand in solidarity with Khaled Barakat:

Brussels, Belgium: Solidarity with Khaled Barakat at the protest against the Bahrain “economic” conference, 25 June. Photo: Khaled Hashem
Brussels, Belgium: Solidarity with Khaled Barakat at the protest against the Bahrain “economic” conference, 25 June. Photo: Khaled Hashem
Brussels, Belgium: Solidarity with Khaled Barakat at the protest against the Bahrain “economic” conference, 25 June. Photo: Khaled Hashem

Toulouse demonstrators against the G7 on Thursday, 27 June also express their solidarity with Khaled Barakat and Palestine:

Solidarity image from ATIK (Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe):

Solidarity photo taken at the 6th International Assembly of the International League of People’s Struggles in Hong Kong:

ILPS Solidarity photo with Khaled Barakat- Hong Kong, 26 July

Photos from Toulouse on 2 July where people gathered at the Italian consulate to protest in support of Carola Rackete, captain of the “Sea Watch 3”:

Here are some of the solidarity statements we have received, as well as articles covering the situation:

Add your photo or statement! Send your statements of solidarity to samidoun@samidoun.net or take a solidarity photo featuring the campaign posters to post online or share with us!

Internationalt Forum

Internationalt Forum/The Middle East Group – June 1st, 2019:

Defend Khaled Barakat’s Freedom of Speech

Stop German/Zionist attacks on Palestine Activists

On Saturday June 22,  the authorities in Berlin announced that the Palestinian writer and political activist Khaled Barakat was not allowed to speak at a public meeting in Berlin on President Trump’s Middle East plan, the so called Deal of the Century. At the same time Barakat is under an ongoing ban on political activities. He may not speak or appear at demonstrations, meetings, events or even social gatherings of more than ten people. At the same it is announced that his residence permit – together with that of Charlotte Kates (they are married) –  may not be renewed.

This extreme attack against Barakat’s political rights is only the latest in a series of German attacks against the Palestine solidarity movement. In the month of May the German Bundestag (Parliament) passed a motion in which they condemned the BDS (Boycott, Divestment  and Sanctions) of being anti-Semitic – even if it is a fact that the BDS movement is clearly antiracist.

For some time, Khaled Barakat and Charlotte Kates (coordinator of the Samidoun prisoners network) have been in the spotlight of the German authorities and the pro-Zionist lobby groups. Undoubtedly because they belong to the revolutionary Palestinian Left and openly fight the Zionist/Israeli apartheid and occupation policy.

By violating the political rights of the Palestine activists, the German state unequivocally places itself on the side of the Zionist state of Israel and supports the still more desperate Israeli struggle against the growing Palestine solidarity movement.

Thereby the German state is making itself an accomplice of Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people: Ethnic cleansing, massacres of hundreds of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza, building of illegal settlements, demolition of Palestinian  houses, imprisonment and torture of Palestinian freedom fighters, even school children!

The more the Palestine activists are persecuted by Israel and its allied,  the more the international solidarity with the Palestinian people will be growing.

Fight Imperialism and Zionism – Long live the international solidarity – Boycott Israel

“From the River to the Sea Palestine shall be free”

Internationalt Forum/the Middle East Group


Philippines-Palestine Friendship Committee

30 June 2019

Denounce the US-Zionist repression of Palestinians in Germany

The Filipino people expresses their warmest solidarity with all freedom-loving Palestinians in denouncing the latest attack against Palestinians.

Khaled Barakat, Palestinian writer and coordinator of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat, was banned by the Berlin authorities from delivering a speech last 22 June on the so-called “deal of the century” spearheaded by Donald Trump and the Arab and Palestinian response.

Khaled Barakat,  was invited to be one of the keynote speakers for the 6th International Assembly of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS)in Hong Kong from 23 to 27 June. Barakat was also unable to deliver his keynote address with this unjust gag order.

Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat was issued with an unjust gag order by the German government last June 22.

Political repression is intensifying against Filipinos fighting for freedom as with Palestinians fighting for their homeland.

As there are more than 500 political prisoners inder the US-Duterte regime in the Philippines, there are 5,152 Palestinian security detainees and prisoners being held in Israel Prison Service (IPS) facilities, including 303 from the Gaza Strip. Another 555 Palestinians, 11 of them from the Gaza Strip, were in IPS prisons for being in Israel illegally. The IPS classifies these Palestinians – both detainees and prisoners – criminal offenders.

U.S. imperialism and Israeli Zionism in trying to crush the people’s protest over the plight of the Palestinians.

Barakat was presented with an 8-page document and told that he was not allowed to give speeches in person or over video, participate in political meetings or events or even attend social gatherings of over 10 people; he was told that violations were punishable by up to a year in prison. Despite claiming that Barakat’s speech could increase tensions or “political conflict” between Jews and Palestinians and Arabs in Germany, the document points to absolutely no negative repercussions whatsoever of all of his previous speeches in the country.

The document also accuses Barakat of being a member of the Palestinian leftist party, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which is not at all banned in Germany.

We call on the international community to denounce this latest attack on Palestinians.

Stop the repressive attacks!

Free all political prisoners!

Free Palestine!

11 Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike against administrative detention, call for solidarity and action

Palestinian prisoner jailed without charge on hunger strike, Mohammed Abu Aker

Three more Palestinian prisoners launched a hunger strike on 1 July 2019, joining eight already refusing meals in protest. Mohammed Nidal Abu Aker and Mohammed Attia Hassanat, both of Dheisheh refugee camp near Bethlehem, and Huzaifa Halabiya from Abu Dis in Jerusalem all began an open hunger strike against their Israeli administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. All three are held in the Negev desert prison with no charges and no trial, on the basis of secret evidence.

Palestinian prisoner jailed without charge on hunger strike, Mustafa Hasanat

They join several more Palestinian prisoners who have been on hunger strike against administrative detention. Jafar Ezzedine, 48, a former long-term hunger striker, and Ihsan Othman, 21, have been on hunger strike since 16 June and 18 June. Ezzedine launched his strike after he was supposed to be released from a five-month sentence in Israeli prison but was instead transferred to imprisonment without charge or trial; Othman launched his strike two days later. A student at Al-Quds University, his repeated detention has prevented him from graduating and receiving his degree.

Jafar Ezzedine. Photo: alasra.ps

Six more Palestinian prisoners, all jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention, joined the hunger strike: the brother Mahmoud and Qaid al-Fasfous, Ghandafar Musa Abu Atwan, Abdel-Aziz Waleed Sweiti, Qais Khaled al-Nammoura and Ahmad Zahran. These six prisoners are all from the al-Khalil (Hebron) area and are detained in Ofer prison. Ezzedine is jailed in Megiddo prison, where he has faced ongoing night inspections with dogs and other forms of repression in an attempt to compel him to end his strike.  A disciplinary court in Megiddo prison convened by the prison director ordered him to solitary confinement and denied him access to family visits or the “canteen” (prison store) for one month in retaliation for his protest.

All of the striking prisoners are demanding an end to administrative detention. These orders are issued for one to six months at a time; they are indefinitely renewable, and Palestinians have spent years at a time jailed without charge or trial under the basis of “secret evidence.” There are currently about 500 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention out of a total of approximately 5,500 Palestinian prisoners.

The Prisoners’ Affairs Commission said that some of the striking prisoners are already suffering from health complications, including severe weakness, difficulty moving, serious headaches, dizziness and yellowness of the skin.

The escalating struggle against administrative detention comes as all 47 Palestinian prisoners held in Ashkelon prison were suddenly transferred to other prisons. Last month, these prisoners conducted a one-day hunger strike to demand an end to the repressive raids and attacks against the prisoners, the lifting of financial sanctions and treatment for ill prisoners. They ended their strike after an agreement to implement their demands; however, in a new form of collective punishment aimed at dismantling the prisoners’ movement, all were transferred on 1 July to other Israeli prisons.

The Prison Branch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement urging support for the prisoners and calling for action, noting that its comrades Mohammed Abu Aker, Mustafa Hassanat, Huzaifa Halabiya and Ahmad Zahran had already taken a leading role in the strikes to confront administrative detention. They said that additional prisoners would be joining the strike in the coming days as part of a strategy of escalating struggle for an end to imprisonment without charge or trial, and urged actions in solidarity:

“1. We call for the formation of a committee to support the administrative detainees through public events and struggle on the ground.

2. We call on the National Committee for the Great March of Return to adopt a Friday to support the administrative detainees on hunger strike, and for this Friday to be a Palestinian day of action throughout occupied Palestine and in exile and diaspora.

3. We call on the prisoners, especially those who have successfully conducted the battle of empty stomachs and have been victorious in the past years, to make an announcement of a support strike in solidarity with the administrative detainees on hunger strike, in front of the headquarters of the Red Cross as a unified action with a specific date.

4. We call on Palestinian national organizations to take action, erect tents in public spaces and call for days of public anger and protest of the occupation.

5. We call on the Palestinian lawyers’ associations to launch a broader campaign of support and solidarity with the administrative detainees and especially the hunger strikers at a local, regional and international level, giving this issue significant attention.

6. We call on the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate to work to create a unified day for radio broadcasts in support of the administrative detainees on hunger strike and highlighting the issue of administrative detention.”

They concluded by noting that “This battle will continue, and many of the strugglers will participate in successive groups of strikers, until achieving the goal. We are confident in the popular support that is always provided by our resisting Palestinian masses.”

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all to stand with these courageous prisoners who have put their lives on the line to seek freedom and an end to the unjust system of administrative detention. International solidarity can help them win their struggles, so all of our participation, protests, petitions and phone calls can play a role in helping them to seize victory for justice and freedom.