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26 May, Copenhagen: Meeting in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoner Ahmad Sa’adat


Friday 26 May; 5 pm to 7 pm
In Solidaritetsbutikken, Griffenfeldsgade 41, Nørrebro, Copenhagen, Denmark (See Danish text below)

More info: https://www.facebook.com/boykotisrael.dk

– Powerpoint presentation (in English) on Ahmad Sa’adat, the general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, about his life and imprisonment, first in the PA prison in Jericho in the West Bank, from there kidnapped and transferred to Israeli prison. Sa’adat has participated in many hunger strikes and other prisoner actions and is considered a leader of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement.

– Two Internationalt Forum activists talk briefly about their visit to Ahmad Sa’adat in the PA prison in Jericho in the summer of 2005.

– Questions and debate on the mentioned themes: PFLP, the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Authority (PA), the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and the international solidarity with political prisoners.

Coffee, tea, cakes and popcorn will be served at solidarity prices

Free Ahmad Sa’adat and all political prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons

Fight imperialism and Zionism!

Organizer: International Forum Political Prisoners Group


Kom til møde om


Fredag den 26. maj kl. 17 – 19
I Solidaritetsbutikken, Griffenfeldsgade 41, Nørrebro

– Powerpoint præsentation (på engelsk) af Ahmad Sa’adat, PFLP’s generalsekretær, om hans liv og fængsling, først i selvstyrefængsel i Jericho på Vestbredden, derfra kidnappet og overført til israelsk fængsel. Sa’adat har deltaget i mange sultestrejker og andre fangeaktioner og betragtes som leder af den palæstinensiske fangebevægelse.

– To IF-aktivister fortæller kort om deres besøg hos Ahmad Sa’adat i selvstyrefængslet i Jericho i sommeren 2005.

– Spørgsmål og debat om de nævnte temaer: PFLP, Oslo-aftalen, Det palæstinensiske selvstyre (PA), den palæstinensiske fangebevægelse og den internationale solidaritet med politiske fanger.

Der serveres kaffe, the, kager og popcorn til solidaritetspriser

Løslad Ahmad Sa’adat og alle politiske fanger i israelske besættelsesfængsler

Bekæmp imperialismen og zionismen!

Arrangør: Internationalt Forums Politiske Fanger Gruppe See less

25-27 May, Geneva: Exhibition of Palestinian resistance posters by Marc Rudin

As part of the action days for the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, Secours Rouge Geneva, in collaboration with Samidoun, is organizing an exhibition of posters by Marc Rudin.

The Swiss revolutionary artist and internationalist who died last April was part of the Palestinian liberation struggle for years. His political posters were published by Palestinian organizations, especially the PFLP, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The exhibition will take place from May 25 to 27 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. every evening at L’Almacen, 6 rue des Grottes, Geneva.

On Thursday, May 25, during the opening, we are organizing a discussion on support for the Palestinian resistance with Mohammed Khatib, coordinator of Samidoun in Europe.

On Saturday May 27, we will screen the film “Fedayin, the fight of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

21 May, Basel and 23 May, Zurich: Mohammed Khatib on internationalist struggles for a liberated Palestine

Sunday, 21 May
3 pm
Rebgasse 1, Basel

Tuesday, 23 May
7:30 pm
Stauffacherstrasse 60, Zurich

Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun, talks about the history of the Palestinian left and the importance of internationalism. We will look back at the struggles of the 1970s and 1980s, try to create a continuity, and discuss the struggles of the current Palestinian revolutionary left. In addition, we will discuss our role as revolutionaries in the global North. This event will be accompanied by an exhibition of posters by Marc Rudin.

Samidoun joins #Nakba75 events in Switzerland highlighting 75 years of Palestinian, Arab and international resistance

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is currently participating in a series of events organized by a coalition of groups in Switzerland. The week of action, for #Nakba75, includes exhibitions, cultural events, demonstrations and political events highlighting the Palestinian people’s liberation struggle through 75 years of ongoing Nakba.

As the call to the week noted, “The history of oppression of the Palestinian people is at the same time a history of resistance. In the 7Os, the revolutionary left of Palestine became a leading force in anti- colonial resistance, combining the struggle for a liberated Palestine with an internationalist revolutionary perspective. Palestine became an important reference point for the revolutionary left worldwide. Internationalists from all over the world joined the struggle for a liberated Palestine and carried it back to the Western metropolises with militant actions.”

The week is organized by an array of groups, including Lotta Basel, Phoenix, Secours Rouge, RJBW, RJB, RJZ (revolutionary youth organizations), Anakbayan, Palastina Kommittee Basel, Rote Hilfe and Revolutionary Aufbau.

On Saturday, 20 May, crowds in Zurich rallied at Ni-Una-Menos Platz or Helvetiaplatz before marching through the city. The march, organized by the Zurich Palestine Committee, was strong and unified, involving Kurdish, Tamil and other internationalist organizers alongside Palestinian and solidarity activists. “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” rang out through the streets of Zurich, accompanied by a strong call to “Boycott Israel!”

On Sunday, 21 May, Mohammed Khatib, the Europe coordinator of Samidoun Network, will speak in Basel at 3 pm at Gewerkschaftshaus, Rebgasse 1, on the past and present of internationalism in struggles for a liberated Palestine. The event will look back at the struggles of the 1970s and 1980s and discuss the strategies of the Palestinian revolutionary left, today and historically. The event will be accompanied by an exhibition of the posters of Marc Rudin, often known as Jihad Mansour, the Swiss artist and revolutionary who joined the Palestinian cause and designed many of the movement’s iconic posters of the 1970s and 1980s.

This event will be followed on Tuesday, 23 May by a new event in Zurich featuring Mohammed Khatib, speaking about the same topic, and also accompanied by a Marc Rudin exhibition, at 7:30 pm at the Volkshaus, Stauffacherstrasse 60.

A week later, on 30 May in Basel (7 pm, at the same location) and 31 May in Zurich (7:30 pm, same location), Samidoun Geneva will join a panel with several other speakers on repression targeting anti-Zionist organizing in Germany and throughout Europe.

In Geneva itself, Secours Rouge, together with Samidoun and other organizations will organize an exhibition of Marc Rudin’s work from 25 to 27 May at L’Almacen, 6 rue des Grottes in Geneva.

Mohammed Khatib will join the event on Thursday, 25 May at 7 pm for the opening of the exhibition along with a talk on how to support the Palestinian resistance. This event will be followed by a closing event on Saturday, 27 May at 8 pm, where organizers will screen the film, “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight.”

Earlier in the month, organizers hosted several events, including a lecture on the ongoing Nakba by Palestinian feminist Budour Hassan, film screenings information meetings and other actions.

Resistance meets repression: Spontaneous march commemorates #Nakba75 in Berlin despite police bans

On Monday, 15 May, anonymous Palestinian, Arab and internationalist youth in Berlin, Germany, marched through Sonnenallee, one of the central streets of Berlin’s Arab community, in a spontaneous demonstration commemorating 75 years of ongoing Nakba and 75 years of Palestinian resistance and defying German state repression.

This action came after the Berlin police once again banned commemorations of the Nakba, the forcible displacement and ethnic cleansing of over 800,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands by Zionist militias in 1947-48 and the destruction or depopulation of 600 Palestinian villages. Since 1948, Palestinian refugees have been denied their right to return home by the Israeli Zionist regime created on the land of occupied Palestine.

Berlin police banned the 14 May mass demonstration called by the Revolutionary Solidarity Coalition to commemorate the Nakba and stand with 75 years of Palestinian resistance. This came one day after they also banned a performance demonstration scheduled on 13 May, in which participants planned to hold up watermelons, symbolizing Palestinian identity. Also on 13 May, police purportedly allowed a Palestinian cultural festival to take place. However, they banned participants from giving political speeches, banned dabkeh performances, and forced the removal of banners featuring Palestinian political prisoners, including Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Abdallah, slogans like “Free Palestine,” books about Palestine and materials about the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign.

This spontaneous action came in strong rejection of and resistance to the ongoing policy of repression targeting Palestinian and Arab communities in Berlin, home to the largest Palestinian population from Europe, many of whom are Palestinian refugees from Lebanon and Syria denied their rights to return home. This pattern of repression has included the banning of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day demonstrations; the banning of Al-Quds Day demonstrations; the banning of 2022 Nakba commemorations; political bans imposed on Rasmea Odeh and Khaled Barakat; and many other incidents, including the use of the administrative legal and immigration system to target activists for Palestine, including withdrawal of residency, threats to refugee status and bans from Germany and Europe for participating in public political activity for Palestine.

In the same week leading up to the Nakba commemoration, at least six uniformed Berlin police were sent to Sonnenallee to strip a large mural honoring the martyr Sheikh Khader Adnan, the Palestinian prisoner and long term hunger striker whose life was taken in occupation prisons after 86 days of hunger strike, from the windows of an unoccupied building.

Of course, these attacks target not only Palestinian organizing in exile and diaspora and anti-imperialist Palestine solidarity organizing but also the Palestinian liberation movement itself. By repressing solidarity with Palestine, including the targeting of Samidoun, the Berlin police and the German state are attempting to target the Palestinian prisoners and the Palestinian liberation movement. They are also attempting to silence the growing challenge to the German state’s ongoing military, political, economic and diplomatic collaboration with Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as its full partnership with U.S. imperialism and NATO.

Later, the Berlin police also banned the major Nakba 75 demonstration planned for 20 May, once again citing extremely racist justifications and openly stating their fear of many Arabs participating in the demonstration. When Jewish progressives organized a Nakba memorial earlier on 20 May, the police did not ban it in advance; however, once the demonstration began, with speakers and large banners reading, “Free Palestine, “Ongoing Nakba, Ongoing Resistance,” and “End Apartheid,” police attacked the demonstration, ordered it dissolved and arrested Jewish and Palestinian organizers.

This action on 15 May on Sonnenallee demonstrates a clear message: that repression will never suppress the Palestinian voice or the Palestinian cause, on the Palestinian, Arab and international level, and can only spark greater unity against imperialism and Zionism. Such repression is being met with greater unity among all who are facing the boot of the German state, and ongoing resistance, in the spirit of the Palestinian resistance that has continued and is continuing despite 75 years of Nakba and colonialism.

More than 160 organizations, unions, and political parties around the world joined the call issued by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, as part of the “Revolutionary Solidarity Coalition”, against the extreme anti-Palestinian repression taking place in Germany.

To add your organization’s signature to the campaign, please click here.

Accompanying this international campaign, we formed a team of lawyers that will be undertaking the legal battle against the demonstration bans and the court cases for those who are targeted by the state for their struggle for a liberated Palestine. Support us and donate to:

Name: Rote Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE55 4306 0967 4007 2383 17

Note: Palaestina gegen Repression

Zionist disrupters fail to silence Salah Hamouri in Toulouse

On Tuesday, 16 May, an event featuring Salah Hamouri, the French-Palestinian lawyer and former political prisoner forcibly deported from Palestine, was organized by the CGT labour union, the Association France-Palestine Solidarité, and Solidarité Palestine Toulouse at the Bourse du Travail. The event was supported by over 20 organizations, including the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network. 

Salah Hamouri spoke to a packed room about his experience, explaining how imprisonment is used as a colonial weapon and describing reality experienced by more than 4,900 men, women and children unjustly detained by the Israeli occupation. In particular, he denounced the policy of administrative detention, routinely used by the Israeli occupation after initially being introduced to Palestine under the British colonial mandate, under which Palestinians may be imprisoned without charge or trial for up to 6 months per order, which are indefinitely renewable. There are currently over 1,000 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention, a practice which Salah Hamouri has been subjected to on several occasions.

First, he recalled more than twenty years of relentless assaults and attacks against him by the Israeli authorities, including his imprisonment on several occasions and his recent expulsion. Deported from his hometown of Jerusalem last December, he became a Palestinian refugee at the age of 38 who today fights for his right to return to his land alongside millions of other Palestinian refugees.

He recalled that imprisonment was a weapon used by the Israeli occupation, and before during the British mandate, to suppress the resistance of the indigenous people. In particular, the arrest and imprisonment of children is an attempt to prevent the emergence of new generations who embrace resistance. According to Israeli military law, the age of criminal responsibility for Palestinians is 12 years. Each year, 500 to 700 children are prosecuted in Israeli military courts and 155 are currently imprisoned. Violence during arrests and imprisonment have serious consequences for their development and health.

Furthermore, he also underlined the particularly humiliating conditions imposed on women prisoners, even going so far as to keep them handcuffed during childbirth. There are currently 32 women prisoners, who represent all facets of Palestinian society: students, activists, parliamentarians, journalists, health workers, mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, freedom fighters.

He also discussed the Israeli policy of medical negligence, including failing to provide adequate medical treatment for the more than 600 sick prisoners, including 60 suffering from serious illnesses of various types. One of the symbols of the inhumanity of this policy is the writer and Palestinian revolutionary Walid Daqqah. Imprisoned since 1986, he suffers from a rare cancer, myelofibrosis, and does not receive appropriate care despite a very worrying health situation.

Salah Hamouri also intervened to emphasize that the prisoners are also resistance fighters despite the conditions of detention. He returned to his participation in several collective hunger strikes which are fundamental tools of mobilization for detained Palestinians who only have their bodies as weapons. On this occasion, he underlined the struggle of Khader Adnan, who died after 86 days of hunger strike.

In an attempt to prevent the residents of Toulouse from hearing the reality of the occupation practices against the Palestinian people, dozens of supporters of Israeli apartheid and representatives of Zionist organizations interrupted the evening on 6 occasions. In this delegation of censors, several members of CRIF, the most prominent pro-Israeli apartheid organization in France, participated as well as Thierry Sentous and the former president of CRIF Nicole Yardeni, both part of the Toulouse city government’s municipal majority.

Alongside them in the room was the former elected official Aviv Zonabend who had been removed from office after declaring that there were “too many Arabs” in Toulouse. People from the pro-Israeli far right were also present, in particular men who had already assaulted activists from the BDS Campaign in 2015, in an attempt to censor the voice of a Franco-Palestinian human rights defender. These provocateurs were escorted to the exit by event security personnel, eager to allow a serene exchange without threat or invective.

This attempt to sabotage the event was carried out in cooperation with a journalist from La Dépêche who hastened to publish sensationalist videos and articles, even going so far as to distort reality, implying that the provocateurs were victims of the event organizers. For example, this coverage does not mention that one of the videos shows a member of these provocateurs throwing a chair at a quiet audience or that another person attempted to physically attack Salah Hamouri. Less than an hour later, Mayor Jean-Luc Moudenc relayed this campaign on social networks.

This coordinated operation between members of CRIF and the Toulouse municipal government majority — which continues to promote the twinning of Toulouse and Tel Aviv while engaging in campaigns against the Collectif Palestine Vaincra — underlines their feverish attempts to suppress the growing support for the Palestinian cause, of which Salah Hamouri has become a leading symbol in France. However, it was a resounding failure: the evening proceeded successfully, allowing the French-Palestinian lawyer to describe the reality of the occupation in front of an audience of 200 people.

Finally, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra thanks all the organizers, and in particular the CGT, for having made this evening a success and for having invited us to hold a stand in support of the release of Georges Abdallah. More than ever, we must develop and intensify solidarity with the Palestinian people, their prisoners and their legitimate resistance until the return and liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea!

Palestine Tour in Toulouse, France, commemorates 75 years of Nakba and resistance!

On Saturday, 13 May, crowds of people gathered in Toulouse, France at the Jeanne d’Arc metro station for a Palestine Tour organized by the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network. The Tour commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Nakba and affirmed our support for the Palestinian resistance as the Israeli occupation army continued to bombard Gaza.

During one speech at the Tour, an activist noted: “every year, on 15 May, we commemorate the Nakba – the 1948 catastrophe when 800,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed and more than 500 villages were destroyed or depopulated by Zionist terrorist militias to make way for their settler colonial project, ‘Israel.'” Speakers emphasized that the resistance has remained continuous for 75 years, continuing today for return and for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. The activist concluded his speech by holding up a key, a symbol of this right of return for millions of Palestinian refugees.

The Tour set off through the streets of Toulouse’s city center, displaying maps of Palestine and Palestinian flags alongside many signs and banners demanding the end of the blockade of Gaza, supporting the Palestinian resistance or calling for a boycott of Israel.

Arriving in front of the Primark store, participants expressed their solidarity with Gaza as an activist spoke, stressing that “as we speak, the Zionist occupation is continuing a new military offensive against the Gaza Strip, which has been under blockade for over 15 years. Faced with this attack, the Palestinian people have responded in a unified and collective manner to the aggression with their legitimate right to resistance!” Finally, she concluded her speech by paying tribute to the 33 martyrs who were murdered during the 5 days of this attack.

The Palestine Tour continued to the Capitole metro station where the street was packed with people on a busy Saturday afternoon. One activist reaffirmed “that today supporting the Palestinian people and their resistance also means supporting the release of the 4,900 Palestinian prisoners who are on the front line in the fight against the occupation.”

The speaker paid homage to the martyr Khader Adnan, emphasizing that his family is fighting today to recover his body which the occupation still holds, like that of hundreds of other Palestinians. In addition, he denounced the policy of medical negligence which affects many prisoners including Israa Jaabis, Ahmad Manasra or Walid Daqqah. During his speech, the activist also condemned the recent transfer to solitary confinement of Ahmad Sa’adat, Ahed Abu Ghoulmeh and Walid Hanatsheh and called for intensifying the campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah. Finally, the speaker called upon all to participate widely in the event on 16 May in order to hear the words of the lawyer and former Palestinian prisoner Salah Hamouri.

The Palestine Tour extended further to rue Saint Rome where participants continued to chant slogans in solidarity with Gaza and against France’s criminal complicity with the Israeli occupation. Stopping in front of the Foot Locker store, an activist from the collective promoted the international campaign to boycott Israel reaffirming “that today the Palestinian people call on the whole world to boycott Israeli and international companies that are accomplices of this criminal state. This is the case, for example, of HP, fruit and vegetable brand Jaffa Orri, Sodastream or even the Carrefour group

In particular, she called for stepping up the boycott of PUMA which is sold in this store. PUMA, the German sports apparel manufacturer, is a sponsor of the Israeli Football Association, including several teams in West Bank settlements. PUMA concretely supports the oppression of the Palestinian people despite years of demands to end this shameful complicity. Marchers distributed various stickers and leaflets to people passing by and received widespread and vocal support.

The Palestine Tour ended at the Esquirol metro where marchers gathered in front of the German Consulate to denounce the recent ban on demonstrations commemorating the Nakba in Berlin. On this occasion, a Palestinian activist read in Arabic a message from Samidoun Deutschland stating that “today you are our voice! And you are a natural expression of the popular position of every Palestinian! If they oppress us in one city, we will take to the streets of ten other cities and express what the Palestinian people demand everywhere: from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”

Thank you to all the people and organizations (like Révolution Permanente and the Parti Ouvrier Indépendant) who participated as well as those who showed their support! The Collectif Palestine Vaincra regularly organizes actions and various initiatives to support the Palestinian people in Toulouse. Do not hesitate to  contact the Collectif  if you wish to participate and to follow CPV on its various social networks (Facebook, Twitter, InstagramTikTok and Telegram).





19 and 21 May, San Diego: Free the Holy Land Five! Documentary screenings and events

Friday, May 19 at 6:00 PM
Guest speakers:  Nida Abu Baker and Miko Peled

UC San Diego
North Torrey Pines Living and Learning Neighborhood
Arts and Humanities Building
De Certeau Room – 3rd Floor
San Diego, CA


Sunday Event: Free the Holy Land Five

Documentary Screening

Sunday, May 21, 6:30 PM
Guest speakers: Nida Abu Baker, Tasnim El-Mezain and Mohammed El-Mezain

Majdal Center
327 E. Main St.
El Cajon, CA


Events organized by the Coalition for Civil Freedoms, Palestinian Youth Movement, Majdal Center, American Muslims for Palestine, SJP SDSU, SJP UCSD

27 May, Brussels: Resistance Festival – Palestinian cultural and political festival

On Saturday, 27 May, in Brussels, Belgium, Samidoun Brussels is organizing the Resistance Festival from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m at Place de Bethléem. The program includes concerts (Lowkey, Achille and Osloob & Issa Mourad), a dabke show by Raj’een Dabkeh Troupe, exhibitions, political and cultural stands and games for children. Many organizations support this initiative and will be present.

Every year on May 15, we commemorate the Nakba – the 1948 catastrophe when an estimated 800,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed and over 600 villages were destroyed or depopulated by terrorist Zionist militias to make way for the settler colonial project of “Israel”. 75 years later, the resistance of the Palestinian people in Palestine, in exile and in the diaspora continues until the return of all the refugees and the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

The Resistance festival aims to celebrate Palestinian resistance in all its forms and to emphasize that resistance with Palestine, an anti-racist and anti-colonialist cause, is more alive than ever in Brussels!

Join us for this cultural, festive and political event on May 27, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Place Bethléem in Brussels (near the Gare du Midi) !

22 May, Toronto: Annual Walk Against “Israel” – Confronting Zionist Racism

TORONTO: The annual walk of shame is happening again!

On Victoria Day, 22 May, zionists will be celebrating 75 years of occupation in North York!

Will we remain silent? Absolutely not!

On Monday, 22 May, We will show up to disturb their event and make sure they regret celebrating the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians.

We are keeping the exact location and time confidential. Contact Toronto 4 Palestine for time and location, see you all ON MONDAY MAY 22nd!