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18 May, Webinar: The Just Cause of National Liberation

“The Just Cause for National Liberation” brings together speakers from current revolutionary struggles in Kurdistan, Palestine and the Philippines. Samidoun will be participating in this event! 

From the basic principles of national liberation struggles in these countries to their position in relation to the terrorist-tagging and -designation of revolutionary movements, this webinar offers a people-centred perspective in understanding organized resistance against the violent attacks of United States imperialism and its puppet states in semi-colonies, occupied territories and self-governing regions.

Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hvto6h7PTVCUy9ESNpdSlA#/registration

18 May, Ottawa: Stop CANSEC! Public Forum against weapons profiteering

OTTAWA: This May 18th at 7pm there will be a public anti-militarization forum and an educational event at the Happy Goat (35 Laurel St)!

This will be a session on what the upcoming CANSEC event is, the impacts of Canadian arms trade on the working class around the world, and how we can organize against it. In addition to Samidoun, we will have speakers from our allied organizations! Mark the day down in your calendars!

Munther Khalaf Mufleh transferred to interrogation after isolation of fellow imprisoned leaders

On Tuesday, 16 May, Israeli prison administration transferred Palestinian prisoner Munther Khalaf Mufleh to interrogation, one week after they invaded Ramon prison and transferred Ahmad Sa’adat, Ahed Abu Ghoulmeh and Walid Hanatsheh to interrogation. The three leaders are still being held isolated in interrogation at this moment.

This comes one day after the Palestinian prisoners’ movement engaged in a one-day hunger strike to demand freedom for Walid Daqqah, the imprisoned Palestinian freedom fighter and intellectual diagnosed with a rare cancer, myelofibrosis, and in a very dangerous health condition without access to proper treatment and care. They also demanded an end to the isolation of Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Abu Ghoulmeh, a fellow PFLP leader; and Hanatsheh, also a PFLP leader and a member of the Higher Emergency Committee of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement.

Mufleh is the director of the Handala Center for Prisoners and Former Prisoners, a member of the Central Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a spokesperson for the PFLP prison branch. He is a Palestinian writer and journalist, and was issued a membership by the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate while imprisoned in recognition of his work.

Born in Kuwait in 1976, Mufleh is from Beit Dajan, Nablus, occupied Palestine. He was arrested by Zionist occupation for the first time in 1994, several weeks before his final high school exams, which he then passed after his release. He received a journalism degree from An-Najah University in 2001, and as he continued his work in the Palestinian resistance, was seized in 2003 amid the Al-Aqsa Intifada and sentenced to 33 years in occupation prisons. He earned a masters’ degree from Al-Quds University in Abu Dis in 2018 while imprisoned in the occupation jails, and in 2020, published a novel, “The Bead.”

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network condemns in the strongest terms the attacks on Mufleh, Sa’adat, Abu Ghoulmeh, Hanatsheh and all Palestinian prisoners.

The use of isolation, interrogation of long-term prisoners and attacks on leaders is an ongoing tactic of the occupier used to disrupt the prisoners’ movement and undermine communication between the prisoners and the outside world. We urge all friends and supporters of Palestine to organize, protest and speak out against the isolation of these imprisoned leaders and all nearly 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners locked inside the Zionist jails.

In addition, please share the following articles online by Munther Khalaf Mufleh and make clear that the occupation regime will not be able to isolate the voices of resistance leaders and imprisoned strugglers:

Video: Resisting the Silencing of Palestinian Voices in Germany

In this new video, Samidoun Deutschland provides a visual overview of the ongoing work for Palestine in Germany, from postering in the streets, to banner actions, to mass demonstrations — and the attacks by police, particularly in Berlin, also home to likely the largest Palestinian community in Europe.

This video comes following the Berlin police’s banning of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day demonstrations after a Zionist smear campaign, and now the banning of two demonstrations to commemorate al-Nakba on 13 and 14 May.

More than 160 organizations, unions, and political parties around the world joined the call issued by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, as part of the “Revolutionary Solidarity Coalition”, against the extreme anti-Palestinian repression taking place in Germany.

To add your organization’s signature to the campaign, please click here.

Accompanying this international campaign, we formed a team of lawyers that will be undertaking the legal battle against the demonstration bans and the court cases for those who are targeted by the state for their struggle for a liberated Palestine. Support us and donate to:

Name: Rote Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE55 4306 0967 4007 2383 17

Note: Palaestina gegen Repression

Outrageous assault on Palestinian speech at Hunter College – CUNY: Take action today

On 15 May — the commemoration of 75 years of ongoing Nakba — CUNY administration at Hunter College announced that they were censoring an event by the Palestine Solidarity Alliance, for the outrageous reason that Nerdeen Kiswani, CUNY alumna, chair of Within Our Lifetime – United For Palestine, and 2022 CUNY Law School graduation speaker, would appear on the program and was “banned from speaking at Hunter.”

Please take action by sending an email to the administration, using the action alerts below created by CUNY 4 Palestine:



In the United States, it is illegal — in violation of the U.S. Constitution — for public universities like CUNY to censor events or speakers based on their political position or viewpoint. To target a Palestinian organizer on 15 May, the day of commemoration of Nakba and the Day of Palestinian Struggle, further raises this action to a clear example of discrimination, following on multiple repressive actions by CUNY administration. It is also important to note that this comes after students and faculty at multiple CUNY Campuses have voted in support of boycott, divestment and sanctions resolutions and solidarity motions for Palestine despite repeated attempts to suppress this solidarity. For the second year in a row, students at CUNY elected a Palestinian speaker in 2023 as the student commencement speaker, with the graduation ceremony just days ago.

Palestine Legal issued a statement on the matter here. 

This attack on Nerdeen Kiswani and the Palestinian Solidarity Alliance at Hunter College is part and parcel of the ongoing Nakba, alongside the ban on Nakba commemoration demonstrations in Berlin, targeting Palestinians in exile and diaspora with silencing and repression for calling for return and liberation for Palestine. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses our full solidarity with Nerdeen Kiswani, the students of Hunter College and the CUNY 4 Palestine organizers as they fight repression, build community power and continue to put forward a clear perspective for the liberation of Palestine. 

Berlin bans Nakba demonstrations once again in 2023

The German state intensifies its attack and bans demonstrations on Nakba Day 2023

A statement from the Revolutionary Solidarity Coalition

The German state authorities are escalating their attack on all Palestinians, Arabs and supporters of the Palestinian cause in Germany, with the Berlin police’s banning of this year’s demonstration in Berlin to mark the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, scheduled for Sunday, 14 May 2023. This repressive attack is taking place as Israeli fighter jets bomb the besieged Gaza Strip, killing 33 Palestinians to date, including 6 children and 3 women. More than 100 people have been injured in the aerial bombing and hundreds of people were denied emergency medical care due to siege and enforced border closures. The number of martyrs in Palestine has risen to 147 since the beginning of the year.

Around 80,000 Palestinians live in Berlin. Despite having lived in Germany for many years, many of them do not have a secure residence status and are often precariously employed and exposed to discrimination and harassment by the state. The German state also criminalizes protest against the ongoing war crimes in their homeland and their involvement in the struggle for their liberation and return. This attack is not only aimed at them, but also at the millions of people who demonstrated across Germany in 2021 during the “Saif Al-Quds”/Unity uprising in Palestine in 2021.

Such domestic political decisions by the German state are inseparable from its ongoing diplomatic, economic and military support for Israel at the international level. With its support of the Zionist colony in Palestine, Germany is not a spectator but a complicit participant in the ongoing Nakba and genocidal war against Palestinians.

The Revolutionary Solidarity Coalition was formed last year around the same time that the 2022 Nakba demonstrations were banned. A spokesperson for the alliance notes that demonstration bans are part of “a long chain of repression by the German state, which serve as an instrument for crushing progressive and revolutionary forces.”

The justifications for the ban build on the racist practices of the state. Anti-Palestinian racism is instrumentalized by describing the Palestinian diaspora and participants in the demonstration as “highly emotionalized men” and thus wanting to dictate to the Palestinians, in full colonial tradition, a dehumanized, emotionally-cold attitude towards the occupation, their exile and the attempts at annihilation to which they are exposed.

Four days before our demonstration planned for May 14, 2023, the Berlin police had already attempted to intimidate us. We were threatened that all Arabic speeches, songs and chants would be recorded for later use in law enforcement.

This ban is an attack on us all! The right to freedom of expression and association is a fundamental human right and as such must not be arbitrarily curtailed.

As a Coalition, we therefore call on everyone to show solidarity and break the ongoing silence on the criminalization of Palestinian, revolutionary and anti-imperialist struggles!

Support our team of lawyers who will take on the legal fight against the ban on demonstrations and the court cases for those who are being prosecuted by the state for their struggle for a liberated Palestine.

Support the fight for Palestine and donate to:

Name: Rote Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE55 4306 0967 4007 2383 17
Note: Palaestina gegen Repression

75 years of Nakba, 75 years of Resistance: Global Calendar of Actions and Events for #Nakba75

As the Zionist attack on Gaza continues, as Palestinian prisoners continue to fight for freedom, as the Palestinian resistance continues to defend the land and people of Palestine through over 75 years of struggle for liberation, return and victory — join us to take the streets to demand justice for Palestine, express our outrage, and support the Palestinian resistance. On this commemoration of 75 years of ongoing Nakba, join us to say: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free of Zionism, imperialism, occupation and colonialism! 

Please note, the list below is focused on outdoor protest activities. There are many important rallies, discussions and panels taking place to commemorate 75 years of Nakba. Among those is the tour of Nkosi Zwelivelile Mandela taking place in the United States, coordinated by USPCN. For more details on those events, click here.

Another major initiative coinciding with Nakba75 commemorations is the Palestine Action siege of Elbit in Leicester. An ongoing camp has been set up with protests, events and actions, including caravans to join the siege Join in and get more info from Palestine Action!

The week of action in Switzerland, the upcoming Resistance Festival in Brussels, and various Palestine Liberation Weeks and Weeks of Palestinian Struggle all reflect important events to join in.

Note: These events are organized by many different groups around the world. Times and schedules may change. Wherever possible, we have provided a link to the original organizers; please check their posts for details!

TO ADD YOUR EVENT TO THE CALENDAR: Email us at samidoun@samidoun.net,  or tag us on social media (Instagram @samidounnetwork, Twitter @SamidounPP)! We know that these events are mainly international and that the Arab people are marching everywhere for Palestine — we will be honored to add Arab events.

Thursday, 11 May

Spain/Spanish State (including Catalonia)

Friday, 12 May


United States

Saturday, 13 May





Canada and Quebec







New Zealand




United States

Sunday, 14 May



Canada and Quebec





Spain/Spanish State (including Catalonia)


United States

Monday, 15 May



Basque Country


Canada and Quebec






South Africa

Spain/Spanish State


United States

Tuesday, 16 May

New Zealand

Wednesday, 17 May


Friday, May 19

United States

Saturday, 20 May


Spain/Spanish State (including Catalonia)

  • Barcelona – Nakba75 March and Rally. Saturday, 20 May, 6 pm, Plaça Universitat, marching to Plaça de Sant Jaume. (There is also a week of actions, discussions and film screenings from 11 to 20 May – check the post for details) Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr77Hcfq2uE/


United States

Sunday, 21 May


United States

Download these posters to use in your events!

15 May, Boston: Nakba75 – Liberate the Land from the River to the Sea!

Resist. Reclaim. Return!

Nakba75 Boston.
Join us to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba. Cambridge City Hall. 5/15/23 @ 5pm. More info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq4DM9spXkg/

From Nakba to victory: liberate the land from the river to the sea! Uphold resistance!

21 May, Portland: Nakba75 – Resistance Until Reclamation Demonstration and Palestine Festival

Sunday, 21 May
1:30 pm
SW Park Ave & SW Madison St.
Portland, OR
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr9OQkTSIkY/

Join CSPP PDX, SUPER @ PSU, and the Palestine solidarity community on Sunday, May 21st at 1:30 PM at SW Park Ave & SW Madison St. for a rally and festival on the 75th anniversary of an-Nakba, the catastrophe of 1948.

RESIST // Come for a rally to hear stories of Palestinian history, struggle, and how we can win a free Palestine within our lifetime!

RECLAIM // Spend the day with us for a festival with food, music, tabling, and connection to celebrate the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and the reclamation of the future!

We encourage mask wearing and will have masks available at the event. Please stay home if you are feeling sick or have been exposed to COVID

13 May, Seattle: Nakba75 – Resist Until Return!

Cal Anderson Park, North Lawn
Saturday, May 13, 12pm
Seattle, WA
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CrfD6xKr3Zw/

Join @super_uw@falastiniyat, and @samidounseattle for a community gathering, rally, and march to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine—Al-Nakba— and create a space to channel our grief into action. We will uplift 75 years of Palestinian sumud (steadfastness) and unified resistance to Zionism and call for liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea!

Bring signs, keffiyehs, and your rage to channel into collective action!