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“Anti-Imperialist Front” against the Repression in Berlin: Germany Collaborates with Turkey and Israel to Fulfil its Imperialist Interests

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network salutes our comrades in “Anti-Imperialist Front” for their continuous work agaisnt imperialism and we republish their statement against the ban by the German state on Palestinian Prisoner’s Day actions in Berlin after a nationwide smear campaign against Palestinian organising in Germany, and especially Samidoun. Following is their statement:

Palestinian Prisoners’ Day on 15 and 16 April has been banned, in the heart of “democracy”, by Berlin police. By banning this day, the German police want to stop people from raising their voices in solidarity with the resistance in Palestine and demanding freedom for the the 4,800 Palestinian prisoners behind the bars of Zionism.

These anti-democratic attacks by Germany against those fighting for justice is not the first and won’t be the last. Germany is a state which bans Grup Yorum concerts, jails revolutionaries from Turkey for organising picnics and protests. The German state collaborates with Turkey and Israel to fulfil its imperialist interests and please U.S. imperialism. It wants to silence those who resist.

As AIF we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people against criminalisation and repression. Freedom for all Palestinian prisoners!

Georges Abdallah’s statement from French prison for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

On 17 April, Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for over 38 years, made a statement from his prison in Lannemezan to commemorate Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. Abdallah has always been a part of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement; not only is he imprioned because of his involvement in the Palestinian and Arab cause, but he is recognized as part of the movement by the Palestinian prisoners themselves and participates in hunger strikes and other collective actions inside his French prison cell in solidarity with his fellow imprisoned freedom fighters in Palestine. Despite being eligible for release since 1999, he has been repeatedly denied his freedom and return to his homeland, Lebanon, even after court victories, as French officials have repeatedly overruled or refused to sign documents to process his release. U.S. officials, from Condoleeza Rice to Hillary Clinton, have also directly pressured the French state to deny his freedom. Read his statement below:

Dear Comrades, Dear Friends,

Just two weeks ago, numerous activities were organized in Palestine and in various neighboring countries and elsewhere, to commemmorate Land Day. At the same time, other activities have been developed to mark the International Day of the Revolutionary Prisoner. Today, we are gathered here again, as others do elsewhere, to commmemorate Palestinian Prisoner’s Day and thereby express our unwavering solidarity with the Resistance fighters in the Zionist jails and to support more particularly the various initiatives of struggle in progress these days, in order to snatch from the claws of the criminal jailers Comrade Walid Daqqah, whose state of health is now alarming.

Comrades and Friends, as you know, it was planned that at the beginning of the month of Ramadan, the Unified Leadership of the Prisoners’ Movement in Zionist jails would call for an open hunger strike, in response to the fascist measures decreed by the Israeli minister of security, the supremacist Itamar Ben Gvir, against our incarcerated comrades… Everything was well prepared so that this battle would be the battle of all prisoners in Zionist jails and that it would extend and unites with the various fields of confrontation in Nablus, in Jenin, in Jericho, in Asqelan, in Al-Quds, in Gaza and in Umm Al-Fahm. The mobilization and enthusiasm of the popular masses in response to this prospect were such that at the last moment, one day before the start of Ramadan the Zionist government had to withdraw these fascist measures, and therefore the Unified Leadership of the Prisoners’ Movement suspended the call for a strike. Comrades and Friends, this is only a postponement; we all know that it is only according to a certain balance of power that the Israeli government had to accept the demands of the comrades and withdraw its fascist measures. Certainly, it will soon return to these attacks. These thousands of prisoners jailed for so many years, some for several decades, embody today more than ever the Resistance of the Palestinian people in the plurality of its expressions. And this Zionist government more than any before, can only intensify the repression and try to widen still further the field of destruction of all that is Palestinian and, more particularly, all that aggregates the collective will of the global Resistance. Anyway, in its headlong rush it cannot have any other path… Of course, it [the Zionist project] has gone straight for the wall and many of its most zealous protectors and accomplices are well aware; but they, in turn, have no other choice and they also go straight to the wall.

You know, Comrades, nowadays we all live under the hegemony of globalized capital. No country can completely escape the destructive mechanism of this hegemony. It is this “globalised capitalism,” the capitalism that really exists, which is in crisis. And it is indeed this capitalism that the communists and all the revolutionary forces will have to defeat in order to defeat barbarism… For the survival of humanity, for the survival of our planet, it is necessary to know how to get rid of capitalism and its barbarism, faster than ever.

Comrades and Friends, the multidimensional crisis which is shaking the pillars of the system and sharpening more and more the inter-imperialist contradictions, is accelerating everywhere these days, the various processes of fascisation… that is why the Zionist entity, this organic extension of Western imperialism, is one of the places where this fascisation is on full display. Quite naturally, as everywhere, the protagonists of the revolutionary struggle, especially those who embody by their mere existence the collective will of Resistance, are the targeted object of the policies of annihilation that the fascists of all stripes hasten to to implement.

For more than a century, the Palestinian people have been fighting against the imperialist-Zionist settlement project in Palestine. It is within the overall framework of this historical Resistance that one can better grasp the dynamic articulation of the various factors structuring “the collective will to Resistance” and the particular place occupied by “THE PRISONER” in the Palestinian collective memory.

Perhaps it would be useful to recall briefly that the creation of the “Arab Interrogation Centers” dates back to 1920 when the British authorities interrogated Arab prisoners in mandate Palestine using methods of torture, such as waterboarding. The creation of these centers falls within the context of the great violence of British repression during the revolts in Palestine from 1920 to 1939. It was from this period that the policy of generalized repression was implemented, decreeing in particular “administrative detention,” the use of the curfew, collective punishment, destruction of homes. In the context of this criminal policy of all-out repression, they created these “Arab Interrogation Centers” where the British authorities indulged in the worst excesses using torture methods such as the aforementioned waterboarding in order to break the will of the prisoners of the Resistance…

Throughout this historical epic and up to the present day, the resisting prisoner, alongside the martyr, is the icon shared by the majority of Palestinian families… Yesterday there were more than 12,500 prisoners, following the Great Palestinian Revolt, and today there are still more than 5,000 more captive Resistance fighter…In this spirit, Comrades, in 1974, the Palestinian National Conference decreed that April 17 shall be the Day of the Palestinian Prisoner. This was not only intended to denounce the barbarism of the Zionist occupier, nor only in order to honor the captive Resistance strugglers by reminding the popular masses of their sacrifices and their unshakeable will to stand up against to the Zionist military. The commemoration of this Day of the Palestinian Prisoner is intended, above all else, to affirm loudly and clearly the firm determination to reclaim our comrades from the claws of their criminal jailers. Indeed, on several occasions, the vanguards of the Palestinian revolutionary struggle have assumed this task with great courage and self-sacrifice, forcing the enemy to release thousands of captive comrades without any compromise on their part.

Certainly, today as yesterday, the release of revolutionary prisoners is a duty and a priority; it has always been a moment of great popular enthusiasm and has participated in the most significant way in the influence of the Palestinian revolution and in the enrichment of the struggle, both at the regional level and at the international level.

Let us, Comrades, live up to this duty! And if necessary, let’s remind everyone loudly that this is the most sacred duty and that every revolutionary must always be ready to fulfill it!

Let us be worthy of the epic of the torches of freedom, these indomitable Resistance Heroes captive in Zionist jails! Free them!

May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish in favor of Palestine and its promising Intifada!

Solidarity, all solidarity with the resistance fighters in Zionist jails, and in solitary confinement cells in Morocco, Turkey and the Philippines and elsewhere around the world!

May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish in favor of our Comrade Walid Daqqah!

Solidarity, all solidarity, with the revolutionary comrades in the jails in Greece!

Solidarity, all solidarity, with the proletarians on strike in this country (France)!

Honor to the Martyrs and to the popular masses in struggle!

Capitalism is nothing but barbarism, honor to all those who oppose it in the diversity of their expressions!

Together Comrades, and only together will we win!

To all of you, Comrades and Friends, my warmest revolutionary greetings.

Your comrade Georges Abdallah

April 17, 2023

Save Khader Adnan: Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike for 72 days on Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

Khader Adnan, the Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike for the past 72 days, has reached a very dangerous and critical health condition as of 17 April, Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. Despite — or perhaps because of — the severity of his health condition, the occupation courts once again delayed a hearing on his case and potential release from Monday, 17 April until Thursday, 20 April.

He began his hunger strike at the moment of his arrest on 5 February 2023 and has continued since that time; he has not once broken his fast during Ramadan. He has won his freedom four times before in hunger strikes against administrative detention; this time, he is facing an even more difficult struggle because he is fighting against the imposition of unjust “charges” in the Israeli military courts. These charges — of “incitement” for his public statements and speeches and membership in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement — are clearly political in nature and an attempt to target him for his activity, particularly in defense of fellow Palestinian prisoners. By carrying out his hunger strike despite the imposition of charges, he is defying the unjust “military court” regime targeting Palestinian civilians under occupation that convicts over 99% of Palestinians brought before them.

Palestinian organizations have confirmed that Khader Adnan is at risk of death at any moment, while the occupation authorities refuse to deal with his demand for freedom. He is refusing to take supplements or any kind of medical treatment or medical examinations; instead, he is insistent that his sole demand is liberation.

The following video, by Alexandra Dols, an excerpt from “Beyond the Frontlines,” highlights Adnan’s 2015 hunger strike for freedom. In the video, Adnan speaks about his experience, his goals and his struggle for liberation:

Adnan is currently being held in the Ramle prison clinic in a cell fitted with surveillance cameras. Jailers repeatedly storm and invade his cell as yet another form of pressure intended to make him end his hunger strike. He has not been transferred to a civilian hospital, a policy and practice that is being repeated among multiple hunger strikers as a means of discouraging, sabotaging and retaliating against Palestinian prisoners for going on strike, even after their health has seriously deteriorated. The occupation has refused to provide him with clothes since he launched the strike, or access to the shower; he is still wearing the same clothes in which he was arrested.

Khader Adnan previously wrote his will, as the risk of his martyrdom increases on a daily basis:

*In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful*
*The Almighty said: “Verily those who say, “Our Lord is Allah,” and remain firm (on that Path),- on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve and never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, for granting me the ability to strike for freedom. Praise be to Allah for His countless blessings, and prayers and peace be upon the master of creation, the beloved of truth, our prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and his family and grant him peace.

I am sending you these words of mine, as my flesh has melted, my bones have gnawed, and my strength has weakened from my imprisonment in the beloved, authentic Palestinian city Al-Ramla. This is my will to my family, my children, my wife, and my people.

My wife, I council you and my children to fear Him (Allah), the Most High, to cling to His firm rope, to dispense with His bounty from others, to speak the truth in every time and place, to uphold ties of kinship, to pray and to pay Zakat (almsgiving), to preserve Allah‘s sanctities, and His right to our situation, money, movement, residence, and knowledge. The best homes in Palestine are the homes of martyrs, prisoners, the wounded and the righteous.

I entrust the uncles, aunts, relatives and neighbors to you; everyone who has a right over us. I entrust you with not leaving anyone with a debt over me, moral or material, for your love (me) is most in need of His mercy. If it is my martyrdom, do not allow the occupier to dissect my body, bury me near my father and write on my grave “here (lies) the poor servant of Allah Khader Adnan, your prayers for him, his parents, and Muslims everywhere”. Make it a simple grave, and ask Allah for forgiveness, mercy, consolidation, and the breadth of my grave, and to make our graves a garden of paradise, not pits from the pits of Hell, and that He accepts all our deeds purely for His honorable face.

Mother of Abd al-Rahman (my wife) and the children, Ma‘ali, Bisan, Abd al-Rahman, Muhammad, Ali, Hamza, Maryam, Omar and Zainab. Forgive me and my brothers Abu Adnan, Abu Anas, Umm Nour and all the uncles, uncles, relatives, friends, and neighbors for any shortcomings from me on your side as I leave this temporary life, but make sure that I have not been distracted from you except by Allah’s permission for duty.

O our proud people, I send you this commandment of greetings and love, and I am full of confidence in His mercy, victory, and empowerment.
My greetings to our commanders, the families of the martyrs and the prisoners, and my greetings to them and to all the revolutionaries.
Your loving husband, Umm Abd al-Rahman; your loving father, my children; your loving brother, my brothers; your loving son, our people.
I pray that Allah accepts me as a martyr loyal to His honorable face.
Your love, Khader Adnan

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network emphasizes that this is an urgent time for international action, media efforts, popular protests and mobilization to save the life of Khader Adnan and win his freedom, and that of his fellow political prisoners. He is resisting with all available to him behind bars, putting his body and life on the line for freedom. The Zionist occupation and its prison administration are fully responsible for his current situation and any further deterioration to and threats to his life and health. We note that the U.S., European, British, Canadian and other governments that continue to provide military, economic and diplomatic support to the Israeli occupation regime are complicit in the ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people, the Palestinian prisoners and Khader Adnan in particular.

In this context, we particularly highlight the actions of the German state, first in the Berlin police’s ban of demonstrations and events marking Palestinian Prisoners’ Day on 15 and 16 April, and renewed again on 17 April, and in the repression of demonstrators in Cologne on 15 April for their slogans in defense of the Palestinian people and their resistance. This is a clear attempt to silence the voice of popular movements, both internationalists in Germany and in particular the Palestinian community in exile and diaspora, for Khader Adnan and all Palestinian prisoners.

Khader Adnan working at his bakery in the West Bank Village of Qabatiya near Jenin, June 21, 2013. Photo via Alexandra Dols.

Take action:

1. Mobilize actions, demonstrations, direct actions and creative interventions – Take to the streets to defend the Palestinian people and their resistance. There is a vast depth of support for the Palestinian people everywhere around the world, including inside the imperialist powers. It is our responsibility to act and make it impossible to continue their support for the crimes against the Palestinian people. Direct actions like those taken by Palestine Action have already shut down multiple weapons facilities in Britain owned by Israeli arms companies, and even more action can provide further direct support to the Palestinian people.

2. Take a stand against “twinning” with Israeli occupation cities – Recently, the city of Barcelona took a strong stand against the normalization of occupation after years of campaign work by thousands of residents of the city, as all collaboration with the Israeli occupation and the “sister city” relationship with Tel Aviv were suspended by the Mayor. This important victory comes as the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is leading a campaign in Toulouse, France, to bring an end to that city’s “sister city” relationship with the apartheid capital. If your city has a twinning relationship with the occupation, launch your own campaign to bring that arm of complicity to an end!

3. Build the boycott of Israel – This is a critical moment to escalate the campaign to isolate the Israeli regime at all levels, including through boycott campaigns that target the occupation’s economic exploitation of the Palestinian land, people and resources as well as those international corporations, like HP and G4S, that profit from the ongoing colonization of Palestine.

Use these signs below in your actions and campaigns, and send us your photos on FacebookInstagram and Twitter or via email at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Download below, in English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese and Italian — or Download all PDFs (A3) or (11×17).

Father Atallah Hanna: We call on the German authorities to lift the ban on Prisoner’s Day marches in Berlin

The Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia in occupied Palestine, Father Bishop Atallah Hanna, affirmed his rejection of the repressive policies pursued by the German state against Palestinians and Arabs in Germany. In which the German media and politicians launched a smear campaign against Palestinians that lasted an entire week with the authorities of Berlin concluding the campaign with a ban on all demonstrations commemorating the international day for Palestinian Prisoners on the 15th and 16th of April.

In an audio message he sent to the masses of our people in Germany, he stated the following:

Beloved, dear brothers and sisters

It is regrettable that the German authorities took a decision to ban the activities and marches of the Palestinian Prisoner’s Day. This decision could then develop into a ban on Palestinian activities and events in Berlin altogether, on national occasions and on matters related to Jerusalem. We express our condemnation and denunciation of this decision that was taken in Berlin and the ban on actions specifically in Berlin, and we call on the German authorities to retract its decision. There is an Arab community and a Palestinian community in Berlin that are entitled to express their position guaranteed by their right to freedom of speech. Although they live in Germany, their cause is the Palestinian cause and they defend it with many German friends and free people from our Arab nations.

We express also our condemnation and denunciation of this arbitrary and unjust decision that prevents the Palestinians in Berlin from expressing themselves, their message, their presence, their affiliation with their cause, and their defense of Palestine. We call on the authorities to reconsider this issue as soon as possible.

Greetings to our Palestinian community in Germany, specifically in Berlin, and all the members of the Arab community.

Greetings to the friends of Palestine in Germany and around the world, those who defend and support the Palestinian cause.

Listen to the audio recording of the speech by Father Atallah Hanna:

Solidarity with Anti Imperialist Action Ireland!

On Monday 10 April Free State police forces raided the homes of Anti Imperialist Action Ireland, ransacked their houses, confiscated all electronic devices and political literature and arrested at least three people. One of the activists was held for 48 hours and released without charge. As of today, 13 April, all activists have been released. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network denounces the raids and arrests of Irish anti-imperialist activists and stands in solidarity as they organize for the liberation and unification of Ireland and free it from colonial and imperialist control.

Last week Anti Imperialist Action Ireland commemorated the 1916 Easter Rising, a landmark event in Irish Republican history. The Irish Free State police regularly disturbs and monitors these commemorations in an attempt to intimidate activists and people. The arrests of this week are an escalation of that harassment against Republican activists and also happened in Derry, where people protested the banning of their local commemoration march by the authorities. The march went ahead anyway, under police surveillance and with youth confronting police in their neighborhood.

These arrests also came as Anti Imperialist Action Ireland was preparing for a demonstration against the presence of U.S. President Joe Biden in Ireland and opposing attempts to bring Ireland into the NATO imperialist military alliance. The arrests and detention coincided with the arrival of Biden to Ireland and the tail end of his presence, before his departure. Nevertheless, AIA activists went ahead with their protest (photo above) rejecting NATO and U.S. imperialism.

Both in the Republic of Ireland and in the North, Irish Republican prisoners are held behind bars for their beliefs and actions in support of the liberation struggle and unification of their land.

As Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network we extend our deepest solidarity to all Irish political prisoners and join the call for their immediate and unconditional release. The causes of the Palestinian and Irish people are deeply linked, especially on the front of the prisoner’s struggle. In times of heightened struggle, confrontation and repression, we emphasize the importance of international solidarity and unity. We call upon all progressives and people of conscious to stand in solidarity with Irish Republican prisoners and take action to free and support them.

16 April, Online Event: Support Palestinian Political Prisoners

بمناسبة يوم الاسير الفلسطيني تدعوكم المؤسسة الكندية الفلسطينية في كيبك للمشاركة في دعم ومساندة الأسير الفلسطيني والعميد المفكر وليد دقة(ابو ميلاد) والأسير عاصف الرفاعي وجميع الأسرى في سجون الاحتلال.
وذلك عبر اللينك المرفق يوم الأحد 16 نيسان الساعة الثانية Eastern Time2:00pm
الثامنة مساء بتوقيت القدس المحتلة pm 20:00
يتم هذا اللقاء بحضور زوجته الصحفية سناء سلامة (ام ميلاد)، شقيقه أسعد دقة، والد الأسير عاصف الرفاعي، خنساء فلسطين والدة الأسير الشهيد ام ناصر ابو حميد، رئيس نادي الاسير الفلسطيني والأسير المحرر قدورة فارس، الأسير المحرر محمد زايدة ، والمحامية نادية دقة.
نتمنى مشاركة الجميع لايصال صوتنا عاليا والاضاءة على الواقع الأليم الذي يعيشه أسرانا

The Canadian Palestinian Foundation of Quebec invites you to attend a webinar event in honor and support of Palestinian prisoners, including Freedom fighter, writer and thinker Walid Daqqa (Abu Milad) and the prisoner Asif Al-Rifai, who are being held in prison by the occupation. The event will take place on Sunday, April 16 at 2:00PM (8:00 PM occupied Jerusalem time). This conversation will feature Walid Daqqa’s wife, journalist Sana Salama (Um Milad), his brother Asaad Daqqa, The mother of the martyred prisoner Khansa Palestine Um Nasser Abu Humaid ,the father of prisoner Asif Al-Rifai, President of the Palestinian Prisoner Club and the released prisoner kadoura Fares, liberated prisoner Muhammad Zaida, and lawyer Nadia Daqqa.
We welcome and encourage everyone to participate to raise our voices to shed light on the harsh realities faced by our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

La Fondation Canado-Palestinienne du Quebec vous invite à participer à son prochain événement en hommage et en soutien aux prisonnier.ères Palestinien.nes, y compris le combattant de la liberté, écrivain et penseur Walid Daqqa (Abu Milad) et le prisonnier Asif Al-Rifai, détenus en prison par l’occupation. L’événement aura lieu le dimanche 16 Avril à 14h:00(20h:00heure La Jerusalem occupée). Cette conversation aura pour intervenants la femme de Walid Daqqa, la journaliste Sana Salama (Um Milad), son frère Asaad Daqqa, La mère du prisonnier martyr Khansa Palestine Um Nasser Abu Humaid, le père du prisonnier Asif Al-Rifai, Président du Club des prisonniers palestiniens et prisonnier libéré kadoura Fares, le prisonnier libéré Muhammad Zaida et l’avocate Nadia Daqqa.
Nous invitons et encourageons toutes celles et ceux qui le souhaitent à participer à l’évènement pour élever nos voix et mettre en lumière les réalités difficiles auxquelles sont confrontés nos frères et sœurs en Palestine.

16 April, Online Event: The Palestinian Prisoners – An ongoing suffering and unbreakable resilience

On Palestinian Prisoner’s Day
Act For Palestine Foundation and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

invite you to participate in a panel discussion titled :

The Palestinian Prisoners – An ongoing suffering and unbreakable resilience

Time: April 16, 2023 | 02:00 PM (Jerusalem Time)

▶ Imad Barghouthi: A Palestinian astrophysicist and ex-prisoner.
▶ Thomas Hofland: A member of Samidoun in the Netherlands

Media Sponsor: Days of Palestine

16 Oct. Group
Palestinian phoenix Team
PALESTINE Ambassadors Team

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 86587561380
Passcode: 099754

Shameful Attack by the German State: Palestinian Prisoners’ Day Demonstrations in Berlin Banned by Police

On 13 April 2023, the Berlin police banned two demonstrations marking the Palestinian Prisoners’ Day on 15 and 16 April, including the 16 April demonstration organized by Samidoun Deutschland. This heinous attack by the German state against Palestinian rights, freedoms, expression and existence, is in accordance with Germany’s support for and admiration of the ethnostate model that the zionist occupation presents. It is also important to note, that this attack follows the 2022 ban on Nakba Day demonstrations, which was met with widespread condemnation in Germany and around the world. Now, the German state — through the Berlin police — is attacking the over 4,800 Palestinians imprisoned by the zionist occupation and are struggling for justice and liberation by targeting Palestinian Prisoners’ Day for repression and silencing.

We commemorate Palestinian Prisoners’ Day annually on 17 April to stand with those Palestinians at the core of our cause and the center of our resistance, the Palestinian prisoners locked behind bars by the colonial occupation. On this day, we raise our voices against torture, the imprisonment of children, and the colonial use of imprisonment as a weapon against Palestinian liberation and self-determination. This is an international day marked in all the cities of the world, when we raise the names and stories of the prisoners who continue to lead and struggle behind prison bars, from Khader Adnan — on hunger strike for the 68th day — to Walid Daqqah, in intensive care with a rare cancer after years of medical neglect. We salute Israa Jaabis, Ahmad Sa’adat, Marwan Barghouthi, Nael Barghouthi, Abdullah Barghouthi, Ahmad Manasra and all of the 4,800 Palestinian prisoners behind bars, as well as Georges Abdallah, jailed in France for 38 years, and the Palestinian activists jailed in the United States. This action by the Berlin police is an attack on the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, and must urge all of us to act even more strongly for their immediate release.

Germany is clearly not a neutral party or observer in the ongoing colonization and occupation of Palestine. It provides weaponry and unlimited political support for the occupation of our people in Palestine, while violating Palestinian human rights not only in Palestine but also here in Germany and particularly in the capital of the Palestinian diaspora, Berlin, the home of the largest Palestinian community in Europe. 

This raises an important question: why? Why is the German government repressing the voices of hundreds of thousands of its own citizens and residents that support the Palestinian struggle for liberation, as we saw so vividly in the demonstrations that took place in Germany during “Saif Al Quds” uprising, in order to protect the interests of a foreign colonial occupation? Why is the German state following the U.S. blindly into a deadly war in Ukraine, creating an economic disaster that crushed its own population? And why is Germany quiet about the U.S. bombing its own strategic gas pipeline, costing the German people hundreds of billions of euros in economic damages and pushing the state towards a confrontation with a nuclear power? Why does a foreign power, the U.S., station 29,000 of its troops and maintain 40 military installations on German soil? And why is there a CIA base in Frankfurt that was allowed to operate freely as revealed in WikiLeaks? And why was the German state quiet about its former head of state, chancellor Angela Merkel, being hacked by U.S. intelligence? All these unanswered questions reveal Germany’s lack of sovereignty and the extent at which the German state routinely acts against the interests of its residents to serve its imperialist interests in alignment with U.S. imperialism. 

It is also clear that the demonstration ban today is being carried out as a form of collective punishment and silencing targeting the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Arabs in Germany and their supporters. It is a manufactured crisis that aims to create a pretext  for the ongoing banning of demonstrations for Palestine and the free expression of the Palestinian community and supporters of Palestine. The document issued by the Berlin Police reads as if it were written by an Israeli security or intelligence agency, as it offers an array of political analyses that solely reflect a Zionist approach to Palestine and entirely disregard Palestinian rights and even humanity. 

We warn against another attempt to ban the commemoration of al-Nakba day in Berlin, as we saw in 2022. We also view this collective targeting of the Palestinian community as an attempt to criminalize Palestinian expression and identity as well as to pressure our movement into competition and division into “good” and “bad” Palestinians. We make clear today: We and our collective movement will not allow such tactics to succeed. The voice of the Palestinian people — including the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian community in Berlin, who are Palestinian refugees denied their right to return to their occupied and colonized homeland for over 75 years — will be heard, along with the voice of our people and our resistance, for the liberation of our prisoners and our land, from the river to the sea.

We call upon all supporters of justice in Palestine, in Germany and internationally, to hold the German government accountable for the ongoing violations of Palestinian human rights taking place here on the streets of Berlin, and specifically the ban on Palestinian Prisoners’ Day commemorations. These attacks are part and parcel of the same system of oppression and alliance of imperialism, Zionism and reaction that targets our people inside and outside occupied Palestine. We will not be silent!

The 12 page document by the Berlin Police purporting to justify this ban follows a series of political attacks, including interventions by the Israeli ambassador, demanding the silencing of the Palestinian community. Like previous documents of this nature, it is littered with anti-Palestinian racism and gratuitous and highly politicized commentary that fully adopts a Zionist narrative to an extreme and even offensive level. 

This comes after the police identified no incidents at the demonstration last Saturday, 8 April, and after a manufactured media and political outrage scandal sparked by a suspicious video produced by a Zionist organization with a lone, unidentifiable voice shouting an anti-Jewish slogan. It is clear that this is the result of political pressure and not the reflection of any real concern about “public safety” or “fighting antisemitism”. It is also clear that the safety and security of the Palestinian and Arab community is of no value at all to the Berlin and German federal governments and can be cast aside or endangered at any moment for political expediency. 

  • The police document adopts an offensive Zionist narrative in describing the attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque, attacks which were even condemned by many pro-Zionist Western governments. It portrays the Israeli occupation forces drawing their weapons on worshipers and beating Palestinians inside the mosque as defenders of the Muslims praying there, while disregarding entirely the experience of those same Palestinian Muslims:

“According to reports, groups of young Palestinians threw firecrackers and stones at police officers late in the evening and tried to barricade themselves in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Furthermore, these groups of young Palestinians are said to have prevented believers from leaving the mosque, so that the police had to clear the way for the believers to leave the mosque and in this connection expelled the Palestinians from the complex. According to Palestinian sources, another six people were injured.”

  • It once again engages in anti-Palestinian racism and stereotyping while declaring that Palestinians and Arabs should apparently be emotionless about the violent attacks and dispossession of themselves and their people: warning of “emotionalization among local sections of the population with a Palestinian background.”
  • It engages in anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab racism and criminalization: “The gathering had a distinctly militant appearance to outsiders, with aggressive chants of “Allahu Akbar”.”
  • It describes the participation of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims as a justification for banning the action: “The assembly participants will therefore largely be made up of people from the Arab diaspora, particularly those with a Palestinian background. In addition, other Muslim groups, preferably from the Lebanese, Turkish and Syrian diaspora, will take part in the demonstration. In addition, a large number of young people and young adults can be expected.”
  • Further, the police also declare that Palestinians referencing their capital Jerusalem and its occupation is a reason to ban the demonstration: 

“It must be considered that the demonstration is developing into a replacement event for the canceled annual “al-Quds demonstration”. This is also supported by flyers published on the Internet, which make a reference to Jerusalem (Arabic: al-Quds) in words and pictures.”

  • Once again, the German government is using the allegedly “non-legally-binding” IHRA definition to trample on the legal rights of Palestinians, Arabs and supporters of Palestine, and equating Jews and Zionism in the crudest of terms (therefore promoting anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish animus, in reality):

“Propagating the non-existence and destruction of the State of Israel in words and pictures is to be seen as the most succinct expression of anti-Semitism according to all common definitions of anti-Semitism…This applies both to the definition of anti-Semitism adopted by Germany in 2017 from the “International Alliance for Holocaust Remembrance” (IHRA) as well as the scientific anti-Semitism definition of the report of the second “Independent Expert Group Anti-Semitism” from 2017.”

  • Further, the statement once again affirms the German government’s repeated statement that Zionist colonialism in Palestine is a “reason of state” for the country, justifying the ban on th basis that: “Its assembly participants are recruited from a circle of people who are critical of the State of Israel, the Israeli people and people of the Jewish faith.” What “people of the Jewish faith” are referred to here? Zionist settlers and occupying soldiers and war criminals? Once again, anti-Zionist Jews are rendered invisible while Jewishness is yoked to the actions of a settler colonial, imperialist project. The deception could not be clearer.

It is Europe, and Germany in particular, its ruling class and its systems of oppression, that are responsible for anti-Semitism, anti-Jewish hatred, Nazism and fascism. This is only the latest attempt to shed responsibility for these crimes and the threat of the extreme right in Germany and instead target Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims — the same groups who are themselves a primary target of fascists in Germany and throughout Europe. We do not accept that the responsibility for Nazi crimes will be displaced onto Palestinians and Arabs struggling for our liberation from colonialism. Our liberation struggle is anti-colonialist and anti-racist, and our struggle will not be silenced by smear campaigns or state repression. 

We commemorate the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners and the Palestinian people, and the International Day of Palestinian Prisoners lives on as an immortal day. We urge all who support us not only to speak out against the ban but to attend and organize events for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day in your community and city, particularly the events in Köln and Hamburg on 15 April.

We will not stand by as our people are targeted for criminalization and repression. Now is the time when it is more urgent than ever: We must continue to organize and escalate all of our efforts to free all Palestinian prisoners, to stand with the Palestinian people and their brave resistance, for the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. 

Samidoun Albuquerque Highlights Defense of Al Aqsa and Palestine Solidarity Struggle

Around 30 people gathered in front of the University of New Mexico bookstore, on Tiwa Territories (Albuquerque, New Mexico) to highlight the Zionist invasion of Al Aqsa during the holy days of Ramadan and to show solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

Micheáilín Buitléir, longtime activist and member of Samidoun ABQ welcomed the group, spoke about the work of Samidoun with its focus on the Palestinian prisoners’ struggle. They explained that we support all forms of resistance, including armed resistance, and that we encourage people to get involved with us through Facebook or Instagram.

We want to thank the Answer Coalition for providing the sound system and their members for attending the event.

Samidoun Albuquerque (Samidoun ABQ) member and longtime anti-Zionist Jewish activist Benay Blend closed the event by encouraging everyone to check out the Samidoun webpage for articles about the prisoners’ movement as well as the movement’s events around the world.

15 April, Toronto: Al-Quds Day – Stop Anti-Palestinian Racism in Canada, Free Palestine!

What: Al-Quds Day 2023
Theme: STOP Anti – Palestinian Racism in Canada
When: Saturday, April 15 at 3:00 pm
Where: Opposite U.S. Consulate 361 University Ave, Toronto

Speakers at this event will include Charlotte Kates of Samidoun and Khaled Barakat of the Masar Badil.

Endorsed By:
Greater Toronto for BDS
Neturei Karta International (NKI)
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
Socialist Action
Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste

Join us at FB: https://tinyurl.com/Al-QudsToronto
Instagram: alqudsdaytoronto
Contact us: alqudstoronto@gmail.com