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Video: “The Canada Files” highlights Ottawa Liberation Conference and Zionist attacks

Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, spoke with The Canada Files’ Editor-in-Chief Aidan Jonah about the Ottawa Liberation Conference (28-30 April) and attacks on it by Zionist organizations and mainstream media.

Watch this video to learn about the planning process, the organizers’ response to a National Post hit piece, what happened during the conference and what lessons Kates believes Canadian Palestine organizers can take from the work of Palestine Action in the UK. 

The conference site: https://liberationconference.org/
Samidoun: https://samidoun.net
Masar Badil: https://masarbadil.org/
The Canada Files: https://www.thecanadafiles.com/home

14 May, Vancouver: Nakba 75, the struggle continues – Demonstration

Sunday, 14 May
1 pm
Vancouver Art Gallery
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/536162645360568/

Until Return and Freedom!
Raise the Palestinian Flag!

Join us to mark 75 years of Palestinian dispossession and commemorate the continuing Palestinian resistance, as the Palestinian people refuse to submit to Zionist settler colonialism, aggression, and occupation.

Let’s hold the Palestinian flag high in Vancouver, and also tell the U.S. and Canadian governments that their complicity in Israeli war crimes must end!

From Turtle Island to Palestine, Colonization is a Crime!


Come out to send the message: Enough of 75 years of Israeli settler colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.

For more info, please email pymvancouver@gmail.com

Organized by Canada Palestine Association, International League of Peoples’ Struggle Canada, Masar Badil, Palestinian Youth Movement, Samidoun, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights UBC and Students for Justice in Palestine SFU

This event is taking place on the unceded and occupied territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) peoples. The organizers stand in full solidarity and support of Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination and with the ongoing movements to defend land, water and Indigenous peoples from plunder and settler colonialism.

3 May, Montreal: Glory to the Martyr, Sheikh Khader Adnan

This action is organized by multiple Montreal-based groups:

Montréal – Wednesday 3 May
Métro Guy-Concordia – 5:30 pm

 Call to action – Unity of destiny and loyalty to the martyrs in all of Palestine, from its river to its sea and its diaspora. Join us as we stand to honour the life of Sheikh Khader Adnan (the Sheikh of Dignity) who for long has been a pillar in support of our people. Sheikh Khader has always stood up for the prisoners and the martyrs – let us not fail him as we did while he was alive. Let us take over his fight and push till we #FreeThemAll

See you there!


Montréal – Mercredi 3 mai
Métro Guy-Concordia – 17h30

Appel à l’action – Unité de destin et loyauté envers les martyrs de toute la Palestine, de sa rivière à sa mer et à sa diaspora. Rejoignez-nous pour honorer la vie du Cheikh Khader Adnan (le Cheikh de la Dignité) qui a longtemps été un pilier du soutien à notre peuple. Le cheikh Khader a toujours défendu les prisonniers et les martyrs – ne l’abandonnons pas comme nous l’avons fait de son vivant. Reprenons son combat jusqu’à ce que nous libérions tous nos prisonniers.

On se voit là-bas!

Berlin remembers Sheikh Khader Adnan, martyr of freedom

Samidoun Deutschland and fellow Palestinians in Germany remembered Sheikh Khader Adnan today, 2 May, in Berlin, in the heart of the Arab and Palestinian community. Khader Adnan was on hunger strike for 86 days in Israeli occupation prisons, demanding his freedom; he conducted five previous hunger strikes, winning his liberation from administrative detention on four occasions.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network said: “The martyrdom of Sheikh Khader Adnan, the symbol of dignity, freedom and steadfastness, is an Israeli assassination, carried out with forethought and premeditation. It has been clear for the months of this strike that the occupation is determined to eliminate this symbol of prisoners’ resistance and Palestinian sacrifice and commitment and love for his people and land. However, it is also clear that the legacy of Sheikh Khader Adnan will never be eliminated by this practice of Zionist assassination. Instead, like his fellow leaders of the Palestinian revolution and resistance, he is an example of the unbending will of the Palestinian people that would not bow down to colonialism, Zionism and exploitation.”

Palestinian flags and posters of Khader Adnan fluttered over Sonnenallee, the street in Berlin’s Neukölln district that is a bustling heart of Arab and Palestinian community businesses and institutions along with a banner remembering and saluting Khader Adnan and his sacrifices and commitment to the liberation of prisoners and the liberation of Palestine.

Graffiti also appeared on surrounding buildings and grates, an expression of popular anger and outrage over the martyrdom of Sheikh Khader Adnan as well as honouring his commitment to struggle and to the land and people of Palestine, confronting the most dire of circumstances with resistance until his last breath.

These actions reflect that, despite the ongoing persecution, harassment and criminalization directed at the Palestinian community and the solidarity movement in Berlin, from the banning of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day and Al-Quds Day marches, to the threats to ban Nakba 75 commemorations as was done by Berlin authorities in 2022, the will of the community and of Samidoun Deutschland to express their commitment to Palestinian liberation and its love for the heroes, prisoners and martyrs of Palestine can never be suppressed.

The will of the martyred Palestinian hunger striker, Sheikh Khader Adnan

Below we are republishing the will of the martyred prisoner, Sheikh Khader Adnan. He wrote his will on 2 April, one month before his martyrdom, nearly two months into his hunger strike. Khader Adnan died inside Israeli occupation prisons on 2 May 2023 after 86 days of hunger strike and amid a clear commitment of the Zionist entity to end his life. Khader Adnan lives on, an eternal symbol of steadfastness, freedom, dignity and resistance:

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful

The Almighty said: “Verily those who say, “Our Lord is Allah,” and remain firm (on that path),- on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve and never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers.”

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, for granting me the ability to strike for freedom. Praise be to Allah for His countless blessings, and prayers and peace be upon the master of creation, the beloved of truth, our prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and his family and grant him peace.

I am sending you these words of mine, as my flesh has melted, my bones have gnawed, and my strength has weakened from my imprisonment in the beloved, authentic Palestinian city Al-Ramla. This is my will to my family, my children, my wife, and my people.

My wife, I counsel you and my children to fear Him (Allah), the Most High, to cling to His firm rope, to dispense with His bounty from others, to speak the truth in every time and place, to uphold ties of kinship, to pray and to pay Zakat (almsgiving), to preserve Allah‘s sanctities, and His right to our situation, money, movement, residence, and knowledge. The best homes in Palestine are the homes of martyrs, prisoners, the wounded and the righteous.

I entrust the uncles, aunts, relatives and neighbors to you; everyone who has a right over us. I entrust you with not leaving anyone with a debt over me, moral or material, for your love (me) is most in need of His mercy. If it is my martyrdom, do not allow the occupier to dissect my body, bury me near my father and write on my grave “here (lies) the poor servant of Allah, Khader Adnan, your prayers for him, his parents, and Muslims everywhere”. Make it a simple grave, and ask Allah for forgiveness, mercy, consolidation, and the breadth of my grave, and to make our graves a garden of paradise, not pits from the depths of Hell, and that He accepts all our deeds purely for His honorable face.

Mother of Abd al-Rahman (my wife) and the children, Ma‘ali, Bisan, Abd al-Rahman, Muhammad, Ali, Hamza, Maryam, Omar and Zainab. Forgive me and my brothers Abu Adnan, Abu Anas, Umm Nour and all the uncles, uncles, relatives, friends, and neighbors for any shortcomings from me on your side as I leave this temporary life, but make sure that I have not been distracted from you except by Allah’s permission for duty.

O our proud people, I send you this commandment of greetings and love, and I am full of confidence in His mercy, victory, and empowerment.
My greetings to our commanders, the families of the martyrs and the prisoners, and my greetings to them and to all the revolutionaries.
Your loving husband, Umm Abd al-Rahman; your loving father, my children; your loving brother, my brothers; your loving son, our people.

I pray that Allah accepts me as a martyr loyal to His honorable face.

Your love, Khader Adnan

Martyrdom of Sheikh Khader Adnan, after 86 days of hunger strike: Latest target of the Zionist assassination policy

Khader Adnan, Palestinian prisoner, hunger striker and resistance leader, was martyred in the early morning hours of Tuesday, 2 May 2023 after 86 days of hunger strike, demanding his freedom. Adnan, 45, was married to Randa Musa, and is the father of nine children. A leader in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, he became one of the most prominent symbols of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and ongoing resistance after winning his liberation from administrative detention four times through hunger strikes, in 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2021.

Throughout his hunger strike, which he began on 5 February 2023, from the moment of his arrest by occupation forces, he refused to break his strike despite immense pressure to do so. When occupation forces charged him with membership in Islamic Jihad and giving political speeches (“incitement”) before their military courts, he refused to end his strike. The Israeli prison administration refused to transfer him to a civilian hospital and refused his release on bail just last week, declaring that more information was needed about his medical condition. Just yesterday, yet another military court hearing in his case was postponed and delayed into the future, a clear policy of acting to ensure his death behind occupation bars.

The martyrdom of Sheikh Khader Adnan, the symbol of dignity, freedom and steadfastness, is an Israeli assassination, carried out with forethought and premeditation. It has been clear for the months of this strike that the occupation is determined to eliminate this symbol of prisoners’ resistance and Palestinian sacrifice and commitment and love for his people and land. However, it is also clear that the legacy of Sheikh Khader Adnan will never be eliminated by this practice of Zionist assassination. Instead, like his fellow leaders of the Palestinian revolution and resistance, he is an example of the unbending will of the Palestinian people that would not bow down to colonialism, Zionism and exploitation.

It is also clear that all of those who are complicit in and backers of Zionist colonialism are partners in the assassination of Khader Adnan, from the U.S. and its $3.8 billion in weapons handed over to the Israeli regime each year to the Canadian, British and European governments that continue to praise and salute the colonial project while denouncing those who resist it as “terrorist.” We also note here the complicity of the Palestinian Authority, which continues to arrest and imprison those who resist like Khader Adnan, rather than raise their cases and calls to freedom in the official and international arenas where it is present. Over the past 86 days, Samidoun, along with Adnan’s wife, Randa Musa, his comrades in the resistance, and many others, have warned that the Israeli occupation intends to assassinate him.

According to the occupation prison administration, Sheikh Khader Adnan was found unconscious in his isolation room at the Ramle prison and was then pronounced dead at Assaf Harofeh hospital. The 237th martyr of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, he spent 8 years behind occupation bars, most in administrative detention, and was arrested 12 times by the occupation, as well as by the collaborationist forces of the Palestinian Authority practicing “security coordination.”

A tireless advocate of resistance, truly dedicated to the Palestinian people, he refused to give up his resistance and his hunger strike until the last moment, committed to his approach of freedom or martyrdom. His martyrdom must become a cry of rage and a commitment to build upon his great sacrifices and dedication to the Palestinian people and the total liberation of the land of Palestine, from the river to the sea. With every strike, every speech, every mobilization for the prisoners, Sheikh Khader Adnan personified the Palestinian will to resist and ability to sacrifice for a great and just cause despite the most seemingly hopeless of circumstances.

He also never hesitated to express solidarity with fellow prisoners struggling against injustice, as he did in his message to California prisoners on hunger strike in 2012, and in his message to Irish Republicans who stood with him during his own hunger strike.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network mourns the martyrdom of Khader Adnan with deep sadness and rage, and sends its deepest condolences to his wife, Randa Musa, a tireless advocate for not only his freedom but the liberation of all prisoners and all of Palestine, his nine children, who set up a sit-in in Manara Square in Ramallah, his fellow strugglers and the Palestinian people and the Arab and international movements for justice and liberation.

The only response to his martyrdom must be continued and escalated action, resistance, protest and struggle, and for people around the world and Palestinian and Arab communities in exile and diaspora, it is urgent that we take the streets to make it clear that Khader Adnan, a great symbol of freedom, will never be eliminated by the Zionist assassination policy. He must live on in each of us and our actions, in honor of his sacrifice, commitment and willingness to put his body and life on the line not only for his own freedom, but for the liberation of Palestine. The great crime of the assassination of Sheikh Khader Adnan must not be allowed to pass without real accountability imposed by the people.

Glory to the martyr, Sheikh Khader Adnan. Freedom for the prisoners, the cause to which he gave his life. Liberation for Palestine, from the river to the sea.

24 April, Online Event: Free Khader Adnan! Urgent Meeting with Randa Musa, Khader Adnan’s wife

Join us on Monday, 24 April for an urgent meeting with Randa Musa, the wife of Khader Adnan, Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike for 78 days. Hear directly from her about how her husband’s deteriorating health condition is affecting her family and join us in organizing to take action to free Khader Adnan now!

RSVP here to receive reminders: https://forms.gle/So9fk87zbVdMJa6e6
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82534903133

The meeting will take place at 10:30 am Pacific – 1:30 pm Eastern – 7:30 pm central Europe/Palestine – 8:30 pm Beirut. Randa Musa will speak in Arabic, with English and Spanish interpretation.

لقاء عاجل مع رندة موسى
زوجة الشيخ الأسير خضر عدنان
المضرب عن الطعام لليوم 78 يوماً على التوالي
يوم الأثنين 24 ابريل 2023
الثامنة والنصف مساءً بتوقيت بيروت / السابعة والنصف بتوقيت أوروبا

Reunión urgente con Randa Moussa
La esposa del preso político Sheikh Khader Adnan, que lleva 78 días seguidos en huelga de hambre
El lunes, 24 de abril de 2023
20:30 hora de Beirut / 7:30 hora europea

Brussels events demand freedom for Walid Daqqah, Khader Adnan, and all Palestinian prisoners

Samidoun Brussels organized several solidarity activities on Thursday, 20 April to support two Palestinian prisoners, Walid Daqqah, the Palestinian intellectual, writer and freedom fighter struggling against a rare cancer after years of medical neglect; and Khader Adnan, the Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike for the past 75 days. They organized a solidarity action in Bethlehem Square in the center of the Belgian and European capital, with wide participation of Palestinian, Arab and international activists.

Following the solidarity action, Samidoun Brussels organized an evening event together with Front d’Action Révolutionnaire, on the current situation in Palestine and the struggle in the occupation prisons. The event included the unveiling of a new photography exhibit on life in occupied Palestine, as well as live virtual interviews and discussions with former Palestinian prisoners in the West Bank of occupied Palestine.

These events coincided with an announcement of Samidoun Brussels’ participation in the International Workers’ Day march, the Revolutionary 1 May in Brussels, which will begin at 2 pm at Carré de Moscou on 1 May. This mass popular march will challenge austerity, capitalism and imperialism throughout Europe, especially with the rising economic crisis affecting working-class people.

Multiple future events are being planned in Brussels and throughout Belgium, including an upcoming screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” on 11 May, which highlights the life in struggle of the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine Georges Abdallah, imprisoned in France since 1984.

These events follow on a mass demonstration for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day in Belgium on 15 April, in which Samidoun Brussels, the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine, Classe Contre Classe and many other organizations participated. During the event, Mohammed Khatib, Samidoun coordinator in Europe, spoke, urging the need to support the prisoners’ movement as “the true, reliable leadership of the Palestinian people and our liberation struggle” and the importance of “the unity of our people in exile and diaspora, carrying out their national role and responsibilities, and their right to participation and expression” in the Palestinian cause.


Khader Adnan ‘Near Death’ in Israeli Detention: Urgent call from Randa Musa, Khader Adnan’s wife

Randa Musa, the wife of Khader Adnan, the Palestinian prisoner currently on his 75th day of hunger strike, issued the following urgent call to action to the people of the world. On Thursday, 20 April, the Israeli occupation military court once again postponed the hearing on his release, ordering yet another report on his medical condition; in the meantime, he was moved to an unknown hospital location, his family reported. Randa, his wife, and their nine children, set up a sit-in in Manara Square in Ramallah, calling on all to join them to stand for Khader’s freedom. Adnan has won his liberation four times before through hunger strikes. We join her call and urge all to participate in demanding his liberation!

My husband, Khader Adnan Musa, is a Palestinian prisoner who has been on a hunger strike in Israeli prisons since February 5th, 2023, in rejection of his arbitrary arrest. Khader (45), the father of nine children; the youngest of whom is one and a half years old, and the oldest is 14 years old, is a long-term hunger-striker who has won his freedom on multiple occasions through lengthy public confrontations with the occupation forces.

On Monday, April 17th, the Israeli occupation military court (Salem) postponed the bail request of Khader due to his critical health condition after 72 days of hunger strike. The court delayed its response until today (April 20th), and then the hearing was postponed again to April 23rd, despite the dangerous situation he is in. By then, Khader Adnan—if alive—will have reached the 78th day of his ongoing hunger strike. During the hearing, the Public Prosecution threatened to implement force-feeding against Khader’s will.

Khader Adnan, from Arraba, Jenin, is currently held in an unknown hospital/prison. Until yesterday April 18, he was held in the Ramleh detention center, where he refused any medical examinations or supplements despite facing a continuous deterioration in his health. He is experiencing pain throughout his body, blurred vision, coughing blood, vomiting bile, constant dizziness, intermittent fainting, yellowish skin, and a rapid heartbeat. Although doctors warn Khader could suffer a sudden stroke or loss of life, the Israeli Prison Services (IPS) refused to move him to a civic hospital for 74 days. On the evening of Wednesday, April 18, I was informed he is moved to an undisclosed location. We’ve reached out to Physicians for Human Rights, but they weren’t been able to locate him.

My message to the free people of the world and the United Nations is to take action and pressure the occupation to require it to respect human rights, to stop the inhumane treatment of Palestinian detainees, to help my children and me to visit Khader, to save the life of my husband and their father from the slow death he is experiencing, and to release him before it is too late.

I thank everyone who has supported my husband since the first moment of his hunger strike; however, I will not forgive anyone who could have done something to lift this injustice off of my husband, yet they did not. My husband, Khader Adnan, represents the message of a nation and wages this struggle on behalf of his people. He does not like hunger or death but refuses a life of humiliation and fights for freedom and dignity.

Randa Musa


Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network emphasizes that this is an urgent time for international action, media efforts, popular protests and mobilization to save the life of Khader Adnan and win his freedom, and that of his fellow political prisoners. He is resisting with all available to him behind bars, putting his body and life on the line for freedom. The Zionist occupation and its prison administration are fully responsible for his current situation and any further deterioration to and threats to his life and health. We note that the U.S., European, British, Canadian and other governments that continue to provide military, economic and diplomatic support to the Israeli occupation regime are complicit in the ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people, the Palestinian prisoners and Khader Adnan in particular.

In this context, we particularly highlight the actions of the German state, first in the Berlin police’s ban of demonstrations and events marking Palestinian Prisoners’ Day on 15 and 16 April, and renewed again on 17 April, and in the repression of demonstrators in Cologne on 15 April for their slogans in defense of the Palestinian people and their resistance. This is a clear attempt to silence the voice of popular movements, both internationalists in Germany and in particular the Palestinian community in exile and diaspora, for Khader Adnan and all Palestinian prisoners.

Take action:

1. Mobilize actions, demonstrations, direct actions and creative interventions – Take to the streets to defend the Palestinian people and their resistance. There is a vast depth of support for the Palestinian people everywhere around the world, including inside the imperialist powers. It is our responsibility to act and make it impossible to continue their support for the crimes against the Palestinian people. Direct actions like those taken by Palestine Action have already shut down multiple weapons facilities in Britain owned by Israeli arms companies, and even more action can provide further direct support to the Palestinian people.

2. Take a stand against “twinning” with Israeli occupation cities – Recently, the city of Barcelona took a strong stand against the normalization of occupation after years of campaign work by thousands of residents of the city, as all collaboration with the Israeli occupation and the “sister city” relationship with Tel Aviv were suspended by the Mayor. This important victory comes as the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is leading a campaign in Toulouse, France, to bring an end to that city’s “sister city” relationship with the apartheid capital. If your city has a twinning relationship with the occupation, launch your own campaign to bring that arm of complicity to an end!

3. Build the boycott of Israel – This is a critical moment to escalate the campaign to isolate the Israeli regime at all levels, including through boycott campaigns that target the occupation’s economic exploitation of the Palestinian land, people and resources as well as those international corporations, like HP and G4S, that profit from the ongoing colonization of Palestine.

Use these signs below in your actions and campaigns, and send us your photos on FacebookInstagram and Twitter or via email at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Download below, in English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese and Italian — or Download all PDFs (A3) or (11×17).

Statement of Young Struggle: Solidarity with Samidoun! Hit the streets on Nakba Day!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network salutes our comrades in “Young Struggle” for their continuous work against imperialism and their struggle for the inalienable rights of the Kurdish people, and we republish their statement against the ban by the German state on Palestinian Prisoner’s Day actions in Berlin after a nationwide smear campaign against Palestinian organising in Germany, and especially Samidoun. Following is their statement:

Fight against repression and against the German state!

On Saturday 08.04 a demonstration, organized by Samidoun Network, took place in Berlin Neukölln. More than 1000 people participated in the demonstration, among them Palestinians, Arabs, internationalists and many more. The goal was to send a sign against the Israeli settler policy and the ongoing attacks of the Zionist state against Palestinians and for a liberated Palestine. However, as it is so often the case in Germany, this alone is enough of a basis to criminalize organizations and the entire movement. Shortly after the demonstration, a video went through the German media and social media that allegedly showed a person at the demonstration shouting “Death to the Jews.” A few things need to be clarified here.

      • The police were on site with large forces, including some interpreters. However, during the demonstration there were no signs of such a slogan being shouted.
      • On the video it is not clearly understandable which slogan is shouted there. In addition, it is also not identifiable which person shouted the slogan.

Yesterday, 13.04 it was announced that the two Berlin demonstrations on 15 and 16.04 , on the Day of Palestinian Prisoners, were banned. As in the previous year, there is great Israeli aggression during Ramadan against the Palestinian people. Palestinians are targeted and the rage about this drives the people here to take to the streets and demonstrate. The German state pretends to be the moral guardian who would stop anti-Semitic agitation and uses this as a basis to criminalize the Palestinian liberation movement. In reality, however, it only represents its own imperialist interests. Berlin, as the capital of the Palestinians in Europe, is of course particularly important for German policy. A large Palestinian diaspora naturally means that the reaction in the streets is also gaining momentum and the German state wants to put an end to this.

These bans are, as the comrades of Samidoun correctly describe in their statement, a tool in the hands of reactionary forces that want to criminalize the Palestinian liberation movement globally.

Since last Saturday’s demonstration, politicians have been talking about bans against the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), and Samidoun Network has also been targeted. While the most progressive parts of the movement are criminalized, the Union takes advantage of this to tighten asylum laws; “the imported anti-Semitism should not be rewarded with a German passport”. These brazen statements are attempts to withdraw legitimacy from the Palestinian liberation struggle and to paint it as fundamentally reactionary. Germany is the world champion in exporting anti-Semitism. The hypocritical attempts to shift this onto the Palestinians and all Arabs are clearly motivated by racism in order to anchor their own right-wing fantasies in the masses.

We are one month away from Nakba Day, and we are seeing, as we did last year, an intensified agitation against the Palestinian liberation movement. Nakba Day, also called the Great Catastrophe, marks the beginning of the displacement of the Palestinian people by the Zionist occupation. This day is a day of struggle for the Palestinian liberation movement worldwide. It is our task as revolutionaries to work for the liberation of all oppressed people, including the Palestinian people. With the current attacks of the German state, it must be clear to us where they lead; To further demonstration bans.

Last year, together with other groups in Berlin, we founded the “Revolutionary Solidarity Alliance” in response to the demonstration bans on Nakba Day. With the slogan “class struggle instead of repression” we created a basis to give a revolutionary answer to their attacks. This year, too, we must stand united against the repressive policies of the German imperialist state and its interests. We live in a state that wants to stop the revolutionary forces of this country, but we will resist.

We want to make it clear:

“Take to the streets on Nakba Day. We will not let revolutionary politics be outlawed”

“We will not let them take the streets from us, let’s strengthen solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle”