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Supporters of Palestine confront war criminal Netanyahu’s visit in Paris

Photo: Audrey MG

From 2 to 5 February 2023, Israeli war criminal, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was hosted in Paris by the French government. On this occasion, he met French President Emmanuel Macron as well as figures from the business sector and representatives of organizations that aim to fight the growing movement to boycott Israel in France. Faced with this renewed collaboration with the Israeli war criminal regime, various mobilizations have been organized by supporters of justice in Palestine in Paris. On the evening of Thursday, 2 February, activists from the Boycott Apartheid Israel – Paris Banlieue CollectiveAFPS Paris 14-6 and Paris Sud, Samidoun Paris Banlieue, the French Jewish Union for Peace and CAPJPO-EuroPalestine organized a spontaneous rally at the Invalides, carrying signs and banners: “From Gaza to Jenin, long live Palestinian resistance” and “Stop collaboration with the criminal Israeli state” . 

On Saturday afternoon, 4 February, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine organized a rally in the heart of downtown Paris to denounce the arrival of Netanyahu and to affirm clear support for the legitimate resistance of the Palestinian people in the face of colonialism, occupation and apartheid. Bringing together several hundred people, various organizations were also present, in particular the Collective Boycott Apartheid Israel – Paris Banlieue , the Association of Palestinians in Île-de-France, Samidoun Paris Banlieue, sections of the AFPS, Friends of the Jenin Freedom Theatre and the NPA Paris.


Photo credit: Audrey MG

For several hours, the demonstrators chanted pro-Palestinian slogans like “Palestine will live, fascism will not pass,” paid tribute to the martyrs of Jenin and all of Palestine and denounced the complicity of the French government with the Israeli occupation. Olivia Zémor of EuroPalestine particularly denounced the recent cancellation of a conference in Lyon with Franco-Palestinian lawyer and former political prisoner forcibly deported from his homeland, Salah Hamouri, following pressure from far-right Zionist organizations and even from the Interior Ministry. Faced with this new attack on freedom of expression, she emphasized that an action was organized in Lyon to highlight the reality of the occupation, in particular mass imprisonment and extra-judicial executions.

Photo: Audrey MG

A young activist from EuroPalestine also emphasized the legitimacy of Palestinian resistance, including armed and popular resistance, in confronting Israeli State terrorism. He ended his speech by chanting “Long live the resistance of the Palestinian people!” Another young woman took the floor to call for the intensification of the boycott of Israel as one of our weapons to fight the colonial economy, in particular urging the boycott of TEVA, PUMA and Carrefour. The gathering continued with other interventions, such as that of the Collectif BAI – PB, then concluded with a dabké dance paying homage to the immense richness of Palestinian culture.

Photo: Audrey MG

The next day, a huge banner was unfurled in downtown Paris where it read “Israel assassin, Macron complice” (Israel is the assassin, Macron complicit) to denounce the intensified complicity of France with the Israeli occupation.


Samidoun Paris Banlieue warmly thanks all the people who have supported and engaged during these activities and underlines the importance of building a broad and united mobilization to face the major challenges ahead. As the Israeli far right regime increases its attacks against the Palestinian people, we must intensify our support for the resistance until the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. To participate in our activities and find all of our actions and mobilizations, do not hesitate to contact us on our social networks (Instagram,  Facebook,  Twitter) or by email at  parisbanlieue@samidoun.net

7 February, Ann Arbor: The Struggle for Black and Palestinian Liberation – Political Prisoners

Tuesday, 7 February
7 pm
Union Anderson Rm D
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CoLCbCEvMiG/

First event for Palestine Awareness Week is coming up!! Check out the event description below!

In this event, political prisoners are highlighted as freedom fighters as we discuss their strive towards liberation. Political prisoners have endured unethical means of suffering and have found ways to resist in both Palestine and Turtle Island (North America). While looking into the US Prison Industrial Complex and Israeli prisons, join us as we discuss the importance of collective liberation, build solidarity with Black and Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom, and
the interconnected struggles between marginalized communities.

This event is happening in person but there is a virtual option as well. To receive the link for the virtual live stream please check out the link.

New York rally honors martyrs, calls for justice and liberation for Palestine

Photo: Shanaz Deen

Demonstrators marched through the streets of Brooklyn on Sunday, 29 January in a mass mobilization to salute the martyrs of Jenin and stand with the Palestinian people’s liberation struggle. Organized by Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine, the march drew crowds to the New York streets, with groups including Samidoun NY/NJ, Neturei Karta International, the Workers World Party and many Palestinian community organizations and left political parties joining in the rally.


Beginning in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, home to a large Palestinian and Arab community, organizers of the demonstration rallied participants. Nerdeen Kiswani, chair of Within Our Lifetime, spoke about the 35 martyrs whose lives had been taken by the Zionist occupation within the first 29 days of 2023 and WOL’s ongoing campaign to honour the martyrs of Palestine.

Photo: Shanaz Deen

Speakers at the rally included Nida Abu Baker, the daughter of Shukri Abu Baker, one of the Holy Land 5 who continue to be imprisoned in U.S. jails as political prisoners for providing humanitarian aid to orphans and widows in Palestine, as well as Laila Boutros, coordinator of Samidoun NY/NJ and representatives of the Neturei Karta religious Jewish association.

As marchers wound through the streets of Brooklyn, they chanted, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” and “Settlers, settlers go back home, Palestine is ours alone” among other chants for Palestinian liberation. Participants carried photos and posters of the Palestinian martyrs whose lives had been taken as well as Palestinian flags, banners and posting calling for freedom for Palestinian prisoners and the liberation of Palestine.

Photo: Shanaz Deen

Outside of the office of Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, Nerdeen Kiswani emphasized that her support for Zionism and Israeli apartheid and colonialism does not represent her or the people of the area, denouncing Malliotakis’ and her fellow members of Congress’ ongoing complicity in the war crimes and crimes against humanity targeting the Palestinian people.


The march concluded with dedication to continued organizing and activism for the liberation of Palestine.

Below is the text of Laila Boutros’ (Samidoun NY/NJ) speech at the demonstration:

On this past Wednesday, Israel murdered 10 Palestinians when they illegally raided the Jenin refugee camp. Jenin has been a point of great struggle recently, including being the place where the IDF brutally murdered journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in cold blood.

Though the first month of the year has yet to end, the IOF has already murdered at least 30 Palestinians, including five children. At this rate, nearly 400 Palestinians will be murdered in their homeland this year, a number that more than doubles the 170 Palestinians killed by the IOF in 2022.

While Jenin has been the site of brutal and endless violence, it has also been the site of unrelenting and steadfast resistance from the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance organizations. The Palestinian people and their resistance have made clear that they will not be silent, sitting back and waiting for slaughter, they will resist and uphold the legacy of the martyrs, and they will not stop fighting until they have secured a liberated Palestine, from the river to the sea, for all Palestinians for generations to come.

I will now read part of a speech from comrade George Habash, also known as Al Hakim’s, that he delivered at the Jordan International Hotel in Amman in 1970 to hostages following a resistance operation in the face of US-backed Jordanian regime attacks against the Palestinian revolution.

Al Hakim says – “After 22 years of injustice, inhumanity, living in camps with nobody caring for us, we feel that we have the very full right to protect our revolution. We have all the right to protect our revolution. Our code of morals is our revolution. What saves our revolution, what helps our revolution, what protects our revolution is right, is very right and very honorable and very noble and very beautiful, because our revolution means justice, means having back our homes, having back our country, which is a very just and noble aim.”

Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance organizations understand this very well – they understand that when it comes to winning back their homeland, there is no sacrifice too great, and they understand that any resistance against this brutal regime, in the name of the Palestinian people, is a beautiful, and honorable thing.

We are here to honor the martyrs of Jenin refugee camp and all the martyrs of Palestine, we salute the brave Palestinian people and their resistance organizations in their steadfast and valiant fight to avenge all Palestinian martyrs and reclaim Palestine, from the river to the sea! Glory to the martyrs of Jenin and the martyrs of Palestine, Glory to the brave Palestinian resistance, FREE, FREE PALESTINE!

Demonstration in Berlin Condemns Latest Massacres and Supports Prisoners Movement

In support of the prisoners’ movement and the resistance in Palestine, Samidoun Network and the Alternative Palestinian Revolutionary Path Movement organized a demonstration in Berlin on Saturday 04.02.2023 along the “Sonnenallee”, or as it’s locally known “the Arabs Street”. The demonstration took place after occupation forces had stormed several sections in different prisons, and transferred many prisoners at random, prevented visits, and placed a large number of prisoners in solitary confinement. Zionist forces also stormed the rooms of the female prisoners in “Damon Prison” and assaulted them with beatings and tear gas. Palestinian prisoners in various prisons responded by declaring a state of alert, which was followed by negotiations with the prison administration, in which the prisoners movement secured victory and the administration retracted its escalatory measures.

The demonstration’s call stated that “the Zionist occupation killed 30 Palestinians since the beginning of the year 2023, at a time when the occupation government is taking escalatory measures against Palestinian prisoners, especially after the Jenin massacre”. Along the Palestinian and Arab participants, the demonstration was supported and attended by local leftist and youth forces.

Following is the speech that was read in Arabic and German during the demonstration: 

We stand here today in honour of the martyrs in Jenin, in Nablus, in Jerusalem, in Umm al-Fahm, in the Negev and in Gaza. They have sacrificed with their blood for more than a hundred years for the freedom and dignity of the Palestinian people. This people who were and still are persecuted and live in refugee camps…. And despite the pain and suffering, they have continued to resist for decades.

What we see lately in the arrogance and brutality of the occupation is only proof of its confusion and the panic of its army and security apparatus in the face of the escalating resistance that has been going on since the beginning of colonialism in Palestine until today, after a hundred years, in Jenin, Nablus, Jerusalem, Umm al-Fahm, Haifa, the Negev and Gaza. That is why we say to this entity: you are weak! And that our people, young and old, will not stop and will never tire until they obtain their freedom. This is the fate of the occupation and the fate of its treacherous agents, led by the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, which is killing our people, handing over our resistance to the occupation and oppressing our people in the West Bank with American training and equipment. From here, from Berlin, we send our greetings to the prisoners in the prisons of the Palestinian Authority, to Musab Shtayyeh and his companions, and we tell them that this authority, ruled by Mahmoud Abbas, Hussein Al-Sheikh and Majid Faraj, will soon find its fate in the hands of our people, who are tired of being ruled by treacherous agents.

Friends and comrades, the Palestinian prisoners’ movement is currently engaged in a great struggle in the prisons of the occupation, which they are paying for with their health and lives. We would also like to send special greetings to the Palestinian women prisoners in the prisons of the occupation, who have been subjected to a wave of repression and attacks by the prison administration in recent days, aimed at breaking their will and dignity. But in vain! This policy against our prisoners, escalating in its brutality, is an attempt by the new fascist Zionist government under the criminal Netanyahu and the fascist Ben Gvir to prove to their settlers that they are capable of defeating the will of our prisoners and our brave resistance, but their attempts are in vain! Our prisoners’ movement has and will have the last word. After the Palestinian prisoners’ movement declared a state of alert following these escalations, the prison administration was forced to negotiate with the prisoners’ movement, which resulted in the administration withdrawing its escalatory measures and being forced to return to the previous arrangement in order to avoid a confrontation with our brave prisoners.

This fascist Zionist government is supported by America and the European Union led by Germany, which is a major source of armament for the Zionist occupation, as this fascist entity obtains more than 25 per cent of its weapons from the German state. Germany is thus participating in the murder of our people in Palestine. And not only that, Germany is repressing the Palestinian movement here in all forms, from the repression of demonstrations to the legal persecution of Palestine activists to the banning of demonstrations on Nakba Day last year! The aspirations and freedom of expression of millions of Germans and residents in Germany are disregarded in favour of a foreign country. And why? Because the interests of this state are the same as the interests of the occupation! Therefore, we in the Palestinian Revolutionary Alternative Path Movement have not and will not ask the state for help, nor will we beg for its support, nor will we expect it to change its position! Our hope is with you, our people in exile, and with the internationalist supporters of the Palestinian cause that you see with us today. We, the Palestinian refugees, must reclaim our role in our struggle, we must take our national responsibility and rebuild our institutions that were destroyed after the Oslo liquidation project. And just as our people in occupied Palestine sacrifice everything for their homeland, we in Berlin, in Paris, in London, in Beirut, in Istanbul, in Chile and everywhere must rekindle our willingness to sacrifice for our cause until liberation and return!

Down with the Zionist entity!

Down with America and down with colonialism!

Long live the Palestinian resistance in all its forms!

Glory to our prisoners’ movement!

And glory to our brave martyrs!

Free Alex Saab, political prisoner of capitalism and imperialism

In a statement released on Monday, January 30, over 30 organizations that make up the Movement of Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution in Madrid raised their voices to demand the release of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab and all the political prisoners of imperialism. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a signatory of this statement. This translation is republished from Orinoco Tribune.

Here is the full unofficial translation of the statement:

The organizations of the Movement of Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution strongly condemn the double kidnapping suffered by the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, detained in Cape Verde and also illegally deported to the United States following instructions from the US government.

Alex Saab was in charge of international supplies for the CLAPs (Local Committees for Supply and Production), popular organizations created at the behest of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to minimize the ravages of shortages caused by the US blockade against Venezuelan people. The enormous and effective task that the kidnapped diplomat was carrying out was helping these committees to strengthen the distribution of basic products, reducing the effects of the criminal aggression against the Bolivarian Republic.

This placed the CLAPs themselves and the Venezuelan diplomat in the crosshairs of the imperialist strategists. They cannot stand the fact that the Venezuelan people are resisting the economic hardship produced by the unilateral sanctions and the blockade with unwavering integrity. That is why they decided to kidnap Alex Saab twice, first when his plane was making a layover in Cape Verde and then by means of an absolutely illegal deportation to the United States, against which almost the entire African international community pronounced itself.

Once in US territory, he was accused of false charges for which the United States also has no authority since they were allegedly committed in Venezuela, ignoring his status as a Venezuelan diplomat. It is, therefore, a true double kidnapping in colonial code by the Yankee rulers, who intend to submit the world to their orders and interests.

It is a palpable demonstration of the double standards of capitalist governments when it comes to human rights, as it is not the only case of kidnapping by these governments. Israel has arbitrarily imprisoned thousands of Palestinians, many of them minors. And in the United States, they are keeping three Palestinian activists in prison for daring to defend the rights of their people in the middle of US territory. Ghassan Elashi, Shukin Abu Bakr and Mufid Abdulqader have been in prison since 2004; without forgetting George Abdallah, imprisoned in France for over 38 years.

But there are more political prisoners of capitalist governments. A governor of the coalition headed by the right-wing Mauricio Macri arbitrarily imprisoned Milagro Sala, bringing false legal charges against her for organizing the popular classes in Jujuy and other Argentinian cities, where she had achieved important social gains for the people, which the oligarchy does not forgive.

The list is actually endless. Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu-Jamal are sentenced to life in prison for crimes they did not commit in the United States. They are political prisoners that the system’s press never mentions. Another example of this is the Colombian Simón Trinidad. However, this allegedly free press attacks Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua every time their governments are forced to act and judge with irrefutable evidence of crimes and violence against the people. Just remember those killed by the guarimbas…

From the Movement of Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution, we demand immediate freedom for Alex Saab and all the political prisoners of imperialism. It is not a crime to fight against exploitation, oppression and the illegal and illegitimate measures of the capitalist system.

All our solidarity with the Venezuelan people and their revolutionary government!

Long live the Bolivarian Revolution!

Long live the internationalist struggle of the oppressed peoples!

Hasta la victoria siempre!


Madrid, January 30, 2023

• Platform of Solidarity with Venezuela
• State Coordinator of Solidarity with Cuba
• Sodepaz, Solidarity for Development and Peace
• Communist Initiative
• Association of Women Entrepreneurs Brazil-Spain
• Popular Committee of Luta de Madrid
• International Solidarity Communication Brigades, BRICS -PSUV
• Sovereign America
• Euskal HerriarenLagunak EHL-Madrid
• Portal ALBA
• Eyes for Peace
• Platform of Solidarity with the Peoples of the Mediterranean
• Izquierda Castilian
• La Yesca
• Communist Party of Spain, PCE
• Gatherings in Quarantine, anti-imperialist communication channel
• United Left of Spain
• Republican Left
• International Federation of Migrant Resistance in Spain, FIRMES
• Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity, REDH Spain
• Human Rights against Hate Crimes
• Coordination of Communist Nuclei
• Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
• Alkarama, Movement of Palestinian Women
• Al-Yudur, Palestinian Youth
• Masar Badil, Palestinian Revolutionary Alternative Route Movement
• Internationalist Anti-Imperialist Front, FAI
• La Comuna Magazine
• Solidarity Platform with Nicaragua and the Sandinista Front
• July 26 Collective
• Unadikum Association

#FreePalestinianStudents: Student election candidates in Toulouse join the call for prisoners’ liberation

From 30 January to 1 February, student elections are taking place at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès in France. These elections are for the central council of representatives of workers and students at the university, and election lists vie for the support of students with a range of political, social and local initiatives and plans.

During the 2023 student elections, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra — a member organization of the Samidoun Network — engaged with the left and progressive lists running in the student elections, urging their support for the #FreePalestinianStudents campaign to liberate imprisoned Palestinian students, a campaign supported by over 300 organizations around the world. In a recent report by Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association on the right to education, over 70 students at Bir Zeit University alone are currently imprisoned.

At the same time, most student organizations and blocs — including those that regularly contest student elections in occupied Palestine — are labeled “illegal organizations” by the Zionist occupation, part of the same list of designations used against all Palestinian political parties and even a growing number of human rights organizations, as well as internationalist and diaspora organizations like Samidoun. This means that students can be arrested, interrogated, subject to torture and imprisoned for their political, social and union activities.

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra is working to increase and develop internationalist solidarity between students in France and in Palestine, and salutes the main student organizations of Toulouse Jean Jaurès University for their commitment to stand alongside Palestinian youth in the face of colonial repression!

  • The list “Against precariousness, for union and solidarity” presented by the CGT SELA: the union of university students, high school students and apprentices of the CGT, a major French trade union federation.

  • The “Student Progressives” list presented by the UEC, the UET and the UNEF : an alliance of different left-wing political and trade union organizations

Source: Collectif Palestine Vaincra

Vicious repression and burning resistance: Palestinian prisoners’ uprising confronts escalating attacks

There is a high state of tension and escalating action within the occupation prisons, as the Palestinian prisoners’ movement is rising up to confront attacks by repressive Israeli occupation forces. In the past several days — particularly since the Jenin massacre and the Palestinian resistance operation in Jerusalem that came in response — occupation forces have stormed sections in various prisons, initiated mass arbitrary transfers from one prison to another, blocked family visits and isolated dozens of Palestinian political prisoners. Today, 31 January, this attack intensified with a violent raid on Palestinian women prisoners in Damon prison, sparking further outrage. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network calls upon all friends and supporters of Palestine to stand with the Palestinian prisoners, the Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian people in confronting this onslaught.

Palestinian women prisoners under attack

Occupation forces invaded the women prisoners’ sections in Damon prison, confiscating all of their possessions and isolating Palestinian prisoner Yasmine Shaaban. In response, the prisoners resisted the invasion, including burning items inside the prison cells. These attacks came days after occupation forces had stormed room #10, removing all electrical appliances, and imposing sanctions on the women imprisoned there. The Damon prison administration then cancelled all family visits and legal visits with the prisoners for Wednesday, 1 February, highlighting the intent of the occupation both to deprive the women prisoners of access to the outside world and to cover up its ongoing crimes.

Isolated prisoner Yasmine Shaaban

Prisoners escalate their resistance

Throughout the occupation prisons, the Palestinian prisoners’ movement escalated its measures of protest and confrontation in response, including closing the sections in all prisons and refusing to stand up or come out for security checks.

In the Naqab desert prison, 120 prisoners declared an open hunger strike for the second day in Sections 26 and 27 in protest of being held in collective isolation. This action is being taken as a “warning message to the occupation to stop its continuous attacks against prisoners,” said Riyad al-Ashqar of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Center for Studies. They suspended the strike and noted that they are moving to another escalatory step, dissolving the prison organizations and representative structures, declaring that the occupation will have to deal with each Palestinian prisoner rather than existing representatives after a series of meetings with prison administration deteriorated.

Escalating attacks throughout occupation prisons

Occupation forces confiscated electrical appliances and basic necessities, cutting off electricity, hot water and blocking the entry of food purchased in the “canteen” (prison store). Palestinian prisoners secured the right to produce their own food through lengthy struggles, including collective hunger strike.

Repressive units invaded prison sections, ransacking belongings and confiscating prisoners’ items, in the Ofer, Naqab, Megiddo and Damon prisons, and moving dozens into collective isolation. They stormed Section 8 in the Negev Prison and transferred a number of prisoners from Jenin to Nafha Prison, and then attackedSection 9 of Megiddo Prison, and transferred 18 prisoners to isolation cells from Section 22 of Ofer Prison. The Higher Emergency Committee of the Prisoners’ Movement has been in a permanent session for two weeks in preparation for the ongoing uprising taking place inside the prisons.

Ben-Gvir’s assault on the prisoners’ movement

The notoriously fascist Zionist official, Itamar Ben-Gvir, was named Minister of Internal Security in the current Israeli government, placing him over the Israel Prison Service. Like his predecesors — including Gilad Erdan, current U.S./UN ambassador for the Zionist regime — Ben-Gvir immediately announced his plans to make the conditions for Palestinian prisoners even worse in an attempt to suppress the prisoners’ movement. He explicitly announced plans for large-scale transfers of Palestinian prisoners and attempts to smash the ongoing self-organization and mobilization of the prisoners by separating them further from one another.

Raafat Hamdouna, a former Palestinian prisoner and an expert on prisoners’ affairs, said in an interview with Palestine Today that “The coming days will include many measures taken by the heroic prisoners in the occupation prisons…including, hunger strikes, return of meals and dissolution of organizations.” He urged widespread support for the prisoner’ actions, emphasizing that the prisoners need Palestinian, Arab and international support as they confront the attacks of the occupier, urging protests in European capitals in particular and the isolation of the occupation regime on an international level.

Call to action and organizing

Palestinian political parties and resistance organizations across the board affirmed the necessity of standing with the prisoners as they rise up to confront the vicious attacks of the occupation. The Palestinian prisoners are on the front lines of struggle, leaders of the Palestinian resistance, confronting the occupier on a daily basis with their steadfastness, their organizing, and their very lives.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all friends and supporters of Palestine and the Palestinian and Arab people everywhere to take action to stand with the Palestinian prisoners as they confront these occupation crimes with their bodies and lives on the line behind bars. We urge all to join in the Days of Rage and Resistance from 10-12 February 2023 with protests, mobilizations and direct actions. The prisoners are doing everything they can to confront the occupation attacks — now is the time to show that they are not isolated, and that we stand with these imprisoned strugglers and leaders as they resist a vicious onslaught of repression. 

1. Mobilize actions, demonstrations, direct actions and creative interventions – Take to the streets to defend the Palestinian people and their resistance! Organize actions on the Days of Rage and Resistance from 10-12 February 2023 in your city and community — and before! There is a vast depth of support for the Palestinian people everywhere around the world, including inside the imperialist powers. It is our responsibility to act and make it impossible to continue their support for the crimes against the Palestinian people.

2. Build the boycott of Israel – This is a critical moment to escalate the campaign to isolate the Israeli regime at all levels, including through boycott campaigns that target the occupation’s economic exploitation of the Palestinian land, people and resources as well as those international corporations, like HP and G4S, that profit from the ongoing colonization of Palestine.

11 February, Brussels: From the River to the Sea – Visions of Palestinian Liberation

Saturday, 11 February
7 pm
Rue de Danemark 70B
Brussels, Belgium
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CoDgSCHjUgU/?hl=en

Please join Samidoun Brussels for an evening of discussion and strategy toward the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. The total liberation of all of Palestine is a central unifying point to rally around, from the uprooting of colonialism and Zionism to the return of Palestinian refugees denied that right for over 75 years. Join us for an exchange of viewpoints that begins at the unifying point of the liberation of all of Palestine on the future of the struggle and what is necessary to achieve that victory, as well as the forces that Palestinians and supporters of Palestine confront in working toward that goal.

Speakers include:

  • Myriam De Ly, active with the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine.
  • Nermin Hwaihi, active with the Palestinian Refugees Movement for Rights and Justices
  • Eitan Bronstein, Founder of Zochrot, activist in De-Colonizer and Union des Progressistes Juifs de Belgique
  • Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun Network and co-founder of the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement.
  • Brussels Panthers, antiracist and décolonial organization
  • Classe Contre Classe, Revolutionary Organisation of Belgium

Follow Samidoun Brussels on Instagram!

4 February, Online: Zimbabwe country hearing, International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism

Saturday, 4 February
10:30 AM EST (7:30 AM PST, 4:30 PM central Europe, 5:30 PM Palestine
Register: https://bit.ly/zimbabwehearing

Join the International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures for a hearing on the effects and impacts of these policies and practices on the people of Zimbabwe. We will hear testimony and reports from expert and direct witnesses, with questions and discussion from our jurors.

The hearing will take place on Saturday, Feb. 4 at 10:30 am EST. (GMT -5) Register to listen online: https://bit.ly/zimbabwehearing


Video: International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures launches in New York

On Saturday, 28 January, the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades and Coercive Economic Measures launched with a half-day event in New York City. The event featured a wide array of speakers addressing the upcoming tribunal, including:

  1. Nina Farnia, Co-chair of the Tribunal Steering Committee & Professor of Law, Albany Law School
  2. Niloufer Bhagwat, Confederation of Lawyers of Asia and the Pacific
  3. Brian Becker, ANSWER Coalition
  4. Mireille Fanon Mendès-France, The Frantz Fanon Foundation
  5. Booker Omole, Communist Party of Kenya
  6. Carlos Ron, Vice Minister of Foreign Relations for North America (Venezuela)
  7. Suzanne Adely – President National Lawyers Guild & Tribunal Steering Committee
  8. Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, Former United Nations Independent Expert
  9. Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz, Historian & Scholar
  10. Claudia De La Cruz, People’s Forum
  11. Sara Flounders, Sanctions Kill
  12. Helyeh Doutaghi, Co-chair of the Tribunal Steering Committee & Adjunct Professor, Carleton University
  13. Willy Mutunga, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Kenya
  14. Alejandro González Behmaras, First Secretary of the Cuban Mission to the United Nations

Watch the full video below:

Samidoun is a co-sponsor of the Tribunal. Get all of the details on the tribunal at sanctionstribunal.org.

Register for upcoming hearings:


Please register for the upcoming hearings at the links below. Note that schedules may change in case of emergency, and by signing up, you will receive a confirmation link, reminders as well as any updates and changes.

Country Hearing Date and Time (EST) Registration Link
Zimbabwe Feb. 4th | 10:30 am Register here
Korea Feb. 17th | 11:00 pm Register here
Libya March 4th | 10:30 am Register here
Syria March 18th | 10:30 am Register here
Lebanon April 1st | 10:30 am Register here
Gaza April 8th | 10:30 am Register here
Sudan April 14th | 10:30 am Register here
Iran April 22nd | 10:30 am Register here
Eritrea April 29th | 10:30 am Register here
Ethiopia May 6th | 10:30 am Register here
Iraq May 13th | 10:30 am Register here
Yemen May 19th | 10:30 am Register here
Haiti May 27th | 10:30 am Register here
Nicaragua June 3rd | 11:00 am Register here
Cuba June 10th | 11:00 am Register here
Venezuela July 25, 26 In person, Caracas