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#FreeKhalil: Awawdeh repeats just one word, “Freedom” as he faces severe health crisis

Palestinian prisoner Khalil Awawdeh, on his 162nd day of hunger strike against his administrative detention without charge or trial, has suffered a severe deterioration in his health. He was moved to Assaf Harofeh civilian hospital on Thursday, 11 August — as always, with the threat that if he does not accept treatment, he will be returned to the infamous Ramle prison clinic. His lawyers and family members said that he experienced sudden and severe cognitive decline and is at risk of death at any moment.

Ahlam Haddad, Awawdeh’s lawyer, told Palestinian media that he had prepared a message for her: “I went on strike for freedom, and I have sacrificed a lot for the dearest and strongest need, freedom…My abstinence from food is not a rejection of life, but rather a rejection of chains.” She said that he was unable to say the name of his four daughters and says only one word, “freedom.” Haddad was able to view Awawdeh in the hospital today for a medical report following the latest hearing of the Israeli occupation courts in his case yesterday. Despite the severity of Awawdeh’s condition, the court is not scheduled to reconvene or hear the medical evidence until Sunday, 14 August.

Awawdeh, 40, from Idna near al-Khalil, is on hunger strike to bring an end to his imprisonment without charge or trial under Israeli “administrative detention.” He is married and the father of four daughters. He briefly stopped his strike on the 111th day, when he was told an agreement had been reached to secure his release. Instead of releasing him, however, the occupation forces instead extended his detention, and he re-launched his hunger strike. Throughout the strike, he has been completely denied family visits and routinely denied legal visits. He is transferred back and forth repeatedly between the notorious Ramleh prison clinic and Israeli civilian hospitals. This dire situation is why his release has become a central demand of the Palestinian resistance.

The Israeli occupation has repeatedly attempted to evade its commitments to the resistance, as promised by Egyptian mediators, to release Awawdeh to a hospital and free Bassam al-Saadi, in the ceasefire in the Battle of Unity of the Fronts on Sunday, 7 August. He has not been visited by his family or by the International Committee of the Red Cross, as confirmed by Muhjat al-Quds, even as his family fear that they await the news of his death at any moment.

Currently, around 650 Palestinians are jailed without charge or trial under these indefinitely renewable orders, out of approximately 4,650 Palestinian political prisoners in total. The Palestinian prisoners’ movement has identified ending administrative detention as a principal goal towards the liberation of all Palestinian prisoners. There is a current battle escalating in Ofer prison to challenge administrative detention, including the order against Palestinian leader and journalist Nidal Abu Aker. Administrative detention orders were first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate and are routinely used by the Israeli regime to imprison Palestinian community leaders and influential figures, especially when they are unable to extract a confession under torture.

The Israeli occupation regime and the Egyptian state — which is complicit in the blockade of Gaza for over 15 years and normalizes with the occupier — cannot be trusted, and all of our vigilance must continue to ensure the liberation of Awawdeh and al-Saadi, the achievements of the Palestinian resistance gained through selfless struggle and deep sacrifice.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all to organize, speak out, protest and demand the immediate release of Khalil Awawdeh, Bassam al-Saadi and all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons. As you organize demonstrations and actions against the Israeli massacres in Gaza and the assassination of resistance strugglers in Nablus, please carry the call for the immediate release of Khalil Awawdeh and his fellow imprisoned Palestinians.

Khalil Awawdeh is confronting the Zionist occupation forces with his body and life on the line. We urge action to free Awawdeh and all Palestinian prisoners struggling for freedom, for themselves and for Palestine and its people, from the river to the sea.

A note on the strike dates of Khalil Awawdeh: Some media sites report that this is the 162nd day of Khalil Awawdeh’s strike while others report it as the 152nd day. By saying 162 days, we are following the lead of Awawdeh’s family and loved ones, who do not recognize and cannot confirm the interruption in his hunger strike when he was told an agreement had been reached for his release on 21 June. Both of these are valid dates and both emphasize the importance of urging his freedom. Notably, his family never confirmed a suspension or end of his hunger strike at that time. Instead, his administrative detention was extended and he officially reported resuming his strike to his lawyer on 2 July.

Download these distributable flyers and posters to highlight the case of Khalil Awawdeh and the struggle to free Palestinian prisoners:

1. Mobilize actions, demonstrations and creative interventions – Take to the streets to defend the Palestinian people and their resistance! As was made clear during the Unity Intifada/Seif al-Quds in May 2021, there is a vast depth of support for the Palestinian people everywhere around the world, including inside the imperialist powers. It is our responsibility to act and make it impossible to continue their support for the crimes against the Palestinian people.

2. Build the boycott of Israel – This is a critical moment to escalate the campaign to isolate the Israeli regime at all levels, including through boycott campaigns that target the occupation’s economic exploitation of the Palestinian land, people and resources as well as those international corporations, like HP and G4S, that profit from the ongoing colonization of Palestine.

3. Support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people – This aggression was an extension of the siege on Gaza that has been imposed on the resisting and steadfast Strip for over 15 years. The Palestinian people need economic, political and all forms of support to help sustain their steadfastness. To contribute to Samidoun’s drive in support of children’s health care in Gaza, make a donation at https://samidoun.net/gaza


Calendar of Resistance for Palestine: Find an action near you

In response to the Zionist assault on Gaza in early August, which has taken the life of nearly 50 Palestinian martyrs, and the assassination of Ibrahim al-Nabulsi and his comrades in Nablus, and to demand freedom for Palestinian prisoners like Khalil Awawdeh, as well as the ongoing Nakba and attack on occupied Palestine, many people are organizing demonstrations and actions in support of Palestine, the Palestinian people and their Resistance.

These events are organized by many groups around the world — wherever possible, we link to the original organizers so that you can be in direct contact! Please note: this list is for action-oriented/outdoor/protest actions specifically.  However, direct actions like those by Palestine Action are some of the most important events taking place — but they are typically not announced in advance!

TO ADD YOUR EVENT TO THE CALENDAR: Email us at samidoun@samidoun.net, message us on WhatsApp at +32466904397 or tag us on social media! We know that these events are mainly international and that the Arab people are marching everywhere for Palestine — we will be honored to add Arab events.

PLEASE NOTE: Times and details may change. Wherever we have it, we have linked to the original organizers’ accounts, posters and pages. Please follow these for the latest info – and don’t hesitate to send us updates! 

Thursday, August 11 



Friday, August 12






United States

Saturday, August 13 







United States

Sunday, August 14



United States 


Growing battle in Ofer prison confronts administrative detention, demands freedom for Nidal Abu Aker

Nidal Abu Aker, Palestinian leftist, community leader in Dheisheh refugee camp and journalist, was seized on Monday, 1 August in a violent assault on his home in the camp by Israeli occupation forces. Just days later, on 9 August, he was ordered jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention for six months. Now, Palestinian prisoners in Ofer prison are taking action against the policy of administrative detention.

Administrative detention orders are issued on the basis of claimed “secret evidence,” concealed from both Palestinian detainees and their lawyers. These orders are indefinitely renewable, and Palestinians — including Abu Aker — have been repeatedly jailed for years at a time without ever being charged or tried. Khalil Awawdeh, the Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike for 161 days, is jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention, and many of the hunger strikes have been focused on ending this policy. From January through June, all administrative detainees engaged in a collective boycott of the military courts, and now a new escalation is being pursued to make this policy untenable.

On Tuesday, 9 August, 20 prisoners in Ofer prison returned their meals, with a statement that a collective open hunger strike in protest of the detention of Abu Aker and his fellow detainees is being prepared if he is not released.

Abu Aker, 54, was seized by occupation forces only 75 days after he was last released from nearly two years (23 months) jailed without charge or trial in administrative detention. When he was taken to interrogation, he was told by the occupation interrogator that is “natural place is in the prisons” and that he would not be permitted to see his son’s upcoming university graduation, which prompted him to declare that he would launch a hunger strike. The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society said that an open hunger strike will begin with 20 prisoners, including Abu Aker, and expand to include administrative detainees of all political organizations in the prisoners’ movement.

Abu Akar, 54, has spent approximately 20 years in total in Israeli occupation prisons — 15 of those under administrative detention — and has participated in multiple hunger strikes against administrative detention, including the 2015 Battle of Breaking the Chains. In his last period of detention without charge or trial for nearly 2 years, he was imprisoned with his son Mohammed and his brother Raafat. He was first imprisoned from 1982 to 1987, then pursued during the great popular Intifada before being arrested again.

In 2002, he was attacked by a force of “mustaribeen,” occupation forces disguised as Palestinian civilians, who attacked him at the gas station where he was working. His administrative detention was renewed 14 times — overall, he was jailed without charge or trial for five years under repeatedly renewed detention orders.

A refugee from Ras Abu Ammar in Palestine ’48 whose family has lived in Dheisheh refugee camp since being forcibly displaced there during the Nakba, Nidal is married to Manal Shaheen and the father of three children, Mohammed, Dalia and Karmel. A prominent leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, he is also the host of a program about Palestinian prisoners called “In their cells” on Sawt al-Wihda radio station and a co-founder of the Families of Prisoners Association in the camp.

The National and Islamic Movement in Ofer Prison called for solidarity, stating that “We look forward to the widest solidarity, media, public, institutional and human rights support for our just struggle, and we are confident that you will spare no effort to support us.”

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all Palestinian and Arab communities and supporters of Palestine to answer this call and organize to support Nidal Abu Aker and his fellow prisoners confronting administrative detention, including Khalil Awawdeh, on hunger strike for the past 161 days. We urge all friends and supporters of Palestine to mobilize, organize, protest and act to break the attempted isolation of Palestinian prisoners and to demand their liberation – and the liberation of Palestine and its people, from the river to the sea.

Free Khalil Awawdeh: 161 days of hunger strike, Palestinian prisoner’s life at risk #FreeKhalil

Khalil Awawdeh, the 40-year-old Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike for 161 days, is in an extremely desperate health condition in the Ramle prison clinic. The Israeli occupation has repeatedly attempted to evade its commitments to the resistance, as promised by Egyptian mediators, to release Awawdeh to a hospital and free Bassam al-Saadi. He has not been visited by his family or by the International Committee of the Red Cross, and he continues to be denied family visits, as confirmed by Muhjat al-Quds, even as his situation grows increasingly dire.

Just today, in a hearing held on the appeal of his administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial, Awawdeh appeared on the video screen in court for 3 minutes, weighing 35 kilos. He became unconscious during the hearing and the video feed was cut off. The Israeli occupation has attempted to hide Awawdeh from his family and the Palestinian, Arab and international public, with no photos or videos of him being released and preventing the transfer to a civilian hospital or even the suspension of his administrative detention. The hearing was suddenly moved to today, Wednesday, 10 August, when it had originally been scheduled for Thursday. The hearing was then continued until tomorrow for further deliberation, even as Awawdeh’s medical condition has continued to deteriorate.

Awawdeh, 40, from Idna near al-Khalil, is on hunger strike to end his detention without charge or trial under Israeli “administrative detention.” He is married and the father of four daughters. He briefly stopped his strike on the 111th day, when he was told an agreement had been reached to secure his release. Instead of releasing him, however, the occupation forces instead extended his detention, and he re-launched his hunger strike. Throughout the strike, he has been completely denied family visits and routinely denied legal visits. He is transferred back and forth repeatedly between the notorious Ramleh prison clinic and Israeli civilian hospitals. This dire situation is why his release has become a central demand of the Palestinian resistance.

Khalil Awawdeh has put his body and life on the line for his freedom and to resist the policy of administrative detention. Currently, around 650 Palestinians are jailed without charge or trial under these indefinitely renewable orders, out of approximately 4,650 Palestinian political prisoners in total. The Palestinian prisoners’ movement has identified ending administrative detention as a principal goal towards the liberation of all Palestinian prisoners. There is a current battle escalating in Ofer prison to challenge administrative detention, including the order against Palestinian leader and journalist Nidal Abu Aker.

As Samidoun noted at the announcement of the ceasefire, “The Israeli occupation regime and the Egyptian state — which is complicit in the blockade of Gaza for over 15 years and normalizes with the occupier — cannot be trusted, and all of our vigilance must continue to ensure the liberation of Awawdeh and al-Saadi, the achievements of the Palestinian resistance gained through selfless struggle and deep sacrifice.”

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all to organize, speak out, protest and demand the immediate release of Khalil Awawdeh, Bassam al-Saadi and all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons. As you organize demonstrations and actions against the Israeli massacres in Gaza and the assassination of resistance strugglers in Nablus, please carry the call for the immediate release of Khalil Awawdeh and his fellow imprisoned Palestinians.

Khalil Awawdeh is confronting the Zionist occupation forces with his body and life on the line. We urge action to free Awawdeh and all Palestinian prisoners struggling for freedom, for themselves and for Palestine and its people, from the river to the sea.

A note on the strike dates of Khalil Awawdeh: Some media sites report that this is the 161th day of Khalil Awawdeh’s strike while others report it as the 151th day. By saying 161 days, we are following the lead of Awawdeh’s family and loved ones, who do not recognize and cannot confirm the interruption in his hunger strike when he was told an agreement had been reached for his release on 21 June. Both of these are valid dates and both emphasize the importance of urging his freedom. Notably, his family never confirmed a suspension or end of his hunger strike at that time. Instead, his administrative detention was extended and he officially reported resuming his strike to his lawyer on 2 July.

Download these distributable flyers and posters to highlight the case of Khalil Awawdeh and the struggle to free Palestinian prisoners:

1. Mobilize actions, demonstrations and creative interventions – Take to the streets to defend the Palestinian people and their resistance! As was made clear during the Unity Intifada/Seif al-Quds in May 2021, there is a vast depth of support for the Palestinian people everywhere around the world, including inside the imperialist powers. It is our responsibility to act and make it impossible to continue their support for the crimes against the Palestinian people.

2. Build the boycott of Israel – This is a critical moment to escalate the campaign to isolate the Israeli regime at all levels, including through boycott campaigns that target the occupation’s economic exploitation of the Palestinian land, people and resources as well as those international corporations, like HP and G4S, that profit from the ongoing colonization of Palestine.

3. Support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people – This aggression was an extension of the siege on Gaza that has been imposed on the resisting and steadfast Strip for over 15 years. The Palestinian people need economic, political and all forms of support to help sustain their steadfastness. To contribute to Samidoun’s drive in support of children’s health care in Gaza, make a donation at https://samidoun.net/gaza

Gaza ceasefire: Palestinian prisoners at the heart of the battle and the Resistance

On Sunday, 7 August, Ziad Nakhaleh, Palestinian resistance leader and Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, announced a ceasefire in the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the Palestinian resistance’s response. This statement made clear that the Palestinian prisoners are at the heart of the battle and of the Palestinian resistance and that the unity of the Palestinian people in all areas of geography could never be undermined or disrupted by 75 years of colonization.

In particular, Nakhaleh emphasized that the resistance had imposed its conditions, specifically for the protection of the Palestinian prisoners, namely:

  • The release of Khalil Awawdeh, on hunger strike for over 150 days, tomorrow, to a hospital
  • The release of Sheikh Bassam al-Saadi, a prominent Palestinian national leader of the Islamic Jihad movement, with an Egyptian guarantee
  • No conditions imposed on the resistance

Nakhaleh emphasized that if the occupation violates these conditions, the resistance will not hesitate to return to the battle by all means to liberate these imprisoned Palestinian strugglers. The Palestinian resistance, taking up arms, taking to the streets, rising up by all forms, defends and protects Palestinian life, from the massacres of the occupation warplanes and the violent raids of mass arrest and political incarceration.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and the courage and dedication of the Palestinian resistance in the deep level of sacrifice and struggle undertaken to confront the policy of arrest and assassination raids throughout occupied Palestine. We emphasize that this is not a time to bring our popular mobilization and pressure to an end but rather to continue and escalate. We must make it clear to the Israeli occupation regime that the resistance is not alone and that the people of the world demand the implementation of these achievements of the resistance, the liberation of these Palestinian prisoners.

The Israeli occupation regime and the Egyptian state — which is complicit in the blockade of Gaza for over 15 years and normalizes with the occupier — cannot be trusted, and all of our vigilance must continue to ensure the liberation of Awawdeh and al-Saadi, the achievements of the Palestinian resistance gained through selfless struggle and deep sacrifice.

The massacres committed by the colonialist forces — part of 75 years of ongoing Nakba that continue to run into the impenetrable wall of the Palestinian people’s resistance and will to struggle, survive and achieve victory — have taken the lives of 44 martyrs, including 15 children and two prominent and deeply respected leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, Tayseer al-Jabari and Khaled Mansour. The number of injured reached 360, while civilian sites throughout besieged Gaza were destroyed by the U.S.-funded bombs and warplanes of the occupier.

These crimes were backed throughout by the United States, Canada, European Union countries, Britain and other imperialist powers, who affirmed the colonizer’s nonexistent “right to defend itself” from a colonized people resisting mass incarceration, targeted assassinations and indiscriminate massacres. The reactionary normalizing Arab regimes continued their collaboration with the occupier, even as the Arab people throughout the region made clear that Palestine was and remains the compass for all people in the region to achieve justice and liberation. The Palestinian Authority continued to engage in “security coordination” and imprison political detainees for their role in the resistance with the occupation even as it made press statements criticizing Israeli crimes.

At the same time, the Lebanese resistance and all of the forces of resistance and liberation in the region and the world made clear their position alongside the Palestinian people and their struggle for justice, return and liberation, and their complete rejection of the Zionist crimes committed against the Gaza Strip.

Once again, as in the Battle of Seif al-Quds/the Unity Intifada, the Palestinian resistance made clear that the Palestinian people, everywhere in occupied Palestine from the river to the sea, and in exile and diaspora, are one people, with one resistance, confronting a common enemy camp, and that the Palestinian resistance in Gaza was willing to fight by all means, even at a grave cost, to defend the Palestinian prisoners who struggle every day behind Zionist bars for liberation.

People around the world, including Palestinian and Arab communities and democratic and revolutionary forces everywhere, have taken to the streets from the first moment of this battle.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network emphasizes the need to build on the achievements and sacrifices of the Palestinian people and their steadfast Resistance, affirming that the Palestinian prisoners are at the heart of the liberation struggle. We must not lessen our efforts, but rather escalate our organizing and action to free Khalil Awawdeh, Bassam al-Saadi, and all of the 4,700 Palestinian resistance leaders and strugglers for freedom locked up behind Zionist bars, who continue to point the way forward to the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.


1. Mobilize actions, demonstrations and creative interventions – Take to the streets to defend the Palestinian people and their resistance! As was made clear during the Unity Intifada/Seif al-Quds in May 2021, there is a vast depth of support for the Palestinian people everywhere around the world, including inside the imperialist powers. It is our responsibility to act and make it impossible to continue their support for the crimes against the Palestinian people.

2. Build the boycott of Israel – This is a critical moment to escalate the campaign to isolate the Israeli regime at all levels, including through boycott campaigns that target the occupation’s economic exploitation of the Palestinian land, people and resources as well as those international corporations, like HP and G4S, that profit from the ongoing colonization of Palestine.

3. Support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people – This aggression was an extension of the siege on Gaza that has been imposed on the resisting and steadfast Strip for over 15 years. The Palestinian people need economic, political and all forms of support to help sustain their steadfastness. To contribute to Samidoun’s drive in support of children’s health care in Gaza, make a donation at https://samidoun.net/gaza

Vancouver action stands in solidarity with Palestinian people and their resistance

Advocates for Palestinian liberation in Vancouver gathered in a busy downtown area on Saturday, 6 August to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and the Resistance confronting the Israeli attacks on Gaza, and to demand an end to Canadian complicity in Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Demonstrators drew widespread attention from passers-by and many honks of support as they waved signs, Palestinian flags and banners calling for justice and liberation for Palestine. Speakers took to the mic to denounce Canada’s ongoing justification for Zionism and the ongoing Nakba against the Palestinian people, even as Palestinian elders, adults and children are massacred in Gaza.

Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun, appealed to those listening to take action to put an end to these ongoing crimes in Gaza and to support the Palestinian people and their resistance defending them against these assaults, including escalating the boycott of Israel and complicit corporations and demanding the province end its complicity in war crimes through the sale of “Israeli” wines produced in occupied Syrian and Palestinian land.

Natalie Knight, Indigenous organizer and organizer with BDS Vancouver and the Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle, linked the ongoing struggle in Palestine to the struggle taking place on this land, with Indigenous peoples confronting settler-colonialism, genocide and theft of their land and resources at the hands of the Canadian state. She urged internationalist solidarity in struggle for liberation.

Callum of Samidoun Vancouver spoke about the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners on the front lines confronting occupation and colonialism, including Khalil Awawdeh, on hunger strike for over 150 days against his imprisonment without charge or trial under administrative detention. Callum urged support for the Palestinian resistance as it fights to defend and liberate the land and people of Palestine.

Chris “Perry” Sorio of BAYAN Canada, a former political prisoner under the Marcos regime, expressed the solidarity of the Filipino national democratic movement with the Palestinian liberation struggle and emphasized the important role of political prisoners as a central part of any movement for liberation.

Khaled Barakat of the Masar Badil, Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, spoke about the struggle of the Palestinian people for the past 75 years confronting colonialism and Zionism. He slammed the role of the imperialist powers and the normalizing reactionary Arab regimes in aiding, arming and supporting the ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, especially the Canadian government, and emphasized that the Palestinian people and their resistance would continue the struggle until victory, return and liberation.

The protest was supported by or joined by members of organizations including BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish, Canada Palestine Association, Palestinian Youth Movement, BAYAN Canada, Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle and International League of Peoples’ Struggle.  Samidoun is organizing in Vancouver to build solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners and for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea; to get involved, email vancouver@samidoun.net.

7 August, Gothenburg: Gaza Under Attack – The Resistance Continues!

Sunday, 7 August
4 pm
Peace Bridge in Brunnsparken
Gothenburg, Sweden
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/594288408869846?ref=newsfeed

Manifestation för Gaza
Söndag 07.08
Kl 16:00
Brunnsparken vid Fredsbron.

6 August, Montreal: Emergency protest – Hands off Palestine

Saturday, 6 August
7 pm
Berri-UQAM Metro
Montreal, Quebec
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg5qX42IVSb/

Les forces d’occupation israéliennes ont de nouveau lancé une agression militaire contre le peuple palestinien dans la bande de Gaza. Le régime d’apartheid israélien qualifie cette agression (l’une d’une série d’attaques criminelles contre Gaza s’étalant sur plusieurs années) d’attaque contre le mouvement du Jihad islamique palestinien, mais en réalité, comme l’a déclaré Samidoun, le réseau des prisonniers palestiniens, «c’est une attaque contre tout le peuple palestinien – à Gaza, dans toute la Palestine occupée, de la rivière à la mer – et sa résistance globale sous toutes ses formes ». Les Palestiniens de Gaza sont à plus de 70 % des réfugiés et se voient refuser leur droit de rentrer chez eux depuis 75 ans. En tant que peuple sous occupation militaire, les Palestiniens ont le droit légal de résister à cette occupation. (ce qui est garanti par le droit international). Palestiniens et juifs unis (PAJU) soutient le droit du peuple palestinien à se défendre par toutes les formes de résistance.
Israeli occupation forces have once again launched a military aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli apartheid regime is calling this aggression (one of a series of criminal attacks on Gaza spanning a number of years) an attack on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, but in reality, as stated by Samidoun, the Palestinian Prisoners Network,” it is an attack on the entire Palestinian people — in Gaza, throughout occupied Palestine from the river to the sea — and their comprehensive resistance in all forms”. The Palestinians in Gaza are over 70% refugees, and have been denied their right to return home for 75 years. As a people under military occupation, Palestinians have the legal right to resist that occupation ( guaranteed under international law ). Palestinian and Jewish Unity supports the Palestinian people’s right to defend themselves by way of all forms of resistance. for info

8 August: NYC Stands with Gaza Emergency Rally

Monday, 8 August
6 pm
Outside “Friends of the IDF”
60 E 42nd St
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg5e2IzuJV3/

Emergency NYC rally in support of Gaza on Monday August 8th 6 PM in front of “The friends of the IDF headquarters” 60 E 42nd Street, Manhattan, NY.

On Friday August 5th, at least 10 Palestinians were killed in air strikes throughout Gaza by occupation forces. More Than 50 were injured.

Join us as we protest the latest attack on Gaza, honor our martyrs and defend the Palestinian people’s right to resist.

7 August, Rotterdam: Protest for Palestine, the Palestinian People and the Resistance

Sunday, 7 August
4 pm
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg5Z9a2IeyH/

Protest for Palestine, the Palestinian People and the Resistance

The occupying forces killed ten Palestinians in Gaza this Friday, including a 5-year-old girl and Islamic Jihad resistance leader Tayseer al-Jabari, and injured dozens.

The attacks follow after the occupying forces arrested Bassam al-Saadi, leader of Islamic Jihad in the West Bank, in Jenin last week. The 17-year-old resistance fighter Dirar al-Kafrini was murdered.

We call on everyone to struggle for Palestine, the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance.

Sunday 7 August, 16:00, Binnenwegplein, Rotterdam