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Massive hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners begins in Israeli jails

Report via Russia Today: 

The majority of the 4,699 Palestinians being currently held in Israeli prisons refused their meals on Prisoners’ Day, while 1,200 of them promise to hunger strike indefinitely to protest against unfair conditions.

The other 2,300 have refused to eat any food for the whole of Tuesday.

Later on Tuesday Israel is to release Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan, 33, who attracted worldwide media attention after spending 66 days on hunger strike – the longest in Palestinian history.

In Palestinian authority practically every person has a relative or acquaintance that has spent or is spending time in Israeli prison. Palestinians consider those jailed as freedom fighters, whichever setup they belong to, be it Hamas, Islamic Jihad or any other Palestinian organization.

Israel has 17 detention facilities across the country and the West Bank. According to Israeli data, 3,864 of the total number of prisoners are from the occupied West Bank, 475 are from Gaza and 360 are Arab Israelis or from Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem.

The Palestinian data says that 534 prisoners – more than one in 10 – are serving a life sentence.

Israeli rights group B’Tselem also gives figure of 203 jailed Palestinian minors, 31 of whom are under 16 years old.

Israeli also use an “administrative detention” legislative that dates back to British protectorate of the region. This procedure allows Israel to detain suspects indefinitely without charges being brought against them, simply by repeating the implied maximum six-month periods of detention time after time.

At the moment there are 319 persons under “administrative detention” in Israel.

Last year the number of Palestinians in Israeli jails considerably reduced after the release of 1,027 prisoners in exchange for captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, a swap deal between Palestine’s Hamas and official Tel-Aviv after years of negotiations.

All in all, since 1967, when Israel occupied East Jerusalem as a result of Six-Day War, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, some 700,000 Palestinians have seen the daylight from behind the bars of Israeli prisons. This is equivalent to 20 per cent of the total population of the Palestinian Authority.

BDS Victory: G4S loses its contract with the European Parliament

The European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (ECCP) is pleased to be able to mark Palestinian Prisoners Day by announcing that the European Union has declined to renew a contract with private security company G4S amidst concerns raised by MEPs and campaign groups about the role the company plays in equipping Israeli prisons in which Palestinian political prisoners are held in violation of international law.

G4S has provided security services to the buildings of the European Parliament since 2008 but the contract award notice (service contract 118611-2012) published on the EU official tenders’ website on April 13th shows that G4S hast lost its contract with the European Parliament.

In March 2011, a group of 28 Members of the European Parliament, including 8 MEPs from Denmark and 6 from the UK wrote a letter to former EU Parliament President Jerzy Buzek, demanding that the Parliament dropped G4S as the principal security contractor if G4S continued to provide security services to illegal Israeli settlements, checkpoints and Israeli prisons at which Palestinians are detained. Their demands were a response to investigations conducted by the Danish NGO DanWatch and a report made by the Israeli research project “Who Profits” which revealed and documented G4S’ implication in illegal activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

With the assistance of lawyers, campaigners from ECCP member organisations also raised the issue with various EU officials, in cooperation with Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Merton Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods and the Waltham Forest Palestine Solidarity Campaign. G4S held a meeting for MEPs and EU officials in an attempt to deflect the criticisms but failed to provide sufficient guarantees that it would abandon all of its illegal activities.

“The non-renewal of this contract with a company that is deeply complicit with Israeli violations of international law is a vital step towards ensuring that Israel and corporations comply with basic legal standards” said ECCP chairperson Pierre Galand.

“We also salute and thank those MEPs that we are pleased to have worked alongside on this effective campaign.”

“People of conscience across Europe are inspired by the new wave of peaceful resistance by Palestinian prisoners against routine mistreatment, torture and imprisonment without trial.”

Palestinian prisoners’ day this year takes place in the context of inspiring resistance and hunger strikes, including the high profile hunger strikes of Hana Shalabi and Khader Adnan, two Palestinians held by Israel without charge. Palestinian prisoners are set to engage with a new round of civil disobedience. Prisoners’ day is being marked with demonstrations and activities across Europe.

For more information on the Palestinian prisoners’ day see:



Hunger striking prisoners attacked by IOF in Nafha prison

GAZA (Alresalah.ps) — Confrontations erupted today Tuesday in Nafha jail between the IOF and Palestinian detainees, who refused to end their hunger-strike.

The confrontations took place in Nafha jail, when the Palestinian prisoners rejected the Israeli threats and refused to end their hunger-strike that had been undertaken in a protest against the harsh conditions they live in the Israeli jails, Naser Abu Foul, a Palestinian activist, said.

Arguments happened between prisoners and IOF; special Israeli forces intervened to oppress the detainees, thus.

No detainees have been wounded, Abu Foul reported.

Video: Brussels protest for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

A large protest was organized in Brussels, Belgium on Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, part of the Global Day of Action for Palestinian Prisoners, April 17, 2012. Participants carried photos of imprisoned Palestinians in Israeli jails, saluting the over 1600 Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike inside occupation prisons.

PCHR releases new film for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

Marking the annual Palestinian Prisoners Day of 2012, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights releases the film

“Palestinians Behind Bars: Prisoners Without Human Rights”

This short documentary addresses the issues of solitary confinement and other measures of inhuman and degrading treatment to which Palestinian prisoners are subjected in Israeli jails. The film further highlights the human rights violations related to family visits and the Israeli abuse of administrative detention.

Help give a voice to those who are isolated behind bars and calling out for justice through a wide distribution of this video.

The Film is available online:



Adri Nieuwhof:Amnesty joins global actions on Palestinian Prisoners’ Day with Twitter campaign

The following piece, by Adri Nieuwhof, was published April 17 at the Electronic Intifada:

Today, on the occasion of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights has released the short documentary “Palestinians Behind Bars: Prisoners Without Human Rights.” The film addresses the inhuman and degrading treatment of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails. It also highlights the human rights violations related to family visits and the Israeli abuse of administrative detention.

Palestinian Prisoners’ Day will be marked this year by the release Khader Adnan, if Israel keeps it promise. Palestinians in the occupied territory will welcome Khader Adnan, who this year went on a historic 66-day hunger strike, and attend marches and rallies in all the main towns and cities to remember the 4,700 Palestinian political prisoners being held by Israel.

Adnan’s hunger strike brought worldwide attention to Israel’s practice administrative detention — detention without charge or trial — and the ill-treatment of Palestinian political prisoners. “It is time the international community and the UN support prisoners and force the State of Israel to respect international human rights and stop treating prisoners as if they were not humans,” he declared. Almost 80 organizations responded to Khader Adnan’s outcry and supported the call to make 17 April, Palestinian prisoners day, a day of international action. I wrote in my blog about the worldwide events that will take place on Palestinian Prisoners’ Day.

Palestinian prisoners start mass hunger strike in Israeli jails

This year’s Prisoners’ Day will also be marked by the start of a massive indefinite hunger strike by around 1,600 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Prisoners from a number of different political currents have released a statement to announce the ‘Karameh’ (Dignity) Hunger Strike. The prisoners agreed to escalate the ongoing hunger strikes in order to achieve the human rights which Israel have denied prisoners for many long years. They will begin an indefinite hunger strike which means they will refuse all forms of food and liquid (with the exception of water) until their demands are met. The hunger strike has been initiated because it is the only tool that the Palestinian prisoners have left to achieve their rights. They aim to put pressure on the occupying government and to hold it responsible for the health of all prisoners. Palestinian prisoners are calling on free people across the world to do everything in their power to support them in their struggle for rights.

The demands of the Karameh Hunger Strike are:

1. An end to the policy of solitary confinement and isolation which has been used to deprive Palestinian prisoners of their rights for more than a decade.

2. To allow the families of prisoners from the Gaza Strip to visit prisoners. This right has been denied to all families for more than six years.

3. An improvement in the living conditions of prisoners and an end to the ‘Shalit’ law, which outlaws newspapers, learning materials and many TV channels.

4. An end to the the policies of humiliation which are suffered by prisoners and their families such as strip searches, nightly raids and collective punishment.

Amnesty International calls for action on Palestinian Prisoners Day

The international secretariat of Amnesty International has called on its sections around the world to join in a global Twitter campaign on the occasion of Prisoners’ Day and the expected release of Khader Adnan. Amnesty is concerned about the Israeli practice of administrative detention and the ill-treatment of detainees and prisoners who use hunger strike as a means to protest administrative detention. The Dutch section of Amnesty International wrote yesterday in an email that messages on Twitter concerning administrative detention have generated a lot of attention and responses from the Israeli authorities’ official Twitter accounts. They suggest to also “Tweet @ your TV station, newspaper, or other media outlets” and Israeli public figures.

Here are some suggested tweets and hashtags from Amnesty:

  • [Insert target address] everyone has the right to fair trial #Israel must end use of administrative detention #stopad
  • [Insert target address] #Israel must release or charge Palestinian administrative detainees #stopad
  • [Insert target address] #Israel do not punish Palestinians on  #hungerstrike protesting administrative detention #stopad
  • [Insert target address] #Israel must immediately and unconditionally release prisoners of conscience held in detention #stopad
  • [Insert target address] #Israel must immediately and unconditionally release prisoner of conscience Ahmad Qatamesh  #stopad

Useful hashtags:   #StopAD; #hanashalabi; #khaderadnan; #palestine; #israel; #hungerstrike; #humanrights;  #BilalDiab; #ThaerHalahleh

Amnesty International recommends to tweet statements and articles that are published on their website. The websites of The Electronic Intifada and Addameer also provide useful info.

Catherine Byrne developed social media avatars for supporters of Palestinian prisoners

Artist and activist Catherine Byrne developed social media avatars for supporters of Palestinian prisoners to use on their Twitter, Facebook and other social media profiles and pages, drawing attention to Palestinian prisoners’ cause. The avatars can be downloaded here.

Take action and make 17 April, the international day of actio nin support of the Palestinian political prisoners, a success. Support their call for freedom!

Sydney, April 17: Palestinian Political Prisoners’ Day – a Day of International Action

Tuesday, April 17

6 pm – 8 pm

Sydney town Hall

Sydney, Australia

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/275990525816065/

Students for Justice in Palestine invites you to a rally from 6pm to 8pm onTuesday, April 17, on Palestine Prisoners’ Day. Meet outside Sydney Town Hall. Our lips will be silenced with tape, symbolising the purpose of ‘administrative detention’, which is to silence Palestinian resistance against Israeli apartheid.

CJPP will support this by encouraging participants and passers-by to sign a postcard to a Palestinian political prisoner. We encourage everyone to join Students for Justice in Palestine for a silent gathering in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners.

Dublin, April 17: Lunchtime Demo: Palestinian Prisoners Day – End EU Facilitation of Israeli Apartheid

To mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day 2012, on Tuesday 17th April from 1-2pm the IPSC will be holding a symbolic lunchtime demonstration outside EU House, Molesworth Street (Dublin 2) to highlight the European Union’s ongoing facilitation of Israel’s apartheid policies and war crimes – including the imprisonment of over 4,400 political prisoners.

Of these prisoners, over 300 have been interned without facing charge or trial under the Administrative Detention regime. Recently, two high profile successful hunger strikes by prisoners Khader Adnan and Hana Shalabi have brought this issue a great amount of coverage. Several other prisoners are also currently on hunger strike, and it has been annoucned that some 1,600 mopre are due to embark on an open ended hunger strike on April 17th to coincide with Prisoners’ Day.

Following the demo, activists will move to Grafton Street and conduct an information stall between 2.30 and 5.30pm, distributing information about Palestinian political prisoners.

– Why are we targetting the EU?

The EU is Israel’s biggest trading partner, and the Additional Protocol to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an EC-Israel Association on an EC-Israel Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACAA) is currently being debated at the European Parliament and is likely to be adopted, thus increasing this trade.

We are calling on Irish MEPs in the EU Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade committees to vote ‘No’ to ACAA, and no vote in the plenary session of the European Parliament in June. Israeli apartheid must not be rewarded, it must be opposed by concrete actions by governments who declare they support human rights. Appeasing apartheid is simply not an option.

You can also take action on this by emailing all Irish MEPs here: http://www.ipsc.ie/press-releases/e-action-item-europea…ement

– Prisoners, Internment and Apartheid

Amnesty International says Israel uses Administrative Detention “to lock up Palestinian activists without charge or trial”. As Amnesty notes, these detention orders can be repeatedly renewed, “so in effect detainees can be held indefinitely. The process violates their right to a fair trial which is guaranteed by international law”.

However, Administrative Detention is only one aspect of the larger prison regime used by Israel to suppress Palestinian resistance to occupation and Apartheid. The vast majority of political prisoners are ‘convicted’ by non-jury Israeli Military Courts. These courts, biased from the outset, do not meet international fair trial standards. As Amnesty points out, Palestinians “continue to face a wide range of abuses of their right to a fair trial. They are routinely interrogated without a lawyer and, although they are civilians, are tried before military not ordinary courts”.

Furthermore, Amnesty says that ”consistent allegations of torture and other ill-treatment, including of children, were frequently reported. Among the most commonly cited methods were beatings, threats to the detainee or their family, sleep deprivation, and being subjected to painful stress positions for long periods. Confessions allegedly obtained under duress were accepted as evidence”. It is worth noting that Palestinians in the Occupied Territories are subject to Israeli military law, while Israel’s illegal settlers are governed by Israeli civil law – a clear example of Israel’s Apartheid system.

Since the beginning of the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in 1967, over 650,000 Palestinians have been detained by Israel. This forms approximately 20% of the total Palestinian population in the Occupied Territories. Considering the fact that the majority of those detained are male, the number of Palestinians detained forms approximately 40% of the total male Palestinian population in the Occupied Territories – a truly staggering figure.

In turn, the brutal and repressive prison regime is only one aspect of the occupation of Palestine by Israel and its associated Apartheid regime. Indeed, when one considers the ongoing siege of Gaza and fragmentation of the West Bank, Palestine can be viewed as one large open air prison camp.

For more information about Palestinian political prisoners, please see the ADDAMEER website: http://www.addameer.org/

For more background to the EU and Israel, please see the relevant section of our website here: http://www.ipsc.ie/the-issues/the-eu-and-israel

Related Link: http://www.ipsc.ie

Athens, April 17: Protest in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners

There is a protest April 17, 2012 at the Israeli Embassy in Athens, Greece at 6:30 in solidarity with the Karama Hunger Strike and the Palestinian prisoners.

New infographic on Palestinian political prisoners by Michal Vexler

972mag is featuring an excellent, useful and creative infographic on Palestinian prisoners by designer and activist Michal Vexler.

Click here for full version!