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Students occupy BBC for Palestinian Prisoners on hunger strike!

From We Are All Hana Shalabi: 

Over 40 protesters have occupied the Headquarters of BBC Scotland in Glasgow, demanding mainstream media coverage for the 2,400 Palestinian prisoners who began hunger strikes today.  These actions mark a development from the ongoing hunger strikes which have been taking place since December. Currently, the individuals who have been on hunger strike longest are Thae’r Halahi and Bilal Diab, both of whom are currently on their 50th day without food. This protest is organised to challenge the BBC’s continued silence around this recent escalation of Palestinian resistance – it’s refusal to report any of the actions that have lead to this decision by 2,400 Palestinians calls into question it’s impartiality.

The demonstrators entered the building before midday and are currently holding the main lobby, chanting “BBC Shame on you, put the prisoners on the news” and “Hunger Strikers will not bow, free the political prisoners now”.

A demonstration has been called in Glasgow for Palestinian Prisoners Day, which will rally at George Square at 6pm before marching to the BBC offices in Glasgow.  The demonstration will call upon the UK media to acknowledge the Karamah strike and the plight of Palestinian prisoners.  During the hungers strikes taken by Khader Adnan and Hana Shalabi, the BBC refrained to comment amidst international concern for those on hunger strike, choosing only to publish stories after both prisoners had been offered deals from Israel for their release.

The actions today take place two days after thousands of international activists attempted to fly into Ben Gurion airport demanding the right to travel to the West Bank on invitation of the Mayor of Bethlehem. There are currently around 50 activists being held in detention, including four Scottish nationals, who are refusing food and water in solidarity with the Karamah Hunger Strike.

The demonstrations around the issue of the hunger strikers are being organised by student Palestine societies in Scotland, with the support of various organisations, uniting under the banner of ‘We Are All Hana Shalabi’.

On Saturday 24th March, over 500 people marched from George Square to the BBC Scotland HQ in Glasgow (link for pictures below) demanding that they cover stories about Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike.  Today, demonstrations have been called across Scotland in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow.  Many of those marching have been participating in a global hunger strike from 7am to 7pm.

One of the occupiers said, “The Karamah Hunger Strike represents a potentially significant moment in the history of the Palestinian struggle. The fact that 2400 Palestinian prisoners are on hunger strike against the apartheid policies of the Israeli occupation shows the desire of Palestinians to have their freedom from prison, and freedom from occupation. The BBC is complicit through their silence of the ongoing situation in Palestine, and we are occupying today to highlight that the magnitude of this issue and this injustice demands that the media cover it.”

Photos from the demonstration:

Palestinian civil society and human rights organisations mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day with call for action against Israeli prison contractor G4S

17 April 2012

Joint Statement

Today, on Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, we the undersigned Palestinian civil society and human rights organisations salute all Palestinian political prisoners, especially those engaging in brave civil disobedience through ongoing hunger strikes in protest to the ongoing violations of human rights and international law. Emphasizing imprisonment as a critical component of Israel’s system of occupation, colonialism and apartheid practiced against the Palestinian people, we call for intensifying the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign to target corporations profiting directly from the Israeli prison system. In particular, we call for action to be taken to hold to account G4S, the world’s largest international security corporation, which helps to maintain and profit from Israel’s prison system [1], for its complicity with Israeli violations of international law.

Imprisonment of Palestinians is a form of Israeli institutionalized violence encompassing all stages of the incarceration process. Palestinian political prisoners face systematic torture and ill-treatment during their arrest and detention at the hands of the Israeli military and are frequently and unjustifiably denied family and lawyer visits. Wide-ranging and collective punishments, including prolonged periods of isolation, attacks on prisoners by special military forces and denying access to education are used against Palestinian prisoners in an attempt to suppress any form of civil disobedience within the prisons. As of April 2012, there were 4,610 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons, including 203 child prisoners, 6 female prisoners and 27 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council. 322 Palestinians are currently held in administrative detention, without charge or trial.[2]

The severity of injustice and abuse suffered by Palestinian political prisoners has been the drive for many prisoners to begin hunger strikes at different intervals in protest against harsh prison conditions, torture and ill treatment and Israel’s arbitrary use of administrative detention. While the recent hunger strikes of Khader Adnan, who ended his hunger strike after 66 days, and Hana Shalabi, who ended her hunger strike after 43 days, resulted in individual agreements, Israel and the Israeli Prison Service’s policies therein remain unchanged and are now aimed at containing the hungers strikers through punitive measures as well as cutting off their contact with lawyers and family. Today, an estimate of over 1,000 Palestinian political prisoners are reported to have joined in an open hunger strike in addition to at least 8 others already engaged in an open hunger strike, including Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh, on hunger strike since 29 February 2012.

In light of this increasing campaign of civil disobedience from within the prisons, we demand accountability for all corporations that both enable and directly profit from Israel’s continued violations of Palestinian prisoners’ rights being committed with impunity. Specifically, we call for action to hold to account G4S, the British-Danish security company whose Israeli subsidiary signed a contract in 2007 with the Israeli Prison Authority to provide security systems for major Israeli prisons.[3] G4S provided systems for the Ketziot and Megiddo prisons, which hold Palestinian political prisoners from occupied Palestinian territory inside Israel in contravention of international law.[4] The company also provided equipment for Ofer prison, located in the occupied West Bank, and for Kishon and Moskobiyyeh detention facilities, at which human rights organisations have documented systematic torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian prisoners, including child prisoners.[5] G4S continues to provide equipment to Israeli prisons.[6]

Moreover, G4S is involved in other aspects of the Israeli apartheid and occupation regime: it has provided equipment and services to Israeli checkpoints in the West Bank that form part of the route of Israel’s illegal Wall and to the terminals isolating the occupied territory of Gaza. G4S has also signed contracts for equipment and services for the West Bank Israeli Police headquarters and to private businesses based in illegal Israeli settlements.[7] A panel of legal experts concluded that G4S may be criminally liable for its activities in support of Israel’s illegal Wall and other violations of international law.[8]

We welcome the news that the European Union has announced that it has not renewed its contract for security services with G4S [9] following pressure from groups campaigning for Palestinian rights, and salute the previous decision of the Edinburgh University Student Association to block its contract with G4S.[10] We call upon other public and civil society institutions and also on  private companies to follow suit and end their relationships with this company that acts in service of Israeli apartheid and other violations of international law. We demand that the Palestinian leadership bans G4S from private and public tenders, and ask for the strict application of the boycott legislation in the Arab world against companies cooperating with the Israeli prison system.

We also note that G4S is being actively opposed by other civil society groups elsewhere in the world for its role in controversial deportation and imprisonment regimes, abuse of workers rights, violations of universal human rights standards and its involvement in the privatisation of public services. Let us work together to expose not only G4S, but also the roles of imprisonment and private security companies as political tools to silence and intimidate communities all over the world.

Amid hunger strikes and the highly publicized prisoner exchange deal in October, Palestinian prisoners’ issues have gained recent attention in international spheres. However, despite this increased focus and the criticisms of these practices by United Nations bodies, there has been no institutional changes made by Israel in regard to the human rights violations being committed against Palestinian political prisoners and detainees.[11] In an attempt to counter Israel’s unwillingness to change its policies and the lack of accountability for its countless human rights violations, alternative measures such as preventing participation by companies such as the G4S proves to be one of the few remaining effective steps towards pressuring Israel to comply with international law.  It is time overdue to break this chain of international complicity.

[1] http://www.whoprofits.org/articlefiles/WhoProfits-PrivateSecurity-G4S.pdf
[2] http://www.addameer.org/files/Brochures/addameer-palestinian-political-prisoners-brochure-2010.pdf
[3] http://www.whoprofits.org/articlefiles/WhoProfits-PrivateSecurity-G4S.pdf, p.7
[4] Article 77 of the Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits the transfer of prisoners from occupied territory to the occupying country.
[5] http://www.whoprofits.org/articlefiles/WhoProfits-PrivateSecurity-G4S.pdf, p14-15
[6] http://corporateoccupation.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/targeting-israeli-apartheid-jan-2012.pdf, p.135
[7] Ibid.
[8] http://www.russelltribunalonpalestine.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/RTOP-London-Session-Findings.pdf, p.18
[9] http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:118611-2012:TEXT:EN:HTML&tabId=1 (registration required)
[10] http://www.bdsmovement.net/2011/edinburgh-university-students-vote-to-ban-g4s-8279
[11] Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Israel, CERD/C/ISR/CO/14-16, 9 March 2012; Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee, Israel CCPR/C/ISR/CO/3; Concluding Observations of the UN Committee against Torture, Israel, CAT/C/ISR/CO/4,14 May 2009; See “Statement by Robert Serry UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process on Palestinian Prisoners, 10 February 2012; “Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967,” 20 February 2012.

Addameer Prisoners’ Support and Human Rights Association
Sahar Francis
General Director
Aldameer Association for Human Rights
Khalil Abu Shammala
General Director
The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC)
Ismat Quzma
Al Mezan Center for Human Rights
Issam Younis
General Director
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
Najwa Darwish
General Director
Defence for Children International
Palestine Section
Rifat Kassis
General Director
Ensan Center for Human Rights and Democracy
Shawqi Issa
General Director
Hurryyat – Centre for Defense of
Liberties and Civil Rights
Helmi Al-araj
General Director
Jerusalem Center for Legal Aid and Human Rights
Issam Aruri
General Director
Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies
Iyad Barghouti
General Director
The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network
Allam Jarrar
Steering Committee Member

Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling
Maha Abu Dayyeh
General Director

The Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Jamal Jum’a

Adameer aaldameer  Mezan

Badil DCI Ensan Hurryyat

JLAC PCHRS wclac2 wclac2 


Palestinian activist Ashraf Abu Rahmeh released from prison April 15

RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Israeli authorities released activist Ashraf Abu Rahmeh on Sunday night, the Bilin Popular Committee said.

Abu Rahmeh was detained by Israeli forces in October 2011 while participating in a weekly protest against Israeli land confiscation.

He is a leading figure in weekly non-violent demonstrations against Israel’s ongoing annexation of village land for nearby illegal settlements and the separation wall.

An Israeli military court convicted him of organizing an illegal demonstration and throwing stones, imprisoning him in Ofer jail for six months. He paid 2,000 shekels ($530) to Israeli authorities upon his release, the popular committee told Ma’an.

He has been arrested several times by Israeli forces.

Both Abu Rahmeh’s brother and sister were killed by Israeli forces while taking part in demonstrations.

In Jan. 2011, Jawahir Abu Rahmah, 36, died after inhaling large amounts of tear gas fired by Israeli forces who forcibly dispersed a weekly rally.

Abu Rahmah’s brother Bassem was killed in April 2009 by a tear gas canister fired at his chest by an Israeli soldier during a village demonstration.

In 2008, a video emerged of Ashraf being shot in the foot by Israeli soldiers while blindfolded and bound.

The village of Bilin, west of Ramallah, has been the scene of weekly protests for years as Palestinians have fought to protect their land from annexation.

Social Media Avatars for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

Artist and activist Catherine Byrne developed these social media avatars for supporters of Palestinian prisoners to use on their Twitter, Facebook and other social media profiles and pages, drawing attention to Palestinian prisoners’ cause. The avatars can be downloaded here:



Statement No. 1: Leadership Committee of Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike

The following statement, titled Statement No. 1, was issued on April 16, 2012 by the coordinating committee of Palestinian prisoners engaged in a massive hunger strike to launch on Palestinian Prisoners’ Day 2012. Translated from the Arabic.

The text of the statement follows:

Statement No. 1
Issued by the Higher National Leadership Committee of the Prisoners’ Struggle

Announcing the first spark of the intifada of the prisoners inside the cells of the occupation’s jails

To our great Palestinian people –

We believe in our right to liberty, our dignity, and the recovery of our stolen land and rights, and we announce the first spark of the battle in the occupation prisons (the battle to fulfil our promise) at the break of dawn on Tuesday, April 17, 2012, Palestinian Prisoners’ Day.

We promise to our martyrs and prisoners who have come before, and to all of our Palestinian people to continue this struggle until the full achievement of our rights and the end of the practice of solitary confinement, or until we die as martyrs.

Therefore, we call upon you to support us and our struggle locally and globally until we achieve victory or martyrdom. We have firm trust in you.

Victory for us, and for our great people!

Higher National Leadership Committee of the Prisoners’ Struggle

Pisa, April 17: International Solidarity on the Day of the Palestinian Prisoner

Pisa: International Solidarity On the Day of the Palestinian Prisoner

Tuesday, April 17 – 7:00 pm
Via S. Lorenzo 38
Pisa, Italy
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/412627942097315/

On the day of the Palestinian political prisoner: international solidarity with the PFLP!

The Initiative of International Solidarity for the Palestinian Prisoners will feature a talk by Shoukri Hroub of the Arab Palestinian Democratic Union (UDAP), as well as a brief overview of the intervention of the Mossad in some Latin American countries, including Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia and Guatemala.

This event is sponsored by UDAP-Tuscany, Collective April 25, BRISOP, and Cobas Confederation Pisa.

The Zionist state was created in May 1948, by a violent and illegal occupation of the land of the Palestinian people. This violation was accompanied by a systematic policy of expulsion, persecution and elimination against the Palestinian people. The Zionist policy is, today, well-known, and we continue to face the denial of the very existence of the Palestinian people and its most basic rights: land, housing, education, health.

The “courts” of the occupation are part and parcel of this denial of Palestinian existence. All forms of dissent are criminalized and there are thousands of Palestinian political prisoners, including children. In an attempt to break this silence, victims of unjust imprisonment have undertaken hunger strikes, willing to die in order to highlight the reality of Palestinian prisoners’ lives.

The case of the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Ahmad Sa’adat, is emblematic, in isolation for three years now, six years after he and his fellow prisoners were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation army.


Full call in Italian:

Nel giorno del prigioniero politico palestinese: solidarietà internazionalista con l’FPLP!
Lo Stato sionista è nato, nel maggio del 1948, da una illegittima e banditesca occupazione della terra abitata dal popolo palestinese. A questa rottura della legalità, evidente anche sotto l’aspetto del diritto internazionale, hanno poi fatto seguito l’espulsione, la persecuzione e l’eliminazione politica (e spesso fisica) di ogni singolo palestinese come tale. Tali fatti non possono essere rimossi. Quale sia oggi la politica sionista è cosa nota. Siamo di fronte alla negazione dell’esistenza del popolo palestinese e quindi dei suoi più elementari diritti: terra, casa, educazione, salute. La repressione “giudiziaria” è conseguente con questa negazione. Attraverso leggi liberticide viene criminalizzata ogni forma di dissenso e le carceri accolgono 7.000 prigionieri politici (alcuni di loro anche minorenni) che come unica possibilità di uscire dal silenzio dell’ingiusta carcerazione hanno quella di essere disposti a lasciarsi morire in sciopero della fame. Emblematico il caso del segretario generale dell’FPLP Ahmad Saa’dat, illegalmente sequestrato, sei anni fa, assieme ai suoi compagni di prigionia, dall’esercito di occupazione israeliano. La volontà politico-militare dello Stato sionista di Israele è immodificabile perché risponde alle sue stesse ragioni di sopravvivenza: gendarme sub-imperialista nell’area Mediorientale, mercenario di supporto, a livello globale, delle necessità statunitensi. Ecco perché l’unico obiettivo storicamente (e concretamente) praticabile rimane nelle nostre convinzioni quello di: Palestina Unica e Socialista! (Obiettivo ugualmente ineludibile, del resto, sotto qualunque cielo). Queste evidenze, però e lo sappiamo bene, hanno una scarsa condivisione tra le soggettività appartenenti alle classi subalterne anche se esse dovrebbero, oggi, assumerle per le proprie necessità d sopravvivenza. Le cosiddette lancette dell’orologio della Storia sono state riportate indietro, con ciò cancellando gli insostituibili riferimenti di classe. Mentre prima la legittimità delle lotte dei popoli che combattevano per la propria emancipazione nazionale o sociale erano assunte in maniera convinta, idealmente e materialmente, ora il nemico è riuscito a convincere che ha diritto a combattere solo chi è armato da lui: fuori da ciò si è o terroristi o ancora meglio narcoterroristi. Mentre prima la legittimità e la possibilità di una forma istituzionale che superasse il capitalismo permettendo l’estensione della utilizzazione reale della democrazia alle masse lavoratrici era assunta e dibattuta, ora il nemico è riuscito a convincere che lo sfruttamento e la competizione tra sfruttati sono le colonne di Ercole dell’unica democrazia possibile. Le due coppie di “mentre prima” e di “ora” sono oggi, nella fase di capitalismo finanziario globalizzato nella quale siamo, ancor più interdipendenti. L’analisi di questa interdipendenza va riportata ed aggiornata nella quotidianità delle classi subalterne, indipendentemente da tutto (assieme alla pratica di lotta politica). Si tratta, da subito, di sviluppare senza soluzione di continuità, dovunque sia possibile una “battaglia delle idee” che si sostanzi di multiple componenti: quella dell’informazione e della condivisione sulle/delle lotte dei popoli per la loro emancipazione nazionale e sociale (per respingere con forza l’equazione lotte sociali = terrorismo), quella del recupero della coscienza di classe, quella della ridefinizione e assunzione di un modello sociale opposto, a partire dal suo nucleo genetico, a quello ora dominante, immodificabile e mortalmente ostile alle masse popolari. E questa battaglia va combattuta “vincendo il grande con il piccolo ed il meglio equipaggiato con il meno equipaggiato”. Ecco perché i due momenti di specifica solidarietà individuati nella intestazione di questo appello, fatti propri da noi e da altre realtà politiche, li vediamo anche come necessari fattori sinergici ad un contesto di scontro ideologico aperto, sinteticamente sopra tratteggiato, che imprescindibilmente dobbiamo riprendere.

• il 17 aprile 2012 alle ore 19:00 in via S. Lorenzo 38 (saletta cobas), Pisa, alla iniziativa di solidarietà internazionalista per i prigionieri politici palestinesi. Interverrà il compagno Shokri Hroub dell’UDAP. Brevi informazioni sul ruolo del Mossad in alcuni paesi del continente Latino Americano (Argentina, Uruguay, Cile, Colombia, Guatemala) saranno letti durante l’incontro. Interverrà un compagno della UDAP.

UDAP – Toscana
Collettivo 25 aprile
Confederazione Cobas Pisa

April 17, Bradford: Student Information Day on Palestinian Prisoners

Bradford United 4 Palestine will be in Student Central at the University of Bradford, in Bradford City, UK, all day, Tuesday, April 17, with information about Palestinian Prisoners’ Day and the struggle of Palestinian prisoners.

The Price of Intellectual Resistance: Yousef Abdul Haq

The following report was written by Sylvia of the International Solidarity Movement, West Bank:

On the 7th November 2011, founder of the Palestinian Cultural Enlightenment (Tanwer) and lecturer at the An- Najah University, Dr. Yousef Abdul Haq, was arrested from his home at two o’clock in the morning. Dr. Yousef is in his 70’s and his health has suffered from mental strain and poor prison conditions. Well known for his calm and peaceful nature, Dr. Yousef’s daughter insists that her father will always support his people by telling the truth: a lot of people  are living in poverty because they are  under occupation. If my father tells the truth, eventually everyone will understand.”

Administrative detention is legally incompatible with basic international standards of human rights, when Israel holds the accused without charge or trial for long periods of time. The evidence of his or her offense is held in a “secret file,” which cannot be seen by the detainee or defense lawyer. The file is prepared by the Israeli intelligence service, which has gathered “evidence” by illegal means.

This has left Dr. Yousef’s family with no clue as to why he was taken in the middle of the night.

“No one has told us anything” says Yousef’s 21 year old daughter Shayma, a third year student at the An- Najah University. Dr. Yousef is a lecturer in economics and human rights and his co-creation of the Palestinian Enlightenment Project has painted him as a symbol of peaceful and intellectual freedom.

Shayma describes the last night she saw her father, the rapping of fists and unfamiliar sound of Hebrew at her door house. She remembers distinctly as he faded into the shadow of the jeeps outside her windows.

Shayma, the daughter of Dr. Yousef, poses next to her father’s portrait

“It’s strange” she said, “My father was laughing.  He is as strong as iron or steel. When we talk to him, it is him who encourages us when it should be the other way around.”

On that night, the family assumed he would be interrogated then released and waited from two until six in the morning before reading in the newspaper that he would be kept under administrative detention for four months.

It is this absence of information which makes this experience so agonizing for Palestinian prisoner’s families. Now in the sixth month of his administrative detention, Dr. Yousef’s release is pushed further back from the horizon each time it comes into sight with no explanation or court hearing.

When asked what she thinks will happen, Shayma explains “We hope for something. My mother is depressed, she is worried and she can’t sleep since she has heard of how they torture inmates.”

Though the family has rare permission to visit Ofer prison inside ‘48 territory, Dr. Yousef has advised against it. The journey has been made degrading and lengthy, sometimes waiting for hours in uncomfortable conditions as a further means of adding to the suffering of the Palestinian people. “It will only make it harder for us emotionally,” Shayma explained.

Articles 42 and 78 of the Fourth Geneva Convention permits administrative detention only “if the security of the Detaining Power makes it absolutely necessary “or for “imperative reasons of security”. These terms are widely accepted as applicable to the occupied territories of Palestine. The convention articulates that all civilians, weather in occupies territories or not, are fundamentally “entitled, in all circumstances, to respect from their persons, their honor, their family rights, their religious convictions and practices and their manners and customs”. These terms can only cease after the effective end of occupation. Israel ratified the Fourth Geneva Convention in 1951 and is bound by its terms.

That Dr. Yousef’s detention denies a class of young, educated Palestinian’s of human rights lecturer is of no coincidence.  Israel’s use of administrative detention to silence political figureheads is a concern raised by human rights movement Amnesty International, who explained that prisoners of conscious were being held “solely for non-violent exercise of their right to freedom of expression and association.”

“Our souls are not broken, we are hanging on”, says Shayma. As the struggle for her father’s freedom continues, she recalls her father’s advice, calling for unity and intellectual freedom.

Sylvia is a volunteer with International Solidarity Movement (name has been changed).

Palestinian Prisoners’ Day programming on Voice of Palestine radio featuring Yafa Jarrar

On Tuesday, April 17, 2012, Voice of Palestine will be marking the Global Day of Action for Palestinian Prisoners with special programming. We will interview Ms. Yafa Jarrar, a Palestinian activist who was born in Jerusalem and lived in Ramallah; she is a member of the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA), Ottawa and is involved in organizing Palestinian prisoner solidarity work. We will talk with Yafa about the importance of this Palestinian Prisoners’ Day and the activities happening around it.

Voice of Palestine broadcasts weekly on Vancouver Cooperative Radio (CFRO) 102.7 FM, Vancouver, Canada. The show has been on the air since Sept. 1, 1987 and broadcasts for one hour every Tuesday night from 8 to 9 pm PDT (Wednesday morning 6:00-7:00am Palestine time). People outside of Vancouver can listen to the show live on the Internet.
For people who wish to receive announcements from our show, please join Voice of Palestine صوت فلسطين facebook group

April 17, the Hague: Protest at Israeli Embassy

The Hague, picket line at Israeli embassy, address: Buitenhof
Time: 12.30 – 13.30h

In Den Haag bij een picket van 12.30 – 13.30 uur bij de Israelische ambassade (Buitenhof).