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Palestine Action continues to #ShutElbitDown: Support imprisoned activists in court!

Photo: Vudi Xhymshiti

UPDATE: Palestine Actionists in London were released, but two Palestine Action detainees – Ronnie Barkan and Stavit Sinai, were denied bail on Monday, 23 May. We will provide updates — in the meantime, please send messages of solidarity to palactprisoners@protonmail.com

In the past week, the campaign by Palestine Action in Britain to #ShutElbitDown has grown with five actions that have caused significant damage to the Israeli arms manufacturer, which profits from the manufacture and sale of weaponry “battle-tested” on Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Currently, three activists are being remanded in British prison for their participation in these direct action protests after prosecutors noted that Palestine Action’s activities had forced the closure of Elbit’s arms factory in Oldham.

On Sunday, 15 May — Nakba Day — 9 Palestine Action activists stormed Elbit’s Bristol headquarters, smashing equipment and windows, and “destroying the building’s interior, dismantling offices and equipment, and barricading themselves inside, while others blocked road access to the site.”

As Palestine Action noted, “This action takes place on the 74th annual Nakba Day, which commemorates the atrocities perpetrated by Zionist militia, against Palestinians, during the establishment of the modern day State of Israel. In 1948, armed Zionist extremists forcefully displaced more than half the indigenous population of Palestine, massacring many thousands who remained. Palestinians call this historical event the Nakba, which means ‘catastrophe’. Israel’s violent policies of ethnic cleansing, land theft, occupation and siege continue to this day, underpinned by an apartheid system.

Despite Israel’s many documented war crimes, including the recent assassination of the beloved journalist, Shireen Abu Aqleh, the apartheid state has consistently received unwavering support from Western governments. British complicity dates back to the British Mandate over Palestine and the subsequent signing of the Balfour Agreement, in 1917, which put the land of Palestine in the hands of Zionists. Britain continues to support the apartheid regime today via the export of weapons made by Elbit Systems on British soil. Today, we say: it ends now.”

Photo: Palestine Action

Following this action, 9 were arrested and remanded. While six activists have since been released, three more, including anti-Zionist Israelis Ronnie Barkan and Stavit Sinai and a third Palestine Action activist, will face a new bail hearing on Monday, 23 May, and we urge all activists for Palestine to support the Palestine Action political detainees in Britain and demand their immediate release.

The London headquarters of Elbit at 77 Kingsway was twice targeted by activists. They locked themselves to the doors, dousing the building in red paint and preventing business as usual from taking place. On two more occasions, the landlords that provide space to Elbit, JLL, was hit with red paint and broken windows, highlighting that renting to apartheid arms profiteers is unacceptable.

One activist from the London actions is also detained and needs support in court on Monday, 23 May (details below!)

Palestine Action’s direct actions to confront war profiteers are sending a clear message that there is a price to be paid for continuing to produce, manufacture and profit from the death and destruction targeting the Palestinian people at the hands of the Israeli occupation. As Palestine Action notes: “74 years of British-backed occupation – it’s time to end complicity. ‘Resistance until victory’ means non-stop action until we’ve Shut Elbit Down.”

To date, multiple attempts to prosecute Palestine Action activists have ended with dropped charges and other victories for the activists, while other cases have so far been delayed. The British prosecutor’s statement urging imprisonment for Palestine Action activists is the first official admission that Palestine Action’s direct action activities forced Elbit’s Oldham factory to close, a fact obvious to all observing the costly damage inflicted by people of conscience determined to put an end to the manufacture of death. As Palestine Action noted, “The [Crown Prosecution Service] is using the success of Palestine Action as a reason to imprison activists.”

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses our strongest solidarity with Palestine Action and joins the demand for the immediate release of the detainees. Here are some actions that you can take to support Palestine Action and the campaign to #ShutElbitDown:

  1. Court Support Needed!

    Support activists facing legal action, including 3 of the Bristol 9 who have been imprisoned after their action:

    Bail hearings:
    Monday 23rd May at 10AM (Tomorrow!)
    Bristol Crown Court, 9 Small St, Bristol, BS1 1DB

    Monday 23rd May at 9.30AM (Tomorrow!)
    Westminster Magistrates Court,
    181 Marylebone Rd, London, NW1 5BR

    Plea hearing:
    Monday 23rd May at 9.30AM (Tomorrow!)
    Highbury Corner Magistrates Court,
    51 Holloway Rd, London, N7 8JA

  2. Send your letters and messages of support to the 3 activists who remain in prison. Email them to the Palestine Action support committee at: palactprisoners@protonmail.com
  3. Protest to Shut Elbit Down! Join a protest in your area, or join local activists outside Elbit’s factory, UAV Engines in Shenstone, on Tuesday from 11AM at  UAV Engines Ltd, Lynn Lane, Shenstone, WS14 0DR
  4. Get involved with Palestine Action! Make a donation to support Palestine Action’s activities or sign up to learn more or join an action.

“Freedom Tunnel” heroes sentenced to additional five years in occupation prisons after self-liberation from Gilboa prison

The six Palestinian prisoners, heroes of the Freedom Tunnel — Mahmoud al-Ardah, Mohammed al-Ardah, Yaqoub Qadri, Ayham Kamamji, Munadil Nafa’at and Zakaria Zubaidi — were sentenced by an occupation court in Nazareth to an additional five years in prison for their escape from the high-security Gilboa prison in September 2021. They liberated themselves from the prison by digging a tunnel with the use of small materials on hand over a long period of time. Through their daring escape, they inspired Palestinians and people around the world with their ingenuity and willingness to sacrifice for freedom, and exposed the myth of the impenetrable Israeli occupation security systems. The symbol of the metal spoon — one of the implements used to dig the tunnel — has become a symbol of Palestinian steadfastness, creativity and unbreakable will to freedom.

After they were seized again by occupation forces, the six have been subjected to torture, physical abuse and solitary confinement, which was confronted by mass protests of the prisoners’ movement as a whole. All six were today ordered to 5 additional years of imprisonment and a fine of 5,000 NIS ($1488 USD), in addition to an 8-month additional suspended sentence for a period of three years.

This comes in addition to the imposition of four-year sentences on Mohammed Abu Bakr, Iyad Jaradat, Ali Abu Bakr, Mahmoud Shreim and Qusai Marei for assisting their fellow Palestinian prisoners.

In response to the sentences, Yaqoub Qadri affirmed: “We do not care what the sentence is. The important thing is that we made the impossible possible; we were able to break through the Israeli security services and dealt a blow. We were able to achieve something that was unthinkable for Israel and its security mechanisms.”

Even the judge in the court essentially affirmed Qadri’s comments that the sentence is a form of revenge for exposing the fragility of colonial domination in Palestine, noting that their self-liberation, “paralyzed the nation for days” and caused large financial expenditures, imposing additional costs on the occupation.

The sentence came only a week after occupation forces killed Daoud al-Zubaidi, Zakaria Zubaidi’s brother, a former Palestinian prisoner and a longtime struggler of the Palestinian resistance in Jenin. Occupation forces have repeatedly invaded Jenin refugee camp in an attempt to suppress the growing resistance movement there; it was in one such raid where the occupation military assassinated beloved Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh.

The Palestinian resistance has affirmed that the six Freedom Tunnel heroes are a priority in any prisoner exchange agreement with the occupation, as symbols of freedom to the Palestinian people.

The six heroes of the Freedom Tunnel are:

  • Mahmoud Abdullah al-Ardah, 46 years old and born in 1975 in Arraba, Jenin, has been imprisoned since 21 September 1996. A struggler in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, he is already sentenced to 99 years in occupation prisons. He has been involved in multiple attempts to liberate himself and his fellow Palestinian prisoners from colonial imprisonment.
  • Mohammed Qasem al-Ardah, 39 years old, from Arraba, Jenin, who has been imprisoned since 14 May 2002. A struggler with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, he is already sentenced to 3 life sentences and 20 years in occupation prisons.
  • Ayham Fouad Kamamji, 35 years old, from Kufr Dan, Jenin, and a struggler in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement has been detained in the occupation prisons since 2006 and sentenced to two life sentences.
  • Yaqoub Mahmoud Qadri, 49 years old, from Bir al-Basha, Jenin, a struggler in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, is sentenced to life imprisonment and 35 years.
  • Munadil Yaqoub Nafa’at, 26 years old, from Ya’bad, Jenin, has been detained since 2019 and has not yet been sentenced by the occupation military courts.
  • Zakaria Mohammed Zubaidi, 46, from Jenin refugee camp, has been detained since 2019 and has not been sentenced by the occupation military courts. He was previously a senior leader in Fateh’s resistance organization in Jenin, seized again in 2019 in another attempt to suppress the Palestinian resistance in Jenin.


In their messages through lawyers, statements, and shouted greetings from occupation courts suppressed by armed guards, all six have repeatedly affirmed their commitment to the path of resistance and liberation for Palestine and the region, refusing to back down from their clear positions despite the risk to themselves.

The rearrest and additional sentencing of the six self-liberated prisoners has only further intensified the light of liberation that they represent for humanity or to lessen the blow they have dealt to the mirage of Israeli invincibility and security control. They reflect the unbreakable Palestinian will to live, struggle and thrive in the most seemingly impossible circumstances.

The Freedom Tunnel and the six heroes of the self-liberation operation represent the irrepressible hope of freedom and commitment to liberation that no amount of militarized repression and Zionist colonization has suppressed, for over 74 years. The actions of this “Freedom Brigade” are not only a symbol of hope for Palestinians but also for everyone in the world who seeks justice and freedom.

Building on the experiences of Palestinian prisoners who liberated themselves in the past, they exposed the crumbling edifices of the Israeli occupation and forced them to waste tens of millions of dollars in their massive manhunt. Their bravery and commitment to freedom is celebrated throughout Palestine, from the river to the sea, and everywhere around the world. Spoons – symbols of the rusty kitchen tools they used to dig their way to liberation – have come to represent the irrepressible drive to freedom. Their capture by the Israeli occupation does nothing to dim the light of their heroism and the inspiration they provide for the future of the liberation struggle.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network emphasizes and amplifies the call of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement to stand with the Palestinian prisoners and the Palestinian people today to demand justice and liberation for Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Video: Double Standard: Canada’s terrorist list, the IDF, Palestinians and the case of Khaled Barakat

Watch this video of this discussion on 13 May, hosted by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute and Just Peace Advocates, on Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat and the targeting and criminalization of Palestine. Speakers Khaled Barakat, Yavar Hameed and Miko Peled explore the issue from legal and political perspectives. The following description, from CFPI, highlights the primary themes of the event:

“Listen to a discussion about the National Post and Israel lobby’s recent attacks against Palestinian Canadian activist Khaled Barakat and the Samidoun Palestinian prisoner solidarity network. The event will explore how Canada criminalizes Palestinian political life through its terrorist list while supporting the violent Israeli military. More than 10 per cent of the groups on Canada’s terrorist list are from a long-occupied land with one tenth of one per cent of the world’s population. Organized by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute and Just Peace Advocates. Media sponsor: Canadian Dimension”

Israel lobby tries again to disrupt Canadian Palestinian solidarity

79 Canadian and international organizations have endorsed the statement: Stop the smear campaigns against Palestinian Advocacy!

ACTION: Write Letter: Stop the Smear Campaigns against Palestinian Advocacy

22 May, Vancouver: Stand for Palestine: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

Sunday, May 22
2 pm
Creekside Park (by Science World)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1136470037133239/

Join us for a stand for outreach: flyer distribution, petitions and info for justice in Palestine at Creekside Park near Science World in Vancouver on Sunday, May 22 at 2 pm.

As we commemorate 74 years of ongoing Nakba targeting the Palestinian people, inside all of occupied Palestine and everywhere in exile and diaspora, we also recall and celebrate 74 years of ongoing Palestinian resistance, revolution and struggle to liberate Palestine and confront imperialism, Zionism and reaction. In homes, community centers and the streets of cities, towns, villages and refugee camps in Palestine, in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, and in the cities of the world, we remember the ongoing theft of Palestinian land, massacres of Palestinians, and the mass dispossession of the Palestinian people. And yet, Palestinians continue to fight back for liberation and return, for the vision, reality and implementation of liberated Palestine, from the river to the sea.

That the Nakba is not a historical event but an ongoing reality facing the Palestinian people is just as clear as it has ever been. Thousands of Palestinians in Masafer Yatta are confronting a new series of expulsions, “legitimized” by the occupation court regime, while Palestinians from Jerusalem to the Naqab continue to fight back against land confiscations and home demolitions. Just days before the commemoration of the Nakba, occupation forces assassinated Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh, a beloved voice known in the homes of Palestinians and Arabs everywhere, shooting her in the head as she covered their invasion of the Jenin refugee camp, home to those who remain displaced by the ongoing Nakba.

The brutality of declining colonial powers is vicious and evident. From the assassination of Shireen Abu Aqleh — part of a long line of assassinations targeting truth-tellers of Palestine — to the beating of mourners at her funeral, to the daily news of martyrs’ lives taken in the struggle for liberation, the human cost to Palestinians has been devastating and overwhelming. Yet, despite all, the Palestinian people have never been defeated. Palestine lives, the resistance lives and builds its power, and a liberated Palestine is on the horizon, to bring an end to the ongoing Nakba and defeat, overcome and dismantle the Zionist colonial project. This vision must compel us all, now more than ever, to organize, mobilize and act for freedom for the prisoners, freedom for Palestine, and return and liberation, from the river to the sea.

Join us! Questions? Contact us at vancouver@samidoun.net!



 July 8 2022: Ghassan lives, Palestine lives! Call to Organize for the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of Ghassan Kanafani

“The Palestinian cause is not a cause for Palestinians only, but a cause for every revolutionary, wherever he is, as a cause of the exploited and oppressed masses in our era.” – Ghassan Kanafani

A statement from Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the Palestinian Youth Movement

8 July 2022 will mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Ghassan Kanafani, a political and cultural icon of the Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian people. On 8 July 1972, Kanafani, the Palestinian revolutionary writer, was assassinated by a car bomb placed by the Mossad outside his home in Beirut, together with his niece, Lamees Najm. We urge all Palestinians, Arabs and internationalist supporters of the Palestinian cause to commemorate this anniversary by making it a day of cultural and political struggle and resistance for Palestine in cities and communities around the world. By holding actions and demonstrations in cities all over the world, and channeling our revolutionary imaginations towards liberation-focused lines of verse and imagery of righteous resistance, we collectively affirm that the legacy of Kanafani is alive and well, and that our people will never give up the struggle until total liberation and return.  

We urge all groups, organizations and communities working on Palestine to mark this important anniversary that highlights the immortality of Palestinian resistance and creativity, despite the deliberate policy of targeting and assassination used by the colonizer against Palestinian leaders, freedom fighters and visionaries. This policy of targeting and assassination continues to the present day; on May 11, beloved Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh was shot dead by occupation forces as she covered their invasion into Jenin. From the assassination of Kanafani to that of Shireen Abu Aqleh, Palestinian voices of truth and resistance will not be silenced.

This anniversary is a time to celebrate Palestinian revolutionary and resistance arts inside and outside Palestine, highlight the struggles of the prisoners’ movement inside Zionist and imperialist prisons and organize for international solidarity with the Palestinian cause, for liberation and return to Palestine, from the river to the sea. It is a time to revel in the inherent interconnection between uprisings for anti-colonial liberation and the creative spirit, which Kanafani seamlessly embodied throughout his life and thought. To fight for freedom, to refuse to succumb to the subjugation of Zionist settler-colonialism is a deeply creative process, requiring the negation and dismantlement of the extant, oppressive order, and the bold lucidity to imagine what awaits us after. 

In particular, we urge Palestinian youth to take inspiration from Kanafani’s multifaceted and brilliant legacy of struggle, in developing their role in renewing Palestinian revolutionary culture and leading the Palestinian struggle forward toward the achievement of liberation. Kanafani understood that culture is not supplementary to political efforts, but is in fact its own radical terrain of political struggle. We also note the deep collective and internationalist revolutionary tradition of Kanafani’s vision and political work; this anniversary is a Palestinian, Arab and international date not of mourning, but of building collectively upon the legacy created by Kanafani and his comrades. 

Kanafani’s revolutionary life in struggle

Ghassan Kanafani was born in Akka, Palestine, on 9 April 1936. Forcibly exiled from Palestine with his family in the Nakba of 1948, first to Lebanon and then to Syria, he studied at Damascus University before being dismissed for political reasons. He then worked as a teacher in Kuwait before returning to Beirut to pursue journalism, cultural work and political work as part of the Arab Nationalist Movement, the pan-Arab revolutionary, socialist and anti-imperialist movement founded by Dr. George Habash. Along with Habash and other comrades, he was a co-founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and became the editor of Al-Hadaf magazine and an international spokesperson for the Front. In addition to his political leadership and representation, he designed and drew many of the Front’s early political posters. As a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist, he was greatly inspired by Arab, African and Asian liberation movements, and played a major role in the development of the “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine.”

At the same time that Kanafani worked tirelessly to develop and represent a clear, revolutionary politics for the liberation of Palestine from Zionism, imperialism and reaction, he simultaneously expressed the creativity of Palestinian revolutionary culture. Kanafani also worked to collectivize the Palestinian narrative, shifting the national literary and cultural ethos away from discrepant experiences of disposession towards a unified, nationalist literary evocation of colonial oppression and radical resistance. His simple, evocative language and style expressed the reality of the Palestinian people, spoke of the pains of diaspora, and illustrated sacrifice made in the pursuit of home and liberation, to Palestinians themselves and to the world; his works have been translated into over 20 languages. His works were innovative in both style and substance, highlighting the experiences of the Palestinian working and popular classes. “Men in the Sun,” “Return to Haifa,” “Um Saad,” “All That Remains to You” and his many short stories and plays remain immortal works of literature with captivating power today.

In addition to his creative writing, his novels, stories and plays, he also engaged in comprehensive political and literary studies. Indeed, he was the first to use the term “resistance literature” to describe Palestinian writing, even as he produced many of the foundational examples of such literature. 

Kanafani met and married Anni Høver, a Danish educator and advocate for children’s rights, in 1961. They had two children, Fayez and Laila, and after Ghassan’s assassination, Anni created the Ghassan Kanafani Children’s Foundation, which continues to provide education and resources for Palestinian refugee children in the camps in Lebanon, who, like Ghassan, continue to be denied their right to return to Palestine. 

They Cannot Assassinate Resistance

The assassination of Kanafani on 8 July 1972 exemplified the Zionist assassination policy targeting Palestinian leaders, writers, diplomats and revolutionaries. It was a failed attempt to kill the resistance by killing the creative writer and revolutionary leader who represented the struggle through his words and his ideas, who reflected the people’s liberation struggle from colonialism and served as the voice of the fedayee in armed struggle, despite never carrying a weapon himself. This has been a systemic policy of attempting to liquidate the Palestinian people’s struggle by targeting its leaders and visionaries; despite the bloody price that this criminal policy has extracted, it has remained a failure. Ghassan Kanafani’s words, ideas, analysis and legacy are more relevant than ever before, 50 years since he was stolen from us at the age of 36. 

Ghassan Kanafani was a committed internationalist, developing relationships between the Palestinian revolutionary movement and the PFLP with revolutionary movements and organizations around the world. He viewed the struggle against imperialism, including within the imperialist countries, as central to the fight for Palestinian and Arab liberation.  “Imperialism has laid its body over the world, the head in Eastern Asia, the heart in the Middle East, its arteries reaching Africa and Latin America. Wherever you strike it, you damage it, and you serve the world revolution.” 

Art by Laila Abdelrazaq for PYM’s Ghassan Kanafani Anthology

Ghassan Kanafani lives, Palestine lives

Kanafani’s cultural and political writings continue to educate, develop and inspire generations of Palestinians, Arabs and internationalists. Inside the occupation prisons, Palestinian prisoners read Kanafani’s works collectively as part of their self-education that turns the dungeons of the occupier into schools for revolution. And Palestinian young writers and artists continue to take inspiration from the life, legacy and writing of Kanafani, as expressed in the Palestinian Youth Movement’s Ghassan Kanafani Scholarship and Resistance Arts Anthology.

The attempt to liquidate Kanafani, his clarity of analysis, revolutionary politics and resistance literature, did not end with the Mossad bomb blast that took his life and that of his niece Lamees. We are currently witnessing an ongoing attempt by right-wing, Zionist, pro-apartheid organizations to silence academics who speak about Kanafani, to cancel events about or referring to Kanafani or to shut down readings or performances of his plays, novels and short stories. But the Zionist entity failed to snuff out Kanafani’s legacy, and its supporters will never cannot silence our righteous, commemorative acts of creative resistance.  On the 50th anniversary of Ghassan Kanafani’s assassination, we are determined to make clear: Ghassan Kanafani lives on, through all of those who continue on his path of cultural resistance and committed struggle, until liberation and return, throughout all of Palestne. 

Join us in organizing events and activities! 

Events may include: 

  • Readings of Kanafani’s works, and group discussions of their current implications
  • Conferences, discussions and presentations on Ghassan Kanafani’s ideas and legacy
  • Events featuring the Ghassan Kanafani Resistance Arts Anthology
  • Rallies, marches and demonstrations for Palestine that include a tribute to Kanafani
  • Postering in your cities and neighbourhoods about Kanafani, his ideas, quotes and life
  • Supporting the Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Foundation for Palestinian children
  • … And more! 

Contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net and palyouth.usa@gmail.com and tag us on social media to tell us about your events, invite a speaker to participate or request suggestions or resources! 




Nakba Day: Berlin defies repression!

The following statement was issued by the coalition of organizations resisting German state repression in Berlin targeting Palestinian organizing, specifically the ban on demonstrations commemorating the Nakba, the catastrophe of the Palestinian people that has been ongoing for the past 74 years, from 13 to 15 May. Near multiple spontaneous actions for Palestine — or even people walking on the street wearing kuffiyehs or saying “Free Palestine in the area — people were targeted by police for arrests, intimidation and repression for making sure that Palestine was visible, heard and loud on the streets of Berlin despite severe repression.

Berlin defies repression!

Yesterday, May 15, the day of Nakba, a strong signal was sent from the streets and squares of Berlin.  Numerous organizations countered the intimidation attempts of the authorities with their loud chants for a free Palestine and international solidarity.  Despite the repression, despite the bans on all demonstrations beforehand, despite the censorship and despite the racism of the German authorities, most of all the German police: our chants will not be silenced. We will not let our days of struggle be taken away!  We will not let the resistance be taken away!

Over the past weeks, messages of solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle have been echoing throughout the streets of Berlin. And by the end of April, Palestine demonstrations were banned across the board for several days.  The German state, in its unlimited support of the Zionist colonial state, does not shy away from taking any measure, no matter how drastic. Under the flimsy argument that all pro-Palestinian demonstrations are anti-Semitic and would endanger public safety, the police imposed a total ban on several demonstrations and rallies by various organizations on the weekend of Nakba Day.

These bans were not accepted!  Instead, collective solidarity against this repression stirred all over Berlin.  A demonstration through the Berlin district “Neukölln” against environmental destruction in the Global South demanded not only climate justice and an end to the imperialist ambitions of the German state around the world. Again and again, loud and united chants for the freedom of the Palestinian people echoed throughout the streets.  On Sonnenallee, the street that is repeatedly targeted by German repression, the demonstration was then slowed down by hostile police squads, and forced into a side street, where it was brought to a halt. Numerous residents and passers-by spontaneously showed solidarity with the demonstration and joined in the chants.

The police violently entered the demonstration and put all participants under custody.  Without exception, the personal details of all demonstrators were taken, fines and arrests were threatened and widespread expulsion orders were issued.  Only a few hundred meters away, at almost the same time, a spontaneous pro-Palestinian demonstration was also subjected to massive repression.  Throughout the streets of Neukölln, people clearly expressed on which side they stand, stepped into the streets with kufiya and flags, and declared their solidarity from balconies and windows!

As an alliance of numerous groups against repressions and for freedom and justice, we stand with all those who are affected by these attacks on the Palestinian and Palestinian solidarity movement.  For us it is also clear that these attacks are not only about Al Nakba day and not only about the struggle of the Palestinian people.  The German state fears the emergence of a broad anti-imperialist movement that goes beyond solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle to put Germany’s complicity and its imperialist interests in the spotlight.  These attacks are therefore aimed at all those forces that oppose imperialist interests.

Yesterday’s actions tear the mask off the face of the German state and expose its true character.  More so: it clearly shows that the Nakba day is not only a day of Palestinian struggle against over 100 years of colonialism.  The Nakba days is a day of struggle against all oppression, a day of struggle for the freedom of all peoples, and a day of struggle for justice.  Our alliance will continue these struggles! Together against repression and together for freedom and justice! On each and every day!


  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network
  • Kommunistischer Aufbau
  • Young Struggle
  • Zora Berlin
  • Anti-imperialist struggle committee
  • Internationalistisches Bündnis Nordberlin [IBN] Internationale Jugend Berlin
  • Migrantifa Berlin
  • SDAJ Berlin
  • Gruppe Arbeiter:innenmacht
  • linksjugend solid Nord-Berlin
  • Acciones
  • Klasse gegen Klasse
  • Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen Berlin

#Nakba74 Day of Palestinian Struggle: Palestine resists for victory, liberation and return!

As we commemorate 74 years of ongoing Nakba targeting the Palestinian people, inside all of occupied Palestine and everywhere in exile and diaspora, we also recall and celebrate 74 years of ongoing Palestinian resistance, revolution and struggle to liberate Palestine and confront imperialism, Zionism and reaction. In homes, community centers and the streets of cities, towns, villages and refugee camps in Palestine, in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, and in the cities of the world, we remember the ongoing theft of Palestinian land, massacres of Palestinians, and the mass dispossession of the Palestinian people. And yet, Palestinians continue to fight back for liberation and return, for the vision, reality and implementation of liberated Palestine, from the river to the sea.

That the Nakba is not a historical event but an ongoing reality facing the Palestinian people is just as clear as it has ever been. Thousands of Palestinians in Masafer Yatta are confronting a new series of expulsions, “legitimized” by the occupation court regime, while Palestinians from Jerusalem to the Naqab continue to fight back against land confiscations and home demolitions. Just days before the commemoration of the Nakba, occupation forces assassinated Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh, a beloved voice known in the homes of Palestinians and Arabs everywhere, shooting her in the head as she covered their invasion of the Jenin refugee camp, home to those who remain displaced by the ongoing Nakba.

The Zionist project of ethnic cleaning and expulsions was mostly completed by 15 May 1948, throughout 78% of historic Palestine, built atop decades of British colonization, military escalation and repression, Zionist-imperialist collaboration and the Balfour declaration. Today, we not only see the ongoing flow of arms and diplomatic, political and economic support provided by the imperialist and settler colonial powers to the Zionist project, we also witness the ongoing efforts to impose normalization regimes on the Arab people, a project that did not end with the Trump presidency in the U.S. but continues to the present day. Despite all of these efforts, the Arab people continue to fix their compass on Palestinian liberation rather than buying into the normalization programs marketed by imperialism and its agents. On the anniversary of the Nakba, we are committed to confront the racist, imperialist ideology of Zionism, which forms the basis for the colonial project in Palestine.

As imperialist states support colonialism inside Palestine, they also are escalating their repression of Palestinians in exile struggling for their return. In Berlin, Germany, home to the largest Palestinian community in Europe, Berlin police banned all public commemorations of the Nakba, including two marches, two awareness tents, a cultural commemoration — and even, later, a vigil in memory of Shireen Abu Aqleh. Just today, when around 100 people came into the streets in Berlin in a spontaneous show of support for Palestine, they were surrounded by police and the demonstration suppressed by the force of the state. This comes only weeks after the Palestine movement experienced a victory in courts in France, with the French government’s attempt to ban the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and other Palestine support organizations suspended by the courts. This repression is not separate from Germany and France’s alliance with the United States, involvement in NATO and ongoing political support for the colonization of Palestine.

The commemoration of the Nakba is a day of mourning and of outrage, but it is also a day of resistance and the fight for liberation. 15 May is historically commemorated as the Day of Palestinian Struggle. As noted by the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, “May 15 was a day of Arab revolutionary struggle and international solidarity with the Palestinian people and their liberation movement, and a day when the democratic and progressive forces of the world affirmed their support for the legitimate, inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. In the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, we must reclaim this name and the slogan, to reconsider and reaffirm the essence and meaning of May 15, the commemoration of the Palestinian Nakba, as a Palestinian, Arab and international day of struggle for return and liberation.”

On this Day of Palestinian Struggle, we struggle together against imperialism and to break the siege on Gaza, along with the imperialist blockades on Cuba, Venezuela, Iran and many other nations, that attempt to starve and isolate the resistance of the peoples of the world. We also struggle together against settler colonial imperialist powers, and we salute the struggles of Indigenous peoples fighting back for land, self-determination and liberation, the Black liberation movement and all liberation movements, from Yemen to the Philippines to Ireland, struggling for justice, liberation and end to imperialist domination and exploitation.

The Nakba reflected a series of crimes against the Palestinian people, displacement, massacres, rape, expulsion — and also mass imprisonment and forced labor. Today, there are nearly 4,500 Palestinian political prisoners in the jails of the occupation, imprisoned because they represent the Palestinian people, their resistance and their true leadership that has never been defeated over 74 years of Nakba and over 100 years of colonialism. Palestinian prisoners are struggling with their bodies and lives, including hunger strikers like Khalil Awawdeh and Raed Rayan and the 600 administrative detainees boycotting the military courts since January 1. Despite severe torture under interrogation, denial of medical care and ongoing indefinite arbitrary imprisonment, Palestinian prisoners continue to fight back.

To stand with the Palestinian prisoners is to stand with the Palestinian resistance, as with the prisoners for Palestine jailed in Arab reactionary regime and imperialist prisons, from Fusako Shigenobu in Japan, scheduled to be released at the end of this month; to the Holy Land Foundation Five in U.S. jails; to Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the Lebanese revolutionary and struggler for Palestine, jailed for nearly 38 years in France.

As the prisoners, the resistance, the visionaries and freedom fighters of Palestine, lead us, they point our movement in the necessary direction — that is, of resistance toward victory, return and liberation. In intifada after intifada, battle after battle, on the one-year anniversary of the Unity Intifada and Seif al-Quds, the Palestinian people continue to rise up and build a revolutionary movement to liberate Palestine and defeat and dismantle the colonial project occupying their land. Palestinians have the right to resist occupation and oppression by any means necessary.

For the past three decades, the so-called “peace process” of Oslo and Madrid has been an attempt to impose defeat upon the Palestinian people through the creation of a “Palestinian Authority” acting as a subcontractor to the occupation, linked to Arab reactionary regimes engaged in normalization, and charged with repressing the Palestinian resistance through “security coordination.” However, it is more clear than ever that the resistance has never been defeated and is perhaps stronger than it has ever been, envisioning and fighting for victory in Palestine. In fact, the crumbling, temporary nature of the colonial project, despite its prisons, billions of dollars in military gear and untrammeled imperialist support, is apparent for all to see. The resistance in Palestine, in the region and globally, is on the rise, and a liberated Palestine is in sight, and we must work to achieve that goal through action.

On the Day of Palestinian Struggle, it is the popular classes of Palestine who continue to lead the revolution: the workers, farmers and refugees in the camps; the fishers and farmers of Gaza producing despite vicious siege; the Bedouins of the Naqab holding to their land despite state-backed JNF terror; the farmers confronting settlers to defend Palestine; the women’s movement of Palestine, on the front lines of struggle for over 74 years; the students and youth facing down colonial weaponry, organizing on campus and fighting back behind prison bars. They propel the revolution forward — generation after generation, until full return and total liberation.

Despite 74 years of Nakba, Palestinian refugees, struggling in the camps amid poverty, siege and devastation, fighting back and organizing everywhere in the world, hold fast to their keys to their homes and to the promise of victory and return, marching and organizing, preserving their steadfastness and determination to return to their homes, lands and properties in Palestine. Palestinians in exile and diaspora are reclaiming their confiscated voice in the future of Palestine and political decision-making: centering return and liberation, rising up hand in hand with Palestine from the river to the sea.

Everywhere that people struggle against imperialism and colonialism, Palestine is there. Every victory that is obtained for people’s movements is a victory for Palestine, and every victory for Palestine empowers the global liberation struggle. The right to return for Palestinian refugees and the defeat of imperialism are keys to the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. Everywhere in Palestine — in occupied Palestine ’48, in Jerusalem, in the West Bank, in the Gaza Strip — and in exile and diaspora, from the refugee camps to the cities of the world — the struggle for victory, return and liberation is on the rise.

The brutality of declining colonial powers is vicious and evident. From the assassination of Shireen Abu Aqleh — part of a long line of assassinations targeting truth-tellers of Palestine — to the beating of mourners at her funeral, to the daily news of martyrs’ lives taken in the struggle for liberation, the human cost to Palestinians has been devastating and overwhelming. Yet, despite all, the Palestinian people have never been defeated. Palestine lives, the resistance lives and builds its power, and a liberated Palestine is on the horizon, to bring an end to the ongoing Nakba and defeat, overcome and dismantle the Zionist colonial project. This vision must compel us all, now more than ever, to organize, mobilize and act for freedom for the prisoners, freedom for Palestine, and return and liberation, from the river to the sea.

Take Action:

1. Boycott Israel! On your campus, in your labor organization and in your community, you can work to isolate and materially affect the Israeli occupation. From campaigning against “Study Abroad in Israel” to partnerships with corporate occupation profiteers like HP, CAF, G4S, PUMA, Pillsbury and many others, organize to put an end to deals with the occupation state and with these corporations, with comprehensive economic, military, academic and cultural boycott. The efforts of Palestine Action to take direct action to fight back against war profiteers like Elbit Systems are opening new doors for the movement to extract a meaningful cost from arms dealers peddling weapons sold by being “battle-tested” on Palestinians.

2. Take to the Streets! Once again, people everywhere are taking to the streets to support Palestinian resistance, defend Jerusalem, and uphold the right to return. Organize a mass rally, hold a stand for Palestine or hold a vigil for Palestine. Let us make Palestine visible everywhere in our communities. From the Defund Racism campaign to expose Zionist “charities” fundraising for illegal colonial settlements and the occupation military, to mass rallies in Palestinian communities, it is time to come to the streets for liberation for Palestine.

3. Fight Back against Repression! From Berlin to Toulouse, from Vienna to Canada and the U.S., Palestinians and supporters of Palestine are fighting back against state repression. These attacks are part and parcel of the criminalization of the Palestinian liberation movement inside and outside Palestine. They aim to spread fear in the community and divide our movement. We must keep our eyes on the prize — on a liberated Palestine — while resisting and exposing repression, by taking to the offensive: demand that Palestinian organizations and other liberation movements are removed from so-called “terrorist” lists and fight for the freedom of political prisoners, from the Holy Land Foundation 5 to Georges Abdallah. We will not leave those targeted alone — instead, we will rally even more to defend our comrades from repression and state violence.

4. Join Samidoun, the Masar Badil or a Group near You! We need organization and mobilization to make our movement stronger. We invite you to join Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network or a chapter and affiliate near you. We also encourage you to get involved with the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, including the effort of the Masar Students to escalate the Palestinian student movement. There are many amazing organizations working everywhere for justice and liberation in Palestine, and all of us are stronger when we organize collectively. Please join Samidoun or an organization near you to build our movement together. Email us at samidoun@samidoun.net to learn more about how you can get involved.

Tillsammans för frihet och rättvisa

Den femtonde maj sammanfaller med Nakba-dagen – dagen att minnas fördrivningen av palestinier från deras land, en dag av kamp mot bosättare-sionistisk kolonialism, en dag av kontinuerligt och solid palestinskt motstånd och en dag av internationell solidaritet med vår rättvisa sak.

Som tidigare år har palestinskt arbete undertrycks systematiskt genom att rikta in sig på palestinska organisationer, marscher och demonstrationer i Berlin. De tyska myndigheterna strävar efter att förhindra tusentals palestinier, araber och internationalister från att samlas på gatorna i huvudstaden, centrum för den största palestinska sammankomsten i Europa. Som ett resultat utfärdades ett förbud för demonstrationerna som anordnades av olika palestinska institutioner och grupper i söndags.

Denna uppenbara attack mot palestinskt minne och liv är en rasistisk handling som riktar sig mot alla som söker rättvisa i Palestina och specifikt riktar sig mot det palestinska samfundet i Berlin. I svarsdokumentet som tillhandahållits av polisen som informerar institutionerna om förbudet mot demonstrationer, uppgav Berlinpolisen upprepade gånger att palestinierna “samlas känslomässigt” i frågan om att döda sitt eget folk och ockupera deras land.

Att utse den legitima palestinska ilskan och vårt folks outtröttliga strävan efter rättvisa inför mer än hundra kolonialistiska människor som en “fara för allmän säkerhet” är ett upprörande förtryck av vårt folk och en rasistisk munkorg.

Myndigheterna använder anklagelsen om “antisemitism” som en tunn ursäkt för att förbjuda alla demonstrationer och marscher till minne av Nakba i Berlin, och till och med förbjuda hela den palestinska rörelsens verksamhet. Direktiven från de tyska förtrycksverktygen är tydligt synliga genom dessa beslut: Alla tillgängliga medel bör användas för att förhindra upptrappningen av solidariteten med den palestinska saken. Därför att staten fruktar bildandet av en storskalig antiimperialistisk rörelse som går bortom solidariteten med den palestinska befrielsekampen, och absorberar den tyska statens roll och dess imperialistiska intressen som partner i kolonialismen.

Vi avvisar detta förbud! Nakba dagen är för vår kamp och vi står fast och enade mot detta förtryck. Medan den tyska staten och media försöker sönderfalla och splittra oss. Vi förenar oss och försvarar vår gemensamma rätt att skicka meddelanden som ger genklang på Berlins gator till våra bröder och systrar i Palestina och världen: Vår kamp för frihet är en rättvis kamp! Vår kamp mot kolonialism och imperialism är en kamp för rättvisa. Vi uppmanar alla solidaritetsrörelser med Palestina och alla kämpar mot kolonialism och imperialism runt om i världen att gå med oss och stötta oss mot förtrycket.

 Länge leve den internationella solidariteten!

Signerade grupper:

  • Samidoun Netzwerk
  • F.O.R. Palestine
  • Kommunistischer Aufbau
  • Young Struggle
  • Revolutionärer Jugendbund
  • Migrantifa – Berlin
  • Linksjugend Solid Nord-Berlin
  • SDAJ – Berlin
  • Rot feministische Jugend
  • Palästina Antikolonial
  • Free Palestine FFM
  • Palästina Spricht
  • Klasse gegen Klasse
  • Gruppe Arbeiter:innenmacht
  • Acciones Berlin
  • Revolution
  • Kommunistische Organisation
  • Solidaritätsnetzwerk
  • Internationale Jugend Berlin
  • FACQ
  • Palästinakomitee Stuttgart
  • Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen
  • ATIK (Konföderation der Arbeiter*innen aus der Türkei in Europa)
  • YDG (Neuer Demokratische Jugend)
  • Yeni Kadin (Neuer Frau)
  • BDS Deutschland
  • Kampagne Rise Up 4 Rojava

International Supporters


  • Alkarama (Movimiento de mujeres palestinas)
  • Collectif Palestine Vaincra
  • Secours Rouge Toulouse
  • International Jewish Antizionist Network IJAN
  • Jewish Voice for Labour (UK)
  • Jewish Network for Palestine
  • Jeunes pour la Palestine – Nantes
  • CAPJPO-Europalestine
  • Classe Contre Classe
  • Secours Rouge
  • Palestinian Youth Movement Sweden
  • Europe Network for Justice and Peace in the Philippines
  • April 28 Coalition for Migrants and Refugees Rights and Welfare
  • Union Juive Française pour la Paix
  • Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine
  • Revolution Permanente
  • Dutch Scholars for Palestine
  • Revolutionaire Eenheid
  • Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle
  • Al Yudur – Juventud Palestina
  • Col·lectiu Intifada
  • Jeunes Communistes 13


  • Juventude palestina – Sanaúd
  • CSP-Conlutas
  • Frente Palestina Livre
  • Centro cultural palestino Aljaniah
  • Partido Comunista Brasileiro – PCB
  • Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado – PSTU
  • Partido Socialismo e Liberdade / Movimento Esquerda Socialista
  • União da Juventude Comunista – UJC
  • Liga de Parlamentarios por Al-Quds
  • Unidade Popular pelo Socialismo – UP
  • Monitor do Oriente
  • Amigos de Palestina
  • Fórum Latino Palestino
  • Articulação Internacional Julho Negro
  • Iniciativa Direito à Memória e Justiça Racial
  • Comitês Islâmicos de Solidariedade
  • Instituto de Estudos e Solidariedade para Palestina – Razan Al Najjar
  • Movimento pela Libertação da Palestina – Ghassan Kanafani


  • Palestinian Chess Forum – Shatila camp
  • Palestinian Cultural Club – Beirut
  • Palestinian Arab Cultural Club
  • The Naqab Center for Youth Activities – Burj Al-Barajneh Camp

North America

  • Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste
  • Within Our Lifetime — United for Palestine
  • Just Peace Advocates
  • GPM – GTA Palestine Movement
  • Freedom Road Socialist Organization
  • Canada Palestine Association
  • Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle
  • Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle – Coast Salish Territories
  • Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
  • Palestinian Youth Movement
  • Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
  • April 28 Coalition for Migrants and Refugees Rights and Welfare
  • Canadian BDS Coalition
  • National Lawyers Guild International
  • Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians
  • Canada Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights
  • Gabriela BC
  • Sulong UBC
  • Human Rights 4 All Saskatchewan
  • Palestine Solidarity Network Edmonton
  • Edmonton Small Press Association
  • Friends of Sabeel North America
  • Migrante BC
  • Palestinian and Jewish Unity – Montreal
  • Peace Alliance Winnipeg
  • Justice for Palestinians, Calgary
  • Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid Victoria Canada
  • Niagara Coalition for Justice
  • US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
  • Labor for Palestine
  • Greater Toronto 4 BDS


Berlin bans Nakba commemorations: United against Repression – United for Freedom and Justice

In an outrageous attack on Palestinian rights, memory and even identity, the police in Berlin, the capital of Germany, have banned all public commemorations of the 74th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, when over 750,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes and lands by Zionist militias. The Nakba is commemorated on 15 May, known as Nakba Day or the Day of Palestinian Struggle. Events are being organized throughout Palestine and globally.

The events banned by the police include two marches, two awareness-raising tents and a cultural gathering, scheduled for 13, 14 and 15 May. Samidoun Deutschland was the organizer of one of the cancelled marches, Palestine Speaks the organizer of another, and the cultural event was organized by a group of Palestinian community organizations. After the ban, an application for a memorial vigil for Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh — shot dead by Israeli occupation forces — was also prohibited as a “replacement for the banned events.” At the same time that Palestinians have been banned from commemorating the Nakba and 74 years of dispossession and struggle at the risk of arrest and prosecution, the Berlin Senate is providing public funding for an event on 15 May by Zionist groups that labels BDS and Amnesty International “anti-Semitic.” Berlin is home to one of the largest Palestinian communities in Europe, repeatedly labeled as “emotional” in the documents presented by the police to organizing groups as a reason for banning the Nakba commemorations.

This follows a series of attacks on Palestinian rights in Germany, many perpetrated by Berlin officials, including the banning of an event with Khaled Barakat (later ruled illegal by a German court), the political ban and deportation of Rasmea Odeh, and a series of repressive efforts directed at advocates for the boycott of Israel and justice in Palestine. Just two weeks ago, Berlin police also banned Palestine demonstrations on 29-30 April, on the same type of dubious basis. Read the following statement distributed by the affected groups in Germany — email us at samidoun@samidoun.net to add your support!

United against Repression – United for Freedom and Justice

May 15 is Nakba Day – a day of remembrance of the expulsion of Palestinians, a day of struggle against ongoing Zionist settlement colonialism, a day of unbroken Palestinian resistance and a day of international solidarity.

As has taken place and escalated over the past year, massive repression is being directed against Palestinian groups and demonstrations in Berlin. The authorities want to prevent thousands of people from pouring into the streets of the capital, the site of the largest Palestinian community in Europe. As a result, numerous demonstrations by various groups planned for next Sunday’s Nakba Day have been banned! 

This outrageous assault on Palestinian memory and Palestinian lives is a racist act of discrimination. In their justifications of the bannings Berlin police repeatedly declare that Palestinians are “emotional” about the killing of their people and the confiscation of their land. The labeling of legitimate Palestinian anger and commitment to pursue justice in the face of over 100 years of colonialism as a “threat to public safety” is an abhorrent act of censorship.

As a flimsy reason for the bans, the authorities also accuse all demonstrations being held to commemorate the Nakba in Berlin, and even the entire Palestine movement, of anti-Semitism across the board. The face of the German repressive apparatus is clearly shown in these measures: all means should be used to prevent international solidarity from breaking out. Because the state fears a broad anti-imperialist movement that, beyond solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle, focuses on Germany’s complicity and its own imperialist interests.

We do not accept these prohibitions! Nakba Day is our day of struggle and we resolutely stand united against repression. As the German state and media seek to denigrate and divide us, we join forces and defend our common right to send a strong signal from the streets of Berlin to our brothers and sisters in Palestine and around the world: Our struggle for the Freedom is a just fight! Our fight against imperialism is a just fight! We call on all groups in solidarity with Palestine and those fighting against imperialism around the world to join us and to stand up to repression.

Long live international solidarity!

Signing Groups

  • Samidoun Netzwerk
  • F.O.R. Palestine
  • Kommunistischer Aufbau
  • Young Struggle
  • Revolutionärer Jugendbund
  • Migrantifa – Berlin
  • Linksjugend Solid Nord-Berlin
  • SDAJ – Berlin
  • Rot feministische Jugend
  • Palästina Antikolonial
  • Free Palestine FFM
  • Palästina Spricht
  • Klasse gegen Klasse
  • Gruppe Arbeiter:innenmacht
  • Acciones Berlin
  • Revolution
  • Kommunistische Organisation
  • Solidaritätsnetzwerk
  • Internationale Jugend Berlin
  • FACQ
  • Palästinakomitee Stuttgart
  • Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen
  • ATIK (Konföderation der Arbeiter*innen aus der Türkei in Europa)
  • YDG (Neue Demokratische Jugend)
  • Yeni Kadin (Neue Frau)
  • BDS Deutschland
  • Kampagne Rise Up 4 Rojava
  • Wattan

International Supporters


  • Alkarama (Movimiento de mujeres palestinas)
  • Collectif Palestine Vaincra
  • Secours Rouge Toulouse
  • International Jewish Antizionist Network IJAN
  • Jewish Voice for Labour (UK)
  • Jewish Network for Palestine
  • Jeunes pour la Palestine – Nantes
  • CAPJPO-Europalestine
  • Classe Contre Classe
  • Secours Rouge International/Red Help International
  • Palestinian Youth Movement Sweden
  • Europe Network for Justice and Peace in the Philippines
  • April 28 Coalition for Migrants and Refugees Rights and Welfare
  • Union Juive Française pour la Paix
  • Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine
  • Revolution Permanente
  • Dutch Scholars for Palestine
  • Revolutionaire Eenheid
  • Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle
  • Al Yudur – Juventud Palestina
  • Col·lectiu Intifada
  • Jeunes Communistes 13
  • Collectif Boycott Apartheid Israël – Paris Banlieue


  • Juventude palestina – Sanaúd
  • CSP-Conlutas
  • Frente Palestina Livre
  • Centro cultural palestino Aljaniah
  • Partido Comunista Brasileiro – PCB
  • Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado – PSTU
  • Partido Socialismo e Liberdade / Movimento Esquerda Socialista
  • União da Juventude Comunista – UJC
  • Liga de Parlamentarios por Al-Quds
  • Unidade Popular pelo Socialismo – UP
  • Monitor do Oriente
  • Amigos de Palestina
  • Fórum Latino Palestino
  • Articulação Internacional Julho Negro
  • Iniciativa Direito à Memória e Justiça Racial
  • Comitês Islâmicos de Solidariedade
  • Instituto de Estudos e Solidariedade para Palestina – Razan Al Najjar
  • Movimento pela Libertação da Palestina – Ghassan Kanafani


  • Palestinian Chess Forum – Shatila camp
  • Palestinian Cultural Club – Beirut
  • Palestinian Arab Cultural Club
  • The Naqab Center for Youth Activities – Burj Al-Barajneh Camp

North America

  • Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste
  • Within Our Lifetime — United for Palestine
  • Just Peace Advocates
  • GPM – GTA Palestine Movement
  • Freedom Road Socialist Organization
  • Canada Palestine Association
  • Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle
  • Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle – Coast Salish Territories
  • Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
  • Palestinian Youth Movement
  • Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
  • April 28 Coalition for Migrants and Refugees Rights and Welfare
  • Canadian BDS Coalition
  • National Lawyers Guild International
  • Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians
  • Canada Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights
  • Gabriela BC
  • Sulong UBC
  • Human Rights 4 All Saskatchewan
  • Palestine Solidarity Network Edmonton
  • Edmonton Small Press Association
  • Friends of Sabeel North America
  • Migrante BC
  • Palestinian and Jewish Unity – Montreal
  • Peace Alliance Winnipeg
  • Justice for Palestinians, Calgary
  • Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid Victoria Canada
  • Niagara Coalition for Justice
  • US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
  • Labor for Palestine
  • Greater Toronto 4 BDS
  • Academics for Palestine – Concordia

Palestinian prisoners salute Shireen Abu Aqleh, demand justice and accountability for assassinated journalist

Palestinian political prisoners in occupation prisons expressed their collective mourning and outrage at the Israeli assassination of beloved Palestinian journalist, the martyr Shireen Abu Aqleh, reporter for Al Jazeera, who was shot in the head by occupation forces as she covered an invasion of Jenin camp in the early morning hours of Wednesday, 11 May. At the same time, her colleague, journalist Ali Samoudi, was shot in the back and wounded. Throughout Palestine and around the world, Palestinians, Arabs and supporters of Palestine have expressed an outpouring of anger and mourning for Abu Aqleh, whose truthful and committed reporting on decades of Palestinian struggle and Israeli attacks had been a mainstay of homes everywhere.

Political organizations, journalists, media groups, social and cultural groups and individuals have all expressed their love for Abu Aqleh’s work and principles and their dedication to seek true justice and accountability for her assassination and the systematic targeting of Palestinian journalists and truth-tellers.

The assault on Abu Aqleh has not ended with the taking of her life. Thousands of Palestinians have taken to the streets in mourning and salute to Abu Aqleh, and on Thursday evening, 12 May, occupation forces attacked the church hosting her funeral, attempting to lower the Palestinian flag while blocking her funeral procession as it arrived in Beit Hanina, Jerusalem. One woman’s was fractured by occupation forces attacking the funeral, and Abu Aqleh’s brother, Anton, was summoned for interrogation.

Inside the occupation prisons, Palestinian prisoners have joined in this national celebration of Abu Aqleh’s work and outrage at the theft of her life.

Palestinian women in Damon prison issued the following message:

We, the women prisoners in Damon prison, offer our deepest condolences to the entire Palestinian people and to the press colleagues and family of the martyr in particular.

We, as prisoners, consider the targeting of journalist Shireen as targeting the truth-tellers and supporters of the cause of our people, including the cause of the prisoners’ movement, in which the media plays a meaningful role, in addition to exposing the reality of the occupation and its brutal practices against our people, whether through killing, demolishing homes or arrests. The martyrdom of the outstanding journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh must not pass without accountability and must motivate the conscience of the world to hold the killers accountable, those who have targeted Shireen and the Palestinian people in general.

The Palestinian prisoners’ movement throughout occupation prisons announced that Thursday, 12 May is a day of mourning in all of the sections in the occupation prisons. In a statement carried by the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society, the prisoners’ movement declared:

“The martyr journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh carried the cause of the homeland and our cause, that of the prisoners, on her shoulders. Today her people carry her on their shoulders. We are there from inside the cells and behind the walls. We will carry you in our hearts and memories as you have always been with us.”

There are over 4,500 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons, including 600 jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. Dozens of Palestinian journalists are among that number, as are 32 women.



Shireen Abu Aqleh joins a long line of Palestinian martyrs whose lives have been taken by a colonial force attempting its futile effort to defeat the Palestinian people. Her legacy, like that of all of the martyrs of Palestine, must inspire all to organize, struggle and resist for the liberation of Palestine, its prisoners and its people, and to turn our eyes to Jenin, a daily site of assassinations, extrajudicial killings, armed raids, home demolitions and relentless occupation assaults — and a daily site of an undaunted and undefeated resistance that continues to struggle for justice and freedom, to defend the land and people from colonial aggression.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all to salute the martyrs of Palestine and their aspirations by joining the marches and rallies for Palestine around the world marking the 74th commemoration of the Nakba, the Day of Palestinian Struggle, and the ongoing movement for liberation and return. See the list of actions here.