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Massive demonstration in Berlin urges freedom for Palestinian prisoners, liberation for Palestine

Marking Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, Samidoun Deutschland organized a mass demonstration in the streets of Berlin, where large crowds of Palestinian and Arab youth participated in the march, along with representatives of German leftist parties and solidarity organizations. The massive demonstration launched from the Neukölln district’s town hall, proceeding down Sonnenallee, a street packed with Arab and Palestinian shops and restaurants and a central meeting point for the community.

As the demonstrators chanted slogans in support of the Palestinian resistance and the prisoners’ movement, they raised Palestinian flags and Samidoun banners, carrying signs and banners in support of the Palestinian people’s struggle and calling for a boycott of the Israeli occupation.

One Samidoun member delivered a speech at the rally before the march launched to Hermannplatz, calling for the defense of Palestinian rights and the achievement of Palestinian liberation, saluting the legacy of Palestinian revolutionaries of the past and the present, including Abdel-Qader al-Husseini, Izzedine al-Qassam, Basil al-Araj and Nizar Banat. They carried a banner with a quote from Mahmoud al-Ardah, one of the self-liberated prisoners of the Freedom Tunnel, who escaped from Gilboa prison in 2021 and whose heroism and bravery in seeking freedom inspired Palestinians and lovers of justice around the world.

They urged the liberation of all of Palestine, and denounced the path of Oslo and “security coordination” represented by the Palestinian Authority, urging instead support for the Palestinian people’s continued resistance throughout occupied Palestine.

The demonstration came following a protest in Berlin organized several days earlier by several Palestinian and Arab organizations as well as two protests organized by Samidoun Deutschland in Aachen and Frankfurt, Germany. Further events and demonstrations are continuing to take place in cities around the world in support of Palestine.

Samidoun marks Palestinian Prisoners’ Day with demonstrations in Frankfurt and Aachen, Germany

Marking Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (Samidoun Deutschland) organized rallies in Aachen and Frankfurt in solidarity with the resistance of the Palestinian prisoners behind bars, together with the Communist Organization, Free Palestine Maastricht, Free Palestine FFM and Stop Child Detention.

At the rallies, participants distributed leaflets about the suffering and the struggle and leadership of the Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the Zionist occupation. Speakers highlighted the cases of the over 530 administrative detainees and their complete boycott of the military courts since 1 January 2022. They also discussed the struggle of the student prisoners and imprisoned Palestinian women and highlighted the suffering of child prisoners like Ahmed Manasra and Amal Nakhleh. Speakers also called for freedom for the Arab and international prisoners jailed for supporting the Palestinian resistance, like Georges Ibrahim Abdallah in France and Fusako Shigenobu in Japanese prisons.

Participants also highlighted the hypocrisy and double standards of European governments, comparing their expressed positions on Ukraine to their complete disregard and, in fact, clear opposition to the Palestinian people’s struggle. This is particularly clearly illustrated by the ongoing repression of Palestinian organizing in these countries, which claim to be champions of freedom. Demonstrators in Frankfurt expressed their solidarity with the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, banned by French President Emmanuel Macron after repeated calls by Zionist organizations aligned with the far right.

The speaker representing Samidoun noted that: “On Palestinian Prisoners’ Day and amid these days in struggle for Palestine, in Samidoun we stand with the resistance that built a freedom tunnel for liberation, that defends the Jenin camp against invasion, that opposes colonization in al-Naqab and that fights for freedom in Gaza, marching on the border for return from Lebanon and Syria and organizing in Berlin, New York, Sao Paulo, Madrid, London, Toronto and Paris for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.”

Over 10,000 people sign on to support the Collectif Palestine Vaincra as mobilization continues in Toulouse and internationally

From 15 to 25 April, the Committee Against the Dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is calling for a week of mobilization against the banning of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra by the French government. The week of action is taking place on the eve of the hearing of the Collectif’s appeal to the Council of State, which takes place on 26 April. This campaign brings together more than thirty local organizations in Toulouse, France, the home of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, including the main labour unions (CGT , FSU and Solidaires), several left and far left parties (PGNPARPUCL, LJR) and many associations and collectives (League for Human Rights, Peace MovementAFPS , BDS France ToulouseAFAPopular Collective Against the Far Right , etc.). Over 10,100 people have already expressed their reejection of this authoritarian and draconian action by the Macron government through a support petition. The dissolution of the Collectif was ratified on 9 March by the Council of Ministers.

On Saturday 16 April, about twenty members of the Committee met for an afternoon around the creation of a mural in Toulouse, proclaiming “No to the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra” . The mural painting was an opportunity to spend a united and friendly moment combining discussions, snacks and a graffiti workshop.

The next day, a person from the Committee intervened during a demonstration against the extreme right to call for the rally against the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra on 21 April in Toulouse, which brought over 250 people to rally against the ban.

At the same time, a poster campaign took place throughout the city calling for solidarity in the face of this attack, which concerns all the organizations which seek to uphold anti-racist and anti-colonialist politics.

On Tuesday, 19 April, during a student General Assembly at Toulouse University Jean Jaurès, the Committee against the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra intervened once again. The hundred or so people present largely supported the statement and voted in support of the rally on Thursday April 21 at the end of the General Assembly. 

A few days earlier, NPA spokesperson Pauline Salingue spoke in support of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra during an electoral rally in front of nearly 1,500 people in Toulouse.


Many organizations and individuals have already sent the Committee solidarity photos from the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Germany and Switzerland, and of course from many cities in France. This demonstrates that not only is the Collectif Palestine Vaincra not isolated, but that the whole Palestine solidarity movement understands that this dissolution concerns us all. Take part in this week of mobilization! Send your photos and statements of support to comitedissolutioncpv@gmail.com

Mobilization weekend in Paris to free all Palestinian prisoners

As part of the International Day for the Liberation of Palestinian Prisoners  multiple actions were organized in the Paris region for the release of the 4,450 Palestinians unjustly imprisoned by the Israeli occupation.

On Friday, April 15 from 6:30 p.m., the Campaign for the Liberation of Palestinian Children Imprisoned by Israel organized a rally at Place de la République in Paris, bringing together around a hundred people, including members of various organizations (Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges AbdallahBDS Paris BanlieueAFPSEuropalestineMRAP, Femmes EgalitéAssociation of Palestinians in Ile-de-FranceSamidoun, etc.). In Arabic and French, poems by Dareen Tatour and Mahmoud Darwish were read by Abeer Hamad and Marie-France Cohen-Solal while a member of the Forum Palestine Citoyenneté read the call for the rally and spoke about the situation of Palestinian prisoners, especially children. Several banners and placards also highlighted various campaigns, for the release of Palestinian students and prominent imprisoned Palestinians like Ahmad Manasra, Israa Jaabis or Ahmad Sa’adat, Marwan Barghouthi, and Georges Abdallah, the imprisoned Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for the past 37 years.


On Saturday April 16 at the Lycée Autogéré in Paris, the Ile-de-France support committee for the accused of 8.12 and AIM Paris organized a support concert featuring EMANCIPATING PIT FIGHTING FISH, GØLDI, TRACE, HUMAN DOG FOOD and a dj set from AIM Paris.

Invited by the organizers, Samidoun Région Parisienne held a solidarity stand for Palestinian prisoners alongside other organizations and collectives (OPIAnticra, Désarmons-lesAssemblées des BlesséesAssemblée anticarcéraleRéseau d’entraide vérité et justice, etc.)

The reception from the public was very warm and friendly, many people showing their support for the resistance of the Palestinian people. Postcards sent to Palestinian women prisoners in Damon Prison received a lot of attention, garnering messages of support, drawings, and more. A beautiful evening with more to come!

Sunday April 17 was the occasion for a  new solidarity initiative! On the occasion of the international day in solidarity with political prisoners, the April 17 Collective organized a day of exchanges and reflection in the premises of the Parisian section of the CNT. Many organizations and collectives fighting for the release of political prisoners were present: the Unitary Campaign for the Release of Georges Abdallah, the Solidarity Committee with the Basque People, the Anti-Imperialist FrontFree Koulchi and campaigns for the release of Leonard Peltier, Salah Hamouri and Moroccan, Sahrawi, Algerian, Mapuche, Mexican political prisoners, etc. At the same time, a screening of the documentary “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” took place at the beginning of the afternoon with the reading of a new statement from the longest-held political prisoner in Europe. As part of the mobilization from April 15 to 25 in support of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a banner was installed at the entrance to denounce the French government’s banning of this pro-Palestinian organization, in part specifically targeting their advocacy for Palestinian prisoners and Georges Abdallah.


As usual, the postcards, which will be sent at the end of the month, were filled with words of support and love. People welcomed to the stand wishing to show their support and solidarity with the detainees.


A writing workshop for postcards and letters for all detainees followed, organized by the organizations and collectives present was held in the evening. Postcards designed by artists had been screen printed a few hours earlier. Once the letters are sealed, they will go to Mexico, the USA, Morocco and other places, as well as to French and Spanish prisons. A beautiful moment of exchange, encounters and fascinating discussions.

Alongside these initiatives, other activities took place in the Paris region in support of Palestinian prisoners. For example, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine organized a support rally at the Fontaine des Innocents on Saturday 16 April in the afternoon. Many speeches took place to demand the release of the 4450 men, women and children from Israeli jails and denouncing the criminalization of the Palestine solidarity movement, in particular the recent dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

For their part, AFPS Paris-Sud and BDS Paris-Banlieue organized the screening of the film Palestine 48 in the presence of the director Francçois Gilles on Saturday, 16 April. Several posters in support of Palestinian prisoners decorated the room, calling for the release of Georges Abdallah, Salah Hamouri, Marwan Barghouti and Ahmad Sa’adat. This afternoon ended with a photo of solidarity, declaring “No to the dissolution of Palestine Vaincra! Respect for freedom of expression!”

Samidoun Région Parisienne would like to warmly and affectionately thank the groups and organizations that welcomed us this weekend. Thank you to the AIM, the Ile-de-France Support Committee, the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah , the CNT and the Collectif du 17 avril for their invitation and their welcome! Samidoun RP  regularly mobilizes in support of the Palestinian people and their resistance for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. Do not hesitate to contact us on our social networks (Instagram Facebook Twitter) or by email at samidoun.rp@gmail.com  if you wish to participate in our initiatives, such as our stands in Aubervilliers or sending letters of support to Palestinian prisoners.

Freedom for Bashir al-Khairy! Palestinian lawyer jailed without charge or trial faces extension of unjust detention

Bashir al-Khairy, 79-year-old Palestinian lawyer, longtime leftist leader and human rights defender, is currently being jailed without charge or trial by the Israeli occupation. Occupation forces invaded his home on 29 October 2021, seizing him and taking him to the Ofer military base. After multiple extensions of his detention, and an initial list of military court charges, he was then ordered to administrative detention — imprisonment without charge or trial on the basis of “secret evidence” — after initially being ordered released on bail. His administrative detention order will end on 28 April 2022, and Palestinian prisoners are mobilizing to demand his release at the end of his detention order — and calling upon people around the world to join them.

Administrative detention orders are indefinitely renewable; as a result, Palestinians have spent years at a time jailed without ever even being charged before an unjust military court. Instead, the detention orders are essentially rubber-stamped by the military courts at the request of the occupation intelligence. After his administrative detention order, Bashir Khairy launched a boycott of the military courts, sparking the ongoing collective boycott of the military courts by all of the administrative detainees. There are currently upwards of 600 Palestinians held under administrative detention, out of approximately 4,500 Palestinian political prisoners. As of 1 January 2022, all of the detainees have refused to attend the military court hearings on their detention, demanding instead the end of administrative detention.

Administrative detention is frequently used to target political, community and social leaders like al-Khairy, in an attempt to isolate them from the Palestinian people and undermine Palestinian resistance and resiliency. However, the administrative detainees have continued to fight back behind bars, launching the boycott of the military courts and repeated hunger strikes for freedom. Currently, two administrative detainees, Raed Rayan and Khalil Awawdeh, are on hunger strike for liberation.

On 21 April, the leadership of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine prison branch announced that if the occupation extends al-Khairy’s administrative detention on or before 28 April rather than releasing him, a large number of the prisoners will launch an open hunger strike to demand his immediate freedom and take additional steps of escalation and protest.

Al-Khairy is a Palestinian national leader with a lengthy experience in the struggle for liberation. He spent over 15 years in occupation prisons, was subjected to deportation from occupied Palestine and has been repeatedly banned from traveling outside Palestine. He was exiled during the great popular intifada of 1987-1993 and pursued again during the al-Aqsa Intifada. A Palestinian refugee born in al-Ramla, he was forcibly displaced from his home during the Nakba by Zionist forces. He attended law school at Cairo University, where he also became involved in student activism and Palestinian and Arab politics, joining the Arab Nationalist Movement.

As a national Palestinian figure with broad support and respect among the people, he participates frequently in national events, popular mobilizations and works to support the just cause of the Palestinian people. He also never hesitates to raise his voice in protest against the “security coordination” policies and political repression of the Palestinian Authority, such as the assassination of Nizar Banat.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its strongest support for Bashir al-Khairy and the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, including the hundreds of administrative detainees engaged in a collective boycott of the military courts for nearly five months and the hunger strikers Raed Rayan and Khalil Awawdeh. We urge all supporters of Palestine to raise your voices to free Bashir al-Khairy and support the administrative detainees’ boycott of the military courts. The liberation of the administrative detainees — and of all Palestinian prisoners — is central to the liberation of Palestine from colonization and occupation.

Take Action:

1. Join the campaign on social media!

Use the following posters (download and print) to take photos of yourself at events and actions for Palestine, or just in your own home. Take a solidarity photo with your group or organization or by yourself and post it to your social media page with the hashtags, #FreeBashirKhairy #FreeThemAll — send us your links on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!



2. Demonstrations, rallies and street actions – including actions to boycott Israel!

Have a protest or action to free Palestinian prisoners, support the Palestinian struggle for liberation, stand with the Palestinian resistance and boycott Israel and its complicit corporations. Join the many protests taking place around the world — confront, isolate and besiege the Israeli embassy or consulate in your city or country of residence. Make it clear that the people are with Palestine and the liberated prisoners! Send us your events at samidoun@samidoun.net.

3. Creative and Direct Actions

Creative actions are a wonderful way to spread the word and highlight the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners. The banner hung by Samidoun España in Madrid at the University metro station highlighted the struggle of Palestinian students, while the campaign to symbolically rename streets after Georges Abdallah internationally commemorated his birthday and amplified the demand for his liberation. Palestine Action is having a major effect on Israeli weapons dealers through their direct action targeting Elbit Systems.

These actions only require one, two or a few people. You can even simply poster and sticker around your neighbourhood. Contact us via email at samidoun@samidoun.net or via WhatsApp at +32466904397 if you are looking for image ideas or resources! 

4. Demand Your Government Sanction Israel!

The racist, settler colonial state of Israel and its war crimes against the Palestinian people are enabled and backed extensively by the over $3.8 billion each year given to Israel by the United States — targeted directly to support the Israeli occupation military killing children, women, men and elders throughout occupied Palestine. From Canada to Australia to the European Union, Western governments and imperialist powers provide ongoing diplomatic, political and economic support to Israel as well as selling billions of dollars of weaponry to the settler-colonial state. Meanwhile, they also purchase billions of dollars in weaponry from the Israeli state. Governments in league with imperialist powers, such as in the Philippines, Brazil, India and elsewhere, also buy weapons and “security” services — all “battle-tested” on the Palestinian population. Call your representatives, MPs, political officials and demand your government sanction Israel now, cut off all aid, expel its ambassadors, and stop buying and selling weapons!

Please note: Samidoun has speakers that can participate in your events (in-person and virtual) in Arabic, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish and other languages. Contact us via email at samidoun@samidoun.net or via WhatsApp at +32466904397 to inquire about a Samidoun speaker! 

Georges Abdallah’s Statement for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

The following statement was released by Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for over 37 years, for 17 April 2022, Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, from his cell in Lannemezan Prison.

Georges Abdallah is part and parcel of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement. Palestinian prisoners, like imprisoned PFLP leader Ahmad Sa’adat, have issued letters and statements of solidarity with Abdallah, who has joined in collective hunger strikes from his cell in Lannemezan prison in France.

The film “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” addresses the life and struggle of the longest-held political prisoner in Europe. It is available with appropriate subtitles in French, Arabic, English, German, Turkish, Italian, Catalan and Castilian Spanish. If you want to show Fedayin in your area, email us at samidoun@samidoun.net and contact the directors at vacarmesfilms@gmail.com. We will help you to get your screening organized, and the directors are available to attend your events in person or to join your in-person events via video link.

We are republishing below, in translation from the original French:

Dear comrades and friends,

Celebrating today, through your gathering here, the Day of the Palestinian Prisoner or the International Day of the Revolutionary Prisoner is certainly not only to express our unwavering solidarity with our comrades imprisoned in Zionist jails or in the jails of fascism in Turkey or elsewhere around the world; it is not only to support with all our strength their just demands and thereby salute the current mobilization around the open-ended hunger strike of our two dear comrades Sibel Balaç and Gökhan Yildirim, which began over 110 days ago. The celebration of the “Day of the Palestinian Prisoner” or the “International Day of the Revolutionary Prisoner” is intended above all Comrades, to affirm our strong determination to liberate our comrades from the grips of the criminal jailers.

Perhaps it would be useful to remind us, Comrades, that when in 1974 the Palestinian National Congress declared 17 April Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, this was not only intended to denounce on this occasion the barbarism of the Zionist occupier, nor only intended to honor the captive Resistance fighters by reminding the popular masses of their sacrifices and their unshakeable will to stand up against the Zionist military. The commemoration of this Day of the Prisoner is intended, above all else, to affirm loudly and clearly our duties towards our captive comrades, and, first and foremost, to include their release in the overall dynamics of our ongoing struggles. In fact, on several occasions, the vanguards of the Palestinian revolutionary struggle took on this task with great courage and self-sacrifice, forcing the enemy to release thousands of captive comrades without any compromise on their part. Certainly you are not unaware, Comrades, that the release of revolutionary prisoners has always been a moment of great popular celebration and has always contributed in the most significant way to the influence of the Palestinian revolution and to the enrichment of the struggle, both regionally and internationally. This does not mean that the revolutionary prisoners do not participate directly in the process of the ongoing struggle from behind bars; only, Comrades, in their conditions of detention and faced with the policy of annihilation to which they are subject, the balance of power is never limited to the perimeter of the prison; it is the particular expression of the general relationship between revolution and counter-revolution. This is why, Comrades, the initiatives of prison struggles must always be part of this global vision from the outset. When our incarcerated comrades mobilize against isolation in “F” type prisons and against the rigged trials in Turkey, they express, in their particular conditions, the global dynamic of the struggle against the fascist dictatorship of Turkish bourgeoisie. This global dynamic is essentially a function of the activity of the revolutionary protagonists within the “historical social bloc.” This is why, Comrades, the struggle of the prisoners should in no way suggest that it is the responsibility of the prisoners to stand on the front lines and to pay the price of the confrontation against the fascist dictatorship.

When our incarcerated comrades make use of the ultimate weapon at their disposal, namely their bodies, it is incumbent on comrades outside prison to do the same, namely to use “the weapons” which are supposed to be at their disposal (unless they are disarmed on principle!). If this is not the case, that is to say if, for whatever reason, those outside are unable to use “weapons”, the “open grave” strike [or death fast] is not only inappropriate but above all counter-productive…

Of course, Comrades, solidarity, all solidarity with our incarcerated comrades in the struggle against the policy of annihilation to which they have been subjected for a very long time, knowing that the most appropriate solidarity that we can bring to a political prisoner is to engage ever more in the field of the fight against the existing system of exploitation and domination.

As we recalled on Land Day, the Palestinian people affirm by the blood of their martyrs in Jenin, Khudeira, Yaaboud and Bethlehem that Palestine, its land and people, is more united than ever. They pulverize with the blood of their martyrs not only the “deal of the century” but also and above all the Oslo agreements, and signify to the entire Arab bourgeoisie their refusal and condemnation of all steps aimed at the “normalization” of relations between the Arab countries and the Zionist entity. They thus affirm the unshakeable will of the Palestinian popular masses to send to the dustbin of history the normalization between the Zionist entity and all these lackeys, emirs and kinglets… Thus at the beginning of the month of Ramadan, the Palestinian popular masses are preparing for a mobilization commensurate with the current challenges; thus from Sheikh Jarrah to Gaza and to all the cities and localities of the West Bank and the territories of ’48, Palestinians of all ages, affirm by the blood of the martyrs that nothing and no one will be able to eradicate this popular Intifada so rooted in the collective consciousness and so necessary to end the occupation. They are more than ever the embodiment of all dignity and all hopes… Let’s look at this popular resistance to “Beita” or to Jenin and its surroundings in the North or to Hebron not to mention everything that is happening in Al -Quds and in the territories of 48 and the mobilization of the popular masses in Gaza… thus from “Sheikh Jarrah” to Gaza and to all the cities and localities of the West Bank and the territories of 48, Palestinians and Palestinians, of all ages, affirm by the blood of the martyrs that nothing and no one will be able to eradicate this popular Intifada so rooted in the collective consciousness and so necessary to end the occupation. She is more than ever the embodiment of all dignity and all hopes… We view the popular resistance in Beita or in Jenin and its surroundings in the North or in al-Khalil, not to mention everything that is happening in Al-Quds and in the territories of ’48 and the mobilization of the popular masses in Gaza…

The Palestinian people and its fighting vanguards have accumulated, throughout their journey of existential struggle, the means necessary to take up the challenge and continue the struggle until victory.

Quite naturally, the Palestinian popular masses, as well as their struggling vanguards in captivity, can count on your active solidarity.

May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish in favor of Palestine and its glorious Resistance!

May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish in favor of our two comrades Sibel Balaç and Gökhan Yildirim, and their incarcerated comrades!

Solidarity, all solidarity with the resistance fighters in Zionist jails, and in solitary confinement cells in Morocco, Turkey, Greece and the Philippines and elsewhere around the world!

Solidarity, all solidarity with the Yemeni people!

Honor to the Martyrs and to the popular masses in struggle!

Down with imperialism and its Zionist watchdogs and other Arab reactionaries!

Capitalism is nothing but barbarism, honor to all those who oppose it in the diversity of their expressions!

Together, Comrades, and only together will we win!

To all of you, Comrades and friends, my warmest revolutionary greetings.

Your comrade Georges Abdallah


Macron bans the Collectif Palestine Vaincra: “an extremely serious attack on the Palestine solidarity movement”

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra has an important organization of the Palestinian liberation movement in France. As the presidential campaign approached, incumbent President Emmanuel Macron banned the organization. The following interview with a member of the Committee Against the Dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, which is fighting against the ban, was conducted for the German-language newspaper Perspektive Online.

Thank you very much for taking the time for this interview. The Committee Against the Dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra brings together various leftist and revolutionary organizations, particularly from Toulouse. Who are you and why did you come together?

Founded in March 2022 in Toulouse, this committee brings together some thirty local organizations (including trade unions, left and far left organizations, anti-fascist groups, Kurdish and pro-Palestinian organizations, etc.) and aims to denounce the banning of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra by the French government. Following this extremely serious political decision on the part of Macron and his Minister of the Interior, it seemed important to us to show that the collective was not alone and that this authoritarian and draconian attack affects all progressive and revolutionary forces.

Can you briefly explain the political work of Collectif Palestine Vaincra and why it is important to fight against its dissolution?

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra has been an organization supporting the Palestinian people and their resistance in the tradition of the anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist movement. Understanding that Israel is a settler colonial project and the outpost of imperialism in the Arab world, the collective defended the perspective of a free and democratic Palestine from the river to the sea, as well as the right of return of all Palestinian refugees expelled since the Nakba of 1948. As a member of the international Samidoun network, the Collectif has had support for Palestinian prisoners at the heart of its activities, in particular the struggle for the release of Georges Abdallah, a Lebanese communist and Palestinian resistance fighter imprisoned in France since 1984.

It is important to fight against this dissolution, because this decision is an extremely serious attack on the Palestine solidarity movement. Beyond the fight against this political ban, it is the fight against the criminalization of anti-Zionism and anti-imperialism that is at stake. More than ever, we must affirm that an attack against one of us is an attack on all supporters of justice and liberation.

Do you see a link between the dissolution of Palestine Vaincra and the presidential elections?

Since the first presidential mandate of Emmanuel Macron, we have witnessed an authoritarian radicalization of French power. This has been expressed in many ways, in particular by the repression of all forms of protest, the adoption of new laws to strengthen the security legislative arsenal (in particular the laws on “separatism” and on global security) and the dissolution of many organizations (notably Muslim and anti-racist organizations). The dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is part of this dynamic. But it is obvious that the presidential elections are also a moment of political crystallization where the outgoing president tends to multiply the announcement effects and the demonstrations of force before the end of his mandate. This dissolution is one of many examples.

Did the Israeli state play a role in the dissolution?

It is clear that the Israeli state played a role in this dissolution. In February 2021, Israeli Minister of Defense and war criminal Benny Gantz classified Samidoun and the Collectif Palestine Vaincra as “terrorist organizations”, along with many Palestinian and solidarity organizations in the movement. It was following this designation that several supporters of Israeli apartheid in France called for the collective to be banned. Following a year-long campaign relayed by several elected officials from Toulouse and parliamentarians from the presidential majority party, the dissolution was announced at the end of February a few hours before the annual CRIF dinner (the main organization of the pro-Israeli lobby in France). Moreover, Emmanuel Macron personally boasted of the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and declared that “anti-Zionism is an enemy of the Republic” in front of the President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, during the commemorations in tribute to the victims of the attacks by Mohammed Merah in Toulouse. This says a lot both about the scandalous maneuver which aims to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, and thus divert the necessary fight against racism, but also about the close collaboration between France and Israeli apartheid in their policy of criminalizing the Palestine solidarity movement.

You call for a week of mobilization from April 15 to 25. What actions are planned during this period and how can we support you from Germany?

From April 15 to 25, the Committee Against the Dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is calling for a week of mobilization on the eve of the hearing of the appeal to the Council of State, the objective of which is to challenge the dissolution order. In Toulouse, a rally is being organized Thursday, 21 April at 6:30 p.m. at the call of the Committee to reaffirm our refusal of this decision and to denounce the security offensive in progress. In addition, several initiatives are also taking place around the world, particularly around 17 April, the international day of support for Palestinian prisoners. It is particularly important to make this connection because support for imprisoned Palestinian resisters, especially the cases of Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Abdallah, was used in the dissolution decree to justify the decision. This is an extremely serious attack!

Obviously, support from Germany is very important to us, especially when we know that our two respective countries are strategic and leading allies of Israeli apartheid. For example, Samidoun Deutschland is organizing initiatives in Berlin on 18 April and in Frankfurt and Aachen on 16 April. This will be an opportunity to demand the release of nearly 5000 Palestinian political prisoners, but also to denounce the anti-Palestinian repression in Europe, such as the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra or the expulsion of the Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat from Germany.

Do you have something to say in conclusion?

We invite your readers to participate in the collection to support the Committee’s work by making an online donation at this address: https://afgj.salsalabs.org/samindoun-soutiencpv/index.html

Moreover, the most significant solidarity is obviously to continue the fight started by the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a resolutely anti-imperialist fight for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea!

Thank you for this interview.

Source: Perskpective Online – Translation: Samidoun


Palestinian Prisoners’ Day message from occupation prisons to the global movement for liberation and solidarity

The following statement was obtained by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network from leaders of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement behind the bars of the occupation, as a message to the global solidarity movement on Palestinian Prisoners’ Day 2022. As the attacks of the occupation escalate on Palestinians in Jerusalem and its holiest sites such as Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Jenin, in al-Naqab, in Gaza, and throughout occupied Palestine — and as the Palestinian resistance continues to defend their land and fight for liberation — it is critical that the voices of Palestinian prisoners, on the front lines for liberation, be heard.

Message from the Palestinian prisoners behind occupation bars to the supporters of the Palestinian people and the forces of liberation and solidarity around the world

On Palestinian Prisoners’ Day 2022, we salute the struggles of revolutionary liberation forces and the solidarity movement with the Palestinian people everywhere around the world, and all supporters of the Palestinian resistance until liberation and return. We address you today through this message to our comrades in the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, in hopes that our voice will reach all the free people of the world.

On Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, our Palestinian people continue their valiant resistance against Zionist colonialism and its racist policies, affirming their determination to continue the struggle and resistance in all forms in order to obtain and implement their rights to life and freedom. The Palestinian masses inside Palestine and in exile and diaspora gather around the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and embrace the over 4,500 prisoners. The relationship between the prisoners and the people of Palestine is that of the blood to the body.  There is not a single Palestinian family that has not been subjected to the brutality of the occupation and the experience of arrest. More than a million Palestinians have been imprisoned since the start of the occupation in 1948.

Today, on the Day of the Palestinian Prisoner, we renew our call to the revolutionary and progressive forces supporting our people globally to deepen and expand the comprehensive international boycott movement against the occupation, its institutions and its corporate and institutional supporters. The accumulating achievements of the boycott movements, especially at the political, economic and academic levels, constitute a significant accomplishment for our Palestinian struggle and sacrifices and for the struggles of peoples and forces seeking national and social liberation and justice in Palestine and the world. Today we salute the student movements in North America that have achieved more victories in boycotting the occupation in American and Canadian academic institutions and universities, among others.

On this historic day, we call for the expansion of the popular and international campaigns that are being organized in Europe against the American and Zionist arms companies, such as Elbit, that manufacture death and supply the occupation with weapons and tools of killing, destruction and war. These companies are participating in the brutal aggression against our people, especially in the Gaza Strip, the largest prison in the world, and they are partners in war crimes and the policy of assassinations, premeditated killings and siege.

We call for confronting the Zionist movement and its institutions abroad, especially the so-called “Jewish National Fund” and the Zionist organizations associated with the occupation embassies and its military, political, academic and economic institutions that support the occupation and its policy of ethnic cleansing in the Naqab, Jerusalem and throughout all of occupied Palestine.

On this day, we call for confronting the organized racist campaigns carried out by the occupying power, which target the supporters of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance around the world under the pretext of allegations of anti-Semitism. The steadfastness of our Palestinian people on the one hand, and the wide and growing participation of progressive Jewish forces in support of the Palestinian resistance on the other hand, will block the path before the racist and Zionist forces that are trying to attach the accusation of anti-Semitism to the struggle of our people and its supporters from the international progressive forces. In this context, we renew our solidarity with our comrades in the “Collectif Palestine Vaincra”, which was recently targeted in France through an unjust decision to dissolve the organization.

Our liberation struggle was and remains an integral part of the international struggle against the forces of colonialism, imperialism, Zionism and reaction. Accordingly, we salute all political prisoners in the world, the struggle of the Black liberation movement in America, the struggle of the Indigenous peoples for self-determination and liberation, and all liberation forces in the world, and we call for strengthening the relationship between these movements and all Palestinian communities in exile and diaspora.

We follow your efforts with pride, and we highly appreciate your support for the prisoners in the occupation prisons, especially the campaign of solidarity with the child prisoners, the administrative detainees and the campaigns of solidarity with sick and ill prisoners and hunger strikers, and with our valiant women prisoners in the prisons of the occupation. We value your principled position in supporting the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement for liberation, as it stands on the front lines confronting Zionist colonialism and its racist settler regime.

On the Day of the Palestinian Prisoner, we call for the widest campaign of solidarity and support for the struggling comrade Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, who has been detained in French prisons since 1984.

Our freedom as prisoners in Palestine will inevitably come with the liberation of all of our people. We will defeat the prisons with the end of Zionist colonization in Palestine. Our Palestinian people, who have been fighting for liberation and return for 74 years and have been fighting colonialism for over 100 years, will be victorious despite the armed force of imperialism and Zionism.

Long live international solidarity with the Palestinian people – victory to the struggling peoples!


20 April, NYC: Emergency Rally to support Palestinian Resistance and Liberation by Any Means Necessary

Wednesday, 20 April
5 pm
Zionist Mission
800 2nd Ave, NYC

NYC Emergency Palestine protest on WEDNESDAY April 20th at 5 PM meet at the Zionist mission, 800 2nd Ave, NY. Join us to demand an end to the ongoing Nakba and escalation of Zionist colonial violence at Al-Aqsa and all of Palestine and declare your support for the heroic Palestinian resistance defending Palestinian people and land, and their right to resist until liberation and return, by any means necessary. We are also rallying in support of Palestinian prisoners and the demand to free them all!

Hundreds of Palestinians continue to be attacked, shot at, beaten, and prevented from worshipping by the Zionist army. Every year in Ramadan these attacks escalate and Palestinian Christians and Muslims alike are risking their lives just fo be able to worship. Zionism has no place in Palestine and it must be eradicated to achieve full liberation.

As we mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day today on April 17th, there are nearly 4,500 Palestinian prisoners behind bars in Zionist jails. 530 are jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. 160 child prisoners, 32 women prisoners and 549 serving life sentences. Palestinian prisoners are from all areas of occupied Palestine: 70 from occupied Palestine ’48; over 500 Palestinian Jerusalemite prisoners; and 210 Palestinian prisoners from besieged Gaza.

This rally also part of @samidounnetwork’s Call to Action for 10 Days of Struggle for Palestinian Prisoners’ Liberation, 15 to 25 April 2022 and in support of The committee against the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, which is being repressed by the French government go to @dissolutioncpv2022 for more information.

Georges Abdallah joins one-day hunger strike for political prisoners in Turkey

On Saturday, 16 April, Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for over 37 years despite being eligible for release since 1999, announced a one-day hunger strike in support of Sibel Balaç and Gökhan Yildirim, two political prisoners in Turkish jails. Both have been on an open-ended hunger strike — termed a “death fast” in the movement in Turkey — since 19 December and 25 December respectively.


Abdallah joined other political prisoners in Europe for this solidarity hunger strike on 16 April, including Pablo Hasel in Spain, Musa Asoglu in Germany, Erdal Gokoglu in Belgium, Thanos Hatziangelou and Georgia Voulgari in Greece, and the 11 revolutionaries from Turkey imprisoned in Greece.

We are republishing the materials on Sibel Balaç and Gökhan Yildirim from the Anti-Imperialist Front and express our strong solidarity with them and with all of the prisoners who have joined in their strike.



Sibel Balac is a former teacher who resigned from her job in protest of more than 100,000 arbitrary layoffs in the public sector in the wake of the state of emergency declared in 2016. She supported the sit-in on Yüksel Street in Ankara, which was started by dismissed academic Nuriye Gülmen and became internationally known.  

Nuriye Gülmen is also in detention again today, while the struggle for the snatched jobs on Yüksel Street continues under daily attacks by the police.  

Sibel Balac was arrested during one of these protests and imprisoned solely because of her participation in democratic actions against the mass dismissals of her colleagues by emergency laws. She was sentenced to 8.5 years in prison without any legal basis.  

She has been defending herself against this injustice for more than 100 days (December 19, 2021) with a death fast, and at the same time she is standing up for the rights of all other political and seriously ill prisoners who, without publicity, would be at the mercy of their fate in prison. 

For this reason, we would like to call for urgent solidarity with the demands of Sibel Balac and Gökhan Yildirim. Even if the form of protest is called “death fast”, it is a struggle for life that can only be won through the intervention and support of the democratic public. 

Sibel Balaç
Kadın Kapalı Hapishanesi


A former Kurdish “village guard” was used as the main witness against Gökhan Yildirim. 

This so-called witness was involved in drug deals and other criminal activities after his  informer services against Kurds in the progressive Alevi district of Gazi in Istanbul. Gazi residents had turned him over to police for an incident of sexual harassment. He was released and only later arrested when drugs were seized in his home. 

Gökhan lived in Gazi and he tried to prevent the spread of drug trafficking and criminal gangs in his neighborhood by exposing them.  

It is no coincidence that this criminal person, who was arrested for drugs and has been used as a “village guard” against Kurds before, was used as a witness against Gökhan.  

In a statement, he claimed that Gökhan had been involved in protests and riots in the neighborhood, with which thousands of people turned against massacres of the Kurdish population in 2016. It was claimed that he had incited the protest. 

Although there is no evidence of such accusations, Gökhan was sentenced to 46 years in prison based on the statements of this criminal.  

He has been on a death fast since December 25, 2021. He demands the annulment of this illegal sentence and wants to obtain justice for all other political and sick prisoners as well. 

Gökhan Yıldırım
1 No‘lu F Tipi Hapishanesi