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Samidoun statement on smear campaigns targeting Palestinian liberation and anti-Palestinian racism in Canada

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network condemns in the strongest terms the smear campaign targeting Palestinian Canadian leftist writer and community organizer Khaled Barakat as well as the work of Samidoun, by the right-wing National Post, intentionally forwarding the agenda of pro-Israel lobby organizations in Canada. It is clear that this is not a random attack; the content, far from its packaging, is in reality warmed-over retreads of various attacks from the Israeli occupation regime and Zionist publications over the years, with an added attempt to sensationally criminalize and stigmatize Palestinian organizing and activism in Canada.

Let us be clear. We will not be deterred by Israeli’s designations or by smear campaigns such as this. We stand with Khaled Barakat. We stand with the Palestinian people, their resistance, and their 4,500 Palestinian prisoners, leaders of the resistance and of the movement for justice and liberation in Palestine, from the river to the sea.   

The front-page placement of the article coincided with multiple Israeli-government-backed campaigns internationally targeting Palestinian community and Palestine solidarity organizing. It is clear that this reflects these forces’ growing anguish and concern about the reality that the majority of people around the world, and even inside countries like Canada and the U.S., where governments provide the Israeli occupation with significant military, diplomatic and political support, stand with the Palestinian people and their efforts to throw off colonialism, occupation and apartheid.

Why did the National Post publish this article? Of course, the National Post has never hesitated to engage in right-wing, pro-imperialist and anti-Palestinian argumentation and attacks. Most recently, in the past two months, four major Canadian university student bodies and/or student governments have passed new resolutions and policies in support of Palestinian rights and implementing boycott, divestment and sanctions policies against the Israeli occupation: at McGill, Concordia, University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University. This comes in addition to multiple resolutions that have been adopted over the years by Canadian labour unions, student unions and student bodies, and even the limited resolutions adopted by the federal New Democratic Party (NDP).

In May 2021, during the Unity Uprising in Palestine, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in cities and small towns across Canada, as they did around the world. At the same time that the Palestinian people’s resistance on the ground in Palestine was making clear that the occupation would not be able to freely commit its ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity, people here were taking action to demand a change in Canadian policy and an end to complicity in these crimes — along with accountability and real justice for Indigenous peoples of this land.

It’s quite clear: Israeli colonization, occupation and apartheid are losing ground. Major human rights and legal institutions have spoken out, from Human Rights Watch to Amnesty International to the Harvard University Law School legal clinic to the United Nations’ ESCWA. Millions of people are taking to the streets for justice in Palestine. The Palestinian resistance is perhaps stronger than ever before, amid a growing resistance camp in the region and internationally.

The response of the occupation has been to escalate their use of the “terrorist” label to the extent that international advocacy groups like Samidoun, Palestinian community organizations in Europe, and six major Palestinian NGOs like Addameer, Defense for Children International and Al-Haq, are currently being labeled as “terrorist” by the Israeli occupation regime. Israeli president Isaac Herzog has even labeled an ice cream brand not selling in illegal settlements “a new form of terrorism.”

This has been combined with efforts pushed by various official entities, including Israeli intelligence, the “Ministry of Strategic Affairs,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc, with the marketing of “dossiers” so thinly evidenced that even Western governments have found them lacking (yet appear to be relied upon in the National Post report). The attempt to silence advocacy for Palestine by using the “terror” label is failing. In fact, Samidoun has grown more since our designation in one year than in any single year prior.

In France, where exactly these same types of smears were used to push for the French government to ban the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and other pro-Palestine associations, the French government has already lost the first legal challenge — not only is the Collectif once again actively marching for Palestine, but the government was required to pay 4500 EUR for the violation of its rights. A German court found in March of this year that it was illegal for Berlin’s interior minister to ban Khaled Barakat’s speech on U.S. foreign policy, Palestine and the Arab countries. Nevertheless, we see the National Post, working hand in hand with expressly Zionist organizations, in an attempt to push the Canadian government down a similar failed path of criminalization through an astroturfed campaign of smears and attacks.

As Samidoun, we know first and foremost that attacks on us are primarily aimed at the Palestinian prisoners, seeking to isolate them from international solidarity and support. As we write today, there are 4,500 Palestinians jailed in occupation prisons. Of those, over 500 are jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. They have been engaged in a boycott of the military courts since the 1st of January 2022. Two are currently on hunger strike to end their arbitrary detention, Khalil Awawdeh and Raed Rayan. They are joined by hundreds of Palestinian children locked behind bars. Every one of those Palestinian prisoners deserves front-page coverage in Canadian mainstream media — not a smear campaign, but a real look at their suffering and steadfastness and the injustice against them, which is enabled by the complicity of governments like Canada’s. While the National Post can find plenty of column inches and front-page space to smear Palestinians in diaspora, Canadian journalists face silencing and have apologized for so much as mentioning the word “Palestine.”

Further, this is clearly an attack on Palestinians organizing in exile and diaspora. The Israeli colonial regime has already forced Palestinians from their homes and lands for over 74 years of Nakba, denying their inalienable right to return, and yet, is unable to throw these Palestinians in Canada, the U.S., Europe, Latin America and elsewhere in administrative detention or invade their homes in midnight raids. Its inability to do so is apparently frustrating, especially as new generations of Palestinians come forward to lead the struggle inside and outside Palestine; this type of smear campaign is a transparent attempt to silence the voice of the Palestinian people in exile and specifically the Palestinian-Canadian community.

We also see these campaigns as an attempt to undermine our collective solidarity through the targeting of individuals and specific organizations and to police the movement, as well as to instrumentalize and deploy anti-Palestinian racism and incite state and individual violence against Khaled Barakat and other Palestinian activists. These attacks underline more than ever the importance of a collective defense of all of us against the perpetrators and promoters of colonialism, imperialism and racism. This is not a lone example; far from it — it reflects the attacks on Prof. Rabab Abdulhadi in the United States, hundreds of mostly Palestinian and Arab Canadian and American students profiled on smear websites like Canary Mission, educators like Javier Davila and Nadia Shoufani, or restaurants like Foodbenders in Toronto.

Similarly, we note that this front-page National Post smear campaign comes one day before the ADL in the United States announced an escalation in its decades-long campaigns attacking organizations advocating for justice in Palestine. It comes days after B’nai Brith Canada released a spurious “audit of antisemitism” that highlighted the slogan: “Israel and Canada: Partners in Apartheid, Partners in Colonialism”, indicating that their real target is the anti-racist movement that stands with Palestine. This report was nonetheless given favourable and unchallenging coverage in Canadian media.

It also happened at the same time that the occupation (with the apparent complicity of the U.S.) was denying travel to two Palestinian human rights defenders — part of the “designated six organizations” — to attend the World Social Forum in Mexico. All of this is an attempt to silence the voices of the Palestinian people — but if 74 years of Nakba, state violence, colonialism and mass imprisonment have not done so, escalating smear campaigns are certainly bound for failure.

The most important response that we can make is to build the movement for Palestine. One of the goals of such campaigns is to divert our compass away from our ongoing campaigns and instill fear in the community. By organizing and building the movement for Palestine, we can show our support for Khaled Barakat and the Palestinian people and cause as a whole. Certainly, we will work to hold the National Post accountable — but it’s the movement for Palestinian liberation that is at the core of the issue.

We urge all people in Canada to take to the streets on May 15 and the Week of Palestinian Struggle, remembering 74 years of ongoing Nakba and celebrating the ongoing struggle for liberation. (See the events in Vancouver and Montreal here — more to come!) We further urge everyone to join us on June 1-4 in Ottawa for the International League of People’s Struggle Assembly. Khaled Barakat will be speaking on behalf of the Masar Badil, the Alternative Palestinian Revolutionary Path, and we’ll also hear from Charlotte Kates of Samidoun, Hanna Kawas of the Canada Palestine Association, and many more strugglers for justice — and discuss how we can build and strengthen our anti-imperialist movement.

We also want to invite supporters of justice and liberation in Palestine to get involved with Samidoun. We’re organizing in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and elsewhere, and we can be even more effective and stronger as we grow and build. We want to work together with your organizations and groups, develop new chapters and welcome new members, and we invite you to join us in struggle. Contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net to learn more about how you can get involved, or click here to donate to support our work.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

International Workers’ Day 2022: Behind bars and in the streets, Palestinian workers lead the resistance

“The imperialist-Zionist-[reactionary Arab regime] alliance safeguards not only the imperialist interests, but the Zionist interests and the interests of the ruling reactionary bourgeois class in the area as well. We must build the alliance of the workers and peasants, Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Arab, Middle Eastern, and internationally, that destroys this alliance. We are one hundred percent capable of that, and the movement of history points in this direction….Let us struggle to increase the role of the working class and the real proletarian leadership, not the vanguard that, once in leadership, tails the bourgeoisie and forgets its masses. We want the leadership that remains among the workers and the peasants and lives as they live and raises their voices, carrying their pains!” – George Habash, Palestinian revolutionary and founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, May 1980

“The sons and daughters of the popular classes of Palestine, the workers, the farmers in the villages, the refugees of the camps, have always been the leaders and the driving force of our Palestinian national liberation movement. The Palestinian popular classes have been the freedom fighters, the strugglers and the resisters on the front lines, confronting the occupation and Zionist colonization in Palestine. And so it is the case that the popular classes of Palestine fill the ranks of the Israeli prisons, the builders of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement continuing on the front lines of resistance, building the ongoing Palestinian revolution.” – Kamil Abu Hanish, imprisoned Palestinian struggler, 2017

On International Workers’ Day 2022, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network reiterates our solidarity with the working class and popular masses of Palestine and the world. 1 May is an international day of struggle for liberation from capitalism, exploitation, racism, imperialism and Zionism. Everywhere our chapters and affiliates are located, we are taking to the streets with our comrades to advance our collective struggles for liberation.

Palestinian workers are on the front lines of daily struggle. It is the popular masses of Palestine that make up the vast majority of Palestinian prisoners, martyrs and freedom fighters. We urge all international workers’ unions and movements to stand in solidarity with Palestinian workers fighting for life and liberation by escalating their role in the boycott of the colonial occupation, including the so-called Histadrut trade union. The liberation of Palestine is part and parcel of the liberation of the global working class.

(We have revised and updated the following text for International Workers’ Day 2022. All images are classic posters of the Palestinian revolution via the Palestine Poster Project.)

Palestinian workers and the popular classes have always played the key, leading role as the force of the Palestinian liberation movement, inside and outside Palestine. The prisoners’ movement is no exception; indeed, the vast majority of Palestinian prisoners come from the working and popular classes, the refugee camps and the villages, and it is these workers who put their bodies and lives on the line for freedom.

Palestinian workers: A history of leadership in struggle

Palestinians have engaged in labor organizing from the early days of the 20th century, organizing unions, defending their work against Zionist attempts to exclude Palestinian labor from Palestinian land, and taking action to defend their rights as workers and as indigenous Palestinians.

General strikes have always been a key mechanism of Palestinian resistance, from the earliest revolts of the Palestinian people against British and then Zionist colonialism. In the 1936 revolution, Palestinian workers’ six-month general strike was at that time the longest in the world. This continued over the years, as Palestinian workers in exile built the Palestinian liberation movement and its organizations, and as Palestinian workers and labor unions led in the organizing of the first intifada. UNRWA workers and others in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon paved the way for the modern revolution, as revolutionary leaders like Abu Maher al-Yamani organized refugees for liberation and return on the basis of their trade union work before the Nakba in Palestine.

In the 1950s, Palestinian labor organizers in occupied Palestine ’48 were jailed as they attempted to keep their organizations intact under martial law. At least seven Palestinian trade union leaders were deported from the West Bank between 1969 and 1979. These attacks happened as Palestinians inside Israeli jails fought to end forced labor, a victory that was achieved only through great sacrifice. Omar Shalabi, a Syrian prisoner, was killed under torture in October 1973 during the protests against Israeli forced labor.

Targeting and imprisonment of Palestinian workers

Palestinian workers are regularly subject to colonial forms of imprisonment, from the political targeting of workers’ organizations to the mass criminalization of Palestinians seeking employment inside occupied Palestine ’48. Palestinian workers are frequently arrested for “entering Israel without a permit,” despite the fact that many of these same workers are Palestinian refugees denied their right to return to their original homes and lands for the past 74 years. The systematic siege and subjugation of the Palestinian economy, from the texts of the Paris Protocols to the latest normalization agreements promoted by U.S. imperialism through their sponsorship of reactionary Arab regimes, has forced thousands of Palestinians to seek work with or without permits as day laborers, often in construction.

At any given time, there are approximately 1000 Palestinians arrested, detained or fined for seeking to work in their own homeland; they are not classified in the Israeli colonial system as “security” prisoners and are thus missing from the statistics related to Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails. However, it is clear that everything about these workers’ situation is deeply political – they are imprisoned for their Palestinian existence on Palestinian land, specifically as Palestinian workers.

Palestinian workers are subjected to ongoing abuse at checkpoints, systemic discrimination on the job from the river to the sea, and economic isolation, starvation and siege meant to compel workers into becoming construction workers and servants in illegal settlements. The siege on Gaza is yet another attack on Palestinian workers. There are officially 372,000 people unemployed in Palestine, and the Gaza Strip has the highest levels of unemployment in Palestine due to the deliberate targeting of the Palestinian economy and its productive basis, including workers, fishers and farmers.

There are currently over 4,500 Palestinian political prisoners jailed by the Zionist regime, including over 600 jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. The administrative detainees are currently engaged in a complete boycott of the occupation military courts, since 1 January 2022, and two — Khalil Awawdeh and Raed Rayan — are on hunger strike, their lives on the line for freedom. The Palestinian prisoners are on the front lines of Palestinian resistance on a daily basis. They are leaders in the Palestinian, Arab and international camp of resistance — and like the freedom fighters and martyrs of Palestine, they represent the workers and popular classes of Palestine, those who face multiple forms of exploitation and oppression at the hands of the Zionist regime. Freedom for Palestinian prisoners is essential to the liberation of the Palestinian working class and popular masses — the central feature of the liberation of Palestine from imperialism and Zionism, from the river to the sea.

The Histadrut: A colonialist entity that must be boycotted

The drive to exclude Palestinian workers has always been part of the Zionist colonial project. This has been reflected in the founding principles and continued operation of the Israeli Histadrut, a trade union federation founded with the explicit purpose of promoting Zionist colonization of Palestinian land and excluding Palestinian labor. Despite having a fraternal relationship with the AFL-CIO and other major labor unions worldwide, it actually exploits Palestinian workers inside Israel by deducting fees from their salaries while denying them benefits. Its role predates the Nakba and continues to reflect this colonial relationship, which is why Palestinian workers and labor union solidarity activists have urged a boycott of the Histadrut by international labor federations.

Palestinian workers in exile and diaspora fight back

Palestinian workers in exile also continue to struggle against exploitation and oppression. In Lebanon, amid the economic crisis and the targeting of Lebanon by imperialist powers and financial exploiters, Palestinian refugees continue to be denied access to numerous professions, leading to massive unemployment and frequent despair among the working class. Palestinian refugees forced to flee to Europe, North America and elsewhere from Lebanon, Syria and occupied Palestine confront racist, repressive policies that inhibit their right to work and threaten them with deportation, detention and exclusion.

They confront the racism of “Fortress Europe” and criminalization of refugee workers alongside fellow migrants and workers seeking safety and refuge from the military, social, environmental and economic disasters forced upon their home countries by the very imperialist states that then deny their rights. They face severe exploitation in black market labor. Still, these workers continue to struggle despite all odds not only to confront racism and exclusion in the imperialist countries but also to organize to confront imperialism and win their liberation. Palestinian workers are marching in, leading and organizing the demonstrations that took massively to the streets of the world during the 2021 Unity Uprising and the battle of Seif al-Quds, and are the first to be targeted for these actions by police and state repression. Inside and outside Palestine, the workers and popular masses are protecting Palestine and pushing the struggle forward, without compromise.

Confronting imperialism, Arab reactionary regimes and the Oslo Palestinian Authority 

Israeli occupation and oppression reflects the sharpest edge of capitalist exploitation for the Palestinian working class, backed up fully by the most powerful and dangerous imperialist powers, especially the United States. However, they also face Arab reactionary regimes that are complicit with the exploitation and marginalization of Palestinian workers even as they pursue normalization with the Israeli state. Palestinian workers are exploited by the ruling class of these states directly in exile and diaspora as well as through their direct engagement with and promotion of the colonial economy of Zionism.

Palestinian workers also confront Palestinian capitalists and the Palestinian Authority, formed as a security subcontractor to the Israeli occupation. The Jordanian monarchy acted in the 1970s and 1980s to repress union organizing in the interests of Palestinian capitalists, while ultra-wealthy Palestinian capitalists like Bashar al-Masri are on the first lines promoting normalization and undermining the boycott of Israel.

Imperialism is on the attack around the world, using its military might and its weapons of siege and sanctions against peoples around the world. As always, it is workers and the impoverished classes who bear the heaviest brunt of these assaults. Fighting back against imperialism, including U.S., Canadian and EU sanctions on Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Syria and indeed, nearly one-third of the world, in addition to its military interventions, warmongering and ongoing violent attacks on all forms of resistance to imperial domination, is essential to building the movement for Palestine.

A call to the workers’ movements of the world

On International Workers’ Day, we once again amplify the words of Kamil Abu Hanish, speaking from Israeli prison, urging the escalation of the boycott of Israel: “Today, we call upon you, the fighters for freedom and justice in the world, the workers’ movements, the strugglers for socialism, the movements of revolution, to escalate your support for our struggle, for the Palestinian people and for the Palestinian prisoners. We urge you to act to isolate the occupation state, to hold it accountable for 70 years of crimes against the Palestinian people…The workers’ movements, the movements of the popular classes, the movements of the oppressed, can and must take part in this battle around the world, as part and parcel of the struggle against racism, imperialism and capitalism.”

Labor unions continue to escalate their support for justice in Palestine and the boycott of the occupation, including the  Canadian Union of Postal Workers, the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the National Union of Teachers, Public Services International, the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), the Quebec Confédération des syndicats nationaux, the United Electrical Workers union, the Scottish Trade Union Congress and more labor organizations in Ireland, the Philippines, India, France, Sweden, Belgium, Basque Country, Spain, Galicia, Brazil and more. International workers’ solidarity with Palestine has a long and proud history, including the leading role of Black and Arab autoworkers who struck in 1973 in Detroit against their union’s purchase of Israel Bonds to today’s Block the Boat campaigns, stopping ZIM ships from docking at ports globally.

We urge workers’ organizations around the world to continue to build and grow this solidarity with Palestinian workers, the leaders of the Palestinian liberation struggle, including immediately implementing the boycott and isolation of the Histadrut and a boycott of Israeli bonds and all investments in the colonial apartheid regime. Campaigns like Block the Boat illustrate the power of organized workers, the Palestinian community and people of conscience in dealing a material blow to the economy of colonialism and exploitation, and can and must be expanded.  

We also express our solidarity with the struggling workers of the world, including the imprisoned labor union and workers’ movement leaders who are held behind bars or face death threats and repression for their role in defending oppressed workers. From India to the Philippines to France, from Colombia to Egypt to Turkey and Morocco, we stand with these labor movements targeted for repression. The liberation of Palestine is fundamentally linked to the liberation of all from imperialism, exploitation and capitalism.

On International Workers’ Day, these struggles must become an occasion to escalate our work to support Palestinian workers, free the prisoners, and liberate Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Palestine Nakba 74: Statement by Canadian Organizations

Nakba 74: We support Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland

What is Nakba?

The British occupation/mandate of Palestine (1917-1948) supported and facilitated a colonial-settler project in Palestine called Zionism. Settlers came mainly from Europe. Israel was created in 1948 on Palestinian land after Zionist militia destroyed more than 500 Palestinian villages and cities, and forced 750,000 Palestinians (3/4 of the population) out of their homeland. The refugees now number over seven million spread across the region and around the world.

This is what Palestinians call the Nakba (Catastrophe) and commemorate every year on May 15.

Nakba as ongoing process of ethnic cleansing

Israel today continues its violent project of dispossessing Palestinian land and expelling and oppressing Palestinians. It refuses to allow Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland, steals land from Palestinian owners in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Naqab, enforces a brutal siege on the Palestinian people of Gaza for more than 16 years, and discriminates against Palestinians inside Israel (occupied Palestine 1948). Palestinians are fighting back against ethnic cleansing and injustice.

Palestinian ongoing resistance

We support the struggle of our Palestinian sisters and brothers in the refugee camps and in exile and diaspora around the world to return to their homeland, and of those inside historic Palestine itself, including in Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank and Israel (occupied Palestine ‘48), to enjoy dignity, freedom and safety in their homeland.

Unfortunately, part of the official Palestinian leadership, namely, the Palestinian Authority, is engaged in security collaboration with the occupation and oppression of Palestinian dissent, including journalists and writers, as part and parcel of the Oslo process. We condemn the destructive policy of the PA, which acts as a subcontractor for the occupation and enables, rather than challenges, the ongoing Nakba.

Our vision for the future

We strongly believe that the Palestinian refugees must have and implement the right to return to their homeland, that Israeli settler-colonial structures should be fully dismantled, and that a new system should be developed where every person in historic Palestine can enjoy full dignity, freedom and safety regardless of their religious background. This is the political meaning of “liberation of all of Palestine, from the river to the sea”. In order to make this happen, the international community must isolate the Israeli regime and hold it accountable. The United Nations has a responsibility to implement Palestinian rights, including and especially the right of Palestinian refugees to return (Resolution 194).

Canada has a role to play in achieving a positive outcome by ending its complicity in the ongoing Nakba. In 1947, Canada had a large role in formulating and passing the Partition Plan (Resolution 181) for Palestine at the UN General Assembly (The New York Times called the partition plan “The Canadian plan”), which brought about the catastrophe. Since that time, the Canadian government has continued to support Israeli occupation and oppression. It is time for these policies to come to an end.

Statement co-signers (in alphabetical order):

  • Arab Left Forum (Montreal)
  • Canada Palestine Association – Vancouver
  • Canadian Arab Society London
  • INSAF (Student Group – University of Ottawa)
  • Labour for Palestine – Canada
  • Masar Badil – The Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement in North America
  • Nakba Commemoration Initiative Ottawa
  • Palestine House (Toronto)
  • Palestinian Canadian Congress (PCC)
  • Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)
  • Samidoun – Palestinian Prisoner Solidairty Network

29 April, NYC: 2 demonstrations for Palestine — Al Quds Day and Rally Against CUNY Complicity with Zionism

Please join us at both of these two important demonstrations for Palestine today!

Friday, 29 April
3:30 pm
Herald Square
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/500911681509388/

Friday, 29 April
5:30 pm
365 5th Avenue
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc59P1vJRYS/

On International Day of Quds, people of conscience gather to express solidarity with all the oppressed human beings of the world and particularly the innocent civilians of Palestine who are victimized by the oppressive and racist Zionist regime.

We invite all peace loving people to voice their opposition to the unjust and illegal occupation of the great Al-Aqsa Mosque and the usurpation of the Holy Land by the Zionist regime.

We, the citizens of the United States reserve the right to boycott any and all parties involved in practicing racist, discriminatory, and oppressive policies.

Stand with us! Stand for your rights!

We will rally at Herald Square where our speakers will shed lights on the atrocities being committed by the Zionist state on the oppressed people of Palestine.

Endorsing Organizations
– International Action Center
– Workers World Party
– Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
– Neturei Karta
– Jafria Association of North America
– Muslims United for Justice
– United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
– With Our Lifetime
– BDS App
NOTE: “Muslim Congress and its AlQuds subcommittees in respective cities have no affiliation with any foreign entity.
Funds for Al-Quds events are generated by local community organizers who strongly believe in exercising their legal right to protest against oppression.


EMERGENCY RALLY Friday April 29th at 5:30 PM in front of CUNY Grad center.

Any CUNY orgs that would like to endorse please DM us ASAP!

The @cunychancellor recently announced he is currently on a political normalizing junket trip with 10 deans and presidents of CUNY. The statement posted on April 26th reads “Tonight I will lead a delegation of CUNY college presidents and deans to Israel to participate in a weeklong tour of the country’s cities, historic sites, and higher education institutions.”

Not only are they breaking boycott and normalizing by visiting the zionist state, they are doing this on Eid, as if to celebrate the suffering of the Palestinian people who are forced to celebrate Eid under occupation. Furthermore, this comes after multiple Zionist attacks on Al-Aqsa, dozens of Palestinians killed, and hundreds injured and jailed in just the last few weeks alone.

Victory for Palestine: French State Council suspends dissolution of Collectif Palestine Vaincra!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes our comrades in the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and the Committee Against the Dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra upon the occasion of this important victory for Palestine. The French Council of State, the body that hears legal appeals against the dissolution of an organization by the French government, ruled on Friday, 29 April that the dissolution order banning the Collectif will be suspended while the full appeal against the ban proceeds. This means that the Collectif can function once again as an organization advocating or justice and liberation in Palestine! To support the ongoing efforts to fight back against repression and continue these victories, please click here to donate!

We are republishing below the statement from Collectif Palestine Vaincra on the occasion of this important victory for all who struggle for Palestinian liberation:

Today, the French State Council announced the suspension of the decree of dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, published on 9 March by the French Interior Ministry. This is a first victory for Collectif Palestine Vaincra and the Committee against the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, pending judgment on the appeal to cancel the ban entirely.

In its order of 29 April, the State Council considered that the ban is “neither necessary nor appropriate and constitutes a disproportionate attack on freedom of expression and freedom of association, given that the Collectif Palestine Vaincra “does not cause or contribute to discrimination, hatred or violence, that its positions on Israel and Zionism do not have an anti-Semitich character, that it has always condemned anti-Semitism, that the campaign to boycott Israeli products constitutes a legitimate means of expressing protest opinions (…)” therefore sweeping away the false allegations made against the collective. This, while the French President, Emmanuel Macron, shamelessly affirmed some time ago in Toulouse that the CPV is an “anti-Semitic collective,” this decision is a real push back against the misuse of authority and undermines the propaganda of the Zionist extreme right and its attempts to link anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.

The decision of the State Council reaffirms the legitimacy of support for the Palestinian people and the existence of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and its various activities conducted for over three years in Toulouse and elsewhere. The Collectif Palestine Vaincra is delighted to be able to continue its struggles freely and would like to particularly salute the Union Juive Française pour la Paix, the Association France-Palestine Solidarité and the Union Syndicale Solidaires for their significant support in this legal battle, and also the great mobilization of the Committee Against the Dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, which brings together more than 30 organizations and many supporters around the world. The mobilization must continue for a total cancellation of the ban!

Palestine will live, Palestine will win! (Palestine vivra, Palestine Vaincra!)

Collectif Palestine Vaincra
29 April 2022

Outrageous: Bashir al-Khairy’s administrative detention extended for six more months. Take action for freedom!

On Thursday, 28 April, Israeli occupation forces renewed the administrative detention of Palestinian leader, lawyer, leftist and human rights defender Bashir al-Khairy for an additional six months. His fellow prisoners have already announced escalating steps of protest to demand his immediate release, and the extension of his detention comes two days after reports that 80-year-old al-Khairy was being subjected to attempts to compel him to plead guilty to a military court indictment against him in exchange for ending his administrative detention. Therefore, the extension of his arbitrary detention without charge or trial is clearly a punitive measure aimed at punishing him for refusing to admit to an injustice or recognize the illegitimate military courts of the occupation.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society reported that al-Khairy rejected all of these proposals as a form of blackmail, noting that he would continue in administrative detention for years rather than concede to the occupation. Administrative detention orders are issued with no charge or trial for up to six months at a time; they are indefinitely renewable, and Palestinians have spent years behind bars under these orders. They are based on so-called “secret evidence” that neither the Palestinian prisoner nor their lawyer has access to.

Al-Khairy announced his boycott of the occupation military courts immediately following the administrative detention order against him in December 2021, which has now been adopted by the administrative detainees as a whole. His leadership and example sparked the collective boycott of the occupation military courts, and all Palestinians jailed without charge or trial — now numbering over 600, out of over 4,500 total Palestinian political prisoners — have been engaged in the boycott since 1 January 2022.

Addameer reported that al-Khairy was seized by occupation forces on 29 October 2021. While he was originally charged in the military courts for participating in meetings of an “illegal organization,” the charges against him were so old — reaching back years — that even the occupation military court ordered him released on bail. Rather than allowing this respected Palestinian national leader to be released on bail, occupation forces then ordered him, on 7 December 2021, to administrative detention for six months from the date of his arrest, saying that he poses a “threat to the security of the region.”

The Prisoners’ Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said that this new attack on al-Khairy — which sets his release date in October 2022 — “did not and will not break the will or determination of the comrade leader al-Khairy, and will only increase his insistence on challenging the tyranny of the occupation, hia adherence to principled positions rejecting his arbitrary detention, and his refusal to recognize the illegitimate occupation courts.”

Administrative detention is frequently used to target political, community and social leaders like al-Khairy, in an attempt to isolate them from the Palestinian people and undermine Palestinian resistance and resiliency. However, the administrative detainees have continued to fight back behind bars, launching the boycott of the military courts and repeated hunger strikes for freedom. Currently, two administrative detainees, Raed Rayan and Khalil Awawdeh, are on hunger strike for liberation.

Al-Khairy has spent over 17 years in Israeli occupation prisons. A Palestinian refugee born in al-Ramla, he was forcibly displaced from his home during the Nakba by Zionist forces. He attended law school at Cairo University, where he also became involved in student activism and Palestinian and Arab politics, joining the Arab Nationalist Movement. As a young lawyer in 1968, he and his colleagues, as young Palestinian lawyers, announced that they would boycott the Israeli occupation courts — a practice he has continued since this day.

He was seized by occupation forces in 1968 at the age of 26 and imprisoned for 15 years before being released in an exchange with the Palestinian resistance in 1984. At the dawning of the great popular intifada of 1987, he was once again seized and this time forcibly deported to Lebanon before returning to Palestine in 1993. In 2003, he was jailed without charge or trial for two years under repeatedly renewed administrative detention orders. He was once again arrested in 2011 and then 10 years later, in 2021.

As a national Palestinian figure with broad support and respect among the people, he participates frequently in national events, popular mobilizations and works to support the just cause of the Palestinian people. He also never hesitates to raise his voice in protest against the “security coordination” policies and political repression of the Palestinian Authority, such as the assassination of Nizar Banat.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its strongest support for Bashir al-Khairy and the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, including the hundreds of administrative detainees engaged in a collective boycott of the military courts for nearly five months and the hunger strikers Raed Rayan and Khalil Awawdeh. We urge all supporters of Palestine to raise your voices to free Bashir al-Khairy and support the administrative detainees’ boycott of the military courts. The liberation of the administrative detainees — and of all Palestinian prisoners — is central to the liberation of Palestine from colonization and occupation.

The US Palestinian Community Network has issued a statement and call about the case of Bashir al-Khairy — check this out for an example of how your organization can speak up about this important case:

Take Action:

1. Join the campaign on social media!

Use the following posters (download and print) to take photos of yourself at events and actions for Palestine, or just in your own home. Take a solidarity photo with your group or organization or by yourself and post it to your social media page with the hashtags, #FreeBashirKhairy #FreeThemAll — send us your links on InstagramTwitter and Facebook!



2. Demonstrations, rallies and street actions – including actions to boycott Israel!

Have a protest or action to free Palestinian prisoners, support the Palestinian struggle for liberation, stand with the Palestinian resistance and boycott Israel and its complicit corporations. Join the many protests taking place around the world — confront, isolate and besiege the Israeli embassy or consulate in your city or country of residence. Make it clear that the people are with Palestine and the liberated prisoners! Send us your events at samidoun@samidoun.net.

3. Creative and Direct Actions

Creative actions are a wonderful way to spread the word and highlight the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners. The banner hung by Samidoun España in Madrid at the University metro station highlighted the struggle of Palestinian students, while the campaign to symbolically rename streets after Georges Abdallah internationally commemorated his birthday and amplified the demand for his liberation. Palestine Action is having a major effect on Israeli weapons dealers through their direct action targeting Elbit Systems.

These actions only require one, two or a few people. You can even simply poster and sticker around your neighbourhood. Contact us via email at samidoun@samidoun.net or via WhatsApp at +32466904397 if you are looking for image ideas or resources! 

4. Demand Your Government Sanction Israel!

The racist, settler colonial state of Israel and its war crimes against the Palestinian people are enabled and backed extensively by the over $3.8 billion each year given to Israel by the United States — targeted directly to support the Israeli occupation military killing children, women, men and elders throughout occupied Palestine. From Canada to Australia to the European Union, Western governments and imperialist powers provide ongoing diplomatic, political and economic support to Israel as well as selling billions of dollars of weaponry to the settler-colonial state. Meanwhile, they also purchase billions of dollars in weaponry from the Israeli state. Governments in league with imperialist powers, such as in the Philippines, Brazil, India and elsewhere, also buy weapons and “security” services — all “battle-tested” on the Palestinian population. Call your representatives, MPs, political officials and demand your government sanction Israel now, cut off all aid, expel its ambassadors, and stop buying and selling weapons!

Please note: Samidoun has speakers that can participate in your events (in-person and virtual) in Arabic, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish and other languages. Contact us via email at samidoun@samidoun.net or via WhatsApp at +32466904397 to inquire about a Samidoun speaker! 

French Council of State hears initial appeal against banning of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra

On Tuesday, 26 April in Paris, France, the Council of State convened a hearing on the appeal filed by the Collectif Palestine Vaincra against the announcement of its dissolution, or official state banning, by the French Council of Ministers on 9 March. Today’s hearing addressed the appeal to suspend the implementation of the dissolution — allowing the Collectif Palestine Vaincra to operate as normal — while the appeal against the dissolution order is proceeding.

Alongside the two lawyers of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, Maître Brandely and Maître Crusoé, several associations intervened in the case, sending their own lawyers to argue against the French state’s actions — the AFPS (France-Palestine Solidarity Association), the UJFP (French Jewish Union for Peace) and the Union Syndicale Solidaires.

The representative of the Ministry of the Interior tried to argue that posts on the social media accounts of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra provoked anti-Semitism and “terrorist acts” (without ever specifying any action related to the Collectif or its social media posts), such as those calling for a boycott of Israeli apartheid. The lawyers defended the right to boycott, confirmed by the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in June 2020 which condemned France for obstructing freedom of expression following its criminal prosecution of activists who called for a boycott of Israeli products. Attempting to circumvent this argument, the ministry asserted that they were not contesting the right to boycott, even though the documents and decrees issued by the ministry against the Collectif in fact explicitly contest the right to boycott.

Then, there were long exchanges on the moderation of comments on social media pages, in which the French government argued that it has the authority to ban the Collectif because there were allegedly anti-Semitic comments posted on the page by other people (not Collectif members) that were not sufficiently moderated or deleted. The lawyers of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra pointed out certain violent and racist comments left on Interior Minister Darmanin’s page to illustrate the flaws in this argument. In addition, the representative of the ministry also lied about the existence of certain comments (none of which were made by the Collectif Palestine Vaincra itself and some of which were not even made as comments on the social media pages).

The discussion then continued around an article on the collective’s website entitled “Hamas designated as a “terrorist organization” by the British State: Fight back! ». Apparently, the French government’s official position is that it is questionable whether people in France are allowed to disagree with Britain classifying Hamas as a terrorist organization. The lawyer representing AFPS pointed out that the association adopts many of these political positions and that invoking these types of arguments would mean the dissolution of many organizations. Then, the government lawyers also mentioned the Collectif’s support for the imprisoned Lebanese communist Georges Abdallah and tried to use this as an allegation, citing his status as an honorary member of the collective (although this is not found in the decree dissolving CPV).

The emptiness of this type of accusation is evident when we also consider that Georges Abdallah, the longest-held political prisoner in Europe is also an honorary citizen of several French municipalities. After that, the hearing ended and the decision will be given in the next few days.

At the same time, a rally was held near the courthouse to denounce the dissolution of two pro-Palestinian organizations, the Comité Action Palestine and the Collectif Palestine Vaincra. Several dozen people gathered carrying banners and placards of solidarity as well as Palestinian flags. Representatives of several organizations participated in the morning protest, including the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, the CGTPermanent Revolution, the National Association of Communists (ANC)CAPJPO-Europalestinethe Montreuil-Palestine Committee, sections of the AFPSBDS Paris BanlieueSamidoun Région Parisienne and the Committee against the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra which intervened during the rally:

“Hello, I am speaking on behalf of the Committee against the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, which is a Toulouse committee that brings together around thirty political and trade union organizations and associations. We came together because we understood that through these dissolutions it is all the progressive, anti-racist and anti-colonialist organizations that are targeted by the authoritarian radicalization of the government. More than ever, we must build a broad and united response to challenge these dissolutions like that of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, but also to fight the growing criminalization of the Palestine solidarity movement and more broadly to roll back the government’s security offensive. »

In addition, protest gatherings were organized in Tarbes and Annecy in support of the Collectif’s appeal in Paris.

These actions come alongside many solidarity initiatives and expressions of support for the Collectif Palestine Vaincra that have already taken place in Palestine, Lebanon, Tunisia, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Canada, United States, Chile, etc. . More than ever, the banning of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra concerns all anti-colonialist and anti-racist organizations. Building a united front against the authoritarian radicalization of the Macron government is a political imperative!

30 April, Vancouver: Connecting the Dots – Fundraiser for Anti-Imperialist Organizing

DATE: Saturday, April 30th, 2022
TIME: 6:30p.m. PDT
LOCATION: Grandview Church, 1803 E 1st Ave, Vancouver, BC, Unceded Coast Salish Homelands
TICKETS: https://ilpsvancouver.square.site/
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/687401942521591/

International League of Peoples’ Struggle is working to build a broad, united mass movement against imperialism and we need your help to do it!

The ILPS in Canada Country Chapter Assembly, to be held in Ottawa from June 1-4, will bring together mass organizations from across the country to take action against Canadian imperialism and militarism.  Our Assembly this year will have two days of mass actions targeting the CANSEC arms fare, a gathering of war profiteers and war criminals which bills itself as ‘Canada’s Largest Global Defense and Security Trade Show’.  And we’re having a two day conference to sharpen our analysis of the specific characteristics of Canadian imperialism and strategize for building a broader, stronger and more effective movement against Canadian imperialism and militarism!
There are local anti imperialist activists, including students and low-wage workers, who would like to attend the Assembly, but for whom the cost is a substantial barrier.  So we’re asking you – our friends, family and comrades who we know share our vision of a world free from imperialist plunder, exploitation and war – to chip in to support this effort!
ILPS values our political independence and does not seek or accept funding from any government, foundation, or other big institution.  We want to build a movement that’s based on the strength of our own communities, our solid organizing and our desire for real transformative change.
Please contribute by buying a ticket for our upcoming fundraiser. TICKETS: https://ilpsvancouver.square.site/

Calendar of Resistance: Take Action for Palestine!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all Palestinian, Arab and international supporters of Palestine to escalate their organizing and struggle to confront massacres and ethnic cleansing and support Palestinian resistance throughout the entire land of Palestine.

(The list below will be constantly updated – please share the link with your friends and comrades!)

These events are organized by many groups around the world — wherever possible, we link to the original organizers so that you can be in direct contact! Please note: this list is for action-oriented/outdoor/protest actions specifically.  However, direct actions like those by Palestine Action are some of the most important events taking place — but they are typically not announced in advance! 

Check out our events listings for the webinars, discussions and meetings we’re involved in! 

TO ADD YOUR EVENT TO THE CALENDAR: Email us at samidoun@samidoun.net, message us on WhatsApp at +32466904397 or tag us on social media! We know that these events are mainly international and that the Arab people are marching everywhere for Palestine — we will be honored to add Arab events.

PLEASE NOTE: Times and details may change. Wherever we have it, we have linked to the original organizers’ accounts, posters and pages. Please follow these for the latest info – and don’t hesitate to send us updates! 

Sunday, May 15












New Zealand

Spain/Spanish State


United States

Past Events

Friday, April 22

United States

Saturday, April 23








United States

Sunday, April 24




United States

Monday, April 25


  • Montreal – Monday, April 25, 12 pm – Protest against McGill University administration anti-Palestinian policies. Milton Gates-James Administration Building, Montreal, Quebec. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcqpmnfptEV/

United States

Tuesday, April 26


Thursday, April 28


Friday, April 29



  • Berlin – Friday, April 29, 4:00 pm Oranienplatz, Berlin

South Africa

United States

Saturday, April 30







United States

Sunday, May 1




Friday, May 4

United States

Wednesday, May 11


Thursday, May 12



United States

Friday, May 13




United States

Saturday, May 14












New Zealand


South Africa

Spain / Catalonia


United States

New York demonstration takes the streets of Manhattan for Palestine

Photo: Shanaz Deen

On Wednesday, 20 April, hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of midtown Manhattan in response to a call for an emergency demonstration to stand with Palestine and support the Palestinian liberation struggle, following attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestinian cities and villages throughout occupied Palestine.

The demonstration was organized by Within Our Lifetime – United For Palestine, Samidoun NY/NJ, Palestinian Youth Movement, Existence is Resistance and Decolonize this Place. Representatives of many organizations joined the lively and youthful protest, as did members of the Neturei Karta anti-Zionist Orthodox Jewish group.

Photo: Luigi Morris

Called under the slogan, “Support Palestinian Resistance and Liberation By Any Means Necessary,” the rally gathered outside the Zionist consulate in New York and included speakers from all of the participating organizations expressing their full support for the Palestinian people’s struggle to liberate their land from the river to the sea.

Photo: Shanaz Deen

The rally was chaired by Nerdeen Kiswani, chair of Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine, and Laila Boutros, coordinator of Samidoun NY/NJ. Speakers mobilized the crowd with strong calls to action, denouncing the crimes of the Zionist state and supporting the Palestinian people and their resistance.

Photo: Luigi Morris

The demonstration was also called as part of the Days of Action for Palestinian Prisoners, 10 days of action in commemoration of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, calling for the freedom of all over 4,450 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons and saluting their leadership in the liberation movement.

Photo: Luigi Morris

The rally was followed by a spirited march through midtown Manhattan led by banners with slogans like “Globalize the Intifada,” “Honor the Martyrs of Palestine,” and “We Will Free Palestine Within Our Lifetime.” In a powerful moment, one Palestinian youth and a member of the Neturei Karta together trampled on the flag of the Israeli state, a symbol of oppression, racism and injustice.

Photo: Shanaz Deen

As the march proceeded through the streets with the sound of drums, waving Palestinian flags and chants in support of resistance and liberation, participants received widespread support from passers-by on the streets who expressed their solidarity with Palestine and disgust with the ongoing U.S. military aid and support for the ongoing Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian people.

Photo: Luigi Morris

Organizers in New York are preparing for additional upcoming actions in support of Palestine, including a demonstration announced for 15 May in commemoration of the Nakba and ongoing Palestinian struggle and revolution.

Photo: Luigi Morris

Michelle Munjanattu addressed the rally on behalf of Samidoun NY/NJ, delivering a powerful message highlighting the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners. She also expressed solidarity with the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, fighting back against a ban by the French government:

Good Evening! My name is Michelle, and I’m a union member and part of Samidoun NY/NJ, which is part of Samidoun International, the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

Today marks the midpoint of 10 Days of Struggle for Palestinian Prisoner’s Liberation. Palestinian prisoners represent the Palestinian resistance- and our solidarity and support are key to upholding their leadership in the liberation struggle. These are also days of action to defend our sister organization, Collectif Palestine Vaincra, which has with other pro-Palestine, antifascist and social justice organizations, been targeted by the French government for administrative dissolution– banning under the threat of imprisonment or fines for organizing for Palestine. In addition to their campaigns for the boycott of Israel, their advocacy for Palestinian prisoners and for the liberation of Lebanese struggler for Palestine, Georges Abdallah, has been specifically targetted for repression.

In this third week of the holy Month of Ramadan, we also observed Palestinian Prisoner’s Day on April 17th, which comes as over 530 Palestinians are jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention and who have undertaken since 1 January 2022 a collective boycott of the Israeli military courts.

Today, we recognize the Palestinian Resistance inside and outside the prison walls, which is fighting for the liberation of Palestine and defending the people of Palestine and the world, from the forces of Zionism, imperialism, and reaction. We salute this new generation of Palestinians who are joining in a long line of struggle alongside the Palestinian Resistance to announce Oslo a dead letter and fight for the liberation of every inch of Palestine, from Nablus and Hebron, to Haifa, Gaza, and Jerusalem.

It is the Palestinian Resistance, including all of the prisoners in Zionist jail cells, who are paying close attention to events within Palestine and within the region, and working to hasten the liberation of the land. We uplift their ongoing struggle, which is both an act of love and inspiration to make what is revolutionary ordinary within Palestine. One day, it will be ordinary for the Palestinian living in Jordan to be greeted with plates of Kabsa by their kin, for prisoners to visit the graves of their family members and eat the fruits of the land, and for worshippers to pray in Al-Aqsa without the threat of sound bombs, live bullets, and massive arrests.

Through constant sacrifice and tenacity, the Resistance has proven to all of us, but especially Palestinians within and without the homeland, that liberation is a real possibility, and more imminent than imagined. Today and throughout these days of struggle, we stand with the resistance that built a Freedom Tunnel to liberation, that defends Jenin camp from invasion, and resists colonization in al-Naqab and fights for freedom in Gaza.

Photos by Shanaz Deen and Luigi Morris: