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13 July, Online webinar: Repression Against Palestine in Europe

WEBINAR: Repression against Palestine in Europe.
A deeper look into the repressive apparatus and strategies of confrontation (Languages: English and Spanish)

Ever since the 7th of October, repression against the pro-Palestine movement in Europe has taken new levels. From banning demonstrations in multiple countries, the prosecution of activists, the media smear campaigns, up to the criminalization of organisations and slogans. The “anti-repression committee” of the Alternative Palestinian Revolutionary Path Movement is organizing this panel, where activists from multiple European countries will share their experiences and analysis of how the repressive apparatus cracks down on the pro-Palestine movement, what goals they try to achieve, and how to fight back ✊🏾

📆 Saturday 13th, JULY
🕢 At 19:00pm CET
👉🏾You can register in the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Pd16B2TVQiyO1cheqgge3w

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Stand with Samidoun NY/NJ against Zionist attacks! Join event Friday, July 5 at 7 pm at Mayday Space

Samidoun NY/NJ is set to study part 1 of the PFLP document “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine” this Friday, July 5th. The purpose of the event is to examine the history and practice of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – which is the leftist, revolutionary arm of the Palestinian resistance. The document outlines the PFLP’s analysis of the colonization of Palestine, including an analysis of the enemies that threaten to eliminate the existence and resistance of the Palestinian people, in Palestine and abroad. The writing off of any organization that dares lift the veil of obscurity from the masses eyes as terrorists is a tired move that is played time and time again but will not shame us into admission. ​​​​​​​In the face of recent events, we urge everyone who can make it out to come and take part in the study of this foundational work.

Over the past few days, Zionists have unleashed a campaign of threats, intimidation, and harassment in response to our planned July 5th study of the PFLP’s Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine. These threats and accusations are coming from far-right-wing publications with ties to the notoriously racist organization, the ADL (Anti-Defamation League). Zionists have written articles about our planned study session, published violent threats against our members and community online, and sent dozens of emails to Mayday Space in Brooklyn, which is a community center and organizing space and a long-time partner and supporter of Samidoun. Their intentions are clear: to attempt to scare us into canceling our study session and deter us from organizing more educational sessions in the future. They have attempted to manufacture public opinion against Samidoun and falsely paint us as an arm of the PFLP, to mobilize violent Zionist provocateurs against our event, and to defame Mayday Space and intimidate them into ending their relationship with Samidoun. Unfortunately for them, it is too late. Over the past 10 months, the Palestinian resistance has proved to the world that the Palestinian people will not be defeated, and the Palestinian people and their supporters in the international community have shown that they will not stop fighting for liberation. The masses of people from New York to Palestine are on our side – and we are well on our way to liberation.

We are here to say that we will not be intimidated, we stand firmly on the side of the heroic Palestinian resistance forces. We are not going anywhere. Like all Zionist lies, these types of accusations will be remembered for what they are – a desperate attempt to crush any resistance against the murderous colonial regime – whether it is physical resistance or, in our case, ideological resistance.

Samidoun Network’s purpose is to campaign for the release of Palestinian political prisoners. Our primary tool is political education. Our work involves hosting teach-ins and study sessions in the New York/New Jersey area, to mobilize the Palestinian, Arab, and working masses in support of Palestinian prisoners, resistance, and liberation. As the Black Panther leader, Fred Hampton, famously said, “The first duty of a revolutionary is to learn.” Revolutionary learning has been our primary purpose as organizers, and we would not be able to carry out our work without the support of community partners like Mayday Space who provide us with the space and resources to share our message with the people of New York City. The Zionists are trying to punish Mayday Space for offering this critical support by harassing, intimidating, and mischaracterizing them.

We are asking all supporters of Samidoun and of the greater Palestinian liberation movement and prisoners movement to help us as we show our enemies that we will not stop organizing and studying Palestinian revolutionary theory and history and we will not fold in the face of threats and intimidation. Follow Samidoun NY/NJ on Telegram and twitter, follow @MaydaySpace on Instagram, and show up at Mayday Space tomorrow at 7pm, bring your friends and comrades.

Free Hadeel Shatara! Palestinian educator seized by occupation forces

On Monday, 1 July, Hadeel Shatara, Palestinian educator and an administrator of the graduate program at Birzeit University, was seized by occupation forces as she returned to Palestine from Jordan at the Karameh crossing. She is currently being held incommunicado under interrogation, and her family and lawyer have not been informed of her location. We raise our voices to say: Free Hadeel Shatara and all Palestinian prisoners now!

The abduction of Hadeel Shatara is part and parcel of the systematic attack on Palestinian education by the Zionist occupation regime. She joins six Birzeit University women students – Yara Abu Hashish, Layan Kayed, Shahd Owaida, Mona Abu Hussein, and Wafa Nimr – and hundreds of Palestinian male students – seized by the occupation. Students, particularly throughout the West Bank of occupied Palestine, have been subjected to mass arrest, while Palestinian student blocs are labeled “illegal organizations.”

In Gaza, every single university has been systematically destroyed by the occupation forces as part of their genocidal assault on every aspect of Palestinian life and society. University administrators have been targeted for assassination and kidnapped with fellow civilians, especially health care workers, and subjected to extreme forms of torture and abuse in the concentration camps for Palestinians from Gaza operated by the occupation forces.

This attack on Hadeel Shatara and Palestinian education is happening as university students are rising up around the world in a global student intifada to confront the genocide and resist Zionism and imperialism. Around the world, and particularly in the United States – the heart of the imperial core and the co-sponsor of the genocide, supplier of billions of dollars in bombs and weaponry to the Zionist regime – students have been beaten and arrested by police in an attempt to suppress this growing international movement with the liberation of Palestine at the core.

We urge all to demand freedom for Hadeel Shatara and all Palestinian students and educators – and all of the over 10,000 Palestinian prisoners held in Zionist jails – and to include the liberation of the prisoners in all campaigns for Palestinian liberation and an end to the genocide. We further emphasize the urgency of a complete academic boycott of all Zionist institutions, which are fully complicit in the all-out assault on Palestinian education and 76 years of genocide targeting the Palestinian people as a whole.

Free Hadeel Shatara and all Palestinian prisoners!
Defend Palestinians’ right to education!
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

Statement by Muslim Abuumar on his Deportation from Brazil due to US & Zionist Interference

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network reiterates our strongest solidarity with Muslim Abuumar, the Palestinian scholar who was deported from Brazil with his family despite holding a valid visa to visit his brother, who has lived in Brazil for many years. This case is particularly concerning because it involves the interference of the U.S. Embassy, and reportedly the U.S. State Department, in Brazilian policing and immigration systems.

The Palestinian resistance organizations are neither criminalized nor labeled as “terrorists” in Brazil, and yet the U.S. has, once again, sought to apply its domestic repressive legislation and “terror list” on the international scene. Of course, the U.S. is also providing billions of dollars in funding to the Zionist regime currently carrying out a genocide in Gaza, and has always served as the long-term imperialist sponsor of the Zionist colonial project in Palestine. We condemn in the strongest terms this U.S. interference in Brazilian and Palestinian affairs and urge Brazil to reverse this decision and immediately welcome back Muslim Abuumar and his family, as well as to cut all diplomatic, military and trade ties with the Zionist regime. 

Muslim Abuumar’s statement (originally on Twitter/X) is republished below:

*Press Statement on the Unfortunate Decision of the Brazilian Federal Police to Ban Me from Entering the Country*

I have just arrived at my home in Kuala Lumpur after an unsuccessful family trip, to visit my brother in Brazil, that was unfortunately hindered by Zionist intervention, clearly due to my academic activities in support of the Palestinian struggle.

This arduous journey included an unjust decision by the Federal Police to prevent my entry into Brazil issued upon the orders of an imperialist foreign country that actively sponsors the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza. Upon my arrival at Guarulhos International Airport in Sao Paulo on Friday (June 21, 2024) evening, several police officers approached me at the entrance of the airport and took me, together with my family, for interrogation. The questions centered on my political views and academic activities in support of the Palestinian cause. I was questioned about speaking at international academic conferences on Palestine, my participation in international forums organized by international think-tanks, and my views on the ongoing war in Gaza. I was very clear in stating that as an academic, and as a Palestinian, I believe Israel is an apartheid regime that is committing a genocide in Gaza and should be brought to justice, and that this goes in line with international law and the position of the Brazilian government itself.

After the interrogation session, in which no lawyer nor translator were provided, the security officials at the airport informed me of the Federal Police’s decision to prevent me and my family from entering the country and to immediately deport us abroad.

I rejected the deportation order and asked for clarifications on the reason of the ban, especially since I have a valid multiple-entry visa, and I have visited the country previously without any problems. Furthermore, I have never broken any Brazilian laws, and I know well that the Brazilian government does not view Palestinian resistance as a terrorism. By then it was very clear the orders have come from outside the country, from a foreign imperialist power that has a long dark history of meddling in other countries’ affairs.

Over the next 48 hours, with the help of esteemed Palestinian activists, especially the head of the Brazil Palestine Institute, Dr. Ahmed Shehada, I fought a legal battle against the unjust police decision. Meanwhile, several Brazilian parliamentarians and activists fought a tough political and media battle against the influential Zionist lobby in Brazil. This war of narratives is still on.

The 48-hour-period included our forced detention inside the airport hotel, and the issuance of a hastily prepared judicial order confirming the police’s ban and immediate deportation outside the country. The police had submitted a set of fabricated allegations of supporting terrorism, due to my academic activity in support of the Palestinian cause and my clear position in support of Palestinian rights and denouncing the terrorist Zionist occupation of Palestine.

Unfortunately, my defense lawyer was not given enough time to refute these baseless accusations and allegations, which simply violate the Brazilian Constitution itself, which stipulates that Brazil respects international law, and the Brazilian law which does not view Palestinian resistance as terrorism.

For me and the Brazilian activists who support Palestinian rights, the battle is not over yet, and we will continue the legal pursuit to nullify this unjust decision and demand apology and compensation. I am absolutely certain that justice will prevail in the end.

Muslim Abuumar,

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Big Tech censorship and collaboration with Zionism: Meta attacks on Samidoun


*This timeline of Meta censorship is not exhaustive or comprehensive because Meta does not consistently indicate to Samidoun when our posted content and accounts are restricted, removed, or banned.

Wednesday, April 10th: Samidoun Göteborg and Samidoun Paris Banlieue accounts suspended; Samidoun Network’s account had posts taken down and account features limited (shadow-banned: “account can’t be shown to non-followers”), Samidoun NY/NJ account shadow-banned (“account can’t be shown to non-followers”) and posts taken down, Samidoun Brussels had posts taken down; Within a few days of this Samidoun Seattle and Samidoun Toronto had posts taken down too, the latter without notification.

Monday, April 29th: Samidoun Network international account is suspended and shortly after posting about this suspension, the Samidoun NY/NJ account is also suspended indefinitely and cannot create new accounts, attempts have resulted in immediate suspensions even though content is not posted yet.

Monday, June 3rd: Samidoun Netherland’s Instagram account is banned.

Tuesday, June 4th: Samidoun Paris has three separate posts taken down citing that they are about “dangerous individuals and organizations”. Each post was about a different figure of the Palestinian Resistance Khalida Jarrar, Ahmad Sa’adat, and Khader Adnan.

Wednesday, June 5th: Victory to the Intifada, a Britain-based Samidoun affiliate and campaign established in 2000, had their account restricted based on allegations of violating Instagram community standards. No evidence was provided. On this same day, Samidoun Toronto’s Instagram page had content removed citing “dangerous individuals and organizations.” The posts removed included photographs of Hamas’ text “Our Narrative”.

Monday, June 10th: Samidoun Toronto has yet another post removed citing their Community Guidelines’ on “dangerous individuals and organizations.”

Saturday, June 15th: Samidoun Albuquerque’s Instagram account is suspended.

Friday, June 21st: Samidoun Manchester’s Instagram account is suspended.


In yet another cowardly attempt to suppress the global Palestinian solidarity movement, Meta indefinitely suspended Samidoun Network’s primary Instagram account at 28,000 followers. This suspension comes just weeks after Samidoun chapters across the world began facing similar censorship against their accounts. Meta continues to limit our reach by removing our posts without warning, banning us from features like collaborative posting and live-streaming, restricting who can follow our accounts, and algorithmically suppressing who can see our posts.

Meta’s targeting of Samidoun Network does not operate in isolation. It is the culmination of their continued censorship of anything that challenges the Zionist occupation it protects. (For example, the very large Instagram account of Within Our Lifetime was previously targeted and WOL has been unable to use the platform for months, despite organizing many massive demonstrations in New York City.) Meta’s material interest in protecting Zionist settler-colonialism and imperialist genocide sharply contradicts Samidoun’s global solidarity with Palestinian prisoners and the Resistance. As our solidarity escalates, Meta’s censorship desperately intensifies.

Beginning in April, shadow-banning, post and story removal, account restrictions, and suspensions on Instagram became commonplace for Samidoun chapters globally. Meta limited more and more of our accounts in their online reach and presence, particularly chapters with a large and active follower base, with their censorship practices culminating in the indefinite suspension of our international account. Evidently, local chapter accounts were targeted ahead of our primary international account in a strategic attempt at preventing and suppressing followers of local chapters from finding any new international accounts that would re-emerge. Immediately before the suspension of our international account, Samidoun Network’s account engagement increased exponentially after posting an English translation of the statement of solidarity from the Student Frameworks Secretariat – Gaza addressed to the student intifada of the imperial core. It is Samidoun’s championing of the Palestinian Resistance and their leaders that Meta often cites as the reasoning behind removing our content. Therefore, for us to platform a direct message from students blocs of the united Resistance to students of the West, the latter primarily using social media as a tool for mobilization at encampments, Meta naturally saw this as a threat to their own interests.

Meta’s targeted censorship of Samidoun comes as no surprise considering their relentless silencing of organizations and individuals who dare to stand up against the Zionist project it propagates and protects. Meta not only targets those who denounce Zionism on their platform, but is itself an active participant in the Zionist settler-colonial project. In 2015, the Zionist occupation established a cyber unit in an attempt to globally repress any and all anti-Zionist voices. The cyber unit attempts to accomplish this through collaboration with Meta and other media corporations. The cyber unit manually sends takedown requests to Meta, and Meta largely complies. In 2019, Meta complied with 90% of the occupation’s 20,000 requests to censor anti-Zionist voices. Shortly after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Meta once again complied with 90% of the occupation’s over 2,000 requests.

Meta’s participation in Zionist settler-colonialism also manifests in their internal hiring practices. The tech corporation frequently hires former members of the occupation government into high-level positions. This includes Meta’s hiring of Emi Palmor, former advisor to Benjamin Netanyahu, to Meta’s so-called independent oversight board, which Mark Zuckerberg calls “Meta’s supreme court”. The independent oversight board’s role is to dictate what content is suppressed and removed on Meta’s platforms. Meta also hires a significant number of former agents from the IOF’s clandestine intelligence gathering unit known as Unit 8200.

This mirrors other forms of repression that we face as an international organization, such as the recent banning of Samidoun in Germany. We are a prime target for Meta due to our unapologetic stance in support of Palestinian prisoners and the noble Palestinian Resistance, who will bring Palestine victory and freedom.

On Monday, June 3rd, the Zionist entity’s Content Review section of their Cybercrime Department in the Israeli State Attorney’s Office contacted Samidoun Network’s website provider to attempt to have our website taken down. The email states that this is a “content removal request regarding the website https://samidoun.net/ which is using your services.” It continues to cite Israeli and German law that refers to Samidoun as a “terrorist organization” and states that the content of the website violates the Israeli Counter-Terrorism Act (2016). Specific phrases and content that are flagged as problematic are “calls to escalate the global ‘intifada’, calls to release convicted terrorists, condolences for the death of Hamas’s (terror organization) leader- Saleh Al-Arouri, calls the advocates to lead a siege on the White House and more.”

We are not the first organization to be a target of Meta’s censorship and will not be the last. We refuse to be silenced. This is a stark reminder that to be attacked by the enemy is not a bad thing, but a good thing. As we continue to be suppressed, we will only grow louder in our demands for freedom of all Palestinian prisoners and for a liberated Palestine from the river to the sea. We invite you, comrades, to join us on Telegram where we will continue to resist Meta censorship.

Until Victory,

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network


Samidoun Network: https://t.me/SamidounNetwork

Samidoun Toronto: https://t.me/SamidounTO

Samidoun NY/NJ: https://t.me/SamidounNyNj

Samidoun Paris Banlieue: https://t.me/samidounparisbanlieue

Samidoun Göteborg / Sweden: https://t.me/samidounsweden

Samidoun Estado Español: https://t.me/samidoun

Samidoun Vancouver: https://t.me/samidounvan





Free Khalida Jarrar: Palestinian feminist and leftist’s administrative detention extended

On Monday, 24 June 2024, Palestinian prisoner, captive freedom advocate, leftist, feminist and scholar Khalida Jarrar was ordered to another 6 months behind Zionist bars without charge or trial under “administrative detention” — one day before her previous detention order was set to expire.

There are currently well over 3,500 Palestinians held in administrative detention out of nearly 10,000 captives held by the Zionist regime, most of which are being subjected to extreme torture, abuse and starvation — and who, yet, continue to resist and lead for the liberation of Palestine.

Jarrar was seized from her home in the morning hours of 26 December 2023 as part of mass arrests by Zionist forces in the West Bank of occupied Palestine during the genocide in Gaza.

She is currently a scholar and researcher at the Muwatin Institute at Birzeit University. In fact, she was scheduled to appear on 27 December at a panel convened by Jadaliyya on imprisonment in the time of genocide; she was seized from her home only one day before.

Jarrar, a historical leftist political leader with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, has been imprisoned on multiple occasions by the occupation regime, including in 2015, when her administrative detention without charge or trial drew global protests before she was then transferred to the occupation military courts. She is a lifelong advocate for the liberation of political prisoners and was targeted specifically for her statements and advocacy for the liberation of Palestinian prisoners.

In 2019, she was once again seized by the occupation regime. While she was imprisoned, her daughter Suha tragically passed away. She was denied the right to see Suha’s body and attend her funeral before she was released again in 2021. During both of her times of imprisonment, she established independent educational programs to teach the imprisoned minor girls the high school education they were denied as well as the adult women prisoners their rights under international law.

She discusses her imprisonment in the book, Our Vision for Liberation, by Ramzy Baroud and Ilan Pappe; her piece is published at the Palestine Chronicle.

While the Zionist regime has been waging a full-fledged genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza, they have seized thousands of prisoners and subjected them to horrific conditions. Palestinians from Gaza in particular have been brutally and routinely tortured and abused by occupation forces — for example at the Sde Teiman concentration camp, where the extreme stories of torture and abuse reported by released Palestinian civilians have included forced amputations, sexual assault, starvation and other severe abuse. This is both a continuation of the attack on the Palestinian people as well as a mechanism to inflate the number of prisoners in order to manipulate the results of a prisoner exchange with the Palestinian resistance. They are holding Palestinians like Khalida Jarrar hostage

Freedom for Khalida Jarrar and all Palestinians in zionist, imperialist and reactionary jails!

Palestinian-Malaysian family deported from Brazil under US-Zionist demands: Solidarity with Muslim Abuumar!

Samidoun Brazil and the international Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network express our strongest solidarity with Muslim Abuumar and his family, a Palestinian family deported from Sao Paulo airport to Malaysia on Sunday, June 23. We denounce the family’s deportation and warn that it serves as a dangerous example of the undermining of Brazil’s national sovereignty and self-determination, alongside the rights of the Palestinian people, by the Zionist regime and the United States, which have targeted Muslim Abuumar because he publicly advocates for the Palestinian people, their rights and their liberation. 

We further express our full agreement with and endorsement of the statement below by IBRASPAL, the Brazil-Palestine Institute. We are very concerned that, as reported by journalists, “Judge Milenna da Cunha said in her ruling…that Brazilian federal police received an alert from the US embassy that ‘a Hamas operative, Muslim Abuumar’ would be arriving in Brazil on Friday from Kuala Lumpur…The judge’s decision approving the deportation cited Abuumar’s social media postings of him meeting in Doha with Ismail Haniyeh, a chief political leader of Hamas.” Rather than exercising Brazilian law, under which Hamas (and all Palestinian resistance organizations) are not considered “terrorists,” the Brazilian Federal Police immediately sought to implement this directive from the United States, the key funder, backer and full partner in the ongoing US-Zionist genocide in Gaza.

We express our further concern regarding the recent reports of Brazilian Federal Police meeting with CONIB, a Zionist lobby organization that claims to represent the Brazilian Jewish community yet focuses its attention on promoting the Zionist regime, defending its genocidal attacks on Gaza and seeking to criminalize the movement in support of Palestine. CONIB has sought to criminalize Brazilian Jewish journalist Breno Altman for speaking out for Palestine, among numerous other interventions designed to protect the Zionist regime from criticism.

US and Zionist “terrorist lists” and “designations” should have no operative power or legal authority in Brazil, a Latin American nation in a continent that has repeatedly suffered from US intervention and imperialist domination. The deportation of Muslim Abuumar only comes in service of the ongoing Zionist genocide in Gaza, of which the Brazilian government has expressed its condemnation on multiple occasions. We further emphasize that Palestinian resistance is a legitimate right of the Palestinian people, who require the support of Brazil and all nations and peoples of conscience, particularly at this urgent moment. We urge the government of Brazil to rectify this situation, remove the ban on Muslim Abuumar,  welcome him back to the country, reject US and Israeli interference in the lives, travel and free movement of Palestinians and Brazilians; and immediately cut off its arms trade and diplomatic relations with the Zionist regime.

Statement by IBRASPAL follows:


On Friday, June 21, the Brazilian Federal Police detained Palestinian citizen Muslim M. A Abuumar at Guarulhos International Airport in São Paulo. He was accompanied by his wife, who is seven months pregnant, a six-year-old son and his 69-year-old mother-in-law. On June 13, he obtained a visa to stay in Brazil for 90 days. His family, who are Malaysian citizens, did not need a visa.

The Palestinian was detained on an absurd pretext. According to the Federal Police, he is on the FBI’s list of suspected members of “terrorist groups” – the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC).

The Federal Police said that Abuumar wanted his son to be born in Brazil in order to obtain citizenship and thus allow the family to immigrate to the country, something completely legal. Coincidentally, this argument is often used against immigrants in the US. On the basis of this “investigation”, Muslim would be summarily deported.

Faced with a lawsuit filed by IBRASPAL (Brazil-Palestine Institute) and other Palestinian advocacy organizations, federal judge Milenna Marjorie Fonseca da Cunha prevented Muslim’s extradition until there was a “better understanding of the facts” and gave the Federal Police 24 hours to provide more information.

The Federal Police act at the service of foreign governments

The case is absurd in every sense. Firstly, and most importantly, because the Federal Police is acting to enforce US government orders in Brazil. The TSC list has no support in Brazilian law. By using it as a criterion to prevent a Palestinian citizen from entering Brazil, the PF is acting as a branch of the FBI.

Secondly, because under Brazilian law, Palestinian resistance organizations are not considered terrorists. The same applies to the UN and the overwhelming majority of countries in the world. Only a small minority of countries consider the Palestinian resistance to be terrorists and these are the same countries that support the genocide that has been taking place in Gaza for more than eight months.

Thirdly, the Federal Police is accusing Muslim of being part of a terrorist organization without conducting any kind of investigation. In other words, it would be taking into account not only US law, but also the US investigation itself. It is thus, once again, placing itself as a real front for the FBI’s actions in Brazil.

Fourthly, the United States of America has no authority whatsoever to claim that no one in the world is a terrorist. They are the main allies of the Zionist regime in the genocide taking place in the Gaza Strip. They provide the bombs, vehicles, economic and political support. It would be impossible for the Zionist regime to promote the genocide in Gaza without the support it receives from the US. And this is just one of the terrorist monstrosities carried out by the US government.

Brazil is a sovereign country and a friend of Palestine. IBRASPAL, through this note, which is also signed by other organizations, asks the government to act immediately to end this US interference in the country and to guarantee the rights of Muslim Abuumar, a victim of political persecution simply for being Palestinian.

Brasilia, June 23, 2024.

Dr. Ahmed Shehada

President of the Brazil-Palestine Institute – IBRASPAL




Third anniversary of the martyrdom of Nizar Banat: Down with Oslo, toward return and liberation!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network extends its highest salutes to the martyr Nizar Banat, assassinated three years ago today, a stalwart fighter against corruption and for the liberation of Palestine who worked tirelessly to end “security coordination” between Palestinian Authority security forces and the Zionist regime.

Nizar Banat always struggled to protect the Palestinian people through liberation from Zionism and imperialism, and reactionary Arab regimes and the Palestinian Authority, created in order to serve the Zionist regime. He stood firmly for the people and the Resistance forces in Palestine and throughout the region.

The assassination of Nizar Banat reflected a conscious policy of the Zionist occupation and the Oslo Palestinian Authority affiliated with it, carrying out specific function to protect the existence of the occupation and its control over the Palestinian people in the West Bank.

Serving as an agent of the occupation, the PA practices all forms of oppression, including political arrests, violent raids and assassinations, in order to benefit the Zionist colonial project and to protect the privileges of the small sliver of the Oslo sector and upper Palestinian capitalists benefiting from the status quo.

The assassination of Nizar Banat cannot be considered apart from the assassination policy against Palestinian leaders and fighters carried out continuously over the decades by the Zionist occupation regime, from Ghassan Kanafani to Fathi Shiqaqi to Saleh Arouri.

The “security coordination” framework, overseen by the United States, Canada and the European Union (all engaged in training, funding & oversight of Palestinian Authority security forces), is designed to employ Palestinian agencies to carry out the mission of Zionist colonialism. That is, imprisoning and targeting the Palestinian resistance and Palestinian organizers, writers, intellectuals, student activists who remain committed to the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea, without the collaborationist entity of the Palestinian Authority.

The purpose of these Palestinian Authority security forces and the “security coordination” project under which they carry weapons is to prevent the Palestinian people and their liberation movement from effectively resisting and overthrowing the Zionist regime.

It acts in full service of the interests of Zionism and imperialism, while bearing a Palestinian flag emblem on each agent’s badge, while the resistance forces from Palestine to Yemen to Lebanon, to Iraq, Syria, Iran and beyond, resist the genocide in Gaza and fight for full liberation of Palestine from Zionism and of the entire Arab and Muslim region from imperialism.

Three years ago today, PA security forces – trained according to the standards created by U.S. officials, such as Gen. Keith Dayton – invaded Banat’s home in Dura, al-Khalil at 3:30 am, exploding the door off of the hinges, mimicking almost exactly the terror of the daily Zionist night raids in Palestinian homes across occupied Palestine. They beat Nizar, and then reported him dead. To date, there has been no justice or accountability for the assassination of the martyr Nizar Banat.

Thousands of Palestinians marched in the streets in outrage at the assassination of Banat, demanding not only justice and accountability for those responsible for the killing but also the downfall of Mahmoud Abbas, bringing down the PA regime and its collaboration with Zionism, and the entire Oslo project on which it is based.

Indeed, the Palestinian people and the resistance have repeatedly demanded an end to security coordination since the beginning of its implementation, while PA President Mahmoud Abbas has declared it to be “sacred.”

The entire Oslo process has been devastating for the Palestinian people: Thousands of Palestinian lives have been stolen on the path of Oslo, while the political frameworks of the Palestinian struggle have been distorted, hijacked and compromised. While Palestinians inside occupied Palestine ’48 continue to affirm their identity and existence and organize for liberation, the official Palestinian leadership of the P.A. instead “recognized Israel”, the Zionist settler colonial project on 78% of Palestine.

The historic, heroic Al-Aqsa Flood and the past nine months of resistance to genocide have underlined the deep unity of the Palestinian people throughout occupied Palestine from the river to the sea and everywhere in exile and diaspora, & their commitment to resistance until liberation. These are two things that the Oslo project was meant to destroy and undermine, yet has failed utterly to do so. Instead, the resistance is stronger than it has ever been, despite the horrific genocidal US-Zionist war crimes that have taken over 40,000 martyrs.

The assassination of Nizar Banat brings echoes of many previous cases of PA security forces’ brutality and complicity with Zionist crimes – from the Zionist assassination of Basil al-Araj shortly after al-Araj and five of his comrades were imprisoned and tortured in PA jails …to the killing of Omar Nayef Zayed, found dead outside the PA Embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he had taken refuge after Israeli occupation authorities attempted to seek his extradition, decades after he had escaped from colonial prisons.

Perhaps most infamously, the PA imprisoned Ahmad Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the PFLP alongside his comrades Ahed Abu Ghoulmeh, Majdi Rimawi, Basil al-Asmar and Hamdi Qur’an in the PA’s Jericho prison, under U.S. and British guard, for four years from 2002-2006 before they were kidnapped from Jericho prison by Zionist forces, who besieged the prison days before Ismail Haniyeh was to be sworn in as Prime Minister of the PA, after the resistance campaigns associated with Hamas won the PLC elections and vowed to liberate the prisoners of security coordination.

Now, all of them are held in Zionist jails, subject to torture, abuse and medical neglect. It is not only in these high-profile cases but in the daily practice of PA security coordination that Palestinian Authority political detention serves a “revolving door” with Zionist imprisonment for many Palestinian resisters and youth leaders. Indeed, Nizar Banat himself was held as a PA political prisoner on multiple occasions. Today, as the Resistance fights with all its might against the genocide, the PA continues to imprison and pursue heroes of the resistance.

Nizar Banat’s blood is on the hands of the PA – and therefore it is on the hands of the Zionist regime, the United States, Canada, the European Union and all parties involved in creating, sustaining and propping up the “security coordination” framework. “Security coordination” with the Zionist entity benefits only the occupier and colonizer at the expense of the Palestinian people. The PA and its bosses must be held accountable for its ongoing betrayal of the Palestinian people and its collaboration with Zionist colonialism.

To honour Nizar is to boycott, isolate and resist Zionist occupation. It is to stand with all the regional forces of Resistance as they heroically confront the genocide and expose all of the contradictions of the Zionist regime.

The Oslo project is backed by Zionism, imperialism and reactionary regimes – and it must and will fall on the road to the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. Nizar Banat lives, Palestine lives! Glory to the martyrs!

We recommend following Resistance News Network on Telegram for a number of reports, articles, analyses and videos about the life and struggle of Nizar Banat. Subscribe here: https://t.me/PalestineResist

Including below just a few brief clips of the martyr Nizar Banat’s videos (with English translation from RNN):

YouTube removes, deletes Samidoun Network channel: Resist the silencing of Palestine!

This morning, YouTube suddenly struck and deleted the entire Samidoun Network channel and its years of content, and simultaneously struck and deleted the channel of our international coordinator Charlotte Kates.

This came despite the fact that Charlotte’s channel had never had a strike, and Samidoun’s only one warning after mass reporting (and had videos pulled down for similar baseless reasons on a one-by-one basis). This is clearly intended to silence voices speaking about Palestine.

A lot of our content is available here on Odysee, and we are working to get material up elsewhere and more comprehensively:

Once again we note the bias and clear alignment of Big Tech firms with Zionism and imperialism, which comes as no surprise.

We also note that three weeks ago, the Zionist regime itself wrote to our web host in an attempt to get our website taken down, labeling it a “cybercrime,” and we assume this same notification was done to Google with these YouTube accounts by the same parties.

The Zionist regime is actively seeking to ban and silence the content of people confronting its genocide against the Palestinian people, to prevent people around the world from communicating, and of course, at the heart of this effort, to block the communication lines of the Palestinian people, and especially the prisoners and the resistance movement that is daily confronting its genocidal assault.

As with all such attacks, we view them as primarily an attack on the Palestinian prisoners’ movement. The Zionist regime wants to keep over 10,000 Palestinian detainees hostage under torture, subjected to vile abuse and medical mistreatment. The videos and footage of Palestinian prisoners being released — both from the military prison system and the concentration camp at Sde Teiman, where extreme abuse and torture has become an international scandal — speak for themselves.

It wants to isolate the Palestinian prisoners and detainees, the captives of freedom, from the Palestinian people, the Resistance they lead, and the world. It wants to torture the civilians kidnapped from Gaza in silence. Our entire broad movement will never allow that isolation.

The Resistance — and the Palestinian people as a whole — have made it clear that that the prisoners are precious and will never be left behind; instead, they are a compass pointing the way to liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. On an international level, we must do all we can in support: This is why they want to silence Samidoun, and we emphasize that they will not succeed.

250+ organizations endorse international petition in solidarity with Yemen confronting aggression and siege

Brussels – New York – Madrid
June 5, 2024

At the initiative of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization, an international petition was issued today, signed by hundreds of parties, organizations, and popular movements, bearing the title “We stand with Yemen confronting U.S. and British aggression.”

Read the full text here

Jaldia Abubakra, a member of the executive committee of the Masar Badil, said, “This petition was signed by hundreds of parties, popular and revolutionary forces, liberation movements, and trade unions around the world to express their support for the brave Yemeni position, and their commitment to stand alongside the Yemeni people confronting siege and aggression.” .

Abubakra said, “The Yemeni people are fighting a just battle in support of Gaza, and the Yemeni armed forces were able to impose a naval blockade on the Zionist entity. The Yemeni people are contributing to the struggle by putting their strength, blood, and security on the line, and they continue to go out to the squares and streets to strongly express their noble and principled position in unprecedented popular marches.”

The international coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Charlotte Kates, said that “the petition expresses an international popular support for the Yemeni position in support of the steadfastness and struggle of the Palestinian people confronting the war of extermination waged by the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.”

Kates said that “the war of siege and aggression against Yemen has been waged by the United States, Britain, and the Zionist regime for years, with the participation of regimes such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and others, and they are the same forces that have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza since October 7.”

It is worth noting that about 250 organizations and parties signed the international petition.

Statement and petition to sign. 

(Link to sign on: https://bit.ly/yemenstatement  )

We stand with Yemen confronting U.S. and British aggression

We, the undersigned parties, organizations and associations, condemn the U.S.-British aggression and attacks on the struggling people of Yemen, we express our support for the principled Yemeni position towards the Palestinian cause rights, and we declare our solidarity with the Yemeni people in the historic battle that they are waging to end the genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, to stop Zionist war crimes and to break the siege. We also stand behind the heroic Yemeni armed forces and their legitimate, natural right to respond to aggression as they implement the demands of the Yemeni people and the directives and decisions of the revolutionary leadership in Sana’a.

The people of Yemen, who have remained committed to their firm and advanced revolutionary position, continue to confront all forms of siege and aggression at the hands of the U.S. and British colonial forces and their agents in the region. They will not be intimidated by the recent U.S.-British massacre on May 31, 2024, which caused dozens of martyrs and casualties. The people of Yemen continue to express their position with unparalleled strength and courage, especially on Fridays, through the massive and solemn public demonstrations in “Sabaeen Square” in the center of the capital, Sana’a, and in various governorates, squares, and streets of the country.

The heroic Yemeni position, which has been embodied in word and deed in confronting war and aggression over the past ten years, and in supporting the Palestinian people for more than eight months, constitutes the true and necessary response against the Zionist-U.S. war of annihilation against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip. It also embodies an effective revolutionary model in true solidarity with the Palestinian people. This exceptional stance has become a source of pride and inspiration for all peoples and movements for justice and liberation in the world, proving the strength of free peoples and their ability to change the equations of conflict and shift the balance of power as they confront imperialism, Zionism and their agents in the world.

Glory to the martyrs and speedy recovery to the wounded

The criminal camp of U.S.-British-Zionist aggression and and their agents in the region will be defeated

Victory for the Palestinian and Yemeni peoples and for the resistance camp in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq

Long live international solidarity

  • Actions4Palestine
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  • Alkarama (Movimiento de Mujeres Palestinas)
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  • Canada-Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights
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  • Canadian BDS Coalition and International BDS Allies
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  • Canadian Lebanese Academic Forum (CLAF)
  • Casa Baltimore Limay
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  • Central New York Revolutionary Student Union
  • Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies
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  • Century of the Child
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  • CSM interactiv
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  • GST Consulting Ltd
  • GTA4Palestine
  • Handsoffvenezuela.nl
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  • Humanity Organization
  • Indiana Center for Middle East Peace
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  • الجالية اليمنية الكندية Yemeni Canadian Community