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Our Guide Towards Homeland: Bassel Al-Araj

باسل الأعرج ... الشهيد والنموذج

From Birth until Martyrdom

Bassel Al-Araj was born on January 27, 1984, in the village of Al-Walaja, overlooking the Palestinian coast, where earth meets the heavens with a “sea that is too big to be besieged” as he once chanted in an angry demonstration against the blockade on Gaza.

Bassel grew up curious and constantly studying and reading. Despite him graduating as a pharmacist, he only practiced for a year. Afterwards, he devoted himself to studying Palestinian history, especially the history of the resistance, researching and publishing the detailed experiences of revolutionaries to be practically benefited from.

Bassel’s search can be condensed into the question of resistance. Fascinated by the moments of transformation and decisive resolution of the struggler, his search lasted twenty years, during which he engaged in a continuous struggle in all its forms. From the demonstration, sit-in, community work and education, to confronting arrest and torture with hunger strikes, and concluding with being pursued, engaging in armed struggle, and ultimately ascending to martyrdom.

Tours in the History of the Resistance

Bassel organized famous field trips in occupied Palestine under the title “Tours in the History of the Resistance”, which accompanied the “History of Resistance in Palestine” course that he volunteered to present at the “People’s University” – Suleiman Al-Halabi Circle.

Bassel spoke in these tours with certainty and historical context about Zionist settlements and their relationship with Palestinian resistance, citing the example of the Jenin Triangle, the “Triangle of Fire” as he called it, and how to this day it is devoid of settlements. With compelling analysis, he attributes this victory to the continuous resistance that the “Triangle of Fire” has engaged in.

Resistance is a Continuous Endeavour

On his path of struggle, Bassel faced the unimaginable, both dead and alive; he was brutally arrested by the disgraced Palestinian Authority, which not only tortured and exposed him to the enemy but went on to assault and defame his family and friends. This saga of treason and obscenity carried out by the Palestinian Authority concluded with setting a historical precedent by trying a martyr in court over his martyrdom.

“Resistance is a continuous endeavour. Every price you pay in the resistance, if you don’t reap the results in your lifetime, you will afterwards” Bassel said, addressing all our people. He concluded his will with “you, yourself, should search”. This imperative sentence does not refer to an ambiguous ideal as much as it inspires action and continuation.

Bassel concluded his struggle by clashing with the Zionist enemy forces on 06.03.2017. His body embroidered with 22 bullets and shrapnel, he was buried in a grave that he prearranged, on a hill overlooking the same scene as the first, where the earth meets the sky with a sea that is too big to be besieged.

Print the flyers!





Video: Mohammed Khatib of Samidoun on “Dictators and Fascist Regimes”

Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, joined the International League of Peoples’ Struggle for an international online event on “Dictators and Fascist Regimes” on Saturday, 5 March 2022.

“Fascism is on the rise. To fight this, we must link all the peoples’ struggles against fascism all over the world.”


  • Attorney Neri Colmenares, Philippines (Member of the International Bar Association, Bureau Member, International Association of Democratic Lawyers)
  • Shibai Minai, India (Social and political activist)
  • Pascual Duarte, Argentina (President, ILPS Argentina, member of national board of CUBA-MTR)
  • Mohammed Khatib, Palestine (Europe coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, member of the Follow-Up Committee of the Alternative Palestinian Revolutionary Path Movement)

Why is French president Emmanuel Macron asking to ban the Collectif Palestine Vaincra?

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra learned through media reports about the desire of French Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin to dissolve two pro-Palestinian organizations — including our Collectif — “at the request of Emmanuel Macron,” the president of France.

This announcement took place a few hours before the annual dinner of the CRIF (Representative Council of Jewish Organizations in France, which is known for its lobbying and advocacy for Zionism and the Israeli state), during which Prime Minister Jean Castex, reading Emmanuel Macron’s speech, declared that “Jerusalem [was] the eternal capital of the Jewish people,” thereby calling into question the historical position of French diplomacy and international law by aligning itself with the U.S. and Israeli position.

While the Collectif Palestine Vaincra has been organizing activities for 3 years (rallies, demonstrations, information stands and tables, etc.) — all legal actions that are registered and authorized by the prefecture of Haute-Garonne — the French government has declared its will to proceed to an administrative dissolution in order to try to silence us. This overtly political decision comes after a long series of attacks and pressures against the Collectif from groups close to the Israeli extreme right.

In the document that notifies the collective of the administrative dissolution procedure, the vast majority of cited reasons indicate that we are being targeted for “thought-crimes” on Palestinian rights. We note their reasons and our clear positions below.


In the political tradition of the anti-colonial movement in France, our collective has, since its foundation, defended the perspective of a “free, multicultural and democratic Palestine from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River” and support for the Palestinian resistance, “in particular the progressive and revolutionary resistance that fights for national and social liberation.” This is a position that has existed in the French-speaking political field for more than 50 years and is held by many progressive, revolutionary and anti-imperialist organizations.

On the first page of the document, the Ministry of the Interior states:

“While it is obviously open to any person, natural or legal, to discuss or challenge the policy of territorial settlement of the State of Israel, this challenge cannot exceed the limits of freedom of expression. However, it appears that, under the guise of defending the Palestinian people, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra (CPV) […] incites hatred, discrimination and violence against people because of their Jewish origin, supports the actions of organizations recognized as terrorists and incites them.”

This is an unprecedented attack on the solidarity movement with Palestine through particularly abject comparisons that equate criticism of a state and an ideology with a form of anti-Semitism. These allegations are part of a policy that has now become a watchword of the Macron era: the equation of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, about which the Collectif Palestine Vaincra has written on several occasions. This is all the more revolting when our collective has, since its foundation, considered the anti-racist struggle as an integral part of its struggle and organizing and has regularly participated in initiatives against Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in particular and against racism more generally.

The boycott of Israel

The second element cited in the government’s document of “allegations” is the call for a boycott of Israel. The document states that:

“these boycott campaigns are opportunities to display anti-Zionism and hatred of Israel through the use of virulent terms. Accused of practicing apartheid and stealing the land of the Palestinians, Israel is thus called a “racist and colonial state”.

And the Ministry of the Interior cited several Facebook comments that were allegedly not moderated by us. Obviously, we moderate our Facebook page followed by more than 32,000 people by deleting hundreds of comments and blocking dozens of accounts, but we recognize that it is possible that some have escaped our vigilance.

Some of the comments quoted are in no way problematic and simply a call for a boycott. This accusation is a pretext which aims simply to criminalize the call to boycott Israeli products. This attack is all the more outrageous since it comes after the European Court of Human Rights condemned France in June 2020 for having criminalized activists who called for a boycott of Israeli products, violating their right to free expression.

Support for Palestinian prisoners and Georges Abdallah

Another extremely concerning element of the document of the Ministry of the Interior are the accusations made against us because of our involvement in campaigns in support of the release of Palestinian political prisoners, just like many other organizations in France and around the world. The document reports:

“Similarly, the CPV supports organizations considered to be terrorists and individuals implicated or convicted of acts related to terrorism and endorses the violent methods used by those who present themselves as “defenders of the Palestinian cause” […] For example, between December 2021 and January 2022, the CPV relayed several times on its Facebook page a call for mobilization in support of Ahmad Sa’adat, PFLP secretary general […] . In the same way, the CPV regularly campaigns for the release of Georges Ibrahim ABDALLAH, imprisoned in France since 1984 and honorary member of this collective, even though he was convicted of complicity in the voluntary murder of an American military attaché and an Israeli civil servant assassinated in 1982 in Paris.”

This is an extremely serious attack, even strictly from a legal perspective, which should concern all human rights defenders. Since when is supporting the release of detainees punishable by dissolution? This desire to criminalize support for Georges Abdallah is scandalous when – need we remind you – Georges Abdallah is himself the target of a relentless attack by the French state since he has been held in prison for more than 37 years and has been eligible for release since 1999!

Support for the Palestinian resistance

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra supports the Palestinian people’s right to resistance against the occupation, in all forms considered legitimate, including armed resistance. The UN recognizes the legitimacy of Palestinian resistance (including armed resistance) in its resolution 37/43 adopted in 1982. This resolution affirms in particular: “the legitimacy of the peoples’ struggle for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, by all available means, including armed struggle”. Resolution 37/43 specifies in its article 21: “Israel’s expansionist activities in the Middle East and its continued bombardment of Palestinian civilians constitute a serious obstacle to the achievement of self-determination and independence for the Palestinian people.”

In contrast, the government tramples on these clear principles and invokes our support for Palestinian resistance as grounds for dissolution, stating:

“Third, the CPV’s support for various terrorist organizations goes hand in hand with a legitimization of terrorist methods that it strives to justify or minimize on the grounds that it is a necessary form of resistance.”

To illustrate its point, the document mentions examples of Facebook posts that inform about the history of the Palestinian resistance and prominent historical figures, and that are in no way incitement to commit “terrorist” acts.

This is a dangerous attack against the right to boycott, against the defense of Palestinian prisoners, and more generally against support for the Palestinian resistance against the occupation. The request for the dissolution of the Collective Palestine Vaincra demanded by the government is strictly political and aims to criminalize once again the solidarity movement with Palestine. This government offensive targets all anti-colonialist and anti-racist organizations in France and beyond. More than ever, we must stand up together!

5 March, Raleigh NC: “Fedayin” Film Screening & Discussion

Saturday, 5 March
6 pm
202 N. Tarboro Street
Raleigh, North Carolina
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1378134382625185/

Join us for a public screening of the new film, “Fedayin”! This film tells the story of Georges Abdallah imprisoned since 1984 in France for his involvement in the struggle for the liberation of Palestine and Lebanon from Israeli, zionist colonization. From the Palestinian refugee camps that forged his conscience, to the international mobilization for his release, we will discover the man who has become one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe. Following the film screening, we will be joined by the International Coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Charlotte Kates, to answer any questions and facilitate a brief discussion regarding the role of political prisoners in the fight against imperialism from the US to Palestine. Bring your friends and family for a fun and education-filled night!

Masks are required.

What: Free Film Screening of “Fedayin” followed by a discussion with Charlotte Kates, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, International Coordinator
Where: 202 N. Tarboro St, Raleigh, NC
When: Saturday, March 5 at 6:00 pm
Muslims for Social Justice
ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition,
PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation) Carolinas,
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

5 March, Toulouse: Rally — No to the dissolution of Collectif Palestine Vaincra!

Saturday, 5 March
11 am
Metro Jean Jaurès – Toulouse, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/450304706785527/

Gérald Darmanin, French Interior Minister, has just announced his desire to dissolve the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and another pro-Palestinian organization at the request of Emmanuel Macron. This scandalous decision is the result of a relentless campaign of defamation led by the Israeli far right and its agents in France against the Collectif, while we work to build solidarity with the Palestinian people against colonialism, racism and apartheid.

This announcement is a new step in the authoritarian escalation of the French government which has already dissolved, or threatened to dissolve, several Muslim, anti-racist or radical left media organizations. We will not be intimidated. Solidarity with Palestine is not only a right but a duty. We are already calling for a broad response from political organizations, trade unions, associations and collectives in support of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and against the criminalization of the solidarity movement with Palestine.

Saturday March 5, 2022 from 11 a.m.
Metro Jean Jaurès – Toulouse

With the support of: AFA Tolosa, ATTAC Toulouse, Couserans-Palestine Association, BRIC, Toulouse BDS Campaign, CGT 31, Center of the Kurdish Democratic Community of Toulouse, CLRR 31, Collectif Palestine Vaincra, Truth and Justice Committee 31, CNT 31, FSU 31, Peace Movement 31, NPA 31, Permanent Revolution 31, Sud Education 31/65, Secours Rouge Toulouse, Solidaires 31, Survival Toulouse, Union of Students of Toulouse

Introducing the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades and Economic Coercive Measures — Webinar 18 March

This document has also been translated into Spanish, French, Arabic, Farsi, Mandarin, and Korean.



Introductory Webinar March 18 —  Register: https://bit.ly/launchtribunal

March 1, 2022 – Presently, the United States, with the support of the United Nations and European Union, has imposed sanctions and other economic coercive measures on over 30 percent of the global population, mostly located in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Sanctions are one of the key tools of U.S. imperialism, leading to mass starvation and suffering of peoples in the Global South, while opening up markets to U.S. and European corporations.

The International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades & Economic Coercive Measures will challenge the economic atrocities committed by the United States through the use of the law, highlighting the unlawful, unjust, and colonial nature of economic coercive measures.

The Tribunal is co-sponsored by organizations located throughout the world, including the Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran, the Simón Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity Among Peoples, National Lawyers Guild, the International Association for Democratic Lawyers, Al-Awda Palestinian Right to Return Coalition, Samidoun Palestinian Political Prisoner Solidarity Network, Black Alliance for Peace, ANSWER Coalition, People’s Forum, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, CodePink, Sanctions Kill, Frantz Fanon Foundation, Al Massar Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, Qiao Collective, and the Alliance for Global Justice.

In collaboration with international scholar activists and legal experts, the People’s Tribunal will host an introductory webinar to discuss the urgent need to take legal action against U.S. sanctions and economic coercive measures session on March 18 at 9:30am PST. To register for the event, please visit https://bit.ly/launchtribunal.

The webinar will feature:

  • Eva Nanopoulos, Senior Lecturer in Law at Queen Mary University in London,
  • Carlos Ron, President of the Simón Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity Among Peoples and Venezuela’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for North America,
  • Vira Ameli, Interdisciplinary Researcher focused on Public Health in Iran and the Middle East,
  • Grasian Mkodzongi, Executive Director at Tropical Africa-Land and Natural Resources Research Institute in Zimbabwe,
  • Maria Lucrecia Hernández, Attorney and Director of ONG Sures in Venezuela,
  • Motee Abumusabeh, Political and Media Activist in Gaza, Palestine, and
  • Moderator: Helyeh Doutaghi, Doctoral Candidate in Law & Legal Studies at Carleton University in Canada

“The organizers of the Tribunal include lawyers, activists, and scholars who know that the law is inherently limited in its capacity to challenge all forms of violence and harm committed by the U.S. sanctions regime.  In fact, the U.S. actively uses the law to perpetrate imperialism through multilateral and unilateral coercive measures.  It is precisely for these reasons that the Tribunal is not only a legal tactic but also an organizing tool,” says Helyeh Doutaghi, chair of the Tribunal’s organizing committee.

According to Mohammed Khatib, Europe Coordinator of Samidoun, “Palestinians are facing a comprehensive siege, not only in Gaza, but throughout occupied Palestine and in exile and diaspora.  This siege is perpetrated by the Israeli regime and the imperialist powers that support it.  Legal and political action to hold the perpetrators of these crimes accountable is important to support the Palestinian people and our struggle for freedom, liberation, and return.”

The People’s Tribunal will last for six months, from January to June 2023, and will host expert witnesses, international legal jurists, and rapporteurs from thirteen countries currently targeted by US sanctions. Witnesses will cover fifteen themes, including Public Health (particularly in the context of COVID-19), Development and Women.

6 March, Webinar: Resisting Anti-Palestinian Repression with Collectif Palestine Vaincra, Khaled Barakat and Palestine Action

Sunday, 6 March
10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 6 pm GMT – 7 pm Europe – 8 pm Palestine
Register: https://bit.ly/resistrepression

Join us on Sunday, 6 March to hear directly from organizers challenging anti-Palestinian repression internationally. Just this week, French interior minister Gerald Darmanin announced his intention to dissolve, or ban, two collectives organizing for justice in Palestine in France. Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat was expelled from Germany for four years and subjected to a political ban for his work on Palestine, and his case goes to court on 11 March. In Britain, Palestine Action is campaigning to #ShutElbitDown and defending direct action for Palestine — after one Israeli arms factory has already shut down after ongoing pressure.

We’ll hear from the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, the collective working tirelessly for Palestine and now challenging a dissolution order in France, from Khaled Barakat on the attack on Palestinian rights in Germany, and from Palestine Action on the campaign to #ShutElbitDown and defend direct action for justice.

Not only will we learn about these specific cases, we’ll also discuss how we keep the focus on struggling for the liberation of Palestine and how these struggles highlight the role of imperialist powers in maintaining Zionist colonialism, occupation and apartheid throughout Palestine.

Register to join on Zoom: https://bit.ly/resistrepression

Outrageous new French state assault on Palestine and free expression: Interior Minister claims he will dissolve Collectif Palestine Vaincra

In the latest assault on Palestinian rights and freedom of expression, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin tweeted that he is asking for the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra (“Palestine Will Win”), the French Palestine solidarity organization and a member of the Samidoun Network, “at the request” of French president Emmanuel Macron. This blatant assault on freedom of expression and association once again reveals the complete disregard of the French state for the principles of “human rights” and “democracy” it claims to support. We urge all supporters of justice in Palestine to take action to defend the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and the Palestinian liberation movement from the latest attacks of the French state, in full alliance with Israeli war crimes, colonialism and apartheid. 

Take action:

This comes after a series of “dissolutions” imposed by the French state, including an order to dissolve the Collective Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) as well as various leftist and anti-racist organizations. While the French state attempts to parallel these dissolutions to far-right organizations, those fascist groups have been classified largely as “militias,” while Darmanin states that the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, and another Palestine solidarity group in France, must be censored and criminalized because it opposes imperialism, colonialism and Zionism. This is made quite explicit in Darmanin’s statement, which appears to declare that believing that Muslims face discrimination and racism should also be illegal in France.

When a group is “dissolved” by the state, it may not hold meetings or organize events. Material bearing the group’s name and logo is banned, and members and activists who continue to organize in the name of the group can be fined and even imprisoned. This is shameless political repression carried out by an imperialist power that claims to defend human rights while trampling atop them. 

This type of criminalization reflects the French state’s ongoing attempts to cover up its crimes of colonialism throughout the region and its complicity in Israeli war crimes with the repression, silencing and censorship of Palestinian and Arab communities and Palestine solidarity organizations. This comes after multiple attempts to criminally prosecute activists for distributing flyers calling for the boycott of Israeli goods and participating in BDS campaigns, for which France was condemned by the European Court of Human Rights

It also comes as France continues to imprison Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine jailed for over 37 years. The Collectif Palestine Vaincra is one of the leading organizations working to obtain the freedom of Georges Abdallah, exposing the French government internally and internationally. This dissolution order is an attempt to censor and suppress that growing movement that brought over 1,500 to protest in Lannemezan last October, to the gates of the prison where he is held.

It also comes amid the French presidential elections, and as pro-Zionist lobby organization, CRIF, holds its annual dinner, which Macron was scheduled to attend – and was attended in his place by the prime minister, Jean Castex, due to the Ukraine crisis. Speaking at the dinner, Castex declared that “Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people,” lending support to the ongoing Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Jerusalem.  The Collectif Palestine Vaincra launched #Palestine2022 last month, an initiative that aims to bring Palestine into the election campaign — and hold those French politicians supporting Israeli apartheid, like Darmanin and Macron, accountable. The dissolution not only follows a slanderous campaign by the Israeli extreme right and its supporters and agents, but also seemingly aims to protect these politicians from scrutiny, criticism and exposure for their ties to Israeli apartheid. 

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network condemns this attack in the strongest terms. This comes almost exactly one year after Israeli war minister and war criminal, Benny Gantz, labeled Samidoun a “terrorist” organization, and four months after he applied the same label to six prominent Palestinian NGOs, including human rights, prisoner advocacy, women’s and farmers’ organizing groups. These and other attacks across Europe – such as the expulsion of Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat from Germany – reflect a desperate attempt to silence by any means the growing international movement challenging Israeli war crimes and apartheid, supporting the Palestinian resistance, boycotting Israel and confronting Zionist colonialism and imperialist domination.

This action blatantly flies in the face of France’s obligations under international law, the European Charter of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It is a shameless attack on freedom of expression and association and must be confronted as such.

We stand with our comrades in the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and we urge all friends of Palestine — and of the basic principles of freedom to organize — to stand with the Collectif now. No such repressive actions will ever be able to stop the Palestinian struggle from moving forward, as over 100 years of colonization and 74 years of Zionist occupation have also failed to do so. Palestine will win, and Palestine will be free – from the river to the sea! 

Take Action: 

  1. Individuals: Sign the petition in support of Collectif Palestine Vaincra! Add your signature here. https://www.change.org/p/non-%C3%A0-la-dissolution-du-collectif-palestine-vaincra
  2. Organizations: Sign the solidarity statement for Collectif Palestine Vaincra. Add your organizational endorsement here: https://bit.ly/defendcpv 
  3. Stand against criminalization of Palestinian rights in France with a statement or action! Send organizational solidarity statements to collectifpalestinevaincra@gmail.com (and copy us at samidoun@samidoun.net. Protest at a French embassy or consulate in your area. Find the embassy near you: https://www.embassy-worldwide.com/country/france/ 
  4. Call the French embassy or consulate in your area and speak up about the targeting of CPV! Find the closest French embassy or consulate in your area: https://www.embassy-worldwide.com/country/france/ For easy reference, the French embassy in the US can be reached at +1 (202) 944 6000, the French embassy in Canada at +1 (613) 789-1795, and the French embassy to the UK at [+44] (0) 207 073 1000. Find the embassy near you: https://www.embassy-worldwide.com/country/franceWhen you call, say, “My name is _____ and I am calling from _____. I am calling about the Interior Minister’s statement today that he will dissolve and ban two pro-Palestine organizations. This is an outrageous attack on freedom of expression. I stand with Palestine and with the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, and France should stop these attacks immediately.”
  1. Take an individual or group photo or video with the campaign posters (below), make your own sign and share on social media! Tag us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and use the hashtag: #SolidaritéCollectifPalestineVaincra

Download PDFS: English, French, Arabic, German, Dutch, Swedish, Spanish

French interior minister announces intention to dissolve Collectif Palestine Vaincra

Gérald Darmanin, French Minister of the Interior, has just announced his intention to dissolve the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and another pro-Palestinian organization at the request of French president Emmanuel Macron. This scandalous decision is the result of a relentless and slanderous campaign led by the Israeli extreme right and its agents in France against the Collectif, because of our work in solidarity with the Palestinian people against colonialism, racism and apartheid.

This announcement is a new step in the authoritarian escalation of the French government which has already dissolved, or threatened to dissolve, several Muslim, anti-racist and radical left-wing media organizations. We will not be intimidated. Solidarity with Palestine is not only a right but a duty.

We are already calling for a broad response from political organizations, unions, associations, collectives in support of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and against the criminalization of the solidarity movement with Palestine.

Palestine will live, Palestine will win!

24 February 2022,
Collectif Palestine Vaincra, member of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Take action !

Salutes of freedom to Hisham Abu Hawash and Miqdad Qawasmeh

Salutes of freedom and welcome to Hisham Abu Hawash and Miqdad Qawasmeh, both released from Israeli occupation prisons today. Hisham Abu Hawash’s 141-day hunger strike to win his freedom from administrative detention without charge or trial captivated the world. Miqdad Qawasmeh, a Palestinian university student, stood up for his fellow imprisoned students with his 114-day hunger strike against administrative detention.

Today, there are over 500 administrative detainees engaged in an ongoing boycott of the Israeli military courts. There are over 4,650 Palestinian political prisoners putting their bodies and lives on the line for liberation every day.

Hisham, Miqdad and their brothers and sisters behind bars are leaders of the liberation movement and true heroes of struggle. We salute them on this day of liberation — they are examples for us all in their sacrifice and steadfastness for freedom, not only for themselves, but for all of Palestine, from the river to the sea.