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30 March, NYC: Land Day march to #DefundRacism and #DefendPalestine

Wednesday, 30 March
5 pm
60 E 42nd St
New York, NY 10165
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/652247569187930/

March against Zionist settler groups, in support of the Palestinian resistance, and for the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

11 March, Online Event: Before the Palestine 6, There Were the Holy Land 5: A Discussion on “Terror” Designation of Human Rights Groups in Palestine and the U.S.

Friday 11 March
11:30 am Pacific/2:30 pm Eastern/9:30 pm Palestine
Watch on Patreon: patreon.com/civilfreedoms
Or register on Zoom: bit.ly/HLF5Webinar
Organized by the Coalition for Civil Freedoms

Before the Palestine 6, There Were the Holy Land 5: A Discussion on “Terror” Designation of Human Rights Groups in Palestine and the U.S.

Last October, the world was outraged when the Israeli authorities designated six human rights organizations in Palestine to be “terrorists.”

But this is not new. For over a decade, the U.S.-based Holy Land Foundation Five have been in U.S. federal prisons because of similar allegations from the Israeli authorities: Bush Administration prosecutors cited Israeli military claims and witnesses to shut down the Holy Land Foundation, seize its $15 million dollars in charity for Palestine and other suffering communities, and jailed their leaders using the same spurious reasoning that was used to shut down the Six. CCF and allies are now spearheading an effort calling on the Biden Administration to release the Holy Land Foundation Five as the Israeli military’s accusations of terrorism against charities and human rights defenders plummet in credibility.

Join CCF as we discuss the criminalization of charity and human rights by Israel and the United States with Miko Peled, author of Injustice: Story of the Holy Land Foundation, Omar Shakir, head of Human Rights Watch’s Israel / Palestine Department who was targeted for deportation by Israel, and Asma Elashi, daughter of Holy Land Foundation co-founder Ghassan Elashi.

Watch on Patreon: patreon.com/civilfreedoms
Or register on Zoom: bit.ly/HLF5Webinar
#StandWithThe6 #FreetheHLF5

12 March, Online Event: Women on the Frontlines: Political Prisoners from Palestine to the Philippines

Saturday, 12 March 
4 pm Pacific/7 pm Eastern (13 March, 8 am Manila time)
Register to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0oLpFfYmQjyXu3-fQbqc8w

From Palestine to the Philippines lets join the movement to set political prisoners free. Following speakers will be highlighting the struggles and resistance of Women Political Prisoners in Palestine and the Philippines.

Fides Lim is a writer and editor, and a former political prisoner form the Philippines. Organizer with KAPATID, a support organization of families and friends of political prisoners in the Philippines.

Cora Agovida is an organizer of the GABRIELA women’s group in Metro Manila region and a former political prisoner.

Charlotte Kates is the international coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

Maricon Montajes is a filmmaker and former political prisoner from the Philippines. Her recent work is A River of Tears and Rage, a documentary film culled from Kodao Production’s live media coverage of the burial of River Emmanuel Nasino, the baby of Reina Nasino, a political prisoner.

11 March, Brussels: Rally against the dissolution of associations in France

Friday 11 March
6 p.m.
Boulevard du Régent 42
Brussels, Belgium
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2154328294724782/

In yet another attack on the Palestine solidarity and liberation movement, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has called for the Collectif Palestine Vaincra to be dissolved. This request for dissolution comes a few weeks after those which targeted Nantes Révoltée and the CCIF.

What the police of the Macron regime cannot beat, maim or harass, the French state prohibits in an extra-judicial procedure, trampling once again on the democratic freedoms of association and expression that it claims to embody. 

This attack is also one more example of the unfailing collaboration of the French State with the Israeli State, and of its unfailing support for the colonial, racist and apartheid policy of the Zionist entity.

Solidarity with Palestine will not be silenced!
For a free, secular and democratic Palestine from the river to the sea!
Solidarity against dissolutions!

11 March, Berlin: Rally: we must defend our freedom of speech for Palestine

Rally: we must defend our freedom of speech
On Friday 11.03.2022 at 10am
Kirchstraße 6, 10557 Berlin

The trial of Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat will be heard in a German court on March 11, 2022. Barakat is fighting the political ban imposed on him by the Berlin immigration office to participate in political and social events and activities, and the order to expel him from the country for four years. Barakat was deported from Germany in August 2019 and has filed an appeal against the immigration authority’s action.

Khaled Barakat’s trial is not an isolated case; it is part of the systematic attack on Palestinian organizing, political expression and freedom in Germany. Germany hosts one of the largest Palestinian communities in Europe, but its official policies not only support the Zionist colonization of Palestine, but also crack down on Palestinian and pro-Palestinian expression in Germany.

French government officially dissolves the Collectif Palestine Vaincra — Collectif launching its appeal

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network republishes the below statement from our member association, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, under severe attack in France, where Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has just announced the “administrative dissolution” — essentially banning — of the collective. Please share this statement widely and take action to defend Palestinian rights and liberation, from Toulouse to Jerusalem: 

Take action:

French government officially dissolves the Collectif Palestine Vaincra — the Collectif will appeal to the Council of State

On Wednesday, 9 March 2022, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced on Twitter the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra for “calls to hatred, violence and discrimination”. We are outraged by this purely political decision and denounce this full-scale attack for “thought-crime”! For three years, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, by supporting the Palestinian people, has clearly displayed and defended its anti-racist and anti-colonialist positions and we reaffirm them today. Through this outrageous attack and these abject accusations, French president Emmanuel Macron and his government seek to gag the entire Palestine solidarity movement and continue their unconditional support for Israel and the illegal colonization of Palestine unchallenged.

The dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra today is one more step in the criminalization of the solidarity movement with the Palestinian people. And it is indeed all anti-colonialist and anti-racist organizations that are targeted today. More than ever, we must stand up against this grave offensive against fundamental freedoms and this attack on the most basic rights of freedom of expression. The Collectif Palestine Vaincra is now dissolved but the fight continues. We will soon appeal to the courts of the Council of State to defend ourselves. We therefore call on all organizations, groups and individuals to mobilize to denounce this dissolution once again! The Collectif Palestine Vaincra calls upon all of its supporters and the supporters of the Palestinian cause to organize actions and rallies in the coming days! We will not give in!

Long live the struggle of the Palestinian people!
Palestine will live, Palestine will win!

Collectif Palestine Vaincra


Watch the webinar on the attacks on Palestine in Europe:

Read the full statement from the Collectif debunking the French government’s allegations: Why is French president Emmanuel Macron asking to ban the Collectif Palestine Vaincra?

Take Action: 

  1. Individuals: Sign the petition in support of Collectif Palestine Vaincra! Add your signature here. https://www.change.org/p/non-%C3%A0-la-dissolution-du-collectif-palestine-vaincra
  2. Organizations: Sign the solidarity statement for Collectif Palestine Vaincra. Add your organizational endorsement here: https://bit.ly/defendcpv 
  3. Stand against criminalization of Palestinian rights in France with a statement or action! Send organizational solidarity statements to collectifpalestinevaincra@gmail.com (and copy us at samidoun@samidoun.net. Protest at a French embassy or consulate in your area. Find the embassy near you: https://www.embassy-worldwide.com/country/france/
  4. Call the French embassy or consulate in your area and speak up about the targeting of CPV! Find the closest French embassy or consulate in your area: https://www.embassy-worldwide.com/country/france/ For easy reference, the French embassy in the US can be reached at +1 (202) 944 6000, the French embassy in Canada at +1 (613) 789-1795, and the French embassy to the UK at [+44] (0) 207 073 1000. Find the embassy near you: https://www.embassy-worldwide.com/country/franceWhen you call, say, “My name is _____ and I am calling from _____. I am calling about the Interior Minister’s statement today that he will dissolve and ban two pro-Palestine organizations. This is an outrageous attack on freedom of expression. I stand with Palestine and with the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, and France should stop these attacks immediately.”
  1. Take an individual or group photo or video with the campaign posters (below), make your own sign and share on social media! Tag us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram and use the hashtag: #SolidaritéCollectifPalestineVaincra

Download PDFS: EnglishFrenchArabicGermanDutchSwedishSpanish

French-Palestinian lawyer Salah Hamouri once again seized by Israeli occupation forces: Freedom now!

In the early morning hours of 7 March 2022, Israeli occupation forces stormed the Jerusalem home of French-Palestinian lawyer, human rights defender and former political prisoner Salah Hamouri, abducting him once again. Hamouri, who had published an article in English on his case in Jacobin magazine only one day before, is currently fighting against the attempt of the Israeli occupation to forcibly expel him from his home city of Jerusalem.

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, where Hamouri works as a lawyer, noted:

Over the years, Salah has been relentlessly targeted by Israeli occupation authorities, subjected to arbitrary arrests, administrative detention without charge or trial, exorbitant fines, travel bans against him and his family, the deportation of his wife and French national Elsa Lefort, and, most recently, the illegal revocation of his permanent residency and forced deportation from Jerusalem on 18 October 2021. Moreover, on 8 November 2021, a Front Line Defenders investigation conducted in collaboration with Citizen Lab and Amnesty International’s Security Lab found that Salah Hammouri had been one of six Palestinian HRDs hacked by Israeli NSO Group’s notorious Pegasus spyware.

Salah Hamouri is a French-Palestinian lawyer and a former Palestinian political prisoner whose case was widely known throughout France as a symbol of injustice and false allegations until his release in 2011 in the Wafa al-Ahrar prisoner exchange, only a few months before his sentence was to end. He has spoken throughout France and internationally at events like the World Social Forum on Palestinian prisoners and the struggle for freedom.

The Israeli occupation uses the forced revocation of residency for Palestinians from East Jerusalem as a means to displace Palestinians and forcibly create a “Jewish majority” in the occupied city as well as a means to silence Palestinian activists and organizers. As noted by Al-Haq, “Revocation of permanent residency status is the most direct tool used to forcibly transfer Palestinians from East Jerusalem. This policy which has been used by Israel more than 14,500 times between 1967 and 2015, and is illegal under international law.”

In Hamouri’s Jacobin article, he speaks about his current case resisting expulsion from Jerusalem:

Everything Israel’s apartheid regime has done is aimed at silencing me and encouraging me to give up and leave the country, as they do with any Palestinian who refuses to bow their head and submit to ethnic cleansing. Israeli authorities are creating a bespoke plan of harassment for each politically active person, arresting and harassing them, and where this doesn’t work, stripping them of their IDs or health insurance and targeting their family and businesses. They target those that speak out in order to weaken our collective resistance and to more easily expel us.

My own story demonstrates that the Israeli regime is absolutely ruthless, operating with a calculated cruelty that knows no limits. Our family’s enforced separation is intended to inflict suffering, to deny my children a father and the experiences and joys of growing up in their homeland with the love of my extended family. Interactions with my children are limited to stolen moments over video call, attempts to forge and maintain a connection despite the distance.

This isn’t what I want for my children. But it is better they know that I fought for justice rather than passively accepting ethnic cleansing, better that I do all I can to remain steadfast in our land than acquiesce to Israel’s harassment. I am continuing with my struggle because I want all Palestinians to live with freedom and dignity, and I know this will not come without a fight, without sacrifice on the part of those willing to take a stand.

Last year, Palestinians rose in the thousands to defend Jerusalem, sparking an uprising that spread throughout all Palestinians communities in rejection of Israeli colonization. A new generation repeated its commitment to carry forward the struggle for justice, for liberation and for the rights of Palestinian refugees living for decades in exile. As our people have not given up, neither can I, and neither can the millions around the world who support Palestine, and whose commitment to our cause is more important now than ever before.

During his previous imprisonment, Hamouri’s case won wide support among French popular movements and even elected officials, with over 1,000 signing a call for his release. Nevertheless, French official diplomacy continued to drag its feet rather than defend its citizen, inaugurating the “France-Israel season” while Israel imprisoned a French citizen without charge or trial.

Now, France continues to imprison Georges Abdallah for over 37 years; French prime minister Jean Castex recently declared Jerusalem “the eternal capital of the Jewish people” despite the government’s claimed commitment to support Salah Hamouri’s right to Jerusalem; and, urgently, the government has announced it plans to dissolve and ban two organizations advocating for justice in Palestine, including the Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

The French state will not act to defend their citizen Salah Hamouri without significant public pressure. We are relaying the action call of the Committee to support Salah Hamouri:

If you are in France or a French citizen, contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and your Members of Parliament to demand action.

* Consulat Général de France à Jérusalem

* France Diplomatie

* Élysée – Présidence de la République française

If you are outside France and an international supporter, contact the addresses above or the French consulate or embassy in your area. https://www.embassypages.com/france

The following letter is suggested:

Dear President of the Republic of France,
or Dear Minister of Foreign Affairs,
or Dear Consul,

On March 7, 2022, our compatriot [or, French citizen, for non-French writers], the Franco-Palestinian lawyer, human rights defender, Salah Hamouri, was arrested at dawn, at his home in East Jerusalem by the Israeli occupation army.

The military authorities gave no reason for this arrest.

The arrest of our fellow citizen is unacceptable and unbearable. The French authorities must not allow such infamy to pass. This situation must end immediately. France must demand the release of our fellow citizen who is once again subjected to Israeli arbitrary detention and attacks.

I ask you to work on behalf of France for the immediate release of Salah Hamouri.

Al Ard (Doc) Film Festival in Sardinia features Palestine films, including “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight”

The Al Ard (Doc) Film Festival opens in Cagliari, Sardinia, on Wednesday, 9 March and continues through Saturday, 12 March. The 18th edition of the festival features a wide variety of films, talks and an art exhibition by Palestinian artist Malak Mattar from Gaza, Palestine. Among the selection of films being screened is “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight,” the film by Collectif Vacarme(s) Films that tells the story of the Lebanese Arab Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for over 37 years.

The festival is organized annually by the Associazione Amicizia Sardegna-Palestina, which organizes for justice and liberation in Palestine throughout Sardinia. “Fedayin” will screen at 5:30 pm on Saturday, 12 March.

Learn more about the festival at: https://www.alardfilmfestival.com/

Full program of the 18th edition of the festival (2022)

Wednesday, March 9 | Wednesday, 9th March
16:00 | Inauguration of the exhibition of Malak Mattar, artist from the Gaza Strip

Festival presentation
16:15 | Bethlehem 2001 | Out of competition by Ibrahim Handal | Palestine 2020 | 14 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles)
16:40 | Crowned by Bay Leaves | by Hajat Amjad Labban | Palestine 2020 | 14 ‘(English, Italian subtitles)
17:00 | 120 km | of Waseem Khair | Palestine 2021 | 30 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles)
17:45 | The Wall | by Mira Sidawi | Lebanon 2020 | 20 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles)
18:20 | Jump the Wall | by Mathilde Babo, Ahmad Al-Khalil | Germany 2021 | 5 ‘(English, Italian subtitles)
18:40 | As I Want | by Samaher Alqadi | Palestine / Egypt / Norway / France / Germany 2021 | 88 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles)
20:30 | Borderline | by Antoine Bonzon, Benoit Bizard | France 2021 | 52 ‘(Arabic, English, Italian subtitles)

Thursday, 10 March | Thursday, 10th March
10:00 | (At the Società Umanitaria Cineteca Sarda) For an authentic and anti-colonial dramaturgy, public meeting with Filippo Kalomenidis
11:00 | (At the Sardinian Film Library Humanitarian Society) Guided tour
15:30 | Roots in the Middle| by Farida Kilani | Italy 2019 | 10 ‘(Italian, Arabic, Italian subtitles)
15:45 | Om Layoun | by Habib Ayed | Tunisia 2021 | 80 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles)
17:20 | Bank of Targets | by Roshdi Sarraj | Palestine 2021 | 25 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles)
18:00 | The Seven Villages | by Farah Abou Kharroub | Lebanon / Czech Republic 2020 | 17 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles)
18:30 | Letter to a Friend | by Emily Jacir | Palestine 2019 | 43 ‘(English, Italian subtitles)
19:30 | Surda Checkpoint | Out of competition by Kasim Abid | Iraq / UK 2005 | 22 ‘(Arabic, English, Italian subtitles)
20:30 | Gaza Footbullet| by Iyad Alasttal | Palestine / France 2021 | 36 ‘(Arabic, French, English, Italian subtitles)
21:15 | Sard | by Zeina Ramadan | Palestine 2019 | 8 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles)
21:30 | Old Child | by Elettra Bisogno, Hazem Alqaddi | Belgium 2020 | 16 ‘(Arabic, English, Italian subtitles)

Friday, 11 March | Friday, 11th March
8:30> 13:00 | Teachers’ seminar “Palestine: colonialism and apartheid” Speakers Gabriel Traetta, Tina Marinari, Fausto Gianelli, Romana Rubeo; coordinated by Wasim Dahmash
15:30 | Mosaic | by Mohamad Khalil Abu Mathana | Syria 2021 | 7 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles) 
15:45 | Uranus | by Aya Matrabie | Palestine 2020 | 11 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles)
16:00 | Don’t Cry | by Hisham Zreiq | Germany / Palestine 2022 | 10 ‘(German, Italian subtitles)
16:15 | Second Wind , | by Tariq Keblaoui, Nessim Stevenson | Lebanon 2021 | 26 ‘(Arabic, Lebanese, Italian subtitles)
17:00 | Shattered: Beirut 6.07 | Out of competition by Carol Mansour | Lebanon 2020 | 17 ‘(Arabic, English, French, Italian subtitles)
17:20 | What Remains | by Christian Harb | Lebanon 2020 | 5 ‘(silent)
17:30 | When Beirut Was Beirut | by Alessandra El Chanti | Lebanon 2021 | 12 ‘(Arabic, English subtitles)
18:00 |Liwan: a Story of Cultural Resistence | by Doris Hakim | Palestine / Spain 2021 | 28 ‘(English, Arabic, Italian subtitles)
18:45 | Abbas 36 | by Marwah Jbara Tibi and Nidal Rafa | Palestine 2019 | 72 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles)
20:30 | Beirut: Eye of the Storm | by Mai Masri | Lebanon 2021 | 75 ‘(Arabic, English subtitles)

Saturday, 12 March | Saturday, 12th March
9:00> 13:00 | Palestine in the chair Training of high school students: Historical introduction and screening of documentaries
16:00 | Walled Citizen | by Sameer Qumsiyeh | Palestine 2020 | 79 ‘(English, Arabic, Italian subtitles)
17:30 |Fedayin, le combat de Georges Abdallah | by Collectif Vacarme (s) film | France 2020 | 81 ‘(Arabic, English, French, Italian subtitles)
19:20 | A Talk with Remarkable People | by Maryse Gargour | Lebanon / Greece 2021 | 52 ‘(English, Italian subtitles)
20:30 | Wadi Al-Qilt the Untold Story | by Faisal Zakarneh | Palestine 2021 | 27 ‘(Arabic, Italian subtitles)
21:00 | Sun Ruled by a Crescent | Out of competition by Helmi Nouh | Egypt 2021 | 15 ‘(Arabic, English subtitles)
21:20 | Encountering Samir | by Rand Beiruty | Germany 2020 | 5.32 ‘(none, English subtitles)
21:45 | Horra, theatrical performance by the Our Voice group 

Sunday, March 13 | Sunday, 13th March
10:00 | Guided tour: The history of the city and the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari, by the Arasolè Srls Association
16:00 | Holy Steps | by Mahmoud Emam Daood | Egypt / Italy 2021 | 39 ‘(Arabic, English, Italian, Spanish, Italian subtitles)
17:00 | Sarura. The Future is an Unknown Place | by Nicola Zambelli | Italy 2021 | 80 ‘(Arabic, English, Italian subtitles)
19:00 | Award ceremony
20:30 | Rahawan , Haya Zaatry in concert

Video: Resisting Anti-Palestinian Repression – Fighting for Liberation

This webinar was organized by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network on Sunday, 6 March, highlighting organizers challenging anti-Palestinian repression internationally.

In late February, French interior minister Gerald Darmanin announced his intention to dissolve, or ban, two collectives organizing for justice in Palestine in France, including the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member of the Samidoun Network. Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat was expelled from Germany for four years and subjected to a political ban for his work on Palestine, and his case goes to court on 11 March. In Britain, Palestine Action is campaigning to #ShutElbitDown and defending direct action for Palestine — after one Israeli arms factory has already shut down after ongoing pressure.

The webinar features speakers from Collectif Palestine Vaincra, the collective working tirelessly for Palestine and now challenging a dissolution order in France, Khaled Barakat on the attack on Palestinian rights in Germany, and from Palestine Action on the campaign to #ShutElbitDown and defend direct action for justice.

Speakers also discuss how we keep the focus on struggling for the liberation of Palestine and how these struggles highlight the role of imperialist powers in maintaining Zionist colonialism, occupation and apartheid throughout Palestine.

Hundreds rally in Toulouse against the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra

In a joint rally called for by many local organizations, over 200 people mobilized at the Jean Jaurès metro station in Toulouse, France, to denounce the French interior minister’s threat to dissolve the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and another pro-Palestine association, the Comite Action Palestine. Collectif Palestine Vaincra is a member of the Samidoun network and a leading organization in the Palestine solidarity movement as well as in the campaign to free Georges Abdallah, jailed for over 37 years in France and Europe’s longest-held political prisoner.

Photo: Eric Lbt

Behind the banner, “No to the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra,” the hundreds of demonstrators denounced the authoritarian attacks of the French government against the Palestine solidarity movement, which has now escalated to threats of dissolution and criminalization for organizing for justice in Palestine. In their speech at the rally, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra highlighted the political motivations for the announcement of the French government that it intends to suppress the “thought crimes” of the Collectif.

Representatives of the Campagne BDS France Toulouse and the Association France Palestine Solidarité spoke, denouncing this policy of criminalizing solidarity with Palestine, as well as the recent statements of French prime minister Jean Castex — made the same day as Interior Minister Darmanin’s announcement that he planned to dissolve the Collectif — that Jerusalem is the “eternal capital of the Jewish people.” This statement, widely denounced by Palestinian political forces across the spectrum, indicates alignment with U.S. and Israeli policies on settler colonialism and the ongoing forced displacement and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Jerusalem.

A representative of the Fédération syndicale unitaire, the main labor union in the education sector in France, delivered a joint statement on behalf of three trade unions, UD CGT 31, Solidaires 31 and FSU 31, denouncing the attack on the Collectif Palestine Vaincra. Representatives of the Parti de Gauche, France Insoumise, the NPA, Révolution Permanente and the Mouvement de la Paix also spoke to affirm their clear and unreserved support for the Collectif, as did Odile Maurin, city councillor for the opposition parties in Toulouse. Many people and organizations came together to express their solidarity with the Collectif and its commitment to anti-colonial and anti-imperialist struggle.

It is critical to continue the mobilization to fight back against this repressive measure which aims to silence the supporters of justice in Palestine. Over 7,000 people have already signed the online petition in support of the Collectif. Please share and circulate it widely: