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Georges Abdallah’s Freedom is Closer than Ever by Collectif Palestine Vaincra (Al-Akhbar)

The following article by Collectif Palestine Vaincra (a member organization of the Samidoun Network) was published in Al-Akhbar, the Lebanese newspaper, as part of a series of articles on the case of Georges Abdallah. The special file on the Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for 37 years was published to accompany the Lebanese tour of the documentary film, “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight.” Screenings are taking place in Beirut, Saida, Tripoli and Palestinian refugee camps Bourj al-Barajneh, Ain el-Helweh and Shatila.

The article follows below:

Read the original in Arabic | Read in French 

“Certainly comrades, it is not by seeking legal loopholes here and there that one manages to confront the criminal harassment of the ‘authorized representatives of capital’ to which the imprisoned resistance fighters are subjected, but rather by affirming unwavering determination in the struggle against their criminal, moribund system.” – Georges Abdallah, 23 June 2018

Since its foundation, Collectif Palestine Vaincra has been leading a large campaign of mobilization for the release of Georges Abdallah, who is an honorary member. His continued detention in France reveals the role of French imperialism in this region of the world, especially in Lebanon and Palestine. Each month, several members of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra visit him at Lannemezan prison, where he is detained. And every month, we meet a relentless Arab struggler, determined and enthusiastic in facing the developments in the ongoing struggles. For us, supporting Georges Abdallah is supporting the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples against imperialism.

Georges Abdallah, prisoner of the Palestinian revolution

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra is an organization supporting the Palestinian people and their resistance. We support the struggle for the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea, and we mobilize for the immediate release of 4,650 Palestinian prisoners. Alongside those imprisoned in Zionist jails, Georges Abdallah is an important figure imprisoned in the heart of the center of imperialism. Supporting the cause of Georges Abdallah and the Palestinian prisoners is not only a human rights concern. It is, first and foremost, political support for those at the forefront of resistance against imperialism and Zionism, and who embody the only path for the liberation of the Palestinian people — that of resistance.

Georges Abdallah, an imprisoned Arab struggler

In prison, Georges Abdallah has never ceased to be what he is: An anti-imperialist fighter, a revolutionary intellectual and an Arab communist. As such, in 1999, he joined a platform bringing together dozens of revolutionary political prisoners, including anarchists, communists, and anti-fascists. He never ceases to affirm his support for the struggles of the peoples against imperialism and Zionism, especially the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples. Through declarations and refusing his meals, he brings his resistance to the heart of the imperialist prisons system. He supported Bilal Kayed’s hunger strike, demands the release of Ahmad Sa’adat (who calls him, in turn, “leader of the prisoners of the PFLP”), and supports the Great Marches for Return. All of his solidarity is in service of the struggle. By virtue of his clear political position and his status as a leader, he plays an important role in the reconstruction of the Palestinian and Arab left.

A growing campaign for the release of Europe’s longest-held political prisoner

The mobilization in France was developed first to break the code of silence on the story of Georges Abdallah and brk his isolation. After over 15 years of relentless campaigning, this first step is a partial success. Georges Abdallah has not been forgotten and an increasing number of people discover this state crime every year. In Toulouse, we are developing important efforts for information and mobilization in order to build the solidarity movement. The release of the documentary film, “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” is also playing a key role in developing support for the Lebanese communist imprisoned in France.

Since 2010, a large annual mobilization has taken place in October outside the prison gates in Lannemezan, where he is held. On 23 October 2021, over 1,000 people from across France and elsewhere gathered in front of the prison gates where he is held hostage to demand his release. At the same time, international support is becoming more and more visible and important, in particular thanks to the essential work of the Lebanese Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah as well as the international Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and hundreds of committees around the world. Today, more than 400 political and cultural figures around the world have joined the campaign for his liberation, including Angela Davis, Noam Chomsky, Mumia Abu-Jamal and Marcel Khalife. Without a doubt, the campaign for the liberation of Georges Abdallah has become one of the most important global campaigns to release a political prisoner.

Supporting Georges Abdallah: Supporting the resistance, Building the future

Today, Georges Abdallah has become a symbol of uncompromising struggle against imperialism, Zionism and reactionary Arab regimes. As an Arab communist imprisoned in France, Georges Abdallah embodies this necessary and vital link between the anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist struggles in Lebanon, Palestine and France.

His assertion of his political identity and his unwavering support for ongoing resistance have made it possible to politicize a new generation of activists on both sides of the Mediterranean. In France, many people have become politicized through his case and his struggle. The support of the generation born in the ’80s during his arrest and those born in the 2000’s (since Georges became eligible for release) emphasizes that support for Georges Abdallah has not weakened but, on the contrary, is consistently renewed alongside him. The emergence of anti-imperialist youth movements is undoubtedly the greatest political victory of Georges Abdallah, in addition to his assertion of the legitimacy of his cause for over 37 years in the face of his jailers.

At the same time, his 37-year imprisonment presents an urgent clarion call for the responsibility of the entire anti-imperialist movement in France, Lebanon and Palestine. It is urgent that this movement be reconstructed, for Georges and for the resistance.

Collectif Palestine Vaincra, member of the international Samidoun Network

2 November 2021

Hunger strike victory for Miqdad Qawasmeh; five more Palestinian prisoners continue “starving for freedom”

Palestinian prisoner Miqdad al-Qawasmeh suspended his hunger strike on Thursday, 11 November 2021 after 113 days, in an agreement that he will be released from Israeli occupation prisons in February 2022. The agreement came following ongoing dialogues inside the prisons with the Zionist prison administration by the leadership of Hamas prisoners in Israeli jails. Qawasmeh, 24 and a university student, is jailed without charge or trial under Israeli administrative detention.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the courage, leadership and resistance of Miqdad Qawasmeh and his fellow Palestinian prisoners, and congratulates him on his victory over the jailer. We look forward to his liberation and to the liberation of all Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the occupation, imperialism and reactionary regimes. At this moment, it remains urgent to act to demand the liberation of Qawasmeh’s five fellow long-term hunger strikers, continuing their struggle for freedom with their bodies and lives on the line.

Kayed Fasfous, 32, from Dura near al-Khalil, married and the father of a daughter, Joanne, has been on hunger strike for 120 days, held in Barzilai hospital. His administrative detention has been “suspended” and reimposed several times. The “suspension” of administrative detention does not affact his freedom; instead, he remains jailed under the watchful eyes of hospital security. While he may receive family visitors, they may not transfer him to obtain treatment from Palestinian doctors. Therefore, he has refused to end his hunger strike despite various attempts to forcibly feed him with intravenous nutrition inside the Israeli hospitals. He is demanding his liberation from detention without charge or trial, under which he has been jailed since July 2020.

Meanwhile, Alaa al-Araj, 34, a civil engineer from Tulkarem, has been on hunger strike for 96 days against his administrative detention. He has been jailed without charge or trial since 30 June 2021 and has been detained by the Israeli occupation on multiple past occasions. His only child was born and his father died while he was imprisoned. He has been jailed since 30 June 2021. Rather than ending his detention and freeing him, the Israeli occupation military is now attempting to convert his imprisonment to the military courts, seeking to file an indictment against him. The Israeli military courts, which convict over 99% of the Palestinians brought before them, are an instrument of colonial repression that criminalize membership in Palestinian political organizations, student movements, and unions, as well as resistance in all forms.

The Salem military court “extended his detention” today, 11 November, in a hearing; he has been repeatedly taken for interrogation despite his severe physical weakness and deterioration in his health. He has been transferred back and forth from the notorious Ramle prison clinic to Israeli civilian hospitals, again imposing greater stress on his body in another attempt to force him to end his hunger strike.

Hisham Abu Hawash, on hunger strike for 86 days, is also held in the Ramle prison clinic. He is 39 and from Dura in al-Khalil, and like al-Araj, he is frequently transferred to and from civilian hospitals, exacerbating his serious health condition after a lengthy hunger strike. He has been jailed without charge or trial since October 2020, and during his strike, a new six-month detention order was issued against him, later reduced to four months yet confirmed that it may be extended further. He is married and the father of five children.

Ayyad Hraimi, 28, has been on hunger strike for 50 days, recently transferred to the Ramle prison clinic from Ofer prison. Jailed without charge or trial since April 2021, he has been repeatedly detained by the Israeli occupation. In 2016, he also engaged in a long-term hunger strike to win his freedom from administrative detention that lasted for 45 days.

Louay al-Ashqar, 45, from Saida near Tulkarem, is held in the Jalameh detention center without charge or trial. He has been on hunger strike for 31 days under very harsh conditions after being detained by the Israeli occupation on 5 October 2021. He has previously been jailed for eight years by the Israeli occupation, between administrative detention orders and sentences. He is paralyzed in his left leg after being tortured and beaten by occupation soldiers in 2005 while under interrogation, and his brother, Mohammed al-Ashqar, was murdered by Israeli occupation forces in 2007 in the Negev desert prison.

Israeli occupation soldiers violently attacked prisoners with as a purported training exercise inside the prison. When prisoners resisted the violent attack upon them, Israeli repressive units shot Mohammed Ashqar in the head. Later, Israeli commanders and soldiers celebrated the murderous attack as an example of “raising morale,” later posing for photos while joking and laughing.

What Is Administrative Detention?

Administrative detention was first used in Palestine by the British colonial mandate and then adopted by the Zionist regime; it is now used routinely to target Palestinians, especially community leaders, activists, and influential people in their towns, camps and villages.

There are currently approximately 520 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention, out of 4,650 Palestinian political prisoners. These orders are issued by the military and approved by military courts on the basis of “secret evidence”, denied to both Palestinian detainees and their attorneys. Issued for up to six months at a time, they are indefinitely renewable, and Palestinians — including minor children — can spend years jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine to take action to support these Palestinian hunger strikers and all Palestinian prisoners struggling for freedom, for their own lives and for the Palestinian people. They are confronting the system of Israeli oppression on the front lines, with their bodies and their lives, to bring the system of administrative detention to an end. Take these actions below to stand with the hunger strikers and the struggle for liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Download these signs for use in your campaigns:


Sign the petition!

Independent grassroots international activists have launched a petition in support of the hunger strikers and to end administrative detention. Show your support by signing on – in addition to taking action in person! Sign here: change.org/NoChargeNoTrialNoJail

Join the Social Media Campaign!

There is a growing social media campaign to #FreeThemAll. Use these hashtags and the social media action sheet  to post on Twitter and Instagram. Post in all languages! Many people have been conducting online hunger strikes in solidarity with the prisoners. Take action and join the social media outrage and break the isolation imposed upon them by the Israeli occupation!

Take to the streets: Organize a protest in solidarity with Palestine!

Take to the streets and join the actions on our full list of events, which is constantly being updated as new actions are announced! Organize your own if there is none in your area, and send us your events at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Boycott Israel!

The international, Arab and Palestinian campaign to boycott Israel can play an important role at this critical time. Local boycott groups can protest and label Israeli produce and groceries, while many complicit corporations – including HP, G4S, Puma, Teva and others, profit from their role in support Zionist colonialism throughout occupied Palestine. By participating in the boycott of Israel, you can directly help to throw a wrench in the economy of settler colonialism.

Demand Your Government Sanction Israel!

The racist, settler colonial state of Israel and its war crimes against the Palestinian people are enabled and backed extensively by the over $3.8 billion each year given to Israel by the United States — targeted directly to support the Israeli occupation military killing children, women, men and elders throughout occupied Palestine. From Canada to Australia to the European Union, Western governments and imperialist powers provide ongoing diplomatic, political and economic support to Israel as well as selling billions of dollars of weaponry to the settler-colonial state. Meanwhile, they also purchase billions of dollars in weaponry from the Israeli state. Governments in league with imperialist powers, such as in the Philippines, Brazil, India and elsewhere, also buy weapons and “security” services — all “battle-tested” on the Palestinian population. Call your representatives, MPs, political officials and demand your government sanction Israel now, cut off all aid, expel its ambassadors, and stop buying and selling weapons!

“Fedayin” film on the life of Georges Abdallah debuts in Lebanon

“Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight,” the new film focusing on the life and struggle of Georges Abdallah, premiered in Lebanon on Tuesday, 9 November in the Al-Madina Theatre in Beirut, Lebanon. Lebanon is the home country of the imprisoned Arab Communist struggler for Palestine, who has been imprisoned in France for over 37 years.

The film, directed by Collectif Vacarme(s) Films, features historical footage and interviews with Abdallah’s brothers Robert and Maurice, fellow political prisoners like Jean-Marc Rouillan and Bertrand Sassoye, as well as with Samidoun’s international coordinator Charlotte Kates, Europe coordinator Mohammed Khatib, Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat, and many more advocates for his liberation.

The Lebanese Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah has organized screenings of the film throughout the country in the coming days.

On Wednesday, 10 November, the film will screen at 6 pm at the Martyr Maarouf Saad Center in Saida, while on Thursday, 11 November, it will be shown at the Cultural Association in Tripoli at 4 pm. On Friday, 12 November, the film will be screened in the Al-Qassam Kindergarten in Bourj al-Barajneh Palestinian refugee camp, while it will return to central Beirut on Saturday, 13 November with a 7:30 pm screening at Barzakh in the Hamra neighborhood.

The Lebanon screenings have also prompted additional Arab projections of the film. On Saturday, 13 November, Fedayin will premiere in Bahrain, with a 7:30 pm screening at Bait al Salmaniya, organied by the Bahraini Association to Resist Normalization with the Zionist Entity and the Bahraini Democratic Youth Association.

Al-Akhbar newspaper dedicated a special issue to Georges Abdallah’s case to accompany the screening of the film. Articles include an interview with the Collectif Vacarme(s) Films team and director Matthieu Jeuland as well as a piece by the Collectif Palestine Vaincra highlighting the global campaign to free Abdallah. Most recently, over 1,000 people marched in Lannemezan, France, on 23 October, the 37th anniversary of Abdallah’s arrest, to demand his release, gathering outside the prison gates to salute their imprisoned comrade and revolutionary leader.

The mass march capped an international month of action that included dozens of screenings of “Fedayin,” throughout France, across Europe, and internationally. The film, featured at the Boston Palestine Film Festival, Chicago Palestine Film Festival and Sunbird Festival in Ramallah, among others, has been seen by thousands of people around the world and sparked mobilizations to the demonstration. Dozens of additional screenings are scheduled in the months to come.

The film is available with appropriate subtitles in French, Arabic, English, German, Italian, Catalan and Castilian Spanish. If you want to show Fedayin in your area, email us at samidoun@samidoun.net and contact the directors at vacarmesfilms@gmail.com. We will help you to get your screening organized, and the directors are available to attend your events in person or to join your in-person events via video link.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges people and organizations around the world to organize screenings of “Fedayin” in the coming month and beyond. This film has an important role to play in highlighting Georges Abdallah’s case to international audiences and helping to break down the walls of injustice that continue to keep him imprisoned in France, away from his homeland Lebanon.

Samidoun salutes Filipino leader, martyr Ka Oris

On October 29, Jorge “Ka Oris” Madlos, leader of the New People’s Army of the Philippines was killed together with his comrade Ka Pika, in a cowardly ambush by the reactionary forces of the Philippines state army. Ka Oris was on his way to a medical check-up when he and Ka Pika were gunned down before reaching the hospital. Ka Oris was loved by many people and comrades in the Philippines and internationally.

As Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, we express our deepest condolences to the family and comrades of Ka Oris and Ka Pika. We strongly condemn the killing of these internationalist comrades and we are outraged by the fact that the reactionary Philippines state military decided to cremate Ka Oris’ body without giving his family a chance to see his body and bury it themselves. These actions, to not only kill our comrades but also withhold their bodies from their family and loved ones, a practice that is also employed by the Zionist military, proves the savage and reactionary nature of our enemies.

Ka Oris was not simply a leader of the Filipino people’s struggle; he also was a true internationalist who was deepening the cooperation between the Filipino revolutionary struggle and the Palestinian liberation movement. He was a determined and yet humble comrade, always serving the needs of the people he dedicated his life to. It was our privilege to have known Ka Oris, and we will let his spirit live on through our actions and organizing for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.

For Ka Oris, it was the youth who hold the true power to change the oppressive and exploitative system into a world of freedom, liberty, and equality. He said:

“To the youth of this generation, you have the advantage of knowing the world and our country. You are better exposed and more open to new ideas, energetic, receptive and sensitive to injustices, patriotic and ready to rise up to the need for revolutionary change not only for yourselves, for your country, but for the peoples of the world.

This is why Duterterrorist and his mafia – those who discourage you from ‘being involved’, those who say ‘activism is passe’, those who claim that ‘the revolution is a lost cause’, those who scare you that you might fall prey to ‘terrorist brainwashing and recruitment’ – are so afraid of you.

The reactionaries are aware that you are at an age when you are called upon to make a lifetime decision that can change not only your future but theirs as well. They fear that you would choose to follow the path that had toppled tyrants and emancipated slaves.

They are afraid of you, the Filipino youth.”

As Samidoun, we are a proud member of the Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle, the Friends of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, and we will keep struggling for the unity of the international people’s movements for liberation and justice. We will remember Ka Oris as a hero of the people, and we will share his memory with our comrades all over the world. Martyrs never die; they live on through the very people they fought alongside with.

Samidoun members at the Masar Badil (Alternative Palestinian Revolutionary Path) conference in Madrid salute Ka Oris:

28 October, Madrid: Mark the 10th anniversary of Samidoun!

Thursday, 28 October
7 pm
e.s.l.a. EKO
calle Anade II, Carabanchel
Info: https://www.facebook.com/105784277965222/photos/a.116552576888392/354581203085527/

Come together to mark Samidoun’s 10th anniversary and to look forward to more years of struggle together until the liberation of Palestine. With a presentation on Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Palestinian dabkeh by Jafra Group, DJ Falafel, Palestinian food, anti-colonial books and more!


30 October, Madrid: Cultural Event and Celebration: For an Alternative Revolutionary Palestinian Path

Saturday, 30 October
7 pm
Auditorio Pilar Bardem
Rivas Vaciamadrid, Spain
Reserve: https://entradas.rivasciudad.es/acto-de-cierre-y-gala-solidaria-conferencia-de-la-ruta-alternativa-palestina/

Book your tickets today for the amazing cultural event at this Saturday’s Masar Badil conference in Madrid! Starting at 7 pm in Rivas Vaciamadrid, the event will feature cultural performances from Rojo Cancionero, Pallasos en Rebeldia, Gazelleband, Jafra Group, La ONU and more. We’ll be honouring representatives of Bolivia, Cuba and Venezuela. Please join us and book your tickets today (5 EUR entry)

29 October, Rotterdam: Film Screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight”

Friday, 29 October
7:30 pm
AlQuds Shop
Vierambachtstraat 107
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/4718127298221845/

Come to a free movie night of “Fedayin – Georges Abdallah’s Fight”

On October 29, Samidoun Palestinian Political Prisoners Solidarity Network organizes a movie night about Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. Abdallah is a Lebanese communist who has been held captive in France for 37 years. He fought in Lebanon against the Israeli invasion and worked in Europe for the Palestinian liberation movement. And although Abdallah has been eligible for release since 1999, US interference has left him in jail.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has never stopped his political activities in prison. Through statements of solidarity, analysis, and prison protests in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners, Abdallah continues to be an example of resistance for Palestinian, Arab, and international radicals. Therefore, October is the Month of Action for the release of Georges Abdallah.

One week before this movie night, on October 22, there is a protest at the French embassy in The Hague for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. Keep an eye on our socials for more information!

Kom naar een gratis filmavond van Fedayin – De strijd van Georges Abdallah

Op 29 oktober organiseert Samidoun Palestijnse Politieke Gevangenen Solidariteitsnetwerk een filmavond over Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. Abdallah is een Libanese communist die al 37 jaar gevangen wordt gehouden in Frankrijk. Hij vocht in Libanon tegen de Israëlische invasie en werkte in Europa voor de Palestijnse bevrijdingsbeweging. En hoewel Abdallah sinds 1999 in aanmerking komt om vrijgelaten te worden, heeft bemoeienis van de Verenigde Staten er voor gezorgd dat hij nog steeds vastzit.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah is in de gevangenis nooit gestopt met zijn politieke activiteiten. Via solidariteitsstatements, analyses, en gevangenisprotesten in solidariteit met Palestijnse politieke gevangenen, blijft Abdallah een voorbeeld van verzet voor Palestijnse, Arabische, en internationale radicalen. Daarom is oktober de Maand van Actie voor de vrijlating van Georges Abdallah.

Eén week voor deze filmavond is er op 22 oktober een protest bij de Franse ambassade in Den Haag voor de vrijlating van Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. Hou onze socials in de gaten voor meer informatie!

26 October, Madrid: Screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight”

Tuesday, 26 October
7 pm
Teatro del Barrio
C/Zurita 20

Please join Teatro del Barrio, the Alternative Palestinian Path (Masar Badil), Collectif Vacarme(s) Films and Samidoun España for the premiere screening in Madrid of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” on Tuesday, 26 October at 7 pm.

Followed by a discussion with director Matthieu Jeuland of Collectif Vacarme(s) Films, Liliana Cordova of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and Jaldia Abubakra of the Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Movement.

Get your free tickets here: https://teatrodelbarrio.com/proyeccion-del-documental-fedayin/

Over 1,000 people march in Lannemezan to demand the immediate release of Georges Abdallah

Photo: Ben Art’Core

The following report is translated from the French at Collectif Palestine Vaincra: 

On Saturday, 23 October, over 1,000 people gathered to take the streets in Lannemezan, France, to demand the immediate release of Georges Abdallah, Lebanese Communist and Palestinian resistance fighter imprisoned in France since 1984. The march led from the Lannemezan train station to the gates of the prison where he is jailed. In the 11th annual march on Lannemezan, there was a historic influx and growth in participation following a month of mobilization and action by support committees in France and around the world.

Photo: Ben Art’Core

Many delegations traveled to Lannemezan from Toulouse, Bordeaux, Pau, Auch, Tarbes, Albi, Nantes, Paris, Agen, Grenoble, Marseille, Martigues, Annecy, Montpellier and elsewhere in France, joined by activissts from Catalonia, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland and Germany. Many Palestinian groups, Palestine solidarity organizations and Georges Abdallah support committees were present (including Collectif Palestine Vaincra, Samidoun, Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, Couserans-Palestine, UJFP, ISM-France, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine, BDS committees, sections of the AFPS, Collectif 65 for the liberation of Georges Abdallah, Free Georges 33, Jeunes 4 Palestine, and more), as well as left political organizations (PCF, FI, NPA, Révolution Permanente, UCL, Secours Rouge, PRCF, ANC, PCOF, LJR, JR, DIP, Popular Front of Turkey), trade unions (SUD and CGT sections), anti-racist and anti-fascist organizations (FUIQP, Les Filipin es Uni en France, anti-fascist groups from different cities), anti-prison and abolitionist activists such as l’Envolée and committees supporting other political prisoners (notably Musa Asoglu and activist Lola). The diversity of organizations supporting Georges Abdallah highlights the dynamic and multifaceted campaign that has grown year over year to build support for this imprisoned Lebanese Communist, the longest-held political prisoner in Europe.

Photo: Ben Art’Core

It is clear that the tour and screening of the documentary, “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” contributed significantly to the development of the mobilization, with many delegations present that were formed following screenings of the film in their communities. In Toulouse, over 170 people attended the film screening and discussion, which convinced multiple people to join the march. Please contact vacarmesfilms@gmail.com to arrange a screening, and please copy us at samidoun@samidoun.net so that we can help promote and share your event.

Photo: Ben Art’Core

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the international Samidoun Network, organized a contingent of the march around the slogan “Freedom for Georges Abdallah! Freedom for Palestine!” which brought together many participants. Samidoun Göteborg was present in the march as well as delegations from Secours Rouge International. Many Palestinian flags and flags of the Collectif were waved as well as placards supporting Palestinian resistance, calling for the release of Palestinian prisoners and demanding the boycott of Israel.

Two large red banners were displayed to demand the release of Georges Abdallah and Ahmad Sa’adat, general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, unjustly imprisoned by the Israeli occupation. Marchers chanted many slogans, such as “Down with imperialism and Zionism!” “Long live the Palestinian resistance!” “37 years in prison, a whole life in struggle: Freedom for Georges Abdallah!” as well as Arabic slogans calling for Georges Abdallah’s freedom and the liberation of Palestine.

Photo: Ben Art’Core

The demonstration ended with a reading of a statement by Georges Abdallah written for the occasion. In a text reaffirming his revolutionary commitment remains intact after 37 years in prison, he underlines that “Every day, Palestine gives us all lessons of self-sacrifice and courage of exceptional significance. More than ever, the Palestinian popular masses, in spite of all the treachery of the bourgeoisie, assume the role of the true guarantor of the defense of the interests of the people. Faced with the occupation and the barbarism of the occupier, the first legitimate response that must be displayed above all else is solidarity. All solidarity with those who by their blood confront the soldiers of the occupation. The conditions of detention in Zionist jails are getting worse every day; and as you know, Comrades, to confront it, international solidarity is proving to be an indispensable weapon. Quite naturally, the Palestinian popular masses and their revolutionary vanguards can always count on your mobilization and your active solidarity. May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish in support of Palestine and its promising resistance!”

Then, a joint declaration by many support committees (including the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and Samidoun Network) was read and then the various organizations take the floor. The music group, Grup Yorum, also played several pieces in support of the peoples’ struggles against imperialism.

Presidential candidates Philippe Poutou and Anasse Kazib affirmed their support for the immediate release of Ahmad Sa’adat, general secretary of the PFLP, imprisoned by the Israeli occupation.

The month of mobilization for the release of Georges Abdallah is coming to an end as a strong success. The Collectif Palestine Vaincra led an information and mobilization campaign in Toulouse in support of Georges Abdallah by organizing numerous Palestine Stands in the city, distributing 15,000 flyers, 900 posters and more than 5000 stickers while issuing a joint statement with many other groups to bring a large number of Toulouse residents to the Lannemezan march. The encouraging results invite all to redouble efforts to continue and intensify the campaign for his release so that Georges Abdallah can finally return to his homeland, Lebanon.

Photo: Ben Art’Core

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra organizes actions and initiatives in Toulouse to support the Palestinian people and their resistance for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. Contact the Collectif to get involved, or reach out to Samidoun Network to get involved in your local area outside of France.

More than ever, Palestine will win!

26 October, San Diego: Film Screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight”

Tuesday, 26 October
6:30 pm
San Diego State University (exact location TBA)
Register for location and more info: bit.ly/pymsjpfilm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1825724314303423/

The Palestinian Youth Movement San Diego and Students for Justice in Palestine SDSU are joining the call to action by organizing a public screening of the new and acclaimed film, “Fedayin,” which chronicles the life and detainment of Georges Abdallah.

On October 23, 2021, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and allies are holding a national march and rally outside Lannemezan prison in France once again, to demand the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the longest-held political prisoner in Europe.


Masks required, light refreshments will be provided, we will share the specific location details on the day of.