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Samidoun Spain’s outreach activities in Lavapies and Tirso de Molina, Madrid, highlight upcoming actions

Last Sunday, 17 October, the activists of Samidoun Spain in Madrid continued their actions of dissemination and communication to the public of the activities, events and protests that will take place on October 28, 29, 30 and 31 in Madrid in the framework of the celebration of the National Palestinian Conference in the Diaspora (Masar Badil).

The activists were present in the central Tirso de Molina square, where many comrades are present every Sunday with their stands from which they disseminate and preserve the revolutionary and internationalist memory and promote the continuity of the same in the present through the sale of books, documents, posters and other items. There, Samidoun activists had the opportunity to engage in conversation with comrades involved in other struggles, share with them information about the upcoming Masar Badil project and invite them to the Great March that will take place on October 31 at 12 noon in Atocha, explaining the importance of it because it is 104 years since British colonialism opened the door to the rising Zionist movement to completely colonize Palestine.

28 years after the failure of the misnamed “Peace Process” that culminated in the Oslo Accords, all passersby in Tirso de Molina were invited to attend the Great March for Palestine to demand a revolutionary route that advocates the total decolonization of Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

Late in the morning, the activists toured the entire neighborhood of Lavapiés loaded with posters and leaflets that they handed out in the local stores of the neighborhood. All the workers of the greengrocers, butchers, clothes stores, call shops, bars and restaurants were deeply supportive of the Palestinian liberation cause and allowed the activists to stick posters calling for the Great March of October 31st on the doors of their stores. Similarly, they kept small flyers which they placed on the counter of their stores for customers to pick up and take with them. Of course, all of them were invited to attend with their families and friends, as well as being informed of the Palestinian National Conference to be held on October 28, 29 and 30.

Finally, Samidoun Spain papered the most visible areas of the neighborhoods in the center of Madrid (Embajadores, Tirso de Molina and Lavapiés) with posters announcing the Great March.

Of course, the means of dissemination are never exhausted and just as it is necessary to recover the presence in our streets and direct contact with our neighbors, we also take this opportunity to invite everyone who reads us on networks to attend the solidarity gala to be held on October 30 at the Pilar Bardem Auditorium (Rivas Vaciamadrid) at 19:00h, whose tickets can be purchased at entradas.rivasciudad.es.

To close this month of October full of will, strength and desire for freedom, you are all invited on Sunday October 31 at 12 noon to the Great March for Palestine that will take place from Atocha to Sol. Let us all fight for the end of Israeli colonialism, long live free Palestine from the river to the sea!

23 October, Lannemezan: National Demonstration to Free Georges Abdallah

Saturday, 23 October
2 pm
Meet at Lannemezan train station, march to Lannemezan prison
Lannemezan, France (see below for buses and carpools)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1018351712244651

Annual demonstration for the release of Georges Abdallah in front of the gates of the Lannemezan prison, where he is held, at the call of numerous support committees, associations, unions and political parties.

Meet in front of Lannemezan station at 2 p.m.

Georges Abdallah is a Lebanese communist activist and fighter for the Palestinian cause imprisoned in France since 1984 and eligible for release since 1999. He will begin his 38th year of detention on October 24, which makes him one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe and the world.

Bus departures from across France:

☞ Toulouse : 11:30 am at the Basso Cambo metro station. Registration: collectifpalestinevaincra@gmail.com

☞ Marseille : 5:50 a.m. Place Victor Hugo opposite the St Charles university, 7:30 a.m. Martigues la Halle, 9 a.m. Montpellier (exit 30 Montpellier Sud). A few more places available – call 07 68 50 21 65

☞ Bordeaux : 9 am Place Ravezies and between 9.45 am and 10 am in Langon (motorway exit). Registration: liberonsgeorges33@riseup.net

☞ Paris region : 9:30 p.m. in front of the statue on Place de la République in Paris for a departure at 10 p.m. Registration: Campagne.unitaire.gabdallah@gmail.com

For departures by carpooling:

☞ Montauban : registration by calling 05 63 63 07 41 or secretariat@ud-cgt82.fr

☞ Auch : register at supportabdallah32@gmail.com

☞ Pau : meeting at 12:30 p.m. at Jaï Alaï parking (458 boulevard du Cami Salié)

☞ Foix : meeting at 11:30 am in front of the Post Office

☞ Saint-Girons : meeting at 12:15 at the Foirail

New Samidoun Paris chapter launches with Palestine Stand in Aubervilliers

On Saturday, 16 October, the newest chapter of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network — Samidoun Région Parisienne — launched its first Palestine stand in Aubervilliers, France, amid a bright and sunny day. The new Paris chapter introduced itself to the local community at the downtown open market, distributing flyers in support of Palestinian liberation and the defense of Palestinian prisoners, calling for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, and promoting the boycott of Israel. During the stand, the generous and warm reception the activists received from passers-by and community members encouraged them to continue their work and organizing for Palestine!

France and the Israeli occupation are strategic allies, and the French government continues to attempt to criminalize solidarity with the Palestinian people and their resistance. This is an important struggle to take up in our cities, towns and communities, as in Aubervilliers. We can participate in this struggle in a concrete way; here in France, as well as in Palestine, there is a common struggle against imperialism and racism.

Samidoun Région Parisienne also supports the struggle for the liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, a Lebanese Communist and Palestinian resistance fighter imprisoned in France since 1984, despite being eligible for release since 1999. Just like all 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners unjustly detained by the Israeli occupation, supporting Georges Abdallah is support for the legitimacy of the Palestinian people’s resistance to colonialism.

With this in mind, Samidoun Paris Region will regularly hold stands at the market in downtown Aubervilliers alongside other activities for Palestine. Please contact Samidoun Région Parisienne to participate!

Follow Samidoun Région Parisienne on social networks (@samidounregionparisienne for Instagram and Samidoun Région Parisienne on Facebook, soon on Twitter) and write to us by email at: samidoun.rp@gmail.com  

In addition, do not hesitate to contact the member organizations of the Samidoun network in France: ACTA  media and the Collectif Palestine Vaincra in Toulouse.

To join in the actions to support Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, you can register for the bus that will go to the demonstration on Saturday, October 23 in Lannemezan (65) to demonstrate in front of the prison where he is ijailed. Contact the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah by email to register for the Paris bus: Campagne.unitaire.gabdallah@gmail.com

In addition, a fundraiser has been set up to help finance the bus: https://www.cotizup.com/liberezgeorgesabdallah

Palestinian writer and academic Ahmad Qatamesh seized by Israeli occupation forces

Palestinian writer and academic Ahmad Qatamesh, 70, was detained by Israeli occupation forces in the early morning hours of Monday, 18 October. Qatamesh is known not only for his role as a revolutionary intellectual but for his many years held as an administrative detainee without charge or trial.

Occupation forces invaded his family home at 3:30 am in the city of El-Bireh in the West Bank of occupied Palestine, seizing Qatamesh and taking him to an unknown destination, his wife Suha Barghouthi told Palestinian media. Before coming to Qatamesh’s home, occupation forces violently invaded the home of his brother, Ribhi Qatamesh, exploding the door from his home.

Qatamesh has been detained by the Israeli occupation eight times for over 14 years of imprisonment in total, all of those held without charge or trial under administrative detention according to a “secret file” which is hidden from both Qatamesh and his lawyer. He was last detained by the Israeli occupation in 2019, when he spent 7 months without charge or trial in administrative detention.

Between 1992 and 1998, he was the longest-held Palestinian prisoner in administrative detention; his detention was renewed every six months for nearly six years. Since his release, he has been banned from leaving Palestine and traveling by Israeli occupation military orders.

He has been arrested repeatedly by Israeli occupation forces over the years, including in 1969 and again in 1972, when he was jailed for 4 years. He lived “underground” evading capture by occupation forces for 17 years.

His memoir, I Shall Not Wear Your Tarboush, recalls his time in prison as well as the 100 days of torture he underwent during interrogation in 1992. Since his release in 1998, he has become a prominent Palestinian intellectual, writer and teacher; he is the founder of the Munif Barghouthi Research Center.

His case was taken up by Amnesty International, among others, who demanded his release as a prisoner of conscience.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network demands the immediate release of Ahmad Qatamesh and all 4,650 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, including over 500 jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention.

1998 interview with Ahmad Qatamesh:

Qatamesh on the “Approach to a Single Democratic State”: https://samidoun.net/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/ahmad-qatamesh-single-democratic-state.pdf

Call to resist Israeli order to forcibly exile Salah Hamouri from Jerusalem

Photo: Addameer

Salah Hamouri, Palestinian-French lawyer and human rights defender, former political prisoner repeatedly targeted by the Israeli occupation, is now being subjected to Israel’s ongoing project of systematically removing Palestinians from Jerusalem. On Monday, 18 October, Ayelet Shaked, Israel’s notoriously far-right Interior Minister, issued an order stripping Hamouri of his residency in Jerusalem, the city in which he was born and in which he lives, after multiple threats to do so. The order, initiated by Shaked (and her predecessor Aryeh Deri) was approved by the Israeli attorney general and Minister of Justice.

Salah Hamouri is a French-Palestinian lawyer and a former Palestinian political prisoner whose case was widely known throughout France as a symbol of injustice and false allegations until his release in 2011 in the Wafa al-Ahrar prisoner exchange, only a few months before his sentence was to end. He has spoken throughout France and internationally at events like the World Social Forum on Palestinian prisoners and the struggle for freedom.

The Israeli occupation uses the forced revocation of residency for Palestinians from East Jerusalem as a means to displace Palestinians and forcibly create a “Jewish majority” in the occupied city as well as a means to silence Palestinian activists and organizers. As noted by Al-Haq, “Revocation of permanent residency status is the most direct tool used to forcibly transfer Palestinians from East Jerusalem. This policy which has been used by Israel more than 14,500 times between 1967 and 2015, and is illegal under international law.”

This is only the latest attack on Salah Hamouri and his family. In 2016, Hamouri’s French wife, Elsa Lefort, was expelled from occupied Palestine. At the time, she was pregnant. Since that date, she has been banned from entering Israel on the ludicrous basis that she poses “a danger to the security of the State of Israel.” As a result, Israel has forced Salah to live apart from his wife and children. He has also been repeatedly arrested (13 months jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention in 2018-2019; detained for one week in 2020.) He is constantly subjected to interrogation and questioning and denied the ability to travel and visit his family and France. All of this is a daily form of painful psychological torture imposed on Salah and his family.

We are republishing the call of the Committee to Support Salah Hamouri below (originally in French). We join the call for mobilization and organizing to confront this latest injustice visited upon Salah Hamouri and his family.

The call follows:

This Monday, 18 October, Salah Hamouri was notified that the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General of Israel validated the request for revocation of his permanent residency status in Jerusalem. This revocation was requested by Ayalet Shaked, Israeli Minister of the Interior, on 30 June 2021 and was to be examined by these two other authorities with a view to its application.

This is therefore a new step taken by Israel towards the expulsion of Salah Hamouri from his native land. It follows an escalation of arbitrary decisions against our fellow citizen: interrogations, ban on entry into the West Bank, expulsion of his wife and child, detention, restrictions on movement …

For years, Israel has persecuted this human rights defender and the revocation of his Jerusalem residency would have the pure and simple consequence: exile.

On July 8, 2021, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared following the request for revocation of residency by Ayalet Shaked: “The services of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs in Paris, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are fully mobilized so that Salah Hamouri can assert all of his rights and lead a normal life in Jerusalem, where he resides. The situation of Salah Hamouri is being followed closely and at a high level by the French authorities.”

With this iniquitous decision, after the Pegasus affair, and beyond Salah Hamouri, France receives a new slap from Israel, a slap all the more harsh and inadmissible as it affects human rights.

The current French diplomatic policy shows itself incapable of ensuring that the law is protected and that it is respected.

We are not resigned to this situation. We call on the French authorities to draw all the conclusions from this new decision and to implement all the consequences. We call on citizens to mobilize in their diverse means to confront this challenge against human rights, to demonstrate against this denial of rights by an Israeli government that believes itself – and encourages that it is held – above all.

Call on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, your Parliamentarians, human rights associations to allow the annulment of this decision

Paris, October 18, 2021

Support Committee for Salah Hamouri

If you are in France or a French citizen, contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and your Members of Parliament to demand action.

* Consulat Général de France à Jérusalem

* France Diplomatie

* Élysée – Présidence de la République française

If you are outside France and an international supporter, contact the addresses above or the French consulate or embassy in your area. https://www.embassypages.com/france

Send a letter with talking points:

  •  Salah Hamouri, Palestinian-French lawyer, has been ordered expelled and deported from his home country and city, Jerusalem. This act is illegal under international law and violates Salah’s fundamental human rights.
  • France has continued to repeatedly support Israel’s aggression against Palestine and the Palestinian people. The ongoing attack on Salah has been enabled by this support.
  • France must take a clear stand for its citizen, Salah Hamouri, and against Israel’s policies of ethnic cleansing and forced displacement in Jerusalem.
  • Salah Hamouri must remain in Jerusalem and his family must be free to join him.

19 October, Brooklyn, NYC: Screening of “Fedayin” – Georges Abdallah’s Fight

Tuesday, 19 October
8 pm
Spectacle Theater
124 S 3rd St
Brooklyn, NY
Info and pre-register: https://spectacletheater.com/fedayin

Join the Palestinian Youth Movement and Samidoun for this NYC film screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s fight.”

Georges Abdallah is a Lebanese struggler for Palestine who has been imprisoned since 1984, despite being eligible for release since 1999, for his involvement in the struggle for the liberation of Palestine — and Lebanon — from Zionist occupation.

“Fedayin,” the new film from Vacarme(s) Films in France, tells the story of George’s life in the struggle. The documentary traces the life of Georges Abdallah, Lebanese Arab Communist and struggler for Palestine and one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe. It moves from the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon where his political consciousness was forged to the international movement to demand his liberation from French prisons.


Solidarity with Palestine Action: Activists have homes raided, possessions seized, and other police harassment following action taken against the Liverpool Arms Fair

We are republishing the press release below from Palestine Action, the direct-action group organizing to shut down Israeli arms manufacturers and British companies complicit in the colonization of Palestine. These attacks on Palestine Action activists are part and parcel of the over 100 years of British colonialism and active support for Zionist racism and domination in Palestine, from the Balfour declaration and before to the present day. Palestine Action’s direct action activities are not only extracting a meaningful cost from the arms dealers responsible for taking Palestinian lives on a daily basis, they are providing a new energy to the boycott movement and Palestine solidarity activism globally.

We express our full solidarity with Palestine Action and with all political prisoners in British jails, including Palestinian political prisoner Issam Hijjawi and Irish republican prisoners: 

  • Six police raids have been conducted against local activists who opposed the arms fair, including the two who scaled and occupied the roof of the ACC Arena, Liverpool – the venue for the AOC 2021 Liverpool Arms Fair. Further raids were conducted in houses of activists in the vicinity.
  • Four homes were raided in the middle of the night, with three of the homes raided containing young children. Two of these raids were conducted against people who simply had cans of spray paint on them.
  • Further police harassment included the arrest of a close acquaintance of one of the activists who scaled the roof for reasons unknown, the seizure of cash, the confiscation of books and posters. Palestine Action are accustomed to these harassment tactics by police, who are desperate to intimidate individuals and prevent further disruption to the conferences of multi-millionaire arms dealers.
  • The two activists who had occupied the ACC Arena’s roof have now been released, under bail conditions which prevent a return to the Liverpool docks or association with one another.

Police have conducted a number of raids against individuals involved – or merely in the vicinity of – the Palestine Action scaling and occupation of the ACC Arena, which was hosting the 2021 AOC Arms Fair in Liverpool. Palestine Action occupied the building roof to disrupt the arms fair, with two activists remaining on the roof for over a day and a half.

Six homes have been raided – three of which were family homes containing young children. Four of the raids took place in the middle of the night, with two activists having their homes raided after being found with only cans of spray paint on them. During these raids, items confiscated included a Palestine flag, books (some of which were taken simply because they had Arabic in them), personal devices, posters, and cash. One of these activist’s partners had been arrested, for reasons unknown, subsequently released under bail.

Police maintained a heavy presence around the arms fair from Monday onwards – unable however to stop the activists from scaling the ACC building. Following their reaching the building roof, Merseyside Police implemented a ‘dispersal zone’ around the entire Liverpool Waterfront area – which again was unable to prevent Liverpool residents turning up en-masse to protest the fair’s presence in their city.

The harrassment by police of those merely in the Arena’s vicinity comes as no surprise, with Palestine Action activists regularly experiencing late night raids and other intimidation tactics (including the regular seizure of personal belongings). Merseyside Police have demonstrated an incredible commitment to welcoming war criminals, mass murderers, and weapons manufacturers to their city – but have not extended any such courtesy to the residents of their city who are standing up for human rights.

Palestine Action and Liverpool residents were disrupting the arms fair to protest the city’s hosting of war criminals and arms dealers – with the ACC Arena being owned and operated by the council. A number of firms – including Raytheon, Elbit Systems, ELTA, L3Harris and more – were due to attend or present at the event. These firms have direct ties to war crimes committed in Palestine, Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere – with a total of four Israeli weapons firms and 13 weapons firms which supply Israel’s repression of Palestinians in attendance.

On Sunday night, police raided an activist’s room in the Pullman hotel, which was hosting many of the event’s attendees. These two activists have since been released. The two activists who occupied the ACC Arena have also since been released, under bail conditions which prevent them from associating with one another or returning to the Liverpool docks.

For more information on the action taken at the ACC Arena, please click here.
To hear one of the occupying activists speak on why they took direct action, please click here

Palestine Action
Palestine Action is a direct-action network of groups and individuals formed with the mandate of taking direct action against Elbit Systems’ UK locations at grassroots level, calling for them all to be shut down and for the British government to end its complicity in Israeli apartheid.

15 and 17 October, Toulouse: Screening and protest — 17 October 1961, a colonial state massacre

Friday, 15 October and Sunday, 17 October 2021
Screening and protest
Toulouse, France (details below)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/583726909634091/

Sixty years ago, a peaceful Algerian march for independence was savagely suppressed by the police of Prefect Papon in Paris.

This also marked the establishment of a racist curfew only for French Muslims. This same curfew instituted during the revolts in working-class neighborhoods, applied to the descendants of post-colonial immigration. It was also a night of police violence with many dead and missing — a massacre that has never been officially recognized by the state.

At a time when the government seems to want to rewrite the memory of the war in Algeria, by concealing major events like the Stora report does, at a time when more and more voices, especially since Sarkozy, are rising to extol the benefits of colonization, we would like to recall that this dirty war has caused and still claims many victims.
The Algerian war is an open wound in French society: the million and a half called up are barely beginning to testify. The false history that the French state wishes to impose in order to evade its responsibilities will not lead to a common understanding.
This fight against French colonialism is part of the history of anti-colonial struggles.
These struggles are not a thing of the past. Thus, the settler colonialism suffered by the Algerian people for 132 years is not unlike that against which the Palestinian people have been fighting since the Nakba of 1948, colonization supported by France.


Even today, the French state is engaged in neo-colonial wars in Africa. It supports all dictatorships wherever its economic and strategic interests are at stake. It continues to loot the subsoil of the continent, not to mention the maintenance of its domination in Kanaky, the West Indies, Reunion, Mayotte …
It also participates in through its commitment in the Middle East to destabilize the region, often in opposition to international law.
In France, the State applies a policy which is in line with the continuity of colonial policies. The state racism shown by the French government through its racist and Islamophobic campaigns (law against “separatism” to name but one), as well as the police violence of which the descendants of post-colonial immigration are the main victims, are daily examples.
To pay homage to the victims of October 17, 1961, is to pay homage to Algerian independence as well as to the current struggles waged every day by these peoples against the colonial, racist and imperialist states.
Signatories: Attac31, BDS Toulouse, CDK Toulouse, Cgt educ’action 31, CNT31, Collectif Palestine Vaincra, Committee 31 Peace Movement, Committee Truth and Justice 31, MRAP 31, NPA 31, Révolte décoloniale, Solidaires 31, Sud education 31 -65, Sud Santé Social 31, Survie Midi-Pyrénées, UAT, UCL Toulouse and surroundings, UNEF Toulouse

Friday, October 15 at 6.30 p.m.
Screening of the documentary “A single hero: the people” directed by Mathieu Rigouste
Labor market – 19 Place Saint-Sernin – 31000 Toulouse 

Sunday October 17th at 2 p.m. Meeting
at Pont-Neuf

#FreeIssamHijjawi: Join the Twitterstorm and Attend Court (Virtually) to support Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat!

Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, Palestinian activist in Scotland and a medical doctor, is today a Palestinian political prisoner in British jails. On Wednesday, 13 October, he is going back to court (virtually) in a request for bail. His bail applications have been denied repeatedly in the past — despite the length of his detention — and now, new circumstances make it more urgent than ever that he be released.

On 13 October at 12 noon (7 am Eastern time, 1 pm in central Europe, 2 pm in Palestine), Issam’s bail application will be heard at the Magistrates Court, Dungannon Courthouse, in the occupied north of Ireland. Just like when political prisoners go to court in person, it is important for people to show up in court to show their support and solidarity and make it clear that this case is the subject of national and international scrutiny.

Please write to us at samidoun@samidoun.net to receive the link to attend the virtual court hearing on Wednesday, 13 October. Note that during the court hearing, please keep your sound off and display your name, and do not make an audio or video recording of the hearing. Let’s show up in court for the release of Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat! 

One day before the court hearing, you can join the Twitterstorm to publicize Issam’s case! Palestinian virtual collectives and social media action groups are urging people everywhere to Tweet #FreeIsamHijjawi on Tuesday, 12 October: 

#FreeIssamHijjawi Twitterstorm

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

9 am Pacific – 12 pm Eastern – 5 pm British time – 6 pm central Europe – 7 pm Palestine

Who is Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat?

Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat is a Palestinian political prisoner in British jails. He has been targeted for his commitment to international solidarity and as a political means of repressing both the Palestinian and Irish movements.

Alongside his fellow detainees, the Saoradh 9, he was detained in “Operation Arbacia,” a series of political arrests carried out by British authorities. Today, he remains jailed in the Maghaberry high security prison, in the British-occupied north of Ireland. We call for the immediate release of Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and all political prisoners in British jails.

He was targeted by an MI5 infiltrator, Dennis McFadden, to attend a bugged meeting with members of Saoradh, an Irish republican socialist political party that advocates for an end to British colonialism and a united Ireland. He was detained on 22 August at Heathrow Airport on the same day that nine members of Saoradh were also arrested by British forces. Throughout the past year, his bail applications have been repeatedly denied, despite serious health issues and the damaging effects of incarceration on his and his fellow detainees’ well-being.

Dr. Hijjawi Bassalat, 62, came to the UK in 1995 to work as a doctor, and he is a well-known, respected member of the Palestinian community in Scotland and the father of four. He previously served as chair of the Association of Palestinian Communities in Scotland (today, the Scottish Palestinian Society) and has been active throughout Europe in advocating for Palestinian rights to return, freedom and justice, speaking frequently at meetings, conferences and events.

Infiltration and MI5 Attacks

“Operation Arbacia” sprang from the decades-long infiltration of Irish republican movements by MI5 agent Dennis McFadden, detailed in a Channel 4 News report. Issam was entrapped into a meeting with McFadden on false pretenses after he was told by British officials that he had to pick up his daughter’s passport renewal in Belfast instead of Glasgow. There, he was invited to what was presented to him as a Saoradh meeting to discuss international solidarity and the Palestinian cause; he had previously spoken to a Saoradh Ard Fheis (annual meeting) about Palestine, an open, public event.

He is charged with “preparatory acts of terrorism” under the 2006 Terrorism Act, based on his attendance at this meeting engineered by MI5. Issam’s solicitor, Gavin Booth, has seen the transcript of the meeting Issam was compelled to attend, noting that “Everything that’s contained within the transcripts and the recordings is about Palestine, is about peaceful and democratic change. There’s nothing in the transcripts from Dr Bassalat that would support violence in any way.” Despite these facts and the presumption of innocence that is supposed to apply, he has been held on remand for a full year.

Targeting Issam’s Bank Account and Medical License

In addition to his ongoing, unjust imprisonment, pre-trial detention and denied bail, Dr. Hijjawi Bassalat has suffered further injustice. During his detention, his medical care was initially delayed, and then after he finally received necessary surgery, he was denied pain relief and proper therapy. Despite his condition, he continued to be denied bail.

His bank account was frozen, denying him access to funds and creating even more inconvenience and trauma for his family — again, all while he ostensibly retains the presumption of innocence. Issam’s licence to practise medicine was suspended by the General Medical Council (GMC) on 26 October 2020 after the charges filed against him, despite the fact that he has been convicted of nothing and that the charges in no way relate to his fitness to practise medicine or his treatment of his patients.

Issam is being targeted as a Palestinian in an attempt to justify the MI5 infiltration of public political parties and to smear both the Palestinian and Irish struggles through entrapment and misrepresentation. The presumption of innocence is being cast aside for political gamesmanship. We urge the immediate release of Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and all political prisoners, including the Saoradh 9, detained in British jails.

Video: Channel 4 Report on MI5 Entrapment and Infiltration

Video Webinar on Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and the Saoradh 9

International Month of Action for the Release of Georges Abdallah

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is an endorser of the following call to action, initiated by the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah. We encourage all to join the campaign by organizing a screening of Fedayin, hosting an event or action in solidarity with Georges Abdallah, and sharing this call and other information:

September 24 to October 23, 2021

On 19 September 2020, the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah called for an international month of actions for the release of our comrade. Guided by the firm conviction that this fight had to be waged on political grounds, since the refusal by the French State to release Georges Abdallah is indeed a political decision, many organizations and collectives supported this call to “concretely engage in the field of struggle, everywhere in France and internationally, in order to build the mobilization and help to publicize the case and the struggle of Georges Abdallah.”

This call was based on a clear political line and a clear line of defense of our comrade: the political identity that Georges Abdallah himself enunciates in his statements. A line recalling that:

1. Georges Abdallah is an Arab resistance fighter, a Lebanese communist, today a symbol of the fight against imperialism, Zionism, capitalism and reactionary Arab states.

2. Georges Abdallah is a fighter for the Palestinian cause who fought against the invasion and war imposed on Lebanon by the Zionists and continues to fight for the liberation of all of Palestine.

3. Georges Abdallah has been a political prisoner of the French state for over 37 years now, to the applause of the United States and the Zionist entity.

4. We fully recognize ourselves in the struggle of Georges Abdallah. We recognize ourselves in his unwavering revolutionary internationalist commitment during his four decades of incarceration for the end of colonialism throughout the world, in all its forms, for the end of capitalism and exploitation and in support of the struggle of the peoples against all oppressions.

5. We recognize ourselves in his fierce determination and his unwavering conscience to lead the fight for his liberation not on the ground of the “judicial quibbles” of class justice but at the level of the political authorities – where decisions are truly made, outweighing the place and weight of the judicial ritual when it comes to political prisoners.

6. We share his line of conduct regarding the support to be given to him for his release: ” It is in the field of struggle that we can and must provide the most significant support to our comrades.” And in his case, as he himself puts it very clearly, “it is not enough that the State of Lebanon ‘demands’ or rather ‘requests’ my release, it is also necessary that the really existing balance of power can make the representatives of French imperialism understand that my imprisonment begins to weigh more heavily than the possible threat inherent in my release. It is only in this case that the order of my expulsion towards Lebanon will not meet any more opposition. This is why, dear Friends and Comrades, the most appropriate solidarity that we can bring to any imprisoned revolutionary protagonist, is that which we develop more and more in the field of struggle. against the system of exploitation and domination”. (Lannemezan, October 19, 2019).

This line of defense of our comrade, on his political basis, was ours in the past years and remains so today.

It is more relevant than ever at a time when the French State continues to keep Georges Abdallah in prison, without the extradition notice being signed by the Minister of the Interior as per the condition of his release. It is also more relevant than ever at a time when Georges Abdallah continues to confront his jailers, not to give in, to resist and where the mobilization for his release is growing ever stronger, day after day: everywhere in France, the initiatives to demand his release are carried out with elected officials, in the heart of cities and in front of the authorities of the State, with poster campaigns, gatherings and tables, during meetings, meals and solidarity celebrations, by calls for signatures and letters sent to the highest representative of the State, during political party events, and naturally within the process of all social and political struggles. Georges Abdallah, on a daily basis, is part of our struggles and no action is carried out without our reaffirming that we are part of his fight. This commitment in the region and at the national level is now also broad at the international level where Georges Abdallah has supporters on almost all continents (in Latin America – in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, the United States, in the Maghreb and in the Arab East – in particular in Palestine and Lebanon, India, Europe).

The time has now come to ensure that Georges Abdallah is not only, as Leïla Khaled said, “a symbol for revolutionaries around the world” but a symbol of the unanimously recognized resistance, in  which everyone demands his release in the name of the just and legitimate right to revolt and to resist. The time has come to have Georges Abdallah recognized as a unanimously recognized symbol of resistance at a time when everywhere in the world, contradictions are certainly sharpening but also the resistance of the peoples, who now come into direct confrontation with power and claim by revolt what is due to them; at a time when the resistance of the Palestinian people, in their struggle for national liberation, leads an offensive on the Zionist occupier, bringing its blows to the very heart of the most secure settlements or high security prisons; at a time when it is high time to demand accountability and ensure that fear changes sides!

While in Lebanon a new government has just been formed with at its head as Prime Minister Mr. Najib Mikati who, in 2012, had demanded the release of Georges Abdallah and called for his return to the country as a Lebanese citizen, time has therefore come to harden the balance of power by increasing the mobilization for the liberation of our comrade.

It is in this sense and for all these reasons – while remaining faithful to the principles of action and the political line recalled here – that we are calling today for a new month of action, from 24 September to 23 October 2021, so that all of us, the supporters of our comrade, do not leave a free political space at the local, regional, national and international level without putting the demand for his release on the agenda.

In Albertville, Amiens, Annecy, Aubagne, Aubervilliers, Besançon, Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Gennevilliers, Grenay, Grenoble, Lannemezan, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Montauban, Montpellier, Morlaix, Nanterre, Nîmes, Paris, Pau, Saint-Denis , Saint-Etienne, Tarbes, Thionville, Toulouse, Troyesin  the  Alpes-Maritimes, in Corsica, in Finistère, Gers, in Gironde, in Haute-Marne, in Hautes-Pyrénées, Hérault, Ile de France, Lot-et-Garonne, in the North and Pas-de-Calais, in the Pays de Cornouailles, in Poitou-Charentes, in Puy-de-Dôme, in the Rhône-Alpes region, in Seine-Maritime and in Tarn-et-Garonnein Algeria, Germany, England, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Spain, Greece, India, Italy, Kurdistan, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Morocco, occupied Palestine, Peru, Poland, Romania, Tunisia, Turkey –  everywhere in France and in the world where the struggle of Georges Abdallah is relayed and the demand for his release carried, wherever we are engaged in active solidarity support for our comrade, increase the mobilization actions and intensify the pressure on the representatives and places of power of the French State so that the current Minister of the Interior can finally sign the expulsion notice on which the release of our comrade is conditioned, and so this fight to end this iniquitous life sentence is won.

All of us –  anarchists, autonomists, anti-fascists, anti-imperialists, anti-Zionists, communists, democrats, environmentalists, internationalists, libertarians, Marxist-Leninists, Marxist-Leninists-Maoists, rebellious republicans, revolutionaries, Trotskyists; involved in parties, unions, fronts, campaigns, associations, collectives, committees, movements and multiple networks; engaged alongside our comrade in political struggles for Palestine, in support of the Intifada and against Normalization; for the defense of peoples’ struggles and their resistance; for the defense of political prisoners and revolutionary prisoners; against imprisonment; against police violence; for the defense of immigration and working-class neighborhoods; against racism ; for the defense of workers, their achievements and their rights;  in the Gilets Jaunes campaigns; for the fight for the emancipation of women; against torture and the death penalty  – let us mobilize once again, all together where we are, in this diversity that is ours, from 24 September 2021 to 23 October 2021 so that by this date, the eleventh demonstration in Lannemezan is the last and that we can finally be at his side to continue the struggle.

One, two, three, a thousand initiatives for the release of Georges Abdallah!

He is part of our struggles, we are part of his fight!

Palestine will live, Palestine will win!

Victory or victory!

Paris, 19 September 2021 


First signatories :Unitary campaign for the liberation of Georges Abdallah – Collective for the liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (CLGIA) – ANC (National Association of Communists) – The Workers’ Party of Turkey (DIP) – The Red Internationalist Collective for the Defense of Revolutionary Prisoners ( Le CRI Rouge) – Friends of Palestine against imperialism and Zionism (Turkey) – Committee of actions and support for the struggles of the Moroccan people – Committee for Popular Defense of Tunisia – Committee for the Respect of Freedoms and Rights de l’Homme en Tunisie – Secours Rouge International – Secours Rouge de Belgique – Secours Rouge arabe – The Belgian Appeal for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah – Union syndicale solidaire – Collectif 65 for the release of Georges Abdallah – Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity NEtwork – UL CGT Paris 18e – Collectif Palestine Vaincra – The Couserans-Palestine Association – Dimitri Konstantakopoulos, journalist and writer, former member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of SYRIZA (Greece) – International Committee in Support of the People’s War in India (Italy) – Proletari comunisti (Italy) ) – Soccorso rosso proletario (Italy) – Aline Pailler – AFPS 63 – Solidaire 31 – Revolutionary Youth League – A2C (Class autonomy) – Dominique Grange (Committed singer) – Tardi (Cartoonist) – Jean-Pierre Bastid and Emmanuelle de Bagnolet – Alima Boumediene Thiéry – Association Femmes Plurielles – Marie-France Pelletan (Ajaccio) – Helmuth Rudloff (Geneva) – René Naba, journalist-writer – Lise Bouzidi Vega, radio host and activist – Association Terre et Liberté pour Arauco – Ismaël Dupont,elected communist in Morlaix and in the department of Finistère, secretary of the PCF Finistère – José Navarro – Annick Weiner, professor emeritus – The International Support Network for Political Prisoners in Chile, (RIAPPECH) – the Charleroi-Palestine Platform – Youssef Boussoumah (decolonial HQ) and Houria Bouteldja (decolonial HQ) – Poitevin Palestine Committee – United Front for Immigration and Popular Quarters (FUIQP) – Association of Residents of Nanterre (ARENE) – Tunisian Solidarity Committee for Liberation by Georges Abdallah – Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP) – Union Prolétarienne ML (UPML) – AFPS d’Albertville – AFPS Paris 14-6 -Arab Commission for Human Rights-professor emeritus – The International Support Network for Political Prisoners in Chile, (RIAPPECH) – the Charleroi-Palestine Platform – Youssef Boussoumah (decolonial HQ) and Houria Bouteldja (decolonial HQ) – Poitevin Palestine Committee – United Front of Immigration and Popular Quarters (FUIQP) – The Association of Residents of Nanterre (ARENE) – Tunisian Solidarity Committee for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah – Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP) – Union Prolétarienne ML (UPML) ) – AFPS d’Albertville – AFPS Paris 14-6 -Arab Commission for Human Rights-professor emeritus – The International Support Network for Political Prisoners in Chile, (RIAPPECH) – the Charleroi-Palestine Platform – Youssef Boussoumah (decolonial HQ) and Houria Bouteldja (decolonial HQ) – Poitevin Palestine Committee – United Front of Immigration and Popular Quarters (FUIQP) – The Association of Residents of Nanterre (ARENE) – Tunisian Solidarity Committee for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah – Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP) – Union Prolétarienne ML (UPML) ) – AFPS d’Albertville – AFPS Paris 14-6 -Arab Commission for Human Rights-(RIAPPECH) – the Charleroi-Palestine Platform – Youssef Boussoumah (decolonial HQ) and Houria Bouteldja (decolonial HQ) – Poitevin Palestine Committee – United Front for Immigration and Popular Quarters (FUIQP) – Association of Residents of Nanterre (ARENE) – Tunisian Solidarity Committee for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah – French Jewish Union for Peace (UJFP) – Union Prolétarienne ML (UPML) – AFPS d’Albertville – AFPS Paris 14-6 – Arab Commission for Human Rights(RIAPPECH) – the Charleroi-Palestine Platform – Youssef Boussoumah (decolonial HQ) and Houria Bouteldja (decolonial HQ) – Poitevin Palestine Committee – United Front for Immigration and Popular Quarters (FUIQP) – Association of Residents of Nanterre (ARENE) – Tunisian Solidarity Committee for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah – French Jewish Union for Peace (UJFP) – Union Prolétarienne ML (UPML) – AFPS d’Albertville – AFPS Paris 14-6 – Arab Commission for Human Rights