Take Action: Rise Up with Palestine! Global Protest Actions


Organizers around the world are organizing events, actions and protests to confront Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, and to support the growing popular uprising in the streets across historic Palestine. Some of these actions are being organized as part of the BDS National Committee’s call for a Solidarity Wave (with a list of protests); many are being organized and led by Palestinians in exile and diaspora around the world; and many reflect the youth leadership powering this Palestinian upsurge. These also include events organized as part of the Week of Action to Free Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian Prisoners, and the International Day of Action for Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

To include your local action on this list, email samidoun@samidoun.net.

San Francisco, CA, US
Thursday, 15 October
6:00 PM
Israeli Consulate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/868315913288847/

Ottawa, Canada
Thursday, 15 October
5:15 PM
Chateau Laurier
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/868048096658380/

Parma, Italy
Thursday, 15 October
6:30 PM
Portici dell’Ospedale Vecchio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/170993649910415/

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Friday, 16 October
5:00 PM
Halifax Grand Parade
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/410737169135363/

Toronto, Canada
Friday, 16 October
5:00 PM
180 Bloor Street West
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/839211686177557/

Los Angeles, CA, US
Friday, 16 October
3:00 PM
Israeli Consulate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/686944391406975/

Cleveland, OH, US
Friday, 16 October
Willard Park
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1473651552965296/

New York, NY, US
Friday, 16 October
6:30 PM
155 Varick Street
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1269987059694433/

Iruñea-Pamplona, Basque Country
Friday, 16 October
7:00 PM
Details: http://www.bdsmovement.net/solidarity-wave

Valencia, Spanish State
Friday, 16 October
8:00 PM
Government Delegation in Valencia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1618745018389154/

Milano, Italy
Friday, 16 October
6:30 PM
Piazza della Scala
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/754163988028832/

Rome, Italy
Friday, 16 October
5:30 PM
Piazza dei SS Apostoli
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/454085954774785/

Napoli, Italy
Friday, 16 October
3:30 pm
Via Guglielmo Marconi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1661057400806629/

Berlin, Germany
Friday, 16 October
4:00 PM
Details: http://www.palaestina-solidaritaet.de/2015/10/berlin-fr-16-10-2015-solidaritaetskundgebung-mit-der-palaestinensischen-intifada/

Hamburg, Germany
Friday, 16 October
7:00 pm
Glockengießerwall, Neben der Bahnhofsmission
Details: http://www.palaestina-solidaritaet.de/2015/10/16-und-17-10-2015-pulverfass-westbank-32-palaestinenser-getoetet-hunderte-verletzt/

Trier, Germany
Friday, 16 October
3:30 PM
Römerbrücke Ecke Luxemburger Straße 10
Details: http://www.palaestina-solidaritaet.de/2015/10/16-und-17-10-2015-pulverfass-westbank-32-palaestinenser-getoetet-hunderte-verletzt/

Cologne, Germany
Friday, 16 October
5:30 PM
Kölner Domplatte
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/935334673199696/

Aarhus, Denmark
Friday, 16 October
3:00 PM
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1621626528100431/

Stockholm, Sweden
Friday, 16 October
6:00 PM
Israeli Embassy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1733662563535090/

Dallas, TX, US
Saturday, 17 October
1:00 pm
Grassy Knoll, Dealy Plaza
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1601583666784501/

Houston, TX, US
Saturday, 17 October
5:00 PM
2521 Post Oak Boulevard
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/578396425657565/

Washington, DC, US
Saturday, 17 October
1:00 PM
White House
Details: https://www.facebook.com/USPCN/posts/1071750689526439

Limerick, Ireland
Saturday, 17 October
1:00 PM
Thomas Street
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1522814248041730/

Glasgow, Scotland
Saturday, 17 October
2:00 PM
Buchannan Street
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1640402272897359/

Aberdeen, Scotland
Saturday, 17 October
12:30 PM
St Nicholas Square
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1040460169340144/

Dumbarton, Scotland
Saturday, 17 October
12:30 PM
College Way
Details: http://www.bdsmovement.net/solidarity-wave

Dundee, Scotland
Saturday, 17 October
12:00 PM
City Square
Details: http://www.bdsmovement.net/solidarity-wave

Edinburgh, Scotland
Saturday, 17 October
11:00 AM
Princes Street – Foot of the Mound
Details: http://www.bdsmovement.net/solidarity-wave

Elgin, Scotland
Saturday, 17 October
12:00 PM
Fountain on High Street
Details: http://www.bdsmovement.net/solidarity-wave

Inverness, Scotland
Saturday, 17 October
1:00 PM
Inverness High Street
Details: http://www.bdsmovement.net/solidarity-wave

Stirling, Scotland
Saturday, 17 October
11:00 AM
Bottom of King Street
Details: http://www.bdsmovement.net/solidarity-wave

Duns, Scotland
Saturday, 17 October
11:00 AM
Duns Square
Details: http://www.bdsmovement.net/solidarity-wave

London, UK
Saturday, 17 October
12:00 PM
Israeli Embassy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/485525934982604/

London, UK
Saturday, 17 October
3:00 PM
2A Great Titchfield Street
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/518831504953576/

Sheffield, UK
Saturday, 17 October
12:00 PM
Town Hall
Details: http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=e9f7e3f515cf87277529f8b0f&id=937a2fdbce#sthash.zgtTiGTJ.dpuf

Brighton, UK
Saturday, 17 October
1:00 PM
Clock Tower
Details: http://www.bdsmovement.net/solidarity-wave

Bristol, UK
Saturday, 17 October
11:30 AM
College Green to Castle Park
Details: http://www.bdsmovement.net/solidarity-wave

Cardiff, Wales
Saturday, 17 October
2:00 PM
Nye Bevan Statue
Details: http://www.bdsmovement.net/solidarity-wave

Paris, France
Saturday, 17 October
2:00 PM
Place de la Republique
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/999270923469901/

Montpellier, France
Saturday, 17 October
2:00 pm
Place de la comedie
Details: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1059671674073814&set=a.104454446262213.2736.100000929732659&type=3

Toulouse, France
Saturday, 17 October
4:00 PM
Metro Jean Jaures
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/747309472065247/

Bordeaux, France
Saturday, 17 October
4:00 PM
Salle Pierre Tachou
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/902124609864144/

Turin, Italy
Saturday, 17 October
2:30 PM
Corso Giulio Cesare davanti ex Stazione Ceres
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1652433028358764/

Trieste, Italy
Saturday, 17 October
4:00 PM
Largo Barriera
Details: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10206837351444867&set=gm.950855114961001&type=3

Hamburg, Germany
Saturday, 17 October
11:00 am
Moenckebergstrasse, Ecke Kleine Rosenstrasse,
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1074343875917410/

Koblenz, Germany
Saturday, 17 October
4:00 pm
Löhrstraße 1a an der Herz-Jesu-Kirche
Details: http://www.palaestina-solidaritaet.de/2015/10/koblenz-sa-17-10-2015-kundgebung-gegen-die-israelische-aggression/

Essen, Germany
Saturday, 17 October
4:00 PM
Details: http://www.palaestina-solidaritaet.de/2015/10/16-und-17-10-2015-pulverfass-westbank-32-palaestinenser-getoetet-hunderte-verletzt/

Berlin, Germany
Saturday, 17 October
4:00 PM
Potsdamer Platz
Details: http://www.palaestina-solidaritaet.de/2015/10/16-und-17-10-2015-pulverfass-westbank-32-palaestinenser-getoetet-hunderte-verletzt/

Stuttgart, Germany
Saturday, 17 October
4:00 PM
Details: http://www.palaestina-solidaritaet.de/2015/10/16-und-17-10-2015-pulverfass-westbank-32-palaestinenser-getoetet-hunderte-verletzt/

Munich, Germany
Saturday, 17 October
4:00 PM
Details: http://www.palaestina-solidaritaet.de/2015/10/16-und-17-10-2015-pulverfass-westbank-32-palaestinenser-getoetet-hunderte-verletzt/

Oslo, Norway
Saturday, 17 October
4:00 PM
Israeli Embassy
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/980550172002239/

Copenhagen, Denmark
Saturday, 17 October
6:00 PM
Christiansborg Slotsplads
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1693059037647333/

Uppsala, Sweden
Saturday, 17 October
1:00 PM
Stora Torget
Details: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153661350029257&set=a.10151535462299257.547287.752069256&type=3

New York, NY, US
Sunday, 18 October
5:00 PM
Times Square
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1509792672665088/

Chicago, IL, US
Sunday, 18 October
3:00 PM
Downtown Chicago
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/922493734467243/

Dearborn, MI, US
Sunday, 18 October
Henry Ford Library
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/536501506515360/

Anaheim, CA, US
Sunday, 18 October
3:00 PM
611 S Brookhurst St
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/171542169854920/

Montreal, Quebec
Sunday, 18 October
1:00 pm
Metro Guy-Concordia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/971930256203413/

Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sunday, 18 October
11:00 AM
Praca Oswaldo Cruz – Concentracao
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1500169720309324/

Brussels, Belgium
Sunday, 18 October
3:00 PM
Place De La Bourse
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/980478275346549/

Lille, France
Sunday, 18 October
11:00 am
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/874753765935455/

Varese, Italy
Sunday, 18 October
3:00 PM
Piazza XX Settembre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1498969093737148/

Valladolid, Spanish State
Monday, 19 October
8:00 pm
Plaza Fuente Dorada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/916960795017158/

Barcelona, Catalonia
Tuesday, 20 October
7:00 pm
Spanish Government Delegation in Catalonia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/407027789485703/

Milano, Italy
Tuesday, 20 October
5:00 pm
Corso Sempione 27
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1498792503751801/

San Diego, CA, US
Friday, 23 October
3:00 PM
880 Front Street
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1911256662432155/

Melbourne, Australia
Friday, 23 October
5:30 pm
State Library of Victoria
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1643044205950970/

Brussels, Belgium
Friday, 23 October
4:00 PM
Central Station Brussels
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/548764371942807/

Berlin, Germany
Friday, 23 October
3:00 PM
Potsdamer Platz
Details: http://www.palaestina-solidaritaet.de/2015/10/berlin-fr-23-10-2015-protestkundgebung-gegen-die-israelische-aggression/

Lannemezan, France
Saturday, 24 October
2:00 PM
Lannemezan Prison
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/718702364929830/

Berlin, Germany
Saturday, 24 October
2:00 PM
Pariser Platz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/850712508376896/

Brussels, Belgium
Saturday, 24 October
5:30 PM
French Embassy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/514728688702141/

Beirut, Lebanon
Saturday, 24 October
3:00 PM
French Embassy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/994175727305133/?ref=3&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular&feed_story_type=17&action_history=null

Albuquerque, NM, US
Wednesday, 14 October
4:00 PM
UNM Bookstore
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/111988305824798/

International Day of Action for Palestine on Campuses
Wednesday, 14 October
Events in: Beirut, Karachi, Ankara, London, Berkeley, Fullerton, Riverside, San Diego, Durham, Middletown, Stanford, Minneapolis, Irvine, Davis, Claremont, Los Angeles, Poughkeepsie, New York, Whittier, Knoxville, La Jolla, Urbana-Champaign, Oberlin, Indianapolis, McAllen, Chicago, Des Moines, Somerville, Tucson, Edwardsville, Madison and Evanston
Details: https://ida-palestine.github.io/

Dublin, Ireland
Thursday, 15 October
5:00 PM
Spire of Dublin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/706743426122657/

Belfast, Ireland
Thursday, 15 October
5:00 PM
BBC Broadcast House
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/893890044025322/

Cork, Ireland
Thursday, 15 October
5:00 PM
Daunt Square