The Galician People’s Union (Union do Povo Galego) has released a statement in support of striking Palestinian prisoner Bilal Kayed, today on his 39th day of hunger strike. Kayed has been consuming only water, refusing vitamins, salt supplements, and medical examinations; after a serious health deterioration, he is shackled to his hospital bed in Barzilai Hospital, under intense surveillance. Dozens of Kayed’s fellow Palestinian prisoners are on hunger strike in solidarity with his struggle for release. After a 14.5 year sentence in Israeli prisons, he was scheduled for release on 13 June 2016. Instead of being released, he was ordered to six months in indefinitely-renewable administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial on the basis of secret evidence. He launched his hunger strike on 15 June to demand his freedom. Over 150 Palestinian and international organizations have demanded Kayed’s release, and people around the world are mobilizing between 20 and 30 July for Kayed’s freedom, including on 25 July, the World Student Day of Solidarity with Bilal Kayed and Palestinian Prisoners.
The statement is below:
The member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Bilal Kayed, was due for release on 13 June after over 14 years spent in Israeli jails.
Following the decision by Israel to hold him for a further 6 months, Bilal Kayed went on hungers strike and is currently tied to a hospital bed and under great pressure to give up his strike. His life is in serious danger having lost 25 Kg since his protest began, with serious consequences for his health.
The Galician People’s Union (UPG) condemns the callous treatment of Bilal Kayed by the Israeli government and demands his immediate release.
We also denounce the fact that 750 Palestinians are currently imprisoned under “administrative detention” whereby anyone can be arrested and held without charges for six-month periods which can be extended indefinitely.
We demand the immediate release of Bilal Kayed and all political prisoners, the repeal of “administrative detention” and the end to the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel.
Santiago de Compostela, 18 July 2016
Secretariat for International Relations
Galician People’s Union (UPG)
El militante del Frente Popular de Liberación de Palestina Bilal Kayed debía haber sido liberado el pasado 13 de Junio tras pasar más de 14 años en las cárceles israelíes.
Delante de la decisión de Israel de mantenerlo en la cárcel durante seis meses más Bilal Kayed inició una huelga de hambre, y en este momento está hospitalizado y atado a la cama sufriendo una gran presión para que abandone la huelga de hambre. Su vida corre serio peligro, pues desde que inició la huelga de hambre ha perdido 25 kilos y se ha deteriorado seriamente su salud.
La UPG quiere denunciar la actuación inhumana del gobierno israelí con Bilal Kayed y exige su inmediata puesta en libertad.
Además debemos denunciar la existencia en este momento de 750 palestinos y palestinas que están en prisión al aplicarse la figura de la “detención administrativa”, figura que permite detener a personas sin acusación ninguna por periodos de seis meses que pueden ser prorrogables de modo indefinido.
Exigimos la inmediata liberación de Bilal Kayed y de todos los presos y presas políticos, la eliminación de la figura de la “detención administrativa” y el fin de la ocupación por parte de Israel de los territorios palestinos.
Santiago de Compostela; 18 de Julio de 2016
Secretaría de Relaciones Internacionales
Unión del Pueblo Gallego
O militante da Frente Popular de Libertação de Palestina Bilal Kayed devia ter sido liberado o passado 13 de Junho depois de passar mais de 14 anos nos cárceres israelenses.
Diante da decisão de Israel de manter no cárcere durante mais seis meses Bilal Kayed iniciou uma greve de fome e neste momento está hospitalizado e atado à cama sofrendo uma grande pressão para que abandone a greve de fome. A sua vida corre sério perigo, pois desde que iniciou a greve de fome tem perdido 25 quilos e tem-se deteriorado seriamente a sua saúde.
A UPG quer denunciar a actuação inhumana do governo israelense com Bilal Kayed e exige a sua imediata posta em liberdade.
Ademais devemos denunciar a existência neste momento de 750 palestinianos e palestinianas que estão em prisão ao se aplicar a figura da “detenção administrativa”, figura que permite deter a pessoas sem acusação nenhuma por períodos de seis meses que podem ser prorrogábeis de modo indefinido.
Exigimos a imediata libertação de Bilal Kayed e de todos os presos e presas políticos, a eliminação da figura da “detenção administrativa” e o fim da ocupação por parte de Israel dos territórios palestinianos.
Santiago de Compostela; 18 de Julho de 2016
Secretaria de Relações Internacionais
União do Povo Galego
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