Wednesday, 12 July
8:30 pm
Casa del Popolo
4848 Blvd Saint-Laurent
Montreal, Quebec

community benefit for Palestinian political prisoners
supporting Addameer Prisoner Support & Human Rights Association
$10 (no one turned away)
* Lamia Yared + Nathaniel Huard
* Skin Tone — Jaames Nicholas Dumile Willoughby (saxophone & electronics)
* Mixed with Dust (Kaie Kellough & Stefan Christoff)
accompanying photo by Nour Ouayda.
bios :
Chanteuse d’origine libanaise, Lamia Yared puise son répertoire dans les chants traditionnels et folkloriques arabes. Elle s’accompagne au oud pour chanter ces mélodies syriennes et égyptiennes. Avec son groupe Zaman, elle présente des concerts depuis 2014. Cette performance sera présentée en collaboration avec le percussioniste Nathaniel Huard. / A singer of Lebanese origin, Lamia Yared‘s work is rooted in a repertoire of traditional and folkloric arabic songs. Lamia plays oud while also singing Syrian and Egyptian melodies. With l’Ensemble Zaman, Lamia has played concerts since 2014, this coming performance will be presented with the collaboration of percussionist Nathaniel Huard.
Shanice Nicole is a Black feminist educator, facilitator, writer, and spoken word artist living and loving in Montreal. She discovered poetry in the summer of 2015 and now uses it as a form of expression, healing and resistance in her fight for social justice. Shanice Nicole’s writing explores race, feminism, mental health and sexuality but most importantly represents the many layers of her Black womanhood. Connect with her on Instagram at @ThatsWhatShaSaid.
Skin Tone is the solo performance practice of Jaames Nicholas Dumile Willoughby. Skin tone incorporates story-telling, tap dancing, saxophone and electronics to explore issues around marginalization, race, and futurity. Sometimes remixing the black literary canon over ambient pulses, other times unleashing squalls of skronk. Goddard, who is based in Montréal, can also be found playing sax in a wide-range of other projects (NYON, Platitudes, etc) and is currently developing the inaugural Congress of Radical Futurism.
Mixed with Dust is Kaie Kellough ( on voice / elections & Stefan Christoff on echo guitar / keyboards.
* Acessibility: Casa Del Popolo is located on ground level. There are ramps on both the venue and bar front entrances for wheelchair accessibility. Washrooms are gender neutral and one is wheelchair accessible. There are no automatic doors however. // * Accessibilité: Casa Del Popolo se situe au sol – il y a des rampes disponibles pour l’entrée de la salle et du bar pour les chaises roulantes. Les salles de bains sont “Genre-neutre” et une est accessible pour les chaises roulantes. Il n’y a cependant pas de portes automatiques.
* Safe Space Policy: There will be zero tolerance for racist, sexist, transphobic and any oppressive behaviour. Casa Del Popolo has staff ready to assist you if ever you feel unsafe and/or you notice anything unusual/problematic. You can also reach out personally to the organizers or the artists, and we will try to help you as best as we can. // * Politique d’Espace sécuritaire: Il n’y aura aucune tolérance pour des comportements racistes, sexistes, transphobiques et n’importe quel autre comportement oprresant. Le personnel de Casa Del popolo est prêt à vous assister si jamais vous craignez pour votre sécurité, et/ou que vous apercevez quelque chose de problématique/troublant. Vous pouvez aussi contacter les organisateurs ou les artistes, et nous essayerons de vous aider autant que possible.
Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
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