The following report is translated from the French original at Collectif Palestine Vaincra:
On Saturday, 14 December, a number of activists of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, gathered near metro station Capitole in Toulouse, France for two hours of outreach, activism and solidarity at a Palestine table and stand.

This monthly stand is greeted warmly by passers-by and members of the community in the Toulouse city center. Activists distributed over 550 flyers on the siege on Gaza and the current situation, and they sold a number of 2020 Palestine calendars (available online from Collectif Palestine Vaincra.)

Participants gathered photos of passers-by who posed with solidarity signs supporting Palestinians in Gaza fighting siege and Israeli attacks, Palestinian liberation overall and the struggle to free Palestinian political prisoners, including Khalida Jarrar and Samer Arbeed.
Many people joined conversations about the situation in Palestine and observed the display with facts on the siege on Gaza, including the lack of potable water, the shortage of electricity and the threat that Gaza will be “unlivable” by next year.

They also distributed information on the campaign to free Georges Abdallah, the imprisoned Arabic struggler for Palestine jailed in France for 35 years.

The event also included an audio message in Arabic from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Gaza. The stand broadcast the Arabic message and translated it into French.
Listen to the Arabic here:
Read the translation below:
Our dear comrades,
On behalf of the Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, comrade Ahmad Sa’adat, on behalf of the central committee of the PFLP, and on behalf of our people, in Palestine and in the diaspora, on behalf of all prisoners and strugglers, we salute you in France and especially our comrades in Toulouse and we send you our greetings from Gaza.
Today, your support and your solidarity with our struggle for freedom, return and liberation give us more strength to continue our struggle despite the Zionist attacks, the threats of the American and French imperialists and the complicity of the European Union.
And despite the inhuman blockade that has continued for 11 years, we stand today with pride, persistence and determination to continue the fight to fulfill our vision of returning to a free Palestine, liberated from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea.
We salute our friends and comrades of Collectif Palestine Vaincra, knowing that your support for us and for Gaza strengthens us.
We know that Gaza is not alone as long as there are strugglers fighting alongside us. And together, we will liberate Palestine.
To conclude, it is time to continue our fight to defeat Zionism and imperialism, and to fight for a future of liberation and justice and for a free Palestine from the river to the sea.
Long live Palestine!
Long live international solidarity!
Long live the PFLP!
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