Over 10,000 people sign on to support the Collectif Palestine Vaincra as mobilization continues in Toulouse and internationally

From 15 to 25 April, the Committee Against the Dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is calling for a week of mobilization against the banning of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra by the French government. The week of action is taking place on the eve of the hearing of the Collectif’s appeal to the Council of State, which takes place on 26 April. This campaign brings together more than thirty local organizations in Toulouse, France, the home of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, including the main labour unions (CGT , FSU and Solidaires), several left and far left parties (PGNPARPUCL, LJR) and many associations and collectives (League for Human Rights, Peace MovementAFPS , BDS France ToulouseAFAPopular Collective Against the Far Right , etc.). Over 10,100 people have already expressed their reejection of this authoritarian and draconian action by the Macron government through a support petition. The dissolution of the Collectif was ratified on 9 March by the Council of Ministers.

On Saturday 16 April, about twenty members of the Committee met for an afternoon around the creation of a mural in Toulouse, proclaiming “No to the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra” . The mural painting was an opportunity to spend a united and friendly moment combining discussions, snacks and a graffiti workshop.

The next day, a person from the Committee intervened during a demonstration against the extreme right to call for the rally against the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra on 21 April in Toulouse, which brought over 250 people to rally against the ban.

At the same time, a poster campaign took place throughout the city calling for solidarity in the face of this attack, which concerns all the organizations which seek to uphold anti-racist and anti-colonialist politics.

On Tuesday, 19 April, during a student General Assembly at Toulouse University Jean Jaurès, the Committee against the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra intervened once again. The hundred or so people present largely supported the statement and voted in support of the rally on Thursday April 21 at the end of the General Assembly. 

A few days earlier, NPA spokesperson Pauline Salingue spoke in support of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra during an electoral rally in front of nearly 1,500 people in Toulouse.


Many organizations and individuals have already sent the Committee solidarity photos from the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Germany and Switzerland, and of course from many cities in France. This demonstrates that not only is the Collectif Palestine Vaincra not isolated, but that the whole Palestine solidarity movement understands that this dissolution concerns us all. Take part in this week of mobilization! Send your photos and statements of support to [email protected]

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