New Samidoun chapter launches in Gothenburg, Sweden!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is excited to announce that a new chapter has joined our network – Samidoun Göteborg (in Gothenburg, Sweden!)

Formed as Frihet at Ahed Tamimi (Freedom for Ahed Tamimi), the group decided to continue organizing with their focus on the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners as an essential aspect of the struggle for a free and liberated Palestine.

Samidoun Göteborg will be hosting a public event on 15 September as part of the Radikal Bokmässa 2018. Writer and activist Torkil Lauesen and Samidoun international coordinator Charlotte Kates will discuss imperialism and international solidarity.

Samidoun now has chapters and organizers in the United States (with a very active New York group), Sweden, Canada, Greece, France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Lebanon and Palestine. We are thrilled to welcome our comrades in Gothenburg and we look forward to struggling together for liberation and return!

Samidoun welcomes new chapters and organizers around the world. If you are interested in forming a Samidoun chapter, or if your organization is interested in becoming officially part of the Samidoun network, please contact us at [email protected].

Free Palestine! Freedom for all Palestinian prisoners!

The statement of Samidoun Göteborg:

After a short break following the release of Ahed Tamimi, we can now reveal that the Frihet at Ahed Tamimi initiative in Gothenburg is becoming a local affiliate of Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Samidoun Göteborg. We will continue our work to support Palestinian liberation with a focus on Palestinian political prisoners and we will continue to work for boundless solidarity with the oppressed and exploited, through letter writing, public events and other activities. Ahed Tamimi herself was released only from official imprisonment; she was returned to a life under occupation, and Ahed calls on us in her own words to continue the struggle for all Palestinian prisoners’ freedom as a critically important part of the fight for a free Palestine. Keep following us here, spread our page and invite your friends, and organize for the liberation of Palestine!

Freedom for all Palestinian prisoners!

Freedom for Palestine!

Efter ett kort uppehåll, och efter Ahed Tamimis frigivning, kan vi nu avslöja att initiativet Frihet åt Ahed Tamimi Göteborg blir en lokalgrupp i Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Samidoun Göteborg. Vi kommer att fortsätta vårt solidaritetsarbete för Palestinas befrielse med fokus på palestinska politiska fångar, vi kommer att fortsätta arbeta för gränslös solidaritet med förtryckta och exploaterade, genom brevskrivarträffar, offentliga samlingar och andra aktiviteter. Ahed Tamimi själv frigavs endast från administrativt förvar tillbaka till ett liv under ockupation, och Ahed själv uppmanar oss med sina egna ord att fortsätta kampen för alla palestinska fångar som en viktig del av kampen för ett fritt Palestina. Fortsätt följa oss här, sprid vår sida och bjud in dina vänner till den, och aktivera dig för Palestinas befrielse!

Frihet åt alla palestinska politiska fångar!
Frihet åt Palestina!


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