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Georges Abdallah’s statement for week of action salutes Palestinian resistance, urges solidarity

Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Communist revolutionary and struggler for Palestine who has been imprisoned in France since 1984, delivered the following statement for the International Week of Action for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, marked at demonstrations and events around the world between 12 and 19 June. Georges Abdallah is now the longest-held political prisoner in Europe.

His story is chronicled in the new film, Fedayin: The Struggle of Georges Abdallah, screened in cities across France, Switzerland, Italy and Tunisia as part of the Week of Action.

Fedayin is available in French, English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, and German (with subtitles). The film is available for screening — to organize a screening, please contact Vacarmes Films at vacarmesfilms@gmail.com. Please also feel free to reach out to Samidoun at samidoun@samidoun.net if you are interested in organizing a screening of Fedayin.

Georges Abdallah’s statement was originally issued in French; the English translation is below:

Dear comrades, dear friends;

Less than one month ago, we commemorated the Nakba in a very special atmosphere. Reactionaries of all stripes swore by the “deal of the century,” trumpeting from the rooftops the so-called beneficial effects on regional peace provided by normalization between the Zionist entity and reactionary Arab regimes. They repeatedly proclaimed the end of the Palestinian cause. 28 years after the Oslo accords, the Zionist entity came to believe that it had truly subjugated the Palestinian people forever. The Zionist leadership has always believed that, in time, “the old will die and the young will forget”…. This is how these officials made the mistake of believing that they could take advantage of this general confusion and end it once and for all, with their attack on Al-Quds.

73 years after the Nakba, the attack on Al-Quds led necessarily to a general explosion. The Palestinian popular masses do not care about the confusion and indeterminacy of their official leadership in such a situation. And so it is that from Sheikh Jarrah to Gaza to all the towns and cities of the West Bank and occupied Palestine ’48, Palestinians of all ages have rediscovered themselves, an entire, unified people in full mobilization. Palestine, the land and people, are united more than ever. The tremors of this volcano are far from limited to Palestine alone; the Palestinian masses in the refugee camps in the Arab countries surrounding Palestine stand in unison with the Arab masses, together with Palestine, the embodiment of dignity and the source of hope. The tremors of this popular volcano have shaken and pulverized not only the “deal of the century,” but above all, the Oslo accords. It was only to stem this popular uprising and to attempt to prevent its regional repercussions that the imperialist powers and reactionaries of the region hastened, after 11 days of criminal bombardment, to establish a ceasefire…

Naturally, this popular intifada of a particular type will not stop there. This is the time to shift the framework and not allow the Oslo leadership to return as if nothing has happened. It is clear, comrades, that since this ceasefire, not a single day has passed in the West Bank without new martyrs, young and old. Let us examine the situation in Beita, in the south near Nablus, or in Jenin in the north, not to mention all the ongoing provocations, attacks and repression in Al Quds, in occupied Palestine ’48 and the ongoing raids and bombing attacks on Gaza.

Comrades and friends, the Resistance in all its forms always benefits the people. It is only the Resistance that puts the Palestinian cause back in its rightful place on the regional and world stage. Fateh strugglers, like strugglers from all organizations in the West Bank, chanted the names of the resistance fighters in Gaza, committing themselves to defend the ongoing popular intifada, to end all forms of capitulation and treachery, and to get rid of the occupier once and for all. Certainly, it was the Resistance that enabled the Palestinian popular masses to transform the 73rd commemoration of the Nakba into a Nakba for the Zionist regime. Despite the enormous cost in blood and destruction, the joy of the final victory will be even greater, as a commander of the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades affirmed…

Comrades and friends, from behind the abominable prison walls, Ahmad Sa’adat and the thousands of comrades imprisoned in Zionist jails, send their revolutionary greetings and draw your attention to what is happening in occupied Palestine ’48. Certainly, they can rely on you more than ever not to ignore or underestimate the scope of the violent racist gang attacks organized by the fascist and supremacist groups in Ramleh, Lydda, Haifa and Umm al-Fahm, openly supported by the Israeli police .

That said, comrades, the Palestinian popular masses engaged in this ongoing intifada can rely, and must be able to rely, upon your mobilization confronting all of the shameless propaganda of the imperialist bourgeoisie, in your countries in particular….The conditions of detention in Zionist jails worsen daily. And as you know, comrades, international solidarity is an essential weapon of struggle. Quite naturally, the Palestinian popular masses and their revolutionary vanguards can always rely on your mobilization and your active solidarity.

May a thousand solidarity initiatives blossom in support of Palestine and its promising Resistance!

May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish in support of Palestinian flowers and lion cubs (Palestinian girls and boys)!

Solidarity, all solidarity with resistance fighters in Zionist jails and in all isolation cells elsewhere around the world!

Solidarity, all solidarity with young proletarians from working-class neighborhoods!

Honor to the Martyrs and to the struggling popular masses!

Down with imperialism and its Zionist and Arab reactionary watchdogs!

Capitalism is nothing more than barbarism, salutes to all those who oppose it in the diversity of their expressions!

Together, Comrades, and it is only together that we will win!

Palestine will live and Palestine will certainly win!

To all of you, Comrades and Friends, my revolutionary greetings.

Your Comrade Georges Abdallah

19 June 2021

German officials seek to escalate attack on Palestinian rights, targeting growing movement

One month ago, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in cities across Germany, demanding justice, freedom and liberation for Palestine, from the river to the sea. From Berlin to Frankfurt, from Hannover to Düsseldorf, Palestinians, Arabs and German and international comrades marched in massive, continuing demonstrations rejecting Israeli war crimes and colonialism throughout Palestine. These marches and actions continued to progress despite attempts to ban demonstrations, police brutality and attacks on protesters, and repeated defamation and racist attacks against the organizers and participants in these actions. 

Now, German officials are seeking to escalate their attacks on Palestinian organizing in an attempt to intimidate, repress and subjugate the growing activity and involvement of Palestinian youth and communities in leading social justice movements throughout Germany. This proposal, marketed as a “Hamas flag” ban by the leading political parties in Germany (CDU, CSU and SPD), will allegedly be voted on by the Bundestag next week, barring the “use of symbols” of organizations on the EU “list of terrorist organizations.” 

Currently, German law only allows for the prohibition of symbols and flags if the organizations are themselves banned by the German state. Rather than actually seeking to make a case against Palestinian resistance organizations, including Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, these German political parties once again seek to repress and intimidate the Palestinian community from expressing their political position and support for the resistance. We note here that this act would not only apply to Palestinian resistance organizations but in fact to all national liberation movements and organizations labeled “terrorist” by the EU, including the Communist Party of the Philippines and multiple Kurdish and Turkish Leftist parties.

German politicians have openly admitted that this entire initiative is based on suppressing the popular movement that arose last month, falsely labeling it “anti-Semitic” rather than what it is in reality: pro-liberation, anti-colonial and anti-racist. This is yet another of the repeated attempts of the German state to deflect blame for the crimes of the Nazi Holocaust and European colonialism by instead attempting to place guilt on the Palestinian and Arab people for German and European atrocities. It also places the German state directly in line with U.S. imperialism and Zionist colonialism — alongside its ongoing weapons sales to the Israeli regime — as part and parcel of the assault on the Palestinian people. 

We note that this is only one of several attempts to criminalize and target the Palestinian and Arab community. Perhaps most egregiously, this same government coalition declared that it plans to introduce legislation to prohibit people convicted of even minor/petty offenses that are classified as “anti-Semitic” from naturalization. This project is based on the false classification of Palestinian protest as anti-Semitic, when in fact the perpetrators of actual anti-Jewish attacks in Germany are overwhelmingly German, far-right Nazis and fascists. It attempts to exonerate German fascism by targeting “imported anti-Semitism,” a ludicrous concept that makes a mockery of German politicians’ claimed reckoning with Germany’s historical crimes. 

As noted by Studis gegen Rechte Hetze (Students against Right-Wing Hate), “Of course, German fascists, who assume an absolute majority of anti-Semitic crimes and, in general, all racist crimes, are not affected by this tightening of the nationality law. This shows how racist this bill is, since it vilifies anti-racist liberation movements as ‘anti-semitic’ while sweeping its own German fascist history under the carpet and denying who really poses a threat of anti-semitic and generally racist crimes. Indeed, anti-Semitism is exported to the ‘evil, non-German others’”

The reactionary government in Germany – in office for just the three next months before the elections of September – is attempting to market itself with anti-Palestinian racism, which comes as no surprise. During the assault on Gaza and the attacks on the Palestinian people throughout occupied Palestine that brought millions to the streets in outrage around the world, the German officials of the so-called “Grand Coalition” (CDU, CSU and SPD) were raising the Zionist flag atop of town halls and government buildings! This kind of allegiance to the Israeli state and Zionist war crimes came against the will of millions of German citizens, who will hopefully hold these forces accountable in the next elections, and the entire movement in support of Palestinian liberation,  including our Internationalist comrades from many countries, will encourage them to do so.

It must be clear that the involvement of the SPD alongside the avowedly right-wing CDU and CSU in this motion comes as no surprise. Not only did the SPD support the Bundestag resolution denouncing and seeking to criminalize the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel, it is SPD officials in Berlin that issued the political bans against both Rasmea Odeh and Khaled Barakat. 

The SPD interior minister in Berlin has repeatedly directed massive numbers of police to attack and disrupt Palestinian demonstrations as well as large-scale police raids targeting Arab neighbourhoods and locking down entire streets to investigate alleged petty violations like the sale of untaxed tobacco. These shows of police intimidation have a clearly racist character and effect and were widely criticized following the far-right, neo-Nazi massacre perpetrated in Hanau. 

Of course, anti-Palestinian racism and repression in Germany is nothing new. Every effort of Palestinians and their supporters to organize in their communities and on campuses is subjected to blatant defamation and incitement by the German media, while demonstrations like those in Frankfurt were subjected to attempted political bans by pro-Zionist, pro-apartheid officials; in Berlin, demonstrators were repeatedly subject to police surveillance, attacks and brutality. 

Palestinian feminist, torture survivor and former political prisoner Rasmea Odeh was subjected to a political ban in 2019, followed by deportation; this was followed by the political ban imposed on Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat and his forced exclusion from Germany. 

Both of these actions followed the Bundestag resolution against BDS – currently being challenged in court — a resolution that, while justified as not legally binding, was used to justify Khaled Barakat’s exclusion.

As Barakat noted, “Far from expressing guilt or responsibility for Nazi atrocities against Jewish people in Europe and the crimes of the Holocaust, this resolution and the other official anti-Palestinian attacks are an attempt to shift responsibility for these crimes from European fascism to Palestinian and Arab communities, especially refugee populations seeking refuge and safety…Anti-Semitism exists and is real, and the primary perpetrators are right-wing, racist, anti-Jewish groups, the same groups that also attack people of color. These are the same fascists that can organize rallies in the streets of Germany, while German officials defend their ‘freedom of expression’ and police attack anti-fascists who challenge them.”

The criminalization of the flags of Palestinian resistance organizations in Germany also recalls the multiple arrests and prosecutions of people in Germany for carrying the flags of Kurdish organizations, prosecutions that came hand in hand with the persecution of Turkish and Kurdish communists and leftists by the German state. 

It is clear that the purpose of this proposal is to repress the movement and create yet another pretext for police attacks, intelligence investigations, surveillance and criminalization against Palestinian communities and Palestinian solidarity organizations. We in Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, including and especially in Samidoun Deutschland, affirm that we will not be silenced or intimidated by such attacks on the Palestinian people and their resistance. Instead, they make it more clear than ever how important it is to expand, build and grow the Palestine solidarity movement and deepen Palestinian community organizing in Germany to effectively fight back and support all those under attack. 

The symbols and images of the resistance live in the hearts of the Palestinian people. They will be raised around the world and in every country, because they are symbols of hope for humanity — of those who fight for justice and liberation despite the massive military might of the oppressor. They blossom on walls in graffiti, in art and murals, in flags at protests and everywhere that people stand together against racism and colonialism. We urge people around the world to continue to highlight and raise these symbols in support of the Palestinian people and their right to resist, and as a sign of solidarity against these attempts to criminalize Palestinian protest and action. 

These efforts by the German regime to suppress the legitimate struggle of Palestinians against colonization will, like all of the home demolitions, forced expulsions, land confiscation, mass imprisonment, siege and crimes against humanity to which Palestinians are subjected, inevitably fail. Palestine will be victorious and liberated, from the river to the sea – despite all attacks by imperialism, Zionism and the politicians serving their interests.

Read more on anti-Palestinian repression in Germany: 

19 June, NYC: Palestine Contingent on Juneteenth: You Can’t Stand for Palestinian Liberation without Standing for Black Liberation

Saturday, 19 June
12 pm
Frederick Douglass Square, Brooklyn, NY
(Formerly Nostrand & Jefferson)
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQM1rMngxWD/

Stand with the December 12 Movement and Sistas’ Place

You cannot stand for Palestinian liberation without standing for Black Liberation. If you’ve been showing up for protests for Palestine, you should also be showing up for Black liberation. This Saturday on June 19th we will join the December 12th movement at Frederick Douglass Square in Brooklyn to commemorate Juneteenth. Join us as we wave the New Afrikan flag and show solidarity with our Black Comrades fighting for liberation. Our struggles are interconnected and our liberation is tied to one another.

19 June, Toulouse: Palestine Stand – Free Georges Abdallah!

Saturday, June 19, 2021
4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Metro Capitole
Toulouse, France

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/226569835718031

As part of the international week of action for the liberation of Georges Abdallah , Collectif Palestine Vaincra is organizing a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Capitole metro station in Toulouse, France on Saturday June 19 from 4 pm to 6 pm. Lebanese communist and Palestinian resistance fighter, Georges Abdallah has been imprisoned in France since 1984 and eligible for release since 1999. He has become the longest-held political prisoner in Europe. To support him is to support the Palestinian people and their legitimate right to resistance against Israeli occupation.

On the program: information stand and distribution of flyers on Georges Abdallah; signing of petition cards; interventions on Georges Abdallah, Palestine and the boycott of Israel; free stickers and flyers on Palestine; Palestinian music; exhibition on Palestinian prisoners, etc. Do not hesitate to come and participate in this solidarity initiative!

This gathering is registered at the prefecture and respects the required health measures (masks, sanitizer, etc.).

Dans le cadre de la semaine internationale d’actions pour la libération de Georges Abdallah, nous organisons un Stand Palestine à la sortie du métro Capitole le samedi 19 juin de 16H à 18H.

Communiste libanais et combattant de la résistance palestinienne, Georges Abdallah est emprisonné en France depuis 1984 et libérable depuis 1999. Devenu le plus ancien prisonnier politique d’Europe, le soutenir c’est soutenir le peuple palestinien et son droit légitime à la résistance contre l’occupation israélienne.

Au programme : stand d’informations et distribution de flyers sur Georges Abdallah ; signature de cartes-pétitions ; interventions sur Georges Abdallah, la Palestine et le boycott d’Israël ; stickers et dépliants gratuits sur la Palestine ; musique palestinienne ; exposition sur les prisonniers palestiniens, etc. N’hésitez pas à venir participer à cette initiative de solidarité !

Ce rassemblement est déposé en préfecture et respecte les mesures sanitaires requises (masques, gel, etc.).

19 June, Berlin: Grup Yorum concert and demonstration for freedom

Saturday, 19 June
4:00 pm
Berlin, Germany

Resistance and revolutionary arts festival in the fight against fascism and Zionism – Berlin

Samidoun invites you to take part in this popular, artistic festival with the revolutionary band “Grup Yorum” from Turkey. Members of this band have given their lives in hunger strikes for freedom and in solidarity with political prisoners in Turkey.

Together, we celebrate revolutionary solidarity and common struggle against colonialism and fascism! We support Grup Yorum, who will present a number of their song about the Intifada and Palestinian resistance. Many of these songs are in Arabic!

Bring your Palestinian flags and hold them high in our response to the Zionist “Flag-march” in occupied Jerusalem.

Join us to engage with revolutionary art and support resistance on Saturday, 19 June at 4 pm at Oranienplatz in Berlin.

Widerstands- und revolutionäres Kunstfest im Kampf gegen Faschismus und Zionismus – Berlin

Samidoun lädt Euch ein, an dem populären und künstlerischen Fest mit der türkischen revolutionären Band “Yorum” teilzunehmen. Mitglieder dieser Band kämpften bis zum Martyrium unter Hungerstreik für die Freiheit und in Solidarität mit politischen Gefangenen in der Türkei.

Gemeinsam feiern wir die revolutionäre Solidarität und den gemeinsamen Kampf gegen das koloniale und faschistische Lager! Dazu unterstützen wir “Grup Yorum”, die uns eine Reihe ihrer verbotenen Lieder über die Intifada und den palästinensischen Widerstand präsentieren werden. Viele dieser Lieder sind auf Arabisch!

Bringt Euere palästinensische Fahnen mit und haltet sie hoch als Antwort auf den zionistischen „Flaggen-Marsch“ im besetzten Jerusalem.

Lasst uns engagierte revolutionäre Kunst unterstützen und am Widerstandsfest teilnehmen
Samstag, 19. Juni um 16 Uhr
Oranienplatz, Berlin

مهرجان المقاومة والفن الثوري في مواجهة الفاشية والصهيونية – برلين

تدعوكم شبكة صامدون للمشاركة الواسعة في المهرجان الشعبي والفني الذي تحييه فرقة “يوروم” التركية للأغاني الثورية الملتزمة. هذه الفرقة الثورية التي قدمت كوكبة من رفاقها شهداءً تحت وطئة الإضراب عن الطعام من أجل الحرية، وتضامناً مع المعتقلين السياسيين في تركيا.

معاً نحتفي بالتضامن الثوري والنضال المشترك في مواجهة معسكر الإستعمار والفاشيّة. وندعم “فرقة يوروم” التي ستقدم مجموعة من أعمالها الفنية الممنوعة! أغاني تدعم الإنتفاضة والمقاومة الفلسطينية، والتي ستقدمها “يوروم” باللغة العربية

لنرفع الأعلام الفلسطينية رداً على مسيرة الأعلام الصهيونية في القدس المحتل ولندعم الفن الثوري الملتزم!

شاركوا معنا في مهرجان المقاومة يوم السبت 19 يونيو حزيران / الساعة 4 عصراً
المكان: ساحة الأورانيين في برلين

19 June, Manchester: Rally in Solidarity with Palestinian Political Prisoners

Saturday, 19 June
12 pm
Piccadilly Gardens
Manchester, England
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1015380345870452/

Join us on the streets of Manchester in solidarity with Palestine, to demand the release of prisoners locked up by Israel and to build the boycott!
Responding to the Samidoun call for action, we stand with the six hunger strikers and for the release of all political prisoners. As imperialism continues to back the Zionist state, we also demand the release of Issam Hijjawi, imprisoned by the British state and Georges Abdallah, locked up for four decades in a French jail.
Victory to the Palestinian resistance!
Free all political prisoners!
Isolate the Zionist state! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

There are currently six Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails on open hunger strike, demanding their release from Israeli imprisonment without charge or trial under “administrative detention” orders. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner demands their immediate release, an end to the policy of administrative detention, and freedom for all Palestinian prisoners.
Ghadanfar Abu Atwan has been on hunger strike for 40 days to demand his freedom; he is joined by Khader Adnan, former long-time hunger striker, who has been on hunger strike for 15 days, as well as Amer al-Shami and Yousef al-Amer, on hunger strike for 14 days, and Mohammed Masalmeh and Sheikh Jamal al-Tawil, on hunger strike for 11 days. Al-Tawil’s strike demands the release of his daughter, Bushra al-Tawil, from administrative detention, as well as his release.

Al-Buraq Revolution: Legacy, Continuing Struggle and the Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement

The three Palestinians executed at Akka prison – Fouad Hijazi, Atta al-Zeer and Mohammed Khalil Jamjoum

The following is a slightly updated version of the article originally published on 17 June 2017 by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. The living legacy of Fouad Hijazi, Atta al-Zeer, Mohammed Jamjoum and the Buraq Revolution is deeply relevant today, especially as extremist Zionist forces engage in “flag marches” designed to declare full colonial control over all of Palestinian Jerusalem while chanting slogans like “Death to the Arabs.” A very similar march sparked the uprising of 1929. The close ties between Zionism and British colonialism – which would eventually imprison 900 Palestinians and execute 20 for participating in the revolt – today mirrors the strategic partnership between the Zionist state and U.S. and other Western imperialist powers. Nearly 90 years on, the Palestinian revolution continues, until liberation and return. 

17 June marks the anniversary of the execution of three of the earliest martyrs of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement – Fouad Hijazi, Atta al-Zeer and Mohammed Khalil Jamjoum – by British colonial occupiers, in Akka prison.

The execution of these Palestinian strugglers has remained for years an ongoing story of resistance that continues to inspire strugglers through 100 years of resistance to colonization and occupation. Indeed, the song written to commemorate Hijazi, al-Zeer and Jamjoum, “From Akka Prison,” today remains one of the most well-known and powerful poems of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement.

Hijazi, al-Zeer and Jamjoum were seized by the British colonizers for their role in Al-Buraq Revolution of 1929, named for the al-Buraq Wall in Jerusalem. The uprising was sparked after Zionist groups came to the wall and planted Zionist flags, declaring that “This wall is ours.”

In Jerusalem, Haifa, Yafa and Safad, Palestinians rose up against British colonization and the declared Zionist plans to colonize Palestine and declare it a “Jewish state.” Hundreds of Palestinians were seized by British forces and 26 sentenced to death by hanging; there was such an outcry by the Palestinian people that most of these sentences were converted to life imprisonment, with the exception of Hijazi, Jamjoum and al-Zeer.

Photo from the 1929 Buraq Revolution

Fouad Hijazi was 26 years old, from Safad; Mohammed Jamjoum was 28, from al-Khalil, as was Atta al-Zeer, 35.

Born in Safad in 1904, Hijazi received his primary education in his hometown; his university education was completed at the American University of Beirut. He actively participated in the Buraq Revolution and wrote a message to his family the day before his execution, which was published in the newspaper on 18 June 1930. In the message, he said, “On 17 June of each year, this should be a historic day in which speeches are made and songs are sung in the memory of our blood spilled for the sake of Palestine and the Arab cause.”

Mohammed Khalil Jamjoum was born in 1902 in al-Khalil; like Hijazi he attended university at the American University of Beirut. Atta al-Zeer was born in al-Khalil also, in 1895. Throughout his life he worked as a farmer and a manual laborer and was known from his earliest days for his courage and physical strength.

On 17 June 1930, Palestinians organized a general strike throughout Palestine as large crowds gathered in major Palestinian cities across the country – in Yafa, Haifa, al-Khalil and Nablus. After the executions, their bodies were handed to the men’s families, who had been denied the right to bury them in their home cities. Thousands of Palestinians streamed through the streets of Akka in honor of Jamjoum, Hijazi and al-Zeer, figures and symbols of Palestinian resistance to British and Zionist colonization. The three revolutionaries were executed on that day, but their anti-colonial message and commitment has continued to resonate through generations of Palestinian struggle for national liberation.

Abu Maher al-Yamani, co-founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Palestinian labor leader and historical leader of the Palestinian national movement, left his village of Suhmata for the first time at the age of six with his father. There, he “was surprised to encounter the execution of three Palestinian martyrs by British colonial authorities on that day, June 17, 1930 – Fouad Hijazi, Mohammed Jamjoum and Atta al-Zeer. The awareness of the child Ahmed al-Yamani was awakened, viewing the executions and the bodies of the martyrs in the gallows of the courtyard of Akka central prison; this incident greatly affected him and remained an image in his mind that could not be forgotten.”

Their story has been embedded as well in the Palestinian culture of resistance. Palestinian poet Ibrahim Tuqan’s poem, “Red Tuesday,” commemorates the three, noting “their bodies in the homeland’s graves/their souls in the reaches of heaven.”

The popular song, “Min Sijjin Akka,” or “From Akka Prison,” continues to be sung and celebrated throughout Palestine. The origin of the poem is not precisely clear; some say that it was written on the walls of Akka prison by a revolutionary named ‘Awad, himself awaiting execution by the British colonial rulers. Other scholars note that the poem was likely composed by a working-class popular poet and in Haifa, Nuh Ibrahim, perhaps the most famous Palestinian poet of his time and carrying his own legacy of resistance. “He was not a poet of the elite and he did not write poetry for social occasions or holidays. Instead Ibrahim is known for composing for the 1936-1939 Palestinian Revolt and to peasants working their grapevines, orchards and wheat fields. He spoke and wrote in everyday language, as a provocateur and broadcaster for the revolt, in which he also participated as a fighter,” wrote Samih Shabeeb.

The lyrics of the song are known today throughout Palestine and continue to be sung at national events, weddings and cultural celebrations. Ibrahim himself died struggling for Palestine eight years later, as a fighter in the movement of Izzedine al-Qassam in the 1936-39 revolution in Palestine. After being imprisoned in Akka prison himself, he was killed by the British colonial army in a battle in the Westen Galilee.

Today, over 200 Palestinian prisoners have died in Israeli occupation prisons since 1967. 72 of them were killed as a result of Israeli torture, including three hunger strikers, Izhak Maragha, Ali Ja’afari and Rasim Halawa, killed by torturous forced feeding in 1980. The Israeli state constantly threatens the reimposition of the death penalty, while putting it into practice in reality, with escalating extrajudicial executions – particularly against Palestinian youth; “arrest raids” that are in fact assassination raids as in the targeting of Basil al-Araj  and Moataz Washaha; and the policy of “slow death” of medical neglect and mistreatment inside occupation prisons.

On this anniversary, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network remembers and honors the martyrs of 1930 and their ongoing legacy and role as a symbol of resistance and anti-colonial revolution that reverberates through generations to defend Palestinian land and Palestinian rights, in Jerusalem and throughout occupied Palestine, from Zionism, imperialism and colonization.


Letter to Canadian Transport Minister Omar Alghabra: Israeli Apartheid Not Welcome in Canadian Ports #BlocktheBoat

(The following letter was sent today to Canada’s Transport Minister Omar Alghabra and called on “the Canadian government to stop legitimizing the crimes of apartheid…and suspend all instances of Zim-operated ships docking and unloading in Canadian ports.”. This action is part of the growing demand that Canada must hold Israel accountable, through economic sanctions and a bilateral arms embargo.)

June 15, 2021

Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra
Ottawa, Ontario

In recent weeks, people of conscience in Canada watched in horror as the Israeli regime ruthlessly targeted Palestinians from all regions of historic Palestine. What started as a popular movement to #SaveSheikhJarrah residents from further ethnic cleansing expanded into a broad unity of Palestinians from Jerusalem to Gaza to Haifa to Toronto and Vancouver all sending the same message. Palestinians will no longer accept the status quo of Israeli apartheid.

As part of this burgeoning movement, Palestinian-Canadians and their supporters have actively participated in rallies, pickets and #BlockTheBoat actions. The latter refers to the efforts to stop Zim-operated ships from either docking in, or unloading, at U.S., Canadian and other international ports.

Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd is Israel’s largest and oldest cargo shipping company, dealing in Israeli manufactured military technology, armaments and logistics equipment, as well as consumer goods.

The Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) and a large coalition of all major Palestinian workers unions and professional associations have called on fellow trade unions and workers worldwide to boycott Israel and businesses that are complicit with its apartheid regime. They specifically urge “refus[ing] to handle Israeli goods” and “supporting [union] members refusing to build Israeli weapons.”

Last month, and in response to the above appeal from Palestinian trade unions, South African trade unions refused handling cargo from an Israeli ship in Durban. Dockworkers in Italy have also successfully blocked a recent shipment of munitions and armaments destined for Israel.

At Canada’s largest port in Vancouver, there was a successful community picket on June 8 that tied up both the Port entrance and a busy intersection; activists from a diverse range of groups stated clearly – “Israeli Apartheid Not Welcome in Vancouver Ports”. (The same message was also delivered on June 14 at the Prince Rupert Port.)

Port Authorities in Canada fall under the Ministry of Transport. As such, Mr. Alghabra, allowing and enabling such Israeli apartheid profiteering makes both the ports and the Canadian government further complicit in the ongoing dispossession of the Palestinians. Both B’tselem and Human Rights Watch have been clear in exposing the system of Israeli governance as apartheid. We, the undersigned organizations, expect the Canadian government to stop legitimizing the crimes of apartheid, and to refuse to give economic incentives to such abhorrent behaviour.

Your ministry is already mired in controversy for refusing to cancel a contract with Elbit Systems to purchase one of their drones. Who would have imagined that the Canadian Ministry of Transport would be so entangled with Israeli apartheid? We call on you to observe your government’s alleged respect for international law and human rights and suspend all instances of Zim-operated ships docking and unloading in Canadian ports.

Popular protest is not going to stop as long as Palestinians are not free.

c.c. PM of Canada, Justin Trudeau
Vancouver Fraser Port Authority


BDS Vancouver-Coast Salish Territories
Canada Palestine Association
Palestinian Youth Movement Vancouver
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Endorsed by:

Anti-Imperialist Alliance, Ottawa
BAYAN Canada
Canadian Peace Congress
Communist Party of Canada
Gabriela BC
Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver
Just Peace Advocates
Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine Israel
OPRA – Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
Palestinian Canadian Community Centre – Palestine House
Poetic Justice Foundation
Regina Peace Council
Sulong UBC
West Coast Coalition Against Racism Society

Breaking the ties between the Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) and the Israeli Histadrut is a trade union, political and ethical duty

The following article was initially published in Spanish at El Salto Diario.

by Liliana Córdova KaczerginskiJaldia Abubakra, and Daniel Lobato Bellido


The definition of Israel as an apartheid state is beginning to spread internationally and unstoppably. In 2009 Palestinian and South African academics published a comprehensive report that determined that Israel was committing the crime of apartheid. The Russell Tribunal on Palestine, with the participation of the emeritus magistrate of the Spanish Supreme Court, José Antonio Martín Pallín, ruled in 2010 that Israel exercises systematic apartheid. Also two former UN special reporters on human rights in Palestine came to the same conclusion: in 2007, John Dugard determined that Israel commits colonialism and apartheid. In 2017, Richard Falk and the UN ESCWA Commission concluded that Israel has established an apartheid regime that oppresses and dominates the Palestinian people as a whole. Faced with the scandal over the report, Israel and the US pressured the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, and succeeded in removing the text from the UN website.

In early 2021, B’Tselem, a very prestigious Israeli organization in the monitoring of human rights, published a report that concludes that Israel is an apartheid state in a single political entity between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, by acknowledging that ancient historical Palestine as a whole is a single geopolitical entity ruled by Tel Aviv, it has exposed the fraud of the rhetoric of the “two-state solution,” “negotiating table,” and so on that do not help the diagnosis or the solution of what is happening. It is very significant that the CCOO Trade Union Confederation has assumed the importance and seriousness of what the B’tselem report indicates, collecting the news on its CCOO website along with the translated version of the document. Recently, the NGO Human Rights Watch has joined in defining Israel as an apartheid regime.

The analogy with South Africa is immediate, although Israel has made the set of legal mechanisms more sophisticated, and intensified the media and diplomatic pressure to try to hide the segregation. From the internal institutional racism against the Palestinians who are citizens of the State of Israel (21% of its population) with more than 60 apartheid laws, to the unlimited segregationist repression against the Palestinians in the ghettos of the West Bank and Gaza. The first ghetto – West Bank – under a military dictatorship of varying intensity and the second – Gaza – under maximum security imprisonment. The latest segregationist crime of the Israeli regime, by way of macabre collective punishment, has been not only its refusal to vaccinate the 5 million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank despite being mandated by the Fourth Geneva Convention, but also preventing the vaccines entering Gaza.

At a different extreme of segregation and exclusion are the more than six million Palestinian refugees that Israel prevents from returning to their land and homes after having expelled them, doubly violating international law.

In a deceptive geopolitical context, which appears to be favorable to Israeli impunity, in reality the beginning of the end of its decades of impunity begins in its violation of international legality and in its contempt for dozens of UN resolutions.

Alongside this snapshot of apartheid, which is gradually and inexorably revealed even to those who refused to look, is added the decision of the International Criminal Court to investigate Israel for the committing of war crimes against the Palestinians.

In a deceptive geopolitical context, which appears to be favorable to Israeli impunity, in reality the beginning of the end of its decades of impunity begins in its violation of international legality and in its disregard of dozens of UN resolutions, both of the Security Council and the General Assembly. With the Pretoria regime in South Africa there was a turning point in the late 1970s in world awareness. With Israel it will also come, or is coming already, despite crude efforts by the Israeli regime to stir up Western anti-Jewish ghosts by wanting to link the growing boycott of Israel with anti-Semitism. In the same way that the boycott of apartheid South Africa was not “anti-white”, but against the racist Pretoria regime, and obviously millions of Western “white” people supported the boycott, the boycott of Israel is not Judeophobic, but against the racist regime of Tel Aviv; and hundreds of Jewish survivors of Nazi concentration camps support the boycott of Israel, as well as dozens of international Jewish organizations.

Histadrut: a tool for colonization, exploitation and segregation of the Palestinian indigenous population

In 1992, the Comisiones Obreras (CC OO) Trade Union Confederation, the major trade union confederation in Spain, invited the head of international relations at Histadrut to make this Israeli organization known to the Spanish working class. His apologetic article was published by CCOO. Between half truths and praise for the supremacist mythology of Zionism – which by definition implies the dispossession of the Palestinian natives and apartheid – it also included lies and calls for the violation of international legality, which in CC OO must have gone unnoticed. Just six years after Spain’s recognition of Israel, CC OO followed the institutional inertia of normalization with Israel, without considering the background of the decisions.

In addition, the question of the Middle East became a question of State policy and CC OO accommodated itself to that framework without considering it, when the important thing in those years was that agreements between Israel and the PLO (Madrid and Oslo) were looming on the horizon. Finally, the article by the Histadrut leader in the CCOO magazine reinforced the view of how Histadrut was seen outside of Israel as a common union, equivalent to the British Trade Union Congress, or the American AFL / CIO, and inclusive, because Histadrut always had a “convenient” Israeli-Palestinian member in his delegations.

In 1992, amid the collapse of the apartheid regime in Pretoria, no one at CCOO thought that Histadrut was the equivalent of an Afrikaner union with some indigenous South African member.

In the Western imagination, and in that of the CCOO and other Spanish unions, Histadrut came to embody Israeli progressivism in capital-labor relations, and that has been enough, without going deeper. In that Olympic year, in the midst of the collapse of the apartheid regime in Pretoria, and two years after Mandela was elected president of the new South Africa, no one at CCOO thought that Histadrut was the equivalent of an Afrikaner union with some indigenous South African member.

In 2003, the International Policy Secretariat of CCOO and Paz y Solidaridad published an exhaustive monograph on Labour and Trade Unionism in Palestine / Israel, co-authored by Isaías Barreñada, one of the leading experts on Palestine in Spain.

Histadrut was analyzed in depth, and in addition to reflecting apartheid as the backbone of this organization, the report recognizes that Histadrut “played a direct role with the Israeli military occupation” and that it benefited economically from it with its construction company and its entire holding company business.

Furthermore, “Histadrut legitimized the actions of the Israeli government in violation of international law.” It also points out that following the signing of the Oslo Accords and subsequent agreements between Histadrut and the Federation of Palestinian Trade Unions, Histadrut did not fulfill its commitments to the Palestinian trade unions. Among others, the return of quotas withheld by Israeli companies to Palestinian workers for 30 years, which during all those decades enriched Histadrut. That debt was estimated in the agreements at 400 million dollars and has never been paid to the Palestinians.

CC OO and Histadrut international alliances

The CC OO report clearly pointed out Histadrut’s guilt in the war crime that involves obtaining financial gain by collaborating with and taking advantage of an illegal military occupation. In other words, the document prepared at the highest level within CC OO clearly stated that Histadrut was unequivocally involved in war crimes; But for some reason that escapes us, CC OO did not make any decision on what to do with its ally: CC OO and Histadrut shared membership in the CIOSL until its dissolution in 2006, being replaced by the CSI, the International Trade Union Confederation – the first world trade union organization – where again Histadrut and CC OO are allies. Similarly, both organizations join forces in international trade union alliances, such as Public Services International, ISP / PSI, and others.

Histadrut and the Palestinian workforce

The report did not include some other relevant elements of Histadrut’s history, organization and ideology, which are worth knowing.

As the CC OO document pointed out, Histadrut is not and has not exactly been a union. Not only because it was the founder of the Labor Party or the Haganah paramilitary militias, later converted into the Israel Army, in charge of expelling the Palestinian natives, but because it was the second largest employer in Israel, owning the main bank or more than 25% of industry, with hundreds of thousands of employees. After the privatization of part of its industrial conglomerate in the 80s and 90s, its “union” decline began, although at the same time its political weight was reinforced.

From its inception in 1920, it excluded native Palestinian labour. In 1936 Palestinian workers carried out a six-month general strike against the foreign invasion and colonization of Palestine, one of the longest strikes in the history of labour. Histadrut replaced striking Palestinian workers with exclusive Jewish labour. Together with the British occupying power, Histadrut established Tel Aviv as an alternative port to Jaffa, paralyzed by the strike.

Histadrut not only segregated native labor, but conceptually dismissed solidarity among workers in favor of ethno-religious exclusivism. It destroyed the early efforts of Palestinian and Jewish workers’ groups for a joint unionism based on true equality. And it is true that the main role of Histadrut was not the defence of working conditions but the colonization of Palestine. As Golda Meir pointed out, it was a great colonization agency, endorsing the positions of the Zionist movement: Jewish labor, Jewish production and Jewish consumption, with apartheid and Zionist supremacism as its backbone.

Eleven years after the establishment of the State of Israel by the settlers, in 1959, Histadrut began to admit Palestinian members with Israeli citizenship (as indicated above, 21% of the population of Israel), confined in a special section of the organization. Of course, this admission has never included Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza ghettos, even if they work on Israeli territory.

There was a reason behind this “openness” towards a part of the indigenous workforce: on that date Israel agreed to provide health services to the Palestinian-Israelis who until then lacked them, and this in turn forced them to pay a union dues, that is, they had to join Histadrut. However, Histadrut has never given them jobs in strategic sectors (weapons, oil, chemicals, electronics, aviation, navigation, airlines, electricity, gas, telecommunications, etc.), because to access a job in these branches requires military service, and that fifth of Israel’s population, the Palestinian-Israelis, do not perform military service in the army.

Histadrut has never started any mobilization against the different governments for labour segregation against natives with Israeli citizenship … including discrimination that occurs in public administration

Histadrut has never started any mobilization against the different governments for this labour segregation against natives with Israeli citizenship. Neither because of this, nor because of the discrimination that occurs in the public administration, where only 12% of public employment is held by Palestinian-Israelis, and almost exclusively as health personnel. Less than 1% of the executive positions of the administration are held by Palestinian-Israelis, who we recall, are 21% of the population of Israel.

Histadrut also does not confront systemic employment and wage discrimination on ethnic grounds in Israel. The average remuneration of Palestinian workers with Israeli citizenship is 42% lower than that of the rest of Israelis (5,420 shekel per month compared to 7,950, data from 2019). Histadrut also did not invest or build any industry in mostly Palestinian Israeli populations, contributing to their impoverishment. In 1990, Histadrut enforced the construction employers’ demand that Palestinian-Israeli workers pay an additional tax to finance the training of Jewish immigrants from the former USSR. This meant that the Palestinian-Israeli workers were forced to subsidize the job training of the workers destined to replace them.

In this systemic racism it is necessary to include the linguistic one as well. Let us suppose, as an example, that CCOO de Cataluña did not denounce, or mobilize, or put itself in profile before the repression of companies in Girona or Barcelona against workers who spoke Catalan among themselves, with Catalan being an official language of Catalonia. Well, that is exactly Histadrut’s position regarding the firings and repression of Palestinian-Israeli workers who communicate with each other in Arabic, Arabic being one of the official languages ​​of Israel.

Finally, what about the Palestinians in the ghettos of Gaza and the West Bank? They work in Israeli companies, either because they enter and leave the State of Israel on a daily basis crossing the ghetto’s military checkpoints (they are forbidden to sleep in Israeli territory), or because Israeli factories have settled in the West Bank (violating international law). The answer is that this native working class of the ghettos does not exist for Histadrut, nor does it exist for the State of Israel. They do not have the right to collective bargaining, nor to promotions, nor to pensions, nor to remuneration in the event of an accident at work or illness; they are given very low wages, etc. Taking advantage of the legal vacuum, Israeli employers apply individual bargaining or archaic Jordanian law with the Palestinian workforce in Gaza and the West Bank. This fact exemplifies the labour conflict during these months in an Israeli factory in occupied West Bank territory. Faced with the apartheid exercised by Histadrut against the Palestinian workers in the ghettos, other Israeli organizations such as Kavlaoved or Maan are in charge of supporting and organizing them.

The identification of Histadrut with Israeli politics, or Histadrut as an appendage of Israel 

Beyond its racist business and labour portrayal, it must be emphasized that Histadrut has supported all large-scale Israeli military aggressions against the Gaza ghetto: in 2008, 2012 and 2014, with about 5,000 deaths in total, a quarter children and girls, Histadrut justifies them in the same words as the Israeli government, “Israel’s right to self-defence.” Let us remember that the Palestinians are forcibly locked up in Gaza, since Tel Aviv does not allow them to return to their homes and lands that are within the State of Israel itself. In the same way, Histadrut justified the criminal Israeli assault in 2010 on the international flotilla headed by the Mavi Marmara, which sought to break the blockade of the Gaza ghetto. It has also supported all of Israel’s military aggressions against other neighboring countries. Notably, in 2006 Histadrut Secretary General Amir Peretz became the Labour Party Minister of Defence and carried out the brutal 2006 war against Lebanon.

Histadrut companies such as Tadiran and Soltam supplied the South African government with weapons, helping the Afrikaner regime to circumvent its global boycott. The Zionist regime in Israel and the Pretoria regime were close partners

Histadrut acted on behalf of Israeli and American foreign policy operating on behalf of the United States in African countries such as Zaire and Kenya in the 1960s, receiving funds from the US State Department. In the 1970s and 1980s it cooperated with the AIFLD program of the AFL-CIO and the CIA to undermine rural cooperatives in El Salvador for the benefit of intensive agribusiness, repressing indigenous union leaders and organizations, but above all being an additional element of the penetration of the US and Israel in Central America to finance and support the dictatorial regimes of the time or the death squads of the counterinsurgency.

Histadrut collaborated with the South African apartheid regime. The Iskoor Steel Company, 51 percent owned by Histadrut Koor Industries and 49 percent by the South African Steel Corporation, manufactured steel for the South African Armed Forces, helped build the wall between South Africa and Namibia, and Histadrut companies such as Tadiran and Soltam supplied the South African government with weapons, helping the Afrikaner regime to circumvent its global boycott. The Zionist regime in Israel and the Pretoria regime were close partners, since they shared supremacist ideology of the settlers against the indigenous people, and Histadrut was part of that institutional alliance.

The severance of relations with Histadrut is an ethical, political and union imperative

We have already seen how Palestinian workers are one of the sectors of the Palestinian population most affected by Israeli efforts to undermine the Palestinian economy with its regime of settler colonialism and apartheid. In 2005, numerous Palestinian unions were founding members of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement in Israel, BDS. This movement for the Boycott of Israel has grown unstoppably over the years, despite Israeli efforts to combat it, even creating a specific ministry.

The Palestinian unions, for their part, formed the Palestine Trade Union Coalition PTUC-BDS. This Palestinian trade union coalition issued in 2011 a statement of solidarity with the unions and the European working class that was suffering from the austerity policies of the EU, but also renewed the call to international unions to join the BDS movement, and expressly requested the break of union relations with Histadrut.

In response to this call, in September 2011 the British Trade Union Congress at the proposal of Unite, the largest British union, passed a resolution calling on all unions to review their bilateral relations with Israeli organizations, including Histadrut. Unite had already approved its severance of relations with Histadrut unanimously months before. In the same way, 27 Australian unions joined the Palestinian BDS campaign, supporting boycotts of the settlement industry, arms embargoes and divestments. Major unions from South Africa, France, Norway, Brazil, Canada, Ireland and more countries, have joined the boycott of Israel to varying degrees, and also the severance of relations with Histadrut. In Spain, multiple unions are attached to the BDS campaign.

In these days of May 2021, in the midst of a new massacre against the Gaza ghetto and a wave of repression by the regime against the indigenous population throughout the Palestinian territory – including lynching of Palestinian subjects of the State of Israel – there has been an overwhelming general strike by the whole of Palestinian society in the three parts in which Palestine is broken (Israel, the ghettos of the West Bank and the ghetto of Gaza).

The unity of Palestinian society in resisting oppression and apartheid has been rebuilt after decades of efforts to fragment and divide it by Israel and Western countries. For this reason, once again the Palestinian trade unions have launched an international call for solidarity: “to achieve our liberation, we need the solidarity of our comrades and friends of the international trade union movement”, calling for urgent measures from all trade union organizations in the world. Among them, joining the BDS movement, showing solidarity with the Palestinian strikes by calling mobilizations in their support, helping in resistance funds or taking forceful measures against companies or investment funds related to Israel.

It is the basic principle of international solidarity against oppression. Reciprocal to that received by the CC OO struggle during the Franco regime and the repression it suffered, including Process 1001, by international trade union forces.

Almost 20 years have passed since an internal report by CC OO exposed that Histadrut, an allied organization of this union, was an accomplice in war crimes. In 2021, CC OO continues to share organizational spaces with Histadrut: What is CC OO going to do?

Liliana Córdova Kaczerginski belongs to the International Network of Anti-Zionist Jews – IJAN

Jaldia Abubakra is a member of the Palestinian Women’s Movement – Alkarama

Daniel Lobato Bellido is a member of the Unadikum Association for solidarity with Palestine and the Middle East

All three are members of Samidoun España.

15 June, Vancouver: Day of Rage protest – Defend Jerusalem

Tuesday, 15 June
5:30 pm
Vancouver Art Gallery
Georgia and Hornby, Pacific Centre Side
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3082398258710847/


Tomorrow hundreds of Israeli settlers will participate in the Zionist March of Flags to taunt and attack Palestinian neighbourhoods. Historically, this march has seen settlers chant “Death to Arabs” and swarmed Occupied Jerusalem, attacking Palestinians. In response, Palestinians are calling on us to mobilize to protect the Occupied Jerusalem community. We are calling for a day of rage tomorrow in Vancouver to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque and to stand with Palestinians fighting settler violence.

Bring your kuffiyehs and masks, and be ready to march from the Vancouver Art Gallery, right near the Hornby and Georgia intersection, as not to disrespect the Indigenous vigil on the steps in front of Robson Square.

Organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement Vancouver, endorsed by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the Canada Palestine Association