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3 July, Toulouse: Palestine Stand – Solidarity with the Palestinian resistance!

Saturday, 3 July 2021
4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Metro Capitole
Toulouse, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/418797649206888

Collectif Palestine Vaincra is organizing a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Capitole metro station on Saturday, 3 July, from 4 pm to 6 pm. After the Palestinian resistance imposed a defeat on the Israeli occupation last May in Gaza, the Palestinian people continue to mobilize in defense of their rights. In Jerusalem, protests continue in the neighborhoods of Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah against the policy of ethnic cleansing.

In the West Bank, thousands of people are mobilizing following the assassination of Nizar Banat by the Palestinian Authority security forces and the dismantling of the Oslo institutions. In Gaza, the population continues to face regular bombardments and a criminal blockade. In the ’48 territories, the coming to power of fascist Naftali Bennett promises to intensify the segregationist policy against the Palestinians. In the refugee camps and the diaspora, Palestinians continue to mobilize to defend their right of return. Now more than ever, we must support the Palestinian people and their resistance until the return and liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.

On the program: interventions, Palestinian music and dances, exhibitions, photos of solidarity, free leaflets and flyers, etc.

This gathering has been registered at the prefecture and respects the required health measures (masks, sanitizer, etc.)

30 June, Montreal: Free Palestine – Justice for Nizar Banat! Down with PA collaboration with Israel!

Wednesday, 30 June
5:30 pm
Israeli Consulate-Montreal
1 Westmount Square, Westmount, Quebec
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/238405081138094/

Justice for Nizar Banat! Freedom for Palestine – down with the PA coordination and collaboration with the Israeli occupation!

Join us to demand an end to the Oslo regime of security coordination that works in the interests of the Israeli colonial occupation. Demand justice for Nizar Banat, brutally murdered by Palestinian Authority “security forces,” trained by Canada, the U.S. and the European Union to serve Israeli interests. We struggle for a free Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Protest at the Israeli Consulate – Montreal, 1 Westmount Square

العدالة للشهداء والقصاص للقتلة المجرمين
إلى شعبنا الفلسطيني
وكل أبناء وبنات الجاليات العربية وأصدقاء فلسطين في مدينة موريل
آن الآوان أن نلبي نداء الوجب الوطني ونستجيب إلى صرخات شعبنا في فلسطين المحتلة ..
لا مكان اليوم للصمت، فالصمت على جرائم الاحتلال والجريمة البشعة التي ارتكبتها عصابات التنسيق الأمني بحق المناضل نزار بنات مشاركة في الجريمة وتواطيء مع المحتل ومع نهج أوسلو التصفوي..
ندعوكم للمشاركة في وقفة الغضب على اغتيال المناضل “نزار بنات” وانتصاراً لشعبنا وكرامته الوطنية.
الأربعاء 30 يونيو حزيران، الخامسة والنصف مساءً
أمام سفارة الكيان الصهيوني

Justice pour Nizar Banat ! Liberté pour la Palestine – à bas la coordination et la collaboration de l’AP avec l’occupation israélienne !

Rejoignez-nous pour exiger la fin du régime d’Oslo de coordination sécuritaire qui travaille dans l’intérêt de l’occupation coloniale israélienne. Demandez justice pour Nizar Banat, brutalement assassiné par les “forces de sécurité” de l’Autorité palestinienne, formées par le Canada, les États-Unis et l’Union européenne pour servir les intérêts israéliens. Nous luttons pour une Palestine libre, de la mer au Jourdain !

Manifestation devant le Consulat d’Israël – Montréal, 1 Westmount Square

26 June, Online Event: #Save_Israa event with sister and son of Palestinian prisoner Israa Jaabis (Arabic, Spanish)

Saturday, 26 June
Online Event (Live translation: Arabic and Spanish)
12 pm Pacific -3 pm Eastern – 9 pm central Europe – 10 pm Palestine
Join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81577264737

Many people may not know why so many Palestinians are imprisoned in Israeli jails. We must understand that, when living under occupation, any reason or no reason (for example, in the case of administrative detention) may be used to imprison those who fight for their natural, human and political rights.

In the Zionist occupation prisons and interrogation rooms, systematic torture is considered routine and legal, especially through the mechanism of denial of medical care to injured and ill Palestinian detainees, a process of “slow death.” Thus, Israa Jaabis has spent years living the pain of burns over 50% of her body and the daily torment of the deterioration of her health due to denial of treatment. This is the type of unjust pain inflicted on Palestinian prisoners, who are fighting for a more just world — they are not terrorists, as they are often smeared by Israeli and Western media and officials.

Today, Saturday, June 26, we will hear the testimony of the family of Israa Jaabis, and we urge all to join us to hear the voice of the Palestinian women detained in Israeli jails. It is urgent to support their resistance. This is the duty of all free people in the world.

This event will take place in Arabic, with live simultaneous translation to Spanish via Zoom. Join us on Zoom:

Meeting ID : 815 7726 4737

في كثير من الأحيان عند الإشارة إلى الأسرى الفلسطينيين، يصعب علينا إيجاد التعاطف اللازم لإظهار التضامن معهم ، ربما لأننا اعتقدنا أن السجناء في أي مكان في العالم موجودون في السجن لأنهم فعلوا شيئًا يستحقونه !.
لكن يجب ألا ننسى أنه عند العيش تحت الاحتلال، فإن أي سبب أو بدون سبب (ونحن نشير إلى الاعتقال الإداري) يكفي لحبس الأشخاص الذين لا يقاتلون إلا من أجل حقوقهم الطبيعية والانسانية والسياسية…

في سجون الاحتلال الصهيوني التعذيب المنهجي يعتبر ” قانوني” ، وهكذا قضت إسراء جعابيص سنوات تعيش آلام الحروق في 50٪ من جسدها ، وعذاب التدهور اليومي في صحتها بسبب حرمانها من العلاج، لا أحد يستحق هذا الألم ، فالاسرى الفلسطينيون يقاتلون من أجل عالم أكثر عدلاً .

نستمع إلى شهادة عائلة إسراء جعابيص.. وننتظر منكم أن تسمعوا صوت المعتقلين في السجون الاسرائيلية.

حان الوقت لدعم مقاومتهم .. هذا واجب كل أحرار العالم. .
Pero no debemos olvidar que cuando se vive bajo ocupación, cualquier motivo, o ninguno (y nos referimos a la detención administrativa) es suficiente para encerrar a personas que lo único que hacen es luchar por sus derechos.
EN LAS CÁRCELES DE LA OCUPACIÓN SIONISTA LA TORTURA ES LEGAL, y así es como Israa Jaabis lleva años viviendo el dolor constante de las quemaduras en el 50% de su cuerpo, y la agonía del empeoramiento diario al no tener derecho a tratamiento.
Ninguna persona merece ese dolor, y los presos palestinos son personas que luchan por un mundo más justo, NO SON TERRORISTAS.
Hoy tendremos la oportunidad de escuchar el testimonio de la familia de Israa.
Os esperamos para escuchar la voz de las presas políticas.
Ya es hora de alzar la voz y apoyarlas.
Es nuestro deber como personas libres.
enlace de la reunion:
ID zoom: 815 7726 4737

Join the Twitterstorm now! #IsraelApartheidNation stop sports-washing colonialism at #TDF2021

Read the original French call to action at Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

From June 26 to July 18, the 2021 edition of the Tour de France welcomes an Israeli team called “Israel Start-Up Nation” . Supported by the pro-Israeli far right, the participation of this team in one of the biggest sports competitions in the world serves a clear objective: to promote and normalize Israeli apartheid. Faced with this blatant attempt to sports-wash Israeli crimes, many organizations are mobilizing and calling for a twitterstorm on Saturday June 26 at 12 p.m. using the hashtags #IsraelApartheidNation and #TDF2021!


Join in:

  • If you already have a Twitter account, Tweet multiple times now with the hashtags #IsraelApartheidNation and #TDF2021 . Talk to your friends and comrades and invite your contacts so that there are more of us. Every tweet counts!
  • If you don’t have a Twitter account yet, you can create one first. It’s very simple, and even if you have few subscribers, every tweet will help the campaign!
  • If you’re not available at the scheduled time,  you can schedule your tweets  on the desktop version of Twitter. For example, we suggest you use  this one.
  • Do not hesitate to retweet the other accounts that mobilize and use the different visuals below.
  • Several Twitter accounts to follow:  @CollectifPV ,  @SamidounPP,  @contactUJFP ,  @Palestine69 or @CampagneBDS

Report: “Free Georges Abdallah!” heard worldwide during Week of Action

From Austin to Paris, Toulouse to Gaza, Vancouver to Tunis, organizations and activists protested, marched and organized to free Georges Abdallah between 12 and 19 June. The International Week of Action to Free Georges Abdallah, called for by the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, included film screenings, demonstrations and other events to free the imprisoned Lebanese Communist revolutionary and struggler for Palestinian liberation. Imprisoned in France since 1984, he is today Europe’s longest-held political prisoner.

Georges Abdallah himself delivered a statement for the Week of Action, saluting the ongoing struggle in Palestine, including among Palestinian political prisoners. Abdallah has regularly participated in the actions of imprisoned Palestinians while behind bars in France, including refusing meals in support of collective hunger strikes in Israeli jails.

His story is chronicled in the new film, Fedayin: The Struggle of Georges Abdallah, screened in cities across France, Switzerland, Italy and Tunisia as part of the Week of Action.

Fedayin is available in French, English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, and German (with subtitles). The film is available for screening — to organize a screening, please contact Vacarmes Films at vacarmesfilms@gmail.com. Please also feel free to reach out to Samidoun at samidoun@samidoun.net if you are interested in organizing a screening of Fedayin.

Screenings of the film have been announced for 25 June in Tarbes, France30 June in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and 1 July in Geneva.

These are some of the many events that took place around the world as part of the week of action.


On Saturday, 19 June, hundreds marched in Paris for a national demonstration for Georges Abdallah’s liberation. Organized by the Unitary campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, Palestinian and Palestine solidarity activists, organizations fighting repression and revolutionary leftists marched together to demand Abdallah’s immediate release.

The march, from Place des Fêtes to République, went through working-class neighborhoods and received a strongly supportive reception from the public.

Many people stepped onto their balconies to show support for the march. Participants handed out over 1000 leaflets and collected hundreds of signed cards calling for Abdallah’s liberation.

Also on Saturday, 19 June, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra in Toulouse organized a Palestine Stand at the Capitole metro station. Large crowds of supporters joined the stand, distributing French and Arabic flyers demanding Georges Abdallah’s release. Participants delivered a number of speeches highlighting Georges Abdallah’s struggle and history as well as solidarity with Palestine and the Palestinian resistance.

Dozens of people took solidarity photos to show their support for Abdallah and expressed enthusiasm for joining campaigns to boycott Israel and complicit corporations like Teva, Puma and AXA. The event concluded with Palestinian music and dabkeh performances.

On 19 June in Aix-en-Provence, Jeunes Communistes, Resistance and Solidarity, and BDS France Marseille organized an evening of solidarity with Palestine, focusing on Georges Abdallah. The event included a screening of “Fedayin” followed by a discussion on Palestinian resistance.

Also on 19 June, the Campaign BDS France Montpellier organized a stand and literature distribution urging freedom for Georges Abdallah and justice and liberation for Palestine.

In Vic-en-Bigorre on 19 June, activists posted an information display highlighting the case of Georges Abdallah and calling for his immediate liberation. Activists in Istres also organized a Facebook live event in solidarity with Abdallah.

These events built on actions and interventions throughout the week in France. On 17 and 18 June in La Clusaz, union activists at the 37th Congress of the CGT Haute-Savoie trade union federation spoke, calling for the liberation of Georges Abdallah. The CGT local in Annecy and the surrounding region also endorsed the national demonstration in Paris and the call for the week of action.

In Toulouse on 18 June, Collectif Palestine Vaincra showed solidarity with Georges Abdallah and Palestinian political prisoners with tagged messages demanding their liberation as well as guerilla bus station posters highlighting Georges Abdallah.

This followed the Collectif’s delegation to visit Georges Abdallah in Lannemezan prison on 17 June, where he expressed his support to the Palestinian resistance and political prisoners.

On 16 June in Lyon, Jeunes Revolutionnaires hung banners and created graffiti messages demanding Georges Abdallah’s liberation.

In Paris on Saturday, 12 June, after participating in an antifascist demonstration, an evening in support of Georges Abdallah was held at the Librarie Resistances. Said Bouamama presented his book, L’Affaire Georges Abdallah, followed by a screening of “Fedayin”.

Meanwhile in Annecy on 12 June, 250 people joined a march against fascism, austerity and repression, while many participants declared their support for Georges Abdallah.

The week also included multiple additional screenings of “Fedayin” in several French locations. In Tremblay-en-France, the Festival Cine-Palestine organized a screening of Fedayin on 12 June. On 11 June, organizations in Port-de-Bouc organized a screening, accompanied by a Lebanese meal and discussions.

On 10 June, the activities of the week kicked off in Marseille with a screening of Fedayin organized by the ANC and Cercle Manouchian.


In various Italian cities, members of the Rete dei Comunisti (Network of Communists) took solidarity photos to accompany a statement issued by the network demanding Georges Abdallah’s liberation. Communists in Rome, Napoli, Turin, Milan and Bologna participated in the solidarity actions.

The week of action in Italy launched on 10 June with a screening of “Fedayin” in Naples. The screening was organized by Mensa Occupata and over 80 people joined the outdoor screening, including activists from the Naples-Palestine Coordination and the Handala Ali Cultural Center.

Speakers highlighted the struggle of Palestinian prisoners and the case of Georges Abdallah, emphasizing that these cases are linked. Representatives of Collectif Palestine Vaincra also emphasized the importance of strengthening the international Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network to support the Palestinian struggle for liberation from Zionism and colonialism.


The call to free Georges Abdallah was also heard from occupied Palestine, including from the heart of the resistance in Gaza. On Saturday, 19 June, an event in Gaza was organized to raise the call to free Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners while supporting children whose homes were destroyed during the Israeli attacks on besieged Gaza.

Participants carried images of Palestinian prisoners like Ahmad Sa’adat, Khalida Jarrar and Khitam Saafin while a large placard calling for Georges Abdallah’s freedom stood at the head of the event, supported by Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

Earlier, on 14 June, the National and Islamic Forces organized a protest in Gaza outside the UN office, demanding international action to free hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners. They also joined in the call to free Georges Abdallah, imprisoned in France for 37 years, alongside his fellow prisoners of the Palestinian cause.


On Saturday, 19 June, members of Plate-Forme Charleroi-Palestine visited the Châtelineau market in Charleroi to take action to free Georges Abdallah. They distributed numerous flyers calling for solidarity with Abdallah and called on people to join the upcoming Palestine stand on Saturday, 17 July at 3 pm at Place Verte. The stand will feature solidarity cards for Georges Abdallah, actions for the boycott of Israel and solidarity with Gaza.

In Brussels, on 16 June, a flash rally was organized in front of the AXA headquarters in Brussels. Around 20 activists gathered to unfurl a giant banner demanding the boycott of AXA for its role in supporting the colonization of Palestine and demanding liberation for Georges Abdallah.

Axa is one of the main accomplices in the oppression of the Palestinian people. Not only does this company collaborate with the Israeli state and its war industry (notably through its investment in the company Elbit Systems), but it is involved in the financing of settlements in the occupied West Bank of Palestine. The action was organized as part of the week of solidarity for Georges Abdallah.

Spanish State/Spain

On 19 June, after a day of meetings and organizing, Samidoun España organized a solidarity video with Georges Abdallah to mark the Week of Action.

This followed the visit of the Samidoun España delegation to the French Embassy in Madrid on 17 June, where a delegation of Jaldia Abubakra and Liliana Cordova Kaczerginski delivered a letter signed by dozens of organizations, including the Izquierda Unida (United Left), Communist Party of Spain, the Women’s Democratic Movement of Spain, MEP Manu Pineda, and many international solidarity and Palestine solidarity organizations, including Alkarama, Alyudur, BDS Gasteiz, Unadikum, Palestina Libre Murcia, SODePAZ in three regions, and many more.


On Saturday, 19 June, the Tunisian Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah gathered to protest outside the French embassy in central Tunis and took solidarity photos at the front entrance. They then organized a presentation of “L’Affaire Georges Abdallah” by Said Bouamama before the evening screening of “Fedayin” at the Al Rio Theatre.


In Lausanne, Secours Rouge Genève joined the march to support Palestinian resistance on Saturday, 19 June, carrying large banners and signs highlighting the campaign to free Georges Abdallah.

On 16 June in Geneva, Palestine: Filmer C’est Exister festival organized a screening of Fedayin at the Cinélux theater to a very full audience. The success of the event has led to a second screening for those who could not get tickets to the first screening, coming up on 1 July in Geneva.


On Saturday, 19 June, Samidoun Deutschland joined with progressive Turkish and Kurdish organizations to organize a concert for Grup Yorum, the revolutionary musical band whose participants have been repeatedly subjected to political imprisonment in Turkey, including members who have lost their lives on hunger strike.

Mohammed Khatib, Samidoun Europe coordinator, spoke at the event with a strong call for the liberation of Palestine and all of the prisoners of the Palestinian cause, as well as all revolutionary political prisoners in Europe, including a salute to Georges Abdallah imprisoned in France, concluding with Abdallah’s famous quote: “We win together, and we win only together.”

United States

As part of an international week of action for political prisoner Georges Abdallah taking place from June 12-19, activists with the Palestine Solidarity Committee and Red Aid recorded a video statement on 15 June in Austin, Texas, to echo the demand for his immediate release from the French prison where he has been held since 1984.

They emphasized U.S. involvement in the imprisonment of Georges Abdallah, noting: “The United States government clearly understands that Georges Abdallah’s anti-imperialist politics are a threat to our government’s stranglehold on the oppressed people of the world. This is why they’ve blocked his release, and this is exactly why we must play our part in mobilizing mass support in the U.S. for political prisoners who fought for Palestinian liberation.”


On 15 June, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network participated in an emergency demonstration for Palestine organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement, marching from the Vancouver Art Gallery to the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver. Samidoun speakers urged solidarity and action to support the Palestinian people and their resistance, free Palestinian prisoners and free Georges Abdallah, imprisoned in France for 37 years. Participants in the demonstration carried posters and signs demanding the liberation of Abdallah and the liberation of Palestine.


Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and the Revolutionary Communist Group mobilized in Manchester on Saturday, 19 June in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails, including Ghadanfar Abu Atwan, Khader Adnan and Jamal al-Tawil.

Participants carried signs calling for the liberation of Palestinian prisoners and of Georges Abdallah, prisoner of the Palestinian cause jailed in France for 37 years.

We urge all friends of Palestine to join in the ongoing actions to free Georges Abdallah and prepare for the week of action in October 2021. Georges Abdallah will be free, and Palestine will be victorious!

25 June, Toulouse: Stand Palestine – Boycott Teva, Boycott Israel!

Friday, 25 June 2021
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Metro Bagatelle – Toulouse, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/984320168999488/

On Friday June 25 from 11am to 1pm, Collectif Palestine Vaincra is organizing a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Bagatelle metro in Toulouse to promote the boycott of Teva and the boycott of Israel Israel. Israeli pharmaceutical firm Teva pays Israel millions of dollars in taxes every year. We call for a boycott of Teva and a boycott of Israel because we are anti-colonial and anti-racist activists! 

Do not hesitate to come and participate in this initiative with us, collect free stickers and flyers, stick “boycott Teva” stickers on your health card, sign the petition card for the release of Georges Abdallah, etc.

This gathering is dropped off at the prefecture and respects the required health measures (masks, sanitizer, etc.).


Vendredi 25 Juin 2021
De 11H à 13H

Métro Bagatelle – Toulouse
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/984320168999488/

Vendredi 25 juin de 11H à 13H, nous tenons un Stand Palestine à la sortie du métro Bagatelle à Toulouse afin de promouvoir le boycott de Teva et d’Israël. La firme pharmaceutique israélienne Teva verse chaque année des millions d’euros d’impôt à Israël. Nous appelons au boycott de Teva et au boycott d’Israël parce que nous sommes des militants anticolonialistes et antiracistes ! N’hésitez pas à venir participer à cette initiative à nos côtés, récupérer des autocollants et flyers gratuits, coller des stickers « boycott Teva » sur votre carte vitale, signer la carte-pétition pour la libération de Georges Abdallah, etc.
Ce rassemblement est déposé en préfecture et respecte les mesures sanitaires requises (masques, gel, etc.).

25 June, NYC: Justice for Nizar Banat! Emergency protest to dismantle the P.A. and end the Oslo Accords

Friday, 25 June
4 pm
Palestinian Authority UN Representation
116 E 65th St, NYC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/justice-for-nizar-banat-emerge/344399897040490/

Protest and organize to demand justice and accountability – and the liberation of Palestine!

Demand Justice for assassinated Palestinian Nizar Banat: Down with Oslo!

Demand Justice for assassinated Palestinian Nizar Banat: Down with Oslo!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network condemns in the strongest terms the assassination of Palestinian organizer Nizar Banat, a stalwart fighter against corruption who worked tirelessly to end “security coordination” between Palestinian Authority security forces and the Israeli occupation regime, the framework underlying the Oslo Accords. Before his assassination early this morning, 24 June, by Palestinian Authority security forces, coming once again to detain him as a political prisoner, Banat has been repeatedly jailed, interrogated and tried by the Palestinian Authority. We urge Palestinians, Arabs and internationalists to protest and organize to demand justice and accountability – and the liberation of Palestine!

The assassination of Nizar Banat reflects a conscious policy of the Israeli occupation and the Oslo Palestinian Authority affiliated with it. The latter is carrying out its specific function to protect the existence of the occupation and its control over the Palestinian people in the West Bank. Acting as agents of the occupation, the PA is practicing all forms of oppression and terror, including political arrests, violent raids and assassinations, against the Palestinian people in order to serve the Zionist colonial project and to protect the privileges of the small sliver of the beneficiaries of the Palestinian Authority – the Oslo class affiliated with the Zionist regime.

This crime cannot be considered apart from the assassination policy against Palestinian leaders and fighters carried out continuously over the decades by the Israeli occupation regime. The “security coordination” framework, overseen and implemented by the United States, Canada and the European Union (all engaged in training, funding and oversight of Palestinian Authority security forces), is designed to employ Palestinian agencies to carry out the mission of Zionist colonialism – chasing, repressing, imprisoning and targeting the Palestinian resistance as well as many Palestinians — organizers, writers, intellectuals, student activists — who present an alternative vision for the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea, without the collaborationist entity of the Palestinian Authority.

The purpose of these Palestinian Authority security forces and the “security coordination” project under which they carry weapons is to prevent the Palestinian people and their liberation movement from effectively resisting and overthrowing the Israeli occupation regime throughout occupied Palestine through ongoing force, violence and repression, in full service of the interests of Zionism and imperialism, while bearing a Palestinian flag emblem on each agent’s badge.

The brutality of the beating of Nizar Banat is evident in the photographs of his body. 25 Palestinian Authority security forces – trained by the standards created by U.S. officials, such as Gen. Keith Dayton – invaded Banat’s home in Dura near al-Khalil at 3:30 am, exploding the door off of the hinges, mimicking almost exactly the terror of the Israeli night raids to which Palestinians are subjected to daily before dawn. Middle East Eye reported, “Ammar, a cousin of Banat… added that officers stormed the room in which Nizar was sleeping and immediately sprayed him with pepper spray to his mouth and nose. The cousin said they beat Banat severely with iron and wooden batons. Nizar being in a semi-conscious state, Ammar said security forces then dragged him, stripped him of his clothes, and took him away in a military vehicle.” He was reported dead hours later.

Thousands of Palestinians marched in the streets in outrage at the assassination of Banat, demanding not only justice and accountability for those responsible for the killing but also the downfall of Mahmoud Abbas, bringing down the PA regime and its collaboration with Israel, and the end to the Oslo Accords. Indeed, the Palestinian people and the resistance have repeatedly demanded an end to security coordination since the beginning of its implementation, while PA President Mahmoud Abbas has declared it to be “sacred.”

The entire Oslo process has been devastating for the Palestinian people: Thousands of Palestinian lives have been stolen on the path to Oslo, while the political frameworks of the Palestinian struggle have been distorted, hijacked and compromised. While Palestinians inside occupied Palestine ’48 continue to affirm their identity and existence and organize for liberation, the official Palestinian leadership of the P.A. instead “recognized” Israel, the creation of the Nakba and a Zionist settler colonial project on 78% of Palestine. This is why Palestinian organizers have demanded an alternative Palestinian path that rejects Oslo and the project of surrender in full.

Indeed, the past month of mobilization inside and outside Palestine has underlined the deep unity of the Palestinian people throughout occupied Palestine from the river to the sea and everywhere in exile and diaspora, and their commitment to resistance until liberation — two things that the Oslo project was meant to destroy and undermine, yet failed utterly to do so.

Thousands of Palestinians took to the streets in outrage at the assassination of Nizar Banat, marching in Ramallah – only to be attacked once again by Palestinian Authority security forces firing tear gas and beating protesters with batons. “Palestinian law protects the occupation,” affirmed Maher al-Akhras, who won his release from administrative detention after a 103-day hunger strike. The killing also comes after dozens of Palestinian activists, including protest leaders and youth chanters during the marches in support of Sheikh Jarrah and Gaza, have been detained, interrogated and attacked by the Palestinian Authority in recent weeks.

Lawyers for Justice, which has worked tirelessly to release dozens of political detainees from PA prisons, chronicled the misuse of health regulations and the declaration of a state of emergency in order to repress Palestinian organizing in a report released only two days before Banat’s killing. Middle East Eye reported that Muhannad Karajah of Lawyers for Justice noted that “Banat had called him on Wednesday and told him that he was being subjected to threats by the PA’s intelligence service, who had demanded that he stop his criticism of the authority….’By killing Nizar Banat, the [Palestinian] Authority confirms today that it is a repressive authority that threatens any human rights defender, and every person is subjected to a process of political arrest.'”

Of course, the assassination of Banat brings echoes of many previous cases of Palestinian Authority security forces’ brutality and complicity with Israeli crimes – from the assassination of Basil al-Araj by Israeli occupation forces shortly after al-Araj and five of his comrades were imprisoned and tortured in PA jails to the killing of Omar Nayef Zayed, found dead outside the PA Embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he had taken refuge after Israeli occupation authorities attempted to seek his extradition, decades after he had escaped from colonial prisons.

Palestinian Authority political detention is a “revolving door” with Israeli occupation imprisonment for many Palestinian youth leaders and student activists. Arrests of student leaders on campus by Israeli occupation forces are combined with “security coordination” detentions of even more Palestinian students. Just months ago, PA security forces attacked Palestinian refugees in Beirut protesting for justice at the PA’s embassy.

And, infamously, the Palestinian Authority imprisoned Ahmad Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the PFLP; his comrades Ahed Abu Ghoulmeh, Majdi Rimawi, Basil al-Asmar and Hamdi Qur’an – as well as longtime Fateh leader Fuad Shobaki, in the PA’s Jericho prison, under U.S. and British guard, for four years, from 2002 until 2006. Now, all of them are held in Israeli jails, when they were seized from Jericho prison by Israeli occupation forces.

Nizar Banat’s blood is on the hands of the PA – and therefore it is on the hands of Israel, the United States, Canada, the European Union and all parties involved in creating, sustaining and propping up the “security coordination” framework, which benefits only the occupier and colonizer at the expense of the Palestinian people.

Now is the time to take action to confront the Palestinian Authority and all those responsible for imposing it upon the Palestinian people to the detriment of the Palestinian struggle for return and liberation. The PA and its funders and trainers must be held accountable for its ongoing betrayal of the Palestinian people and its collaboration with the occupation regime and Zionist colonialism. We note that this crime is also an urgent call to boycott, isolate and resist Israeli occupation throughout Palestine and elsewhere. The Oslo project is backed by Zionism, imperialism and reactionary regimes – and it must and will fall on the road to the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. 

Take Action: 

  1. Protest at the Palestinian Authority embassy, mission or consulate in your country – or at the Israeli embassy.. Demand justice and accountability for the assassination of Nizar Banat and make it clear that the PA does not represent the Palestinian people’s struggle for liberation! Find the PA mission or embassy in your country here: https://embassy.goabroad.com/embassies-of/palestine – we note — this is also an Israeli crime, first and foremost in the interests of the occupation. Protest at Israeli embassies and consulates: https://embassy.goabroad.com/embassies-of/israel
  2. Demand your government stop supporting Palestinian Authority security forces and sanction Israel. Aid and training of PA security forces is not designed to provide security to Palestinians, but instead to bolster the Israeli occupation and repress Palestinian resistance. Legitimate aid must support the rights of the Palestinian people, not directly undermine those rights.From Canada to Australia to the European Union, Western governments and imperialist powers provide ongoing diplomatic, political and economic support to Israel as well as selling billions of dollars of weaponry to the settler-colonial state. Meanwhile, they also purchase billions of dollars in weaponry from the Israeli state. Governments in league with imperialist powers, such as in the Philippines, Brazil, India and elsewhere, also buy weapons and “security” services — all “battle-tested” on the Palestinian population. Call your representatives, MPs, political officials and demand your government sanction Israel now, cut off all aid, expel its ambassadors, and stop buying and selling weapons – and stop financing and training the PA security forces to assist the occupation in its crimes.
  3. Join Palestinian movements and organizations fighting back against Oslo. Many Palestinians, inside Palestine and in exile and diaspora, are working to bring down Oslo and restore the compass of the struggle – for liberation and return, from the river to the sea, and upholding the resistance as the legitimate voice of the Palestinian people. Learn more and get involved with the Masar Badil (Alternative Palestinian Path) conference to convene in Madrid in October 2021.
  4. Boycott Israel – The international, Arab and Palestinian campaign to boycott Israel can play an important role at this critical time. Local boycott groups can protest and label Israeli produce and groceries.  By participating in the boycott of Israel, you can directly help to throw a wrench in the economy of settler colonialism. Download our Boycott Flyer to distribute at supermarkets, stores and other venues in your community!


30 June, Cluj-Napoca (Romania): Film Screening – Fedayin: The Struggle of Georges Abdallah

Wednesday, 30 June
7:45 pm
Strada Războieni 60
400260 Cluj-Napoca, România
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/183670633741312

Fedayin, Georges Abdallah’s Fight reconstitutes the journey of a tireless Arab warrior for Palestine. From the camps for Palestinian refugees where he developed his political conscience, to the international mobilization for his release, we will discover the man who became one of the oldest political prisoners in Europe.

More than just a story of Abdallah’s life, the documentary reconstructs the complicated history of the struggle for the liberation of Palestine, a battle strongly linked to the emancipation of Arab peoples under the yoke of Western colonialism as well as the class struggle within Arab and European societies.

Abdallah is a controversial figure because he forces us to face the the responsibility that European countries bear in supporting the oppression of the Palestinian people and forces us to re-evaluate our own understanding of what the liberation of Arab peoples means and how “terrorism” has been instrumentalized to delegitimize Palestinian and Arab resistance:

” Of course, <<tolerant>> and <<democratic>> minds can well be indignant against the rise of <<fanaticism>> and <<terrorism>>. They never forget to display their humanitarian solidarity with the resistance against the occupant, as long as the victims obey the laws of their torturers. That is to say that the war should never go beyond the regions in the peripheries and should never disturb their criminal peace.“

Abdallah is one of the longest-serving political prisoners in Europe, having been imprisoned by the French state for more than 35 years. Although, under French law, he has been eligible for parole for more than 20 years, his appeals have been consistently dismissed as a result of numerous interventions by the United States, which sees him as a fierce opponent for Western hegemony in the Middle East. His story lies at the intersection of the anti-colonial struggle, the class struggle and the struggle against the carceral system, becoming over the years a symbol of Palestinian resistance and beyond.

The documentary will be subtitled in English. Entry is free.

To minimize epidemiological risks, the projection will take place outdoors.

The documentary is made by Vacarme(s) Films, a documentary filmmaker collective that has made a political commitment to fight against all forms of domination.


Fedayin, lupta lui Georges Abdallah reconstituie călătoria unui neobosit luptător arab pentru Palestina. De la taberele pentru refugiații palestinieni în care și-a dezvoltat conștiința politică, la mobilizarea internațională pentru eliberarea sa, îl vom descoperi pe omul care a devenit unul dintre cei mai vechi prizonieri politici din Europa.

Mai mult decât o simplă povestire a vieții lui Abdallah, documentarul reconstituie istoria complicată a luptei pentru eliberarea Palestinei, luptă puternic legată de emanciparea popoarelor arabe de sub jugul colonialismului Vestic precum și de lupta de clasă din interiorul societăților arabe și a celor europene.

Abdallah este o figură controversată deoarece ne pune față în față cu responsabilitatea pe care o poartă țările europene în susținerea oprimării poporului palestinian și ne forțează să ne reevaluăm propria înțelegere asupra a ceea ce înseamnă eliberarea popoarelor arabe și a modului în care „terorismul” a fost instrumentalizat pentru a delegitima rezistența palestiniană și arabă:

“Desigur, mințile <<tolerante>> și <<democratice>> pot fi foarte indignate împotriva creșterii <<fanatismului>> și a <<terorismului>>. Ei nu uită niciodată să-și arate solidaritatea umanitară cu rezistența împotriva ocupantului, atât timp cât victimele se supun legilor torționarilor lor, atât timp cât războiul nu depășește niciodată regiunile de la periferie și nu perturbă niciodată pacea lor criminală.”

Abdallah este unul dintre cei mai longevivi prizonieri politici din Europa, fiind încarcerat de statul francez de peste 35 de ani. Deși, conform legii franceze, el este pasibil pentru eliberare condiționată de peste 20 de ani, apelurile lui au fost constant respinse ca urmare a numeroaselor intervenții din partea Statelor Unite, care îl văd drept un adversar de temut pentru hegemonia Vestică în Orientul Mijlociu. Povestea lui se află la intersecția dintre lupta anti-colonială, lupta de clasă și lupta împotriva sistemul carceral, devenind de-a lungul anilor un simbol al rezistenței palestiniene și nu numai.

Documentarul va fi subtitrat în limba engleză. Intrarea este liberă.

Pentru a minimiza riscurile epidemiologice, proiecția va avea loc în aer liber.

Documentarul este realizat de Vacarme(s) Films, un colectiv de film documentar care și-a asumat un angajament politic de luptă împotriva tuturor formelor de dominație.



25 June, Tarbes: Film screening and discussion – “Fedayin: The Struggle of Georges Abdallah”

Friday, 25 June
6:30 pm
Maison de quartier de Laubadere
Boulevard Saint Exupery
65000 Tarbes, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/830458404345466/

Screening of “Fedayin: The Struggle of Georges Abdallah,” followed by a discussion with the Vacarme(s) Films team and the Collectif 65 pour la liberation de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

A documentary by Vacarme(s) Films

France / Palestine / Lebanon • 2020 • 1h21m

For more than 35 years, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been locked behind bars. This documentary retraces the journey of this Lebanese communist resistance fighter who struggled side by side with the Palestinian resistance. For this, the film returns to the origins of Georges Abdallah’s activism and to the complex geopolitical context of the time. It thus takes us to Lebanon, and to the Palestinian refugee camps where Abdallah forged himself politically. We follow his involvement in the Palestinian resistance and then against the Israeli occupation within the LARF (Lebanese Revolutionary Armed Fractions), an engagement which will lead him to France during the 1980s where he was convicted for complicity in assassination. Through a series of interviews with his family, his lawyer, his relatives, his supporters and his comrades, we meet those who know him and retrace a life of resistance to imperialism and colonialism.

Projection suivie d’une rencontre avec l’équipe de Vacarme(s) Films et en partenariat avec le Collectif 65 pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

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Un documentaire de Vacarme(s) Films
France/Palestine/Liban • 2020 • 1h21
Depuis plus de 35 ans, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah est enfermé en prison. Ce documentaire retrace le parcours de ce résistant communiste libanais engagé aux côtés des combattant·e·s palestinien·ne·s. Il revient pour cela sur les origines du militantisme de Georges Abdallah et sur le contexte géopolitique complexe de l’époque. Il nous emmène ainsi au Liban, dans les camps de réfugié·e·s palestinien·ne·s auprès desquel·le·s Abdallah s’est forgé politiquement. Nous suivons son engagement dans la résistance palestinienne puis contre l’occupation israélienne au sein des FARL (Fractions Armées Révolutionnaires Libanaises), engagement qui le conduira en France au cours des années 80 où il sera condamné pour complicité d’assassinat. À travers une série d’entretiens avec sa famille, son avocat, ses proches, ses soutiens et ses camarades, nous allons à la rencontre des personnes qui l’ont côtoyé et avec lesquelles nous retraçons une vie de résistance à l’impérialisme et au colonialisme.