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Toulouse action mobilizes for the liberation of Walid Daqqah, all Palestinian prisoners

Around the world, initiatives and actions have been growing in support of the freedom of Walid Daqqah, the Palestinian intellectual and freedom fighter imprisoned since 1986 by the Israeli occupation, especially inspired by the call of his family and the international campaign for his release. Daqqah was again refused early release on 31 May, despite the fact that he is suffering from a rare cancer, requiring him to receive appropriate treatment outside the prison system. His family called this decision “permission for his execution.”

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra mobilized in Toulouse, France on Friday, 2 June near the Bagatelle metro station in a Palestine Stand calling for Daqqah’s freedom and the liberation of all Palestinian prisoners.

Organizers distributed over 700 leaflets and had many discussions with passers-by on the situation of Walid Daqqah and the policy of medical neglect by the Zionist regime. There are around 600 sick Palestinian prisoners, including 200 with chronic illnesses, and they are not receiving appropriate medical care. Posters and banners also demanded the release of all 4,900 Palestinian political prisoners, denouncing the ongoing attacks against Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese struggler imprisoned in France for 38 years; Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine who was just isolated for over three weeks; and others.

Many people visiting the stand learned about various campaigns of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, including the campaign against the “sister city” relationship between Toulouse and Tel Aviv, and the campaign to boycott PUMA. The Collectif Palestine Vaincra is a member organization of the Samidoun Network.

People took many free leaflets and stickers to raise awareness about the Palestinian cause and build the solidarity movement. Many who visited the table posed for solidarity photos in support of Walid Daqqah, highlighting the level of popular support for the Palestinian prisoners’ cause.

The action was an opportunity to meet, discuss and show solidarity with Palestine and its prisoners. The Collectif thanks everyone who came to show support, bring bottles of water or make a donation. As the Palestinian people confront occupation, colonialism and apartheid, our solidarity with the Palestinian resistance is of strategic importance to support the struggle until return and the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea! Do not hesitate to join us during our next activities that the Collectif Palestine Vaincra organizes regularly in Toulouse and to follow us on our various social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Telegram).

#WeStandWithFatima: Defend Palestine, Resist Zionist Attacks, Organize for Liberation

Take Action:

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes Fatima Mohammed, the graduate of CUNY Law and elected student speaker whose powerful words of social justice and revolutionary conviction have drawn threats, racist attacks and demands for repression from Zionist organizations and an array of right-wing media and politicians. We are proud to stand with Fatima and her fellow students, who elected Fatima to represent them as the speaker at their law school graduation, and denounce in the strongest terms the actions of the CUNY administration for their complicity in smearing and attacking Fatima.

It is clear from the malicious and defamatory attacks upon Fatima, the attempts to smear her name, the threats against her, the hostile media camping outside her house, the full-scale right-wing press and the denunciations by politicians from Eric Adams to Richie Torres to Ted Cruz that what truly frightens these forces is the vociferous support with which she was met by her fellow students. The support for Fatima makes clear that Palestine is popular, anti-imperialism is a mass demand and revolution can be a reality. 

It is the words of Fatima that fill the hearts and minds of youth graduating from law school today, while pro-cop politicians like NYC mayor Eric Adams are roundly booed by the student body at the same event. This is the inconvenient reality that these politicians, Zionist organizations and right-wing forces wish to suppress.

Fatima was instrumental in the adoption of a boycott, divestment and sanctions resolution against the Zionist regime by the student body of CUNY Law School, which was followed by a similar resolution adopted by the law school’s faculty. It is in this context that the CUNY Board of Trustees and chancellor issued a shameful, false and defamatory statement on 30 May 2023 labeling Fatima’s profound words “hate speech.”

We join the demand that the CUNY administration immediately retract and apologize for the defamatory statement about Fatima’s speech and instead act to sever their ties with Zionist organizations both on and off campus. It is time the CUNY administration act to protect students and workers, rather than allying with right-wing politicians and participating in junkets to the Zionist colonial project. 

Fatima’s powerful speech also came just one year after Nerdeen Kiswani, fellow CUNY Law School alumna and chair of Within Our Lifetime, was elected student speaker for graduation and also delivered an inspiring address for Palestinian and international liberation, which drew yet more Zionist attacks and slander.

The election of Fatima reflected the student body’s wishes and perspective: that they would not allow politicians, capitalists and Zionists to silence voices for justice, in Palestine and everywhere.

Indeed, since the attacks on Fatima began, her fellow students, workers and faculty at CUNY have spoken up in support, including: CUNY Jewish Law Students Association, CUNY Law Students for Justice in Palestine, CUNY Law OUTLaws, CUNY Law Indigenous Americans and the Law Student Advocates, CUNY Law Student Government, CUNY Law Labor Coalition, CUNY4Palestine, CUNY Law Environmental Justice Coalition, CUNY Law Formerly Incarcerated Law Student Advocacy Association, CUNY National Lawyers Guild, CUNY Law Housing Rights Project, CUNY Public Interest Law Association, CUNY Law Women of Color Collective, and CUNY International Law Society.

Throughout her speech, Fatima referenced the forms of imprisonment used as a mechanism of colonial control and suppression of resistance.:

“As Israel continues to indiscriminately rain bullets and bombs on worshippers, murdering the old, the young, attacking even funerals and graveyards as it encourages lynch mobs to target Palestinian homes and businesses; as it imprisons its children, as it continues its project of settler colonialism, expelling Palestinians from their homes, carrying the ongoing Nakba — that our silence is no longer acceptable…I see future attorneys who will protect the communities terrorized by the surveillance state and not protect the agents of oppression that carry out that terror…Let us remember that it was just this week, Gaza has been bombed with the world watching. That daily, Brown and Black men are being murdered by the state at Rikers; that there are Palestinian political prisoners like the Holy Land Foundation [5] in US prisons, that there are refugees at the southern border still locked up.”

Fatima’s speech in many ways anticipated the repression and attacks to come:

“Like many of you, I chose CUNY School of Law for its articulated mission to be law in the service of human needs, one of a very few legal institutions created to recognize that the law is a manifestation of white supremacy that continues to oppress and suppress people in this nation and around the world…systems of oppression created to feed an empire with a ravenous appetite for destruction and violence; institutions created to intimidate, bully and censor and stifle the voices of those who resist. And at this moment of celebrating who we are, I want to celebrate CUNY Law as one of the few, if not the only law school to make a public statement, defending the right of its students to organize and speak out against Israeli settler colonialism. This is the law school that passed and endorsed BDS on a student and faculty level. Recognizing that, absent a critical imperialism/settler-colonialism lens, our work and the school’s mission statement is void of value… We are the student body and faculty that fought back when investor-focused admin attempted to cross the BDS picket line saying, loud and clear, that Palestine can no longer be the exception to our pursuit of justice; that our morality will not be purchased by investors….And we did all of this in spite of the racism, in spite of the selective activism, the self serving interests of CUNY Central, an institution that continues to fail us, that continues to train and cooperate with the fascist NYPD, the military that continues to train IDF soldiers to carry out that same violence globally, a larger institution committed to its donors, not to its students. I am here to remind us all that our existence on its own today in this room is revolutionary.”

The attack on Fatima is not taking place in a vacuum. As Within Our Lifetime notes,

“It is important we contextualize these developments not as individual viral sensations or disorganized backlash, but as part of a proactive, coordinated campaign that has been shaping CUNY as a battleground for decades, and increasingly over the past two years. This is a campaign of racialized militarization and privatization – which, in recent years, has manifested itself through the hiring and lauding of war criminals like David Petraeus and Colin Powell, the return of the ROTC, tuition hikes, tightening admission standards designed to attract wealthy out-of-state students, an exploitative multi-tiered labor system and increased precarity for the majority of CUNY workers. Repression against Palestinian student organizers is one part of this wider landscape.”

At CUNY, just in recent incidents noted by CUNY For Palestine, the university attempted to ban Nerdeen Kiswani from addressing a Nakba commemoration at Hunter College, her undergraduate alma mater; launched an anti-Palestinian “partnership” with Zionist foundations backed by settlement-funder and football owner Robert Kraft; cancelled the Palestine Lives conference in May 2022; and collaborated with an anti-Palestinian witch hunt at the NY City Council attacking Kiswani, Within Our Lifetime, and the movement for Palestine more broadly. Chancellor Félix Matos Rodríguez joined a propaganda junket to promote Zionist universities after the faculty and students of CUNY Law adopted a boycott resolution, including academic boycott.

This is also taking place in the context of increasing repression targeting the Palestinian and Arab communities in exile and diaspora and the Palestine solidarity movement throughout the Western imperial core, amid the growing strength of Palestinian resistance action. As Fatima noted, the Palestinian cause is an anti-imperialist cause, and resisting imperialism is central to our struggle here.

As these anti-imperialist links have strengthened, we see not only the attack on the students and workers of CUNY — and the mass movement in New York City — but also the criminalization and banning of Palestine organizing, anti-fascist organizing and other revolutionary struggles in Germany, including the targeting of Samidoun Deutschland; the persecution of demonstrators challenging Zionist presence in universities in Spain; the imprisonment of 9 Palestine Action activists in Britain; the attempt to ban the Collectif Palestine Vaincra in France. Of course, this repression operates hand in hand with the use of “terror” designations to criminalize resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon, the Philippines and around the world and interrupt solidarity — not to mention the use of bogus “domestic terror” charges to repress Indigenous sovereignty organizing, the Black liberation movement and the fight to stop “Cop City” in Atlanta.

All of these are signs of the growing crisis and desperation of Zionism and its imperial backers, and a recognition of the increased power of the resistance, particularly following the 2021 Unity Intifada/Battle of Seif al-Quds. The thunderous applause, standing ovations and cheers of support greeting Fatima’s speech made clear that the perspective she represents is in fact the perspective of the future.

“So may the joy and excitement that fills the auditorium here, may the rage that fills this auditorium dance in the hallways of our elementary schools, in our home villages of Sheikh Jarrah; Aden, Yemen; Haiti; Puerto Rico; the Philippines, may we  rejoice in the corners of our New York City bedroom apartments and dining tables, may it be the fuel for the fight against capitalism, racism, imperialism and Zionism around the world….as the great Malcolm X said, we declare our right on this earth, to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary… For oppressed people everywhere, for greater empires of destruction have fallen before and so will these.”

Let us make our voices heard: CUNY must immediately rescind the defamatory statement attacking Fatima; further, it must take action to protect students and faculty who speak out in favor of Palestinian liberation – without censorship, threats or intimidation – including their right to advocate for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS); it must cut its ties with all Zionist/pro-Israel groups on and off campus, including its “partnerships” with large Zionist foundations; and it has a responsibility to denounce blacklist websites, such as Canary Mission, and politicians that target CUNY students using false claims of antisemitism to marginalize support for Palestine within CUNY.

Within Our Lifetime, together with CUNY for Palestine, is leading a campaign to defend Fatima and CUNY organizing more broadly, as part of the Palestinian liberation cause. Read more and get involved at the following links:



Samidoun Sweden: Response to the anti-Palestinian smear campaigns against Jamal El-Haj

Samidoun Sweden issued the following statement (original in Swedish) in response to an anti-Palestinian smear campaign in Swedish media targeting Palestinians in Sweden, the Palestinians in Europe Conference, and political figures attending the mass event: 

In the past few days, there have been reports of the participation of the Swedish-Palestinian Social Democratic MP Jamal El-Haj in the Palestinians in Europe Conference. The 20th anniversary of this conference gathered many thousands of participants over one weekend. What the reporting makes clear is that there is a clear attempt to silence, criminalize and designate publicly existing Palestinians and Palestinian life as terrorism.

The campaign of attacks, which alludes to the fact that Jamal has met with Palestinians in Europe conference organizer Amin Abu Rashid, that the conference allegedly contributed to divisions among Palestinians as a collective, and that Jamal went against his party’s advice, must be seen as nothing less than an anti-Palestinian smear campaign. This comes at a time when the occupation of Palestine is experiencing a major internal crisis, including an escalating disagreement between factions that usually coalesce in unanimous hostility towards Palestinians. It comes at a time of recurring Zionist military massacres and settler pogroms against the Palestinian people in Palestinian villages, towns and refugee camps. It comes at a time when the Palestinian resistance in Palestine is growing stronger and more capable in the face of reactionary enemies who will stop at nothing. It comes at a time of growing anti-Palestinian repression throughout Europe, not to mention in Germany, with a growing criminalization and terrorist designation of anti-fascists, anti-imperialists and internationalists in general and Palestinians and supporters of Palestine in particular. The aforementioned groups are repeatedly banned from the streets, arrested and fined, and abused by police boots and batons. This comes at a time when international imperialism, a system that Sweden is very much a part of and benefits from, is entangled in extensive and successive crises around the world.

Who are the ones speaking out against Jamal, against Amin and against Palestinian organization? They are the representatives of the Swedish government under Ulf Kristersson and Jimmie Åkesson, the same government which happily cooperates with one of the main coordinators and financiers of reactionary political violence in West Asia and perhaps the world, the state of Turkey under President Erdogan, which, with funds from Europe and North America, supports groups such as the Grey Wolves and Daesh. They are representatives of the Sweden Democrats, the political home of Swedish white supremacist violence. They are so-called “terrorism researchers” who have made careers out of smearing Swedish Muslims and anti-racists. And it is the Social Democrats, whose government led Sweden’s participation in NATO’s war against Libya and approved Swedish support for Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen, the same Social Democrats whose only response to over 75 years of ethnic cleansing in Palestine, that is still ongoing today, is empty words and thus a green light for the violence to continue, the same Social Democrats who are now prepared to sacrifice a loyal party servant because he was a visible, open and public Swedish-Palestinian for a weekend and spoke for the Palestinian right of return.

The smear against Jamal El-Haj, against Amin Abu Rashid and the Palestinians in Europe Conference and by extension against Palestinian existence and organization in Sweden is a desperate attempt from Swedish business and the Swedish state to defend their ongoing support of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. A desperate attempt to exonerate Swedish authorities from complicity in reactionary violence against the peoples of Palestine, West Asia and the entire world, including Sweden.

We in Samidoun condemn this smear as an attack on the Palestinian diaspora in Sweden, one of the largest in Europe, an attack on refugees’ organizing for their rights in Sweden, and an attack on Palestinians’ international right of return. We know that we only have the organized resistance of the oppressed and exploited masses in solidarity to rely on against imperialism, colonialism and fascism, for the liberation of the whole of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

3 June, Vancouver: Free Walid Daqqah! Picket and Info Stand

Saturday, June 3
2:00 pm
CBC Vancouver (700 Hamilton St)

Join Samidoun Vancouver for a picket and information stand outside the CBC offices in Vancouver on Saturday, June 3. Walid Daqqah, the Palestinian prisoner and intellectual, was once again denied early release on May 31 by Israeli occupation authorities, despite the fact that his life is in severe danger at every moment and he is suffering from a rare cancer, myelofibrosis, that requires treatment outside the prison. His family has declared this to be an “authorization for his execution.”

Walid Daqqah is one of 4,900 Palestinian prisoners — including 600 sick and ill prisoners subjected to systematic medical neglect — locked up by the Israeli occupation regime. Meanwhile, the CBC and the Canadian government continue their silence and complicity in the occupation of Palestine, leaving the stories of Palestinians uncovered and refusing to so much as say “Palestine” on air.

Join us to speak out outside the CBC offices in Vancouver on Saturday, 3 June at 2 pm. Distribute material and raise your voice for Walid Daqqah, for Palestinian prisoners and for a free Palestine from the river to the sea.

With any questions or for more info, email vancouver@samidoun.net

This event is taking place on the unceded and occupied territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) peoples. The organizers stand in full solidarity and support of Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination and with the ongoing movements to defend land, water and Indigenous peoples from plunder and settler colonialism.

Occupation regime again denies release of Walid Daqqah; delays amount to a policy of assassination

On Wednesday, 31 May, the Israeli prison system’s “early release committee” hearing the case of Palestinian prisoner and intellectual Walid Daqqah refused to rule on his release, instead once again delaying his case and his treatment by referring his file to the “release committee for prisoners with life sentences.” This is despite the fact that Daqqah’s life sentence was reduced to 37 years and ended in March; he is now serving an additional 2-year sentence after being accused of smuggling a mobile phone. This decision is yet another indication that Israel seeks to assassinate Walid Daqqah by denying him access to proper medical care.

Daqqah is suffering from the rare bone marrow cancer myelofibrosis and in need of proper medical treatment that he can only obtain outside prison, particularly a bone marrow transplant. His health has declined dramatically on multiple occasions, he has suffered from a stroke, pneumonia, and surgery to remove a large portion of his lung. Nonetheless, he is repeatedly returned to the notorious Ramleh prison clinic, referred to as a “slaughterhouse” by the prisoners.

During the “early release committee” hearing, Daqqah’s family organized a protest outside the Ramleh prison to call for his release; the protesters were attacked by Zionist settlers calling for Daqqah’s death and threatening his family members, while the occupation police stood by.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the family of Walid Daqqah, the campaign for his freedom and the entire Palestinian people in demanding his immediate release, the only way in which he can receive proper treatment without restrictions. The Israeli prison administration and the Zionist regime hold full responsibility for his life as they continue to deny him an appropriate environment to treat his rare cancer. The systematic delays, denial of appropriate treatment and repeated medical negligence are tantamount to an ongoing assassination attempt on a Palestinian intellectual and freedom fighter. 

The family of Walid Daqqah and the official campaign for his release issued a statement, which we are republishing below in English:

A statement issued by the family and campaign for the release of the prisoner Walid Daqqah regarding “transferring his file to the Committee for the Release of Life Prisoners” 

Wednesday, 31 May 2023

The release committee of the Israeli Prison Service decided not to rule on the early release of sick prisoner Walid Daqqah, and to transfer his file to the release committee for life prisoners. The hearing convened today, Wednesday, May 31, 2023, at 8:30 am, at the occupation court in “Ma’asiyahu Prison”-Ramleh. During the meeting of the committee, settlers attacked the family of the prisoner, Walid Daqqah, and the small number of his supporters who had managed to reach the court, including his wife, Sanaa Ahmed Salameh, and his three-year-old daughter, Milad. The settlers hurled racist slurs and slogans at them and threatened them with death and “meeting the same fate” as the prisoner Walid Daqqah, in full view and under the protection of the occupation police.

We, the family and the campaign for the release of the prisoner Walid Daqqah, consider this decision to be an authorization to execute the prisoner Walid Daqqa by procrastinating in making a decision about his release despite the very high degree of danger in his health condition, which was recognized even by the report of the occupation prison service. Despite this report, the removal of the “high-risk prisoner” classification of Walid Daqqah, the expiration of his unjust 37-year life sentence since 24 March 2023, and the appearance of some editorials in the occupation newspapers urging his release…The court, however, decided otherwise.

Therefore, we turn to all legal institutions, popular movements, and our Palestinian people in all places of their presence, to intensify the advocacy of our campaign today and every day. We also renew our call on all factions of the Palestinian national movement throughout historic Palestine, and the official Palestinian political leadership to carry out their duty through all available means to issue a decision at the political level in the occupying state to release the captive Walid Daqqah before it is too late.

Please join us today, 31 May, for a special Zoom webinar with Sanaa Salameh to discuss the urgent international campaign to free Walid Daqqah. Click here to register for the event. 

Download posters for local events and read more about the life and struggle of Walid Daqqah here.


Toronto: “Walk Against Israel” confronts Zionist racism and crimes

On Sunday, 22 May, Toronto 4 Palestine, together with Montreal 4 Palestine, Neturei Karta International and the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, organized the “Walk Against Israel” to challenge the “Walk for Israel”, a Zionist, pro-apartheid event that takes place annually in Toronto.

Participants spoke out against Zionist crimes in occupied Palestine. They emphasized their commitment to the right to return of Palestinian refugees and the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea, as well as their support for the Palestinian people’s right to resist by all means necessary. Speakers also demanded that Canada end its ongoing support for the Zionist regime and urged the escalation of the boycott of Israel. They called on the Canadian government to instead side with justice and Palestinian and Arab rights, and to break the siege on the Gaza Strip.

Toronto 4 Palestine was joined by many anti-Zionist Jewish groups, including the Orthodox rabbis of Neturei Karta, who denounced the existence of the Zionist project in Palestine. The participants in the demonstration declared: “We will not allow the celebration of the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people,” labeling the Zionist event the “walk for apartheid.”

The mobilization came amid recent attacks by Zionist organizations against the growing Palestinian and Arab community and solidarity organizing in Canada. Many cities and universities organized large events in support of Palestine, marking the 75th anniversary of the continuing Nakba, and showing solidarity with the Palestinian people amid the recent Zionist aggression on Gaza. Students, organizers, and trade unions have also escalated their calls for boycott of the occupation and the corporations that are complicit in its crimes, and in support of the Palestinian prisoners’ struggle for liberation.

Mass demonstration in Vancouver commemorates 75 years of Nakba and resistance

Samidoun Vancouver joined with the Palestinian Youth Movement, Canada Palestine Association, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights UBC and the International League of People’s Struggle to commemorate the ongoing Nakba since 1948 on Sunday, 14 May 2023. Hundreds participated in a mass popular march from the Vancouver Art Gallery in the center of downtown to the U.S. consulate, through busy streets crowded with shoppers on a sunny spring day. The rally denounced Zionist, U.S. and Canadian policies toward Palestine, expressed solidarity with the Palestinian resistance and affirmed the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland. Marchers chanted slogans in Arabic, English and French in support of the resistance, against the Zionist aggression on Gaza, and for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.

The demonstration was joined by a multigenerational crowd who waved Palestinian flags and carried banners reading: “Generation after generation until total liberation,” and “Free Palestine: Resistance, Return, Liberation. Participants carried posters of the leaders of the prisoners’ movement, including the imprisoned struggler Walid Daqqah, the Lebanese communist imprisoned in France Georges Abdallah, the martyr of the hunger strike, Khader Adnan, and the imprisoned leader Ahmad Sa’adat, as well as of the martyrs of the Battle of the Revenge of the Free in Gaza.

Palestinian activist Nadia spoke on behalf of Samidoun Vancouver, emphasizing the need to support the prisoners in occupation jails and particularly highlighting the isolation imposed on leaders of the prisoners’ movement, Ahmad Sa’adat and his comrades Ahed Abu Ghoulmeh and Walid Hanatsheh. She noted that the prisoners’ movement had launched a one-day strike in solidarity to demand an end to isolation and the freedom of imprisoned writer and freedom fighter, Walid Daqqah, battling for his life and suffering from a rare cancer, myelofibrosis. He has spent over 37 years in occupation prisons, has completed his regular sentence, and is unable to receive proper treatment in occupation prisons.

She concluded her speech by expressing solidarity with Palestinians in Germany confronting repression at the hands of the state, particularly in Berlin. The Berlin police banned demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners and commemorations of the Nakba. She read out a message from Samidoun comrades in Berlin, calling for solidarity and participation in the campaign to expose German racism and complicity in crimes against the Palestinian people.

Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat spoke on behalf of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement. Barakat began his speech by expressing solidarity with the Indigenous people of the land struggling against settler colonialism, and emphasizing the need to build collective solidarity. He spoke about the failure of the Zionist project to break the will of the Palestinian people over the years since 1948, and emphasized the unity of Palestinian and Arab resistance forces for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. He urged all present to take a clear position against Zionism and the existence of the Zionist regime and to stand with the resistance in Palestine and Lebanon, including campaigning to remove Palestinian and Lebanese resistance organizations from the so-called “terrorist entities” list in Canada.

He also emphasized the need to reject the illusion of the so-called “two-state solution,” emphasizing that the Palestinian people today are rallying around the path of armed resistance throughout occupied Palestine. He declared that the approach of the Canadian government and its prime minister Justin Trudeau, consistently supporting the occupation against the Palestinian people, was unacceptable and must be overturned.

Hanna Kawas, the chair of the Canada Palestine Association, said in the closing speech at the U.S. consulate that Canada was involved in the establishment of the Zionist project in Palestine and therefore in the Nakba. Its governments participated in this crime before and after 1948, he noted. He urged the continuation and expansion of boycott campaigns against the Zionist regime and its products and complicit companies, and stopping all forms of normalization and liquidation that undermine the Palestinian and Arab cause.

The demonstration in Vancouver came alongside others in Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and other mass rallies in Canada, widely attended by Arab and Palestinian communities, solidarity movements and boycott committees, expressing support for the boycott of Israel, the right of Palestinians to resist and the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea, and, first and foremost, the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, villages and cities from which they were forcibly displaced.

Photos: Michael YC Tseng

31 May, Online Event: The Battle of Life and Freedom – The Case of Walid Daqqah

Join us on Wednesday, May 31 for an online event to Free Walid Daqqah! Walid Daqqah is a Palestinian political prisoner, intellectual and freedom fighter suffering from a rare cancer who requires freedom to receive proper treatment after years of medical neglect in Zionist prisons.

Hear from: Sanaa Salameh, the wife of Walid Daqqah

with Charlotte Kates of Samidoun and Judit Rodriguez of the Masar Badil.

Time: 9 pm Palestine/8 pm central Europe/2 pm Eastern/11 am Pacific

REGISTER: bit.ly/daqqahevent — USE THE FORM BELOW.

Register for The Battle of Life and Freedom - Freedom for Walid Daqqah

Register here to receive the Zoom link to attend the webinar on the case of Walid Daqqah.

Over 700 celebrate Palestinian struggle at Resistance Festival organized by Samidoun Brussels

On the afternoon of Saturday, 27 May, in Bethlehem Square in Brussels, Belgium, Samidoun Brussels organized its first Resistance Festival, part of the commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the ongoing Nakba. This cultural, social and political event celebrated Palestinian resistance in all forms, reaffirming the anti-colonialist, anti-racist nature of the struggle for Palestinian return and liberation from the river to the sea.  Welcoming festival-goers, the square was redecorated with many Palestinian flags as an assortment of groups and associations set up stands and tables. The event also included a screen printing workshop, children’s games and food and cold drinks. Banners surrounded the square carrying many messages of solidarity, particularly demanding the release of prisoners Walid Daqqah and Georges Abdallah, in support of the Palestinian resistance, for the boycott of Israel, and in support of the struggle of Delhaize supermarket workers. The initiative was a smashing success bringing together over 700 participants throughout the afternoon in a warm and enthusiastic popular atmosphere.

Nermin, the co-founder of the Palestinian Refugee Movement in Brussels, opened the festival with a speech declaring that despite 75 years of Nakba, the Palestinian people continue to resist for their inalienable rights.

Jaldia Abubakra, a member of the executive committee of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement; the Palestinian women’s movement Alkarama; and Samidoun Madrid, spoke next, emphasizing that the Palestinian people are not only confronting the Zionist movement but also the imperialist powers which have played a leading role in the colonization of Palestine. She reaffirmed that “the word resistance has today become synonymous with Palestine, and our people have never given up and they will resist until the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.” She concluded her intervention by affirming that the Palestinian resistance is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, stressing that “the fedayeen love life and are ready to sacrifice everything for our freedom” to a round of applause.

Mohammed Khatib, the Europe coordinator of Samidoun, intervened to recall that the Palestinian cause was an integral part of a global anti-imperialist struggle, affirming that the fights carried out in Belgium for justice and equality are also the struggles of the Palestinian people, such as the campaign to boycott Delhaize stores and the mobilizations against racist crimes. Furthermore, he strongly denounced the criminalization of Palestinian community organizing and the solidarity movement in Europe, in particular the dissolution (eventually suspended) of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra in France and the bans on demonstrations and the repression against Samidoun and other Palestinian organizing in Berlin, Germany.

A member of Samidoun Paris Banlieue presented a joint statement with the Collectif Palestine Vaincra calling for the immediate release of Georges Abdallah. A Lebanese communist imprisoned in France since 1984 and eligible for release since 1999, he has now become the longest held political prisoner in Europe. “Supporting his release is not only supporting a committed and dignified man who is faithful to his revolutionary principles and ideals. To support Georges Abdallah is to support the Palestinian resistance and its legitimacy against imperialism, Zionism and for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea,” he said. Showing their solidarity with the cause of the prisoner, the crowd chanted “Palestine will win, free Georges Abdallah!” enthusiastically at the end of the speech.

Next, the festival presented artists, Achille, Raj’een Dabkeh Troupe, Lowkey, and Osloob & Issa Mourad. In a family-friendly, enthusiastic atmosphere, young and old celebrated Palestinian resistance during these various performances. On the railings surrounding the square was a photo exhibition by photographer and former journalist Johan Depoortere, presenting photos of the Palestinian villages destroyed and/or depopulated during the Nakba.

This launch of the festival was supported by the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, Zin-TV, EuroPalestine, Revolutionaire Eenheid, Masar Badil, Classe Contre Classe, DK, Bruxelles Pantheres, Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine, La Fronde, De-Colonizer, Secours Rouge, Revolutionary Action Front and ILPS. In addition, various groups were represented, making the trip, including Free Palestine Maastricht, Palästinakomitee Stuttgart, Anti-Imperialist Front and Samidoun chapters from the Netherlands, Spain and France.

Samidoun Brussels would like to thank all the participants, the dozens of volunteers and  various partner organizations for having made the launch of this festival a political and cultural success! In particular, we would like to thank the DK, Classe Contre Classe, the residents of the neighbourhood and Palästinakomitee Stuttgart for their precious logistical help, without which this Resistance Festival would not have been possible.

The mobilization did not stop there! On Monday, 29 May, in the streets of Brussels, members and sympathizers of Samidoun  marched with the colours of Palestine on the occasion of the demonstration against the far-right Vlaams Belang party, emphasizing the indissoluble link between the anti-fascist and anti-Zionist struggles.

For several months, Samidoun Brussels has been building up to develop and intensify solidarity with the Palestinian people and their resistance until the return and liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. To join us and/or participate in our activities, contact us on Instagram or by e-mail at  brussels@samidoun.net.


Resistance Festival today, Saturday 27 May, in Brussels, Belgium, welcomes Lowkey, Osloob, Raj’een, Achille and more!

On Saturday, 27 May, Brussels, Belgium will be home to the Resistance Festival, a political, cultural and artistic festival in support of the Palestinian resistance and confronting 75 years of Nakba, occupation and racism.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, together with many Palestinian, Arab and international associations, is organizing the Resistance Festival in Bethlehem Square on Saturday, 27 May from 4 pm to 8 pm, with performances by rapper and activist Lowkey, Raj’een Dabkeh Troupe, Achille, Osloob and Issa Mourad.

The Resistance Festival will include cultural and artistic programs, special areas for children, and political speeches and presentations along with tables and information stands. Speakers will represent the Masar Badil (Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement) and many organizations. Liberation movements, anti-imperialist organizations, and community groups will participate in the festival to show their support for Palestinian rights and liberation and call for the imposition of a comprehensive boycott on the Zionist regime. The festival also aims to strengthen the role of the international popular cradle of the Palestinian struggle, as it rallies around the resistance and the path of return and liberation.

The Resistance Festival also coincides with the 23rd anniversary of the liberation of the south of Lebanon from Zionist occupation. Join us at the Resistance Festival to show support for the resistance and struggle of the prisoners’ movement in the occupation jails!

Groups participating in the Festival include Classe Contre Classe, Collectif Palestine Vaincra, EuroPalestine, Masar Badil, Zin TV, Revolutionaire Eenheid, The DK, Bruxelles Pantheres, ILPS, Secours Rouge, Revolutionary Action Front, De-Colonize and more.