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Solidarity with Georges Abdallah and Walid Daqqah at Toulouse mobilization against French pension reforms

During a new broad labour union demonstration against the French pension reform in Toulouse which brought together nearly 50,000 people, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra was present alongside all the people mobilized, reaffirming that defending the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea is inseparable from the global struggle for social justice! Underlining this commitment, we displayed numerous posters and banners in support of the release of Georges Abdallah and the over 4,900 Palestinian prisoners, in support of the Palestinian resistance, and against the twinning of Toulouse with Tel Aviv.

Members of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra — a member organization of the Samidoun Network — drew demonstrators’ attention to the urgent international campaign for the release of Walid Daqqah. This writer and freedom fighter has been imprisoned since 1986 by the Israeli occupation. Today he suffers from myelofibrosis, a rare bone marrow cancer, and needs proper medical treatment which he can only get outside of prison, especially a bone marrow transplant.

His health has deteriorated significantly on several recent occasions, and he suffered a stroke, pneumonia and surgery to remove a large part of his lung. On Wednesday, 31 May, the “Early Release Committee” of the Israeli occupation prison system refused to rule on his release. His family called this decision an “authorization for his execution.”  In support of Daqqah, a prominent leader of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, dozens of people took photos displaying a poster demanding his immediate release.

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra distributed thousands of flyers recalling that “fighting the government and employers also means denouncing the French government’s unconditional support for the Israeli occupation and its privileged diplomatic, political and economic relations. It is also to denounce the continuous crimes against the Palestinian people!” Passing in front of our stand, several contingents in the demonstration, like that of the CGT SELA 31 chanted their solidarity with Palestine!

Finally, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra invited the demonstrators to the Palestine Afternoon that we are organizing on Sunday 25 June from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at La Chapelle. The program includes many activities for people of all ages in support of the Cana Art Village in Gaza, with the participation of the Palestinian artist and project coordinator Nawras Shalhoub: screenings, music, Palestinian poetry, exhibitions, calligraphy, graffiti workshop, games for children, drinks and food, etc.

10 years after the assassination of Clément Méric: a successful week of tribute and struggle

JUNE 4 – PARIS: Demonstration in tribute to Clément Méric, young anti-fascist activist killed by neo-Nazis on 5 June 2013. JEAN KADER / ENCRAGE

Between Thursday, 1 June and Tuesday, 6 June, events and activities were organized throughout France to mark the 10th anniversary of the assassination of trade unionist and anti-fascist Clément Méric by neo-Nazis.

Organized by different organisations, several events took place in Île-de-France, beginning with the launch of the book “Clément Méric, une vie, desbates” at the Libertalia bookshop. A collective work by friends and relatives of Clément Méric, the book looks back on his life and seeks to restore the truth of the facts that led to his death. The rights to and proceeds of the book will be donated to the Committee for Clement.

The next day, the Kilowatt in Ivry hosted the first concert of the weekend, a punk and hardcore set bringing together prominent performers in the scene, including Agnostic FrontBrigada Flores MagonBull BrigadeSyndrome 81 and The Ready Mades.

On Saturday, 3 June,  the day opened at République, at the Bourse du Travail, for the first events of the anti-fascist meeting. Several hundred people made the trip to attend the roundtables and forums which took place throughout the day, translated into several languages ​​for the foreign delegations. Salah Hamouri, the French-Palestinian lawyer and former political prisoner forcibly deported to France by the Israeli occupation, was invited for a discussion around the current situation in Palestine and the state of the resistance. He also discussed the more than 10 years of political harassment against him until the revocation of his Jerusalemite resident status and his deportation last December by the colonial authorities.

In the middle of the afternoon, the MFC 1871 and its supporters gathered at the Louis Lumière stadium in the 20th arrondissement in Paris for the closing matches of the season of its women’s teams. A large display in the club’s colors and a banner were displayed in a crowded stand, encouraging to the club’s teams to excel and snatch two victories for this symbolic date.

In the evening, the day ended with the second concert of the weekend at La Parole Errante Demain in Montreuil. The rap and hip-hop event boasted a full bill, including several prominent names such as Rocé, Ryaam, Just Shani, Costa and Sean. Performers took turns at the microphones in front of more than 1,500 people before Médine shook the ground of Montreuil with its musicians, emphasizing on several occasions the importance of the anti-fascist and anti-capitalist struggle in the current situation. In addition, several Palestinian flags and banners for the release of Georges Abdallah were visible during the show while the crowd chanted “Palestine will live, Palestine will win!” This exceptional concert concluded in style with the set of DJ Pone, accompanied by the Svinkels, a last minute surprise, who made their classic hits resonate before a packed audience.

Samidoun Paris Banlieue attended the event with our comrades from Samidoun Brussels, holding a stand together with several other organizations. Throughout the evening, we denounced the situation of Walid Daqqah, Palestinian intellectual and freedom fighter, incarcerated for 37 years in colonial prisons. He is now suffering from a rare form of cancer which requires appropriate medical care, denied to him by the occupation. His family has launched an international campaign for his liberation, calling for the widest support around the world.

Samidoun activists also promoted various campaigns for the release of Georges Abdallah,  for support for imprisoned Palestinian students and for the boycott of Israel.

On Sunday, 4 June in Barbes, several thousand people had gathered for the mass anti-fascist demonstration, a central part of the commemorations that take place each year. For the 10th anniversary, and as in previous years, several international delegations had made the trip, waving their flags and badges above the procession. Alongside various organizations such as the NPASolidaires, la Fosse aux Lyons, Tsedek! and others, Samidoun Paris Banlieue marched in the demonstration. We expressed our solidarity with one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe, incarcerated since 1984 in French prisons: the Lebanese Arab communist struggle for Palestine, Georges Abdallah.

Photo credit: Tulyppe

Throughout the march route, chants and songs animated the procession from Barbes to Gambetta. Accompanied by a multitude of torches, a sea of ​​double-masted flags rose around Gare de l’Est to pay tribute to the struggles and figures of the radical and anti-imperialist left. Thus mingled the faces of Zineb Redouane and Olivio Gomes (murdered by police officers on duty), Clément Méric and Carlos Palomino (killed by neo-Nazis), references to the struggles of the Kurdish, Kanak and Palestinian peoples as well as support for Georges Abdallah.

Photo credit: Tulyppe

At rue St Maur, a huge 15-meter banner was hung over the facade of a building, featuring a massive image of Clément Méric, guitar in hand, and these few words: “Clément – ​​Forever one of us – Paris Brest Antifascist”. A few meters further on, another banner bearing his likeness was unfurled. The demonstration ended in Gambetta where several speeches took place.


On Monday, 5 June, a tribute rally was held at rue Caumartin, the scene of the death of Clément Méric. On this occasion, several hundred people gathered alongside Sud Solidaires, the NPARévolution Permanente and others. This long weekend of commemoration and anti-fascist mobilization ended with the inter-union demonstration against the pension reform where nearly a million people demonstrated all over France. This mobilization underlined the determination of the workers to put a stop to this reactionary attack and to the neo-liberal savagery of the government and its allies. In addition, we denounce the repression which affected several participants in the antifascist weekend, as reported in this press release.

Photo credit: Audrey MG – @vanites_parisiennes

Samidoun Paris Banlieue was naturally present in these events alongside Samidoun Brussels, because the anti-Zionist and anti-fascist fights are inextricably linked. As Palestinian revolutionary Georges Habash said in 1977: “Israel is a fascist state, and I cannot believe it will last. Any struggle against fascism must win.” In the continuity of this commitment, we call for widespread participation in the next initiatives to support the Palestinian resistance, in particular the rally in support of Walid Daqqah organized on June 10 by CAPJPO-EuroPalestine and the demonstration organized by the Unitary campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah on 18 June.

Charleroi, Belgium, solidarity action calls for freedom for Georges Abdallah and Walid Daqqah

On a sunny, hot day in Charleroi, Belgium, approximately a dozen members of the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine, an affiliate organization of the Samidoun Network, organized a public action on Saturday, 10 June, calling for the release of Walid Daqqah, Georges Abdallah and the nearly 5,000 Palestinian prisoners in occupation prisons. The Plate-Forme set up a large canopy tent in Place Verte, distributing flyers calling urgently for the release of Walid Daqqah and Georges Abdallah.

Walid Daqqah, writer and freedom fighter, has been imprisoned since 1986 by the Israeli occupation. Today, he suffers from myelofibrosis, a rare bone marrow cancer, and needs proper medical treatment which he can only get outside of prison, especially a bone marrow transplant. His health deteriorated considerably on several occasions, he suffered a stroke, pneumonia and he underwent surgery to remove a large part of one of his lungs. On Wednesday, 31 May, the occupation prison system’s “Early Release Committee”  refused to rule on his release. His family called this decision “authorization for his execution.”

Georges Abdallah, Lebanese communist and struggler for Palestinian liberation, has been imprisoned in France since 1984 and eligible for release  since 1999. He has already made eight requests for release which have all been rejected due to legal technicalities and political decisions. This Thursday, 8 June 2023, Georges Abdallah’s lawyer filed a new request for release before the Paris Sentencing Judge. This development requires us all to intensify our mobilization for his freedom, so that the man who has become the one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe can finally be released and return to his country, Lebanon.

Banners and signs displayed on the stand visualized the organizers’ demand for the  release of Georges Abdallah, Walid Daqqah and all Palestinian prisoners, many of whom have been imprisoned for more than 30 years, as well as a call for a boycott of Israel. 

The action was joined by local Palestinians and supporters of Palestine. Many people stopped at the table and signed petition cards for the release of Georges Abdallah and took solidarity photos holding signs calling for the liberation of Georges Abdallah and Walid Daqqah. Léa Mathy, physiotherapist, who worked for nine years in Jerusalem and Jericho before the Oslo agreements, came from Brussels to join us. Passers-by also showed support and filmed the highly visible stand to post their videos on social media.

The Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine also presented the new book SUMUD, on the international scope of the Palestinian resistance, which has just come off the presses. It includes a contribution from Georges Abdallah, as well as those from many others involved in international support for Palestine, and is dedicated to the memory of  Khader Adnan.

Participants also invited passers-by to join our next action which will take place on Saturday 17 June: to be informed in order to be able to act effectively against Belgian collaboration with Israeli arms companies. On this occasion, we have invited investigative journalist David Cronin. The info session will take place on Saturday June 17 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the MPA, route de Mons, 80, 6030 Marchienne-au-Pont, Belgium.

This action received strong support and indicated the potential to organize new sympathizers of the Palestinian cause in Charleroi.

The book will be available at our information session on Saturday June 17, as well as at our next stands and actions. You can also order the book from  Antidote  via the account number

IBAN: BE20 0004 2359 4956
price 13 euros (shipping price-3 euros-included)
with mention “SUMUD 3” and your postal address

Source: Plate-Forme Charleroi-Palestine

Paris rally demands liberation for Georges Abdallah, Walid Daqqah and all Palestinian prisoners

On the afternoon of Saturday June 10, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine organized a rally at the Fontaine des Innocents in downtown Paris to demand the release of Walid Daqqah and the 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners.

At the beginning of this mobilization, Olivia Zémor, the president of EuroPalestine, intervened, highlighting the various forms of colonial violence escalating against the Palestinian people. In particular, she denounced the attacks against the people of the village of Nabi Saleh, in particular the murder of Mohammed Tamimi — just 2 and a half years old — and the imprisonment of two teenagers.

The crowd chanted: “Free the resistance fighters, end the occupation” and “What are we waiting for? Arm the Palestinian resistance fighters!” Meanwhile, various interventions highlighted the situation in the prisons of the Israeli occupation.

First, a member of EuroPalestine spoke, denouncing the policy of administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial, which has been practiced massively against the Palestinian people since the British mandate. Today, 1083 Palestinians are currently subject to these detention orders and the Palestinian prisoners’ movement has announced the launch of a collective hunger strike on June 18 against the policy, which was first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate before being adopted by the Zionist regime.

Another young Palestinian spoke, underlining the importance of the campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah, Lebanese communist and struggler for the liberation of Palestine, who has been imprisoned in France since 1984 and eligible for release since 1999. While he has become one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe, he has just filed a ninth request for his release. The activist called for stronger, broader action for his liberation, in particular by participating in the demonstration on June 18 from Ménilmontant, organized by the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah.

Finally, a member of Samidoun Paris Banlieue spoke about the international campaign for the release of Walid Daqqah:

Today, we would like to tell you about one prisoner in particular who has languished in Israeli colonial prisons for 37 years. This man is called Walid Daqqah.

Walid Daqqah is an internationally renowned writer and an emblematic prisoner of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Like his 5,000 fellow Palestinian prisoners, he represents the spearhead of Palestinian resistance. Like his comrades and compatriots, he sacrificed so greatly to defend his people and his land against colonialism and imperialism.

But today, we are talking about this above all because Walid Daqqah is seriously ill. Walid Daqqah needs special care and serious support! Instead, the Israeli occupation denies his release and practices a policy of medical negligence. There are hundreds of political prisoners who are sick and to whom Israel refuses treatment and waits to see them die, like Nasser Abu Hmeid, Saadia Farajallah and Khader Adnan.

And so all of us who are present here have a duty to demand the immediate release of the 5,000 Palestinian prisoners detained by the Israeli occupation, as well as the release of Georges Abdallah, who has been imprisoned in France since 1984 and eligible for release since 1999. We must demand his release and participate in the June 18 demonstration!

Because supporting the Palestinian prisoners is supporting the resistance, supporting the liberation of Palestine, of all of Palestine, from the river to the sea!

We would like to end with these few words:
Glory to the Palestinian resistance
Glory to the martyrs
Freedom for Walid Daqqah, Georges Abdallah and all the Palestinian prisoners!
Vietnam has won, Algeria has won, Palestine will win!

The rally ended by stressing the importance of campaigns to boycott Israel and commending the work carried out by Palestine Action in Britain, in particular the siege on the Israeli arms factory owned and operated by Elbit Systems in Leicester since 1 May.

Samidoun Paris Banlieue thanks and supports CAPJPO-EuroPalestine for organizing this gathering. Everywhere, actions are multiplying to build international solidarity with Walid Daqqah, Georges Abdallah and all the 5,000 men, women and children unjustly detained by the Israeli occupation. Sunday, June 18 from 2 p.m. at the Ménilmontant metro in Paris, let’s come in numbers to the demonstration for the release of Georges Abdallah!




10 and 11 June, Online Event: Cuba Hearing, International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism

Join us on Saturday and Sunday, June 10th and 11th to hear the effects of U.S. imperialism on the people of Cuba at 10:30AM [GMT -4].

Hear from a range of experts who will testify to the impact of sanctions and blockades on Cuba in agriculture, health, communications and other sectors, and the role of coercive economic measures in the imperialist assault on Cuba.

Please note, due to the communications difficulties caused by the blockade, this hearing will take place on YouTube Live.

Register today: http://bit.ly/cubahearing Please share these hearing updates with your colleagues and comrades, and watch the Tribunal’s previous hearings at the Sanctions Tribunal YouTube channel! Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a co-sponsor of the Tribunal. Visit the Sanctions Tribunal website to learn more and register for upcoming hearings.

Georges Abdallah files new appeal for release as campaign for his freedom escalates

Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab Communist and struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France since 1984, has filed a new request for his release before the sentencing judge in Paris. Eligible for release since 1999, he has already made eight requests for parole, some of which have been accepted judicially before being blocked by politcal decisions of French officials as well as a range of legal technicalities in the courts.

On 21 November 2012, and on appeal in January 2013, the Sentence Enforcement Court granted Georges Abdallah’s conditional release, and his return to Lebanon was widely anticipated and announced by the Lebanese government and media, as well as broader Arab media. The U.S. government declared its opposition to his release, and in the leaked database of Hillary Clinton’s emails — then the U.S. Secretary of State — provided to Wikileaks, an email from Clinton to Laurent Fabius declared that “we hope that the French officials will find another basis to challenge the legality of the decision,” expressing the U.S.’ desire to see Georges Abdallah remain behind bars.

Next, French Minister of the Interior Manuel Valls refused to sign the expulsion order necessary for Georges Abdallah’s conditional release to Lebanon. Thereafter, on 4 April 2013, the release decision was judged “inadmissible” by the Court of Cassation — simply by Valls refusing to sign the order necessary for his return to Lebanon to proceed.

On Thursday, 8 June 2023, Georges Abdallah’s lawyer Jean-Louis Chalanset filed a new request for his release on parole and return to Lebanon. On this occasion, it is more important than ever to intensify the mobilization for the release of Georges Abdallah, so that one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe can finally return, in freedom, to his country, Lebanon.

Indeed, Georges Abdallah has become a symbol of state repression and the complicity of French governments, across party lines, with the Israeli occupation and U.S. imperialism. There are several upcoming events and calls to action for the liberation of Georges Abdallah. The Unitary Campaign for the Release of Georges Abdallah is organizing a demonstration in Paris on 18 June, endorsed by the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and Samidoun Paris Banlieue and dozens of organizations, as part of a week of action. The demonstration will take place at 2 pm at Metro Menilmontant.

Thanks to the work of Collectif 65 for the release of Georges Abdallah and the determination of France Insoumise parliamentarian Sylvie Ferrer, 28 parliamentarians from the NUPES bloc published a joint statement calling for the release of Georges Abdallah. They note, “Under French law, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been eligible for release since 1999. Yet he is still imprisoned, while justice has pronounced for his release! This makes Georges Ibrahim Abdallah the longest serving political prisoner in a French prison, and with the exception of Italy, probably in Europe.”

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra — a member organization of the Samidoun Network — has engaged in multiple interventions about the case at several large activities bringing together hundreds of people, including the Resistance Festival in Brussels, the Dissidentes Festival in Switzerland and the rally on the Glières plateau . During this last initiative, an intervention by Georges Abdallah was read, emphasizing his loyalty to his resolutely anti-imperialist commitments. Unsurprisingly, such participation provoked a wave of slander from supporters of the Israeli occupation, from Renaissance MP Antoine Armand to LICRA, which was firmly condemned by the organizers of the event.

At the same time, the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah in Île-de-France organized various initiatives, in particular a rally near the Ministry of Justice bringing together several dozen people on 1 June. Samidoun Paris Banlieue participated in many activities for Georges Abdallah’s release, in particular by holding a stand during a concert organized by the Action Antifasciste Paris Banlieue at the Word Errante on June 3rd. bringing together more than 1,000 people in tribute to Clément Méric as well as a visible presence at the demonstration the next day.

Support or Georges Abdallah was also visible in multiple international actions, including in the Basque Country, Liege, Vancouver, Lausanne and Boston. As Georges Abdallah has been imprisoned for almost 39 years, we must develop and intensify the campaign for his release! The Collectif Palestine Vaincra offers materials for campaign activities, such as stickersflyers and flags. Please contact us if you are organizing an event or activity, including a demonstration, lecture or a screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight.”

Samidoun participates in the Day of Amnesty in Donostia, Basque Country

On Saturday, 3 June 2023, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network in the Spanish State was invited to participate in Amnesty Eguna 2023 (Amnesty Day) in the Basque Country, organized by Aske, the pro-independence and socialist organization against repression and in favor of amnesty for Basque political prisoners, which operates as part of the Jardun coordination. Aske was created as a mechanism to combat the persecution suffered by Basque labour, political and social organizations. In this framework, the fight for amnesty is understood not solely as the achievement of the freedom of political prisoners, but also as an essential step to create political conditions that achieve independence and socialism in the Basque Country.

Therefore, the day took on an internationalist perspective through the participation of organizations representing and supporting other national liberation movements in addition to the Basque struggle, such as the Palestinian, Saharawi, Filipino and Colombian movements. The main theme of the day thus revolved around the battle against repression faced by those struggles that seek to implement peoples’ right to national self-determination, and to define for themselves a project for a socialist country free from the neoliberal and imperialist structure that subordinates and condemns peoples to dispossession.

The day was held in the open air in front of the Old Town of the city of Donostia. The event began with a opening discussion during the morning, in which militants from the Philippine Revolution organization, the Polisario Front and Samidoun shared a table together with Aske members, who moderated the session. The event also included speakers from the National Liberation Army of Colombia, participating virtually. During the conversation, Samidoun members shared their experiences in the Palestinian, Arab and internationalist struggle for the national liberation of Palestine, explained the work they do in support of political prisoners and reiterated their support for the right of the Palestinian people to conduct their struggle by all means necessary until the liberation of all Palestine is achieved, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

During the conversation, Samidoun also analyzed the repressive dynamics that are currently taking place at the international level and, specifically, in the Spanish State where the extreme right of VOX and the PP party work side by side with the Zionist lobby to obstruct our work. In the same way, the comrades in the Saharawi, Filipino and Colombian struggle informed us of the situation of their struggles, finding numerous points in common between us. Together, we shared ideas about the mechanisms that we use to counter the international strategy of repression from imperialist and Zionist forces. This space served to bring together many comrades who, from different locations, facee the same enemies and a political project with similar ideological values.

Throughout the day, speakers and organizers emphasized the leading role of Basque, Palestinian, Saharawi, Filipino and Colombian political prisoners. All the organizations present share the view that the figure of the political prisoner constitutes a revolutionary vanguard, and that, more than a victim, they are revolutionary political subjects who, despite being detained in jails, maintain their struggle and political values ​​in another sphere of action. For this reason, it remains essential to publicize the situation and particularities of these prisoners wherever they are, since they constitute a fundamental source of knowledge and leadership for those of us who maintain the political struggle outside of prison, without which we cannot continue. All parties emphasized that they view the liberation of political prisoners as a necessary step to achieve national self-determination, and that release campaigns can never be disconnected from the objectives of liberation as a whole.

Following a lunch organized by Aske, Samidoun activists attended the panel on the evolution of repression in the Basque country, with speakers Itziar Moreno, Zunbeltz Larrea, Aratz Estonba and Joserra Murgoitio. These Basque strugglers and former political prisoners reviewed the repressive methods used by the Spanish State against the Basque people and their political organizations from the 70’s until today. They further emphasized that the repression has not ceased, despite the fact that it appears differently than it did in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. This repression has been adapted to new institutional political needs and international concerns, as Itziar pointed out, as countries aim not to damage their own image internationally.

The former prisoners shared the methods of resistance and struggle that they maintained in prison, some for over a decade, including their political conviction, transformation of individual attitude, mutual support among fellow prisoners and their unbreakable connection with the continuing struggle outside. Their remarks reminded those present of the teachings of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, imprisoned for over 38 years in French prison, who has maintained his revolutionary vision despite severe pressure to retract his political perspective.

The day ended with a march and Basque dance performance, before Aske members closed Amnesty Day with a speech before all of the gathered participants.


Freedom Revolution — Administrative Detainees’ Intifada: Prisoners’ movement announces 18 June hunger strike

On Monday, 5 June — the anniversary of the Naksa, the 1967 Zionist occupation of the remaining parts of Palestine (the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem), the Syrian Golan Heights and the Sinai of Egypt, the Administrative Prisoners’ Committee, announced yesterday by the Higher Emergency Committee of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement, announced its plans to move to an open hunger strike on 18 June to confront the policy of Israeli administrative detention.

The beginning of the strike also coincides with the 40th day anniversary of the martyrdom of Sheikh Khader Adnan, the Palestinian prisoner and long-term hunger striker whose life was taken after 86 days of hunger strike on 2 May 2023. Khader Adnan won his liberation from administrative detention — imprisonment without charge or trial — on four separate occasions through hunger strikes.

Since the end of 2022/beginning of 2023, the number of administrative detainees has consistently remained greater than 1,000, over one-fifth of the total number of Palestinian political prisoners. Administrative detention orders are issued on the basis of so-called “secret evidence” for up to six months at a time, indefinitely renewable. Palestinians routinely are jailed for years at a time under these orders, which particularly target community leaders and organizers in an effort to separate them from the people and the liberation movement as a whole.

In their statement, the prisoners make clear the necessity of support and engagement from the Palestinian people in exile and diaspora and international forces of solidarity. We invite all to join us in mobilizing, organizing and acting to support the prisoners’ struggle, bring an end to administrative detention and liberate Palestine and the prisoners!

Below is the full text of the new statement, released today:

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful…

Statement by the Administrative Prisoners’ Committee on the national project and open-ended hunger strike in rejection of administrative detention

O masses of our revolutionary Palestinian people everywhere:

The administrative detainees in the prisons of the occupation have decided to launch their national project and their open-ended hunger strike in rejection of administrative detention, in fulfillment and loyalty to the path taken by the imprisoned martyr Khader Adnan, who was advancing, without retreat, on hunger strike. We take this step in order to preserve the principle for which our martyr paid the price, and to put the issue of administrative detainees on the table in a real and effective manner, in confrontation with the policies of the occupation and the Shin Bet, which enjoys torturing us, draining our lives, and stealing our years through the policy of arbitrary administrative detention.

This comes after the number of administrative detainees exceeded 1083, in an unprecedented manner. All parties concerned with the prisoners’ cause — the government, the factions, the resistance, the people, the institutions and the international community — must bear the burden and responsibility in ending our suffering and restraining the occupation regime from its repressive practices, because the level of aggression against the prisoners has never before reached its current level in its scale and boastfulness.

Our struggling people, our factions rising up, our heroic resistance: Facing all of these facts, on the fortieth anniversary of the martyrdom of Khader Adnan, we confirm the following:

First: We, as administrative detainees, will embark on an integrated national project to combat administrative detention, in which all administrative detainees from the entire spectrum of the prisoners’ movement will participate and join under the umbrella of the Palestinian flag. All methods of struggle are part of this initiative, primarily the open-ended hunger strike and the boycott of the occupation courts that has been going on since last September, and the programs of struggle that support the fight of the administrative detainees in their initiative: Freedom Revolution – Administrative Detainees’ Intifada.

Second: We announce to you that Sunday, 18 June 2023, will be the official date for the launch of the open-ended hunger strike, under the title Freedom Revolution – Administrative Detainees’ Intifada.

Third: We emphasize that our primary demand is to end administrative detention and oblige the occupying “state” to respect international humanitarian law.

Fourth: We call on the Palestinian Authority’s “presidency and government” to adopt the demands of the administrative detainees and activate all the mechanisms of diplomatic pressure, make our cause a national priority and provide an official and popular cradle to support us.

Fifth: It is required that all factions, the resistance, institutions, civil society organizations and all of our people must effectively support our cause and our strike, to rise up in all arenas and fields, to ignite all points of contact with the occupation and to form a lever of power and a safety net for us in our battle. Support us and do not leave us to be isolated by the occupation. You are our support, after God.

Sixth: We call upon the Palestinian communities in exile and diaspora to take action and engage in a movement of solidarity to support our cause through sit-ins in front of enemy embassies, and to address all European institutions and parliaments so that the occupation responds to our demands.

O free people everywhere, we will proceed with our strike and our project, as the years of our lives have passed in the hands of the Zionists without salvation finding us. This flood has reached its crest. We call on all for real support to stop the bleeding of detention and save us from the clutches of the occupation and its arbitrary policies. The stance of the people, the factions and the resistance, especially in the West Bank, in Jerusalem, and inside occupied Palestine ’48, can shorten the duration of the strike, ensure its success and end our suffering.

Glory to the martyrs, freedom to the prisoners, healing to the wounded.

Committee of Administrative Detainees in Occupation Prisons

Monday, 16 Dhul al-Qidah 1444.
Corresponding to 5 June 2023.


Palestinian prisoners’ movement demands freedom for Walid Daqqah, escalates struggle to end administrative detention

In a new statement released by the Higher Emergency Committee of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement, the unified leadership body representing the Palestinian prisoners in occupation jails, the prisoners’ movement declared an escalation of struggle to confront the policy of administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. As administrative detention orders are indefinitely renewable, Palestinians routinely spend years at a time jailed without even the pretext of a trial in a Zionist military court.

In addition, the prisoners’ movement highlighted the case of Walid Daqqah, the imprisoned freedom fighter and intellectual suffering from a rare cancer and subjected to Israeli medical neglect. Daqqah’s appeal for release was just denied and referred to yet another committee on 31 May, despite even the prison administration’s medical report noting that he is critically ill and not expected to survive, especially if he is not freed to receive necessary treatment. The next hearing for his release will take place on Thursday, 18 June, a delay of nearly three weeks. Daqqah has been imprisoned since 1986, and his sentence expired in March of this year; he is now being held on a two-year additional sentence for allegedly seeking to smuggle a mobile phone into prison.

The prisoners’ statement follows:

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful;

A statement issued by the Higher National Emergency Committee of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement to announce the formation of the Administrative Prisoners’ Committee

O masses of our great people, O free people of the world, Palestinian greetings.

With loyalty to the martyr Khader Adnan, and in rejection of the unjust policy of administrative detention that steals the lives of the detained children of Palestine, and with the increase in the frequency of this detention to levels that have become intolerable, bringing the number of administrative prisoners today to 1,083 detainees in the prisons of the occupation; and to organize the ranks of administrative detainees to confront this policy, it was decided to form a special committee for administrative prisoners emanating from the Higher National Emergency Committee. The Higher Committee in turn worked, and is still working, to organize a movement to confront administrative detention, culminating in an open collective hunger strike, the date of which and the number of participants to be announced in the coming days.

To our heroic people, with the imminent announcement of the prisoners’ movement’s strike to confront administrative detention, we emphasize the following:

First, your support for this strike is a victory for the martyr Khader Adnan, and it is raising the alarm so as to not repeat the crime of execution against any prisoner on hunger strike.

Second, all legal, human rights and media institutions inside and outside Palestine must live up to their responsibility to confront this unjust detention and to support the administrative detainees in their struggle against this criminal policy.

Third, in light of the sharp deterioration of the imprisoned intellectual Walid Daqqah’s health and the occupation prison administration’s refusal to release him, we call upon our people and all the free people of the world to launch the largest campaign of solidarity with our heroic prisoner Walid Daqqah, and to pressure the occupation to release him before it is too late.

Glory to the martyrs, freedom to the prisoners, and healing to the wounded

Victory for our people and our nation

The Higher National Emergency Committee for the Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement

Sunday 15 Dhul Qi’dah 1444 AH
Corresponding to 4 June 2023 AD

This statement came as the Prisoners’ Committee of the Palestinian National and Islamic Forces opened a solidarity tent in Gaza City, in front of the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross, in support of Walid Daqqah and demanding his immediate release. This is the latest in a series of actions taking place throughout occupied Palestine, from Gaza to Ramallah to al-Khalil to Baqa’a al-Gharbiyeh, Daqqah’s hometown in occupied Palestine ’48.

Daqqah’s wife, Sana Salameh, and their daughter Milad — conceived through smuggled sperm — have been present at events and actions throughout Palestine, campaigning tirelessly for their husband and father’s release.

On Friday, 2 June, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network, held a Palestine Stand in Toulouse, France, in support of Daqqah, while on 3 June, Samidoun Vancouver organized a solidarity action together with several community organizations.

Photo: Michael Y.C. Tseng

Take action to save the life of Walid Daqqah and defeat the Zionist policy of assassination through medical neglect. We urge Palestinian communities around the world and supporters of Palestine to include the campaign to free Walid Daqqah in your events and activities for Palestine and to organize actions and events demanding his immediate liberation and that of all Palestinian prisoners. Use the signs at the link below in your actions and campaigns, and send us your photos on FacebookInstagram and Twitter or via email at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Download posters for local events and read more about the life and struggle of Walid Daqqah here.

Vancouver action calls for freedom for Walid Daqqah, demands Scotiabank #ShutElbitDown

Photos: Michael Y.C. Tseng

On Saturday, 3 June, Samidoun Vancouver organized a flash rally and leaflet distribution to free Walid Daqqah, the Palestinian prisoner, intellectual and freedom fighter jailed by the Israeli occupation since 1986, and all Palestinian prisoners. The Vancouver action took place at the local headquarters of CBC, the state-sponsored broadcaster, which refuses to use the term “Palestine” on air. The action was joined by activists with Canada Palestine Association, BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish, the Masar Badil (Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement) and the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) Vancouver.

Photos: Michael Y.C. Tseng

Daqqah, married to Sana’ Salameh and the father of daughter Milad — born through smuggled sperm — is suffering from the rare bone marrow cancer myelofibrosis and in need of proper medical treatment that he can only obtain outside prison, particularly a bone marrow transplant. His health has declined dramatically on multiple occasions, he has suffered from a stroke, pneumonia, and surgery to remove a large portion of his lung. Nonetheless, he is repeatedly returned to the notorious Ramleh prison clinic, referred to as a “slaughterhouse” by the prisoners.

Photos: Michael Y.C. Tseng

On Wednesday, 31 May, the Israeli prison system’s “early release committee” hearing the case of Palestinian prisoner and intellectual Walid Daqqah refused to rule on his release, instead once again delaying his case and his treatment by referring his file to the “release committee for prisoners with life sentences.”  His family called this decision “permission for his execution.”

Photos: Michael Y.C. Tseng

Participants distributed leaflets urging liberation for Daqqah and his fellow 4,900 Palestinian prisoners. They also carried signs calling for the freedom of Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned and recently isolated general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for 38 years; and Ghassan Elashi, Shukri Abu Baker and Mufid Abdulqader of the Holy Land Foundation humanitarians, serving lengthy sentences in U.S. prisons for their charity work for Palestine.

Photos: Michael Y.C. Tseng

They also took solidarity photos expressing their support for Daqqah and his fellow prisoners, and calling for their liberation.

Following the CBC action, participants marched to the nearby Scotia Tower, local headquarters of Canada’s third largest bank, Scotiabank. As they marched, they chanted: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! From Turtle Island to Palestine, occupation is a crime!”

Photos: Michael Y.C. Tseng

Scotiabank currently invests $500 million in Elbit Systems, the Israeli arms company responsible for producing weaponry used to kill Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians. Elbit drones are a key piece of Israel’s assassination policy. As Palestine Action notes, “Elbit Systems, based in Haifa, is Israel’s largest private arms manufacturer and security company. Elbit’s largest customer is the Israeli Ministry of Defence, with Elbit providing up to 85% of Israel’s land-based military equipment and approximately 85% of its drones.”

Photos: Michael Y.C. Tseng

Palestine Action’s direct action campaign has caused two Elbit locations in Britain to close already, and the campaign is proceeding at additional Elbit sites. Elbit has been divested by a number of banks, including HSBC, and sovereign wealth and pension funds in Australia, Sweden and Norway. Meanwhile, Scotiabank has launched a massive investment in Elbit system, making it Elbit’s largest single foreign investor and an owner of 5% of the firm.

Photos: Michael Y.C. Tseng

We are demanding that Scotiabank immediately drop Elbit Systems. It’s time to #ShutElbitDown in Canada! The organizations participating in today’s action, as well as the Canadian BDS Coalition, will be announcing a series of actions to bring an end to Scotiabank’s profiting from Palestinian death.

Photos: Michael Y.C. Tseng

Participants in the action also held up signs denouncing Scotiabank’s “pinkwashing” campaign of putting up large Pride signs while engaging in predatory practices from Turtle Island to Palestine.

Samidoun Vancouver regularly organizes protests, information stands, actions, and educational events. We organize anti-imperialist actions and are dedicated to the liberation of Palestinian prisoners, as part and parcel of the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.

Photos: Michael Y.C. Tseng

To get involved with our activities, contact us at vancouver@samidoun.net or reach out on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.