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Urgent: Walid Daqqah denied early release by occupation court as he returns medication to protest communication denial

Palestinian prisoner, intellectual and freedom fighter Walid Daqqah was denied early release today, 25 June, by an Israeli occupation “release committee,” despite the fact that he is suffering from the rare bone marrow cancer myelofibrosis, for which he cannot receive appropriate and necessary treatment behind bars. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges Palestinian communities around the world and supporters and friends of Palestine to take action and escalate their campaigns and advocacy for Daqqah’s immediate freedom.

  • The Palestinian Youth Movement has launched a petition campaign as part of their advocacy for Daqqah’s release. Samidoun has signed on to this call alongside many other organizations and individuals! Add your name and sign on here: https://palestinianyouthmovement.com/free-walid-daqqah

The family’s statement and that of the campaign for his release follows below:

Monday, 26 June 2023 at 6:30 pm (Palestine time)

The release committee decided to reject the request of the lawyer of the prisoner, Walid Daqqah, for his early release, claiming that the “Prevention of Terrorism” law applies to him — even though his actual sentence expired on 24 March 2023. The committtee claimed that Walid Daqqah has no right to request early release. His legal team will study the decision and appeal it to the Central Court.

This action comes after weeks and months of delays and referrals from one release committee to another, all while Walid Daqqah continues to be denied the treatment that he needs, which he can only receive in a free and sanitary environment, including a bone marrow transplant. In fact, he is repeatedly transferred between a civilian hospital and the notorious Ramleh prison clinic — dubbed “the slaughterhouse” by Palestinian prisoners — despite his precarious health condition. In the past seven months, he was not only diagnosed with myelofibrosis, after an initial incorrect diagnosis of leukemia, but due to the medical neglect and mistreatment, he suffered a stroke, was denied treatment for a lengthy period, developed pneumonia and had a portion of his lung removed surgically. He has developed infections after being removed to the Ramleh clinic which required his return to the civilian hospitals; all of these developments have been reported by the campaign led by his family.

This action by the occupation court — deeply unsurprising and reflecting the nature of the Zionist legal system as a fig leaf for colonialism, which has granted “permission for his execution,” as his family has noted — follows only an hour after an earlier statement by Daqqah’s family. Despite his extremely precarious health condition and the necessity of his medication for treating his cancer, Daqqah returned his medication today as he continues to be denied contact and communication with his family.

Daqqah has been imprisoned by the occupation since 1986 for participating in the Palestinian resistance. He has been repeatedly denied release in prisoner exchanges because he is a Palestinian from occupied Palestine ’48 — a citizen of Israel, yet denied access to the normal amenities and consideration granted to Jewish Israeli prisoners. His sentence expired on 24 March 2023, but he is currently being held on an additional two-year disciplinary sentence for smuggling a mobile phone in order to speak to his family.

The family campaign statement follows below:

Monday, 26 June 2023 at 5:20 pm (Palestine time)

In protest of the deprivation of his right to communicate with his family, the prisoner Walid Daqqah returned his medicine today to the administration of the Ramleh occupation prison clinic. Daqqah rejected the prison administration’s delays and procrastination in making arrangements for communication with his family, despite his critical health condition. He also refused that arrangement for communication with his family should come at the expense of his fellow prisoners.

We in the family and the campaign to release the prisoner Walid Daqqah, demand an immediate response to his demand. We consider the prison administration’s delay in fulfilling this right as a continuation of the prison authority’s decision to harm his life by pushing him to reject his medicine. We call on local, regional and international bodies and authorities to intervene immediately to guarantee his rights, including the right to contact his family, until his release is secured.

Walid Daqqah is married to Sanaa Salameh and the father of Milad, who was conceived through “smuggled sperm” after he had his wife were denied conjugal visits. Throughout his imprisonment, he has resisted through his writing, his books for adults and children, his political thought, and the growth and love of his family despite prison bars.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the family of Walid Daqqah, the campaign for his freedom and the entire Palestinian people in demanding his immediate release, the only way in which he can receive proper treatment without restrictions. The Israeli prison administration and the Zionist regime hold full responsibility for his life as they continue to deny him an appropriate environment to treat his rare cancer.

Take action to save the life of Walid Daqqah and defeat the Zionist policy of assassination through medical neglect.

We urge Palestinian communities around the world and supporters of Palestine to include the campaign to free Walid Daqqah in your events and activities for Palestine and to organize actions and events demanding his immediate liberation and that of all Palestinian prisoners.

  • The Palestinian Youth Movement has launched a petition campaign as part of their advocacy for Daqqah’s release. Samidoun has signed on to this call alongside many other organizations and individuals! Add your name and sign on here: https://palestinianyouthmovement.com/free-walid-daqqah

Use these signs below in your actions and campaigns, and send us your photos on FacebookInstagram and Twitter or via email at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Use the hashtags:

Download below, in English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese and Italian — or Download all PDFs (A3) or (11×17).


Lebanese campaign to free Georges Abdallah denounces French official’s visit to Lebanon

On Wednesday, 21 June, Jean-Yves Le Drian, the personal emissary of French president Emmanuel Macron, arrived in Beirut, Lebanon’s capital, to interfere in the Lebanese presidential elections. In a statement, the Lebanese Campaign for the Release of Georges Abdallah said that this visit comes as “the imperialist powers, in particular France, intervene to confirm their colonial role,” denouncing “French interference in Lebanese internal affairs and the visit of the French emissary Le Drian to Beirut, confirming our disgust for all who receive him.”

The statement emphasized the urgency of releasing the Lebanese communist and freedom fighter, Georges Abdallah, jailed in France since 1984 and eligible for release since 1999. It “demands that the struggler Georges Abdallah be considered a political prisoner in France, with all the diplomatic consequences that these words entail between the two countries.” Supporters of the campaign postered on walls from Saida to Tripoli in support of Abdallah, who has become a symbol of French imperialist interference in Lebanon and the ongoing resistance to it.

The full statement follows:

With every internal development, especially in electing a president for the Lebanese Republic, the imperialist powers, especially the French, intervene to confirm their colonial role, joining the actions of their obedient tools inside Lebanon.

On the other hand, France, the “democratic” country, keeps in its dungeons those who refused to indulge in civil war and pursued the Zionist war machine in the heart of imperialism. Yes, while the warlords were implementing plans for internal fighting, there were militants who destroyed the bridges of arms supply to the Zionists, and carried the principle of defending the Palestinian cause and liberating the land and its people… Here, we are specifically dicussing the internationalist struggler Georges Abdallah, the longest-held political prisoner in France and Europe, for 39 years behind bars. The French administration has not yet been able to absorb his freedom of thought!

This symbol of struggle, resistance and the correct representation of the will of the Lebanese people is still arbitrarily detained in his French cell. Therefore, the case of the Lebanese citizen, Georges Abdallah, must receive mandatory follow up! Doesn’t the national interest necessitate the rejection of the reactionary sectarian logic that the French emissary supports with his visit!

Is it reasonable for the French envoy, Jean-Yves Le Drian, to arrive in Lebanon to move the wheel of the presidential election, instead of securing the French Minister of Interior’s signature on the decision to deport Georges Abdallah to his country, to be received and honored as we waited for the celebration of his liberation in 2013?!

The crisis of the capitalist and imperialist system, since the establishment of the Lebanese regime, is rampant through its agents, the princes of the sects who benefit from each other, and they are supported again today by the French administration.

Georges Abdallah, during the civil war, was saving the innocent from the clutches of the monsters driven by this imperialism.

The national campaign to liberate the prisoner, Georges Abdallah, denounces this French interference in the internal Lebanese affairs, and the visit of the French envoy, Le Drian, to the capital Beirut, and confirms its disgust with everyone who receives him and deals with him.

Georges Abdallah did not arrive in Beirut on January 14, 2013, as the French court had approved, because the French government received an order from Hillary Clinton to obstruct the implementation of the judicial decision. This is what happened, and today we consider the imprisonment of Georges Abdallah to be a form of administrative detention.

Therefore, the national campaign demands that the struggler Georges Abdallah be considered a political prisoner in France, with all the diplomatic consequences that these words entail between the two countries.

The National Campaign to Liberate the Prisoner Georges Abdallah

Repression and Resistance in France: Victory for Salah Hamouri in Lyon; Herault prefecture bans Palestine demonstration

On Thursday, 22 June, the Collectif 69 in Support of the Palestinian People, in Lyon, France, organized a public meeting on colonization and apartheid in occupied Palestine, with guest speakers Jean-Claude Samouiller, the president of Amnesty France, and Salah Hamouri, the French-Palestinian lawyer and former political prisoner who was forcibly deported from Palestine and stripped of his Jerusalem ID by the Israeli occupation regime in December 2022. Since his deportation (and before), he has been a tireless voice throughout France in defense of the Palestinian people, their rights and their liberation.

On 20 June, Lyon mayor Gregory Doucet of the EELV (Greens) party, banned this public event, which was sponsored by 15 organizations and political parties, on the grounds that it would “disturb public order.” As the Committee to Support Salah Hamouri said in a statement, “This is the second time Mr. Doucet took the decision to censor Salah Hamouri, even though the City of Lyon had planned to make him a citizen of honour in December 2022 (ceremony cancelled a few days before).” In a letter addressed to the mayor, the prefect — the local representative of the national government — supported the ban on Salah Hamouri’s presentation, making particularly false and dangerous arguments. As the decolonial Jewish collective Tsedek! wrote, “the prefect justifies the ban by alleged concern for the emotions of the Jewish community, associating this with the rejection of solidarity with the Palestine people. This is a doubly dangerous game, for international solidarity and for the Jews. It mobilizes a fantastical image of a Jewish community unilaterally on the side of Israeli politics…as if the French state had waited for the Jewish community to support Israeli policy and suppress Palestine solidarity.”

The organizers filed an appeal to the administrative court of Lyon, which decreed on Thursday afternoon, just hours before the event, that the order banning the event had been suspended by order of the court. The judge said in her order, “Neither the mayor of the City of Lyon or the prefect of the Rhône credibly allege that Mr. Hamouri, during conferences organized in other cities in France, would have made remarks likely to be sanctioned or to create disturbances to public order.”

On the contrary, the only “disturbances” that have taken place at Salah Hamouri’s events have been physical attacks by Zionists, who threw chairs at the crowd in Toulouse and attempted to attack Hamouri as he spoke.

The legal victory in Lyon is a defeat for those forces that are waging an open campaign to hinder the freedom of expression of French-Palestinian lawyer and former political prisoner Salah Hamouri. This campaign of censorship and intimidation must inspire us to build solidarity with Palestine and the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, of which Salah Hamouri has become an important spokesperson throughout France.

This came just one day before the prefecture in Hérault announced yet another ban on Palestine solidarity activities in France. On Saturday, 24 June, the Montpellier Coalition Against Apartheid had called for a rally against Israeli apartheid and commeorations of “Jerusalem Day,” which glorifies the occupation, annexation and ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem since the 1967 Nakba.

In a particularly outrageous statement, the prefect declared that the demonstration was banned because it “fears the importation into Montpellier of an international conflict and the presentation of discriminatory speeches.”

As the coalition noted in their statement, “These pretexts are just as fallacious as those used in previous bans: ‘importing the conflict,’ ‘Saturday is Shabbat’ and ‘it is the eve of the international observance of Jerusalem Day.’ However, when the French state supports Ukraine or the Town Hall of Montpellier wishes to declare its ‘solidarity with Iranian men and women against obscurantism’, no one accuses them of ‘importing’ or ‘transposing’ these conflicts in France, any more than they are accused of discriminatory speech inciting hatred against the Russian or Iranian population…On the other hand, when some commemorate in Montpelllier the annexation of Jerusalem for 46 years, in tota violation of international law, in the presence of the Israeli consul and representatives of the executive of the Region, of Department 34 and the City of Montpellier, represented by its mayor, those who protest and demand respect for international law, are prohibited from demonstrating on the pretext of ‘incitement to hatred, discrimination, etc.’

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network internationally joins the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, the member organization of our Network based in Toulouse, in denouncing this new attack on organizing for Paletine in France, an attack on the freedom of demonstration that poses a threat to all. We stand in solidarity with the Montpellier Coalition Against Apartheid and we call on all to sign their petition demanding that the Montpellier municipality suspend its ties with Israeli apartheid. Faced with ongoing dissolutions, bans and repression, we must stand together more than ever to challenge these draconian attacks.

Take Action: Send a letter, tell the Canada Pension Plan to divest $10 billion investments in Israeli war crimes!

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board continues to hold  $10+ B in companies complicit with Israeli war crimes. Samidoun is joining with the Canadian BDS Coalition and Just Peace Advocates to demand the CPPIB divest these funds supporting Zionist colonialism.


Take one minute to write a letter to Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Chair & CEO to say no to our public pension funds supporting Israeli war crimes.

Despite a promise in 2021 to review its portfolio for companies complicit with war crimes, CPPIB has failed to do so.

CPPIB continues to be invested in seven companies that are on the UN database as complicit with breaking international law, and an additional at least 44 other companies that have been verified as complicit with illegal Israeli occupation. In total, this amounts to more than $10 B investment of public pension funds in Israeli war crimes.

Based on four years of analysis, there has been no significant shift in this investment trend.

WSP, a Montreal-headquartered transnational engineering firm continues to dominate the Canadian equity holdings; in 2022, 105 organizations & many individuals joined to make a submission to the UN to add WSP to its database of corporations directly complicit in Israeli violations of international law, for its role in planning the infamous Jerusalem Light Rail, linking the illegal settlements in the West Bank with occupied Jerusalem.

During the 2022 cross country in person and virtual CPPIB stakeholder meetings, CPPIB executives were reminded of their commitment in 2021 to undertake a review of the CPPIB portfolio for investments complicit with war crimes—it seemed they had forgotten their commitment, but they said they would look into it. We are still waiting!

Of course, the CPPIB’s unethical investments are not limited to companies complicit with war crimes, but are also found in fossil fuels, the military complex, privatization of natural resources in the Global South, mining and so on.

Learn more by listening to the June 2022 webinar: What Is the CPPIB Really Up To

See the full analysis from 2023 CPPIB annual report HERE.

The accountability is ultimately to the CPP’s stewards – the federal Finance Minister and the Finance Ministers of the participating provinces. It is time for these officials to make clear that investments in war crimes are a bad investment for Canadian pensions.



Initiated by

Just Peace Advocates

The Canadian BDS Coalition


Take Action: Tell Scotiabank Now — Divest from Elbit, Divest from War Crimes! #ShutElbitDown


Join the campaign to let Scotiabank know that we are not going to sit idly by while they invest in Israeli war crimes.

In October 2022, Scotiabank’s asset fund put $500 million into the Israeli arms company Elbit Systems Ltd, which amounts to 5% of the company. This also made them the largest foreign investor in a company that profits off Palestinian death.

According to Who Profits, “Elbit is Israel’s biggest military and arms company. The company has a tightly-knit relationship with the Israeli security apparatus…”. Elbit drones were reportedly in use and Elbit personnel part of the operation room of a special drones unit deployed during Israel’s 11-day onslaught against Gaza in May 2021, which left 248 people dead and over 1,900 injured.

There were already attempts to hold Scotiabank to account. At the annual shareholders meeting in April 2023, the group Eko presented a petition with 12,000 signatories calling on them to divest from the firm and all deadly weapons companies. However, according to reports, Scotiabank did not respond directly to questions about Elbit at the meeting, and a bank representative “characterized all fund decisions as being driven by ‘the interests of shareholders’.”

Scotiabank fund manager David Fingold was quite blunt in a 2019 interview about how the defense industry in Israel “will remain strong” and further noted:

“The cycle at Elbit is not connected to the state of the economy, but to the state of global arms procurement, and it can be seen that militaries in both Europe and America continue to arm themselves and in particular need upgrades for their old equipment.”

Teresa Diewert, a member of BDS Vancouver-Coast Salish, pointed out: “While working people struggle to make ends meet, Banks make massive profits while investing in machines of war and death. Scotia Banks’ investment in Elbit Systems makes them complicit in war crimes against the Palestinian people in particular and Canadians should be demanding that Scotia Bank divest from Elbit Systems now.”

Several banks, including HSBC, and sovereign wealth and pension funds in Australia, Sweden and Norway have already divested from Elbit. They realized that investing in war crimes can never be “socially responsible”; send your message now to Scotiabank to demand that they also immediately cancel their huge investment in Elbit Systems.


Sponsored by:
Canadian BDS Coalition
Canada Palestine Association
BDS Vancouver-Coast Salish
Just Peace Advocates
Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
Palestinian and Jewish Unity

24 June, Online Event: Iraq Hearing, International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism

Join us on Saturday, June 24 for our hearing covering the impact of U.S. sanctions and imperialism on the people of Iraq at 10:30AM [GMT -4].

Hear from a range of experts who will testify to the impact of sanctions and blockades on Iraq in various sectors and areas of the country, and the role of coercive economic measures in the imperialist invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Register today: http://bit.ly/iraqhearing

Please share these hearing updates with your colleagues and comrades, and watch the Tribunal’s previous hearings at the Sanctions Tribunal YouTube channel!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a co-sponsor of the Tribunal. Visit the Sanctions Tribunal website to learn more and register for upcoming hearings.

93 years on the execution of the heroes of al-Buraq revolution: The prisoners’ struggle against imperialism and Zionism continues!

The following is an updated version of the article originally published on 17 June 2017 by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. The living legacy of Fouad Hijazi, Atta al-Zeer, Mohammed Jamjoum and the Buraq Revolution is deeply relevant today, especially as the Zionist regime seeks to target Palestinian prisoners for execution in an official manner, even as the policy of slow death, targeted assassination and murderous raids on the Palestinian resistance continues. 

This anniversary also comes as Zionist forces continue to engage in “flag marches” designed to declare full colonial control over all of Palestinian Ara Jerusalem; it was a very similar march that sparked the uprising of 1929. The close ties between Zionism and British colonialism – which would eventually imprison 900 Palestinians and execute 20 for participating in the revolt – today mirrors the strategic partnership between the Zionist state and U.S. and other Western imperialist powers. Over 93 years later, the Palestinian revolution continues, until liberation and return. 

17 June marks the anniversary of the execution of three of the earliest martyrs of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement – Fouad Hijazi, Atta al-Zeer and Mohammed Khalil Jamjoum – by British colonial occupiers, in Akka prison. Today, on 17 June 2023, we salute these martyrs and pledge to struggle for the freedom of all prisoners of Zionism and imperialism.

The execution of these Palestinian strugglers has remained for years an ongoing story of resistance that continues to inspire strugglers through over 100 years of resistance to colonization and occupation. Indeed, the song written to commemorate Hijazi, al-Zeer and Jamjoum, “From Akka Prison,” today remains one of the most well-known and powerful poems of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement.

Hijazi, al-Zeer and Jamjoum were seized by the British colonizers for their role in Al-Buraq Revolution of 1929, named for the al-Buraq Wall in Jerusalem. The uprising was sparked by Zionist groups coming to the wall to plant Zionist flags, declaring that “This wall is ours.”

In Jerusalem, Haifa, Yafa and Safad, Palestinians rose up against British colonization and the declared Zionist plans to colonize Palestine and declare it a “Jewish state,” with the support of Britain as expressed in the notorious Balfour Declaration. Hundreds of Palestinians were seized by British forces and 26 sentenced to death by hanging; there was such an outcry by the Palestinian people that most of these sentences were converted to life imprisonment, with the exception of Hijazi, Jamjoum and al-Zeer.

Photo from the 1929 Buraq Revolution

Fouad Hijazi was 26 years old, from Safad; Mohammed Jamjoum was 28, from al-Khalil, as was Atta al-Zeer, 35.

Born in Safad in 1904, Fouad Hijazi received his primary education in his hometown; his university education was completed at the American University of Beirut. He actively participated in the Buraq Revolution. and wrote a message to his family the day before his execution, which was published in the newspaper on 18 June 1930. In the message, he said, “On 17 June of each year, this should be a historic day in which speeches are made and songs are sung in the memory of our blood spilled for the sake of Palestine and the Arab cause.”

Mohammed Khalil Jamjoum was born in 1902 in al-Khalil; like Hijazi he attended university at the American University of Beirut.

Atta al-Zeer was born in al-Khalil also, in 1895. Throughout his life he worked as a farmer and a manual laborer and was known from his earliest days for his courage and physical strength.

On the day of their execution, the 3 Palestinian martyrs of the Akka prison: Fuad Hijazi, Mohammad Jamjoum and Ata Al-Zeir wrote letters to their families, friends, the Palestinians and the Arabs nations. In one letter they said:

“Now we are at the doors of eternity, offering our lives to save the sacred homeland , for dear Palestine, we plead to all Palestinians not to forget our spilled blood and our souls that will fly in the sky of this beloved country, and to remember that we have willingly given ourselves and our skulls to be a basis for building our nation’s independence and freedom, and that the nation remain persistent in its union and its struggle for the salvation of Palestine from the enemies, and to keep its lands and not to sell one inch of it to the enemies, and that its determination not be wavered and not be weakened by threat and intimidation, and to strive until it gains victory… The Arabs in all Arab countries and Muslims have to save Palestine from its suffering and assist it with all their strength… Now, after we have seen from our nation and our country and our people this national spirit and national enthusiasm, we welcome death with complete pleasure and joy and willingly place the rope of the gallows, the swing of the champions, around our necks in sacrifice to you, Palestine, and finally, please write on our graves: “to the Arab nation full independence or callous death and in the name of the Arabs we live and in the name of Arabs we die.”

On 17 June 1930, Palestinians organized a general strike throughout Palestine as large crowds gathered in major Palestinian cities across the country – in Yafa, Haifa, al-Khalil and Nablus. After the executions, their bodies were handed to the men’s families, who had been denied the right to bury them in their home cities. Thousands of Palestinians streamed through the streets of Akka in honor of Jamjoum, Hijazi and al-Zeer, figures and symbols of Palestinian resistance to British and Zionist colonization. The three revolutionaries were executed on that day, but their anti-colonial message and commitment has continued to resonate through generations of Palestinian struggle for national liberation.

Abu Maher al-Yamani, co-founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Palestinian labor leader and historical leader of the Palestinian national movement, left his village of Suhmata for the first time at the age of six with his father. There, he “was surprised to encounter the execution of three Palestinian martyrs by British colonial authorities on that day, June 17, 1930 – Fouad Hijazi, Mohammed Jamjoum and Atta al-Zeer. The awareness of the child Ahmed al-Yamani was awakened, viewing the executions and the bodies of the martyrs in the gallows of the courtyard of Akka central prison; this incident greatly affected him and remained an image in his mind that could not be forgotten.”

Their story has been embedded as well in the Palestinian culture of resistance. Palestinian poet Ibrahim Tuqan’s poem, “Red Tuesday,” commemorates the three, noting “their bodies in the homeland’s graves/their souls in the reaches of heaven.”

The popular song, “Min Sijjin Akka,” or “From Akka Prison,” continues to be sung and celebrated throughout Palestine. The origin of the poem is not precisely clear; some say that it was written on the walls of Akka prison by a revolutionary named ‘Awad, himself awaiting execution by the British colonial rulers. Other scholars note that the poem was likely composed by a working-class popular poet and in Haifa, Nuh Ibrahim, perhaps the most famous Palestinian poet of his time and carrying his own legacy of resistance. “He was not a poet of the elite and he did not write poetry for social occasions or holidays. Instead Ibrahim is known for composing for the 1936-1939 Palestinian Revolt and to peasants working their grapevines, orchards and wheat fields. He spoke and wrote in everyday language, as a provocateur and broadcaster for the revolt, in which he also participated as a fighter,” wrote Samih Shabeeb.

The lyrics of the song are known today throughout Palestine and continue to be sung at national events, weddings and cultural celebrations. Ibrahim himself died struggling for Palestine eight years later, as a fighter in the movement of Izzedine al-Qassam in the 1936-39 revolution in Palestine. After being imprisoned in Akka prison himself, he was killed by the British colonial army in a battle in the Westen Galilee.

Today, over 220 Palestinian prisoners have died in Israeli occupation prisons since 1967. 72 of them were killed as a result of Israeli torture, including three hunger strikers, Izhak Maragha, Ali Ja’afari and Rasim Halawa, killed by torturous forced feeding in 1980. Over 40 days ago, long-term hunger striker Khader Adnan’s life was taken after 86 days of hunger strike; the occupation continues to imprison his body after his death. The Israeli state constantly threatens the reimposition of the death penalty, and extremist minister Itamar Ben Gvir and allies promote the killing of Palestinian prisoners as a tool to win elections. In the meantime, this practice is a daily reality, with escalating extrajudicial executions – particularly against Palestinian youth; “arrest raids” that are in fact assassination raids, from Basil al-Araj  and Moataz Washaha to Ibrahim al-Nabulsi and Abdel-Fattah Kharousheh; and the policy of “slow death” of medical neglect and mistreatment inside occupation prisons, exemplified by the killing of Khader Adnan and the ongoing medical mistreatment of Walid Daqqah, amounting to an execution.

On this anniversary, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network remembers and honors the martyrs of 1930 and their ongoing legacy and role as a symbol of resistance and anti-colonial revolution that reverberates through generations to defend Palestinian land and Palestinian rights, in Jerusalem and throughout occupied Palestine, from Zionism, imperialism and colonization.

Palestinian prisoners suspend hunger strike scheduled for Sunday while dialogues continue to achieve their demands

The Administrative Detainees’ Committee of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement in occupation jails issued a statement on Saturday, 17 June, announcing that the mass open hunger strike of Palestinians jailed without charge or trial scheduled to begin on Sunday was suspended pending further dialogue with the occupation prison administration to achieve their demands.

There are currently 1,083 Palestinians jailed under administrative detention — that is, without charge or trial on the basis of so-called “secret evidence.” They constitute over 20% of the nearly 5,000 Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli occupation jails. Administrative detention orders are issued for up to six months at a time and are indefinitely renewable. Palestinian prisoners are demanding the end of administrative detention as a policy of terror and collective punishment against the Palestinian people.

While the hunger strike is currently suspended, the struggle is continuing to achieve these demands. As the prisoners say in their statement below, “We call on our heroic people and all the institutions that support the prisoners’ cause to continue their role of supporting our right to fight for our freedom at all costs and put an end to this unjust policy.” As the prisoners continue their battle behind prison walls, it is incumbent upon all of us to escalate our campaigns to bring administrative detention to an end, to free all Palestinian prisoners in the occupation jails, and to liberate Palestine, from the river to the sea.

A press release issued by the administrative detainees’ committee of Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the occupation:

After the last dialogue session that took place last Wednesday, between the representatives of the captive movement and the prison authorities of the occupation, and after consulting the administrative prisoners; it was decided to give the opportunity to continue the dialogue, after accepting some of the prisoners’ demands and not responding to the main demands, until the beginning of next month.

Respectively; We affirm the following:

First: This opportunity is the last chance to respond to our just demands.

Second: Our constant disposition and prompt response is the guarantor of the preservation of our rights and the enemy’s response to all of our demands.

Third: We call on our heroic people and all the institutions that support the prisoners’ cause to continue their role of supporting our right to fight for our freedom at all costs and put an end to this unjust policy.

Mercy for the martyrs, freedom for the prisoners and healing for the wounded.

Administrative Detainees’ Committee in Occupation Prisons

Saturday 17 June 2023


Free Layan Kayed: Detained Palestinian student targeted for further interrogation #FreeLayanKayed

On 7 June 2023, the Israeli occupation army seized Palestinian student Layan Kayed from her home in the West Bank of occupied Palestine, also seizing her computer and mobile phone. Layan Kayed, a masters’ student at Birzeit University, is also the coordinator of Adala, the Palestinian Coalition for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. On 15 June, the occupation military court extended her interrogation for eight more days, reported Addameer; she has been prevented from meeting with her lawyer since her arrest on 7 June.

Since she was seized from her home, she has been held at the Ofer interrogation center. Layan Kayed is a former political prisoner who was jailed for 16 months in the detention centers of the Zionist occupation in 2020 due to her involvement in Palestinian student organizing as an undergraduate Birzeit student.

In a message to her family during her previous detention, she said: “Our relationship with prison is that of a constant attempt to tame us and alienate us.” The arrest of Layan Kayed is part and parcel of the organized campaign of criminalization of student organizing in Palestine, including arrests of students and military invasions onto university campuses. Such arrests, which affect hundreds of Palestinian youth and students, are a futile attempt to break the ongoing support for Palestinian resistance and the upsurge of youth that reject the notorious Oslo accords and the Palestinian Authority’s “security coordination” with the colonial occupation.

The sentiment among Palestinian youth and students that the occupation attempts to repress with such arrests has been demonstrated through multiple university elections this year, where the results have clearly reflected the popular sentiment in favor of resistance and in rejection of capitulation to the occupier.

Her arrest and the repeated extension of her interrogation also comes as over 1,083 administrative detainees jailed without charge or trial prepare for an open hunger strike beginning on 18 June to challenge the policy of administrative detention, originally begun by the British colonial mandate in Palestine and adopted by the Zionist project as a key tool of repression against Palestinians.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network demands the immediate release of Layan Kayed, her fellow detained students, and all 5,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation jails. We urge all student organizations and movements to stand in solidarity with Layan and all detained Palestinian students by escalating the boycott and isolation of the Israeli occupation regime, particularly the academic boycott. We urge all to join the campaign to #FreePalestinianStudents and build international solidarity with Palestinian students — and the Palestinian people as a whole — in the struggle for liberation from colonization, apartheid and occupation! 

Germany’s official stand against the Palestinian cause: Submission to the Zionist embassy and the attempt to ban Samidoun

The “German-Israeli Society” announced that it has filed a complaint with the Berlin police against Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network to classify it as a terrorist organization in Germany and to ban it on the basis of law 129b, which criminalizes organizations and individuals that establish or support so-called “foreign terrorist organizations.”

The Zionists base their allegation on posters in Berlin’s “Arab Street” — Sonnenallee — supporting Palestinian armed resistance against the Zionist project, as well as Samidoun posters saluting the martyrs of Palestine and calling for the liberation of Palestine, and Palestinian flags painted on trees on the street. The Zionist ambassador in Berlin, Ron Prosor, expressed his great anger at the presence of the images of Palestinian prisoners “on the trees” and in the streets of Berlin, which “have become like the streets of Gaza“, as he wrote in an earlier tweet.  It is clear that this attack is meant as a broad assault on the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, and that the demand to silence the work of Samidoun is an attempt to silence the voices of Palestinian prisoners at the international level.

These same Zionist organizations — with the full support and involvement of the Zionist embassy in Berlin — used widespread media incitement to provide political cover for the Berlin police and the German state to ban all demonstrations and public protest activities commemorating the Nakba in 2022 and 2023, and Palestinian Prisoners’ Day in 2023.

This cooperation between the Zionist regime, Zionist institutions in Germany, the German corporate media and German politicians, which takes place in clear public view, highlights the relationship between the colonizer in Palestine and its allies in the Western powers. It also reveals, at the same time, the imperialist role of the German state in the colonization of Palestine and the annihilation of the Palestinian people.

The German state has so far adopted — and repeatedly referenced — the so-called “IHRA definition of antisemitism,” the primary function if which is to label anti-Zionism and criticism of the Zionist state, “Israel,” as anti-Semitic. Based on this definition, several recommendations to oppose so-called “Israel-related anti-Semitism” were made at the conference of interior ministers of the 16 German states in November 2022, such as:

  • Establishing a legal framework to prosecute supporters of the Palestinian struggle
  • Criminalization of slogans such as “Palestine will be free from the River to the Sea” under the pretext that this slogan denies the right of the Zionist occupation to exist, which is considered antisemitic and therefore punishable by law.
  • Banning organizations that support Palestine under the pretext of combating “anti-Semitism related to Israel,” among other recommendations.

The conference report cited more than 649 government-funded projects to fight antisemitism, 138 of which are aimed at schools, children and youth. Given the focus on protecting the Zionist project rather than confronting fascism, this is particularly concerning for youth in Germany today, especially Palestinian and Arab youth. We view the attacks on Samidoun as part and parcel of this broad context of repression and political control.

Samidoun is facing a coordinated attack in many locations, involving not only local Zionist organizations but the official involvement of the Zionist embassies in various countries. This includes the attempt to dissolve the Collectif Palestine Vaincra in France, the Geneva city government’s intervention to ban an exhibition of posters by Marc Rudin in Switzerland, the Zionist conference at the European Parliament demanding Samidoun be labelled “terrorist,” repression of organizers challenging Zionist officials in Spain, and assorted media attacks in Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States, Canada and elsewhere.

These attacks only highlight the connection between the imperialist Western powers and the colonization of Palestine, and the imperialist dedication to maintaining the Zionist project in occupied Palestine. However, we are certain that all of their attempts to prevent the Palestinian diaspora from organizing and defending their right to resist, to come together, and to liberate their homeland and to support their brave armed resistance will fail.

The demand to ban Samidoun is part and parcel of the ongoing repression by imperialist states targeting Palestinian revolutionary work since the rise of the modern Palestinian revolution in the mid-1960s. The Palestinian revolution represented a great challenge to imperialist interests in the region, as the movement considered the Zionist project as a proxy of Western imperialism and a protector of its interests against the Arab people and Arab countries, resisting it on this basis.

Thirty years after the Oslo Accords in 1993, we can observe today the rebirth of organized Palestinian resistance in Jenin, Nablus, Gaza, and throughout occupied Palestine, and its positive impact on the Palestinian movement in exile. The imperialist states are responding to this new development by an increase in repression and criminalization targeting our movement once again, as they did in the 1970s when the Palestinian revolutionary movement reached its peak and faced a wave of prohibition and persecution.

Furthermore, the Palestinian cause is the central political and historical issue for Arabs, Muslims and anti-imperialist forces. Samidoun, as a political intersection of these forces, poses a great point of concern, especially for the German state. The targeting of Samidoun also shows the German state’s concern about the politicization and involvement of the masses of migrants and refugees in Germany in the anti-imperialist struggle, which is central to Samidoun’s work in Germany. These forms of repression, media smear campaigns and threats to ban organizations are attempts to weaken the anti-imperialist forces and to preserve and strengthen the colonial system.

As Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, we once again emphasize our commitment to defend the prisoners in the prisons of Zionist colonialism, to bring their struggles to the public and to communicate their positions, and we will continue to work to build bridges between the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and the liberation movements and revolutionary forces in the world. At a fundamental level, this attack is directed against the Palestinian prisoners as a whole, seeking to criminalize their struggle and undermine their revolutionary role. We emphasize our steadfastness and commitment to stand against state repression and Zionist attacks, and our continued support for the Palestinian resistance and our loyalty to the cause of the martyrs and prisoners: the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea, and the return of the Palestinian refugees to their towns and villages.

Long live the Palestinian liberation struggle,

Long live Palestine.

Samidoun Germany