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8 July, Vancouver: Kanafani Lives, Palestine Lives! An evening of solidarity for Palestine

Saturday, July 8
7 pm
Grandview Church
1803 E 1st Ave

Join us on Saturday, 8 July for an evening of solidarity for Palestine in Vancouver to mark the 51st anniversary of the assassination of Palestinian writer, leader and revolutionary, Ghassan Kanafani, build the struggle for the freedom of the 5,000 Palestinian prisoners behind Zionist bars and organize for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. 

Ghassan Kanafani and Walid Daqqah: Two Palestinian writers, two Palestinian freedom fighters; decades apart, yet sharing one common struggle for liberation and a powerful language of creative mobilization to advance that cause. 51 years ago, the Mossad assassinated Ghassan Kanafani and his niece, Lamis. Today, the Israeli regime seeks to assassinate Walid Daqqah through systematic medical neglect.

Join us to hear from Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat (co-founder of the Masar Badil) on the continuing legacy of Ghassan Kanafani in the Palestinian, Arab and international revolutionary struggle; BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish on Scotiabank’s investment in Elbit Systems and Zionist war crimes; and Samidoun Vancouver speakers on the case of Walid Daqqah, the outcome of the Ottawa Liberation Conference in May 2023, and the campaign to free Palestine Action prisoners in Britain.

“Imperialism has laid its body over the world. Wherever you strike it, you damage it, and you serve the world revolution.” – Ghassan Kanafani

Justice for Nahel: The intifada of the popular neighborhoods in France

“Qui sème la Hagra récolte l’Intifada !” (Those who sow injustice reap the uprising!)

On Tuesday, 27 June in Nanterre, France, a police officer murdered a 17-year-old teenager with a shot to the chest, encouraged by his colleague, who was shouting “Shoot him!” This scene, captured on video by witnesses, has aroused a surge of anger and solidarity following the latest racist crime committed by French police. Nahel, the victim’s first name, has become a new symbol of France’s structural inequalities and state violence.

In an attempt to contain the surging wave of legitimate indignation, the political and media machine was set in motion to smear the memory of the young man by reversing the obvious responsibility for the crime: he was portrayed as having a “criminal record,” while the police officer was said to practice “self-defense.” This lie has been widely disproven; however, even this smear campaign does nothing to justify the state murder of a teenager.

For several days, uprisings and revolts have taken place in multiple cities across France, affirming the rejection of police crimes and racism, and echoing the slogan, “No justice, no peace.” The sole response from the government has been repression: the mobilization of  tens of thousands of police officers, nearly 1,000 arrests, curfews and restrictions on freedom of movement in various neighborhoods.

This latest racist police crime is far from an isolated case. Since 1977, nearly 900 people have died as a result of the action of the police, the overwhelming majority of whom are Black and Arab men from working-class and immigrant neighborhoods. This state violence is particularly rooted in  the history of French colonialism. The tactics developed in the French counter-insurgency against the war of liberation in Algeria and the colonial repression of May 1967 in Gwadloup were also used and reinvested in France, in particular in the neocolonial control of the Arab and black populations in the popular immigrant neighborhoods immigration segregated from the large cities.

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra, Samidoun Paris Banlieue and Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, send their condolences to Nahel’s mother, Mounia M., to her friends and to the inhabitants of her neighborhood. As Palestinian movements and anti-colonialist and anti-racist organizations committed to supporting the Palestinian resistance, we know that state racism and police repression are the arm of French imperialism, which is a strategic ally of the Zionist regime oppressing the Palestinian people. More than ever, the mobilizations, from France to Palestine, represent our united struggle for justice, liberation and dignity!

The Palestinian Authority’s attack on the student movement: Security coordination targets the resistance

Images: Abdul-Majeed Hassan (top), Below (l-r): Yahya Farah Qasem, Omar al-Kiswani

The Zionist occupation routinely attacks the Palestinian student movement. There are hundreds of Palestinian students locked behind occupation bars, including over 60 from Bir Zeit University alone. As noted in the #FreePalestinianStudents solidarity statement, supported by hundreds of international organizations, “The work of student organizing, from holding book fairs to organizing events and participating in student elections, is criminalized by the Israeli occupation. Still more students are detained for joining demonstrations or posting on their social media profiles.

Palestinian students have been seized by Israeli occupation forces and abducted for their participation in the student movement in their homes, at their workplaces and on their campuses…The charge sheets often refer to these standard activities of campus life, which are widely interpreted as a barometer for broader Palestinian political opinion.

The targeting of Palestinian students is an attack on Palestinian futures. It is a systematic attempt to undermine the capacity of young Palestinians to organize with one another for a liberated future for their people: One free of colonization, apartheid and occupation.”

For example, Bir Zeit University student Layan Kayed has been detained by Israeli occupation forces since 7 June 2023, denied access to her lawyer this entire time; on 26 June, she was ordered to eight more days in interrogation.

However, the detention and imprisonment of Palestinian students, and particularly Palestinian student organizers, is not limited to the occupation alone. The Palestinian Authority has launched a series of arrests targeting student activists, particularly students affiliated with the Islamic Bloc at Bir Zeit and An-Najah Universities, where their student blocs recently won decisive victories in the annual campus elections with a strong pro-resistance platform.

These arrests are not merely a case of the Palestinian Authority detaining political rivals, or supporters of Hamas rather than Fateh. These attacks are part and parcel of the Palestinian Authority’s “security coordination” with the Israeli occupation — a primary reason for the PA’s creation and existence under the Oslo accords and its corollaries. In two recent meetings, in Aqaba and Sharm el-Sheikh, Palestinian Authority security representatives met with Israeli, U.S., Jordanian and Egyptian officials — and that security mandate has been followed by a series of arrests targeting the Palestinian youth and student movement throughout the West Bank.

Abdul-Majeed Hassan, the newly elected President of the Bir Zeit University Student Council, was seized from campus on 18 June in a violent attack. Fellow Student Council elected member, Yahya Farah Qasem, is also detained in Palestinian Authority jails, while Omar al-Kiswani, the former president of the Bir Zeit Student Council (who during his term in office was violently kidnapped by occupation forces from the center of campus in broad daylight) remains in PA prisons, despite his release being ordered by the judiciary. Hassan, Qasem and Kiswani were transferred on Monday, 26 June to the infamous Jericho detention center of the PA.

Abdulrahman Al-Jaraf

On 27 June, PA forces raided the home of Abdulrahman al-Jaraf, a medical student and a member of the Islamic Bloc at An-Najah University. He was not home during the raid and was therefore not arrested; in less than one hour later, Israeli occupation forces invaded Balata refugee camp, and raided the Al-Jaraf home, seizing Abdulrahman’s brother, Hamza.

An-Najah students seized by the PA

This came only hours after, on 26 June, the PA abducted five more Islamic Bloc students from An-Najah University, Ameed Hijazi, Amir Shalhoub, Nasreddin Shtayyeh, Mohammed al-Khayyat and Anas al-Shunnar. They were seized by PA forces as they welcomed the release of Mohammed Salameh, freed from occupation prisons after a year of administrative detention. Ayman Darwish, economics student at An-Najah, has also been detained for 10 days by the PA security. Fellow Palestinian student Rafiq Qubbaj, a student at Al-Quds University in Abu Dis is also detained for his work in the student movement since 24 June.

The Bir Zeit University campus was closed by the student movement from 23 June to 26 June in a unified rejection of the PA’s attacks, part and parcel of the ongoing attacks of the occupation, including an ongoing seven-day hunger strike of protest by multiple students. On Wednesday, 28 June, a group of students held Eid al-Adha prayers at the university campus as part of their ongoing sit-in to demand the release of PA detainees.

Of course, PA political prisoners are not restricted to student activists; the security services are used to attack the resistance overall. Musaab Shtayyeh, the Palestinian resistance struggler from Nablus, has been jailed by the Palestinian Authority for over 280 days. These attacks on Palestinian students also come alongside the two-year anniversary of the assassination of anti-corruption struggler, the martyr Nizar Banat by PA security forces — for which justice is still delayed and institutionally denied — and recall the many Palestinian strugglers and resistance fighters imprisoned by the PA over the decades of Oslo as part of “security coordination”; that is, serving as an agent of the occupation.

From Ahmad Sa’adat and his comrades (jailed for four years by the PA under British, Canadian and U.S. guard), to Basil al-Araj, to Nizar Banat, to Musaab Shtayyeh, Abdul-Majeed Hassan and his fellow students, PA imprisonment is used on behalf of the occupation to target the Palestinian resistance, in its form of armed struggle and in its broader popular cradle of support.

Detention by the PA is routinely part of a “revolving door” with occupation prisons, whereby recently released prisoners are called for PA interrogation and detained, and detainees released by the PA are seized days later by Zionist occupation forces.

The crimes of the Palestinian Authority are not simply independent “human rights violations.” They are carried out as part and parcel of the Oslo framework that created the PA as a subcontractor for the occupation; and the current Aqaba and Sharm el-Sheikh new security demands to attack the rising resistance in the West Bank and throughout Palestine from the river to the sea. These arrests are the responsibility of Israel, the United States, Canada, the European Union and all parties involved in creating, sustaining and propping up the “security coordination” framework, which benefits only the occupier and colonizer at the expense of the Palestinian people.

As we noted after the assassination of the martyr Nizar Banat: Now is the time to take action to confront the Palestinian Authority and all those responsible for imposing it upon the Palestinian people to the detriment of the Palestinian struggle for return and liberation. The PA and its funders and trainers must be held accountable for its ongoing betrayal of the Palestinian people and its collaboration with the occupation regime and Zionist colonialism. The Oslo project is backed by Zionism, imperialism and reactionary regimes – and it must and will fall on the road to the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. 

Freedom for all Palestinian prisoners, in Zionist, PA, reactionary and imperialist regme prisons! Freedom for Palestine, from the river to the sea!

30 June, Göteborg: Solidarity with Jenin! Free Palestine!

As part of the Göteborg Palestinian coordination group, Samidoun Sweden are involved in organizing the following action:

Friday 30 June
Brunnsparken, Göteborg

Israeli military attacks, pogroms and massacres continue to claim Palestinian lives, and those Palestinians who survive are maimed and traumatized.

But the Palestinian resistance shows the way! In Midsummer week, another Zionist raid, with armored vehicles and helicopter gunships, took the lives of several Palestinians, including children and journalists. But the armed Palestinian resistance neutralized several military vehicles and scared the occupying forces into fleeing with their tails between their legs.

The end of the massacres of Palestinians will only come in one way: An end to occupation, apartheid and settler colonialism throughout Palestine, for a free, united and democratic Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Friday 30 June
Brunnsparken, Göteborg

Som del av Palestinska samordningsgruppen Göteborg är vi med och ordnar följande aktivitet:

Manifestera med oss!

Fredag 30 juni
Brunnsparken, Göteborg

Israeliska militärangrepp, pogromer och massakrer fortsätter skörda palestinska liv, och de palestinier som överlever lemlästas och traumatiseras.

Men det palestinska motståndet visar vägen! I midsommarveckan kostade ännu en sionistisk räd, med pansarvagnar och stridshelikoptrar, flera palestiniers liv, däribland barn och journalister. Men det väpnade palestinska motståndet neutraliserade flera militärfordon och skrämde ockupationsstyrkorna på flykt med svansen mellan benen.

Slutet på massakrerna av palestinier stavas på ett sätt: Slut på ockupation, apartheid och bosättarkolonialism i hela Palestina, för ett fritt, enat och demokratiskt Palestina, från floden till havet!

Fredag 30 juni
Brunnsparken, Göteborg

Denied their Eid celebration, three Palestinian administrative detainees on hunger strike for 11th day

Three Palestinian prisoners jailed without charge or trial in Israeli occupation prisons are on hunger strike for the 11th day, demanding their freedom. All three launched their hunger strikes on 18 June; they are held in the Ofer prison and reject their arbitrary administrative detention. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike and urges all friends of Palestine around the world to organize actions and demand freedom for the three hunger strikers, for sick prisoner Walid Daqqah struggling for his freedom, and all nearly 5,000 Palestinians locked behind Zionist bars.

The three prisoners: Anas Shadid, Mahmoud Talahmeh, and Abdullah Abido, are all from the Al-Khalil area. They are jailed under administrative detention, an Israeli policy of imprisonment in which Palestinians are jailed without charge or trial under a so-called “secret file” that is denied even to their lawyers. They can be held for up to six months at a time, but administrative detention is indefinitely renewable, and Palestinians routinely spend years in prison under these orders. Administrative detention was first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate and was enthusiastically adopted by the Zionist project. There are currently over 1,000 Palestinians held under administrative detention, a massive upswing in the past year in which the number of administrative detainees has essentially doubled since April 2022.

Palestinian prisoners are engaged in collective struggle to confront the administrative detention policy; a mass hunger strike was postponed after several concessions by the occupation prison administration, but 1 July has been set as a deadline for meaningful action by the Palestinian prisoners’ movement. Currently, Shadid, Talahmeh and Abido have put their bodies, lives and health on the line to confront administrative detention and demand freedom.

Anas Shadid is a former long-term hunger striker; arrested three times previously and serving three years behind Israeli bars, all of his time in prison was as an administrative detainee. In 2016, he went on hunger strike for 90 days and in 2017 for 15 days. He has been detained since 22 March 2023 and ordered to six months under detention, indefinitely renewable; the occupation military court rejected his appeal.

Mahmoud Talahmeh is a lawyer and former prisoner who spent 2.5 years in occupation prisons. Married and the father of two, he has been jailed since 22 March 2023 and ordered to six months behind bars under administrative detention, indefinitely renewable.

Abdullah Abido has spent 5.5 years behind occupation bars, mostly under administrative detention. Married and the father of five, he was seized by occupation forces once again on 11 May 2023 and ordered jailed without charge or trial for four months, indefinitely renewable.

The three detainees sent a letter to Muhjat al-Quds highlighting their demands and conditions.

They confirmed that they are not taking supplements or vitamins and that they are determined to continue their strike. All three are held in isolation cells since they launched their hunger strike. Each of them is in a cell measuring 1.5 x 1.5 meters, with a window of 20×20 cm overlooking the recreation yard. The cells are dirty, with dingy mattress covers, without pillows, and “more like a toilet with a sleeping mattress inside.” They are monitored by cameras 24 hours a day inside the cells and are forced to perform ablutions to pray without access to proper sanitary conditions. These tiny cells are invaded, raided and searched up to four times a day, while the guards cook food outside the cell doors, all as a means of imposing psychological pressure on them to end their strike.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges the immediate release of Anas Shadid, Mahmoud Talahmeh and Abdullah Abido, and all Palestinian prisoners in occupation jails. Administrative detention is a colonial weapon used against the Palestinian resistance, and the prisoners and strugglers continue to lead the struggle and resist from behind bars, using all means available to them.

We urge all to join in taking action to stand up with Anas Shadid, Mahmoud Talameh, Abdullah Abido and all Palestinian prisoners as they rise up and resist for freedom. Despite their physical circumstances, now is the time to show that they are not isolated, and that we stand with these imprisoned strugglers and the fight for freedom for Palestinian prisoners — and for Palestine, from the river to the sea.

1. Mobilize actions, demonstrations, direct actions and creative interventions – Take to the streets to defend the Palestinian people and their resistance. There is a vast depth of support for the Palestinian people everywhere around the world, including inside the imperialist powers. It is our responsibility to act and make it impossible to continue their support for the crimes against the Palestinian people. Direct actions like those taken by Palestine Action have already shut down multiple weapons facilities in Britain owned by Israeli arms companies, and even more action can provide further direct support to the Palestinian people.

2. Take a stand against “twinning” with Israeli occupation cities – Recently, the city of Barcelona took a strong stand against the normalization of occupation after years of campaign work by thousands of residents of the city, as all collaboration with the Israeli occupation and the “sister city” relationship with Tel Aviv were suspended by the Mayor. A similar victory was recently celebrated in Liege, Belgium. This important victory comes as the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is leading a campaign in Toulouse, France, to bring an end to that city’s “sister city” relationship with the apartheid capital. If your city has a twinning relationship with the occupation, launch your own campaign to bring that arm of complicity to an end!

3. Build the boycott of Israel – This is a critical moment to escalate the campaign to isolate the Israeli regime at all levels, including through boycott campaigns that target the occupation’s economic exploitation of the Palestinian land, people and resources as well as those international corporations, like HP and G4S, that profit from the ongoing colonization of Palestine.

Global left publishers declare solidarity with Walid Daqqah, demand freedom for Palestinian prisoner

Walid Daqqah has been imprisoned in Israeli jails for over 37 years. Last year he was diagnosed with a rare form of bone marrow cancer and due to intentional medical negligence by Israeli authorities, his health is rapidly deteriorating. Palestinian organizations and activists in Palestine and across the globe have intensified the campaign to call for his immediate release and adequate medical treatment. The statement below was originally published in People’s Dispatch.

A group of left publishers from India to Slovenia, and Argentina to Kenya have joined the campaign to call for the Palestinian writer and thinker Walid Daqqah’s immediate release.

We, the International Union of Left Publishers (IULP), call on all publishers, writers, artists, intellectuals, and people of conscience to demand the immediate release of the revolutionary writer and thinker Walid Daqqah from the jails of the Israeli Occupation.

Walid Daqqah has been imprisoned since the age of 25 for his resistance to the Israeli Occupation and his defense of the Palestinian people. Now 61, he has endured this unjust imprisonment for 37 years. His medical condition is rapidly deteriorating and it is critical that he receive a bone marrow transplant and other urgent medical care, but he has been denied medical treatment by the Israeli authorities.

As one of the most important thinkers and visionaries of the Palestinian resistance today, Walid Daqqah has been subjected to extra levels of the routine torture, abuse, and neglect that Palestinian prisoners face in the Occupation’s jails. He is a voice of the people, a voice that the Occupation fears and hopes to silence. But though his body is behind bars, his voice has broken free through his novels, essays, and letters, which have nourished and motivated the Palestinian prisoner movement, the resistance, and the international solidarity movement in all corners of the world. Walid Daqqah’s imprisonment is a violation of his most basic human rights, those of his family and of his people, and also a violation of the rights of all people in struggle who deserve to learn from, listen to, and exchange with him and his ideas.

The ongoing imprisonment of Walid Daqqah is a sentence to death, and the world is witness to the US-backed Israeli Occupation’s attempts to silence the Palestinian resistance by any means possible. We demand the immediate release of Walid Daqqah to his family and immediate access to medical care. We raise our voices in firm solidarity with Walid Daqqah, the almost 5000 Palestinian prisoners who remain unjustly behind bars, and the imprisoned and repressed voices of reason who suffer the attacks of imperialism across the world.


1804 Books, United States

Batalla de Ideas, Argentina

Bharathi Puthakalayam, India

Chintha Publishers, India

Dogma Editorial, México

Editorial Caminos, Cuba

Editorial Combatiente, Peru

Estrella Roja, Venezuela

Expressão Popular, Brasil

Gonoprakashan, Bangladesh

Incendiar el Océano, México

Inkani Books, South Africa

Intercontinental Publishers Ltd, Kenya

Instituto Simon Bolivar, Venezuela

Janashakti, India

Kriya, India

LeftWord Books, India

Manifest Libres, Catalunya

Marjin Kiri, Indonesia

Monthly Review, United States

Naked Punch Review, Pakistan

Navatelangana Publishing House, India

Navayug Prakashan, India

Ojas, India

Vaam Prakashan, India

Vadell Hermanos Editores, Venezuela

Vita Books, Nairobi

Založba/*cf, Slovenia

The IULP is a network of over 40 publishers working to promote left books, defend left authors, publishers, and bookshops, and to develop a copy left method of sharing books across our countries and languages.

#BoycottPUMA campaign continues to expose Puma’s complicity with Zionist colonialism

On Saturday, 24 June, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra participated in a new international day of mobilization to call for a boycott of athletic equipment manufacturer Puma, sponsor of the Israeli Football Association, which includes 6 teams in illegal settlements in the West Bank of occupied Palestine.

Faced with this scandalous reality, hundreds of thousands of people around the world and more than 200 Palestinian sports clubs are calling for a boycott of the German sports brand until the company ends its political and economic support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people and the Zionist colonization of Palestinian land. The Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network, organized a poster campaign in several districts of Toulouse, France, and in front of several stores that sell Puma clothing and activewear.

The Collectif also distributed flyers in the Bagatelle neighborhood emphasizing that by participating in the European championships, by having major international brands as sponsors, Israel is developing its policy of normalizing apartheid, colonization and occupation.” CPV published several posts on social networks to raise awareness about the growing campaign to boycott Puma.

The next day, during the Palestine Afternoon in Toulouse, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra also highlighted the #BoycottPUMA campaign through several games, such as a shot on goal and a shake-up. A fun way to raise awareness of the importance of these campaigns in support of the Palestinian people.

In many countries and cities, similar initiatives took place, such as in Lille, Manchester, Kuala Lumpur and Osaka. The Israeli occupation has murdered more than 170 Palestinians since the beginning of the year and announced the intensification of the process of colonization and ethnic cleansing; amid this context, protesters around the world have denounced Puma’s complicity with this policy. More than ever, we must build a grassroots campaign to boycott Israel and complicit international corporations in order to lend meaningful support to the Palestinian resistance in its struggle for return and the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea!

Palestine Afternoon in Toulouse celebrates Palestinian culture and resistance

On Sunday 25 June at La Chapelle in Toulouse, France, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra organized an Aprem Palestine (Palestine Afternoon) to celebrate the Palestinian resistance and support the artistic village of Qana in Gaza. Over 100 people joined the event throughout the day in a warm, family-friendly atmosphere of international solidarity, in a place offering a cool interior space and a pleasant shaded garden in the heart of the city.

Many banners and Palestinian flags decorated the space as well as several exhibitions on the situation of the 5000 Palestinian prisoners and highlighting the movement against the blockade of Gaza. At the entrance, a stand offered a large selection of flyers, stickers, but also books, DVDs, keffiyehs, scarves, t-shirts and tote bags (available online). The Collectif Palestine Vaincra is a member organization of the Samidoun Network.

The event began with Palestinian food, including falafel, hummus, tabbouleh and different salads and cakes.

These items are not simply food — they are part of Palestinian and Arab culture and identity, and are subjected to theft and cultural appropriation of the Israeli occupation and therefore become a political issue.

Then, the afternoon was formally opened with an intervention by an activist from the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, who emphasized that “it is important to organize this event to celebrate the Palestinian people and to show that despite 75 years of settler colonialism, the Palestinian people continue to resist, including by setting up this type of artistic project despite all difficulties.”

Nawras Shalhoub, Palestinian artist and coordinator of the Artistic Village of Qana in Gaza, spoke next, discussing this artistic project in Gaza and emphasizing that it is part of the Palestinian resistance which fights for a society free of colonialism and occupation. This Village honors the richness of Palestinian society and its history of struggle and resistance through promotion of culture in all forms, as during the screening of “Fedayin, the fight of Georges Abdallah” organized there last April.

The day continued with various workshops for the participants. For example, artist Said Benjelloun offered an introduction to Arabic calligraphy while Meriem made magnificent henna tattoos. Another team led an introduction to graffiti while many games and activities were offered for children, including painting and sports activities. At the same time, several people danced dabke in the garden to an assortment of Palestinian music.

At the end of the graffiti workshop, participants produced a temporary mural in support of Palestinian student and former political prisoner Layan Kayed who has been under interrogation for several weeks and denied access to see her lawyer throughout this time.

Around 40 people wrote letters of support addressed to several Palestinian prisoners and their families, in particular the freedom fighter and sick prisoner Walid Daqqah and the leaders of the resistance, Ahmad Sa’adat and Marwan Barghouti.

Several Palestinian and Arab participants read Arabic poetry highlighting the history of Palestine, its resistance and the fight against normalization. For example, a reading of an excerpt from “The Trinity of Principles” by Wissam Al Rafidi described the brutality of the arrest of a Palestinian fighter who had been living in hiding for 10 years. Other pieces include  “I am an Arab” by Mahmoud Darwish and  “No reconciliation” by Amal Dunqul.

After each reading, an explanation in French was made on the meaning of the text and its political significance for today. Finally, an activist rapped an excerpt from the song “Bordure destructice” ending with“Who sows the Hagra, reaps the Intifada” to applause!

The afternoon ended with a presentation by an activist from the Collectif emphasizing the importance of building solidarity with the Palestinian people and the need to join the actions of boycotting Israel and the campaign for the release of the militant of the Palestinian cause Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France since 1984. Thank you again to all of you for having made this afternoon a beautiful moment of mutual aid and collective solidarity which made it possible to support the Qana Art Village in Gaza. To continue this mobilization, do not hesitate to join the Collectif during our next activities that we regularly organize in Toulouse and to follow CPV on its various social networks (Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , TikTok and Telegram).

1 July, Boston: Rally, benefit concert and mural exhibition for Palestine!

Saturday, 1 July
3-6 pm
358 Centre Street
Boston, MA
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct9Wi1Au25c/

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network thanks the Lucy Parsons Center for organizing this benefit concert and support event!

Come join us this Saturday, July 1st, from 3-6pm outside the Lucy Parsons Center bookstore to celebrate our beautiful new mural for Palestine by @eyevan617

This event will be a celebration of Solidarity in our community with Palestinians and their ongoing struggle, as well as a benefit for @samidounnetwork and their work with Palestinian political prisoners!

We will have live performers, speeches, and food to share. Food will be available for a sliding scale donation (though no one will be turned away!) and all proceeds will go to @samidounnetwork

Performances by @sebonsaturn @thatevangreer @therealseefour and more! (We still have some space for more artists, especially Arab performers. DM us!)

Thank you to @samidounnetwork @palestinianyouthmovement @officialjerichoboston @scopeapparel @aoasupply for supporting the event.

30 June – 1 July; 4-8 July, Geneva: Exhibition of Palestinian Resistance posters by Marc Rudin returns!

Return of the Palestinian resistance poster exhibition!

A few weeks after the City of Geneva intervened (at the request of the Israeli embassy) to ban the exhibition of Palestinian resistance posters by Marc Rudin in Geneva, the exhibition is now back with a longer program and more activities.

The exhibition is sponsored by Secours Rouge Geneve and Samidoun Geneva.

Exhibition from July 30 to 1 and from July 4 to 8 / 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. All activities will take place at:

Cercle du Mail
Rue du Vieux-Billard 25
1205 Geneva

30.06: Opening – 6 p.m.

01.07: Conference with the presence of Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun – 7 p.m.

04.07: Discussion on the life of Marc Rudin with his lawyer Bernard Rambert, Francoise Fort and Hans Leuenberger – comrades in the struggle. – 7 p.m.

06.07: Projection of the film “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” – 19h

07-08.07: Exhibition as part of the Festival of Peoples Without Borders

Their censorship only strengthens our resolve!

For a free Palestine from the river to the sea!