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Palestinian prisoner leaders launch hunger strike: Battle of Freedom or Martyrdom to begin Thursday, 23 March

Building on over 36 days of escalating protests, the leadership of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement announced today, Tuesday 21 March, that they would begin the collective hunger strike today with up to 2,000 prisoners and more to come following on Thursday and the days to come. They are demanding not only an end to the attacks by the Ben Gvir, Smotrich and Netanyahu fascist regime on the prisoners, but their freedom.

The Higher Emergency Committee of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement declared in its statement, “We have decided to embark on our open hunger strike, ‘the Volcano of Freedom or Martyrdom’ to shout our hunger and steadfastness to the world with one, sole voice: Freedom, freedom, freedom!”

The Emergency committee stated that the leadership of the prisoners’ movement would begin the strike today, represented by the Committee members, which represents the broad spectrum of Palestinian politics. The members of the Committee who launched their strike today are:

1. Ammar Mardi, representative of Fateh (Palestinian National Liberation Movement)

2. Salameh al-Qatawi, representative of Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement)

3. Ziad Bseiso, representative of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine

4. Walid Hanatsheh, representative of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

5. Wajdi Joudeh, representative of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

6. Bassam Khandaqji, representative of the Palestinian People’s Party.

These six representatives are joined in launching the strike by Mohammed al-Tus, the longest-held Palestinian prisoner jailed since 1985.

“Over 2,000 Palestinian prisoners will launch the strike beginnng on the first day of the month of Ramadan,” Thursday, 23 March. Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan is already on his 45th day of hunger strike, which he launched at the moment of his arrest.

A series of Palestinian leaders from across political movements declared that they will participate in the hunger strike in its front ranks, including: Ahmad Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the PFLP, joined by Kamil Abu Hanish, Ahed Abu Ghoulmeh and Munther Mufleh; Bassam al-Saadi of Islamic Jihad, joined by Sameh al-Shobaki, Tamim Salem, Ali al-Saadi, Hamza al-Hajj Mohammed, Muhannad Abu Aisha, Arafat al-Zeer, Abd Obaid, Wajih Abu Khalil, Muhannad al-Sheikh Ibrahim, and Bassam Abu Akar; leaders of Fateh, including Zakaria Zubaidi, one of the heroes of the Freedom Tunnel, Marwan Barghouthi, and Nasser Abu Srour, Mahmoud Abu Srour, Jumaa Adam, Mahmoud Abu Kharabish, and Nael Abu al-Assal; and leaders of Hamas, including Hassan Salameh, Ibrahim Hamed, Abbas al-Sayed, Mahmoud Issa, Jamal Abu al-Hija and Mohammed Arman. Nael Barghouthi, the veteran Palestinian prisoner held for the longest time in total following his re-arrest after release in the Wafa’a al-Ahrar prisoner exchange, was also announced as a leader of the strike.

The occupation prison administration has already threatened to impose heavy penalties on the striking prisoners, even as the prisoners affirmed that they will continue their battle with determination.

Take action!

The prisoners’ own calls have made clear that they are calling on the Palestinian people and all friends and supporters of Palestine to take action to stand with them as they put their bodies and lives on the line to struggle for freedom. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all to join in taking action to stand up with the Palestinian prisoners as they rise up and resist for freedom. The prisoners are doing everything they can to confront the occupation attacks — now is the time to show that they are not isolated, and that we stand with these imprisoned strugglers and leaders as they resist a vicious onslaught of repression. 

1. Mobilize actions, demonstrations, direct actions and creative interventions – Take to the streets to defend the Palestinian people and their resistance. Join with Samidoun Deutschland’s action in Berlin — and keep organizing on 22-23 March and beyond. There is a vast depth of support for the Palestinian people everywhere around the world, including inside the imperialist powers. It is our responsibility to act and make it impossible to continue their support for the crimes against the Palestinian people. Direct actions like those taken by Palestine Action have already shut down multiple weapons facilities in Britain owned by Israeli arms companies, and even more action can provide further direct support to the Palestinian people.

2. Take a stand against “twinning” with Israeli occupation cities – Recently, the city of Barcelona took a strong stand against the normalization of occupation after years of campaign work by thousands of residents of the city, as all collaboration with the Israeli occupation and the “sister city” relationship with Tel Aviv were suspended by the Mayor. This important victory comes as the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is leading a campaign in Toulouse, France, to bring an end to that city’s “sister city” relationship with the apartheid capital. If your city has a twinning relationship with the occupation, launch your own campaign to bring that arm of complicity to an end!

3. Build the boycott of Israel – This is a critical moment to escalate the campaign to isolate the Israeli regime at all levels, including through boycott campaigns that target the occupation’s economic exploitation of the Palestinian land, people and resources as well as those international corporations, like HP and G4S, that profit from the ongoing colonization of Palestine.

Over 1,000 people march in Toulouse against state racism and violence

Since 2011, families of murdered, injured and mutilated victims have been marching against state violence on 18 March, in response to a call from Montreal in 1997 by the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COBP) for an International Day Against Police Brutality. As part of this mobilization, over 1,000 people demonstrated in Toulouse, France, at the call of many organizations including Toulouse Anti-CRA , the Truth and Justice Committee 31 and AutonoMIE. At the Palais de Justice metro station, the demonstrators gathered at 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 18, carrying many banners in support of the victims of state violence, against racism and fascism, in support of the Palestinian resistance, for freedom of movement and against the immigration detention centers in France.

Before the demonstration started, several speeches took place, in particular in tribute to Dine, who died in the Albi police station, and to Marie-Reine, who was the victim of police violence in Agen. Then, an activist read the united statementt stressing that this systemic violence is part of the spectrum of racist colonialist violence, suffered first and foremost by the inhabitants of overseas territories and working-class neighborhoods. We mobilize against state racism, part of the anti-racist and popular struggles, and affirm the centrality of the anti-racist struggle in the anti-fascist struggle.” She concluded her intervention by mentioning the fact that anti-racist and anti-colonial organizations suffer from ongoing dissolutions and legislative, police and political intimidation and repression. In Toulouse, for example, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra has been fighting for more than a year against the Ministry of the Interior, which issued an order for its dissolution, and also against the city hall, which is trying by all means to ban the activities of the Collectif.”


The Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a co-organizer of the demonstration, was present with a Palestine contingent led by the banner, “From Gaza to Jerusalem: Resistance!” The Collectif is also a member of the Samidoun Network. The contingent emphasized  the fundamentally anti-colonialist and anti-racist nature of the Palestinian people’s struggle for liberation. Throughout the course of the demonstration, the contingent chanted slogans in French and Arabic against colonialism and racism, such as “Algeria has won, Palestine will win” , “Down with imperialism and Zionism, long live Palestinian resistance” , “Down with state racism!” and against the twinning of Toulouse with Tel Aviv.


Many people carried posters calling for the development of the international campaign to boycott Israel, in support of the Palestinian resistance, to demand the immediate release of Palestinian prisoners and Georges Abdallah, and in support of the families of Palestinian martyrs whose bodies are still detained by the Israeli occupation.

The demonstration ended under the rain with a friendly and enthusiastic gathering at La Chapelle, bringing together many participants. An activist from the Collectif Palestine Vaincra read the statement below, discussing why the Collectif views this day as an important occasion for international solidarity and joint struggle:

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra is present today against state violence, systemic racism and borders. We walk with you because we are an anti-colonialist collective committed to the Palestinian people and to defend their legitimate right to resist settler colonialism, occupation and apartheid. 

Despite the colonial violence that has plagued Palestine for more than 75 years, from mass imprisonment to ethnic cleansing to the imprisonment of the bodies of martyrs even after their death, the Palestinian people continue to fight for their right to self-determination. They remain a symbol of the struggles against racism and colonialism. 

Let us remember that Israel is an extension of European colonialism and that committing to the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea also means fighting here against state racism, systemic violence and French imperialism. To commit to the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea is to commit to the liberation of all!

More than ever, we must intensify the ongoing mobilizations against pension reform, state violence and the Darmanin law, because a victory here in France would also be an important victory against the Israeli occupation, which is supported by the French government and French employers. This is the same government that wanted to dissolve our collective: one year after this decision, we are still here and the struggle continues! 

Palestine will live, Palestine will win!

Finally, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra calls upon all to take part in the rally on Thursday March 30 at 6:30 p.m. at the Capitole metro to demand the end of the twinning between Toulouse and Tel Aviv. We do not accept that Israeli crimes continue, in particular thanks to the support of the city where we live! Join us!

25 March, Brooklyn, NY: Screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight”

Join Samidoun NY/NJ, Cinemovil NYC, Palestinian Youth Movement and Within Our Lifetime for a screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” at Haven Cycles at 1581 Dekalb Ave, BK Saturday Mar. 25, 2023 at 7:30pm. Screening will be followed by a post-screening discussion and prison letter-writing workshop!

$10 suggested donation, funds will go to @cinemovil.nyc and @samidounnynj to support our work

RSVP bit.ly/3ZYjpnN

Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight,” is a film that focuses on the life and struggle of Georges Abdallah. The film, directed by Collectif Vacarme(s) Films, features historical footage and interviews with Abdallah’s brothers Robert and Maurice, fellow political prisoners like Jean-Marc Rouillan and Bertrand Sassoye, as well as with Samidoun’s international coordinator Charlotte Kates, Europe coordinator Mohammed Khatib, Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat, and many more advocates for his liberation. Runtime | 81 mins

Panama detains and deports head of Brazil-Palestine Institute (Ibraspal)

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its solidarity with Dr. Ahmed Shehadeh after Panamanian immigration authorities at Tocumen International Airport detained and deported Shehadeh, the head of the Brazilian-Palestinian Institute (Ibraspal), on Thursday, March 16. The Panamanian officials confiscated and held his Brazilian passport while he was transiting at the airport on his way to the second conference of the Palestinian Federation of Latin America, taking place between 17 and 19 March in Barranquilla, Colombia, Ibraspal’s vice president, Sayid Marcos Tenório, said.

“Shehadeh was interrogated by Panamanian intelligence agents, possibly with the participation and support of U.S. and Israeli intelligence,” Tenório said. “The state of Panama is under American occupation. American and Israeli intelligence are targeting anyone working against imperialist Zionist policies.”

Palestinian community sources in Brazil reported that extensive contacts took place with the Brazilian authorities, as Alexandre Padilha (Minister of Institutional Relations), Paulo Pimenta (Federal Deputy) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs intervened, as did the representative of the Brazilian Embassy in Panama, communicating with the Panamanian authorities until Shehadeh returned to Brazil after his deportation, where his passport was returned to him at Brasilia airport.

Shehadeh was detained and interrogated for many hours before he was told that Panamanian immigration authorities were deporting him back to Brazil rather than allowing him to continue his journey to Colombia and the Palestinian conference taking place there.

Rawa Alsagheer, Palestinian activist and member of Samidoun Network in Brazil, denounced the action of the Panamanian authorities. “This reflects a Zionist and U.S. attempt to target and disrupt the organizing of Palestinians in exile in diaspora, especially in Latin America,” she said.

Brazilian media and social media widely reported on the news of Shehadeh’s detention and deportation, and many Brazilian and Palestinian organizations denounced the Panamanian action. The Panamanian Committee in Solidarity with the Palestinian People also condemned the immigration authorities’ actions.

Brazilian organizations and parties are planning to visit Shehadeh to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people and their rejection of the Panamanian authorities’ decision to prevent him from participating in the Palestinian Federation of Latin America’s conference.

Toulouse mobilization for the liberation of Palestinian martyrs’ remains imprisoned by the occupation

On Friday, 17 March, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra — a member organization of the Samidoun Network — organized a Palestine Stand at the Bagatelle metro station in Toulouse, France. The Stand came as part of the week of mobilization organized as part of the International Campaign to Liberate the Remains of Palestinian Martyrs detained in the morgues and “numbers cemeteries” of the occupation, a campaign endorsed by over 180 international organizations.

The stand was an expression of popular solidarity with these Palestinian families of the hundreds of Palestinians whose bodies are held captive by the occupation, who have called on the people of the world to act to liberate the remains of their loved ones.

In order to introduce this relatively unknown issue in France to the residents of the area, the Collectif distributed hundreds of flyers and had many discussions about this issue and the overall news from Palestine.

Many people were shocked to learn that the Israeli occupation currently holds 256 bodies of martyrs kept in “number cemeteries,” where Palestinians are buried with numbers rather than their names, as well as 131 other bodies that are stored in morgues. Wishing to show their solidarity, dozens of people took photos to send a message of support to the families of the martyrs, emphasizing that they are not alone in this fight for justice and dignity.

The flyer affirmed: “to make this situation known and to support these families is to provide meaningful support to the Palestinian people who have resisted colonization, occupation and apartheid for more than 75 years.” An activist from the Collectif Palestine Vaincra sent a video message reaffirming our commitment to these families:


The Collectif Palestine Vaincra also addressed this question on March 14 at the Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, during a conference on the current situation in occupied Palestine which brought together dozens of students. A few days later, the misnamed Place Tel Aviv in Toulouse was covered with a large poster in solidarity with the families whose mourning is prevented by the deeply reactionary practices of the Israeli occupation. As the International Campaign highlights, “By refusing to give their families the opportunity to bury their loved ones, the occupation is using the bodies of the martyrs as a mechanism to psychologically torture their families by detaining them for years and using them as a bargaining chip with the Palestinian resistance.”

“From Toulouse: Solidarity with the Families of Martyrs Detained in the Occupation Morgues”

In many European countries and around the world, this international week of action has highlighted and denounced these inhuman practices of the Israeli occupation. Above all, the Collectif aimed to send a message to the bereaved Palestinian families that not only are they not alone, but that they can rely on popular international solidarity!

“Free the bodies of Palestinian martyrs imprisoned in occupation morgues”

1 April, Vancouver: Boycott Israeli Wines/Commemorate Palestine Land Day

Saturday, April 1, 2 pm
BC Liquor Store 1108 Pacific Blvd. (Yaletown) Vancouver
FB event page: Boycott Israeli Wines/Commemorate Palestinian Land Day
(Cover photo by Michael YC Tseng)

Join us to mark Palestinian Land Day and call out the BC Government and corporations complicit in war crimes profiteering off Israeli apartheid wines.
Major international and Israeli human right groups, including Amnesty International, have determined that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid. Yet the BC government insists to carry Israeli wines in publicly owned BC liquor stores, even though most are linked to the illegal Israeli settlement enterprise.
The wines in question are either from the Golan Heights Winery and its joint venture the Galil Winery; or from the Israeli Teperberg Winery, which proudly displays a map on its website showing vineyards in occupied Palestinian territory.
More info: http://cpavancouver.org/boycottisraeliwines-campaign/

Event by Canada Palestine AssociationSamidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Vancouver and BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories

This event is taking place on the unceded and occupied territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) peoples. The organizers stand in full solidarity and support of Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination and with the ongoing movements to defend land, water and Indigenous peoples from plunder and settler colonialism.

17 March, NYC: Demonstration: Condemn massacres in Jenin and Nablus and Honor the Martyrs!

Friday, 17 March
5:30 pm
Outside the United Nations
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CptWkyIO5p0/

Join us this Friday March 17th as we take to the streets to condemn the latest massacres in Jenin and Nablus, honor our martyrs, defend the Palestinian right to resist & mobilize as part of the International Week of Action to Liberate the Remains of Palestinian Martyrs.

NYC Rally In Solidarity With Jenin • Nablus • Huwarra • Palestine • Friday March 17th 2023 • 5:30 pm • Outside the United Nations

Over 150 organizations have endorsed the campaign and the week of action, which is already underway, taking place from March 11th-18th. In recent days, actions have been held in Palestine and Germany, with seminars taking place throughout the week online in Arabic with English translation, featuring the parents and family members of martyrs whose remains are withheld by the zionist occupation.

There are over 250 Palestinian martyrs whose bodies are held in the “numbers cemeteries,” where Palestinians are buried with numbers, rather than their names. And over 130 Palestinian martyrs’ bodies are currently being held in the occupation’s morgues.

Join us this Friday as we bring this campaign and the demands of the martyr’s families to the streets of NYC once again, demand the immediate return of our martyrs remains to their families so that they are able to bury them with dignity. We hope that more organizations across the US and around the world will join the campaign in the coming days by tuning in to the remaining seminars, holding events, posting on social media and bringing the campaign to our communities and campuses.

To sign on and endorse the campaign, and for more information on the events taking place this week and resources, check out @samidounnetwork’s recent posts or visit their campaign page online at samidoun.net or at the link below:

19 March, Online Hearing: Syria at the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism

Join the International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures a hearing on Sunday, March 19, on the effects and impacts of these policies and practices on the people of Syria. We will hear testimony and reports from expert and direct witnesses, with questions and discussion from our jurors.

The Syria hearing will take place on Sunday, March 19 at 10:30 AM EST/7:30 AM PST/2:30 PM UTC/5:30 PM Damascus. Register to listen online: https://bit.ly/syriahearing

NOTE: We had previously scheduled our Gaza, Palestine, hearing on Monday, March 20. Due to the health of speakers, this hearing has been postponed and will be rescheduled in the future. We will provide updates when the date is set.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a co-sponsor of the Tribunal. Visit the Sanctions Tribunal website to learn more, watch videos of past hearings and register for upcoming hearings. 

150+ organizations endorse the International Campaign to Liberate the Remains of Palestinian Martyrs: Join the Week of Action March 11-18

Over 150 organizations around the world have endorsed the International Campaign to Liberate the Remains of Palestinian Martyrs and the week of action, March 11-18. Political parties, trade unions, Palestinian movements, solidarity groups, anti-imperialist organizations and anti-war coalitions have come together to stand with Palestinian families demanding the release of their loved ones’ bodies, detained for years and decades by the Israeli occupation.

There are 256 Palestinian martyrs whose bodies are documented to be held in the “numbers cemeteries,” where Palestinians are buried with numbers, rather than their names, while another 131 Palestinian martyrs’ bodies are held in the occupation’s morgues.

These martyrs gave their lives in the Palestinian resistance movement, and their bodies remain imprisoned even after their death. A number of the martyrs were imprisoned before their death, and this battle remains an integral part of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement.

Announcing the launch of the international campaign to liberate the remains of Palestinian martyrs held in the morgues and “cemeteries of numbers” of the Zionist occupation

Call to action, 11 March through 18 March 2023

“We will not abandon the last duty we owe our sons, to bury them with dignity”
– Azhar Abu Srour, the mother of the martyr Abd al-Hamid Abu Srour who has been imprisoned in the Morgues of the occupation since 2016

It is critical that we take action on an international level to popularize this campaign. We call on resistance organizations, Palestinian and Arab networks, solidarity groups supporting the prisoners’ struggle and boycott campaigns around the world to join us in this international campaign to recover and release the remains of Palestinian martyrs. This campaign aims to expand the support and solidarity for Palestinian prisoners and martyrs everywhere around the world, for their liberation and the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.  

Click here to endorse and support the campaign

Hold an event: You can organize stands and demonstrations, prepare seminars, distribute leaflets and hang posters, and send your activities to samidoun@samidoun.net or to our FacebookTwitter or Instagram pages.


Click here to endorse and support the campaign

Days of Action:

Below are the events for each day throughout the week! We encourage you to schedule events and actions on any day during the week, regardless of theme or topic, focusing on the Liberation of Palestinian Prisoners and Martyrs. We also present a schedule of the events we know of taking place during the week.

The speakers in the online seminars are parents and family members of martyrs whose remains are withheld by the zionist occupation. Join us and listen to their stories and learn more about the morgues, cemetries of numbers, children martyrs still in the hands of the occupation, the legal struggle to retrieve the remains, the martyrs in the prisoners movement, and much more. English translation will be provided.

Hold an event: You can organize stands and demonstrations, prepare seminars, distribute leaflets and hang posters, and send your activities to samidoun@samidoun.net or to our FacebookTwitter or Instagram pages.


Rally demanding the retrieval of the remains of the Martyrs
Nablus, Palestine
In front of the red cross office
12 midday Jerusalem time


Rally demanding the liberation of the remains of Palestinian martyrs in the morgues and “cemetries of Numbers”
Cologne, Germany
At 2 p.m. CET
For more Information


Online seminar
Cemeteries of Numbers – Palestine’s martyrs imprisoned by the occupation
مقابر الأرقام – شهداء فلسطين في قبضة الاحتلال
At 7 p.m. Jerusalem time
Meeting ID: 858 2440 6823
Passcode: 332440

Seminar in Cologne
The Struggle of the Palestinian, Turkish and Kurdish Prisoners Movements
Followed by an intervention by the sister the imprisoned martyr Bilal Rawajbeh
Kalk-Mülheimer Str 124
51103 Köln, Germany
At 4 p.m. CET
For more information


Online seminar
Birds in Paradise and prisoners under the soil – the remains of our martyred children
طيور في الجنة و أسرى تحت التراب – رفات أطفالنا الشهداء
At 7 p.m. Jerusalem time
Meeting ID: 829 5711 8542
Passcode: 457088


Online seminar
The legal struggle to free the imprisoned martyrs
المعركة القانونية في قضية الجثامين المحتجزة
At 7 p.m. Jerusalem time
Meeting ID: 841 2266 1614
Passcode: 063571


Online seminar
Bodies frozen, awaiting spring – Our martyrs in the morgues of the occupation
أجسادٌ في الصقيع بانتظار الربيع – شهداؤنا في ثلاجات الاحتلال
At 7 p.m. Jerusalem time
Meeting ID: 870 8375 4781
Passcode: 169695


Online seminar
From one cell to another – the martyrs of the prisoners movement
عمرين في زنزانتين – شهداء الحركة الأسيرة
At 7 p.m. Jerusalem time
Meeting ID: 850 0574 2322
Passcode: 805836

Seminar in Berlin
Karanfil at 7pm CET


Demo in Köln
International Day of Political Prisoners
Cologne, Berlin
At 2 p.m. CET
For more Information

Demo in Berlin
International Day of Political Prisoners
At 3 p.m. CET

11 March, Online Hearing: Lebanon at the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism

Join the International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures for a hearing on the effects and impacts of these policies and practices on the people of Lebanon. We will hear testimony and reports from expert and direct witnesses, with questions and discussion from our jurors.

The hearing will take place on Saturday, March 11 at 10:30 AM EST/7:30 AM PST/3:30 PM UTC. Register to listen online: https://bit.ly/lebanonhearing

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a co-sponsor of the Tribunal. Visit the Sanctions Tribunal website to learn more, watch videos of past hearings and register for upcoming hearings.