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3 August, Toronto: Fundraiser and Letter Writing for Palestinian Prisoners

Join us to commemorate August 3, the 300th day of escalated genocide in Gaza, as an international day of action for the liberation of Palestine and all Palestinian prisoners!

This Saturday from 2-6PM at York University’s Vari Hall, we will hear directly from Palestinian ex-prisoners, write letters, and collect donations for Palestinian prisoners.

We at Samidoun Toronto, Students & Workers for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Jewish Anti-Zionist Collective Toronto look forward to learning, organizing, and mobilizing with you.

In solidarity,
SamidounTO, JAZCto, and SWLP TO.

You can find Samidoun Toronto on Telegram at t.me/SamidounTO, SWLP TO on Instagram @SWLP_TO and JAZCto on Telegram at t.me/jazcto!

31 July, Vancouver: Emergency Vigil – Confront Genocide and Assassination



Wednesday, July 31, 2024
4 pm to 8 pm
Vancouver Art Gallery

Join us for salah, dua, speeches. Open invitation for people to pay their respects to the martyrs of Palestine and the region.

Zionist forces bombed Beirut today, attempting to assassinate a leader in the Lebanese resistance; they then assassinated Palestinian leader Ismail Haniyeh through a brazen attack on Iran, where Haniyeh was attending the inauguration of the newly elected President.

This outrageous crime, part of the systemic assassination policy of the Zionist regime, aims to target the Palestinian people as a whole, and to target the entire region for aggression in an attempt to manufacture consent for war on Iran. The Zionist regime also once again indicated that it intends to continue the genocide, specifically targeting the lead negotiator for the Palestinian Resistance.

Join us in a collective emergency vigil to honour the martyrs. Share in our collective outrage and our commitment to end the genocide, end the assassination policy, and make it clear that their assassinations will never kill Palestine or the Palestinian people.

Glory to the martyr: Ismail Haniyeh, Palestinian leader, assassinated in Zionist attack

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the entire Palestinian national movement in condemning the assassination, mourning the martyrdom and saluting the life of the leader, Ismail Haniyeh, Abu al-Abed, the chair of the Political Bureau of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, in Tehran, Iran. 

Haniyeh was in Iran to attend the inauguration of newly elected Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian and also met with Imam Khamenei today, alongside Ziyad Nakhaleh of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, and was assassinated along with his bodyguard and companion, the martyr Wassim Abu Shaaban, in the residence where he was staying by a “treacherous Zionist raid,” as Hamas stated in the movement’s first statement on the assassination. 

The assassination policy of the Zionist regime has attempted to erase the leadership of the Palestinian people for over 76 years now. The names of the martyrs of assassination are great, shining figures of history. Ismail Haniyeh. Saleh al-Arouri. Abu Ali Mustafa. Fathi Shiqaqi. Ghassan Kanafani. Kamal Nasser. Abdel-Aziz Rantisi. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Abu Jihad. Mohammed al-Najjar. Basil al-Kubaisi. Tareq Izzedine. Samir Kuntar. Kamal Udwan. Imad Mughniyyeh. Sheikh Khader Adnan. Ibrahim al-Rai: A parade of martyrs on the road to the liberation of Palestine.

Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated as part of a comprehensive policy of the Zionist regime that aims to eliminate the leaders, spokespeople and revolutionary voices of the Palestinian liberation movement. 

This aggression was also an act of war against Iran, and came on the same day as the attempted assassination of a leader of Hezbollah, the Lebanese resistance movement, through the Zionist bombing of the southern suburbs of Beirut,  and on a day that the US bombed Iraq, targeting the Iraqi resistance, assassinating three members of the resistance forces. It is also clear that this is not a Zionist crime alone, but a crime bought and paid for by the United States and its imperialist partners. 

These assassinations have not undermined the strength, solidarity, commitment and firmness of the alliance of resistance forces in the region. From Iran to Lebanon, Yemen to Iraq to Syria, and of course, to Palestine, where the people and the Resistance daily confront the genocidal Zionist regime, the people have the right and the determination to resist, to respond and to confront the assassins and genocidaires. Further, this crime does not demonstrate the “strength” of the Zionist entity but rather its desperation and decline. These assassinations and international aggressions come as the Zionist regime is rent with internal contradictions and riots as settlers and soldiers demand the right to rape imprisoned Palestinians, reflecting the death throes of a wounded colonial monster.

Ismail Haniyeh, 61, a husband, father and grandfather, was born a Palestinian refugee in al-Shati camp and struggled all his life for the liberation of the Palestinian people. From his days as a student, a football player, and a leader in the Islamic Bloc at the Islamic University of Gaza, he was dedicated to the Hamas movement and to Palestine. In 1989, amid the great popular Intifada and shortly after the founding of the movement, Haniyeh was abducted and imprisoned by the Zionist regime for three years, before he was among 415 Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders and members forcibly deported to Marj al-Zuhour in southern Lebanon on 17 December 1992, alongside Dr. Abdelaziz al-Rantisi, Sheikh Youssef Sarkji, Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri, Dr. Mahmoud al-Zahhar, and, among many others, Mustafa Abu Ora, the martyr of the prisoners’ movement just five days ago. 

He headed the office of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in Gaza and was elected the leader of Hamas in Gaza in 2004, following the assassination of Abdel-Aziz al-Rantisi. In 2017 Haniyeh was elected by the Hamas movement to lead its Political Bureau and was reelected to this position in 2021. 

Haniyeh was the chief negotiator mandated by the Hamas movement and all of the organizations of the Palestinian Resistance, and this assassination aims to prevent him from seeing and directly welcoming the prisoners freed by the Resistance and once again underlines that the Zionist regime is only interested in continued genocide. 

Over 60 of his family members have been martyred, killed by the Zionist regime in the past 10 months, including three of his children and five of his grandchildren. “The blood of my children is not more valuable than the blood of the people of Palestine and all the martyrs in Gaza are my children,” he said, cherishing all of the martyrs of Palestine.

“There is no difference between the martyrs, and they have all been chosen by the Most Merciful to pave our way to victory and freedom,” he said. “The blood of the martyrs demands that we do not compromise, do not relent, do not change or alter, do not weaken, and do not despair, but continue our path with determination.”

The martyr Tareq Izzedine, of the Islamic Jihad movement, gave his last statement before his assassination on the martyrdom of Sheikh Khader Adnan, himself assassinated through deliberate refusal of medical care in the Zionist prisons. His words remain resonant today (video by Resistance News Network): “Whenever a leader ascends, ten will emerge to replace them. When a martyr ascends, 100 martyrs will emerge to replace them. The march continues, and it does not stop until the defeat of the occupation.”

Just today, Ismail Haniyeh said, in his meeting with Imam Khamenei, “Yesterday marked the 300th day of the Gaza War, and we have now reached a critical and historic stage in which the Palestinian people and the Resistance Forces must sustain their heroism and victory.”

His last major statement was for the prisoners, and for popular mobilization, urging people everywhere to participate in the August 3 call to action for Gaza and the Prisoners. “Freedom is near for our dignified prisoners and honorable female prisoners, and victory is coming for our people and our valiant resistance.”

“We call for active and massive participation on this national and global day in defense of our prisoners and our people in the Gaza Strip, to expose the brutal crimes of the occupation against them, and to support their rights and just cause….We look forward to making the 3 of August a pivotal day in all parts of Palestine, in the refugee camps and the diaspora, in our Arab and Islamic world, & among all the free people of the world, to support our people in Gaza and our free prisoners in the occupation’s prisons.”

We must all mobilize, on August 3 and beyond. We must all act. We must all continue the struggle, to confront Zionism and imperialism everywhere and to hold them accountable for their crimes.

From Beirut to Tehran to Gaza to Haifa, to all of our communities, this is the time for action and confrontation. They have never killed the resistance and will not succeed in doing so today. 

Ismail Haniyeh and all of the martyrs live on, and their legacy of commitment, sacrifice and love for the people is an inspiration to generations to come. The defeat of Zionism is forthcoming, as is the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. Every one of the honourable martyrs have sacrificed everything in order to make that vision a material reality that is closer every day.

Glory to the martyr Ismail Haniyeh and all the martyrs of Palestine and the Resistance. Return, liberation and victory to Palestine, all of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Sde Teiman: the true face of the Zionist project

Since the establishment of “Israel’s” notorious Sde Teiman concentration camp, filled with thousands of Palestinian civilians from Gaza, rounded up and abducted from cities, refugee camps, schools and hospitals by the invading Zionist army as part and parcel of their genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza, those who are released have spoken about the horror of their experiences at the hands of the occupation soldiers. Palestinian survivors have testified about rape and sexual assault, starvation and denial of food, people being handcuffed 24/7, forced amputations of limbs due to torture, denial of medical care, beatings, noise and sound torture, “hooding” and binding of detainees, attacks by trained dogs, and all other forms of abuse and torture.

Palestinian survivor after survivor have spoken on the record about their experiences. At least 38 Palestinian detainees from Gaza held at Sde Teiman have been martyred under torture and denied medical treatment, even though the full scope of the crimes are not yet visible due to the secrecy surrounding the torture camp. Palestinian lawyer Khaled Mahajneh, the first lawyer to speak to detainees held at Sde Teiman recounted multiple instances of rape and sexual assault, electric shock torture, dangerous hygiene conditions (the journalist he visited was “covered in dirt and bird droppings”) and brutal beatings. Even CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, imperialist outlets that have eagerly promoted Zionist propaganda about its genocide in Gaza, have covered the horror that is Sde Teiman — and, indeed, the entire Zionist prison system.

Sde Teiman is a systemic crime

Sde Teiman is not an aberration or an unusual case. It is part and parcel of the military system and the use of imprisonment to target Palestinians en masse. It is the labour camps of the 1947-1948 Nakba, the interrogation centres throughout occupied Palestine. Sde Teiman is, of course, also Guantanamo, and Abu Ghraib, as the US and the Zionist regime share strategies of torture, interrogation and abuse directed, largely, at Palestinian and Arab men. In short: Sde Teiman is Zionism and imperialism; it is the fruit of the perpetrators of the genocide; it is the experience of Palestinian prisoners and the entire Palestinian people, for over 76 years, distilled and condensed into a concentration camp to torture the victims of genocide.

Sde Teiman burst once more into global visibility on July 29, after nine Zionist soldiers were arrested by military police for their role in the mass rape and sexual assault of at least one Palestinian detainee, who was injured so badly that he was hospitalized due to the damage to his rectum and anus. The arrest is itself extremely uncommon, given that Zionist soldiers have been essentially given free rein to engage in a widespread, systemic campaign of torture, rape and abuse against the Palestinian people, part of the same genocidal campaign that has taken over 40,000 Palestinian lives in Gaza, from the bombing of water wells and treatment plants to the systematic destruction of hospitals and the health care system to the bombing of refugees in tents and children at play to the numerous TikTok videos made by Zionist soldiers boasting of their war crimes and displaying them to the world.

From the daily settler violence in the West Bank of occupied Palestine to the leading politicians of the regime ordering more genocide on a daily basis, complete impunity is built into the system. However, the growing international pressure, including the legal pressure at the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice — as well as, reportedly, new forthcoming restrictions on British arms trade with the Zionist regime, has mandated that the Zionist regime make at least the appearance of some form of discipline for the most extreme examples of abuse. The crimes at Sde Teiman were not perpetrated by nine occupation soldiers, but by the entire occupation regime.

Zionists demand the right to rape

However, the arrest of the nine soldiers did not stop there. Military police entered the compound and seized the soldiers, taking them away. It must be noted that this “raid” was conducted with far greater care and non-violence than the daily dozens of raids throughout occupied Palestine, where occupation soldiers blow the doors off Palestinian homes, steal children from their beds and terrorize families on a nightly basis. However, it is the response to the arrests that truly has put the reality of Zionism on display, if the past ten months of videos and photos of livestreamed genocide did not consolidate that reality: throngs of paramilitary settlers and fascist politicians rioting to demand the right to rape Palestinian detainees. These fascist mobs were allowed to engage in violent riots and invade military bases, in sharp contrast to the occupation opening fire with live bullets on Palestinian demonstrators.

This is the reality of Zionism: Masses of fascists screaming for their unlimited right to rape and abuse Palestinians, with Members of the Knesset affirming it openly, with Likud MK Hanoch Milvetsky declaring that “everything is legitimate” in response to a direct question about rape with foreign objects and politician after politician declaring it unacceptable that Zionist soldiers could be tried or arrested for their crimes. And, as expected, occupation authorities have reportedly “acknowledged mistakes” — not for allowing the rapes to continue, but for arresting the rapists too visibly! This is the point that the internal crisis and decay of the Zionist regime has reached, in full view of the world.

The rape-supporting riots and the exposure of the crimes at Sde Teiman have also thrown a sharp light on the campaign of lies and misinformation directed against the Palestinian resistance. Released “Israeli” detainees held by the Palestinian resistance and released in prisoner exchanges have, despite massive incentives to do otherwise, largely spoken of their well-treatment by the Resistance. The photos of released Zionist detainees, compared to those of released Palestinian detainees, speak for themselves. Despite conditions of genocide and starvation throughout Gaza, the captives of the resistance received all the food available, while the Zionist forces deliberately starve Palestinian detainees despite an abundance of resources supported and funded by the world’s imperialist powers, including the US, Germany, Britain, France, Canada and Italy.

The smear campaign against the Palestinian resistance

Further, the drumbeat of misinformation and misrepresentation about Al-Aqsa Flood and the 7 October military operation of the Palestinian Resistance is perhaps more exposed than ever. Despite the loud claims and propaganda campaigns of Zionist officials, U.S. officials, and even complicit international institutions, not a shred of evidence for rape and sexual assault as part of the Al-Aqsa Flood has been produced. Indeed, the unproven and fantastical allegations have largely been sourced from right-wing Zionist men, the same ones responsible for false allegations of “beheaded and burned babies.” Now, right-wing Zionist men are rioting against their own state for the right to rape, burn and kill Palestinians. Sde Teiman is not “revenge” for October 7 — the institutional crimes that are crystallized in Sde Teiman are part of the reason why the Palestinian resistance has been willing to undertake such tremendous sacrifices, before, during and after October 7 in order to liberate the Palestinian prisoners — and of course, to liberate Palestine, from the river to the sea.

It cannot be any clearer that the defamation of the Palestinian resistance is perhaps the clearest exmple of “every accusation is a confession” on the part of the Zionist regime. The Palestinian resistance forces have consistently and firmly conducted themselves with honour, faith and commitment to the liberation of their land and people, while the Zionist occupation forces have engaged in a genocidal orgy of destruction. After Sde Teiman, the reality must be clear to all.

Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, the NYPD and Sde Teiman

Of course, the crimes of Sde Teiman are part and parcel of the Zionist alliance with imperialism as well. They are sharply reminiscent of the reliance on sexualized torture and abuse of Arab men at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, just as the torture in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib recalled decades of torture of Palestinian prisoners, so much that one chair used for torture was referred to as the “Palestinian chair” by U.S. interrogators. This practice is not confined to U.S. imperialism in the Arab nation, of course; NYPD cops’ rape of Haitian American Abner Louima with an object in 1997, so severe as to require three surgeries, once again highlighted the systematic violence against Black people carried out by US cops, including sexual violence directed at Black men and women.

Sexualized torture has not been confined to Palestinian and Arab men, of course; Palestinian women have been subjected to extreme sexual assault, torture and abuse. Rasmea Odeh exposed these crimes to the world at the United Nations and the Sunday Times in 1979; of course, she was later deported from the United States for her bravery. Algerian women were subjected to mass rape by French colonizers, including political prisoners jailed for their resistance to colonialism. Palestinians — and Zionists — documented the rape of Palestinian women and girls in the Nakba of 1947-48. The allegorical references to the rape of the land of Palestine by the occupation forces, their settlements and their land confiscation, are built on a material foundation of the physical rape of Palestinian women and men.

The Zionist regime is not only subjecting Palestinian prisoners — in Sde Teiman and in the “regular” Israel Prison Service prisons, directed by Itamar Ben-Gvir, one of the “right to rape” leaders — to severe torture and abuse, it is imprisoning the bodies of the martyrs after they are killed. Approximately 38 Palestinians have been confirmed to have been martyred at Sde Teiman, including famed surgeon Dr. Adnan al-Bursh, and approximately 21 in the Zionist prisons. Several of the martyrs’ and survivors’ stories are told in a new article in the Washington Post.

Organize, resist and act! 

Despite all of these crimes, the Palestinian prisoners’ movement continues to play a leadership role in the liberation struggle, to develop the movement and to organize together, confronting the Zionists with their bodies and lives on the line on a daily basis. The Resistance, led in Gaza, in the West Bank, throughout occupied Palestine, in Lebanon, in Yemen, in Iraq and throughout the region, is fighting to defend humanity and to bring these crimes to an end, once and for all. There can be no accomodation with the Zionist regime, a criminal regime built upon genocide, dispossession and destruction, but only its defeat and dismantlement.

As we join in the global outrage at the crimes of Sde Teiman, we must redouble our efforts to organize to end the genocide, to stand with the resistance, to liberate the prisoners and for a free Palestine, from the river to the sea. We urge all appalled by the “right to rape riots” to join in the global actions on August 3 for Gaza and the prisoners: take direct action, organize mass rallies, educate your communities, and shut down Zionism and imperialism. 

As their peers receive exam results, 55 Palestinian high school students imprisoned in colonial jails

Today, high school students in the West Bank are receiving their results from their final high school exam, the Tawjihi, a national examination taken by all graduating high school students.

Inside the Zionist colonial prisons, 55 Palestinian high school students are currently being imprisoned, deprived of the possibility of obtaining their diploma.

Throughout the West Bank, in tribute to the martyrs and in the face of the ongoing genocide in Gaza, Palestinian families receiving their tawjihi results have chosen not to celebrate today, which is normally an occasion of joy and sharing.

This year, there are no firecrackers or fireworks in the streets. The cities of the West Bank are empty and silent. With dignity, confronting the seriousness of the current situation, high school students across Palestine are dedicating their academic achievements to the martyrs, prisoners and the people of Gaza, with silence and calm accompanying prayers.

The fellow students, families and comrades of the high school students who have been martyred, sometimes fighting to defend their camps, cities and homeland against the invading Zionist army, are honoring their memories today by offering sweets and water to their communities.

The families of the martyrs gather at the graves or in their homes, consoling themselves by gazing upon the photos and portraits of their loved ones that hang on their walls, like the mother of Basil Ayman Al-Ghazawi from Jenin camp, who was deprived of the joy of high school graduation and success, after he was assassinated, along with his brother Mohammed, in Ibn Sina hospital, by the Zionist army.

The children of the prisoners are thinking of their mothers and fathers in prison, eagerly awaiting their child’s results. For example, the prisoner Siham Abu Ayyash, from Beit Ummar, Al Khalil, the mother of twins. Both received their results today and dedicated their achievements to their mother and her fellow prisoners before sharing their immense sadness at the thought of their compatriots in Gaza.

In the Gaza Strip, confronting ongoing US-Zionist genocide since last October, thousands of students and hundreds of teachers have been murdered by the Zionist army. The education system is completely destroyed, and only a few high school students from Gaza have been able to graduate in unimaginable conditions, most of them in exile.

Glory to the martyrs, freedom for the prisoners!
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! 

August 2, NYC: Palestine Revolutionary Study Group with Samidoun

Join us this Friday August 2 at Mayday Space, 176 St Nicholas Ave Brooklyn @ 7pm as we continue our series of group study events exploring and discussing an important scientific analysis of the Palestinian Revolution: “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine”

🗓️ Date: August 2
⏰ Time: 7 pm
📍 Place: Mayday Space, 176 St Nicholas Ave, Brooklyn
📕Chapters: From “Forces of Revolution” to “Organization and Mobilization” p 41-67
✨ RSVP: bit.ly/RSVPLiberationStudy

“Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine” PDF: bit.ly/PFLPLiberation

To learn more about Samidoun NY/NJ, follow the Telegram:


Venezuela wins, Palestine wins: Samidoun congratulates Venezuelan people and President Nicolas Maduro on successful elections

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on a successful, fair and transparent election, and congratulates President Nicolas Maduro on his re-election with 51.2% of the vote, announced shortly after midnight by the Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), the Venezuelan election authority. The victory of President Maduro is a victory for the Bolivarian revolution, the people of Venezuela, the Palestinian people, and everyone struggling against imperialism everywhere in the world.

Mohammed Khatib, the Europe coordinator of Samidoun, is currently in Venezuela representing Samidoun as a part of approximately 1000 international solidarity delegates and election observers to witness the presidential elections, which were conducted on July 28, 2024. “The victory of President Maduro in this election is a victory for Venezuela, for Palestine, for the Bolivarian revolution and for everyone confronting imperialism,” Khatib said.

“Throughout the day and our entire delegation, the vibrancy and depth of Venezuelan political life was abundantly apparent. In popular neighbourhoods, people entered the streets to raise the Venezuelan flag and cheer for President Maduro and the Bolivarian promise. There was tremendous participation by women and youth in the electoral process, and a powerful presence of working-class struggle everywhere we went,” Khatib noted.

After a busy day of polling, in which international observers viewed an orderly, transparent and well-run election system at polling places throughout Caracas and nationwide, the eagerly awaited election results were announced shortly after midnight on July 29. President Maduro won with 51.2% of the vote, followed by his primary opposition challenger Edmundo Gonzales, with 44.2% of the vote, with an overall turnout of 59% of the 21.3 million-person voter base.

As expected, US-backed opposition figures, far-right figures from across Latin America from Mauricio Macri to Ivan Duque to Javier Milei have weighed in attempting to undermine the democratic process in Venezuela for no reason other than that they, and their sponsor in the United States, are unhappy with the election results. The people of Venezuela have spoken again, as they have repeatedly over the past 25 years, and again on this July 28 — Hugo Chavez’ birthday — for the Bolivarian process and for socialism.

Maduro, representing the Socialist Unity Party of Venezuela (PSUV) ran as the Chavista candidate, continuing the process begun by Hugo Chavez of the Bolivarian Revolution. Under Chavez, Venezuela cut all ties with “Israel” in 2009, amid the “Operation Cast Lead” aggression against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Chavez’s willingness to confront U.S. imperialism openly in a wide range of international arenas, alongside his commitment to the Bolivarian socialist project in Venezuela, won him strong support globally, including from Palestinians and Arabs.

In 2018, Ahmad Sa’adat, imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a prominent leader of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, wrote:

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been a stalwart friend of the Palestinian people. In all international arenas and forums and through practical support and material solidarity, the Venezuelan people and state have stood with the Palestinian people, confronting imperialism and Zionism. Venezuela’s rejection of diplomatic ties with the Israeli colonial regime stands as an example in the world of principled solidarity and boycott, especially as the Palestinian movement, including the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, urges international boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel… We know well the words and actions of Hugo Chavez in support of the Palestinian people and his clear condemnations of the Zionist attacks on the Palestinian people. ‘The State of Israel has become a murderous lackey at the service of imperialism…It’s a genocidal government. I condemn that Zionist government that persecutes the heroic Palestinian people,’ Chavez said. His words on Palestine and in support of the struggle of our people have bolstered the strength and resolve of Palestinians everywhere.

On the other hand, the Venezuelan opposition, backed by the United States, imperialist powers including the European Union and Canada, and an array of global far-right forces aligned with imperialism, has sought out an alliance with the genocidal Zionist regime. Maria Corina Machado, the leader of the Venezuelan opposition — for which Gonzales was selected as a replacement, as she was barred from running due to her repeated involvement in subverting democracy in Venezuela, including her role in promoting Juan Guaido as “interim president” in 2019 in a failed coup attempt. She was involved in prior coup attempts in 2002 and 2014, and promised to privatize 90% of state industries in Venezuela, bring an end to free health care, cut social programs and otherwise devastate the Chavista program. While this won her accolades from far-right libertarian Javier Milei of Argentina, it is no surprise that this failed to find an echo in the popular neighbourhoods of Venezuela.

Of course, Machado also sought an alliance with Zionism. In 2018, Machado wrote a letter to the infamous war criminal, genocidaire and Prime Minister of the zionist entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, requesting the occupation’s participation in a military intervention in Venezuela, through a document published on her X social media account. She gave interviews to Zionist TV, not only pledging to reestablish diplomatic ties with “Israel” but to establish a Venezuelan embassy in occupied Jerusalem. 

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that as the people of Venezuela celebrate the victory of their Bolivarian Revolution in the streets of Caracas, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken — best-known for his fervent support for the continuation of “Israeli” genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza — appeared in Japan to fan the flames of discredited assertions by far-right opposition figures that, somehow, despite the presence of their own observers at the polls and the highly transparent and regulated election system in Venezuela, the results “do not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people.” It is clear, instead, that the results do not reflect the will of U.S. imperialism. The Venezuelan people will not allow themselves to be manipulated by media smear campaigns or a campaign of hybrid and economic warfae against their country and will instead choose the path of sovereignty, independent development and resistance to imperialism.

As the ffact-finding mission to Venezuela of the International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism, in which Samidoun participated one year ago, wrote: “From Palestine to Venezuela, imperialist crimes can never be stopped through concessions to its demands: It is RESISTANCE that wins. It is clear, more than ever, that the U.S. empire is not able to achieve its ends by committing these crimes, and that we are witnessing a brutal attempt to maintain U.S. hegemony amid an emerging pluripolar world.”

US imperialism has waged an intense hybrid war upon the Bolivarian revolution and the Venezuelan people, including sanctions, blockades, attempts to foment a coup, attempts to destroy the Venezuelan economy and impoverish the people of Venezuela into ‘regime change,’ theft of Venezuelan assets and the ongoing subversion of Venezuelan democracy. As we confront the US-Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza, the attack on Venezuela is part and parcel of the same imperialist regime of plunder and devastation. We stand firmly against any attempts to undermine the Venezuelan people’s democratic electoral process by the United States, the European Union, Canada, Britain or their allies.

Today, after President Maduro cast his vote, he said: “Viva Palestina Libre!” In 2022, he noted: “The Axis of Resistance exists throughout the world; it exists in Africa, in Asia, in the Middle East, in Latin America and in the Caribbean. The Resistance also belongs to the people who are fighting against neoliberalism, racism and various forms of colonization…The 21st century is our century. It is the century of the unity of the people. It is the century in which people will be liberated. It is the century of justice and truth. Empires are in decline, and people’s projects for well-being, development and greatness have just begun. This century is our century.”

Indeed, this century is our century: of the fall of Zionism and imperialism, and the victory of the people, from Venezuela to Palestine and beyond. On this historic election day, we once again congratulate the people of Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro, and all of the participants in the great Bolivarian Revolution. We are certain that our victory, to end the genocide and to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea, is made closer with every victory over imperialism around the world.

Take Action August 3: Join the International Day of Action for Gaza and the Prisoners

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the calls from Palestine to make 3 August — the 300th day of the ongoing genocide in Palestine — an international day of action for Gaza and the prisoners. We urge all Palestinian and Arab communities and organizations in exile and diaspora, and all internationalist organizations and activists for Palestine, to take action on Saturday, August 3 for the liberation of over 9,700 Palestinian prisoners in occupation prisons, an end to the ongoing Zionist genocide in Gaza, in support of the heroic Palestinian and regional resistance, and for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea! 

Organize mass marches, direct actions, popular demonstrations and political events for Gaza, for the prisoners, and for the liberation of the land and people of Palestine. Escalate actions everywhere to impose the popular pressure of the peoples of the world to end the genocide and free the prisoners and to confront Zionism and imperialism.

Submit your events and actions here! 

  • Note, we will share the Canva template for posters that you can use for your city if you register your action by using the form

The Prisoners and Al-Aqsa Flood: The Cause of Liberation

Today, there are at least 9,700 Palestinian prisoners in Zionist jails, being subjected to the worst conditions of torture, abuse, systemic starvation, sexual assault, forced amputations, denial of medical care and medical abuse. These numbers are almost certainly low, as they do not include thousands of Palestinians from Gaza held captive in torture and detention camps (such as the infamous Sde Teman), whose numbers and identities have not been disclosed. Indeed, in one document, the head of the occupation security agency the Shin Bet stated that 21,000 Palestinian prisoners are being held in Zionist jails, warning of “overcrowding.”

The Zionist prisons are presided over by the notorious fascist Itamar Ben-Gvir, who said on 1 July that Palestinian prisoners “should be killed with a shot to the head, and the bill to execute Palestinian prisoners must be passed in the third reading in the Knesset…Until then, we will give them minimal food to survive.” The testimonies and images of released prisoners shock the conscience of the world — from bodybuilder Muazzaz Abaiyat, released emaciated and unable to walk, to the numerous detainees from Gaza who have returned to speak of their horrific experiences of sexual violence, medical abuse and severe torture.

The conditions under which these thousands of Palestinian hostages are held — including nearly 4,000 held without charge or trial under administrative detention — speak to why the Palestinian people and their armed resistance have been so committed to take action and bear tremendous sacrifices under the aggression of the genocidal Zionist entity in order to win their liberation. In addition, however, the Palestinian prisoners’ movement continues to be, as it has always been, central to the leadership of the resistance, a vanguard of struggle that confronts the occupier on a daily basis with their bodies and lives on the line, writing, organizing themselves, and resisting for their own liberation and the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Join many organizations in Palestine and internationally that have already called for August 3 to stand for the prisoners and their liberation! Submit your events and actions here! 

Break the Siege — End the Genocide in Gaza Now

August 3 marks 300 days since the Zionist occupier, in full alliance with the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Canada and other imperialist powers, launched its genocidal aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza. The depravity and destructiveness of the occupation on full display in Gaza, combined with the clear and obvious intent to genocide expressed by “Israeli” officials, have made clear the reality that has always been the nature of Zionism: a racist, colonial, illegitimate settler project built upon the genocide of the Palestinian people. The attack on Gaza, we must be clear, is being waged on a population who are already a majority refugees, who have been displaced again and again and denied their fundamental and inalienable right to return to their homes and lands since 1948.

In Gaza, the Zionist regime has targeted, largely with US- and German-made bombs, missiles and tank artillery, schools, mosques, churches, hospitals, universities, refugee camps and residential buildings. It has systematically sought to wipe out the Palestinian health system and has destroyed every university in Gaza. It has blown up water wells, aid distributions and water treatment plants and has carried out a policy designed to induce starvation and famine throughout the Strip. This comes atop the over 39,000 lives taken by the occupation military, with death toll estimates expected to reach 168,000, according to the respected medical journal, The Lancet. Over 95% of the 2.2 million people in the Gaza Strip have been displaced. Hundreds of thousands have been wounded, often severely. The assault is so severe and well-documented that even the International Court of Justice has ruled there is a plausible case of genocide and the International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants against war criminals Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant.

The US has been attempting to promote various international imperialist and reactionary Arab regime-led “days after” for Gaza, while arming and funding the occupier. Come out on August 3 to affirm that Gaza, and all of Palestine, from the river to the sea, is, will be and will always remain Palestinian and sovereign, free of Zionism, colonialism and occupation.

Let us be clear: this genocide is a US-Zionist genocide, and a project of all of the imperialist states that back the “Israeli” regime. It is armed and funded by weapons manufacturers like Elbit Systems and Boeing, and supported by corporations ranging from McDonald’s and Carrefour to Scotiabank to Indigo Books. The mass murder of children, the use of starvation as a weapon of war, the bombings of tents full of refugees and of schoolyards where children play: this is the face of Zionism, this is the face of imperialism, this is the face of genocide.

Join us on August 3 to renew our call and escalate our collective action and confrontation to bring this genocide to an end, break the siege on Gaza once and for all, and hold its perpetrators accountable! Submit your events and actions here! 

From Palestine to Yemen to Lebanon, Victory to the Resistance

In the face of this genocide, the heroic actions of the armed Palestinian resistance in defense of their people and for the liberation of Palestine have held back the war criminals, destroyed their tanks and imposed a severe cost upon the war machine. The red triangle has become a symbol of hope and liberation to the world. October 7, the Al-Aqsa Flood, has changed the world. On that day and ever since, it was and has remained clear that the future of Palestine is one free of Zionist colonialism, and the future for the entire Arab and Iranian region is one free of imperialist domination and hegemony. The enemies of humanity are clear: the US-led imperialist powers that continue to arm and fund genocide and play a full role in its execution. And it is also clear who defends humanity. The fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, Saraya al-Quds, the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades and all of the Resistance forces are forging unity and liberation as they defend their people and homeland from genocide, and as they sacrifice for a future for humanity.

Every day, the Palestinian resistance writes new epics of heroism and of sacrifice to win justice, freedom and liberation. The resistance is also blossoming in the West Bank, just as the settler regime government and its paramilitary agents launch pogroms against Palestinians and attempt to steal ever more land, funded by settler charities abroad and put up for sale in “real estate” events to recruit settlers from Toronto, New York, Los Angeles and London. Despite the complicity and collaboration of the Palestinian Authority carrying out “security coordination” with the Zionist regime to target the resistance, the refugee camps, villages and cities of the West Bank are rising.

The regional resistance alliance is also stronger and more powerful than ever before. In the north of occupied Palestine, the occupation is unable to deal with the ongoing operations by Hezbollah, emptying the settlements and military bases near southern Lebanon; they are now seeking to falsely blame the Lebanese resistance for a bombing in Majdal Shams in order to manufacture consent to attack Lebanon and to smear the image of Hezbollah — another failing effort. Every week, the people of Yemen come out in their millions to fill the streets for Palestine, supporting and demanding yet more action and escalation by their government and armed forces, which has now reached the “fifth stage” of escalation after the Yafa drone sent to occupied Tel Aviv. From Iraq, where the Resistance plans joint operations with Yemen and confronts the remaining US occupiers, to Syria, to Iran, the alliance of resistance forces is unified to confront the genocide, Zionism and imperialism.

Come out on August 3 to stand with the Resistance and to demand an end to the designation of the Resistance organizations as “terrorists.” Imperialism and Zionism create terror; resistance is a right and a duty! Submit your events and actions here!  

Free Palestine from the River to the Sea

The Palestinian struggle did not begin 300 days ago; for 76 years, the Palestinian people have been resisting Zionist occupation and genocide, and resisting British colonization for over 100 years. There is no “two-state solution” for Palestine: only its liberation from the river to the sea, from Zionism and imperialism, led by the Resistance on the front lines of struggle, including the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and its heroic leaders, from Ahmad Sa’adat to Abdullah Barghouthi to Marwan Barghouthi to Khalida Jarrar.

We urge all organizations, movements, groups and activists to organize and act on August 3, to flood the streets, cities and capitals of the world for a free Palestine. Over the past 10 months we have participated in, organized and witnessed unprecedented expressions of popular support for Palestinian liberation, of outrage at the genocide, of deep solidarity with the prisoners, with Gaza, with Palestine. The floods of demonstrators, the direct actions shutting down arms factories, the student intifada of encampments and actions, have all demonstrated the power of popular mobilization in the heart of the imperial core. These actions have met with such harsh repression, including police violence, thousands of arrests, the banning of organizations (like Samidoun in Germany), the political bans on speakers and events, the surveillance and intimidation and doxing, because this movement does present a real, meaningful challenge and confrontation of the imperialist-Zionist alliance.

This August 3, let us redouble our efforts. Stand up for the martyrs, and for the imprisoned martyrs that the occupation continues to jail after death, and witness for them. Stand up for the wounded, for the health care workers fighting to save lives under the bombs. Stand up for the heroic resistance fighting every day for a free Palestine. Stand up for the prisoners, confronting the occupier daily behind bars, holding fast to freedom. Let us organize, mobilize, escalate and act. We know that freedom is coming, and we know that victory is nearer than it has ever been before, despite the devastation caused by the genocidal occupier. Together, we can make this day one of unity and action, for Gaza and the prisoners, for Palestine and for collective liberation.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! 

Victory to Palestine! Long live the Resistance! 

Submit your events and actions here! 

Submit your August 3 Action or Event

  • Please include your event details, such as location, social media or web link, date, time, RSVP or registration link (if applicable), organizing groups.

    Feel free to tell us more about your event here!


São Paulo demonstration in support of Gaza and Palestinian prisoners

The Frente Palestina Livre, together with Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network – Brasil, Jewish Voices for Liberation and several more groups, parties and movements, organized a demonstration in support of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance on Sunday, July 28, 2024, on Paulista Avenue in São Paulo, Brazil.

Rawa Alsagheer, the coordinator of the Samidoun Network in Brazil, spoke at the demonstration, highlighting the importance of freeing all Palestinian prisoners from the prisons of the Zionist occupation and gave an overview of the torture and barbarity of the Zionists inside “Israeli” jails.


20 Years Of Struggle: Free the Holy Land 5, Palestinian political prisoners in US jails!


Today, July 27th, 2024, marks 20 years since FBI agents raided the homes of Mufid Abdulqader, Ghassan Elashi, Shukri Abu Baker, and Abdulrahman Odeh, kidnapped them, terrorized their families, charged them with crimes they did not commit, and held them for ten days before allowing them to return home. Four years later, in May 2008, they were sentenced and convicted on false charges of material support to terrorist organizations on the basis of their charitable activity through the Holy Land Foundation, then the largest Muslim and Palestinian charity in the United States.

Samidoun Network strongly condemns the continued and unjust imprisonment of Shukri Abu Baker, Ghassan Elashi, and Mufid Abdulqader. We stand in solidarity with the Holy Land 5 and their families, and we will not stop fighting until they, and all Palestinian political prisoners, are free.

We encourage all supporters of justice for Palestine to join us in including Shukri Abu Baker, Ghassan Elashi and Mufid Abdulqader in organizing for the liberation of Palestinian political prisoners, as part and parcel of the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea!

Please read and share the new article by Salma al-Nour in Mondoweiss: 20 Years of Struggle: Renewing our commitment to liberation for the Holy Land 5

“Today, July 27, marks 20 years since the charges against the Holy Land Foundation were initially filed, all five men had their homes raided by police. Join Samidoun Network as they call for all friends and supporters to join the campaign to free the Holy Land 5!

In May of 2024 Samidoun launched a Week of Action to free the Holy Land 5 to commemorate 15 years since their sentencing and conviction. The Week of Action signified a renewed commitment and a critical piece of an ongoing campaign, including teach-ins and other events to educate communities in the U.S. and internationally about the horrific injustice of the case of the Holy Land 5. Samidoun Network, along with friends and supporters in the U.S. and internationally, will not stop until they see the release of Shukri Abu Baker and Ghassan Elashi, two founders of the Holy Land Foundation, who are both serving 65 year sentences, the longest of the five Holy Land Foundation founders who were imprisoned in 2008.” Read the full article here!

Toolkit and Call to Action

Take Action!

  • Bring postersinfo sheets, and calls to #FreetheHLF5 to your demonstration, encampment, or any event calling for the liberation of Palestine!
  • Post campaign materials on social media, using the hashtag #FreetheHLF5
  • Organize your own event, film screening, or rally to defend the Holy Land 5 and all political prisoners
  • Write to Shukri, Ghassan and Mufid using the instructions and addresses listed below

HLF5 Campaign Flyer

Download, print and distribute the following flyer at your actions and in your community:


HL5 Flier Final

Who Are the Holy Land Foundation 5?

Ghassan Elashi was born in Gaza City, and lived there until age 14. He and his family then moved to Cairo, Egypt, where he eventually got his Bachelor’s degree in accounting from Ain Shams University in 1975. He lived in Saudi Arabia and London for a couple of years before finally migrating to the United States in 1978. He lived in Ohio for several months and then moved to Florida, where he got his Master’s degree in accounting from the University of Miami in 1981. Soon afterwards, Mr. Elashi began working in a company that created the world’s first Arabic computer. In 1985, Mr. Elashi married Majida and moved to Culver City, Calif. near Los Angeles. They lived there for about seven years before moving to Richardson, Texas near Dallas in 1992. There, he worked at a family-owned computer business and served as a chairman and volunteer for the HLF. Mr. Elashi and Majida have six children: Noor, Huda, Asma, Mohammad, Osama and Omar.  “I do not apologize for feeding orphans and needy families. I know what the government’s goal was, it was to make an example of me. But they failed, because I felt a love from my community that I couldn’t imagine,” he said.

Shukri Abu Baker, of Palestinian and Brazilian heritage, was born in Brazil in 1959. At age 6, he and his family moved to Silwad, Palestine, where they lived for a couple of years. In 1967, the family left to Kuwait and lived there for about a decade. Mr. Abu-Baker migrated to the United States in 1980, where he got his Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Orlando College. During that time, he also helped launch the first mosque in central Florida. After marrying Wejdan in 1982, Mr. Abu-Baker moved to Indianapolis, Indiana. There, he worked as an office manager for the Muslim Arab Youth Association. In 1990, they relocated to Culver City, California, near Los Angeles where he and a few friends opened the Holy Land Foundation. Then in 1992, the family moved to Dallas and the HLF moved with them. He and Wejdan have four American-born daughters: Zaira, Sanabel, Nida and Shurook. You can read Shukri’s Notes from Prison on his blog: https://notesfromshukri.wordpress.com/

Mufid Abdelqader was born in Silwad, Palestine in 1959, and lived much of his young adult life in Kuwait. In 1980, he migrated to the United States to receive a college education. He lived in Irving, Texas for a few months before moving to two Oklahoma cities, first Claremore, then Stillwater. To fund his tuition at Oklahoma State University, Mr. Abdelqader briefly worked as a dishwasher at an Italian Restaurant and a cashier at Wendys. He received his Bachelor’s of Science degree in Civil Engineering in 1984. In 1985, he married Diane. He received his Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Oklahoma State University in 1994. The family lived in Oklahoma City for several years before finally moving to Richardson, Texas in 1996. He and Diane have three daughters. Since 1996, Mr. Abdelqader worked for the city of Dallas as a Senior Project Manager in the public works and transportation departments. Mufid is a singer, served as a volunteer counselor in his community, and volunteered for the HLF.

The Holy Land 5 Case

The Holy Land Foundation was repeatedly targeted by Zionist organizations in a series of reports and investigations because of its effective work in providing support to occupied Palestine. The HLF was a large charity that raised millions of dollars for impoverished people in occupied Palestine, providing much-needed support and blunting the effects of the occupation on the Palestinian people. Leaders of the Foundation were placed under surveillance by the FBI since 1993 while notorious Islamophobic, racist and Zionist commentators like Steven Emerson repeatedly attacked the Foundation.

The situation of the Foundation was made more precarious in the post-Oslo era, with the adoption of first financial sanctions and then criminal law creating a list of “Foreign Terrorist Organizations,” a list that was explicitly created in order to criminalize and repress opposition to the “Middle East peace process,” which was in reality a process for the liquidation of the Palestinian cause. While the Elashi brothers’ business, INFOCOM, was raided by the FBI on allegations of selling computer technology to people in Libya, Syria and occupied Palestine, in early September 2001, the post-September 11 climate of intensified racism and “War on Terror” propaganda further propelled the attack on the Holy Land Foundation. Using the extremely broad powers of the Treasury Department, the HLF’s funds were frozen, offices raided, and it was declared a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” organization.

It was in 2004 that the homes of the Holy Land Foundation Five — Ghassan Elashi, Shukri Abu Baker, Mufid Abdelqader, Mohammed el-Mezain and Abdulrahman Odeh — were raided and the men arrested and not until 2007 that their trial began. Despite the admission of anonymous testimony from Israeli intelligence agents in court — who could not be properly subject to cross-examination by the defense — the first trial ended in a mistrial, with initially all 12 jurors voting for acquittal and then one changing his mind at the last minute.

As Within Our Lifetime notes, “One of the jurors noted that the case seemed ‘strung together with macaroni noodles. There was so little evidence.’ The jury issued not-guilty verdicts on nearly every one of the 197 charges until one of the jurors suddenly changed their mind and claimed they never agreed to those verdicts. Later, evidence came out to suggest that this juror was improperly influenced by those who sought to see the HLF5 imprisoned.”

While the HLF5, their families, and supporters for justice in Palestine celebrated, the government refused to accept defeat and once again brought the HLF5 before the court in Dallas, again exhibiting sensationalist, unproven and unrelated testimony from Israeli occupation intelligence agents. Noor Elashi, the daughter of Ghassan Elashi, said, “It was the only time in the history of the United States that a witness inside a courtroom was allowed to remain anonymous, so the defense couldn’t cross-examine him.” There was one prior similar incident, however — the case of Abdelhaleem Ashqar and Mohammed Saleh in Chicago, Palestinians charged on more dubious “terror” allegations, once again facing occupation agents in court granted a veil of anonymity. The Holy Land Foundation Five’s family members’ political affiliations were cited as a form of even more dubious “evidence” against them.

In the end, the HLF5 were convicted and granted extraordinarily long sentences. “Shukri Abu Baker and Ghassan Elashi were given 65-year sentences each. Abdulrahman Odeh, Mohammed El-Mezain, and Mufid Abdulqader were sentenced to 15 to 20 years each. Two of Ghassan Elashi’s brothers, Bayan and Basman Elashi, were tried and convicted seperately of charges stemming from InfoCom and the Holy Land Foundation. The brothers were arrested in 2002, spent two years in solitary confinement, and went to trial in 2004. They each received 84-month sentences, and were released from prison in 2009 before being deported to Gaza.”

Abdulrahman Odeh and Mohammed el-Mezain were finally released in 2020 and 2022. When El-Mezain was released, he was detained by ICE — US immigration agent — and then deported to Turkey. Shukri Abu Baker, Ghassan Elashi and Mufid Abdelqader remain behind bars — while Abdelqader is scheduled for release in 2025, Elashi and Abu Baker are sentenced to 45 more years in US prisons. They earlier spent many years behind bars, including a number of years in ultra-repressive, maximum security “Communications Management Units.” All of their legal appeals have so far been exhausted, which is why it is so critical to engage in the political and popular struggle for their liberation.

The struggle to free the Holy Land 5 is part and parcel of the struggle for the liberation of all Palestinian prisoners and the liberation of Palestine. As we march and organize to confront U.S. imperialism in occupied Palestine and the Arab region and U.S. responsibility for Zionist genocide in Gaza, we also call for the liberation of these Palestinian political prisoners in U.S. jails. 

Write The Holy Land 5

Writing to prisoners is an important part of showing solidarity and building morale. Whether you are writing to Palestinian prisoners in Zionist jails, Georges Abdallah in France, or the Holy Land 5 and other political prisoners in the U.S., your letters show these imprisoned strugglers that they are not forgotten, abandoned or isolated despite all attempts to do so, and they also show the jailers that these prisoners have external support.

Please remember that any letters sent to the HLF5 are liable to be opened and read by prison staff. Avoid writing anything sensitive that could be read into by guards and prison officials. Make sure to include both their name and their register number on the envelope.

P.O. BOX 26030

P.O. BOX 3000

P.O. BOX 9000

Download and use these posters

Free the Holy Land 5 (Download PDF)

Free Ghassan Elashi (Download PDF)

Free Shukri Abu Baker (Download PDF)

Free Mufid Abdelqader (Download PDF)

Further Resources

Here are some resources you can use to organize for the Holy Land Five: