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Paris poster campaign calls to free Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners

As the Olympic Games opened in Paris — amid widespread protests demanding that the Zionist regime be excluded from the Games for its ongoing genocide in occupied Palestine — Samidoun Paris Banlieue posted new posters in the streets of Ménilmontant on Friday, 26 July to demand the release of Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab communist struggler for Palestine detained in France since 1984, although he has been eligible for release since 1999.

The poster campaign also highlighted the ongoing genocide in Gaza, calling for widespread support and solidarity with the Palestinian people, and expressed solidarity with Ahmad Sa’adat, general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, imprisoned since 2006 by the Zionist state and sentenced to 30 years in prison, and all of the over 9,700 Palestinian prisoners in occupation jails. Sa’adat, along with other leading prisoners with lengthy sentences, such as Marwan Barghouthi, Abdullah Barghouthi, Ibrahim Hamed and Abbas al-Sayyed, is one of the most prominent detained Palestinians that the Zionist regime has attempted to avoid releasing in a prisoner exchange with the Palestinian resistance. 

These posters were especially apt on 26 July, as Ahmad Sa’adat and his comrades were first imprisoned by the PA before being imprisoned by the colonial occupation forces. This policy of betrayal continues to the present day, as took place on 26 July in Tulkarem where the Palestinian Authority “security forces” tried to arrest the leader of the Tulkarem Brigades, Abu Shujaa, before being chased away by the Palestinian masses, who know well which guns protect them: those of the resistance, and who collaborates and betrays: the “Palestinian Authority” of Oslo.

The poster campaign also expressed solidarity with the Kanak independence struggle in Kanaky/New Caledonia, and called for the freedom of Kanak political prisoners in French prisons.

Samidoun Paris Banlieue regularly participates in poster campaigns, demonstrations, political education and actions throughout the Paris area in support of Palestinian prisoners and the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. Follow their work on Telegram at https://t.me/samidounparisbanlieue

Video: Samidoun Toronto speaks in Vancouver — “Prisoners are the frontline of our struggle!”

A comrade from Samidoun Toronto spoke at the Vancouver rally for Palestine on Wednesday, 24 July 2024, organized to confront Zionist war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu’s infamous address to the US Congress, where he was met with dozens of standing ovations as he celebrated genocide and demanded even more advanced weaponry. The Vancouver demonstration came alongside many throughout North America and internationally, as well as a mass mobilization of many thousands outside the Capitol.

To learn more about Samidoun Toronto, follow SamidounTO on Telegram!

Watch the video:

Text of the speech:

Militant greetings, comrades! As my comrade said, I’m a member of Samidoun’s newly formed Toronto chapter. Thank you for having me here today. We have mobilized today to rebuke and denounce Benjamin “war criminal” Netanyahu’s address to the US Congress, which happened just a few hours ago in DC. Shame!

It is shameful to invite chief genocidaire Netanyahu to speak in Congress, but it is not surprising. It should be expected from the imperialist war machine that is the United States of America, and it is shameful for this so called country, Canada, and its genocidal leader Justin Trudeau to not even utter a single condemnation of this address. But it too should be expected because Canada is just the imperialist lapdog of America.

Canada and the United States are both settler colonies that require the same settler logics and brutalities as “Israel”. We must not be surprised at each and every move of consolidation and friendship between the US, “Israel” and Canada. We must accept this as our current reality and then we must accept what must be done.

To change this reality we must mobilize and organize. The Zionist entity desperately clings to western powers for political and financial support. It is an entity in collapse that is hanging by its last thread, because of the power of the axis of resistance. From the united Palestinian factions to the heroic Yemeni armed forces, to the bravery of Hezbollah, the resistance continues to take the Zionist entity apart piece by piece.

Shortly after Netanyahu’s address earlier today, Hamas released a statement about this: “Netanyahu’s speech reflects the depth of his military, security and international crisis. He tried to publicly cover it with the philosophy of defeats suffered by his army in Gaza, promoting imaginary victories by liberating a number of captives, forgetting the horrific massacres he committed against civilians in Rafah and Nusseirat.”

They continue to say: “Netanyahu’s attack on the axis of resistance reflects the depth of his military and security crisis due to the open fronts which call for more efforts from all arenas and all fronts to inflict defeats on this Zionist entity.”

I say again, just as the Islamic resistance does, “Israel” is a colony on the brink of collapse. The resistance through waging popular and armed struggle has brought the Palestinian liberation struggle and the global struggle against imperialism forward tenfold through Al Aqsa Flood Battle!

As my comrade mentioned earlier, we are just days past the heroic operation carried out by the Yemeni armed forces,  in which the Palestinian-named and Iranian-designed drone, Yafa, flew undetected by the Zionist enemy’s interceptors and radars for miles. The Yemeni Armed Forces have declared Yafa, what the colonizers call Tel Aviv, an unsafe area. The imperialist war mongers will call it terrorism, but we know this is anti-imperialist resistance.

So long as occupation continues, resistance will too. Despite attempts at stifling organized dissent,  the resistance is stronger and more united than ever before. As a prisoner solidarity network, Samidoun sees how colonized and oppressed masses of the world are opening up the prison doors. From Gaza on October 7th to right now in Dhaka,  as students storm the prisons to free their comrades, prisoners are the frontline of our struggle, because prisons are a tool to lock away our freedom fighters from our movements.

The enemy will remove our most militant comrades from the struggle, the ones who are most willing to put their body and lives on the line for liberation. These are our leaders. We see this here in so called BC with Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief Dza Heil, who has been sentenced to days of house arrest for defending his land from colonial extraction. We see this with Al-Qassam’s Abdullah Barghouthi, who has the longest prison sentence in history – 5,200 years! It was recently revealed that Zionist dungeon guards, also known of the guards of the “Israel Prison Service,” have been torturing him.

Leaders of the Popular Front, Ahmad Sa’adat and Khalida Jarrar, are also incarcerated right now. In occupied Palestine, thousands of Palestinians are currently incarcerated in Zionist jails. We must remember that these comrades on the inside are those who are experiencing the most heightened contradictions of imperialism. We must not leave them behind. They are our leaders!

It is prisons and prisoners that connect our movements globally because they are the number 1 tool used by our imperialist enemies to crush us. But prisoners persist inside Zionist occupation prisons. There’s writing and studying and organizing happening every day, unbeknownst to the enemy, and in colonial prisons across Turtle Island, prisoners are organizing for better working conditions. Reading,  writing, they are striking, rioting and partaking in hunger strikes.

Prisoners are the compass of our struggle and we must follow and support them and understand that, as believers in the liberatory power of resistance, we are all potentially future prisoners. Malcolm X reminds us that we are not outnumbered, we are just out organised. We must go beyond mobilization. I ask that you join an organization – Samidoun, or another anti-imperialist or prison solidarity group. Organize yourself to resist. Be part of this global resistance. Long live Yemen’s steadfast resistance and the glorious and united Palestinian resistance,  from Hamas to the Popular Front to Hezbollah and beyond, victory is imminent!

Thank you.

Abu Shujaa emerges victorious: The popular cradle of the Resistance confronts the Palestinian Authority in Tulkarem

On Friday, 26 July, in a dramatic illustration of the importance of the popular cradle of the resistance, the Palestinian masses of Tulkarem liberated Mohammed Jaber, Abu Shujaa, from an attempted arrest or assassination by Palestinian Authority “security forces” that besieged and invaded Martyr Thabet Thabet hospital. Abu Shujaa, a commander in the Tulkarem Brigade of Saraya al-Quds, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement.

Abu Shujaa, 26 years old, previously survived multiple assassination attempts and is being pursued both by the Zionist occupation forces as well as by the Palestinian Authority forces, carrying out the mandate of “security coordination” with the Zionist regime. PA forces entered the hospital, throwing tear gas canisters at Palestinian civilians coming to protect Abu Shujaa, but the mass popular presence at the hospital safely escorted Abu Shujaa to safety, carrying him on their shoulders and chanting for him and the resistance. The people of Tulkarem, mobilized around the hospital in massive numbers, with masses of Palestinian women and men shouting and confronting the PA forces directly and protecting Abu Shujaa, a beloved resistance leader, in a march led by the mothers of the martyrs.

Abu Shujaa defies the assassin

In March 2023, PA forces opened fire at a group of resistance fighters, including Abu Shujaa, in one assassination attempt. One month later, in April 2023, occupation forces declared that they had successfully assassinated Abu Shujaa in a drone strike, only for him to re-emerge several days later at a funeral for the 14 martyrs the Zionist regime had killed in the battle in Nour Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem, a center of the burgeoning armed resistance in the West Bank of occupied Palestine.

“Our message is that we have challenged the occupation and here we are still alive. We are walking on the path of the martyrs, no matter how many of us they assassinate, this situation will not end, God willing. We are on the path of the martyrs, until victory……I send a salute and a message to all the children and all the fighters in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the diaspora, that we will not let you down God willing, we will stay at the best of your expectations. We hope from all the honorable ones to not let us down and to remain on the path of the martyrs, our martyrs. We thank all the regions in the West Bank and its camps: Jenin camp, Balata camp, Far’a, Dheisheh, Bethlehem. We will remain at the best of their expectations, God willing,” Abu Shujaa said after his legendary re-emergence.

Abu Shujaa has been detained and imprisoned on multiple occasions by the Palestinian Authority and “Israel” since the age of 17; his younger brother, Mahmoud, was martyred when he was killed by Zionist forces invading the Nour Shams refugee camp.

The Al-Qassam Brigades of Tulkarem, Hamas’ armed wing, issued a statement, warning the PA forces to leave Tulkarem and end their attacks on the resistance. “We are fighting against two occupations: the Palestinian Authority and the occupation forces…Any attempt to capture our fighters by the [Palestinian] Authority forces from Tulkarem to Jenin will be met with a severe response. Any attempt to defuse a planted explosive for the occupation forces will be met with a response. This means you are collaborating with the occupation.”

The attack on Abu Shujaa, defeated by the unity of the Palestinian masses and the armed resistance, came only months after Ahmad Abu al-Ful and Motasim al-Arif, two leaders in the Tulkarem Brigade, were assassinated by PA security coordination forces. Indeed, al-Arif was martyred as the PA attempted to kidnap Abu Shujaa on 3 April.

From Tulkarem to Tubas

It was also followed shortly thereafter by PA security coordination forces storming the city of Tubas in order to kidnap or assassinate Omar Meselmani, a fighter with the Tubas Brigade of Saraya al-Quds who is also pursued by the occupation forces. They opened fire on Meselmani and his companions, failing to capture Omar, but detaining his brother, Hamed Maselmani, a former Palestinian prisoner who served seven years in occupation prisons. He was released later in the evening after being beaten by PA forces.

Today’s popular victory in Tulkarem only underlines the unity of the Palestinian masses and the armed resistance and the ways in which the resistance is fostered and nurtured by the masses, what is often referred to as the popular cradle of the resistance. It also underlines the reality of what the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank represents, only weeks after PA officials, including PA President Mahmoud Abbas, blamed the Palestinian resistance for the Zionist massacres and genocide in Gaza.

Rising resistance vs. “security coordination” Authority

At a time when the armed resistance in the West Bank is escalating the struggle, while the Zionist forces are conducting a genocide in Gaza resisted by the strength of the Palestinian armed resistance, Palestinian unity should be more essential than ever. Since the beginning of Al-Aqsa Flood and the Zionist genocide on 7 October 2023, Palestinian resistance forces in the West Bank have carried out 1,533 shooting operations, 678 explosive operations, 33 stabbing operations and 19 run-over operations targeting settlers and soldiers.

While the unity of the people and the resistance was strikingly visible in Tulkarem and Tubas today, and in Bethlehem, where youth marched to confront the PA, the Authority itself continues to represent a narrow sector of the Palestinian bourgeoisie that seeks to cement its marginal privileges through service to and collaboration with the Zionist regime and US imperialism.

“Security coordination” with the Zionist occupation is built into the Oslo accords; the Palestinian Authority has existed only to suppress the Palestinian resistance and act as an agent of the occupation, not to confront the occupation. For decades now, members of the PA security forces who are loyal to the Palestinian people have turned away from their orders to engage in security coordination and instead joined the Resistance to fight for liberation.

PA imprisonment and the road to liberation

The Palestinian Authority prisons are themselves a revolving door, where resistance fighters, leaders and strugglers are pursued by PA forces and invading occupiers, released from one imprisonment only to be abducted into another. Case after case illustrate this: that of Basil al-Araj and his comrades, abducted and imprisoned by the Palestinian Authority and then by the occupation forces, the engaged intellectual and the resistance fighter who fought until the moment of his martyrdom. That of Ahmad Sa’adat and his comrades, leaders of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, imprisoned by the Palestinian Authority under US and British guard, until they were abducted by the Zionist regime in a violent assault. That of Nizar Banat, the tireless fighter against corruption and for a principled, unified resistance, assassinated by PA forces in 2021. That of Mahmoud Tawalbeh, one of the leaders of the 2002 Battle of Jenin, arrested by the PA at the orders of the occupation, who then planned and failed to assassinate him by bombing the prison. That of Musab Shtayyeh, the 30-year-old Palestinian resistance fighter of the Lion’s Den and the Al-Qassam Brigades, kidnapped one year ago today and held by the PA forces as a political prisoner despite three orders for his release, and his fellow political prisoners in PA prisons, brothers and sisters in arms with the nearly 10,000 Palestinians jailed in the dungeons of the occupier.

As we noted previously: The only true road to Palestinian national unity comes through resistance and confrontation, led by those who fight for Palestinian liberation, and it cannot include those who imprison, assassinate and betray the people and the resistance for the benefit of the occupiers and imperialists.

The crimes of the Palestinian Authority are not simply independent “human rights violations” or “political detention” targeting rival forces. They are carried out as part and parcel of the Oslo framework that created the PA as a subcontractor for the occupation; and the current demands to attack the rising resistance in the West Bank and throughout Palestine from the river to the sea as part and parcel of the US-Zionist genocide in Gaza. These attacks are the responsibility of Israel, the United States, Canada, the European Union and all parties involved in creating, sustaining and propping up the “security coordination” framework, which benefits only the occupier and colonizer at the expense of the Palestinian people.

The PA and its funders and trainers must be held accountable for its ongoing betrayal of the Palestinian people and its collaboration with the occupation regime and Zionist colonialism. The Oslo project is backed by Zionism, imperialism and reactionary regimes – and it must and will fall on the road to the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea, led by the unity of the people and the resistance. 

Further, the popular cradle of the resistance, as witnessed so vividly today in Tulkarem, in Gaza, in south Lebanon, in the millions who pour into the streets weekly in Yemen to demand even greater escalation, reflects the unity and deep alliance of the masses and the Resistance, a fundamental necessity for people’s war and for victory over the occupier. At this moment, it is critical for those of us in the international movement for Palestine to build the international popular cradle of the Resistance, to escalate our movement, reject all efforts to label and criminalize the resistance as “terrorist” and unify to confront repression, genocide, Zionism and imperialism.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! Victory for Palestine!

Palestinian students speak for the Resistance

We republish below a joint statement issued today by the student movement at Birzeit University, translated by the Resistance News Network. The statement was signed by all of the student blocs except the supporters of Fateh:

The Student Movement at Birzeit University:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

“People of the university of martyrs, O all the masses of our people.”

We send our greetings to our steadfast people in Gaza, to the heroes of the tunnels who write our glory every day, to the makers of our dignity and honor, to those who endured and challenged the prison and the jailer, our brave prisoners. To our fighters in the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the occupied lands, to those who adhere to the path of resistance and revolution, to the bravest among us all, the hero of the Brigade, Abu Shujaa [“Father of the Brave”].

On the 293rd day of the genocide against the Palestinian people, the Security Forces of the [Palestinian] Authority continue to participate in our extermination, oppression, and repression. As the martyr Basil Al-Araj said, “The Palestinian Authority participates in our extermination.” In light of what happened today, we affirm the following:

First: Since October 7th, the Security Forces of the [Palestinian] Authority continue to practice the most heinous forms of submission and normalization with the zionst entity and align with its vision. Those who demanded accountability and honored the tunnel fighters after what happened on October 7 were met with suppressed marches, and many fighters were killed at their hands, some handed over to the cowardly entity and others tortured.

Second: We condemn this disgraceful behavior and salute the courage of our people in Tulkarem who rose to prevent the Security Forces from arresting Commander Abu Shujaa, who has survived several times under showers of bullets and today survives with a human shield led by the mothers of the martyrs and supported by the people, after being besieged in Thabet Thabet Hospital.

Third: All the forces and activities of our people, and all the honorable members and affiliates of the Authority and its Security Forces, are called today to unite in rejection of the conspiracy against our people and to confront the plans that the zionists, Americans, and their allies are weaving to break the resistance with Palestinian hands, unfortunately. There is no excuse today for those who choose to continue betting on the absurd and treacherous path of negotiations.

For we, from the heart of the university of martyrs, the university of prisoners, call on the members of the Security Forces to align with the true direction with the compass of the people. Our choice is resistance and the exclusion of those who do not believe in it. Be among the sons of Abu Jandal* and follow the path of resistance and nothing else. Those who detach from their people today will regret it tomorrow.

* Abu Jandal, Yousef Ahmad Raihan, was a patriotic PA security officer who was one of the leaders of the 2002 Battle of Jenin and has become a symbol of those who reject “security coordination” with the occupier.

From Cuba to Palestine, victory to the revolution! On the 71st anniversary of the 26 July Movement

On the 71st anniversary of the launch of the great Cuban revolution, the storming of the Moncada Barracks on 26 July 1953, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the Cuban people, their continuing revolution, and the ongoing alliance between the people of Cuba and of Palestine to confront Zionism, imperialism and reaction.

In 1953, the Cuban revolutionaries launched their attack on the Moncada Barracks, one year after Cuban military general Fulgencio Batista, dedicated to the interests of U.S. imperialism, seized power on the island, banning trade unions and socialist groups, cutting ties with the Soviet Union and fostering even closer ties with the United States. Cuban revolutionaries, including Fidel Castro and Raúl Castro, launched their attack on that day, and while they were unable to defeat the US-backed Cuban regime on that day, they created the 26th of July Movement, which would grow to encompass Ernesto Che Guevara, Camilo Cienfuegos and many more revolutionaries that would achieve victory in 1959.

Before the 26th July operation, Fidel Castro said:  “In a few hours you will be victorious or defeated, but regardless of the outcome – listen well, friends – this Movement will triumph. If you win tomorrow, the aspirations of Martí will be fulfilled sooner. If we fail, our action will nevertheless set an example for the Cuban people, and from the people will arise fresh new men willing to die for Cuba. They will pick up our banner and move forward … The people will back us in Oriente and in the whole island. As in ’68 and ’92, here in Oriente we will give the first cry of Liberty or Death!”

Fidel Castro himself was held as a political prisoner for two years before he joined his fellow revolutionaries in the Sierra Maestra, to build the revolutionary movement that would expel US imperialism from Cuba and usher in a new era for Latin America, on the front lines of confrontation of imperialism in the region and around the world. Indeed, his speech, “History Will Absolve Me,” made before the court that sentenced him, became the manifesto of the 26th of July Movement. The Cuban revolution embraced revolutionary internationalism, supporting movements around the world, fighting for liberation in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and building ties with struggling movements in the heart of the imperial core. The Cuban revolutionary cause unified with the Black Liberation movement in the United States, an alliance that remains in place to the present day.

Havana, Cuba, launched the Tricontinental Conference in 1966, which led to the development of OSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America), whose posters for the Palestinian revolution — and other anti-imperialist struggles — have remained indelible symbols of the common cause of justice.

Through this revolutionary struggle, the deep alliance between the Cuban and Palestinian revolutions was born. Cuba has consistently supported the Palestinian liberation struggle on multiple levels, and the Palestinian and Cuban flags have risen as twin banners of liberation everywhere in the world, reflecting the common confrontation of imperialism, Zionism and their reactionary agents everywhere. In Palestine, the Cuban revolution has always had particular resonance. Che Guevara visited Gaza in 1959, shortly after the victory of the revolution, as part of the Non-Aligned Movement and the alliance of anti-colonial forces. According to Palestinian scholar Salman Abu Sitta, Guevara urged the Palestinians to develop their training camps, weapons production and people’s mobilization centres. Today, in 2024, viewing the strength of the resistance, their capacity for weapons production amid siege and genocide, and the steadfast popular cradle of the people, it is clear that the Palestinian revolutionary movement has fully implemented such proposals beyond what could have been imagined in 1959.

The leader of the armed struggle in Gaza in the early 1970s was Mohammed al-Aswad of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — “Guevara Gaza.” Indeed, Moshe Dayan once said, “We run Gaza by day, and Guevara and his comrades run it at night.” Che Guevara continues to be a unifying symbol not only of the Palestinian Left but of the armed liberation struggle across political lines. Today, as Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif, and all of the heroic fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades, Saraya al-Quds, the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, and all of the armed forces of the Palestinian resistance lead an unprecedented battle from Gaza, Che’s famous call, “Homeland or death!” echoes in their bravery, faith and love for the people and land of Palestine.

Today, as the Palestinian Resistance leads the liberation struggle in Gaza, aligned with all of the forces of the resistance in the region and the world, it is the fighters in Palestine, in Yemen, in Lebanon, in Iraq, who are ushering in another new era of the defeat of imperialism. Al-Aqsa Flood has marked the turning point for a new generation of revolutionaries, toward a global intifada and a rebirth of the Palestinian and international revolutionary movement, a great flood that will wash away US and European imperialist hegemony in the Arab and Iranian region. This anniversary is even more meaningful as the Palestinian people in Gaza resist genocide and lead the battle for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea and the total defeat of Zionism and imperialism.

It follows shortly on the anniversary of the founding of the Sandinista National Liberation Front in Nicaragua on 19 July 1961, and the victorious Nicaraguan revolution 18 years later in 1979, as Nicaragua continues to confront US imperialism, and this year, in 2024, we mark the anniversary of the Cuban Revolution as Bolivarian Venezuela prepares for presidential elections on 28 July, facing down US-sponsored sanctions, coercive economic measures, and imperialist intervention aimed to undermine and impose regime change upon the Bolivarian Revolution. Venezuela is holding fast to its sovereignty and its internationalist commitments, including to Palestinian liberation, to determine its own future as part of the global camp of resistance.

Cuba is perhaps one of the paradigmatic examples of defiance and steadfastness in the face of US sanctions, alongside Haiti, Iran, and other nations that have been subjected to imperialist economic and military coercion for decades on end. The US has attempted to impose regime change on Cuba and destroy the Cuban revolution through sanctions, blockades and policies that are designed to starve and impoverish the Cuban people. The blockade on Gaza and the siege on Palestine — and on the Palestinian people everywhere — is akin to that imposed on Cuba, and both represent a form of genocide, a war against the population as a whole, and an attempt to confiscate the wealth of the people of the Global South through fraud and theft, as well-documented by the International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism.

Cuba is also currently labeled as a “state sponsor of terrorism” by the United States, being designated in a clear attempt to impose political, economic and military pressure on Cuba to give up their sovereign and socialist path of development. This is reminiscent of the case of Palestine, where Palestinian resistance organizations, including Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement; the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement; the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Hezbollah, and many other resistance forces, are labeled as “terrorist organizations” by the US, Britain, European Union and Canada in an attempt to undermine the Palestinian people’s justified and legitimate struggle by all means, including and especially armed struggle, to achieve their liberation. “Terrorist” designations aim to divide the peoples of the world from forging alliances, criminalize global solidarity and separate populations in exile and diaspora from their homelands. In Cuba as in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen and the Philippines, such designations will never succeed in undermining the people’s struggle for justice, dignity and true freedom.

On 26 July 2024, this monumental anniversary, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network extends its salutes and solidarity to the people and leadership of Cuba and emphasizes our confidence in the continued success, development and strength of the Cuban revolution. We also salute and join in the global movement to end the blockade, siege and sanctions on Cuba.

We are confident that the longtime alliance and deep solidarity of the Palestinian and Cuban revolutionary movements and peoples will continue to flourish and development, and that all of the imperialist schemes and targeting of Cuba will fail, breaking the siege and blockade and removing Cuba from the “terror list.”

Further, we look upon this anniversary as a promise for the future of Palestine as well, of the inevitable victory of the people’s struggle for liberation, and the triumph of the Palestinian resistance over Zionism, imperialism and all reactionary agents. Victory is coming, from the tunnels of Gaza, to the camps of resistance in the West Bank, to the Palestinian people fighting for return in exile and diaspora, to the valiant struggle in occupied Palestine ’48, led by the heroic resistance. As Fidel Castro said in 1953, history will indeed absolve us of all of the lies and propaganda campaigns of Zionism and imperialism, and uphold the heroic fighters of Palestine as the defenders of humanity, heralding a new era for all.

Victory for Cuba, victory for Palestine!

Down with imperialism!

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

Just a few of the Cuban posters for Palestine produced by OSPAAAL:

Joint statement: In defense of our comrade Mohammed Khatib

We are republishing the following statement by Classe Contre Classe, Front Rev and the Popular Committee for Palestine in Belgium. Read more about the attempt to target Mohammed Khatib: Samidoun Europe coordinator Mohammed Khatib threatened with revocation of asylum in Belgium: Speak out to defend Palestine! Mohammed, the European coordinator of Samidoun, is currently serving as one of 1,000 international election observers in Venezuela of the upcoming elections on 28 July. 

On 15 April, in close collaboration with the Zionist state and in the midst of genocide, the Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, Nicole de Moor, initiated a procedure with the aim of withdrawing the political refugee status from our comrade Mohammed Khatib, as well as his right of residence in Belgium. This procedure embodies the imperialist solidarity of the Belgian state with the Israeli colonial state: Mohammed should have his papers withdrawn because his political work with Samidoun, the international Palestinian solidarity political prisoners network, “harms diplomatic relations with Israel”, according to Belgian intelligence.

We are used to saying that the Belgian police work slowly but effectively in their counter-revolutionary work. We note that it can also show zeal and act with speed when it comes to carrying out the dirty work of the imperialist bourgeoisie. It even seems that the whole political-bureaucratic apparatus is ready to sell out its own principles. The few old progressive rags with which the Western metropolitan bourgeoisie used to drape itself are falling to shreds in the light of the ongoing genocide.

Why our comrade? We are not going to repeat what others have said with far more accolade than we have: he was targeted because of Islamophobia, targeted because he was a refugee, attacked because of the political line he represents and hunted down because he was a revolutionary.

We believe that in the eyes of those in power, Mohammed has crossed another red line: practising revolutionary internationalism. Not the kind of internationalism that consists of institutional kowtowing or theatrical displays of solidarity. It’s internationalism from below, genuinely linked to the struggles of our metropolis. In these struggles, shoulder to shoulder, we nourish and enrich each other. An unbearable crime in the eyes of our enemies.

This relentlessness undoubtedly lies in the fact that the Belgian revolutionary left has more to learn from the Palestinian revolutionary movement than vice versa.

Nevertheless, our enemy’s determination to strike our comrade shows us what he fears: revolutionary internationalism.

From now on, we are going to draw inspiration from his way of doing things: we are going to work slowly and methodically in this direction, with Palestine as our compass.

In the meantime, we say to our Palestinian comrades:

Victory for the fighters
Honour to the martyrs
Health for the wounded
Freedom for the prisoners!

Long live international solidarity!


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As the Games open in Paris: “Israel” out of the Olympics — Boycott colonial athletics!

As the 2024 Olympic Games open in Paris, France on Friday, 26 July, they have been deemed the “Genocide Games” as they welcome the participation of dozens of Zionist soldiers amid the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the systematic destruction of Palestinian sport as part and parcel of the attack upon Palestinian life throughout Gaza and all of Palestine.


It is clear that the participation of the “Israeli” delegation at the Olympic Games is a direct endorsement of the Zionist genocide in Palestine, especially as the International Olympic Committee swiftly banned Russian and Belarusian athletes from sending a national delegation or from personal participation if they are involved in the war effort in Ukraine. Those who are participating are doing so under a neutral banner — and even this decision is being assailed as insufficiently harsh against Russia and Belarus. At the same time, active Zionist soldiers engaged in a genocide are competing openly, bearing the flag under which the genocide is being conducted. The decisions of the IOC appear to mirror the priorities of NATO, rather than those of justice or even international law and human rights.

In a statement to the Lebanese Olympic Committee, the Campaign to Boycott Supporters of “Israel” in Lebanon emphasized that the IOC is promulgating “rules” that aim to silence individual countries from speaking out against the continued participation of the genocidal Zionist regime. They noted: “The position of the International Olympic Committee and its recent message may explain the lack of response of the Olympic committees in other Arab countries to the messages of the boycott campaigns in those countries, out of fear of the ‘warning’ that reached them.”

The flag bearer of the Zionist delegation, Peter Paltchik, publicly flaunted his enthusiasm to send US-made missiles to rain down destruction on the Palestinian people in Gaza, and their delegation includes dozens of other members and veterans of the occupation military. Olympic athletes even visited occupation soldiers as they were carrying out the genocide in Gaza in order to express their support. Karim Zidan wrote, “Accompanied by the president of the Israeli Olympic Committee and other key officials within the national committee, the three Olympians—Inbar Lanir, Raz Hershko and Tina Nelson Lev—posed for pictures with some of the soldiers and commanders stationed along the Gaza border.” As the heroic Palestinian resistance is criminalized and designated as “terrorists” as they exercise their right to defend their land and people and engage in armed struggle for national liberation, genocidal colonialist soldiers are being celebrated as symbols of international sport by the IOC and the French state.

The Paris Olympics have also, once again, highlighted the complicity of the French state in the colonization of Palestine and the ongoing genocide. French president Emmanuel Macron welcomed the Zionist regime’s president Isaac Herzog, who has not only presided over the genocide but has labeled boycott efforts a form of “terrorism.” This lines up well with the French state’s continued efforts to criminally prosecute activists and organizers for working to boycott and internationally isolate the Israeli regime, as well as its attempts to ban and criminalize demonstrations for Palestine and organizations working for Palestinian liberation, such as the Collectif Palestine Vaincra. France, alongside the United States, Germany, Britain, Italy, Canada and other imperialist powers, has been a full partner in the ongoing genocide in occupied Palestine.

Of course, France also continues to imprison Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab Communist struggler for Palestine who has been jailed in French prisons for over 40 years, despite being eligible for release since 1999 and even having his release ordered by French courts, only for his return to Lebanon to be blocked by French politicians, acting together with U.S. officials.

Thousands of people have joined mass demonstrations in France against the participation of “Israel” in the Olympic Games. CAPJPO-Europalestine and Marchons pour la Palestine gathered daily for two months in front of the Olympic Games Organizing Committee in Aubervilliers. A mass demonstration in Paris — with the participation of Nkosi Zwelivelile Mandla Mandela, the grandson of Nelson Mandela, who has become an international spokesperson for the campaign to exclude the Zionist regime from the Olympics — brought large numbers into the streets against the celebration of genocide at the Games.

Protesters in Toulouse denounced the participation of “Israel” in the Olympic Games, including a rugby team, BRIC – Bourrassol Rugby International Club, that issued an official statement: “Today, we stand alongside the Collectif Palestine Vaincra to denounce the fact that athletes can compete in the 2024 Olympic Games under the banner of Israel, currently the perpetrator of war crimes and responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians.”

The Zionist genocide in Gaza has already taken the lives of hundreds of Palestinian athletes, including 69 Olympians. Palestinian stadiums and sports clubs have been targeted for destruction, and even children playing football in the yard of an UNRWA school where they were displaced were targeted by “Israeli” bombs. Mohammed Hamada, the first Palestinian Olympic weightlifter, has been denied participation in this year’s Olympics due to the genocide; he lost 20kg (44 pounds) due to the Zionist policy of imposed starvation against Palestinians in Gaza.

In addition, hundreds more Palestinian athletes are imprisoned by the Zionist regime, among the over 9,700 Palestinian prisoners in Zionist jails and the thousands more being held, their names and identities hidden, in the notorious detention camps for Palestinians in Gaza, where Palestinian hostages are subjected to the most severe forms of torture, abuse, starvation, medical mistreatment, forced amputation, sexual assault and other forms of state terror. Muazzaz Abayat, an amateur bodybuilder from Bethlehem, who prior to his detention weighed 109 kg and was solidly muscular, was released from Zionist jails emaciated and severely injured. He called upon the world: “We do not want you to free us from occupation. We want you to, at the very least, support our people….I am asking you to look at the condition of the Palestinian prisons. The country they call Israel is killing and torturing prisoners. There are horrible discoveries to be made.”

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of justice in Palestine — particularly sports clubs, athletes and people involved in international and local sport — to step up the athletic boycott of the Zionist regime. The Zionist regime is engaged in an active genocide against the Palestinian people, and its sporting infrastructure is deeply intertwined with the Zionist project for the past 76 years, including and especially its military. The Zionist sports project is one of colonialism and supremacy, weaponized in the genocide against the Palestinian people. It’s long past time to get “Israel” out of the Olympic Games! Further, we urge people of conscience to boycott, protest and disrupt all sporting events involving “Israeli” teams or representatives of the Zionist regime in occupied Palestine. There is no fair play for genocide, and it is long past time that “Israel” is a pariah in all aspects of international sporting.

As the Olympic Games open in Paris to the celebration of genocide and the welcoming of dozens of genocidal Zionist regime soldiers, their attempt to destroy Palestinian sport must inspire the outrage of all to exclude, isolate and boycott “Israel”. Despite the destruction and genocide imposed by Zionism and imperialism, Palestine rises, the resistance grows, and liberation draws nearer.

Solidarity with the CUNY 27: Drop the charges now — build the global intifada!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the CUNY 27, the detainees in New York who were seized by the New York Police Department as part of their violent assault on the campus encampment in solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian liberation struggle on 30 April 2024, the same night of the violent raid on the Columbia University encampment.

The NYPD’s record of extreme brutality and repression targeting the Palestine liberation movement and Arab, Palestinian and Muslim communities in New York has been extensively documented. The attacks on protesters and the broader solidarity movement have come hand in hand with the NYPD’s ongoing violent repression and occupation of Black communities and have strikingly illustrated the alliance between imperialism and Zionism and the role of militarized policing in protecting genocide. It has also exposed the role of universities in research and development, study abroad programs, and joint initiatives with Zionist institutions, as well as their function in service of US imperialism.

At the same time, the growing student movement — the Student Intifada — has sparked panic in the governing halls and corridors of empire. From members of Congress to Genocide Joe Biden to New York Mayor Eric Adams to a seemingly endless parade of politicians, the student movement has been met with threats, violent police raids, beatings, and thousands of arrests across the United States, Canada and Europe. Students and community members at public universities, often working-class students and students of colour, have been hit particularly hard; for example, the CUNY 22 were hit with felony charges. Columbia students refused to take favourable agreements because the CUNY 22 were being hit with far more severe charges. Now, the CUNY 22 have learned of five more defendants arrested outside and facing even heavier allegations at the hands of the NYPD — meaning that they are now the CUNY 27.

We join the mass movement demanding the immediate withdrawal of all charges against the CUNY 27 and all arrestees, detainees and prisoners facing charges or jailed due to their involvement in the movement for the liberation of Palestine. As over 9700 Palestinian prisoners are held captive in Zionist jails, hostages for freedom, thousands detained with no charge or trial, organizing amid severe torture, abuse and forced starvation, building and leading a resistance movement from behind bars, we must take inspiration in their leadership and advance our struggle for their complete liberation and to bring down the systems of repression targeting the global intifada.

Escalating to end a genocide is not a crime — indeed, it is a duty, particularly in the heart of the imperial core, at a moment when the resistance forces of the region, from Palestine to Yemen to Lebanon to Iraq and beyond, are on the front lines sacrificing and fighting for the protection and liberation of humanity. We must all make clear that the raids and arrests will not intimidate our movement nor cause us to de-escalate our tactics and methods of struggle, but will only lead us to greater unity, resistance and confrontation, to end the genocide and for a free Palestine from the river to the sea.

As the CUNY 22 say:

We are not just fighting for a Free Palestine but for the liberation of all. The fight for liberation requires sacrifice. We fight for ourselves and our communities. Palestine is everywhere, we cannot free Palestine until we free ourselves, and we cannot free ourselves until we free Palestine. The city of New York and their pigs are going to keep brutalizing and escalating, and so will we. Remember, “we are all outside agitators”.  Whether we are fighting in Atlanta, New York City, Sudan, or Palestine, the enemy remains the same. The zionist entity escalates, so does the Palestinian Resistance. The pigs and institutions escalate, so do the agitators of the world!


We are republishing the original statement of the CUNY 22, issued on Thursday 25 June, below: 

As of the release of this statement, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been martyred over the last nine months ––a continuation of 76 years of the genocidal ambitions of the zionist state, a continuation of the Nakba. These numbers do not include the hundreds of thousands missing and under the rubble in Gaza. An entire population is being starved, while over 20,000 are held hostage in the West Bank. Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq continue to respond to the Palestinian call by confronting the zionist entity, smashing all illusions of the occupation’s invincibility while they deal with entity’s outbursts. “The Axis of Resistance bears its responsibility not only in supporting Gaza but in doing more to serve the primary goal, which is stopping the aggression in all its forms.” The fight is not just in solidarity, but in resisting assimilation to the colonial project.  The CUNY 22 attempted to answer the call made by the steadfast Palestinian resistance to escalate from within the belly of the beast. We resist with Gaza.

We are an autonomous group of students, faculty, community members and outside agitators who chose to disrupt the encampment’s status quo in order to dismantle CUNY’s active role in this genocide and ongoing apartheid. CUNY refuses to sever ties with these criminal entities. Instead, it welcomes IOF soldiers onto campuses, promoting these war criminals as “heroes.” CUNY employs former IOF “counter-terrorism” officials, such as maria haberfeld, a professor of police science. CUNY’s partners, like Hillel, organize student trips to IOF bases, providing food and material aid to zionist forces. CUNY funds weapons manufacturers like Boeing, General Electric, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon, whose bombs and jets are used by the IOF to indiscriminately massacre Palestinians. Furthermore, CUNY facilitates US military recruitment through Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC) and campus recruitment. Since October 7, 2023, numerous CUNY administrations have issued disingenuous statements about anti-Semitism on campus, yet they remain silent on the ongoing genocide. Instead, CUNY actively represses and condemns any support of the Palestinian right to self determination and liberation, contributing to the widespread racist dehumanization of Palestinians.

The occupation of buildings by students and outside agitators symbolizes reclaiming space and disrupting normal operations to draw attention to injustices and force institutions to address the demands of protestors.  Assata Shakur, prominent member of the Black Panther Party and later the Black Liberation Army, was first arrested in 1967 during a student-led occupation of a CUNY building. The occupation of the CUNY building was part of a broader wave of student activism during the 1960s and 1970s, which sought to address issues such as educational inequity, racial discrimination and social justice. The reinstatement of the Guillermo Morales/Assata Shakur community center, which existed because of a campus occupation, is one of the demands of the Gaza Solidarity Encampment.

As the zionist entity continues its destruction of the Gaza Strip—and the United States maintains its genocidal hegemony from Palestine to Harlem—the working class people of the world escalate. The encampments were an escalatory response, but they often failed to envision an end goal beyond a meeting, a committee or an email. An encampment should not normalize the institution, it should disrupt it, dismantle it and abolish it. A principled encampment should not collaborate with the pigs. This includes campus “public safety.” Anyone that chooses to play the role of a pig is the enemy. CUNY public safety proved to be an enemy to the working class when they attempted to grab a protester on the first day of the encampment. This protester was later arrested and charged with a felony, tracked down by the surveillance equipment plaguing campus. A few days later “public safety” sicced the pigs on a Harlem community member riding through campus, leading to an unwarranted violent arrest, and assaulting a protester in the process.

On April 30th, the night of the CUNY raid, “public safety” brutalized protesters at the encampment and inside the building: pepper-spraying, smashing batons in faces, breaking glass, bones and teeth, harassing and choking us. CUNY “public safety” are the pigs! The pigs are the IOF! The investment and collaboration with the zionist entity by CUNY actively gentrifies and destroys Harlem, a Black neighborhood with a rich history of anti imperialism and Black radical thought. The fight for a liberated Palestine is also a fight for a liberated Harlem, and the destruction of U.S Empire. On the same night of the 30th, a few hours later, Columbia rebels who took Hinds Hall were brutalized by the pigs and arrested en masse for their continued agitation. CUNY agitators spent a longer time in custody, are facing higher charges and continued backlash. The narrative of “good” vs. “bad” protester is a narrative pushed by the state to divide our efforts along class and racial contentions, but in reality–the fight against the same enemy unites us .

Since the violent escalation by CUNY and the pigs, New York revised its penal code of felony burglary after all 22 agitators were charged with 3rd degree felony burglary in a clear representation of state repression against those of us who choose to act against genocide. At the same time, the CUNY Board of Trustees introduced a resolution to spend 4 million dollars on a private security firm that advertises its services to pigs and zionist trained “experts” to spy on pro-Palestine protesters. CUNY’s systemic embrace of violent displacement was exposed on social media when a “public safety” officer working the College of Staten Island’s graduation ceremony was filmed saying “Yes I do, I support genocide, I support killing all you guys, how about that?” to pro-Palestinian demonstrators.

In June, the CUNY 22 had our court dates. Nine of us with CUNY affiliations received full dismissals, nine were offered adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, three were offered plea deals, and one remains with no offer on the table at all. An additional five protesters are being tried separately, facing down heavy charges after being arrested outside of the building. The division of our group has nothing to do with our actions but is a deliberate attempt to isolate us and intimidate us to not continue our fight. We will not be intimidated into silence by the state. The material impact we will have on each other across schools, boroughs, cities and countries may not be immediately clear, but with every step we take we set a precedent for how the state expects us to move.

The City of New York and their pigs continue to escalate their repression of the city. Since the mass arrests and felony charges at the encampments, the pigs have been sending protesters partaking in various demonstrations to central bookings on a weekly basis, pushing higher criminal charges, and heavily brutalizing communities. This was especially glaring on the weekend of Nakba day at a Within Our Lifetime (WOL) action and on May 11th, when the pigs arrested two ‘We The People’ (an ongoing food distribution site) members in Harlem and arrested nine community members doing jail support, sending them all to central bookings. Since resident pig eric adams took office, he has cut the city budget massively to further fund the pigs, sent the National Guard onto public transit, is destroying Chinatown with a massive prison, and is expanding Queens Cop City to militarize city government workers.

We are not just fighting for a Free Palestine but for the liberation of all. The fight for liberation requires sacrifice. We fight for ourselves and our communities. Palestine is everywhere, we cannot free Palestine until we free ourselves, and we cannot free ourselves until we free Palestine. The city of New York and their pigs are going to keep brutalizing and escalating, and so will we. Remember, “we are all outside agitators”.  Whether we are fighting in Atlanta, New York City, Sudan, or Palestine, the enemy remains the same. The zionist entity escalates, so does the Palestinian Resistance. The pigs and institutions escalate, so do the agitators of the world!






  1. Prism Reports
  2. WOL Palestine
  3. Al Jazeera
  4. Hell Gate NYC
  5. NBC New York
  6. revisal of penal code


26 July, NYC: Flood Hunter for Gaza – NYC Week of Rage for Palestine

🗓 FRIDAY July 26th
🕒 3:00 PM
📍Outside Hunter West
Hunter College, New York City

To culminate the Week of Rage called for by Within Our Lifetime, Cuny for Palestine, and National Students for Justice in Palestine, we, the students, protest against police repression and the recent filming of an FBI: Most Wanted episode at CUNY Queens College, along with their mockery of the Gaza Solidarity Encampment.

This is clearly an attempt to demonize the Student Movement against the genocide in Gaza. We demand accountability from CUNY administrators and will continue to enforce our demands at our universities until they are met.

Join us at 3 PM in front of the West Building at Hunter College to remind Hunter/CUNY administration that we will not stop and we will not rest. Long live the Student Intifada.

26 July, Brussels: Rally against police violence targeting the Palestine movement

Friday, July 26
6 pm/18h
Brussels, Belgium

We call for a big and strong mobilisation against police; the enemy of the people and the protectors of racist and fascist power!

Police violence is nothing new in Belgium and especially not against marginalised communities. The Belgian police has a history of killing people of colour in their cells, prisons and in our streets.

On the 25th of July we did not only see an increase of that violence but we also saw once again that this violence is targeting Palestinians and the people who dare to speak up against the complicity of the Belgian state in the genocide of the Palestinian people.

We saw innocent people being cornered in the streets, beaten and arrested by the police for wearing kuffiyes or a bracelet with Palestine written on it.

At the same time people waving the Zionist flag are left at peace. Enough! Now more than ever it is clear how far the Belgian state is willing to go to protect the interest of the Zionist state!

We condemn police violence and we condemn the Belgian states complicity in the genocide!

It is our duty to fight the oppressive systems here where we live, only this way we can help our comrades in Palestine who are fighting the oppressive systems they’re fighting.

Join us this Friday 6pm at Bourse against police violence and for a free Palestine from the river to the sea!

Vancouver demonstration slams war criminal Netanyahu’s speech to the US Congress

On Wednesday evening, 24 June, crowds of demonstrators marched through downtown Vancouver and to the US Consulate to express their outrage at the appearance of war criminal, Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in the US Congress in Washington, DC.

The demonstration, which came alongside dozens of protests across North America and internationally as well as a major manifestation of thousands in Washington, DC, brought people together to demand accountability for genocide and an end to US imperialism in Palestine and throughout the region.

The demonstration was organized by Samidoun Vancouver, Masar Badil Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, Free Palestine BC, Canada Palestine Association and BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish.

Speakers discussed the student movement in Bangladesh and Bangladeshi-Palestinian solidarity; represented Samidoun Toronto; spoke on behalf of the Palestinian Youth Movement; and hailed the heroic Palestinian, Yemeni, Lebanese and regional resistance, particularly the armed resistance, confronting the genocide.

Demonstrators sat down in front of the US Consulate, and marched through the Law Courts demanding an end to repression of protesters for justice in Palestine. Khaled Barakat, Palestinian writer and member of the Executive Committee of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, laid out the clear connections between Zionism and imperialism, speaking in front of the consulate.

Marchers also stopped at boycott targets such as McDonalds and Starbucks to highlight and denounce the complicity of these global corporations in Zionist genocide and colonialism. One participant dressed in fatigues in honour of Aaron Bushnell, the US Air Force serviceman who burned himself alive in front of the Zionist embassy in Washington, DC, shouting “Free Palestine!” after he said, “I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force. And I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest. But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers—it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

The next protest for Palestine in Vancouver will take place on Saturday, June 27 at 6 pm at the Olympic Cauldron, in a mass Silent March for Palestine.

Photos by Michael YC Tseng