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14-23 October: Global Week of Action for Palestinian Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is joining the Palestinian Youth Movement and over 30 other organizations, to call upon all supporters of the Palestinian struggle to join us on October 14th – 23rd for a week of action in support of Palestinian political prisoners and their fight for freedom and dignity.

On September 25th, 30 Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli military prisons began an indefinite hunger strike calling for an end to their “administrative detention.” Administrative detention is a systematic policy of arbitrary imprisonment whereby the Zionist state detains Palestinians and incarcerates them, without charge or trial, for an indefinite period. The policy is one of the many colonial tactics used by the occupation to routinely target, harass, intimidate, and silence Palestinian youth and organizers who become a symbol of hope for their people. In this way, administrative detention is ultimately an effort to dampen Palestinians’ collective spirit and deter them from continuing to organize for liberation.

 Following the announcement of their collective open hunger strike, the Israeli Prison Services has punitively transferred all the detainees to isolation cells, away from the rest of the Palestinian prisoners and detainees. Out of the 30 detainees, 28 of them are held in Ofer Prison and are currently in collective isolation, divided into four separate prison cells. Of the other two, Salah Hammouri is being held in solitary confinement in Hadarim while Ghassan Zawahreh is being held in solitary confinement in Naqab Prison. Salah Hammouri, is a recognized Palestinian/French human rights defender and political prisoners lawyer working at Addameer, who has been the subject of the Israeli occupation harassment for over 22 years now and is currently facing an imminent threat of forced deportation from his hometown Jerusalem in an attempt of the Israeli occupation to further ethnically cleans Jerusalemites from Jerusalem.

Nonetheless, in the face of unspeakable repression, Palestinian political prisoners including Salah continue to demonstrate their courage and steadfastness on the frontlines of our struggle, using their bodies and their physical autonomy as tools to liberate themselves, and empowering others to do the same. Indeed, following the initial announcement and statement from the 30 hunger strikers, on October 9th, 20 more prisoners joined them — with a total of 50 Palestinian political prisoners now on hunger strike in protest of their detention.

We ask our people in the diaspora and our joint struggle partners, along with Palestinian/Arab organizations, collectives, and unions, to join us for a week of action in support of the hunger strike. We call on you to organize actions at Israeli embassies and consulates, engage politicians on all levels, mobilize media channels, organize twitter storms including influencers and others, release your own statements in solidarity, host educational events in your area with unions, students and policy makers, and issue public demands to your governments to apply sanctions against the settler-colonial state of Israel.

We will continue to uplift the courage, determination and steadfastness of Palestinian political prisoners by amplifying their demands: an end to administrative detention and the immediate and unconditional release of all Palestinian political prisoners held hostage in Zionist jails.

Until Return and Liberation,

Palestinian Youth Movement

Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Collectif Palestine Vaincra


Canada-Philippines Solidarity Organization


SJP at X University

Faculty for Palestine

INSAF uOttawa

Al-Awda PRRC

National Students for Justice in Palestine

BDS Boston

Solidarity with Palestinian Human Rights McGill (SPHR McGill)

Arab Left Forum – Canada

Jewish Voice for Peace – NYC

The Mapping Project

Academics for Palestine-Concordia

USPCN- Northern California


Pan-African Community Action (PACA)

Yemeni Liberation Movement

Thowra Dabke

Spring Socialist Network

Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights Concordia

Labour For Palestine

DSA North Texas

Dallas Anti-War Committee

Malaya Movement Texas

Mount Royal University

Students Allied For Freedom and Equality

Students for Justice at Palestine at Mason

Giovani palestinesi d’Italia (GPI)

Solidarity Across Borders (SAB)

Claudia Jones School for Political Education

American Muslims for Palestine

Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste

Independent Jewish Voices

South Asian Diaspora Action Collective (SADAC)

To add your organization’s signature, fill out the form here.


New York demonstration amplifies call to #ShutElbitDown and support Palestine Action

Demonstrators in New York City gathered on Sunday, 9 October to stand in solidarity with Palestine Action and build the campaign to #ShutElbitDown. The demonstration, organized by Samidoun NY/NJ, Within Our Lifetime and the Palestinian Youth Movement, gathered outside the MetLife building, which has offices of both the Bank of New York Mellon Corporation and Barclays. The two banks are major investors in Elbit Systems, the notorious Israeli arms manufacturer marketing and profiting from the death, colonization and oppression of the Palestinian people.

Elbit Systems has been targeted in a strong, successful campaign by Palestine Action, particularly in Britain. Direct actions at the company’s arms factories and offices have cost it significant amounts of damage, while preventing the factories from producing weapons for days on end. Two of Elbit’s British facilities have already been closed as a result of Palestine Action’s direct actions and advocacy.

Following these direct actions and the hit to their bottom line, the British government is collaborating with Elbit to prosecute Palestine Action activists. The “Elbit Eight” are facing felony charges, with trumped-up allegations of “blackmail” that could carry serious prison terms. Many Palestine Action activists have already faced lesser charges, with the vast majority defeating these charges in court or having them thrown out or cancelled before the hearings even begin due to lack of evidence, unlikelihood of a conviction or improper police actions.

The Elbit Eight trial was scheduled to begin on 10 October, but was postponed days before until November 2023. The New York City action not only demanded an end to the prosecution of Palestine Action activists but also emphasized why people in the U.S. — and New York in particular — will be organizing and building to #ShutElbitDown globally. The defense campaign is highlighting that in reality it is #ElbitIsGuilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity, in Palestine and internationally, not Palestine Action.

After the rally outside the MetLife building, participants marched through the building on the ground floor to Grand Central Terminal as the large station echoed with chants and calls for Palestinian liberation. Demonstrators then marched to the British consulate, rallying in a courtyard in the tower’s property and demanding British officials end their ongoing prosecutions of Palestine Action activists in support of Elbit’s arms manufacturing.

Demonstrators also drew attention and expressed their solidarity and support for the 30 Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike, with an additional 20 joining the strike on 9 October. The hunger strikers are demanding an end to administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial, resisting the occupation from behind bars.

During the demonstration, Laila Boutros, Joe Catron and Hassan spoke on behalf of Samidoun NY/NJ.

Joe Catron provided an overview of the #ShutElbitDown campaign, Palestine Action’s activities and the power of direct action to extract a meaningful cost from occupation arms dealers.

Laila Boutros delivered the following speech:

Starting in July 2021, Palestine Action’s #ShutElbitDown campaign has utilized direct action to shut down Elbit Systems factories and headquarters throughout Britain. Elbit has taken Palestine Action to court many times over their direct action campaigns targeting the Elbit factories and headquarters, but none of these attempts have led to significant legal consequences. A number of these cases have been delayed significantly, while many activists being charged have walked free after charges being dropped due to “unrealistic prospects of conviction” and Elbit’s continuous failure to provide adequate evidence to the courts. Just last month, five activists had all of their charges dropped following action taken in July at Elbit subsidiary ‘UAV Engines’, where combat drone parts and engines are manufactured.

The latest development in the #ElbitIsGuilty campaign has been spurred by the #Elbit8 case, in which 8 Palestine Action activists were set to face trial on October 10th for charges of burglary, criminal damage and blackmail. The 3 activists facing blackmail charges could face up to 14 years imprisonment each. Last week, the activists were informed that their trial has been postponed to next year, November 2023.

The #ElbitIsGuilty campaign is a campaign that encompasses all of Palestine Action’s legal battles. This campaign seeks to expose Elbit’s violent crimes against the Palestinian people and expose the truth that Elbit is guilty. Elbit would like to hold the Palestine Action activists accountable for their acts of resistance against Elbit, but they are hypocrites. Elbit advertises their products as battle-tested in Gaza, battle-tested on Palestinian people in Gaza, they are proud of the crimes they have committed. They say the Palestine Action activists are the criminals, but they are the real criminals.

I will now read a passage from comrade George Habash, Al Hakim, the speech that he delivered at the Jordan International Hotel in Amman in 1970 to hostages following a resistance operation in the face of US-backed Jordanian regime attacks against the Palestinian revolution.

Al Hakim says – “After 22 years of injustice, inhumanity, living in camps with nobody caring for us, we feel that we have the very full right to protect our revolution. We have all the right to protect our revolution. Our code of morals is our revolution. What saves our revolution, what helps our revolution, what protects our revolution is right, is very right and very honorable and very noble and very beautiful, because our revolution means justice, means having back our homes, having back our country, which is a very just and noble aim.”

Al Hakim was speaking of the brave Palestinian resistance in Palestine and elsewhere in the Arab world, but we know that in order to win, we must fight back everywhere – whether it is in Palestine, New York City, London, or anywhere else in the world. We all have a right and a duty to resist the murderous Zionist entity and all institutions that support and benefit from the Zionist entity’s genocide of the Palestinian people. Our comrades in Palestine Action have taken this duty very seriously and we will not let them fight alone.

Hassan delivered the following speech:

Elbit systems essentially wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the constant siege of Gaza which is punctuated by regular full scale assaults. In the 2014 war on Gaza Elbit supplied all manner of missiles drones and surveillance technology that were crucial to the offensive. In addition, shortly thereafter in 2015, Elbit was contracted to build a new “smart wall” around Gaza that included a 130-foot deep underground wall.

Both the Bank of NY Mellon and Barclays, whose major offices in the US are right in this building, underwrite these murderous quote unquote innovations. They assure Elbit continues to profit from the genocide of Palestinians.

During the July peak of the 2014 war Elbit’s profits increased by over 6%, a huge increase for a single month. The war on Gaza is not just it’s main source of income, it’s also a primary source of marketing. Since this was the first time Elbit’s drones were used in a full-scale ground assault their drones were now marketed as ‘battle-tested’, a moniker that is deeply attractive to repressive governments the world over.

After the 2014 war the Swiss government approved a 280 million dollar deal to purchase the ‘battle-tested’ Hermes 900 drones. Shortly thereafter, the UK Ministry of Defense signed a contract for a joint venture to the tune of 1.6 billion dollars with Elbit and a French company, Thales systems, to produce drones similar to the Hermes drones. The same drones were then purchased by the Brazillian government for use against protests during the World Cup. About half of Elbit’s revenue come from these weapons exports.

Again in 2021, during the most recent assault on Gaza, Elbit saw a huge revenue boost, this time over 30% leading to record-breaking sales that year. It is this constant deluge of war that has allowed Elbit Systems to become the largest exporter of drones in the world.

The biggest threat to that market dominance and to the company as a whole is Palestine Action in the UK and that’s why we support them.

Repressive forces around the world have applauded Elbit systems for making it easier to quash protests and oppress poor and struggling people. That’s why the work of the Elbit eight is so crucial. They’re fighting not just for Palestine but so that all of us, the world over, are not subjected to these death machines for the simple crime of wanting to be free.

Is it right to rebel, Elbit Systems go to hell!

Nerdeen Kiswani, chair of Within Our Lifetime, spoke at the conclusion of the rally, emphasizing: “It is Elbit that is guilty! It is Elbit that must be shut down!” highlighting that Palestine Action’s direct actions interrupt the flow of weaponry to occupied and colonized Palestine.

Samidoun NY/NJ, Within Our Lifetime and the Palestinian Youth Movement will continue to organize to #ShutElbitDown and support Palestine Action in New York City. Please contact Samidoun NY/NJ on Twitter and/or Instagram to get involved in the campaign. Visit Palestine Action’s website to find out more about how you can support #ShutElbitDown, donate to their work and expand the pressure on Israeli arms dealers.

17 October, Vancouver: Film Screening: Fedayin, the Struggle of Georges Abdallah + Support Palestinian Hunger Strikers

Monday, October 17
7 pm
1803 E 1st Ave
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/645019576977269

On 24 October 2022, Georges Abdallah — the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine — will enter his 39th year in French prisons. Join us to mark the International Month of Action to Free Georges Abdallah and to learn about his story by joining us for a screening of “Fedayin,” the powerful documentary highlighting the Palestinian struggle through the life and resistance of Georges Abdallah.

We will also focus on the 50 Palestinian prisoners currently on hunger strike in Israeli occupation prisons to demand an end to administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. 30 Palestinian prisoners have been on hunger strike since 25 September and 20 more since 9 October to demand justice and freedom. This event is also part of the global week of action for the hunger strikers.

Free admission, donations welcome

This event is taking place on the unceded and occupied territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) peoples. The organizers stand in full solidarity and support of Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination and with the ongoing movements to defend land, water and Indigenous peoples from plunder and settler colonialism.

New website for Brussels actions: 29 October, March for Return and Liberation!

The Masar Badil (Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement) launched a new website today to highlight the March for Return and Liberation taking place in Brussels, Belgium, on 29 October 2022, as well as the Week of Action for Palestinian Liberation leading up to that date. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is one of the endorsers of the March and is organizing an event on Thursday, 27 October on the struggle of Palestinian prisoners.

The site includes details about how to participate in the annual mass march in front of Lannemezan prison in France to demand the liberation of the Lebanese Arab struggler Georges Ibrahim Abdallah on Saturday, 22 October, as well as the program of political, cultural and media seminars from 24 to 29 October in Brussels, culminating in the mass rally and march on 29 October, the March of Return and Liberation: Free Palestine from the River to the Sea. The march will proceed from Lumumba Square at 2 pm to the European Parliament.

Also included are a series of video messages and special invitations from Palestinian public figures, resistance and political spokespeople and Arab and international movements, calling for broad participation on 29 October in order to restore the voice of the Palestinian masses in exile and diaspora, and to work to expand and develop a boycott of the Zionist project in occupied Palestine, confronting normalization projects and the so-called “Palestinian Authority” in the occupied West Bank.

The site also highlights various demands, activities and contingents in the rally, especially the demand to break the siege on Gaza, where CAPJPO-EuroPalestine will organize multiple buses from France to attend the rally, as well as for freedom for all Palestinian prisoners and the liberation of Georges Abdallah. Organizations are invited to join the current endorsers — including Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Collectif Palestine Vaincra, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine, Secours Rouge, Classe Contre Classe, Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine, Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization, Al-Yudur Palestinian Youth, Canada Palestine Association and many more. Click here to add your endorsement.

Visit the website:


Hamburg: Activities in solidarity with Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

The following is a republication of a report by Bündnis gegen imperialistische Aggression (BgiA) and Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politische Gefangenen on two actions organized in Hamburg, Germany, as part of the “action month for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdullah”. Samidoun Germany participated in these actions:

On 06 and 07 October 2022, different organisations carried out different actions in the framework of the international month of action for the immediate release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. For example, the Bündnis gegen imperialistische Aggression (BgiA) from Hamburg organised a manifestation together with Samidoun on Hamburg’s Steindamm, a street where there are many Arab and Turkish shops.

Hamburg Aktivitäten in Solidarität mit Georges Ibrahim Abdallah 2

Hamburg Aktivitäten in Solidarität mit Georges Ibrahim Abdallah 4

The manifestion was very well received by passers-by and Arab youth from Palestine, Morocco, Algeria and Syria joined the rally. Slogans for the Palestinian liberation struggle and for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah were shouted vigorously. Other political prisoners such as Ahmad Saadat were also addressed in speeches and their release was demanded. Thus, a good contribution to the international month of action could be brought and it is shown that the potential for the anti-imperialist struggle is also big here in the heart of the imperialist beast.

Hamburg Aktivitäten in Solidarität mit Georges Ibrahim Abdallah 5

The evening before, the Freedom for All Political Prisoners Network organised an information and discussion event in solidarity with Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. A representative of Samidoun and a representative of Ak Palestine spoke on the topic. Anti-imperialist forces from different organisations and countries came to listen to the speakers and show solidarity with Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. In a lively discussion, all participants affirmed the need to strengthen anti-imperialist work in the FRG again and to develop a common practice.

Hamburg Aktivitäten in Solidarität mit Georges Ibrahim Abdallah 6

20 more Palestinian prisoners join hunger strike to end administrative detention

On Sunday, 9 October, 20 additional Palestinian prisoners joined the mass hunger strike launched by 30 administrative detainees demanding an end to detention without charge or trial. The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society announced that the 20 prisoners include Palestinians jailed arbitrarily under administrative detention as well as people serving sentences imposed by Israeli occupation military courts and people awaiting trial. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges people around the world to take action and mobilize to support the 50 hunger strikers inside occupation prisons, 30 of whom enter their third week of hunger strike today.

They include 10 Palestinians held in Ofer prison — where 900 prisoners returned their meals on Thursday, 6 October in solidarity with the administrative detainees — and 10 in the Naqab desert prison.

The 10 Palestinian strugglers in Ofer prison are:

  1. Abdel-Razzaq Farraj
  2. Mohammed Wael
  3. Saqr Raqban
  4. Mohammed Farraj
  5. Udai Obayat
  6. Hamza Sweiti (administrative detainee)
  7. Basil Daamsa (administrative detainee)
  8. Ahmed Adawi (administrative detainee)
  9. Mohammed Atallah al-Lahham
  10. Ruwaid al-Hindi

The 10 strikers in the Naqab desert prison are:

  1. Yahya Mohammed Ali Zahran
  2. Hassan Ali Ahmad
  3. Mohammed al-Jabri (administrative detainee)
  4. Ashraf al-Sajdi (administrative detainee)
  5. Ahmad Mohammed al-Khatib
  6. Shafiq Saabneh
  7. Mohammed Saabneh
  8. Rani Qawar
  9. Ahmed Abdel-Karim
  10. Fadi Abdullah Khaizaran


There are currently approximately 800 Palestinian prisoners jailed under administrative detention orders out of a total of approximately 4,650 total Palestinian prisoners in occupation jails. Administrative detention was first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate before being adopted by the Zionist project. Detention orders can be issued for up to six months at a time on the basis of “secret evidence” denied to both the detainee and their lawyer. These orders are indefinitely renewable, with many Palestinians spending years at a time jailed under administrative detention, and neither they nor their families and communities are ever sure when they will be released, an additional form of collective punishment and psychological torture.

The first 30 administrative detainees who began the strike are listed below, with 20 joining today and additional prisoners scheduled to join in the battle as it continues. They include community leaders like Nidal Abu Aker and Ghassan Zawahreh, who have spent years in administrative detention; French-Palestinian lawyer and human rights defender Salah Hammouri, student organizers like Zaid Qaddoumi, and a number of others:

1. Nidal Abu Aker, 54, of Dheisheh refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 1 August 2022.
2. Ehab Masoud, 50, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 17 October 2021.
3. Asim Al Kaabi, 44, of Balata refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 24 August 2022.
4. Ahmed Hajjaj, 44, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 24 August 2022.
5. Thaer Taha, 43, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 1 May 2022.
6. Rami Fadayel, 43, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 5 September 2022.
7. Lotfi Salah, 43, of Bethlehem
8. Salah Hammouri, 37, of Jerusalem, imprisoned without charge or trial since 7 March 2022.
9. Ghassan Zawahreh, 40, of Dheisheh refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial since 19 August 2022.
10. Kanaan Kanaan, 30, of Hizma, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 3 August 2022.
11. Ashraf Abu Aram, 36, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 7 June 2021.
12. Ghassan Karajah, 32, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 11 August 2022.
13. Saleh Abu Alia, 32, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 4 March 2022.
14. Awad Kanaan, 32, of Hizma, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 2 February 2022.
15. Leith Kassaberah, 31, of Beit Anan, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 1 February 2022
16. Saleh Al-Jaidi, 30, of Dheisheh refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 4 August 2022.
17. Basil Mezher, 29, of Dheisheh refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 12 November 2021.
18. Majd Al-Khawaja, 28, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 14 June 2022.
19. Jihad Shreiteh, 28, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 8 May 2022.
20. Haitham Siyaj, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 3 November 2021.
21. Mustafa Al-Hasanat, 29, of Bethlehem, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 3 February 2022.
22. Azmi Shreiteh al Barghouthi, 23, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 8 May 2022.
23. Muhammad Abu Ghazi, 22, of Arroub refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 13 March 2022.
24. Ahmed Al-Kharouf, 22 of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 13 June 2022.
25. Nasrallah Barghouti, 22 of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention.
26. Muhammad Fuqaha, 22, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 15 March 2022.
27. Tamer Al-Hajouj, 22, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 15 March 2022.
28. Raghad Shamroukh, of Dheisheh refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 12 September 2022.
29. Zaid Qaddoumi, of Beit Jala, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 16 September 2022.
30. Senar Hamad, 20, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 18 April 2022.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine and the prisoners’ struggle to join the campaign to end administrative detention and to support these valiant prisoners putting their bodies and lives on the line to resist and struggle for a liberated Palestine, through their hunger strike for freedom.

Download these distributable flyers and posters to highlight the struggle to free Palestinian prisoners:

1. Mobilize actions, demonstrations and creative interventions – Take to the streets to defend the Palestinian people and their resistance! As was made clear during the Unity Intifada/Seif al-Quds in May 2021, there is a vast depth of support for the Palestinian people everywhere around the world, including inside the imperialist powers. It is our responsibility to act and make it impossible to continue their support for the crimes against the Palestinian people.

2. Build the boycott of Israel – This is a critical moment to escalate the campaign to isolate the Israeli regime at all levels, including through boycott campaigns that target the occupation’s economic exploitation of the Palestinian land, people and resources as well as those international corporations, like HP and G4S, that profit from the ongoing colonization of Palestine.

30 Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike for 14 days: 900 prisoners return meals in solidarity

Thirty Palestinian prisoners are continuing their hunger strike to end administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial, as the prisoners’ movement as a whole has acted to show solidarity and stand with the strikers. They are now on their 14th day of hunger strike, which they launched on 25 September. Zakaria Zubaidi, one of the six heroes of the Freedom Tunnel, who liberated themselves from the infamous Gilboa prison in September 2021, announced he would go on a five-day hunger strike in solidarity with the striking detainees fighting to end detention without charge or trial.

This comes after 900 prisoners in Ofer prisons returned their meals on Thursday, 6 October in solidarity with the hunger strikers, all of whom are jailed without charge or trial. They are among approximately 800 Palestinians held under administrative detention out of 4,650 total Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation jails. As the prisoners’ movement behind bars has escalated its solidarity with the 30 strikers, so too have people throughout Palestine and around the world.

Nidal Abu Aker, one of the strikers and a leader in Dheisheh refugee camp, sent a message from his prison cell to his daughter on the occasion of her engagement:

“With the finest and most tender human feelings that fill my soul to bring back memories o our journey with all the love, joy and happiness that we have made together, and at the same time, pain, sorrows and separation from our loved ones by the fascist enemy, which believes that it can kill our dreams, joy and happiness that reach and embrace the sky.

I am addressing you from my cell as I and my comrades are waging a battle of empty stomachs, demanding our right to freedom and claiming the joy that we snatch from the teeth of the colonizers. We believe that our happiness lies in the struggle to break our chains and put an end to the arbitrary, immoral policy of administrative detention.

How beautiful it is to share our joy and happiness in the engagement of Dalia and Haitham! How beautiful is your embrace of and support for them! I feel as if I am present among you despite my enforced absence, through my friends and family, close and extended. I look forward to continuing our joy with Dalia and Haitham, as we celebrated for Mohammed’s graduation after years of imprisonment, and for Carmel, who is about to graduate from university. She inspires hope in the soul, a model of giving, a symbol of the camp and its luminous future.

My strength during this battle of empty stomachs is strengthened by you. You are my family, the people of the camp, and all of my friends. You are the compass that I follow, the seed of growth in the earth. The oppression of the occupiers will not prevent us from singing, joy and love.

We have all the joy, we have a future that will be bright, without the colonizers. And here I recall the words of the leftist Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, ‘Our enemies can cut all the roses, but they will never be the masters of spring.’ I congratulate you, dearest Dalia, I congratulate you, Haitham and your beloved family, I am sure that happiness will always be our companion. My love, sincere greetings and warm kisses to all of you.”

There is an ongoing public sit-in organized by the Palestinian national forces in Dheisheh refugee camp. On Friday, 7 October, a letter from Ghassan Zawahreh, another long-term leader in Dheisheh camp, was read out to the gathering:

“In these days, previous strikes, names and images pass through my mind. I see my comrades on strike, I remember the story of each one of them. I see all the details that others do not see, I see their aches, pains and suffering. I see their bodies losing weight daily, and those aches that cannot be assuaged except by their will. The merciless aches of their bodies, headaches, and general emaciation, and even the sound of pain that emits from their bones, which I can almost hear, even though I am at this spatial distance from them. I see all those details in their aches and pains, but it is a fleeting picture, which soon goes away. In its place is occupied by another image, the image of the fighter and the resistance struggler, the revolutionary.

The image of will, steadfastness and defiance, which does not fade. These men refuse simply follow the current, but rather form and make the current themselves. I see them and tell you all, that their real pain is not the hunger strike, nor all their pain, aches, and atrophy of their bodies, in this battle they are waging. Indeed, I see them happy more than ever, because they raise their voices high.”

Palestinians in Gaza rallied in a large march on Saturday, 8 October in support of the prisoners on hunger strike, demanding their release in a rally organized by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

This came alongside multiple gatherings in the refugee camps in Lebanon and Syria as well as rallies and actions in Berlin, Vancouver, Toulouse, Paris, New York City and elsewhere around the world. The Bahrain Society for Resisting Normalization with the Zionist Entity held a solidarity event to support the prisoners in Zionist jails on hunger strike on 8 October.

There are currently approximately 800 Palestinian prisoners jailed under administrative detention orders out of a total of approximately 4,650 total Palestinian prisoners in occupation jails. Administrative detention was first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate before being adopted by the Zionist project. Detention orders can be issued for up to six months at a time on the basis of “secret evidence” denied to both the detainee and their lawyer. These orders are indefinitely renewable, with many Palestinians spending years at a time jailed under administrative detention, and neither they nor their families and communities are ever sure when they will be released, an additional form of collective punishment and psychological torture.

The first 30 administrative detainees who began the strike are listed below, with additional prisoners scheduled to join in the battle as it continues. They include community leaders like Nidal Abu Aker and Ghassan Zawahreh, who have spent years in administrative detention; French-Palestinian lawyer and human rights defender Salah Hammouri, student organizers like Zaid Qaddoumi, and a number of others:

1. Nidal Abu Aker, 54, of Dheisheh refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 1 August 2022.
2. Ehab Masoud, 50, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 17 October 2021.
3. Asim Al Kaabi, 44, of Balata refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 24 August 2022.
4. Ahmed Hajjaj, 44, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 24 August 2022.
5. Thaer Taha, 43, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 1 May 2022.
6. Rami Fadayel, 43, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 5 September 2022.
7. Lotfi Salah, 43, of Bethlehem
8. Salah Hammouri, 37, of Jerusalem, imprisoned without charge or trial since 7 March 2022.
9. Ghassan Zawahreh, 40, of Dheisheh refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial since 19 August 2022.
10. Kanaan Kanaan, 30, of Hizma, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 3 August 2022.
11. Ashraf Abu Aram, 36, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 7 June 2021.
12. Ghassan Karajah, 32, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 11 August 2022.
13. Saleh Abu Alia, 32, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 4 March 2022.
14. Awad Kanaan, 32, of Hizma, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 2 February 2022.
15. Leith Kassaberah, 31, of Beit Anan, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 1 February 2022
16. Saleh Al-Jaidi, 30, of Dheisheh refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 4 August 2022.
17. Basil Mezher, 29, of Dheisheh refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 12 November 2021.
18. Majd Al-Khawaja, 28, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 14 June 2022.
19. Jihad Shreiteh, 28, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 8 May 2022.
20. Haitham Siyaj, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 3 November 2021.
21. Mustafa Al-Hasanat, 29, of Bethlehem, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 3 February 2022.
22. Azmi Shreiteh al Barghouthi, 23, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 8 May 2022.
23. Muhammad Abu Ghazi, 22, of Arroub refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 13 March 2022.
24. Ahmed Al-Kharouf, 22 of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 13 June 2022.
25. Nasrallah Barghouti, 22 of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention.
26. Muhammad Fuqaha, 22, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 15 March 2022.
27. Tamer Al-Hajouj, 22, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 15 March 2022.
28. Raghad Shamroukh, of Dheisheh refugee camp, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 12 September 2022.
29. Zaid Qaddoumi, of Beit Jala, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 16 September 2022.
30. Senar Hamad, 20, of Ramallah, imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention since 18 April 2022.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine and the prisoners’ struggle to join the campaign to end administrative detention and to support these valiant prisoners putting their bodies and lives on the line to resist and struggle for a liberated Palestine, through their hunger strike for freedom.

Download these distributable flyers and posters to highlight the struggle to free Palestinian prisoners:

1. Mobilize actions, demonstrations and creative interventions – Take to the streets to defend the Palestinian people and their resistance! As was made clear during the Unity Intifada/Seif al-Quds in May 2021, there is a vast depth of support for the Palestinian people everywhere around the world, including inside the imperialist powers. It is our responsibility to act and make it impossible to continue their support for the crimes against the Palestinian people.

2. Build the boycott of Israel – This is a critical moment to escalate the campaign to isolate the Israeli regime at all levels, including through boycott campaigns that target the occupation’s economic exploitation of the Palestinian land, people and resources as well as those international corporations, like HP and G4S, that profit from the ongoing colonization of Palestine.

#ElbitEight trial delayed – keep up the fight to #ShutElbitDown!

We are republishing the following statement from Palestine Action on the delay of the Elbit Eight criminal trial in Britain — in which eight Palestine Action activists are being prosecuted on felony charges for taking direct action to disrupt the production of weapons at Israeli arms factories — until November 2023. Please note: the demonstration this Sunday, 9 October, in New York City to #ShutElbitDown is going forward! We encourage everyone to join the NYC action and to continue to support Palestine Action’s ongoing campaigns to #ShutElbitDown once and for all. Learn more about how you can support and get involved with Palestine Action’s important work at their website.

“Resistance against Elbit is a duty, a duty that will be answered regardless of what the British courts have to say.”

The landmark case of the Elbit Eight has been delayed to November 2023, it was decided in a court hearing earlier this week. The charges still stand and are highly politically motivated – an act of calculated lawfare levelled at the movement that shut down an Israeli arms factory. Its delay follows on from three prior delays to the trial over two years – most notably in May 2021, when Gaza was under attack by Israel.

In addition to this, the trial of the Kingsway 3 entered court this week. On the third day it was announced by the judge that the trial would be put on hold to a further date, after Elbit Systems failed to provide necessary evidence pertaining to the company’s activities. Once again, Elbit are shying away from the courts and the prospect of scrutiny they offer.

A number of cases faced by members of Palestine Action have faced significant delay, whilst many have walked free after charges being dropped, owing to “unrealistic prospects of conviction” and the repeated failures of Elbit to provide evidence to the courts. Last month, five activists saw all charges dropped following action taken in July at Elbit subsidiary ‘UAV Engines’, where combat drone parts and engines are manufactured.

Nevertheless, the campaign to prove #ElbitIsGuilty continues, comprising all our ongoing and upcoming legal battles. Regardless of legal outcomes, we know that history will vindicate our actions, whilst Elbit and the international arms trade will be condemned to the dustbin of history. Resistance against Elbit is a duty, a duty that will be answered regardless of what the British courts have to say.

Support activists who #ShutElbitDown in London. Mobilise at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court from 9:30 am on the 11th, 12th and 13th October next week.

October 2022: Take Action to free Georges Abdallah – from Lannemezan to Brussels and beyond!

On 24 October 2022, Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab communist struggler with the Palestinian resistance, will enter his 39th year in French prison. He has been imprisoned since 1984 and eligible for release since 1999, yet remains held behind French bars because he will not relinquish his political convictions and commitment to the liberation of Palestine and the peoples of the world.

Today, he is one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe, recognized by the Palestinian prisoners’ movement as part of its ranks. In 2007, the DST, the French secret service, said: “As an emblematic personality of the anti-Zionist struggle, the release of Georges Abdallah would undoubtedly constitute an event in Lebanon. He will likely be celebrated as a hero on his return to his country, and also by different movements engaged in the revolutionary struggle.” While they used this observation to justify his continued imprisonment, it is for exactly this reason that we must struggle for his liberation. Supporting the campaign to free Georges Abdallah is part and parcel of supporting the Palestinian people and their resistance to colonialism!

Samidoun is joining with over 60 organizations to call for a month of international mobilization to demand Georges Abdallah’s immediate release. The month of action will reach its peak on Saturday, 22 October at 2 p.m. with a major demonstration in Lannemezan, France, marching from the train station to the prison where Georges Abdallah is being held. Last year, more than 1,000 people were present for a large demonstration in support of Georges Abdallah and the Palestinian resistance. This year again, we will make clear that Palestine and its prisoners are not alone!

Following the major march in Lannemezan, join us one week later in Brussels, where the March for Return and Liberation on 29 October, marching at 2 pm from Lumumba Square to the European Parliament, will include the liberation of Georges Abdallah as a major demand.

Take action!

We urge all supporters of Palestine to join activities in your city or organize initiatives to highlight the case of Georges Abdallah and demand his liberation. Here are some examples:

  • Print, distribute and post these posters (image above and downloadable here) calling for the liberation of Georges Abdallah in your community.
  • Organize a screening of the film, Fedayin, the Struggle of Georges Abdallah in your community. The film is fully subtitled and available in English, French, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, and German. To organize a screening, please contact vacarmesfilms@gmail.com
  • Protest or deliver a letter demanding Georges Abdallah’s release at the French consulate or embassy in your city.
  • Include Georges Abdallah’s liberation – and the liberation of Palestinian prisoners – in demonstrations, actions and vigils for Palestine and the boycott of Israel in your city.
  • Participate in the mobilization on social networks using the hashtags #MacronLibérezAbdallah and #FreeGeorgesAbdallah. Use the Facebook profile decor to draw attention to the case.
  • Write Georges Abdallah and send him solidarity messages (individually or as a collective action of your group). Send letters to:

Monsieur Georges Ibrahim ABDALLAH
2388/A221 CP de Lannemezan
204 rue des Saligues
BP 70166

  • Buy the “Freedom for Georges Abdallah!” t-shirt from the Collectif Palestine Vaincra.
  • Order the flag “Freedom for Georges Abdallah!” Freedom for Palestine!” from the Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

Contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net for more information or to let us know about your action or send us a message on social media (FacebookTwitterInstagram)

Who Is Georges Ibrahim Abdallah?

A Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine, Georges Abdallah has been imprisoned in French prisons since 1984, convicted on charges of participation in armed actions by the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Faction, working to fight off colonialist and Zionist invasions in Lebanon.

From his youth, Georges Abdallah was an activist, working first with the Syrian Social Nationalist party and then with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). With the PFLP, he resisted and was injured by Israeli forces invading Lebanon in 1978. A committed Communist and internationalist, he views the Arab struggle for liberation from Zionism and imperialism as part and parcel of the international workers’ struggle for liberation from capitalism.

The Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Faction (LARF) was formed to fight off and resist U.S., Israeli and other imperialist attacks on Lebanon. Georges Abdallah was accused of participating in attacks on U.S. and Israeli military officials in France.

He has been eligible for release since 1999 yet continues to be denied parole, despite having parole requests approved several times by French judges. The Lebanese government has officially asked for his release, and he is asking to be deported to Lebanon. Yet the French state has intervened at the highest levels, alongside the U.S and Israeli regimes, to deny Georges Abdallah’s parole requests.

In fact, in 1985, the French government agreed to a prisoner exchange – to release Abdallah in exchange for a captured French diplomat. Instead, the diplomat was released – and Abdallah remained in prison. His own original lawyer was in fact a spy working for the French state and reporting on him to the highest levels of French intelligence; all of which was used against him in court.

People throughout France and around the world have campaigned for his freedom for decades. His brothers and loved ones in Lebanon lead the International Campaign to Free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. He is considered to be part of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement by Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

His case represents also the coherence of U.S., Israeli and European colonialist interests in the imprisonment of Palestinian and Arab strugglers for liberation and the attack on the Palestinian people.

  • Order stickers and flyers at a low price (or to pick up for free during our initiatives)
  • Offer posters and/or flyers of the mobilization month to merchants in your neighborhood by asking us for a few
  • Participate in the mobilization on social networks using the hashtag #FreeGeorgesAbdallah
  • Register for the free-price bus to participate in the demonstration on Saturday October 22 from the station to the Lannemezan prison

For any request, send us an email to  collectivepalestinevaincra@gmail.com  or a message on our various social networks ( Facebook ,  Twitter  or  Instagram ).


7 Οκτώβρη: Πρώτη προβολή της ταινίας για τη ζωή και τον αγώνα του Georges Abdallah

Studio New Star Art Cinema (Σταυροπούλου 33, πλ. Αμερικής) – Παρασκευή 7 Οκτώβρη στις 21:00

Ως Aντιιμπεριαλιστικό Μέτωπο και Samidoun – Δίκτυο για τους Παλαιστίνιους Κρατούμενους, διοργανώνουμε την πρώτη προβολή της ταινίας Fedayin, ντοκιμαντέρ για τη ζωή και τον αγώνα του μακροβιότερου πολιτικού κρατούμενου στην Ευρώπη, 38 χρόνια κρατούμενος στις γαλλικές φυλακές, του αλύγιστου Λιβανέζου κομμουνιστή, μαχητή της Παλαιστινιακής υπόθεσης, Georges Abdallah.

Στο ντοκιμαντέρ περιγράφεται ο ηρωικός αγώνας του Παλαιστινιακού λαού, από τη Νάκμπα, 15 Μαϊου 1948 μέρα της μεγάλης καταστροφής μέχρι και σήμερα. Περιγράφεται η ένταξη του Αbdallah ως σάρκα από τη σάρκα της Αντίστασης, μέσα από τις αφηγήσεις των αδερφών του καθώς και των συντρόφων και συντροφισσών που παλέψανε μαζί. Καθώς επίσης και η φυλάκιση του από το γαλλικό κράτος το 1984 και η τελείως εκδικητική μη αποφυλάκισή του, ενορχηστρωμένη από τον ιμπεριαλισμό και το κράτος δολοφόνο του Ισραήλ. Δικαιούται να αποφυλακιστεί από το 1999, αλλά δεν τον αποφυλακίζουν γιατί δηλώνει ακόμα απερίφραστα αμετανόητος αγωνιστής, στρατευμένος στο πλευρό των εκατομμυρίων ξεριζωμένων και δολοφονημένων Παλαιστινίων. Γιατί δε μετανοεί γι’ αυτό και τον εκδικούνται ΗΠΑ-Γαλλία-Ισραήλ.

Ο Abdallah αποτελεί φωτεινό σηματοδότη όλων των κινημάτων ανά τον κόσμο, ένα υπόδειγμα διεθνιστή αγωνιστή που μετεμψύχωσε πλήρως με τη στάση του τη φράση μια ζωή δοσμένη στον αγώνα. Όσο κρατείται στις φυλακές θα μας θυμίζει πάντα πως δεν υπάρχει ειρήνη χωρίς δικαιοσύνη.

Η προβολή της ταινίας γίνεται στο πλαίσιο του συνεδρίου για τα 20 χρόνια του Αντι Ιμπεριαλιστικού Μετώπου και την προβολή θα προλογίσει ο Mohammed Khatib, ομιλητής στο ντοκιμαντέρ και συντονιστής του Samidoun Ευρώπης. Η ταινία είναι παραγωγή της Κολλεκτίβας Vacarmes Films και υποτιτλίστηκε στα ελληνικά από το Αντιιμπεριαλιστικό Μέτωπο.

Μεταξύ άλλων στο ντοκιμαντέρ συμμετέχουν ο παλαιστίνιος αγωνιστής και συγγραφέας Khaled Barakat, η Charlotte Kates συντονίστρια του Samidoun- Διεθνές, ο Mohammed Khatib συντονιστής Samidoun- Ευρώπης, οι πρώην πολιτικοί κρατούμενοι ο Jean-Marc Rouillan and ο Bertrand Sassoye , ο δικηγόρος Jean-Louis Chalanset, τα αδέρφια του Georges Abdallah’s Robert και Maurice Abdallah και η δικηγόρος για την απελευθέρωση του Georges Abdallah Suzanne Le Manceau.

Συνέβαλε καθοριστικά το κίνημα αλληλεγγύης στη δημιουργία, την υλοποίηση και εν τέλει στο να γίνει πραγματικότητα το ντοκυμαντέρ.

Ας παρεβρεθούμε στην πρώτη προβολή ενώνοντας τις φωνές μας για λευτεριά στον Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, για λευτεριά στην Παλαιστίνη, για να νικήσει η αντίσταση…

Anti-Imperialist Front

Samidoun – Δίκτυο Αλληλεγγύης για τους Παλαιστίνιους Κρατούμενους

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network