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Khader Adnan honours imprisoned Lebanese freedom fighter Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

PHOTO | Eman Silawy

On February 28, 2013, Sheikh Khader Adnan participated in an event honouring Palestinian political prisoners and hunger strikers in Arraba village, Jenin area. Adnan’s own hunger strike from December 2011-February 2012 played a major role in catalyzing the Palestinian prisoners’ movement.

The Arraba Youth organized in coordination with the Prisoners Club and the Popular Youth Committee a solidarity march with the Palestinian Prisoners from the solidarity tent to the Municipal garden complex, planting seeds bearing the names and photos of the Palestinian Hunger Strikers, Long Term Palestinian Prisoners and a number of Arab Prisoners in Israeli Jails.

Adnan planted a seed bearing the name of Lebanese Freedom fighter Georges Ibrahim Abdallah who is imprisoned in France – despite a decision to free him – and who has now been on hunger strike for 5 days in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners.

Palestinian cartoonist Mohammad Saba’aneh’s detention extended

sabaanehcartoonUpdate from friends and supporters of Palestinian cartoonist Mohammad Saba’aneh, who is being held under interrogation since February 16:

A military court in the city of Ashkelon extended the detention of Mohammad Saba’aneh, a Palestinian cartoonist for Al-Hayat al-Jadida, for a second time,

Saba’aneh was arrested on February 16 while crossing the Allenby Bridge checkpoint from Jordan. His detention was originally extended for nine days on February 20. The cartoonist’s lawyer appealed the extension and requested permission to see the journalist, in what would be the first time since the arrest.

Freedom for the Palestinian Cartoonist Mohammad Saba’aneh

March 6, Eugene, OR: Emergency protest for Palestinian Political Prisoners

arafat-jaradatEmergency Protest for Palestinian Political Prisoners 
Help protest the torture death of Arafat Jaradat, who died of extreme torture in Israeli custody and support Palestinian Political Prisoner rights during Israeli Apartheid Week.
Wednesday, March 6, 4:30 – 6:00, Old Federal Building, corner 7th and Pearl, Eugene, OR
For more information on Arafat Jaradat, please see Addameer (http://tinyurl.com/a6rltp5),Palestinian Center for Human Rights (http://tinyurl.com/bxntcc4), and Electronic Intifada (http://tinyurl.com/abwsn3g).Can view a 2009 Portland, OR video talk by program director of  Addameer (Arabic for conscience) Prisoner’s Support and Human Rights Association here (http://tinyurl.com/3g3ulas) that had been sponsored by Al-Nakba Awareness Project. See their chart of prisoner statistics at bottom of page (http://www.addameer.org/)

How Israel legitimises torturing Palestinians to death  Al-Jazeera(http://tinyurl.com/a6suyks)

For more information on Israeli Apartheid Week, see US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (http://tinyurl.com/akqmxev).

Please bring signage and banners to show support for all Palestinian prisoners currently on hunger strikes and in detention and to protest Arafat Jaradat’s death by torture. Jaradatwas arrested on 18 February on suspicion that he had thrown stones at Israelis. Guardian(http://tinyurl.com/axrvbln)

Al-Nakba Awarness Project discourages signage equating a “parity of suffering” or promoting “dialogue” and prefer those supporting the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as the late Stephane Hessel, Holocaust survivor, co-author of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights himself endorsed.

(http://www.bdsmovement.net/) (www.pacbi.org/) (http://www.usacbi.org/) (http://www.whoprofits.org/)

Event free, donations always gratefully appreciated.

Sponsored by Al-Nakba Awareness Project

Hassan Karajah’s detention extended as he suffers from medical neglect

Hassan-KarajahKKAddameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association provided the following update about Hassan Karajah this morning, February 28. Karajah is the youth coordinator of the Stop the Wall campaign who has been detained under interrogation since January 22, and his detention and interrogation period have been extended several times since then:

UPDATE: It was decided at Hassan Karajah’s hearing this morning that he and his lawyer will have to wait another 7 days for evidence and charges to be presented. In the meantime, Karajah will remain in detention. Since he has been detained, he has lost 16 kg. Despite his requests, he is not receiving an adequate dosage of the medication he requires for nerve damage in his leg. It should be noted that his interrogators are the same interrogators who were responsible for interrogating Arafat Jaradat, who died earlier this week as a result of torture during interrogation.

Khaled Barakat radio interview about Palestinian political prisoners

barakat-interviewKhaled Barakat, friend of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network was interviewed on “The Friday Morning After,” on Montreal’s CKUT 90.3 FM by host Sara Shaltony.

The interview aired on February 22, 2013 and covered prisoner hunger strikes, including the strike of Samer Issawi, and the protests breaking out across Palestine in support of the thousands of Palestinians behind bars.

Listen to the interview here. (Download MP3)

UN Special Rapporteur: The death of a Palestinian prisoner while undergoing interrogation in an Israeli facility must be investigated

The following statement was issued by Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, urging international investigation into the death of Arafat Jaradat under interrogation.

Arafat-JaradatGENEVA (27 February 2013) – The United Nations Special Rapporteur for human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Richard Falk, today called for an international investigation on the death of Palestinian prisoner Arafat Jaradat while undergoing interrogation in an Israeli facility.

“The death of a prisoner during interrogation is always a cause for concern, but in this case, when Israel has shown a pattern and practice of prisoner abuse, the need for outside, credible investigation is more urgent than ever,” Mr. Falk stressed. “The best approach might be the creation of an international forensic team under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council.”

The human rights expert pointed to the assessment made by Palestinian Authority’s chief pathologist, Dr. Saber Aloul, who observed the autopsy carried out inside Israel, and found there were clear signs of torture on the body of the previously healthy, 30-year-old Jaradat. Israeli officials initially claimed Jaradat died of a heart attack, but the preliminary autopsy findings did not include a cause of death.

“In light of Dr. Aloul’s findings that there was no evidence of heart disease or damage, and that there were signs of torture on Jaradat’s body, an independent international investigation should be launched,” the Special Rapporteur said.

According to the Israeli human rights organization B’tselem, more than 700 Palestinian detainees have filed complaints against agents of the Israeli security agency Shin Bet for mistreatment during interrogation throughout the last decade; however, not one has resulted in a criminal investigation being opened.

Related Israeli violations include the routine transfer of prisoners, including children, for interrogation and detention to prisons outside of the Occupied Territory into Israel, in violation of the Geneva Convention; the holding of administrative detainees without charge or trial (currently about 159 of the almost 4,600 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli custody); and holding prisoners in isolation for extended periods of interrogation without access to lawyers or family. B’tselem has reported that while incidents of physical abuse have decreased in recent years, they have not ended.

Arafat Jaradat, from the small village of Sa’ir near Hebron, was a gas station attendant. He leaves behind a four-year-old daughter and two-year-old son; his wife Dalal is pregnant with their third child.

“As an occupying power, Israel has special responsibilities under international humanitarian law to deal humanely with Palestinians held in detention, and the international community has similar responsibilities to ensure that these are carried out,” the Special Rapporteur underscored.


In 2008, the UN Human Rights Council designated Richard Falk (United States of America) as the fifth Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights on Palestinian territories occupied since 1967. The mandate was originally established in 1993 by the UN Commission on Human Rights. Learn more, log on to: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/countries/ps/mandate/index.htm


Friday: US Call-In Day for Arafat Jaradat, Samer Issawi and Palestinian Prisoners

Samer-IssawiIsrael has TORTURED and KILLED another Palestinian in prison! Maan News Agency reported on Sunday that political prisoner Arafat Jaradat was beaten and hanged for many hours while in Israeli custody, this according to his lawyer, Kameel Sabbagh. An autopsy conducted in Israel in the presence of Palestinian officials revealed that the 30-year-old Jaradat had six broken bones in his neck, spine, arms and legs and did not die of a stroke or cardiac arrest as claimed by the Israeli prison officials. Arafat Jaradat was being detained for throwing stones at an Israeli soldier.

The Israeli government has no respect for international law and the just treatment of prisoners. Do Palestinian lives have any value to the U.S. government?

Samer Issawi continues on his hunger strike now in its 218th day, until he wins an absolute agreement that guarantees his release. We need to continue to put pressure on the US government to demand his release.

We also must not forget the other Palestinian prisoners still on hunger strike – Tarek Qa’adan and Jafar Azzidine, who have been without food for 91 days in protest of their detention without charge or trial; Ayman Sharawna, who has been on hunger strike since July 1, 2012, except for a brief reprieve in January 2013 when he believed that his case was moving in a positive direction; and the hundreds of other Palestinian prisoners who are striking in solidarity with these men.

We again call on all activists, especially those in the U.S., to call President Obama and the State Department on Friday, March 1 from 8 AM to 4 PM CST, to take action.

“My name is _____ from __________ and I demand that:
– the US administration condemn and sanction Israel for the killing of Arafat Jaradat and
– intervene for the immediate release of Samer Issawi, the other hunger strikers, and all the Palestinian administrative detainees and political prisoners held by Israel.”

1) Call President Obama at 1-202-456-1111

2) Call US Secretary of State John Kerry at 1-202-647-4000 (pick option 4 for the operator and ask to leave a message for Kerry) and the Office of Near East Affairs at 1-202-647-7209 (you will get transferred to Marguerite Pickett to leave a message)

There will also be a campaign on Twitter, as there has been for multiple days, at 1PM CST, to demand the release of Samer Issawi. Check @samerissawi1 for the hashtag to use.

For updates on the worldwide campaign, follow “The Free Samer Issawi Campaign” page on Facebook

Issawi had been detained by Israeli authorities without any charge whatsoever. He had been released from prison in October 2011 as a part of the Shalit prisoner swap, but was detained again without charge on 7 July 2012 and has been refusing food since August 2012 to protest his detention. He is still in critical condition. He is losing his vision, vomiting blood and lapsing in and out of consciousness.

In Chicago, there will also be an action in support of the Palestinian prisoners on Weds. March 6 at 4:30PM at the Israeli Consulate.

Sponsored by:

Palestine Solidarity Group (PSG) – Chicago
U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) – National
USPCN – Chicago
Committee Against Political Repression (CAPR)
Coalition to Protect People’s Rights (CPPR)
Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR)
Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) – Chicago
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) – Chicago
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) – Chicago
Chicago Movement for Palestinian Rights (CMPR)Students for Justice in Palestine – DePaul University
Students for Justice in Palestine – University of Chicago
Students for Justice in Palestine – Northwestern University
Students for Justice in Palestine – Loyola University
Chicago Movement for Palestinian Rights (CMPR)
Students for Justice in Palestine – Northeastern Illinois University

Israeli Apartheid Week Resources on Palestinian Prisoners: Factsheets, Posters, Leaflets

Israeli Apartheid Week is fast-approaching, and hundreds of cities and campuses around the world will be holding events throughout the week to expose the realities of Israeli apartheid, including the mass imprisonment, administrative detention, and torture of Palestinian prisoners.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is providing the following materials to help support campus and community events for Israeli Apartheid Week focusing on Palestinian political prisoners. Mass imprisonment affects nearly every sector of Palestinian society, and Israeli military courts serve as an apartheid mechanism of injustice.

The following resources are made available for your use in Israeli Apartheid Week and other events. If you have any questions about including Palestinian prisoners in your Israeli Apartheid Week events, or would like to publicize your event, please email samidoun@samidoun.ca.

Apartheid-Prisons_Page_1 Double-sided leaflet, Palestinian Political Prisoners: Apartheid Behind Bars (8.5 x 11 – cuts to 2 8.5 x 5.5 leaflets). Download PDF
Prisoners-Factsheet_Page_1 Double-sided leaflet, Palestinian Prisoners: The Struggle for Freedom (8.5 x 11). Download PDF

Single-sided leaflet, G4S: Securing Apartheid (8.5 x 11). Download PDF
Samer-Issawi Poster for Samer Issawi (11 x 17). Download PDF.
 Arafat-Jaradat Poster for Arafat Jaradat (11 x 17). Download PDF
Lina-Jarbouni Poster for Lina Jarbouni (11 x 17). Download PDF
Ayman-Nasser Poster for Ayman Nasser (11 x 17). Download PDF
Ahmad-Saadat Poster for Ahmad Sa’adat (11 x 17). Download PDF
Hassan-Karajah Poster for Hassan Karajah (11 x 17). Download PDF

Additional Resources:



Former hunger striker Yousef Shaaban released to Jenin

Occupation authorities released the prisoner Youssef Shaaban Yassin, 33, from Jenin on February 23 after spending 3 months in administrative detention during which he went on hunger strike for 60 daysyousef-yassin, as reported by Rohama.

Large crowds received the liberated prisoner Shaaban chanting slogans demanding the release of all striking prisoners.

The liberated prisoner Shaaban said immediately after his release that the striking prisoners passing through a dangerous phase, calling on the Palestinian people to support them.

He stressed that the prison administration is profiting from the current Palestinian rift to carry on with torturing prisoners un-opposed.

The freed captive Shaaban went on hunger strike for two months immediately after his arrest, and then he ended his hunger strike due to medical warnings, while his colleagues Jafar Ezzedine and Tarek Kaadan of Arraba continued their hunger strike for 89 days in row.

March 6: Chicago Street Action for Arafat Jaradat, Samer Issawi, and other Palestinian Political Prisoners

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
4:30-6:30 pm
Israeli Consulate, 500 West Madison, Chicago, IL 60661
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/170685889745774/

jaradatOn Wednesday, March 6, 2013, Chicago activists and people of conscience will gather in support of Samer Issawi, Ayman Sharawna, Tareq Qa’adan, and Ja’far Izzidine, along with other Palestinian prisoners undergoing hunger strikes to protest their inhumane and illegal detainment in Israeli prisons.

This action is also a response to the death of 30-year-old Arafat Jaradat last Saturday. An autopsy revealed that Jaradat died after being tortured during interrogation by Israeli security, sustaining a total of six broken bones in his spine, arms and legs; his lips lacerated; his face badly bruised.

As the Palestinian prisoners’ rights group Addameer recently reported, “Since 1967, over 200 prisoners have died in captivity, fifty-one of them from medical negligence. Alarmingly, there is a recent trend of prisoners who have died shortly after they are released from medical complications that went untreated during their detention.”

Over 4,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails launched hunger-strike action on Sunday to protest the death of Arafat Jaradat. Additionally, Jaradat’s death set off a wave of demonstrations in Palestine and around the world, protesting Israel’s unjust treatment of Palestinian prisoners.

In the wake these events, please join us in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners! We refuse to allow Israel’s continued dismissal of Palestinian prisoner rights to go unchecked. Raise your voices!

Bring Palestinian flags. Signs will be provided.

Sponsored by:

Palestine Solidarity Group (PSG) – Chicago
U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) – National
USPCN – Chicago
Anti-War Committee of Chicago
Committee Against Political Repression (CAPR)
Coalition to Protect People’s Rights (CPPR)
Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR)
Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) – Chicago
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) – Chicago
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) – Chicago
Chicago Movement for Palestinian Rights (CMPR)
Students for Justice in Palestine – DePaul University
Students for Justice in Palestine – University of Chicago
Students for Justice in Palestine – Northwestern University
Students for Justice in Palestine – Loyola University
Students for Justice in Palestine – Northeastern Illinois University