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Ill prisoner Mohammad Al-Taaj moved to hospital


The International Solidarity Foundation for Human Rights reported that Palestinian detainees, Mohammad Rafeeq At-Taaj, 42, imprisoned at the Hadarim Israeli prison was moved to hospital due to a sharp deterioration in his health condition.

At-Taaj suffers from blood Oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) and asthma; he was moved to the Kfar Saba Israeli hospital for medical checkups.

His health condition deteriorated more than 10 days ago, and the Prison Administration refused to transfer him to hospital until Sunday.

Doctors at the hospital conducted some tests and an X-Ray was done but no information was revealed regarding the outcome.

At-Taaj was kidnapped by the army on November 19, 2003, and was sentenced to 14.5 years; he is from the Tubas district in the West Bank.

Last march, At-Taaj conducted a two-month hunger strike demanding Israel to treat him as a prisoner of war.

He currently also suffers from pain in his abdomen, pain and low vision in one of his eyes, and several other health issues.

Palestinian footballer Ibrahim Wadi arrested by occupation in West Bank, deported to Gaza

Bethlehem– The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested at dawn on Saturday, a Palestinian football player from the Gaza Strip, who plays with Jerusalem’s Mount Scopus.

The occupation arrested the football player Ibrahim Wadi at Container checkpoint near Bethlehem in the southern West Bank while returning from a Football match in the city of Jenin northern West Bank, Amjad Jaffal, an official in the Mount Scopus club told Quds Press.

Jaffal stated that the Israeli soldiers detained a number of Football players and administrators, early Saturday morning, before being released and arrested the player Wadi, informing him that he will be deported to the Gaza Strip, noting that it was not known yet if he is already deported or still detained.

It is noted that the occupation prevents Palestinian players from the Gaza Strip from joining sports teams in the West Bank, where many of them were arrested and deported to Gaza, such as Mahmoud Sarsak, who tried to travel to the West Bank to join the national football team, and was detained administratively without charge or trial, and fought a hunger strike which lasted more than three months to be released to the Gaza Strip.

October 12: London protest for Palestinian prisoners

Please note that the next protest will be on Friday 12th October 3-5pm outside the London head office of the security firm G4S:
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/193030774163837/

105 Victoria Street

The British-Danish security firm G4S is providing security systems to help Israel secure prisons and interrogation centres where Palestinian children are being caged and tortured. These include Ofer prison in the occupied territory where G4S provides the perimeter defense system and the central command control room for the entire facility, and the notorious Al Jalame interrogation centre in northern Israel with its Cell 36 where Defence for Children International reported children are locked in small filthy cells in solitary confinement, some for 65 days, with their only escape being the interrogation room where they are shackled by their hands and feet to a chair whilst being abused, sometimes for hours. G4S provides the security system that keep this torture den operational.

Join us for this important protest, more details to follow’

Palestinians for Dignity plan to protest PA arrests in Ramallah

Palestinians for Dignity plan to protest in Ramallah on Tuesday, October 2 against the wave of escalating PA arrests across the West Bank, demanding an end to the arrests and to security coordination with the Israeli occupation.

Marchers will gather at 5 PM at Manara Square in Ramallah before marching.

Sarsak refuses FC Barcelona Shalit meet invitation, finds support from Palestinian society

The Electronic Intifada reported about the strong support of Palestinians for Mahmoud Sarsak, Palestinian footballer and released prisoner freed from arbitrary detention without charge or trial (as an ‘Unlawful Combatant’, the only prisoner so held and a unique status reserved for prisoners from Gaza being held without charge or trial) following an 100 day hunger strike that secured his freedom.

Sarsak rejected an invitation by FC Barcelona to attend a match that will be attended by Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was captured in Gaza and released in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. FC Barcelona invited Shalit to the match and in response to massive outcry, attempted to ‘balance’ its invitation to Shalit by inviting Sarsak.

Rejecting the request to attend alongside Shalit, Sarsak said:

“Asked whether he would accept, Sarsak said, “It is a great honor and it is a victory for a Palestinian prisoner and for the Palestinian cause and a victory for our principles and stances that a prisoner who is at the same time an athlete should go out and expain the suffering of his people. But in the presence of the soldier Gilad Shalit on the same stands, I will refuse this invitation.”

Sarsak said that Shalit, as an occupation soldier, had participated in violence and destruction against Palestinians in Gaza: “his slogan is the gun, whereas mine is football, whose message is love and peace. For this reason I will refuse.”

Sarsak said further:

Sarsak acknowledged FC Barcelona’s position that it had not invited Shalit, but that the club had merely accepted a request for him to view the match. Spanish media – citing club sources – have reported that an Israeli ex-minister asked the club to invite Shalit.

Nevetheless, Sarsak expressed concern about the circumstances in which the subsequent invitation to him had been announced and how his presence – at the same time as Shalit – could be interpreted: “I know that the invitation was issued after heavy pressure on FC Barcelona so that it could get out of its dilemma, but the Palestinian people are not and will not be a means for [others] to get out of their dilemmas.”

Attending the match “could reflect negatively on the Palestinian cause” Sarsak said, “especially when the western media or Israeli media view it as an invitation to normalization. Let us note especially that in the fourth paragraph of the invitation, is a call for ‘peace and harmony,’ which indicates a certain policy of normalization.”

Palestinian footballers have demanded that Shalit’s invitation be revoked: http://www.bdsmovement.net/2012/fc-barcelona-dont-host-shali-9634#.UGkbVI1lRAA

This call was joined by Palestinian civil society, supporting Shalit’s action: http://www.bdsmovement.net/2012/palestinians-to-fc-barcelona-cancel-shalit-visit-inviting-him-is-complicity-in-covering-up-israels-occupation-9655#.UGkbQo1lRAA

As reported by the Electronic Intifada, prisoner support association Waed saluted Sarsak‘s action and condemned Palestinian Authority officials including Palestinian Football official Jibril Rajoub who accepted invitations by FC Barcelona to attend alongside Shalit.


Released prisoner Samer Abu Seir marries in Gaza

Released prisoner displaced to Gaza Samer Abu Seir celebrated his wedding on September 25 following 24 years in the occupation prisons.

Abu Seir married a woman from Gaza, saying that he “confirms that we are one people and one indivisible homeland, from Jerusalem and Gaza, this land and blood is precious and dear to all Palestinians.” He dedicated his wedding to the spirit of his mother who died only a few months prior after travelling to Gaza despite being ill to see her son Samer released from the occupation prisons in October 2011.

Abu Seir said that his joy in freedom would not be complete until the liberation of all prisoners from the Israeli jails, saluting the prisoners who remained in the occupation prisons.

The wedding was attended by leaders, cadres and members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, many former prisoners, including those displaced to Gaza, and national figures. Many of Abu Seir’s family travelled from Jerusalem to join the wedding. Samer Abu Seir was born in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem and spent 24 years in Israeli jails before being displaced to Gaza in the October 2011 prisoner exchange agreement.

Hassan Safadi’s message after his hunger strike

Ma’an reported that Hassan Safadi addressed a letter to the Palestinian people, all their institutions and forces, in particular all of the free and honourable people who supported the prisoners in their open hunger strike.

Safadi, held in arbitrary administrative detention without charge or trial, engaged in an open-ended hunger strike from June 21, 2012 until September 21, 2012 when his administrative detention was not renewed and it was confirmed that he would be released in October.

The message reads as follows:

In the name of God, the most merciful…

At this time of victory, wrenched from body and spirit through hunger, among heroic colleagues who shared commitment, steadfastness and pride in the battle for freedom and dignity, I extend my salute and appreciation to the Palestinian people, free and proud. I greet all of the free institutions, honourable and conscientious lawyers who stood alongside us and supported us through their struggle and activities and fought for our just and legitimate rights. This is a triumph over darkness and the oppressors, and a triumph of freedom and all prisoners and detainees, and a victory for our hopes and dreams, our martyrs and wounded. My own long hunger strike has been suspended, but the prisoners’ battle is not over. Samer al-Issawi and Ayman Sharawna continue to strike against the policy of arbitrary detention, prisoners continue to languish in jails of medical negligence, and assaults, attacks on our rights, and humiliation continues. I have learned that God’s will and the will of steadfastness and faith is stronger than the will of the torturers and the racist policies.

I held first to my promise, pledged my soul to God and relied on God in struggle, convinced that the very foundation of my arrest is unjust and void, and that the policy of administrative detention must stop, it is a guillotine on the necks of thousands of prisoners.

Therefore I urge all international bodies and human rights organizations to continuously advocate and pressure to end arbitrary detention that violates the principles of humanitarian and human rights law.

Greetings to my ill mother, my steadfast and patient mother who has been a constant source of patience, strength and determination, and to the memory of my brother, the martyr Fareed, and all of the martyrs who have come before us on the road to freedom and justice. We will, God willing, soon see the hour of the dawn of freedom.

Hassan Safadi
September 26, 2012


Ahrar Centre launches action campaign for isolated Abu Sisi and al-Saidi

Ahrar Center for Prisoners Studies and Human Rights launched a large electronic campaign in solidarity with isolated captives Dirar Abu Sisi and Awad al-Saidi, from the Gaza Strip.

Fouad Khuffash director of Ahrar Center said that the aim of the campaign is to highlight the suffering of these isolated captives and to expose the occupation procedures against Palestinian prisoners, including isolation amid extremely difficult circumstances.

Khuffash said that the occupation violates all international laws and conventions that prevent isolating the prisoners, noting that the occupation has been legitimizing its actions through presenting the isolated prisoner at a kangaroo court every six months and renewing his isolation, based on reports by Israeli Shin Bet.

The human rights center said that this campaign is aimed at supporting the Palestinian captive movement’s steps which demand the implementation of terms of the agreement signed after the last mass hunger strike and which requires the release of all isolated prisoners from solitary confinement.

The Center stated that everyone can participate in the campaign through logging on to the center’s website and show solidarity through words and attitude.

Mother of two Palestinian prisoners placed on house arrest

Occupation authorities arrested Sahar Nimer, the mother of prisoners Ahmad Nimer and Murad Nimer, and placed her under house arrest after she was released after being held for 24 hours.

She was required to pay five thousand shekels bail. Nimer, 52, was arrested as she went to visit her imprisoned son Ahmed in Eshel prison near Beersheba after he was held in isolation for 2.5 months as retaliation for his refusal to be strip searched in Ramon prison. The occupation officials claimed she intended to smuggle a cell phone for her son.

Her son Murad has been jailed for three years of a ten year sentence and Ahmed is serving a term of four years in occupation prisons.

Prisoners’ health deteriorating, says new report

The Palestine Information Centre reported that there are one thousand and four hundred patient Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, “suffering from deliberate medical neglect that is leading to the deterioration of their health.”

“Ansar al-Asra” Organization warned, in a report released on Saturday, of the seriousness of the prisoners’ health conditions, which has been recently deteriorating.

It called on the Arab and international world to take an effective and firm move to pressure the occupation government to provide the necessary treatment for patient prisoners and stop all repressive measures against them.

The organization stated that 22 patient prisoners are being “isolated” in Ramle Hospital, which is lacking constituents of medical care and specialized medical crews.

It also noted in its report the prisoners are being transferred, handcuffed and under tight guard, to receive treatment in Ramle hospital where they are exposed to raids, sanctions and continuous searches, as revealed by one of the patient captives.

The report added that some prisoners have been suffering psychological illnesses as a result of torture by Israeli intelligence and the prison administration during the interrogation and the long isolation in solitary confinement.