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Palestinian writer Ahmad Qatamesh’s administrative detention renewed for fourth time

The administrative detention of Palestinian writer and thinker Ahmed Qatamesh was renewed for a fourth time on September 5, 2012 by an occupation military court. Qatamesh was arrested on April 21, 2011 and his detention has been extended four times to date.

This is not his first time in Israeli jails – he was arrested in 1992 and held for 100 days under severe torture, an experience detailed in his memoir, “I Shall Not Wear Your Tarboush.” When no incriminating evidence or confession was forthcoming, Qatamesh was placed in administrative detention without charge or trial, renewed repeatedly for nearly six years until his release in 1998. He is one of the longest-held Palestinian prisoners in administrative detention.

Amnesty International, which also denounced his earlier detention in the mid-1990s, recognizes Ahmed Qatamesh as a prisoner of conscience and calls for his release:


Article by Ahmad’s daughter Haneen about his arrest: http://electronicintifada.net/content/when-israeli-soldiers-came-arrest-my-father/9901

Addameer profile of Ahmad Qatamesh:

1998 interview with Ahmad Qatamesh:


In 1999, Ahmad Qatamesh was detained by the Palestinian Authority for joining a protest against corruption: http://www.phrmg.org/pressrelease/1999/04dec1999.htm

Write to Ahmad Qatamesh:
Ahmad Qatamesh, Ofer Prison, Givat Zeev, PO Box 3007, via Israel

Report: London protest for Palestinian prisoners at Israeli embassy

Report via: http://www.inminds.co.uk/article.php?id=10562. Full pictures and more available at that link!

Londoners protested outside the Israeli Embassy on Saturday 1st September 2012 demanding freedom for all Palestinian political prisoners as the Palestinian Prisoners Society reported that the clinic at Ramla Prison is withholding needed medication from Palestinian prisoner Ayman Sharawna, on hunger strike for 63 days, until he agrees to end his hunger strike.

Dozens of protesters picket the approach to the Israeli Embassy (red building – flag visible near centre of photo) which is on a private road.

Three hunger strikers – Hassan Safadi – 144 days, Samer Al-Barq – 133 days, and Ayman Sharawna – 62 days

Prison guards again attacked Hassan and Samer smashing Hassan’s head on the iron doors of the cell repeatedly until he was unconscious on the floor..

Around two dozen activists picketed the entrance to the private road which houses the Israeli Embassy in Kensington High Street. Their banner read “Free All Palestinian Political Prisoners” and they had placards around their necks dedicated to the remaining three hunger strikers – Samer al-Barq, Hassan Safadi, and Ayman Sharawna who are in critical condition, demanding their immediate freedom.

All three have been imprisoned under Israel’s infamous ‘administrative detention’ which means they have not been charged with anything and there is no trial and yet they have been locked up indefinitely on a rolling 6 month prison sentence.

Hassan Safadi and Samer al-Barq are both on renewed hunger strikes after Israel broke its deal to release them. They had previously already been on hunger strike for 71 and 30 days. Now Sameer has been on a renewed hunger strike from May 22 – a total of 133 days, and Hassan a total of 144 days.

Both men are in critical condition, barely able to stand and use wheelchairs for their daily needs. Amnesty has reported that even at the Medical Centre of the Israel Prison Service Samer and Hassan are being repeatedly beaten and abused.

The public were very sympathetic to the campaign with 100s of leaflets being given out in two hours. People seen eager to read even the small print on the leaflets.
Ayman Sharawna has been on hunger strike 63 days – since 1st July. Ayman was released as part of the prisoner exchange deal in October 2011, only to be re-arrested on 31 January 2012. No charges have been filed against him. Ayman was being held in solitary confinement in Rimon prison before being transferred to Ramleh prison medical center due to the deterioration in his health.

Two weeks ago (on Thursday 16th August) that the prison guards again attacked Hassan and Samer smashing Hassan’s head on the iron doors of the cell repeatedly until he was unconscious on the floor, they then dragged both prisoners to an isolation cell without any mattresses. To protest this inhuman and degrading treatment Hassan Safadi has announced that he will no longer be drinking water.

Israeli doctors are withholding Ayman’s needed injections until he agrees to end his hunger strike, using the denial of medicine as a weapon against the prisoners. The pain is so severe that he has been unable to stand on his own since the middle of August.

According to latest news released by Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association just yesterday (2 Sept 2012) doctors informed the prisoners that their “lives were under immediate threat”. Samer is now too weak to even get out of bed. Suffering extreme fatigue Hassan falls unconscious 2-3 times each day. Due to slow heart rate and severe potassium deficiency, Hassan was taken to Assaf Harofeh where tests revealed that his immunity level has fallen dangerously low; there is fluid in his lungs; and he has developed problems in his liver and kidneys. Even in this condition Hassan was shackled by all four limbs to the hospital bed with four soldiers left in the room to taunt him.
Prison doctors have informed Ayman that his life is also at risk. In addition to very low immunity levels and cirrhosis in his liver, he suffers from terrible joint pain and back pain from previous chronic conditions. The Israeli Prison Service doctors are withholding his needed injections until he agrees to end his hunger strike, using the denial of medicine as a weapon against the prisoners. The pain is so severe that he has been unable to stand on his own since the middle of August. Ayman is experiencing constant vertigo, severe headaches, high blood pressure and extreme weight loss of about 28 kilos from his original weight.

Palestinian flags calling for a boycott of Israel were also unfurled during the protest, the boycott being a practical method everyone can use to exert pressure on Israel. Hundreds of leaflets were given out to a very sympathetic public. Some approached us asking if they could take a boycott Israel flag to hang at home.

As with the last protest outside the Israeli Embassy the police took keen interest. At different stages we were approached by three different police teams and private security in charge of the Kensington Palace Gardens for the Crowne Estate which owns the road the Embassy is on. The private security wanted us some distance on the other side of the road away from the Embassy which we refused on principle. The police having a better understanding of the law allowed us to stay at the mouth of the private road in sight of the embassy. Later armed police from outside the embassy approached us to ask questions, despite their big guns and side arms they were polite. Near the end of the protest another officer turned up to ask the same questions. With Israels atrocious record of illegal occupation, ethnic cleansing, massacring civilians and murdering Palestinian children none of the police teams were surprised by the protest but were just there to ask routine questions.

The protest was the second one organised by the Palestinian Prisoners Campaign Group which was launched on the occasion of Al Quds Day this year (17 August 2012). The next action will be in a fortnight (14-16th Sept),see the campaign page for more information closer to the date.



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Friday, Sept. 7: Solidarity Hunger Strike with Palestinian Detainees – American University, Washington, DC

Solidarity Hunger Strike with Palestinian Detainees!
Friday, Sept. 7, 2012
9:00 AM
American University Quad, American University, Washington, DC
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/304594476314407/

Organized by American University Students for Justice in Palestine

Whereas Palestinian political prisoners Samer al-Barq is on day 106 of his hunger strike against his detention
Whereas Hassan Safadi is on day 76
Whereas Ayman Sharawna is on day 66
Whereas none of these prisoners have been charged with any crime or have received any trial in Israeli courts
Whereas the continued use of administrative detention is in direct violation of the agreement signed by Israel with Palestinian prisoners this May
Whereas Palestinian detainees are routinely tortured by Israeli prison officials until they confess to crimes they did not commit
Whereas Palestinians are found guilty in 99.74% of cases brought against them in Israeli military tribunals

American University Students for Justice in Palestine calls on AU students to begin an open ended hunger strike until there is justice for the hunger striking detainees

Meet on the quad this Friday at 9:00 AM.

Former prisoner Abu Seir: Prisoners in Israeli jails ready for struggle

Photo by Shahd Abusalama

Samer Abu Seir, a freed former prisoner from Jerusalem who was displaced to Gaza in the October 2011 prisoner exchange, discussed plans of the prisoners’ movement inside Israeli jails on September 2, 2012. The movement, he reported, is seriously considering escalating steps of struggle if the Israeli Prison Service does not respond to prisoners’ demands to end isolation for Awad Saidi and Dirar Abu Sisi, and allow family visits for all of the prisoners from Gaza rather than an arbitrary few.

Abu Seir pointed out that among the issues prompting the prisoners’ action has been the prohibition of visits by children of prisoners from Gaza, and the reduction of the length of family visits.

Abu Seir also confirmed that prisoners continue to suffer from harassment, nighttime inspections and frequent financial inspections that drain their canteen (prison financial accounts.) He noted that the prisoners inside Israeli jails expect that Palestinian political forces, official bodies and popular institutions will stand up for the prisoners as a responsibility and support the prisoners’ struggle with pressure and solidarity.


Samer Issawi: Facing decades of prison for visiting nearby village

Samer Issawi, a Palestinian prisoner initially released in the October 2011 prisoner exchange, now faces a return to nearly a life sentence in a case that illustrates Israeli hypocrisy around Jerusalem. Palestinian writer Ma’ath Musleh has provided an excellent account of this important case:


Urgent alert: Act now to save the lives of Samer al-Barq, Hassan Safadi and Ayman Sharawna!

Protest in London in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, August 18.

This alert is now available here in Spanish. Thank you to Scott Campbell of Angry White Kid for this translation, also available at his blog:

Samer al-Barq has now been on hunger strike for 105 days, in addition to 30 days prior on hunger strike with the mass prisoners’ hunger strike in April-May 2012, and is now the longest serving hunger striker anywhere in the world, having taken over this title from fellow Palestinian prisoner Akram Rikhawi.

He is joined on hunger strike by Hassan Safadi, who has now been on hunger strike for 75 days, on top of a 71-day long-term hunger strike including the April-May 2012 period, and Ayman Sharawna, who has now been refusing food for 65 days. All three are suffering from serious medical conditions, including major kidney problems, unconsciousness, and suppressed immune systems, as confirmed by Addameer, Physicians for Human Rights and al-Haq. Take action today to call for their immediate release and save the lives of Samer al-Barq, Hassan Safadi and Ayman Sharawna! 

Tweet Now: Act now for #PalHunger strikers #SamerAlBarq #HassanSafadi #AymanSharawna Lives on the Line for Palestine! Act: http://samidoun.ca/?p=1456

All three men are protesting the Israeli violations of the May 14 agreement (and prior agreements) between the prisoners’ movement and the Israel Prison Services. One of the provisions of that agreement was that current prisoners held under administrative detention would not have their detention renewed, and that long-term hunger strikers like Safadi’s detention would particularly not be renewed. However, on May 21 – only one week after the agreement – al-Barq‘s administrative detention order was renewed and he relaunched his hunger strike. He was joined by Safadi on June 21, when his own administrative detention order was renewed.

Ayman Sharawna, on the other hand, was released in October 2011 as part of the large prisoner exchange agreement. However, he was re-arrested shortly thereafter, in January 2012, and has been held without charge since that time. He launched his own hunger strike on July 1, the six month anniversary of his arrest.

Urgent action is needed to protect the lives of these Palestinian prisoners. They have been held together in an isolation cell that is 1.8 meters by 1.5 meters and no room for a wheelchair, and are currently shackled hand and foot to their hospital beds, even as their doctors report severe health threats to their lives. It is urgent that we act now to free Samer, Hassan and Ayman and secure them much-needed health care.

The Israeli Prison Services have continued to violate the May 14 agreement in numerous ways – Dirar Abu Sisi remains in solitary confinement and another prisoner was recently moved to isolation. Although family visits to Gaza prisoners have now been announced, they will be “experimental,” apply only to a small portion of the 479 prisoners and will exclude prisoners’ children from visits. Ofer prison is once again escalating repression against Palestinian prisoners.

Woroud Qasem recently returned home from prison and spoke for the first time in public. It is urgent that we act now for all Palestinian prisoners to return to their families and homes!  Palestinians are organizing a week of action in Gaza to demand freedom for these men – and all of the Palestinian prisoners held in the jails of the occupation for their resistance to apartheid, occupation and oppression and their commitment to free their land and people. International solidarity and action is needed to hold the occupation accountable for its ongoing imprisonment and abuse of the people of Palestine.


1. Sign a letter demanding the Israeli state transfer Samer al-Barq, Hassan Safadi and Ayman Sharawna immediately to hospitals and release them. Tell the Israeli Prison Services that the world is watching! Click here to sign.

2. Sign a letter to the International Committee of the Red Cross and demand it uphold its responsibilities to Palestinian prisoners and act to save the lives of Samer al-Barq, Hassan Safadi and Ayman Sharawna. Click here to sign.

3. Join a protest or demonstration outside an Israeli consulate for Palestinian prisoners. Many groups and organizations are holding events – join one or announce your own. Organizing an event, action or forum on Palestinian prisoners on your city or campus? Use this form to contact us and we will post the event widely. If you need suggestions, materials or speakers for your event, please contact us at samidoun@samidoun.ca. 

4. Contact your government officials and demand an end to international silence and complicity with the repression of Palestinian political prisoners. In Canada, Call the office of John Baird, Foreign Minister, and demand an end to Canadian support for Israel and justice for Palestinian prisoners, at : 613-990-7720; Email: bairdj@parl.gc.ca. In the US, call the office of Elizabeth Jones, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs (1.202.647.7209). Demand that Elizabeth Jones bring this issue urgently to his counterparts in Israel.

5. Join in the call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. Boycott Israeli products, and academic and cultural institutions until all Palestinian rights (including the right of refugees to return, to be free from occupation and for full equality) are fulfilled – including freeing the thousands of Palestinian prisoners behind bars.

Letter to the International Committee of the Red Cross for al-Barq, Safadi and Sharawna

Sign here to send a letter to the International Committee of the Red Cross and demand it uphold its responsibilities and act to protect the lives of Samer al-Barq, Hassan Safadi and Ayman Sharawna:

Video: First public speech by freed prisoner Woroud Qasem

Released prisoner Woroud Qasem spoke in public for the first time on August 9 since her liberation from occupation prisons. Translation and video via Translators for Palestine. Follow their excellent work on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/TranslatorsForPalestine

She is from al-Tira’ in Occupied Palestine ’48 and was one of the few women prisoners not released in the October 2011 prisoner exchange:

Addameer: Imminent danger to lives of hunger strikers Samer Al-Barq and Hassan Safadi

Ramallah-Jaffa2 September 2012 — Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Al-Haq and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-IL) fear for the lives of the three remaining Palestinian hunger strikers held by Israel. Of utmost concern are the health conditions of administrative detainees Samer Al-Barq, today on his 104th day of renewed hunger strikefollowing his previous 30-day hunger strike, and Hassan Safadi, today on his 74th day of renewed hunger strike following his previous 71-day hunger strike.

According to Addameer lawyer Fares Ziad following his visit to Ramleh prison medical clinic on 30 August, Samer was too weak to meet with him and could not get out of bed. Mr. Ziad met with Hassan and fellow hunger striker Ayman Sharawna, who is on his 64th day of hunger strike today. During their visit, Hassan told Mr. Ziad that both he and Samer had recently been taken to Assaf Harofeh hospital for a few days due to the further deterioration of their conditions and doctors informed them that their lives were under immediate threat.
Hassan is experiencing such extreme fatigue that he is unable to sleep, and instead falls unconscious 2-3 times each day. Due to slow heart rate and severe potassium deficiency, Hassan was taken to Assaf Harofeh for testing from 27-29 August. Troublingly, Hassan was told by the doctors in the hospital that the tests revealed that his immunity level has fallen dangerously low; there is fluid in his lungs; and he has developed problems in his liver and kidneys including  kidney stones. He is also experiencing chronic pain in his upper waist and joints.
While in the hospital, Hassan was shackled by all four limbs to the hospital bed. He noted that four soldiers were in his room at all times and that they made as much noise as possible and ate and drank in the room. When he asked them to be quieter, they simply mocked him. After receiving the results of his tests, doctors in the hospital told Hassan that the full responsibility of his condition lies on Hassan since he refuses to break his strike. Addameer, Al-Haq and PHR-IL categorically hold Israel accountable for Hassan and the other hunger strikers’ current conditions.
During his visit with Ayman Sharawna, Mr. Ziad learned that prison doctors informed Ayman that his life is also at risk. Ayman noted that in addition to very low immunity levels and cirrhosis in his liver, he suffers from terrible joint pain and back pain from previous chronic conditions, and that the IPS doctors refuse to give him pain medication until he stops his hunger strike. According to Ayman, the pain is so severe that he has been unable to stand on his own since the middle of August.
During the visit of PHR-IL lawyer Muhammad Mahajne on 28 August, Ayman reported experiencing constant vertigo, severe headaches, high blood pressure and extreme weight loss of about 28 kilos from his original weight. Ayman also reported that he was taken to Assaf Harofeh hospital three times during his hunger strike, and that he was told that he is starting to develop a kidney problem.
Furthermore, Ayman reported that during each hospitalization he was shackled to the hospital bed by three limbs, humiliating treatment that is also extremely uncomfortable and prevents Ayman from moving freely in his bed. Ayman is still denied access to an  independent doctor as well as family visits. All three hunger strikers are now held in the same isolation cell in Ramleh.
Akram Rikhawi ended his hunger strike on 22 July after 102 days, upon reaching an agreement with the IPS to be released in January 2013. Following a visit to Akram on 25 July, the PHR-IL doctor recommended Akram’s immediate referral to a public hospital and to be immediately examined by a lung specialist. To date, this recommendation has not been implemented. Even more alarmingly, Akram reported that the IPS has raised his steroid dosage, which he is given as treatment for his asthma. Akram’s asthma continues to be a cause for concern and is severely unstable despite treatment with steroids. The doctor emphasized that asthma is a life-threatening illness that in the case of a major attack could lead to death.
Samer is now the longest hunger striker in Palestinian history. He and Hassan have reached very critical stages in their prolonged hunger strikes, with doctors noting that they are at immediate risk of death. Nonetheless, Israel not only insists on the injustice of depriving them of their right to fair trial, but also continues to severely mistreat them, in the forms of physical brutality and psychological torture that is employed by the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) to get them to break their strikes.
Despite their severe medical conditions, both Samer and Hassan are still denied family visits and access to independent physicians and independent medical care. Addameer, Al-Haq and PHR-IL are outraged by the IPS’ practice of approving visits by independent doctors only after court orders are issued, and by the Israeli District Court of Petah Tikva’s unwillingness to order the IPS to allow frequent and consistent visits by independent doctors to hunger strikers.
In light of the severe deterioration of the health conditions of the remaining Palestinian detainees on hunger strike, Addameer, Al-Haq and PHR-IL urge the international community to immediately intervene on their behalf and demand:
  • That the agreements reached on 14 and 15 May 2012 be respected, including the release of administrative detainees who were promised release at the end of their current orders;
  • Unrestricted access for independent physicians to all hunger strikers;
  • The immediate transfer of Samer Al-Barq and Hassan Safadi, as well as all other hunger strikers, to public hospitals;
  • That no hunger striker be shackled while hospitalized;
  • That all hunger strikers be allowed family visits, while they are still lucid;
  • That Hassan Safadi and Samer Al-Barq, along with all other administrative detainees, in addition to Ayman Sharawna and other detainees that were released as part of the prisoner exchange deal in October 2011 be immediately and unconditionally released.

London protest September 1 for hunger strikers

From Inminds:

Join us on Saturday 1st September 2012 at 3pm outside the Israeli Embassy to protest in solidarity with the Palestinian hunger strikers Samer Al-Barq, Hassan Safadi and Ayman Sharawna who are in critical condition.

All three have been imprisoned under Israel’s infamous ‘administrative detention’ which means they have not been charged with anything and there is no trial and yet they have been locked up indefinitely on a rolling 6 month prison sentence.

Hassan Safadi and Samer al-Barq are both on renewed hunger strikes after Israel broke its deal to release them. They had previously already been on hungerstike for 71 and 30 days. Now Sameer has been on a renewed hunger strike from May 22 – that’s over three months, and Hassan for two months.

Both men are in critical condition, barely able to stand and use wheelchairs for their daily needs. Amnesty has reported that even at the Medical Centre of the Israel Prison Service Samer and Hassan are being repeatedly beaten and abused.

Ayman Sharawna has been on hunger strike since 1st July. Ayman was released as part of the prisoner exchange deal in October 2011, only to be re-arrested on 31 January 2012. No charges have been filed against him. Ayman was being held in solitary confinement in Rimon prison before being transferred to Ramleh prison medical center due to the deterioration in his health.

The latest news we received two weeks ago (on Thursday 16th August) is that the prison guards have once again attacked Hassan and Samer smashing Hassans head on the iron doors of the cell repeatedly until he was unconscious on the floor, they then dragged both prisoners to an isolation cell without any mattresses. To protest this inhuman and degrading treatment Hassan Safadi has announced that he will no longer be drinking water.

Palestinian Prisoners Campaign Group