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Madrid mobilization calls for Palestinian liberation on Land Day

On Saturday, 2 April, the Masar Badil (Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement) organized a demonstration marking Palestinian Land Day at the Puerta del Sol in downtown Madrid, Spain, with the involvement of Samidoun Spain, Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and Al-Yudur Palestinian Youth Mobilization. The demonstration included strong chants and speeches in support of the Palestinian people and their resistance to defend their land, from the river to the sea.

Speakers addressed the over 74 years of Palestinian struggle to defend land from Zionist colonization and urged action and solidarity to support the Palestinian people. They denounced the complicity of European governments in the ongoing crimes of colonialism, occupation and apartheid perpetrated against the Palestinian people and called for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against the Israeli regime.

Land Day is commemorated on 30 March each year after the 1976 general strike and uprising in occupied Palestine ’48 against land confiscation, when Israeli occupation forces killed six Palestinians as they marched in a popular demonstration. The day also represents the unity of the Palestinian people from the river to the sea, inside and outside Palestine, and affirms the unity of all of Palestine. Demonstrators in Madrid emphasized that Zionist colonialism must be fully dismantled to gain justice for Palestine.

Participants in the demonstration also denounced France’s ongoing suppression of Palestine solidarity activism, including the attempts to criminalize boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns and the dissolution — state banning — of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and other organizations, including the Antifascist Group of Lyon Area (GALE) and the Comite Action Palestine.

They visited the French embassy after the mobilization, calling for an end to the dissolutions and freedom for Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for over 37 years. These calls also came as part of the international day of action to free Georges Abdallah, coinciding with his 71st birthday.

Samidoun Spain is organizing to free Palestinian prisoners and for the liberation of Palestine. To get involved, please reach out at our social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) to become a part of our work.

International day of action mobilizes for freedom for Georges Abdallah

On Saturday, 2 April — Georges Abdallah’s 71st birthday — people across France and around the world joined in an international day of action to demand the freedom of the Lebanese Arab Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for over 37 years.

Abdallah, the longest-held political prisoner in Europe, has been eligible for release since 1999, yet his release has been blocked by interventions at the highest levels of the French and U.S. governments. He is part and parcel of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, even joining in collective hunger strikes from his prison cell in Lannemezan.

In Tunis, activists with the Tunisian Committee for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah organized a solidarity stand outside the French embassy calling for Abdallah’s liberation.

In Bordeaux, activists from multiple organizations, including representatives of the CGT labor federation, rallied at a central square to urge Abdallah’s freedom.

In Marseille, dozens of activists rallied at a demonstration organized by the National Association of Communists (ANC), calling for Abdallah’s liberation.

In Lyon, activists from the Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire (League of Revolutionary Youth), hung a banner calling for Georges Abdallah’s freedom and liberation for Palestine, as well as distributing information to residents of the neighborhood.


Activists in Lyon also reported the presence of a poster on the city’s prefecture calling for Abdallah’s liberation.

Elsewhere, the LJR also shared banners and graffiti posted in Saint-Etienne and Grenoble, calling for Abdallah’s liberation:


In Paris, activists marched through the streets in a mass rally called by the Coordination to Support the Palestine Resistance, proceeding from Barbès to République. Members of many organizations spoke and marched in a spirited demonstration affirming full solidarity with the liberation of Palestine.

In Lannemezan, over 100 people rallied outside the prison where Georges Abdallah is held, demanding his release, including representatives of political parties and trade unions, such as the CGT union federation.

Participants, who came from cities and towns including Bordeaux, Tarbes, Lannemezan, Pau, Toulouse, Auch and Montauban, also called for the liberation of Salah Hamouri, the French-Palestinian lawyer and human rights defender subjected to an extended campaign of forced displacement and repression by the Israeli regime and currently jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention.

A large number of organizations and political parties took part in these actions (Solidaires, CGT, ANC, PCF, FI, UCL, NPA, Permanent Revolution, PRCF, AFPS, Anti-Imperialist Front, Yellow Vests, Association of Palestinians in Ile-de-France, FUIQP, Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Collectif Ivryens, ISM France, Argenteuil Solidarité Palestine, BDS Paris Banlieue, UJFP, CAPJPO-Europalestine, NPA, UJC, Jeunes Révolutionnaires and Samidoun Région Parisienne, etc.)

Philippe Poutou of the NPA later also highlighted the case in a TV appearance.

In Madrid, the Masar Badil (Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement) organized a Land Day demonstration on 2 April at Puerta del Sol, with the participation of Samidoun Spain, Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and Al-Yudur Palestinian Youth Mobilization.

Following the rally, which included calls for the liberation of Georges Abdallah, participants gathered outside the French embassy to call for Abdallah’s liberation and denounce France’s criminalization of pro-Palestine and antifascist organizations, including the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and the antifascist group of Lyon (GALE).

In Vancouver, Canada Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights launched their Revolutionaries are Not Terrorists (RANT) campaign with a speaking event, with the participation of Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun; Coni Ledesma, of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines; and Natalie Knight, urban Indigenous organizer and chair of the Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle in Vancouver. In her presentation, Kates discussed the case of Georges Abdallah and France’s criminalization of Palestine solidarity as part of the system of “anti-terror” repression used by imperialist powers to repress peoples’ movements.

Participants in the event took a solidarity photo calling for freedom for Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners and an end to the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and other pro-Palestine associations.

In Athens, Samidoun Greece and the Anti-Imperialist Front called for freedom for Georges Abdallah and all revolutionary prisoners.

In Charleroi, Belgium, the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine organized a stand outside the offices of Belgian TV channels to call for Georges Abdallah’s freedom and bring the case to the doors of media outlets. The action received TV and online media coverage.

Activists from the Tunisian Youth Movement in Germany took photos with a banner calling for the freedom of Georges Abdallah.

The national French trade union federation, Confédération Générale du Travail, CGT (General Confederation of Labor), issued a statement calling for Abdallah’s liberation for the day of action, marking a significant political commitment:

The French state’s refusal to release Georges Abdallah is indeed a political decision; therefore, the fight for his liberation must, therefore, be carried out on the ground of the balance of political power. In this context, we call to join the many actions that will take place this Saturday, April 2, at the call of associations, trade unions and political organizations.

In France as elsewhere, defenders of the Palestinian cause are paying a heavy price for their commitment.

N​ación Andaluza, a political organization in Andalucia advocating for socialism and independence, issued a statement affirming their support for Abdallah and his liberation.

Georges Abdallah himself issued a statement for the day of action, read at many of the demonstrations, including those in Lannemezan and Paris:

Comrades and Friends, from behind the abominable walls, Ahmad Saadat, as well as the thousands of comrades imprisoned in Zionist jails, send you their revolutionary greetings and draw your attention to the fascist and supremacist groups raging in Ramleh, Lydda, Haifa and Umm al-Fahm openly supported by the Israeli police…

That said, Comrades, the Palestinian popular masses can rely, and must be able to rely upon your mobilization to confront all the nefarious propaganda of the imperialist bourgeoisie in your country in particular…

The conditions of detention in Zionist jails are getting worse day by day; and as you know Comrades, to confront this, international solidarity can prove to be an indispensable weapon…

Quite naturally, the Palestinian popular masses and their struggling vanguards in captivity can count more than ever on your active solidarity.

May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish in support of Palestine and its promising resistance!

As part of Abdallah’s statement, he highlighted the dissolutions of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and Comite Action Palestine as part of France’s attack on Palestine. Protests against the dissolution were part of many of the actions for the 2 April day of action.

On the Day of Action itself and on surrounding days, organizations and activists in various cities organized screenings of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight.” The first screening at a Tunisian university was organized on 29 March as part of a Land Day commemoration. A screening on 31 March highlighted Georges Abdallah’s story in Barcelona. In Bergamo, Italy, activists from Giovani e Palestina (Youth and Palestine) screened “Fedayin” on 2 April.

The film “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” addresses the life and struggle of the longest-held political prisoner in Europe. It is available with appropriate subtitles in French, Arabic, English, German, Turkish, Italian, Catalan and Castilian Spanish. If you want to show Fedayin in your area, email us at samidoun@samidoun.net and contact the directors at vacarmesfilms@gmail.com. We will help you to get your screening organized, and the directors are available to attend your events in person or to join your in-person events via video link.

Georges Abdallah’s statement for 2 April day of action

Georges Abdallah is part and parcel of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement. Palestinian prisoners, like imprisoned PFLP leader Ahmad Sa’adat, have issued letters and statements of solidarity with Abdallah, who has joined in collective hunger strikes from his cell in Lannemezan prison in France.

The film “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” addresses the life and struggle of the longest-held political prisoner in Europe. It is available with appropriate subtitles in French, Arabic, English, German, Turkish, Italian, Catalan and Castilian Spanish. If you want to show Fedayin in your area, email us at samidoun@samidoun.net and contact the directors at vacarmesfilms@gmail.com. We will help you to get your screening organized, and the directors are available to attend your events in person or to join your in-person events via video link.

Read Georges Abdallah’s statement below (translated from the original French)

Dear Comrades, Dear Friends,

In this time of multifaceted crisis, impoverishment and great struggles, wars and devastation, your solidarity mobilization here and elsewhere, provides a lot of strength and warms the heart too…

Insofar as this mobilization is part of the overall dynamics of the ongoing struggle, it allows your incarcerated comrades to stand up and somehow transcend their conditions as prisoners, despite the long years of captivity, and thus to participate in the action of the really existing revolutionary protagonists.

As you know, Comrades, the Palestinian people commemorate “Land Day” every year; it is a true national day where the Palestinian people affirms its unity despite their dispersion in various camps and communities in Palestine and in the neighboring countries, and where they affirm above all the unity of the land of Palestine. This day affirms the indestructible attachment to historical principles, namely: the categorical rejection of the Zionist entity on Palestinian land, and the Right of Return, which implies the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine.

The commemoration of “Land Day” is therefore not only or mainly in remembrance of a general strike in 1976 against the confiscation of land. This strike aroused at the time a significant mobilization of solidarity, both in the West Bank and in Gaza and in the various Palestinian camps in neighboring countries. The fact remains that the acquisition of the land of Palestine by all means did not begin on January 19, 1976 with the decision of the Israeli government to confiscate 25 km 2in the Galilee. The expropriation of all of the property of the Palestinian people, with a view to their destruction, and in particular the confiscation of a large part of their land, is part and parcel of the very existence of the Zionist entity. It has never stopped and it will only stop with the dissolution/destruction of this entity which, in reality, is only an organic extension of Western imperialism.

By celebrating “Land Day,” the Palestinian people today also commemorate both the beginning of the 2002 Jenin siege and massacre and the heroic resistance that developed throughout that criminal siege.

By celebrating “Land Day” today, the Palestinian people affirm by the blood of their martyrs in Jenin, Hdayrat, Yaaboud and Bethlehem that Palestine, its land and people, is more united than ever. With the blood of the martyrs, the Palestinian people crushes not only the “deal of the century” but also and above all the Oslo agreements, and signifies to all these delegations gathered at “Sharm el-Sheikh” the refusal and the condemnation of the Palestinian people of all those steps aimed at the “normalization” of relations between the Arab countries and the Zionist entity. This day thus affirms the unshakeable will of the Palestinian popular masses to send to the dustbins of history the normalization between the Zionist entity and all these lackeys, emirs and agents…

By celebrating “Land Day” today on the eve of this month of Ramadan, the Palestinian popular masses are preparing for a mobilization commensurate with the current challenges; as in Sheikh Jarrah, in Gaza, and in all the cities and localities of the West Bank and the 48 territories, Palestinians of all generations, know better than anyone that nothing and no one will be able to eradicate this popular intifada, rooted in the collective consciousness and necessary to end the occupation. The intifada is, more than ever, the embodiment of all dignity and all hopes…

Quite naturally, this popular Intifada of a particular type has never really died out… Today it is called upon to structure itself better and to gain momentum, in order to right the balance of power and not allow the management of Oslo to come back again as if nothing has happened. It is clear, Comrades, that lately, not a single day has gone by without new martyrs, young or not so young…

How else can we see this popular resistance in “Beita,” this locality south of Nablus, or in Jenin and its surroundings in the North, or in al-Khalil, not to mention everything that is happening in al-Quds and in the territories of occupied Palestine ’48 and the ongoign raids in Gaza…

Quite naturally, this situation is not isolated from everything that is happening in the Arab world. It fits in a way, in the extension and development but also the impasses of all these protests and other revolts (Hirak) which have shaped the Arab world for ten years. It is also and above all part of an international context where the inter-imperialist contradictions are more and more exacerbated against the background of the worldwide crisis of the globalized capitalist system. It is clear that this crisis continues to deepen and spread throughout the world. At a time when the Brown Death of the far right has clearly, without cover, organized itself almost everywhere in Europe and has even managed to impose itself as the main political force in certain countries, fascization is proving to be at the center of the whole global dynamic of the management of capital, especially in the center of the system…

We must also note, comrades, that the inter-imperialist contradictions are beginning to structure international relations more and more and to occupy the forefront of the world stage. No one should be unaware that the tendency to war is somehow inscribed in the genetic code of capital.

The loss of hegemony of US imperialism at the world level pushes it in its headlong rush towards more aggressiveness towards the other imperialist poles and especially towards more criminal hostility towards the independent states that are somewhat too contentious to their taste…

Comrades, after thirty years of expansion in the East, of war in the Middle East, in Afghanistan, in Africa and also of coups d’état disguised as “orange revolutions” all over the world, US imperialism and with it Europe are facing a new situation in which “slippage” is not very improbable… with a war in the heart of Europe! And in the first place, economic sanctions to manage the confrontation with this imperialist pole in the process of being structured, without having to counter it militarily in a direct way!

Quite naturally, the “officials of capital” are not offended by the presence of neo-Nazi parties and their militias (Azov Regiment) which have been fueling military aggression in the Donbass and elsewhere since 2014; they only can discover hatred in all the structures of solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people and therefore, with all shame, they criminalize “BDS” as soon as they can, and decree the dissolution of the “Collectif Palestine Vaincra” and the “Comite Action Palestine”…

Naturally, all solidarity with the dissolved collectives and with “BDS”.

Comrades and Friends, from behind the abominable walls, Ahmad Saadat, as well as the thousands of comrades imprisoned in Zionist jails, send you their revolutionary greetings and draw your attention to the fascist and supremacist groups raging in Ramleh, Lydda, Haifa and Umm al-Fahm openly supported by the Israeli police…

That said, Comrades, the Palestinian popular masses can rely, and must be able to rely upon your mobilization to confront all the nefarious propaganda of the imperialist bourgeoisie in your country in particular…

The conditions of detention in Zionist jails are getting worse day by day; and as you know Comrades, to confront this, international solidarity can prove to be an indispensable weapon…

Quite naturally, the Palestinian popular masses and their struggling vanguards in captivity can count more than ever on your active solidarity.

May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish in support of Palestine and its promising resistance!

May a thousand solidarity initiatives flourish in favor of Palestinian Flowers and Cubs (imprisoned Palestinian girls and boys)!

Solidarity, all solidarity, with the two comrades Sibel Balac and Gokhan Yildirim on a hunger strike [in Turkish prisons] at breakneck speed!

Solidarity, all solidarity with the resistance fighters in Zionist jails, and those in solitary confinement cells in Morocco, Turkey, Greece, the Philippines and elsewhere around the world!

Solidarity, all solidarity, with the proletarians in struggle!

Solidarity, all solidarity, with the popular Yemeni masses!

Honor to the Martyrs and to the popular masses in struggle!

Down with imperialism and its Zionist watchdogs and other Arab reactionaries!

Capitalism is nothing but barbarism, honor to all those who oppose it in the diversity of their expressions!

Together, Comrades, and only together will we win!

To all of you Comrades and friends, my warmest regards.

Your Comrade, Georges Abdallah

Over 100 protest outside Lannemezan prison to demand release of Georges Abdallah

At the call of Collectif 65 for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, over 100 demonstrators gathered outside the gates of the Lannemezan prison in France to demand the release of the longest-held political prisoner in Europe. This initiative was organized as part of an international day of mobilization for the release of the imprisoned Lebanese communist. The day came on 2 April as he celebrated his 71st birthday behind the walls of a French prison after being eligible for release for more than 22 years.

Despite the cold and the snowy weather, many supporters of Georges Abdallah made the trip from Bordeaux, Tarbes, Lannemezan, Pau, Toulouse, Auch and Montauban to reaffirm the importance of Abdallah’s case. Georges Abdallah, a Lebanese communist and struggler for the liberation of Palestine, has been imprisoned in France since 1984. The presence of activists from multiple organizations (Solidaires, CGT, ANC, PCF, FI, UCL, NPA, Permanent Revolution, PRCF, AFPS, Yellow Vests, etc.) underlined that solidarity with Georges Abdallah concerns all of the progressive forces who understand that the fight for his liberation is, first of all, a struggle against French imperialism and its criminal complicity with Israeli apartheid.

Following the publication of an important press release by the major labor federation in France, the CGT, calling for the release of Georges Abdallah, various trade union sectors and representatives of the CGT were present at the rally, carrying a large banner to affirm the union federation’s solidarity with Abdallah. The secretary general of the local CGT federation of Lannemezan area spoke at the demonstration alongside the secretary general of the UD CGT 31 to underline their commitment to support of Georges Abdallah as a part of upholding the internationalist values ​​of their labor union.

For his part, the president of the ANC (National Association of Communists), Charles Hoareaur stated: “In addition to Georges Abdallah, we also stand with the Corsican political prisoners, and until his death for Yvan Colonna, and the Basque prisoners, who are refused the application of common law and which have been placed under an exceptional regime unworthy of a democracy”.

Many organizations denounced the criminalization of the Palestine solidarity movement by the French government and the recent dissolution and banning of several organizations, including the Collectif Palestine Vaincra. A former Collectif Palestine Vaincra activist emphasized the importance of linking the mobilization against the dissolutions to the fight for the release of Abdallah, the longest-held political prisoner in Europe, as both actions reflect one and the same policy of repression by the French government.

The rally concluded with music: various songs of resistance played as participants took a photo in solidarity with Salah Hamouri, a French-Palestinian lawyer and human rights defender jailed without charge or trial in Israeli administrative detention. Supporting Georges Abdallah is part and parcel of supporting the release of all the Palestinian prisoners, unjustly imprisoned by the Israeli occupation.


March in Paris supports Palestinian resistance and Georges Abdallah

At the call of the Coordination to Support the Palestine Resistance in Paris, France, a march in support of the Palestinian resistance was organized from Barbès to République on Saturday, 2 April. A crowd displaying Palestinian flags and numerous banners came out despite the Parisian cold to affirm their support for the Palestinian people and their struggle against imperialism, Zionism and the reactionary Arab regimes.

In addition to the member organizations of the coordination (Association of Palestinians in Ile-de-FranceANCFUIQPUnitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim AbdallahCollectif IvryensISM FranceArgenteuil Solidarité Palestine), activists from BDS Paris BanlieueUJFPCAPJPO-EuropalestineNPAUJCJeunes Révolutionnaires and Samidoun Région Parisienne were present.

This initiative was part of the commemorations of Land Day and the  international day of mobilization for the release of Georges Abdallah, the  Lebanese communist and Palestinian resistance fighter imprisoned in France for more than 37 years. 2 April, Abdallah’s birthday, was marked as a day of action in cities throughout France and elsewhere in the world.


During the march, speakers read out the call for the march, and participants chanted many slogans in support of the Palestinian resistance, including “Long live the armed struggle of the Palestinian people,” “Palestine will live, Palestine will win, free Georges Abdallah!” for the return of all Palestinian refugees, and against the blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Marchers also strongly denounced the criminalization of the Palestine solidarity movement, in particular the recent dissolutions of several organizations, such as the Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

At the end of the demonstration, speakers presented several statements, including one written by Georges Abdallah for the occasion. In a declaration faithful to his anti-imperialist and revolutionary principles, he affirmed:

“By commemorating ‘Land Day’ today on the eve of this month of Ramadan, the Palestinian popular masses, of all generations, know better than anyone that nothing and no one will be able to eradicate this popular Intifada, rooted in the collective consciousness and necessary to end the occupation. This is, more than ever, the embodiment of all dignity and all hopes. […] Comrades and friends, from behind the abominable prison walls, Ahmad Sa’adat and the thousands of comrades imprisoned in Zionist jails bring you their revolutionary greetings and draw your attention to fascist and supremacist groups in Ramleh, Lydda, Haifa and Umm al-Fahm, openly supported by the Israeli police. That said, Comrades, the Palestinian popular masses can rely and must be able to rely on your mobilization in the face of all the nefarious propaganda of the imperialist bourgeoisie.”

A few days earlier, on Wednesday 30 March 30, the National Collective for a Just and Lasting Peace organized a rally at Place de la République in Paris to commemorate Palestinian Land Day. Around a hundred people were present, including members of AFPSBDS FranceBDS Paris BanlieueUJFPSolidairesCGTFSUEnsembleFemmes EgalitéUnitary campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah and Samidoun Région Parisienne. Many organizations and individuals spoke, including Elsa Lefort, wife of imprisoned French-Palestinian lawyer Salah Hamouri and spokesperson for his support committee.

She denounced the administrative detention — imprisonment without charge or trial — of her husband, a human rights defender, and the complicit silence of the French government in the face of the relentless campaign of harassment and persecution conducted by the Israeli government against Hamouri In his speech on behalf of the French Jewish Union for Peace (UJFP), Pierre Stambul said:

“We demand an end to complicity with this rogue state and in particular we denounce France’s collusion with apartheid. The criminalization of anti-Zionism and the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra are proof of this. We denounce the shameless instrumentalization of anti-Semitism to defend a colonial state. Anti-Semitism is a crime and anti-Zionism is a duty. We demand the release of all Palestinian prisoners: the 6 escapees and recaptured from Gilboa, Marwan Barghouti, Ahmed Saadat, our comrade Salah Hamouri and Georges Abdallah, a prisoner relocated to France for 38 years.”

Samidoun Région Parisienne regularly mobilizes in support of the Palestinian people and their resistance for the liberation of Palestine from the sea to the Jordan. Do not hesitate to contact us on our social media accounts (InstagramFacebook ,Twitter) or by email at samidoun.rp@gmail.com if you wish to participate in our initiatives, including our monthly Palestine Stands in Aubervilliers and sending letters of support to Palestinian prisoners.

New York City marches for Palestine on Land Day, calls to #DefundRacism

On Wednesday, 30 March, Palestinian Land Day, hundreds of marchers took to the streets of midtown Manhattan in New York City to protest organizations funding war crimes in Palestine, including the “Friends of the Israel Defense Force,” the Central Fund of Israel and American Friends of Ateret Cohanim.

The march commemorated Land Day, an annual date marked by Palestinians and supporters of Palestine inside and outside Palestine. Land Day not only recalls the six Palestinians shot and killed by Zionist forces on 30 March 1976 at the mass demonstrations in occupied Palestine ’48 against land confiscation, it also highlights the unity of Palestinians in defending their land from colonialism, occupation and apartheid.

The New York City action came as part of the Campaign to Defund Racism, launched by over 150 groups in Palestine to oppose the tax-exempt status of United States-based organizations funding illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

The protest was organized by a coalition of organizations, including Samidoun New York/New Jersey, Within Our Lifetime • United for Palestine, the Palestinian Youth Movement, Existence Is Resistance, Decolonize This Place, CUNY School of Law Students for Justice in Palestine, and the CUNY Law Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild.


The demonstration began outside the “Friends of the IDF” headquarters on 42nd Street before proceeding in a strong march throughout midtown Manhattan. Speakers from Within Our Lifetime, Samidoun, Palestinian Youth Movement, CUNY Law Students for Justice in Palestine sent a clear message against these organizations and in support of Palestinian liberation.

Many organizations participated in the demonstration, including Brooklyn College SJP, the US-Palestine Mental Health Network, NY Boricua Resistance and the anti-Zionist Jewish group, Neturei Karta.

As the demonstration launched, multiple speakers addressed the crowd, including Nerdeen Kiswani of Within Our Lifetime, Fatima Mohammed of CUNY Law Students for Justice in Palestine, Rabbi Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta and Laila Boutros, coordinator of Samidoun NY/NJ. (Read Laila’s full speech below.)

As the march proceeded to the Central Fund for Israel, Mette Loulou von Kohl spoke representing the Palestinian Youth Movement, while Hassan of Samidoun NY/NJ spoke outside the American Friends of Ateret Cohanim (read Hassan’s speech below.) The demonstration ended with a spirited march to the steps of the James A Farley Building, as chants for Palestinian liberation echoed through the streets of Manhattan.

Demonstrators also carried signs in support of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and other pro-Palestinian organizations targeted for dissolution — official banning — by the French government, for their advocacy for Palestinian liberation and against apartheid, racism and colonialism, and highlighted the case of Khaled Barakat, Palestinian writer expelled from Germany and subjected to a political ban for his positions on Palestine.

Participants also highlighted the struggle of 4,600 Palestinian political prisoners jailed by occupation forces, including nearly 500 administrative detainees imprisoned without charge or trial by the Israeli occupation and currently boycotting the Israeli military courts. Palestinian prisoners include political leaders and resistance strugglers like Ahmad Sa’adat as well as Ahmad Manasra, the young Palestinian man jailed as a child and subjected to horrendous abuse by his captors. There is an international campaign by global and Palestinian mental health campaigners for his release. Click here to sign the petition.

Organizers in New York and New Jersey will continue to build the Defund Racism and organize for justice and liberation for Palestine, from the river to the sea. To get involved with or learn more about Samidoun NY/NJ, reach out on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.

Laila Boutros’ speech outside the “Friends of the IDF”:

My name is Laila and I’m with Samidoun New York/New Jersey. If you are standing here with us today, I don’t have to tell you that Palestinians and supporters of Palestinian liberation have been brutally repressed for as long as our collective consciousness can recall. 19 years ago this month, Rachel Corrie, a 23 year old American activist, was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer operator while trying to defend a Palestinian home from demolition. The driver saw her and didn’t slow down – he just ran over her. 37 years ago this July – Ghassan Kanafani, beloved Palestinian writer and PFLP leader, was assassinated by the Mossad via a car bomb, along with his 17 year old niece, Lamees. When they are able to, this is what they do. They murder Palestinians and their supporters who speak up for their right to life and land.

Israeli repression is still happening up to this day, and it doesn’t just happen in Palestine – it happens in the diaspora, too. This month, the French Interior Minister ordered the dissolution of Samidoun’s Toulouse chapter, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, citing baseless claims of “calls to hatred, violence and discrimination.” While this was happening, Palestinian activist Khaled Barakat fought to appeal his unjust political ban from Germany. Khaled was banned from the country because he was not afraid to say he supports Palestinian resistance and he calls for the liberation of Palestine. This is what the enemy does when they can’t literally kill our people, they attempt to kill our spirit and our voices and they attempt to delegitimize our struggle to the rest of the world. This won’t work because the people of the world know the truth and can recognize a common enemy. The same forces that encourage IDF soldiers to murder Palestinian children also encourage United States pigs to kill Black boys and girls, and the same forces that kill Black and Palestinian youth are also upholding the fascist US-backed Duterte regime that wreaks havoc on the lives of the Filipino people.

The greatest thing we can take away from these horrible stories is that the Zionist enemy is afraid of us. If they were not afraid, they would not work so tirelessly to kill and silence our people. It would not matter to them that Ghassan Kanafani wrote truthful stories about Palestinian life and struggle, it would not matter to them that Rachel Corrie was moved to defend a land so far from where she came, it would not matter to them that the Collectif is peacefully organizing its community in support of the Palestinian prisoners. If the Zionist entity was really as strong and unbreakable as it claims to be, it would not need to spend its time killing and repressing our people. So now is not the time for us to cower in fear, it is time for us to fight back.

Photo: Samar/PYM

Hassan’s speech outside the American Friends of Ateret Cohanim:

Right here is the office of the American friends of Ateret Cohanim. Ateret Cohanim operates as a passthrough between Zionist settlers and their state and their “Friends” here give them half a million dollars a year in tax exempt money. Through legal and extralegal means the organization seeks to push Palestinians from their homes and move in what they call “ideologically motivated settlers” — in other words, armed ultra Zionists. Their goal is to “securing a united Jerusalem” by ensuring a demographic majority in al-Quds.

Right now in Silwan, in Jerusalem, the Zionist court is threatening to kick a 26 person Palestinian family off their ancestral land. Zionist settlements are propping up all over on the remains of houses the occupation has forcibly demolished. Ateret Cohanim is directly involved in these heinous acts and that’s why we must hold their “Friends” accountable.

Ateret is doing the same thing luxury housing developers do here in historically Black and Brown neighborhoods but with even more overt violence and intimidation. Whether it’s Bay Ridge or back home, we condemn these acts of ethnic cleansing and support the brave people who dare to resist forced displacement.

We demand that these terrorist organizations be stripped of their tax exempt status. This is a clear case of favoritism on the part of the racist imperialist US government and reflects the two countries’ shared commitment to genocide. But no matter how many millions are poured into their unjust cause, we know the Palestinians’ spirit of resistance will not be broken. We know we will return and reclaim all of Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Palestine.

Palestine is our demand
No peace on stolen land

Charleroi activists bring the case of Georges Abdallah to Belgian media

As part of the International Day of Action to Free Georges Abdallah, activists in Charleroi, Belgium, took the campaign to free the imprisoned Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestine to Belgian media outlets on Friday, 1 April. The Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine urged Belgian media outlets to cover the case of the longest-held political prisoner in Europe, jailed in France for over 37 years despite being eligible for release since 1999.

Activists gathered outside RTBF and TeleSambre de Charleroi, major media outlets, with signs and banners calling or the immediate release of Abdallah, receiving media coverage in Belgian media outlets and TV reports.

This action builds upon a number of activities, protests, open letters and campaigns in Belgium to call for Abdallah’s liberation. 2 April is Georges Abdallah’s birthday, and he will turn 71 behind bars today. As part of a call from the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, protests are being held in Tunis, Tunisia, as well as in multiple cities in France.

Protesters will gather in Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille and outside the prison of Lannemezan to call for Abdallah’s immediate release.

One important way that people can express their solidarity directed to Georges Abdallah is to write letters and send them to him:

Monsieur Georges Ibrahim ABDALLAH
2388/A221 CP de Lannemezan
204 rue des Saligues
BP 70166

“Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” is a documentary film that traces the life, struggle and politics of Abdallah’s engagement in the Palestinian and Lebanese revolutionary movements. The film is available in French, English, Arabic, German, Italian, Catalan, Spanish and Turkish. To organize a screening of the film in your area, contact vacarmesfilms@gmail.com and copy samidoun@samidoun.net so that we can help you promote the event.

Photos: Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine

2 April: Demonstrations in various cities to free Georges Abdallah for international action day

April 2: International Day for the Release of Georges Abdallah

At the call of the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah and various support committees, let’s make April 2 a day of mobilization for the release of the oldest political prisoner in Europe.

Saturday April 2 in Lannemezan: Rally for the release of Georges Abdallah

Saturday April 2 in Paris: March in support of the Palestinian resistance

Saturday April 2 in Bordeaux: April 2 – international day for the release of Georges Abdallah

Saturday April 2 in Marseille: Freedom for Georges Abdallah & end of apartheid in Palestine

Saturday April 2 in Tunis from 11:30 a.m.: Gathering in front of the French Embassy

And also: Organize collages of posters, distribution of flyers
Take photos of solidarity alone or in groups with the hashtag #FreeGeorgesAbdallah

Write to him:
Mr. Georges Ibrahim ABDALLAH
2388/A221 CP de Lannemezan
204 rue des Saligues
BP 70166

Land Day: Return and Liberation for Palestine #PalestineLandDay

We mark the 46th Palestinian Land Day on 30 March 2022. This day is an occasion to celebrate, intensify and uphold Palestinian resistance to Zionism, colonialism, apartheid and occupation, recalling those whose lives have been stolen in defense of the land and people of Palestine, and to organize and struggle for return and liberation, from the river to the sea. As the Palestinian people continue to rise up and take action in resistance to defend their people and liberate their land, the Day of the Land is not only an anniversary but a day of living struggle to uproot colonialism from Palestine.

A History of Struggle

The Day of the Land began as an annual commemoration of the massive uprising of Palestinians in occupied Palestine ’48 against Zionist land confiscation in 1976, targeting 20,000 dunums of Palestinian land in the Galilee. The Palestinians of ’48 — Palestinian citizens of the Israeli settler colonial apartheid regime, survivors of the Nakba who remained on their land even as 80% of their fellow Palestinians were expelled — rose up en masse to confront ongoing land confiscation and settlement. They launched large-scale protests and a general strike, and on 30 March 1976, six Palestinians were shot dead by the occupation forces as they resisted the expropriation of their land.

On the 46th Land Day, we remember Kheir Mohammad Salim Yasin, Khadija Qasem Shawahneh, Raja Hussein Abu Rayya, Khader Eid Mahmoud Khalayleh, Muhsin Hasan Said Taha and Raafat Ali Al-Zheir and all the martyrs of Palestine who have given their lives and their freedom for the defense of Palestine, its land and its people. This day has become a national anniversary for the Palestinian people as a whole, inside Palestine and in exile, and an Arab and international day of Indigenous solidarity, land defense and collective struggle against imperialism and colonialism and the extraction of wealth and resources from the land of the people.

The Day of the Land represents the centrality of the land itself and its full liberation, from the river to the sea, in the struggle for Palestine. It reflects just how precious the land — and the people who care for it, till it, and work with it — is, and how decades and centuries of colonization have been unable to separate the people from their land, in Palestine and everywhere that people fight to defend their land and resources.

Further, Land Day is a day of Palestinian popular and resistance unity. From occupied Palestine ’48, to Jerusalem and the West Bank, to the Gaza Strip, to the refugee camps and everywhere in exile and diaspora, Palestinians commemorate Land Day not only as a historical occasion but as a symbol of the ongoing, living and vibrant resistance that has remained unbroken despite years of military occupation, land confiscation, mass imprisonment, killings and dispossession. Land Day is a day of struggle for the return of Palestinian refugees and for the liberation of every inch of Palestinian land from colonialism.

In 2018, the Day of the Land once again marked the occasion of a mass outpouring of Palestinians in the streets, as thousands upon thousands gathered in Gaza for the Great March of Return, and occupation forces again shot down Palestinians defending their land and seeking their liberation. 42 years after the first Land Day massacre, Israeli occupation forces killed 16 martyrs of the land and return, with over 200 more shot down in the marches over the months and days to come. Now, Palestinian farmers and fishers in Gaza continue to defend their land under siege, faced with daily attacks and the attempt to starve their resistance economy.

Palestinian Resistance Defends the Land

Today, it is clear that the Palestinian resistance continues to live and thrive, rooted in the land itself. The May 2021 unity uprising — in which Palestinians outside Palestine took to the streets of every global city with fellow movements fighting injustice and imperialism, in which Palestinians in ’48 rose up and claimed their land and cities, in which the resistance in Gaza led the battle of Seif al-Quds, in which the Palestinians of Jerusalem and the West Bank confronted soldiers and settlers everywhere to defend Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, Beita, al-Aqsa and all of Palestine — continues to reflect the bright future of resistance and revolution for Palestine and its people.

As we mark Land Day in 2022, Palestinians in the Naqab are defending their land against colonization, as they have for over 74 years. The attack on the Naqab and the Palestinian Bedouin people is being funded and organized by the Jewish National Fund in order to displace and disposess Palestinian Bedouins and seize ever more land for colonization. In countries around the world, the JNF holds “Negev Dinners” to boast of their colonial efforts; many of these dinners and events are attended and celebrated by Western imperialist political leaders, while donations made to further colonialism in the Naqab are tax-deductible. The so-called “Negev Summit,” bringing together the Israeli regime and the most reactionary Arab states, all under the auspices and guidance of U.S. imperialism, once again reiterates this colonial theme and the attempt to use “normalization” to legitimize the theft of Palestinian land.

Nevertheless, the Palestinian people and their resistance have made clear that the JNF’s plans and the “normalization” mandate will never be allowed to succeed. Palestinians continue to resist, defend and seek the liberation of their land by all means necessary, a natural right and a right protected even within the framework of international law. This Palestinian resistance gives hope to all people around the world who resist imperialism and colonialism as a symbol of unbroken will in the face of massive military might as well as a material blow against the forces of occupation.

Poster of the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine

Imprisonment: A Colonial Weapon

In an attempt to crush the Palestinian people’s resistance, criminalization and mass incarceration has always been a colonial tool of the occupier. This colonial weapon is directed against the entire Palestinian people, including Palestinians from occupied Palestine ’48. Approximately 70 of the 4,400 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails were seized from their homes and lands in ’48, from the Naqab to Umm al-Fahm. This form of repression has escalated in the past year, with over 1,000 Palestinians of ’48 detained after the Unity Uprising of May 2021 and ongoing raids and attacks on Palestinian cities, towns and villages. The purpose of these arrests, interrogations and charges is to terrorize Palestinians inside occupied Palestine ’48 and to attempt to impose the “Israeli Arab” identity that has been widely rejected. In addition to traditional imprisonment, Palestinians are subjected to house detention, exclusion from their cities, stripping of access to communication and other forms of political repression, as in the case of Somaya Falah.

Karim Younis, one of the longest-imprisoned Palestinian prisoners, is from Occupied Palestine ’48 as is his cousin Maher; indeed, many Palestinian prisoners imprisoned over 30 years for their role in the Palestinian resistance are from Occupied Palestine ’48: Karim and Maher Younis, Walid Daqqa, Ibrahim Abu Mokh and Ibrahim Bayadseh. They are leaders in the Palestinian prisoners’ movements, those who struggle daily on the front lines and behind bars for the liberation of Palestine, confronting the jailer and representing resistance, unity and anti-colonial struggle.

Defund Racism – Confront Land Confiscation and Settler Colonialism

The Day of the Land is a day when support for Palestinian land defenders, from the river to the sea, is critically important. One campaign that is playing a major role in defending Palestinian land from settlements is the Defund Racism campaign, supported by grassroots Palestinian organizers. Organizations like Ir David/Elad, the Hebron Fund, Ateret Cohanim, the Israel Land Fund, Regavim and others target Palestinian communities for ongoing displacement engineered to confiscate Palestinian land for the development of colonial settlements. The Defund Racism campaign aims to confront the use of “charitable” funds raised by these settler organizations to confiscate Palestinian land and build illegal colonial settlements, supporting Palestinian grassroots resistance by cutting off the flow of funds that enables ongoing colonization.

This day also highlights why it is critical to boycott and isolate the Israeli occupation, including agricultural products grown on stolen and colonized Palestinian land, often through the exploitation of Palestinian labour. As Ramadan dawns, the campaign to boycott “Israeli” dates and support Palestinian farmers instead is particularly urgent. Campaigns like those of Palestine Action in the UK targeting Israeli arms dealers like Elbit Systems for direct action, and despite state repression, arrests and persecution, make clear that people’s resistance can defeat the warmongers of the occupation.

From the River to the Sea, Confronting Imperialism and Zionism

The colonization of Palestine is not carried out by the Israeli regime alone; it is funded and backed by Western imperialist powers, first and foremost, the United States, which provides $3.8 billion in annual military aid to the occupation, bolstered this year by an additional $1 billion in “Iron Dome” funds, aiming to shield colonialism from the resistance of the indigenous Palestinian people. Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Australia continue to provide ongoing military, diplomatic and economic aid to the colonial project, ranging from “free trade” agreements that privilege profiteering from stolen Palestinian land and resources to arms sales and joint training to the use of state repression to target Palestinian and Palestine solidarity organizing.

In France, President Emmanuel Macron has declared anti-Zionism an “enemy of the Republic,” ordering the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and several more pro-Palestinian, anti-racist and anti-fascist organizations, while continuing to imprison Georges Ibrahim Abdallah for over 37 years. In almost all Western states, Palestinian resistance organizations are designated as “terrorist” and criminalized while those who fund settler-colonial terror against the Palestinian people are celebrated, protected and granted preferential charitable status. The Holy Land Foundation Five are imprisoned with sentences of up to 65 years in high-security U.S. prisons for doing nothing more than raising charitable funds for Palestine, while the “Friends of the IDF” are permitted to raise funds for an occupation army.

Imperialism and Zionism also rely on Arab reactionary regimes and the program of normalization not only to grant false legitimacy to the colonization of Palestine but to attack and target Arab peoples and states that resist the dictates of imperial rule. In Yemen, thousands come to the street regularly to march for Palestine even as they face the bombs and siege imposed by reactionary Arab regimes, at the behest of and with weaponry provided by the Western powers, including the U.S. and Canada.

The Oslo Accords and their annexes and the entire so-called “peace process” were meant to wipe out the legacy and ongoing reality expressed on the Day of the Land, to replace Palestinian unity and resistance from the river to the sea with a limited claim to only a portion of Palestine, overseen by the “security coordination” subcontractors to the occupation, the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian Authority continues to detain and arrest Palestinians in a “revolving door” with the Israeli occupation, criminalize and condemn Palestinian resistance, while the Palestinian people inside and outside Palestine work to develop their true unity in struggle, for return and liberation. The purpose of the Palestinian Authority is to undermine, rather than represent, the defense of the land and people of Palestine.

While the Palestinian struggle to defend land and seek full liberation is met with harsh repression, criminalization, assassination and imprisonment at the hands of the occupation and its backers and allies, it is also met with unified struggle, solidarity and collective support by the regional and global camp of resistance, nations, peoples and popular movements confronting imperialism, capitalism and exploitation, from Yemen to Iraq, from Brazil to the Philippines, from Zimbabwe to Wet’suwet’sen.

On Land Day, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network honours and celebrates the struggle of the Palestinian people to liberate their land from the river to the sea and to resist all forms of colonization. Land Day marks the unity of the Palestinian land, people, and cause, everywhere inside and outside Palestine, for defending and liberating the land and people of Palestine.

April 17 is Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, a national and international day of action for the freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners, the prisoners of freedom, the prisoners of return and liberation. We urge all to organize and mobilize for 17 April and the week that follows, to liberate Palestinian prisoners. free the land and people of Palestine from the river to the sea, and confront imperialism and Zionism.

Read more: 

Join these Land Day Actions:

Historical References:

2 April, Vancouver: Revolutionaries Are Not Terrorists Campaign Launch

DATE: Saturday, April 2nd, 2022
LOCATION: Grandview Church, 1803 E 1st Ave, Vancouver, BC, Unceded Coast Salish Homelands

Join Canada Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights for our campaign launch of “Revolutionaries Are Not Terrorists”, where we’ll learn about revolutionary Filipinos and other groups who are unjustly criminalized & labelled as terrorists for defending themselves against imperialist state violence.

The human rights situation in the Philippines is ever worsening as activists and land defenders are routinely targeted with violence, intimidation, and red-tagging by the Government of the Philippines for simply standing up and asserting their rights. Our campaign seeks to ask the question “Who are the real terrorists in the Philippines?” while highlighting those in the Philippines fighting for revolutionary change. We will examine the root causes of the ongoing civil war in the Philippines, the connections with imperialism and other liberation movements worldwide, and shed light on Canadian imperialism and its role in the situation.


  • Coni Ledesma, National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and negotiating member of the NDF Peace Panel
  • Charlotte Kates, International Coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  • Natalie Knight, urban Indigenous organizer with the Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle (Vancouver/Coast Salish territory)