26 November, Brussels: Yallah! Yallah! Film Screening

Monday, 26 November
7:30 pm
Les amis du Steki
Rue Defnet 4 & 6
Brussels, Belgium
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/203550033901916/

Synopsis: Slices of life of 7 people linked to football in Palestine, whose daily lives are constantly affected by the Israeli military occupation. 7 people who still try to overcome their conditions with dignity, facing all obstacles in their path, in order to make the most of their greatest passion: Football.

This documentary and its co-director Fernando Romanazzo will be touring Europe from 26 November 2018 to 31 January 2019. For any information or a screening request, contact the Yallah Yallah Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/YallahYallahDoc/?ref=br_rs

Synopsis: Tranches de vie de 7 personnes liées au football et dont le quotidien est constamment affecté par l’occupation militaire israélienne. 7 personnes qui tentent malgré tout de dépasser leur condition et surmonter avec dignité tous les obstacles sur leur chemin, et cela afin de profiter au maximum de la plus grande de leurs passions: le Football.

Le documentaire et son coréalisateur Fernando Romanazzo seront en tournée en Europe du 26 Novembre 2018 au 31 Janvier 2019. Pour toute info ou demande de projection contactez l’équipe du film via la page Facebook de Yallah Yallah!

Sinopsis: El día a día de siete personas ligadas al fútbol se ven constantemente afectadas por el sometimiento que vive Palestina por parte de Israel. Sin embargo, cada una de estas personas se las arregla para poder vivir y sobrellevar todo tipo de problemas de la manera más digna posible, y así, seguir disfrutando de una de sus pasiones más grandes: el fútbol.

Synopsis: The daily lives of seven people connected to football are constantly affected by Israel’s subjugation of Palestine. However, these individuals manage to survive and endure all sorts of problems with dignity in order to enjoy one of their biggest passions: football.


2018 Special Selection FCF – Football Fans Film Festival – Third Time (Bogotá – Colombia)

2018 Official Selection AFF – The Arab Film Festival (Tübingen – Germany)

2018 Official Selection FdlCSMdLA – 5° International Film Festival with Teen Jury (San Martín de los Andes – Argentina)

2018 Official Selection MMCA – 13° Arabic World Film Festival (São Paulo-Brazil)

2018 Official Selection SEFF – Cinema and Sports Focus (Santiago del Estero Film Festival – Argentina)

2018 Official Selection EDOC – Section Doors Inside (Encuentros de Otros Cines – Ecuador)

2018 Official Competition Selection FEMUCIQ – Documentary Feature Film (Quito Independent World Film Festival)

2017 Official Competition Selection DAYS OF CINEMA – Sunbird Award (Palestine)

2017 Official Competition Selection BAFICI – Human Rights category (Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival – Argentina)


2014 Award LatinArab – Win Best Work in Progress (International Cinema Latino Árabe Festival – Argentina)