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Take Action: Twitter Storm for Georges Abdallah, Thursday 23 September #MacronLibérezAbdallah 


Twitter Storm
Thursday, 23 September 2021
9 am Pacific – 12 noon Eastern – 6 pm central Europe – 7 pm Palestine

Get sample tweets: https://bit.ly/freegeorgesnow

Use the hashtag  #MacronLibérezAbdallah
Tag: @EmmanuelMacron to direct your demand to French officials!

French President Emmanuel Macron is meeting with the new Lebanese Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, on Friday, 24 September. 

We want to make sure Macron hears the message: Free Georges Abdallah, Lebanese struggler for Palestine jailed in France for 37 years. 

We are beginning a month of action to free Georges Abdallah. Let us start this month of action with a social media storm to tell Macron to free Georges now! 

Throughout his time in prison, Georges Abdallah has remained on the forefront of struggle, even participating in collective hunger strikes with Palestinian prisoners. His return to Lebanon has been repeatedly blocked by French officials, acting in concert with the United States and Israel. Join us to say:  #MacronLibérezAbdallah 

French President @EmmanuelMacron is meeting with the new Lebanese Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, on Friday, 24 September. Today, we demand the release of Georges Abdallah: #MacronLibérezAbdallah Share on X Who is Georges Ibrahim Abdallah? Learn about his case and demand his liberation. #MacronLibérezAbdallah @EmmanuelMacron Share on X From France to Beirut to Palestine, we raise our voices together: Free Georges Abdallah! #MacronLibérezAbdallah @EmmanuelMacron Share on X 'The Palestinian people are still there and the Palestinian cause is more alive than ever.' - Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Lannemezan Prison #MacronLibérezAbdallah @EmmanuelMacron Share on X Le frère de Georges Abdallah adresse un message à @EmmanuelMacron #MacronLibérezAbdallah Share on X Libérez Georges Abdallah, communiste libanais emprisonné en France depuis 1984 et libérable depuis 1999 ! #MacronLibérezAbdallah @EmmanuelMacron Share on X Georges Abdallah est un communiste libanais et un résistant anti-impérialiste. Exiger sa libération c'est soutenir le combat du peuple libanais pour un Liban libre et démocratique. #MacronLibérezAbdallah @CollectifPV @EmmanuelMacron @GDarmanin Share on X


Samidoun Stockholm mobilizes for international #BoycottPuma day of action

On Saturday, 18 September, Samidoun Stockholm took to the streets in the shopping area of Skärholmen, Sweden, as part of the international day of action to #BoycottPuma. The action came as part of the global boycott campaign targeting the sportswear company, demanding it cease its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association. Palestinian football players and global sports justice activists have called on the company, which purports to follow a human rights mandate, to end its support for Israeli colonialism and apartheid.

The Puma-sponsored IFA is not only an institution of the Israeli colonial system built atop colonized Palestinian land. It also explicitly includes six teams based in Israel’s illegal colonial settlements in the occupied West Bank of Palestine. Palestinian families have been expelled from their homes and lands to make way for these settlements and sporting fields. Indeed, Israeli settlements are war crimes under international law and part and parcel of the systematic Nakba targeting the Palestinian people for over 73 years.

Samidoun Stockholm members set up a table with Palestinian flags and Samidoun banners, and distributed leaflets to shoppers and passers-by, calling on them to join the Boycott Puma campaign. They received support and encouragement from many people who learned about the role of the sportswear company in supporting Israeli apartheid.

The Samidoun table also featured posters and information in support of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails, including Palestinian political leaders Ahmad Sa’adat and Khalida Jarrar. They also highlighted the six heroes of the Freedom Tunnel who escaped the high-security Israeli Gilboa prison and have become a global symbol of the Palestinian will to liberation.

Samidoun Stockholm is organizing to build solidarity for Palestinian political prisoners and the Palestinian liberation movement, working together with comrades in Gothenburg and Malmö. Check out the Samidoun Sweden website, or contact Samidoun Stockholm on Twitter or Instagram.

Mobilization in Toulouse to #BoycottPuma and show solidarity with Palestinian prisoners

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

The following report is translated from the French original by Collectif Palestine Vaincra:

On Saturday, 18 September, at the Capitole metro station in Toulouse, France, around 20 activists and supporters of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network, gathered to hold a Palestine Stand as part of the international day of action to #BoycottPuma.

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

Puma is subject to a global boycott campaign because it sponsors the Israel Football Association, including six teams from illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank of Palestine. The campaign calls for a boycott of the sportswear brand until it stops providing financial and political support and sponsorship for Israeli apartheid and colonialism.


In the heart of downtown Toulouse, despite the rainy weather, participants unfurled Palestinian flags and banners in support of Palestinian prisoners and the boycott of Israel. The organizers hung large explanatory banners and placards on the struggle to free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Arab struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for 37 years, and the campaign to boycott Israel. These large banners and displays attracted the interest of many people passing by.

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

The Palestine Stand enjoyed a busy two hours, as many people visited to collect free leaflets and stickers, discuss the current situation in Palestine or sign up for the next initiatives the Collectif plans to organize. Organizers distributed almost 1,000 #BoycottPuma flyers and talked with passers-by. A large graffiti-style art banner was created during the stand in the middle of the pedestrian area, calling for the boycott of Puma, while speakers challenged the brand’s support for Israeli apartheid.

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

The stand also played Palestinian music, including songs praising the resistance and the self-liberated Palestinian prisoners of Gilboa prison. A young Irish man and a South African woman stopped at the stand, and both highlighted that the Palestinian people’s struggle is deeply connected to all peoples of the world fighting apartheid and colonialism.

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

Dozens of people also showed their support for the six Palestinian prisoners who liberated themselves from the Israeli Gilboa prison on 6 September 2021. Many people emphasized their pride at seeing the images of the escape from this high-security prison and the humiliation imposed on the Israeli occupation by Palestinians with only the tools at hand, despite its boasts of being a great military power and security leader. Everyone held up a spoon painted in the colours of the Palestinian flag, a new symbol of resistance!

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra organizes actions and initiatives in Toulouse every month to support the Palestinian people and their resistance for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. Contact the Collectif to get involved, or reach out to Samidoun Network to get involved in your local area outside of France.

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

Vancouver protesters #BoycottPuma and support Palestinian prisoners’ struggle for freedom

Amid heavy rain, activists in Vancouver came out to support the #BoycottPuma campaign on Friday, 17 September, showing their solidarity with the six Palestinian political prisoners who liberated themselves from Gilboa prison and calling for the freedom of all detained Palestinians. The protest was organized by the Canada Palestine Association, BDS Vancouver-Coast Salish, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, International League of Peoples’ Struggle Canada and the Palestinian Youth Movement.

Participants lined the street in downtown Vancouver in front of SportChek, a large sporting goods chain in Canada, highlighting the international #BoycottPuma campaign. Global sportswear manufacturer Puma is involved in violations of international law and human rights. Puma is the main sponsor of the Israel Football Association (IFA). Not only is this a direct sponsorship of an institution of Israeli apartheid and colonialism throughout Palestine, the IFA even includes teams based directly inside Israel’s illegal colonial settlements in the West Bank of occupied Palestine.

Organizations and activists around the world have joined Palestinian football players and sporting justice advocates internationally to call for a boycott of Puma until it ends its sponsorship of the IFA. The Vancouver protest accompanied the launch of a letter to Puma Canada demanding it end its sponsorship of Israeli apartheid, which has already been signed by nearly 1,000 people across Canada.

The Vancouver protest also showed solidarity with the six Palestinian heroes of the Freedom Tunnel, who liberated themselves from Gilboa Prison on 6 September. While the self-liberated detainees were since re-arrested by the Israeli occupation, their bravery and creativity in liberating themselves by digging a tunnel to freedom beneath Israel’s heavily secured colonial prison has made them symbols of the Palestinian will to liberation despite all obstacles.

Protesters held up spoons, symbolizing the digging of the Freedom Tunnel. Actions around the world have highlighted the spoon as a symbol of Palestinian resistance and steadfastness, digging to freedom with the most humble of tools at hand. In Washington, D.C. and Copenhagen, Denmark, activists left hundreds of spoons outside Zionist embassies, symbolizing the 4,650 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and their ongoing drive for freedom.

Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, spoke about the current situation of Palestinian prisoners, highlighting the cases of the six administrative detainees, jailed by Israel without charge or trial, on hunger strike for their liberation, some for more than two months: Kayed al-Fasfous, Miqdad Qawasmeh, Alaa al-Araj, Hisham Abu Hawash, Raik Bisharat and Shadi Abu Aker. She emphasized that the #BoycottPuma campaign — and the boycott of Israel and complicit corporations overall — is also a means of supporting freedom and justice for Palestinian prisoners.

During the protest, demonstrators marked the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre, when upwards of 4,000 Palestinians and Lebanese were killed in the Shatila refugee camp and the adjacent Sabra neighbourhood in Beirut by Lebanese fascist militiamen, whose invasion of the camp was overseen by the invading Israeli army, which encircled the refugee camp. The massacre was carried out on 16-18 September 1982, only days after the last Palestinian resistance fighters in Beirut left Lebanon under the auspices of a U.S.-brokered “ceasefire,” paving the way for the slaughter of Palestinian refugees.

Demonstrators also drew attention to the Canadian federal election upcoming on Monday, 20 September, slamming the major parliamentary parties for their ongoing support of or silence on Canadian complicity in Israeli war crimes. The Canadian BDS Coalition and Canada Palestine Association launched the #IVotePalestine campaign to hold politicians accountable.

They also linked the ongoing Canadian support for colonialism in Palestine to the colonial reality across Canada, where Indigenous peoples and nations continue to struggle against ongoing genocide, settler colonialism and resource extraction on their territories. Speakers expressed full solidarity with Indigenous liberation struggles across Turtle Island.

The demonstration ended with group photos of all participants holding up “Boycott Puma: Stop Sponsoring Israeli Apartheid!” signs, as well as all participants holding up the “freedom spoons” that symbolize Palestinian prisoners’ struggle for freedom. Despite the heavy downpour throughout the protest, participants distributed many leaflets to passers-by, engaged in meaningful conversations, and received strong support from both drivers and pedestrians walking by on the street.

São Paulo event stands with Palestinian prisoners, remembers Sabra and Shatila

Organizers in Brazil gathered in São Paulo, Brazil, on Saturday, 18 September to support Palestinian political prisoners and remember the Sabra and Shatila Massacre. Organized by Samidoun Brasil with Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization, Al Janiah and the Frente Palestina Livre, the event highlighted the stories of the six Palestinians who liberated themselves from Gilboa prison on 6 September 2021 as well as those of the 4,650 prisoners behind Israeli bars.

Empty chairs bearing the photos and names of the prisoners were set up in the room at Al Janiah, a Palestinian community space, highlighting their forced absence at the hands of the Israeli occupation regime, which attempts to separate them from their people. Historic posters chronicling the history of the Sabra and Shatila massacre of 1982, in which upwards of 4,000 Palestinian and Lebanese lives were taken by Phalangist militiamen, overseen by Israeli invading armies in Beirut.

The event was covered by Al Jazeera:

Rawa Alsagheer, the coordinator of Samidoun Brasil, said: “The Freedom Tunnel operation confirmed the will and determination of the Palestinian prisoners, and the determination of the prisoners’ movement in the occupation prisons to extract freedom in all forms, even if it sometimes seems impossible and difficult to us outside…We in Samidoun Network view the Palestinian prisoners’ movement in the occupation prisons as standing on the front lines of struggle. We also consider that the prisoners are the solid core of the Palestinian resistance movement, especially that they are from the West Bank and Gaza Strip, from occupied Palestine ‘48, Jerusalem and outside.”

The event also included a screening of “3000 Nights,” Mai Masri’s feature film illustrating the lives of Palestinian women prisoners inside Israeli prisons. Alsagheer also spoke about Palestinian women prisoners behind bars today, including Israa Jaabis, who was severely injured and requires significant ongoing medical care, denied by the Israeli occupation, as well as Khalida Jarrar, Khitam Saafin, and all 40 imprisoned Palestinian women.

Participants held the posters of the prisoners in an expression of popular solidarity with them, expressing the inspiration they received from the self-liberation of the six prisoners of the Freedom Tunnel, Mahmoud al-Ardah, Mohammed al-Ardah, Zakaria Zubaidi, Yaqoub Qadri, Ayham Kamamji and Munadil Naf’at. While the six have since been re-captured by occupation forces, they continue to represent a source of hope and the resilience of the Palestinian will to freedom.

“From the first moment of the exceptional action for liberation, our Palestinian people expressed, in private and in public, their embrace of the “Freedom Tunnel” group and their support for the resistance and the prisoners’ movement. The people are with them,” Alsagheer said. “Prisons will continue to exist as long as the occupation continues. Therefore, the essential goal is liberation, the liberation of humanity, the liberation of the land, and the restoration of all of the rights of the Palestinian people. Without that, colonialism will continue to build prisons — and the Palestinian people will continue to resist until they win.”

Samidoun Brasil is continuing to organize in support of Palestinian prisoners and the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

To get involved, contact Samidoun Brasil on Facebook and Instagram

All photos by: Aljaniah Photographer

The light of the Freedom Tunnel shines toward liberation: Occupation forces seize Munadil Naf’at and Ayham Kamamji in Jenin

In the early morning hours of 19 September, Israeli occupation forces seized the self-liberated Palestinian prisoners, Ayham Kamamji and Munadil Naf’at, after the occupation forces besieged a home in Jenin. Youth in Jenin confronted the occupation forces and resisted their invasion of the city; the occupation forces also seized two disabled residents of Jenin as well as another young Palestinian man, according to Palestinian media.

The invading occupation forces also injured a young Palestinian man, shooting him in the leg as they invaded the city of Jenin from several points. Earlier in the day, Palestinians in Jenin organized multiple marches and demonstrations in support of the two self-liberated prisoners and their four comrades, Mahmoud al-Ardah, Mohammed al-Ardah, Zakaria Zubaidi, and Yaqoub Qadri, who were re-arrested by the Israeli occupation one week prior.

We have every reason to believe that Ayham Kamamji and Munadil Naf’at will be subjected to severe torture and abuse by Israeli interrogators, especially given the beatings endured by Mohammed and Mahmoud al-Ardah, Qadri and Zubaidi, with Zubaidi suffering from a fractured jaw and broken ribs. Meanwhile, Palestinian prisoners continue to resist heavy penalties imposed upon them following the escape of their brothers, including denial of family visits, denial of “canteen” (prison store) access, and isolation and solitary confinement.

It is critical to continue to organize, demonstrate and protest to defend and demand the immediate liberation of the six heroes of the Freedom Tunnel and all 4,650 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails.

The heroism of the six Palestinian prisoners, who dug their Freedom Tunnel over nine months using any tools at hand to achieve their freedom, made clear that despite the technological and military advantages enjoyed by the Zionist occupation, it is anything but invincible. The Palestinian will toward freedom and indominable spirit was able to use makeshift tools to pry a way out from Gilboa prison, previously renowned as an impenetrable fortress.

In their interviews with their lawyers, Mahmoud and Mohammed al-Ardah, Yaqoub Qadri and Zakaria Zubaidi made it clear that they would never give up on freedom and that their self-liberation operation was worth their suffering. They made clear to the occupation forces themselves, to the Palestinian and Arab people and to the world that the military might of the occupier can be overwhelmed by the creativity of Palestinian humanity.

Building on the experiences of Palestinian prisoners who liberated themselves in the past, they exposed the crumbling edifices of the Israeli occupation and forced them to waste tens of millions of dollars in their massive manhunt. Their bravery and commitment to freedom is celebrated throughout Palestine, from the river to the sea, and everywhere around the world. Spoons – symbols of the rusty kitchen tools they used to dig their way to liberation – have come to represent the irrepressible drive to freedom. Their capture by the Israeli occupation does nothing to dim the light of their heroism and the inspiration they provide for the future of the liberation struggle.

Mahmoud, Mohammed, Zakaria, Yaqoub, Ayham and Munadil will not be forgotten behind bars; indeed, the Palestinian resistance has already made clear that the heroes of the Freedom Tunnel will be included in all future prisoner exchanges between the resistance and the occupation, committing to ensure their freedom.


Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network emphasizes and amplifies the call of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement to stand with the Palestinian prisoners and the Palestinian people today to demand justice and liberation for Palestine, from the river to the sea.

The Freedom Tunnel and the six heroes of the self-liberation operation represent the irrepressible hope of freedom and commitment to liberation that no amount of militarized repression and Zionist colonization has suppressed, for over 73 years. The actions of this “Freedom Brigade” are not only a symbol of hope for Palestinians but also for everyone in the world who seeks justice and freedom.

The rearrest of the six self-liberated prisoners has done nothing to dim the light of liberation that they represent for humanity or to lessen the blow they have dealt to the mirage of Israeli invincibility and security control. They reflect the unbreakable Palestinian will to live, struggle and thrive in the most seemingly impossible circumstances.

Western imperialist governments are part and parcel of the ongoing attacks against Palestinian prisoners and the colonization of Palestine. From the U.S.’ over $3.8 billion annually in weaponry provided to the Israeli regime to the ongoing economic, political and diplomatic support provided by the European Union, Canada, the United Kingdom and others, all of these states are directly involved in the ongoing crimes perpetuated against the Palestinian people.

Everywhere in the world, we can and must act now to stand with the heroes of the Freedom tunnel and all Palestinian prisoners struggling for justice, and for the liberation of Palestine!

Join these protests and actions or organize your own:

Sunday, September 19




United States

Monday, September 20


United States

Tuesday, September 21

United Kingdom

Wednesday, September 22


  • Den Haag – Wednesday, 22 September, 2 pm, Binnenhof 2513 AA, Den Haag, Netherlands. Support Palestinian prisoners!

Thursday, September 23



Remembering Sabra and Shatila, Towards Return and Liberation

Thirty-nine years ago this September 16-18, Palestinians in Lebanon — and everywhere inside Palestine and in exile and diaspora — faced the horrors of the Sabra and Shatila massacres of 1982. Thousands of Palestinian refugees in the Shatila refugee camp and the Sabra neighborhood of Beirut were slaughtered by the Lebanese fascist Phalangist militia, the killing overseen by the invading Israeli forces that surrounded the camps on all sides, firing flares into the air to light up the night sky for the massacring forces. 

Only one day after the very last contingent of the Palestinian defense forces of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the fighters of the Palestinian revolution, were compelled to leave Lebanon in a so-called “ceasefire” agreement brokered by the United States, Israeli occupation forces invaded Beirut and surrounded the Shatila refugee camp, now home largely to women, children and elders alone, on 15 September 1982. Israeli forces set up checkpoints at every entrance to the camp, blocking Palestinian civilians fron leaving and controlling all points of entry. 

Poster: Marc Rudin, 1983

These invading Israeli occupation forces welcomed, directed and cleared the path for the fascist militias to enter the camps and “clear out PLO members,” providing the military support and encirclement for the massacre of thousands of Palestinian refugees left without their resistance fighters and defensive arms. 

Nearly 4,000 Palestinians and Lebanese were slaughtered, from elders to babies. The violence of the attack was immense, as women were raped, tortured and brutalized. The Israeli occupation forces surrounding the camp provided free passage to even more fascist militiamen to enter the camp, even as they blocked Palestinian and Lebanese residents from fleeing. Ariel Sharon, then the Zionist minister of war, was directly informed of the massacre and oversaw the ongoing encirclement of the camps. 

Palestinian women and children resisted with only small arms and their bodies and breath. Despite their lack of protection and the overwhelming force exerted by the encircling Israeli army and the fascist militia, the resistance of the Palestinian people inside Sabra and Shatila saved hundreds of civilian lives. 

Poster: Marc Rudin, 1983

Despite the passage of time, the calls of the victims and of the Palestinian people remains clear: a demand for justice and accountability, and, above all, for the implementation of the right to return to Palestine and the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. 

The Sabra and Shatila massacres were not a random act of violence; they were central to the U.S.-supported Israeli invasion of Lebanon, which took upwards of 30,000 lives. Thousands more are still missing today. These massacres were intended as an act of genocide, designed to clear Lebanon of its Palestinian population, facilitated by the same forces responsible for the ongoing Nakba and genocidal ethnic cleansing inside occupied Palestine. 

Poster: Marc Rudin, 1982

The Sabra and Shatila massacres echoed not only with the cries of Deir Yassin, Kafr Qasem, Dawaymeh and al-Lid, but also with those of the September massacres in Jordan 10 years prior. As in Sabra and Shatila, they aligned the most reactionary Arab forces with imperialist backing and Zionist military support. The massacre was an attempt to wipe out Palestinian resistance and, despite its brutal violence, an attempt that failed alongside all other such colonial violence for over 100 years. 

The Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian people were not defeated at Sabra and Shatila, nor was the Lebanese resistance. The flame of the Palestinian revolution continued to burn, and it was five years later, with the rise of the Intifada in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip of Palestine, that the siege on the Palestinian refugee camps was broken. 

Poster: Marc Rudin, 1989

16 September 1982 was the beginning of the Sabra and Shatila massacres; it was also the birth of Jammoul, the Lebanese National Resistance Front, comprised of multiple Lebanese and Palestinian leftist organizations fighting back against Israeli occupation and invasion. 

Through years of resistance and struggle, taking multiple forms and political directions, the Lebanese resistance, and particularly the Islamic resistance led by Hezbollah, was able to uproot the Israeli occupation from its land, forcing the Zionist occupation forces from Lebanon in May 2000. 

Lebanese and Arab strugglers who recognized the role of the imperialist powers, such as the United States, Britain, and France, in the ongoing occupation and destruction of Lebanon, Palestine and the Arab region more broadly, took up the battle against Zionism and imperialism on an international level in response to Sabra and Shatila. The Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Fraction (FARL), of Georges Abdallah – today imprisoned in French jails for over 37 years – was one such response. 

Poster: Marc Rudin, 1984

The international popular response to the invasion of Lebanon and the Sabra and Shatila massacres, including the mobilization of Palestinian communities in exile around the world and the significant growth of Palestine solidarity organizing, was also part of this continuing resistance. Rallies and marches took to the streets around the world, with 29 November, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as a focal point, shattering the walls that had excluded Palestinian struggle from the official left in the United States and other Western countries. 

This mobilization of Palestinian communities and international solidarity is just as vital today, to confront the Oslo project and the continuing Nakba inside and outside Palestine.

The Palestinian, Arab and international resistance art of Sabra and Shatila repeated the image of the flower of Palestine blossoming from the blood of the martyrs, the irrepressible spirit of resistance and the deep mourning and memory of those whose lives were taken by the fascist-Zionist-imperialist alliance in the streets of Beirut. 

Poster: Abdel Aziz Ibrahim, 1982

Today, Palestinian refugees have been denied their right to return home to their lands, homes and properties in occupied Palestine for over 73 years. In Lebanon, Palestinian refugees are also denied basic civil and human rights, including the right to work in over 70 professions. However, the refugee camps have been and remain popular incubators for Palestinian resistance and a core of the Palestinian movement, a compass pointing towards liberation and return. The Palestinian resistance – and the Lebanese resistance – continue to present hope for the world, a defense of humanity and justice against the brutality of colonialism and exploitation. 

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network mourns the martyrs of Sabra and Shatila and salutes all of the Palestinian refugees who continue to struggle for return and liberation. We demand the freedom of Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli, reactionary and imperialist prisons, and we emphasize that this anniversary must also be an occasion to stand with the continuing Palestinian resistance. 

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, alongside the Lebanese people, face a devastating economic crisis created by capitalist exploitation, financial confiscation of popular resources, and imperialist domination and sanctions. In many ways, Palestinian refugees’ suffering in the economic crisis has been made invisible — they also go without oil, gas, electricity and water, often in worse conditions than the Lebanese population as a whole. The Samidoun delegation to Lebanon, which visited the memorial for Sabra and Shatila, witnessed the effects of this economic crisis on the Palestinian and Lebanese people and their ongoing resistance. 

On the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres, we must take action and organize to defend Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their original homes, lands and properties throughout historic Palestine and ensure restitution and reparations. 

We also must resist imperialist sanctions levied by the U.S. and other Western powers that aim to isolate and weaken resistance to Israel, Zionism, imperialism, and reaction, and ultimately to liquidate the Palestinian national liberation movement. We must remember Sabra and Shatila by supporting the steadfastness of Palestinian refugees in the camps and everywhere in exile and diaspora, and upholding the right to live, the right to remain and the right to return — and the right to liberate Palestine, from the river to the sea.  

Further reading and reports of the Samidoun Ghassan Kanafani Brigade to Lebanon:

Poster: Marc Rudin, 1984

Take action in Canada to #BoycottPuma and tell Puma to stop sponsoring Israeli apartheid!

Be part of the September 18th global #BoycottPuma campaign! Lets give Puma the boot!

Why? Because Puma is the main sponsor of the Israel Football Association (IFA), which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land. Israel’s military occupation expels Palestinian families, including children, from their homes to give way for these settlements.

Israeli settlements are considered war crimes under international law. They are part and parcel of the systematic tar­geting of the Palestinian people for dispossession, occupation and apartheid for over 73 years.

Join with other people of conscience and commit to #BoycottPuma products until the company stops this unethical practice, and until the Puma logo is no longer featured on the website for the Israel Football Association.

Take one minute to write to the head of Puma Canada and Puma North America

Since 2019, contact has been made with the head of Puma in Canada calling for a response.

The most recent was in December 2020 with 30+ organizations indicating:

We join with other consumers in Canada and around the world in letting you know that we will not purchase Puma products until the company stops these unethical practices, and until the Puma logo is no longer featured on the website for the Israel Football Association. The first sentence in your “Code of Conduct” is “Puma respects human rights”; we call on Puma to live up to that commitment.

Join in adding your voice by sending a letter HERE.


Boycott Puma Picket

Sport Chek, 788 Robson St., Vancouver

Learn more, and join FB event.

Event by Canada Palestine Association, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Palestinian Youth Movement, BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish, ILPS Canada and others

Boycott Israeli Apartheid!

Letter campaign initiated by





Supported by:

Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste

Organizations supporting the Dec. 2020 call included:

BDS Vancouver-Coast Salish
Canadian Union of Postal Workers CUPW-STTP
Vancouver & District Labour Council
Bayan Canada
BDS Québec
Canada Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights
CanPalNet (Canada-Palestine Support Network)
Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver
IJV Vancouver Youth Bloc
International League of Peoples’ Struggle ILPS Canada/Ligue internationale de lutte des peuples
MidIslanders for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI)
Oakville Palestinian Rights Association OPRA
PAJU Palestinian and Jewish Unity/Palestiniens et Juifs unis
Palestine House (Palestinian Canadian Community Centre)
Palestine Solidarity Working Group-Sudbury
Palestinian Youth Movement – Toronto
Palestinian Youth Movement – Vancouver
Peace Alliance Winnipeg
Regina Peace Council
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – Queen’s University
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights-SPHR McMaster
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – UBC
Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights McGill
Sulong UBC
University of Toronto Students Against Israeli Apartheid
Young Communist League Vancouver
Other organizations wishing to endorse can contact bdscoalition@gmail.com

18-19 September, Ottawa: Palestine Action Weekend in Canadian Capital

All events in Ottawa:

Saturday, 18 September
2 pm
Protest and March
Human Rights Monument
Ottawa, ON

7 pm
Vigil at Parliament Hill for Palestinian Martyrs and Political Prisoners
Ottawa, ON

Sunday, 19 September
1 pm
Surprise demonstration at Byward Market
Meet at Human Rights Monument and depart towards Byward at 2pm
Ottawa, ON

Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTze3Nfr-jk/

Join Free Palestine Online in our nations capital this Saturday September 18th-19th, as pro-#Palestine activists from #Montreal & #Toronto join forces with #Ottawa in a weekend of action aimed at shining a light on #Palestine, as a critical election issue! Let’s unite & make our demands clear as we amplify the voices of the oppressed #Palestinians! We will make sure federal party candidates hear our voices and understand that #CanadiansVotePalestine#FreePalestine 🇵🇸 #Elxn44.

Venez nous joindre à la capitale cette fin de semaine, le 18 et 19 septembre! Des activistes pro-palestiniens de #Montreal#Toronto joignent leurs forces avec #Ottawa pour mettre en lumière la cause palestinienne en tant qu’enjeu électoral. Unissons nous afin de revendiquer les droits des oppressés #Palestiniens. Assurons nous que les candidats des partis fédéraux nous entendent et comprennent que #CanadiansVotePalestine #FreePalestine🇵🇸 #Elxn44

18 September, Houston: Support Palestinian Political Prisoners!

Saturday, 18 September
4 pm
Post Oak and Westheimer
Houston, TX
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CT0SHb5J5EC/

Cosponsors: Palestinian Youth Movement, Palestinian American Council – Pac-USA, Palestinian American Cultural Center- PACC Houston, US Palestinian Community Network, American Muslims for Palestine, RISE, Students for Justice in Palestine at UH, and SJP @ UH Clearlake