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2 October, Online Event: Lebanon in Crisis — Palestinians and Lebanese in Struggle (Samidoun Brigade Reportback)

Online Event
11 am Pacific – 2 pm Eastern – 8 pm central Europe – 9 pm Palestine/Lebanon
Register: https://tiny.cc/samidoun-lebanon
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/249274880325010/

Spanish-English Interpretation

In the summer of 2021, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network launched the Ghassan Kanafani Brigade to Lebanon and the Palestinian refugee camps. The brigade, announced on the 49th anniversary of the assassination of Palestinian writer, leader and revolutionary Ghassan Kanafani, included activists and organizers based in Belgium, Spain, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, and elsewhere.

Join us on Saturday, 2 October for a reportback on the situation in Lebanon from Palestinian and Palestine solidarity organizers, addressing topics such as:
* Economic crisis in Lebanon today
* Palestinian refugees and the right of return
* Situation in the Palestinian refugee camps
* Lebanese and Palestinian resistance
* The situation of Palestinian youth and women
* Political scene in Lebanon and the Palestinian refugee camps

Register to join us for an informative and interesting discussion!

2 October, Stockholm: Irish-Palestinian Solidarity Pub

Saturday, 2 October
6:00 pm to midnight
Kafe 44 (Tjärhovsgatan 46)
Stockholm, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/406984994332312

Welcome to an Irish-Palestinian pub of solidarity! On the 2/10 Samidoun Stockholm and Irlandinformation (a group for solidarity with Irish freedom fighters) invite you all to a pub night in support of national liberation movements. Palestinian food, cheap drinks, revolutionary music will all be front and centre. During the night, literature and other merch will also be available, both from Samidoun and from Irlandinformation.

Profits from the night will be used for Republican prisoners in Ireland and for Palestinian organisations in the refugee camps of Lebanon. More information and a more detailed schedule will be released within the coming days.

Invite your friends and grab a beer to support the efforts to unite Ireland and free Palestine!

Where: Kafé 44 (Tjärhovsgatan 46)
Time: 18:00-00:00
Date: 2/10

Välkomna på irländsk-palestinsk solidaritetspub! Den 2/10 bjuder Samidoun Stockholm och Irlandinformation in till en pubkväll till stöd för befrielserörelserna. Palestinskt att äta, billig dryck, revolutionär musik kommer finnas på plats. Under kvällen kommer det även säljas böcker och merch från både Samidoun och Irlandinformation.
Intäkterna från kvällen kommer gå till republikanskt fångarbete i Irland och till palestinska organisationer i Libanons flyktingläger. Mer information och schema kommer släppas under dagarna.

Bjud in dina vänner och köp en öl för att stötta arbetet för ett enat Irland och ett fritt Palestina!

Plats: Kafé 44 (Tjärhovsgatan 46)
Tid: 18:00-00:00
Dag: 2/10

‎ندعوكم لأمسية لدعم النضال الايرلندي الفلسطيني!
‎تدعوكم شبكة صامدون للدفاع عن الأسرى و حراك irlandinformation التضامني بتاريخ الثاني من أوكتوبر لأمسية تضامنية داعمة لحراك التحرر الوطني.

الأرباح من الأمسية ستبعث كاملة لدعم الأسرى الجمهوريين في ايرلندا, كذلك لمخيمات اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في لبنان. مزيد من المعلومات عن جدول الأمسية سيتم نشرها في الأيام المقبلة.

أدعو صحابكم و الرفاق, رح نقدم أكل فلسطيني, مشروبات ونلتقي لنسمع و نتذكر أن النضال جدوى مستمرة!

2 October, Toulouse: Palestine Stand — Free Georges Abdallah!

Saturday, 2 October 2021
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Metro Capitole – Toulouse, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/220737763374133/

On Saturday 2 October from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Collectif Palestine Vaincra is organizing a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Capitole metro in Toulouse as part of the month of mobilization for the release of Georges Abdallah. A Lebanese communist and Palestinian resistance fighter, he has been imprisoned in France since 1984 while despite being eligible for release since 1999. He has become the oldest political prisoner in Europe. To support him is to support the Palestinian people and their right to resist colonialism, racism and apartheid.

On the program: distribution of flyers, signature of petition cards, solidarity photos, free leaflets and stickers, registrations for the demonstration bus on Saturday 23 October in front of Lannemezan prison, etc.

This gathering is registered at the prefecture and respects the required health measures (masks, sanitizer, etc.).

Samidoun Spain joins the celebration of the centenary of the Communist Party of Spain

From Friday 24 September to Sunday 26 September, the activists of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network in the Spanish State (Samidoun España) were present at the Fiesta festival, marking the centenary of the Communist Party of Spain, in the municipality of Rivas Vaciamadrid.

The presence of Samidoun Spain was crucial during these important days, which served as a meeting point for a wide range of political activists and organizations of the left in the Spanish State. During the event, Samidoun organizers had the opportunity to converge with many other national and international social movements, with internationalist activists, political parties, as well as with fundamental political and artistic personalities of the Spanish, Latin American and international left in general.

Comrade and activist Jaldía Abubakra participated in the internationalist space in a forum on the Arab region with Jon Rodríguez Forrest, responsible for International Relations in Izquierda Unida (United Left), Sira Rego, MEP of UP-IU (Unidad Podemos – Izquierda Unida) in the Confederal Group of the European United Left, spokesperson of IU and Head of External Area of IU, and Abdullah Arabi, Delegate of the Polisario Front in Spain. During her speech, she emphasized the need for Palestinian struggle to break with the disastrous path of Oslo for a new stage of resistance and building a strong Palestinian national front that advocates real decolonization and not collaboration with the Zionist colonizer.

Samidoun Spain coordinated with other political forces to continue to strengthen support for the Palestinian struggle and resistance for the liberation of Palestine. The event also provided the opportunity for three full days of raising awareness and involvement for Palestine among all of the guests who came to enjoy the cultural events or other political and social activities organized by the Communist Party of Spain.

Throughout the weekend, Samidoun activists at their information and materials stand distributed information leaflets about the campaign to boycott Israeli pharmaceutical company TEVA and other Israeli products and institutions; about the urgent situation of Palestinian political prisoners in Zionist prisons; the Israeli colonization of Palestine and the need to free Palestine from the river to the sea; as well as the upcoming Alternative Palestinian Path Conference (Masar Badil) that will take place at the end of October. At the same time, we invited the passers-by to join the upcoming events that Samidoun has organized in Madrid, such as the screening of “Fedayin, the Struggle of Georges Abdallah“, the event for the tenth anniversary of Samidoun at the EKO Social Center and the big demonstration for Palestine that will take place on 31 October in Madrid.

In addition, many people showed their solidarity by taking pictures with the images of the Palestinian political prisoners. Among them, artists like Toni Mejías, journalists like Miquel Ramos and even political figures like Daniel Jadue, Chilean Communist mayor in the commune of Recoleta.  The stand served to raise awareness among people who were unaware of the issue, but also to increase the information level, interest and involvement of those who knew about the political reality in Palestine.

Finally, the solidarity fundraising that the group did through the sale of merchandising was a real success. It was very satisfying to walk around the fairgrounds and see different passersby with T-shirts and bags with the map of Palestine silkscreened and around it in big letters: “Free Palestine from the river to the sea”.

We invite everyone to continue to participate in the next solidarity initiatives, in particular next Tuesday, 26 October at The Neighborhood Theater, where the film “Fedayin, the fight of George Abdallah” will be presented. Georges Abdallah is a Palestinian resistance fighter imprisoned in France since 1984 who, although he has been eligible for release since 1999, is still imprisoned. In addition, for all of you who have run out of T-shirts or bags … this is your moment to get your own!




Khalida Jarrar is free: Time to organize to free Palestine! 

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes Khalida Jarrar, her family and loved ones, her comrades, and the Palestinian people on the occasion of her release from two years of unjust imprisonment in Israeli occupation jails. The moment of her release is one of joy for everyone around the world who supports the just cause of the Palestinian people and the international movement for liberation and justice. Today, her steadfastness, strength and leadership must give us occasion not only to celebrate her return home but to redouble our efforts for Palestinian liberation and return. 

Of course, our celebration today comes alongside honor and mourning for the five Palestinian lives taken by the Israeli occupation today as they resisted assassination and arrest raids: Ahmad Zahran, Mahmoud Hmaidan, Osama Sobh, Yousef Sobh and Zakaria Badwan. These martyrs resisted the theft and colonization of Palestinian land and lives until their last breath. 

Jarrar, the Palestinian political leader, feminist and parliamentarian, was arrested by Israeli occupation forces on 1 November 2019, only eight months after her release from 20 months in Israeli administrative detention – imprisonment without charge or trial – after her last arrest by occupation forces in 2017. During her detention from 2017 to 2019, over 275 organizations signed onto an international call for her release. The 2019 attack by Israeli occupation forces also came as she prepared to teach at Bir Zeit University on international law and the Palestinian movement, the forced cancellation of her class accompanying the targeting of students for their own political and student activity on campus. 

In 2014, she resisted – and defeated – an Israeli attempt to forcibly displace her from her family home in el-Bireh to Jericho. Only nine months later, in April 2015, she was seized by Israeli occupation forces and ordered to administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. After a global outcry, she was brought before Israeli military courts and faced 12 charges based on her political activity, from giving speeches to attending events in support of Palestinian prisoners. She served 15 months in Israeli prison – and was then free for only 13 months before her 2017 arrest.

During the 2 years of Khalida Jarrar’s imprisonment, the Palestinian people witnessed the attempt to impose the so-called “deal of the century” through normalization campaigns led by the U.S. in partnership with reactionary Arab regimes; the repeated bombardment and siege on Gaza; the COVID-19 pandemic and its Palestinian and global effects; the uprising of Palestinians from the river to the sea and inside and outside Palestine in May 2021 alongside the Seif al-Quds battle; the self-liberation of six Palestinian prisoners with the tools they could fashion by hand, exposing the false veneer of invincibility of the Israeli occupation. Throughout all of this, Khalida remained locked behind Israeli bars, an attempt to deny the Palestinian people and the global movement access to her leadership, thought, and action. 

Of course, Khalida Jarrar was also kept from her family and loved ones, despite personal tragedy. On 11 July 2021, Khalida’s beloved daughter, Suha Ghassan Jarrar,  a committed Palestinian human rights defender who worked with Al-Haq and spoke around the world, defending and upholding Palestinian rights and liberation,died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 30. While hundreds of Palestinians joined her funeral procession in Ramallah, Suha’s mother was denied early release for her funeral or even the ability to see her daughter’s body before she was buried. 

Thousands of Palestinians and supporters around the world spoke up, campaigned on social media,signed petitions, demanded their governments take action and expressed their outrage at the denial of this basic human right and comfort to Khalida Jarrar and her family by the Israeli occupation. Khalida represented a Palestinian political leader as well as a Palestinian mother, continuing to resist the Israeli occupation amid devastating pain. 

Jarrar is a member of the Palestinian committee that acceded to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and presented evidence to the international body about ongoing Israeli crimes. Israeli occupation forces invaded her home just as the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court announced that she recommended the ICC launch a formal investigation of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine. She was sentenced only weeks after the ICC affirmed its jurisdiction over occupied Palestine over the objections of the Israeli occupation as well as its backers among imperialist powers. In fact, her 2015 arrest came literally one day after Palestine’s accession to the ICC. 

Despite all of the political arrests, ongoing persecution and attempts to silence Khalida Jarrar, the occupation was never able to break her will or her commitment to the freedom of Palestine and its people. On this occasion, we urge all friends of Palestine to join us in celebration — and in outrage — through action: sharing the stories, images and struggles of Palestinian political prisoners, building the boycott of Israel, and organizing together for a day when the prison bars in Palestine and around the world will be pulled down to free every prisoner of injustice — and when Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea. 


Six Palestinians continue hunger strikes to end administrative detention

Despite deteriorating health, six Palestinian prisoners are continuing their open hunger strikes to demand their liberation from Israeli occupation prisons. All six of them are jailed without charge or trial under Israel’s “administrative detention” mechanism, and they are facing increasingly serious health situations, especially as Kayed Fasfous has now gone without food for 73 days. His fellow hunger strikers have also been on lengthy strikes: Miqbel Qawasmeh, imprisoned university student, on strike for 66 days; Alaa al-Araj for 48 days; Hisham Abu Hawash for 40 days; Raik Bisharat for 35 days; and Shadi Abu Aker for 32 days.

Meanwhile, Amin Shweiki, 61, also jailed without charge or trial under administration, has refused to take his insulin injections, demanding he be released. As reported by Al Jazeera, “Amin, a UK graduate in civil engineering, is one of the 520 Palestinian prisoners held under administrative detention, a policy that allows the Israeli police and military to imprison Palestinians indefinitely, on ‘secret information’, without presenting them with formal charges or allowing them to stand trial – laws that originate from the British occupation of Palestine.”

Shweiki, father of seven children and owner of a glass shop in the Old City of Jerusalem, has been jailed without charge or trial since 17 May. One day before he was expected to be released, a military court extended his detention for another four months, prompting him to launch his medical strike. Administrative detention orders are indefinitely renewable and Palestinians have spent years jailed without charge or trial under these orders.

Shweiki, along with four fellow administrative detainees, has vowed to boycott the Israeli occupation military courts. Ahmed Abu Sundus, Yousef Qazzaz, Yaser Badrasawy and Ayed Dudin have all vowed that they will not receive medical treatment or go to the Israeli courts until they are freed from detention without charge or trial.

Meanwhile, the hunger strikers have continued their “battle of empty stomachs.” Fasfous had an appeal scheduled to be heard on 22 September, but it was postponed by the Israeli occupation court system until 30 September, despite the fact that Fasfous has gone without food for over two months and is facing serious health problems. Abu Aker, who has been on hunger strike for over a month, is being held in solitary confinement in a dirty and cramped cell with no windows in Ofer prison.

Qawasmeh, 24, is still held in the Kaplan hospital due to the severe deterioration in his health; he has a low heart rate, shortness of breath, blurred vision and pain throughout his body. He is unable to stand; while in the Israeli hospital, he is shackled to the hospital bed by his right hand and left foot. Inside the hospital room, three jailers are constantly present and eat in front of him in order to taunt him into ending his strike.

What Is Administrative Detention?

Administrative detention was first used in Palestine by the British colonial mandate and then adopted by the Zionist regime; it is now used routinely to target Palestinians, especially community leaders, activists, and influential people in their towns, camps and villages.

There are currently approximately 520 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention, out of 4,650 Palestinian political prisoners. These orders are issued by the military and approved by military courts on the basis of “secret evidence”, denied to both Palestinian detainees and their attorneys. Issued for up to six months at a time, they are indefinitely renewable, and Palestinians — including minor children — can spend years jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention.

Who Are the Hunger Strikers?

  1. Kayed Fasfous, 32, from Dura – al-Khalil, started his strike 73 days ago. He is 36 years old, detained without charge or trial since July 2020. He is married and the father of the daughter; his three brothers, Akram, Mahmoud and Hafez are also detained by the Israeli occupation (Akram and Mahmoud earlier joined the hunger strike.) Before he was arrested, he was working in Dura municipality and had recently returned to Hebron University to complete his computer science degree, which he was earlier unable to complete due to repeated arrests.
  2. Miqdad Qawasmeh: from al-Khalil, started 66 days ago. Miqdad Qawasmeh is a Palestinian university student, 24 years old. He has been jailed without charge or trial since January 2021 and is held in Ofer prison. He has previously spent around 4 years in occupation prisons over various arrests since 2015.
  3. Alaa al-Araj: from Tulkarem, launched his strike 48 days ago. He has been jailed since 30 June without charge or trial under administrative detention and is held in Megiddo prison. He is 34 years old and a civil engineer; he has been detained multiple times since 2013, including being held without charge or trial under administrative detention.
  4. Hisham Ismail Abu Hawash, 39, from Dura, al-Khalil, has been on hunger strike for 40 days. He has been jailed without charge or trial since October 2020 under Israeli administrative detention. Over multiple arrests, he has spent eight years in Israeli prisons. He is married and the father of four children; his youngest child suffers from kidney failure.
  5. Raik Sadeq Bisharat, 44, from Tubas,  on strike for 35 days, has been jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention since July 2021. He is an injured former prisoner and has spent 9 years in Israeli prison. His hand was amputated and his wife was martyred by the Israeli occupation.
  6. Shadi Abu Aker, 37, from Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem, has been on hunger strike for 32 days to reject his administrative detention. He has been jailed without charge or trial since October 2020. Married and the father of two children, he is a former prisoner who spent 10 years in Israeli prison before his release in 2012. He has since been held under administrative detention three times.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine to take action to support these Palestinian hunger strikers and all Palestinian prisoners struggling for freedom, for their own lives and for the Palestinian people. They are confronting the system of Israeli oppression on the front lines, with their bodies and their lives, to bring the system of administrative detention to an end. Take these actions below to stand with the hunger strikers and the struggle for liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Download these signs for use in your campaigns:


Sign the petition!

Independent grassroots international activists have launched a petition in support of the hunger strikers and to end administrative detention. Show your support by signing on – in addition to taking action in person! Sign here: change.org/NoChargeNoTrialNoJail

Protest at the Israeli Embassy or Consulate in Your Country!

Join the many protests taking place around the world — confront, isolate and besiege the Israeli embassy or consulate in your city or country of residence. Make it clear that the people are with Palestine! Send us your events at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Take to the streets: Organize a protest in solidarity with Palestine!

Take to the streets and join the actions on our full list of events, which is constantly being updated as new actions are announced! Organize your own if there is none in your area, and send us your events at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Boycott Israel!

The international, Arab and Palestinian campaign to boycott Israel can play an important role at this critical time. Local boycott groups can protest and label Israeli produce and groceries, while many complicit corporations – including HP, G4S, Puma, Teva and others, profit from their role in support Zionist colonialism throughout occupied Palestine. By participating in the boycott of Israel, you can directly help to throw a wrench in the economy of settler colonialism.

Demand Your Government Sanction Israel!

The racist, settler colonial state of Israel and its war crimes against the Palestinian people are enabled and backed extensively by the over $3.8 billion each year given to Israel by the United States — targeted directly to support the Israeli occupation military killing children, women, men and elders throughout occupied Palestine. From Canada to Australia to the European Union, Western governments and imperialist powers provide ongoing diplomatic, political and economic support to Israel as well as selling billions of dollars of weaponry to the settler-colonial state. Meanwhile, they also purchase billions of dollars in weaponry from the Israeli state. Governments in league with imperialist powers, such as in the Philippines, Brazil, India and elsewhere, also buy weapons and “security” services — all “battle-tested” on the Palestinian population. Call your representatives, MPs, political officials and demand your government sanction Israel now, cut off all aid, expel its ambassadors, and stop buying and selling weapons!

26 September, NYC: An urgent call for Nicaragua – Freedom, Autonomy and Solidarity in the face of U.S. Sanctions

Sunday, 26 September
12 pm
Holyrood Church – Iglesia Santa Cruz
715 W 179th St, New York, NY
Event organized by the Alliance for Global Justice and the Nicaragua Network

We are republishing the following call to action: 

At this moment, we are receiving threats from the Nicaraguan extreme right that threatens the activity with the Nicaraguan Minister of Foreign Relations H.E. Mr. Denis Moncada that will take place this Sunday, Sept 26 at 12 noon. We have two options: cancel or send as many people as we can to Pastor Luis Barrios’ church to show solidarity with Nicaragua.

We can not allow the censorship of the ultra right! Our only option is to show solidarity with the Nicaraguan people and their struggle for their sovereignty. This is none other than the struggle of the second independence and for the consolidation of the great homeland of the Latin American peoples.

US regime change operations in Latin America have a long, sordid history and continue to do enormous harm in the places where they are active today. Today, Nicaragua is the target of these operations. As elections approach in the country, we see increasing U.S. efforts to interfere and undermine the sovereignty that the Nicaraguan people work for every day.

During this Community and Popular Mass in Solidarity with Nicaragua, officiated by Pastor Luis Barrios, we invite you to hear from the Minister of Foreign Relations about the current situation in Nicaragua in light of the November presidential elections, the Sandinista strategy to protect the country’s sovereignty in the face of sanctions imposed by the US and its allies, and the importance of international solidarity at the current juncture.

Join us to a conversation with H.E. Mr. Denis Moncada, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua on Sunday, September 26, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm Eastern Time. at Holyrood Church Iglesia Santa Cruz, 715 West 179th st New York, NY 10033 


Growing solidarity to free Georges Abdallah in Toulouse, France

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

On Friday, 24 September, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network, organized a Palestine Stand at the Bagatelle metro station in Toulouse, France. The stand was organized during the outdoor market in this working-class neighborhood. This action was part of the kick-off of an international month of action to free Georges Abdallah, a Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France since 1984 and eligible for release since 1999. The U.S. government has worked hand in hand with the French government and the Israeli state to deny George’s return to his homeland, Lebanon.


For over two hours, participants in the stand distributed more than 1,000 flyers calling for Georges Abdallah’s release. They spoke with hundreds of passers-by about the political and judicial harassment and oppression of Georges, who has become the longest-held political prisoner in Europe. During the stand, activists were able to observe that an increasing number of people know Georges’ name, his cause and want to get involved in supporting his liberation. They understand that supporting Georges Abdallah is also supporting the Palestinian people and their right to resist colonization and occupation.

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

The participants in the stand also distributed a large number of stickers and flyers to people wanting to get involved, while more people signed petition cards to call for Georges’ freedom or registered for the bus to come to the national demonstration on Saturday, 23 October in front of Lannemezan prison.

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

Several people also expressed interest in attending the upcoming Toulouse screening of “Fedayin, the Struggle of Georges Abdallah,” scheduled for Thursday, 21 October at 8:30 pm at the American Cosmograph Theater.

The activists also informed visitors to the table about other key campaigns the Collectif is organizing and leading, including the boycott of Israel and the companies and products that support or profit from Israeli apartheid.

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

Dozens of people took solidarity photos to show their support for the release of Georges Abdallah and salute the incredible determination and ongoing resistance of this Lebanese Communist struggler who is facing decades of official state revenge policies.

This first initiative for the solidarity month with Georges Abdallah received warm and widespread support. The Collectif invites all to join in the upcoming solidarity initiatives, especially the Palestine picnic on Sunday, 26 September at 11:30 am at the Parc de Fontaine Lestang in Toulouse, near the Mermoz metro station.

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

This event followed a Twitterstorm in support of Georges Abdallah on Thursday, 23 September, in advance of the meeting between new Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati and French President Emmanuel Macron, to demand France immediately release and repatriate this Lebanese political prisoner. Over 500,000 people received the messages during the Twitterstorm.

Upcoming Events in Toulouse:

  • Sunday October 26 · Palestine picnic
    From 11:30 am at the Parc de Fontaine Lestang. In case of rain, contact us: collectifpalestinevaincra@gmail.com 
  • Saturday October 2 · Stand Palestine
    Details to come
  • Saturday October 2 · ANC party in Gémenos
    Stand of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra 
  • Tuesday October 5 Contingent at the inter-union demonstration
    Departure at 10:30 am, place Arnaud Bernard
  • Sunday October 10 · Stand Palestine
    Details to come
  • Friday October 15 · Screening of the documentary “The only hero, the people”
    Details to come
  • Saturday October 16 · Stand Palestine
    Details to come
  • Sunday October 17 Commemorative rally for October 17, 1961
    Details to come
  • Thursday, October 21 · Screening of the documentary “Fedayin, the fight of Georges Abdallah”
    8:30 pm at the American Cosmograph with the Collectif Vacarme (s) Films and Saïd Bouamama, sociologist and author of “The Georges Ibrahim Abdallah affair”
  • Saturday 23 October · Demonstration
    From 2 p.m. from the station to Lannemezan prison (65).
    Bus from Toulouse, registration: collectifpalestinevaincra@gmail.com 

24 September, Toulouse: Palestine Stand: Free Georges Abdallah!

Friday, 24 September 2021
From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Metro Bagatelle – Toulouse, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/676221586690185/

On Friday, 24 September from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is organizing a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Bagatelle metro in Toulouse as part of the month of action for the release of Georges Abdallah. Lebanese communist and Palestinian resistance fighter, he has been imprisoned in France since 1984 despite being eligible for release since 1999. Today, he has become the longest-held political prisoner in Europe. To support him is to support the Palestinian people and their right to resist against colonialism, racism and apartheid. On the program: flyer distribution, signing petition cards for George’s freedom, free leaflets and stickers, registration for the bus to the national demonstration in front of Lannemezan prison, etc

This gathering is registered at the prefecture and respects the required health measures (masks, sanitizer, etc.).

Take Action for Georges Abdallah: Host a screening of “Fedayin,” the new film about his life in struggle

On 23 October 2021, the national march and rally will gather outside Lannemezan prison in France once again, to demand the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the longest-held political prisoner in Europe. In the month prior to the march — which marks the 37th anniversary of Abdallah’s arrest — please join in and organize actions to join the call for his freedom! One action you can take, anywhere in the world, is to organize a public screening of the new and acclaimed film, “Fedayin.”

Georges Abdallah is a Lebanese struggler for Palestine who has been imprisoned since 1984, despite being eligible for release since 1999, for his involvement in the struggle for the liberation of Palestine — and Lebanon — from Zionist occupation.

“Fedayin,” the new film from Vacarme(s) Films in France, tells the story of George’s life in the struggle. Just announced as a selection for the 2021 Chicago Palestine Film Festival, the documentary traces the life of Georges Abdallah, Lebanese Arab Communist and struggler for Palestine and one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe. It moves from the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon where his political consciousness was forged to the international movement to demand his liberation from French prisons.

The film includes a number of interviews, including with Palestinian leftist writer and activist Khaled Barakat; Samidoun international coordinator Charlotte Kates; Samidoun Europe coordinator Mohammed Khatib; former political prisoners Jean-Marc Rouillan and Bertrand Sassoye; lawyer Jean-Louis Chalanset; Georges Abdallah’s brothers Robert and Maurice Abdallah; and advocate for Georges Abdallah’s liberation Suzanne Le Manceau, among others.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges people and organizations around the world to organize screenings of “Fedayin” in the coming month and beyond. This film has an important role to play in highlighting Georges Abdallah’s case to international audiences and helping to break down the walls of injustice that continue to keep him imprisoned in France, away from his homeland Lebanon.

The film is available with appropriate subtitles in French, Arabic, English, German, Italian, Catalan and Castilian Spanish.

Check out the list of screenings below and organize your own. If you want to show Fedayin in your area, email us at samidoun@samidoun.net or contact the directors at vacarmesfilms@gmail.com. We will help you to get your screening organized, and the directors are available to attend your events in person or to join your in-person events via video link. 

Upcoming screenings of Fedayin (check the directors’ site for changes and updates)

Paris (75) · Friday September 24 at 6.30 pm
Screening organized by the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, the UL CGT of the 18th arrondissement and the Manouchian Circle with the presence of Saïd Bouamama, sociologist and author of “The Georges Ibrahim Abdallah Affair”.
Union Locale CGT du 18e, 42 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Facebook event

Mauléon-Licharre (North Basque Country) · Friday September 24 at 8:30 p.m. (reception at 7 p.m.)
Screening followed by a discussion with the Collectif Vacarme(s) Films and Jean-Marc Rouillan, former political prisoner.
Tokia Room, 18 Rue des Frères Barenne, 64130 Mauleon-soule

Brussels (Belgium) · Monday September 27 at 7 p.m.
Screening organized by Secours Rouge, followed by a meeting with the Collectif Vacarme(s) Films.
Adventure Cinema, Galerie du Center, 57 rue des Fripiers, 1000 Brussels
Facebook event

Charleroi (Belgium) · Tuesday September 28 at 6 p.m.
Screening organized by the Plate-Forme Charleroi-Palestine, followed by a meeting with the Collectif Vacarme(s) Films.
Maison pour Associations, 80 route de Mons, 6030 Marchienne-au-Pont
The Facebook event

Gémenos (France 13) · Saturday, October 2
Screening organized by the ANC as part of its annual celebration.
SCOP TI, 500 Avenue du Pic de Bretagne, 13420 Gémenos
Facebook event

Bayonne (North Basque Country) · Monday October 4
More info to come

Brest (France, 29) · Wednesday 6 October
More info to come

Strasbourg (France, 67) · Monday 11 October
More info to come

Saint-Gaudens (France, 31) · Tuesday 12 October
More info to come

Guingamp (France, 22) · Thursday, October 14
More info to come

Tarbes (France, 65) · Thursday 14 October
More info to come

Aix-les-Bains (France, 73) · Thursday 14 October
More info to come

Annecy (France, 74) · Friday 15 October
More info to come

Albi (France, 49) · Friday 15 October
More info to come

Chicago Palestine Film Festival (Chicago, United States) – Between Friday, 15 October and Saturday, 23 October
Details coming soon: https://www.palestinefilmfest.com/

Nanterre (France, 92) · Thursday, October 21
More info to come

Toulouse (France, 31) · Thursday 21 October at 8:30 pm
Screening organized by the Collectif Palestine Vaincra with the Collectif Vacarme (s) Films and Saïd Bouamama, author of “The Georges Ibrahim Abdallah Affair”.
American Cosmograph Cinema, 24 rue Montardy, 31000 Toulouse
Facebook event

Rabastens (France, 81) · Wednesday 3 November
More info to come

Beirut (Lebanon) Tuesday 9 November
More info to come

Beirut (Lebanon) Saturday, November 13
More info to come

Paris (France, 75) Wednesday November 17
More info to come

Saint-Ouen (France, 93) · Thursday, November 18
More info to come

Vitry-sur-Seine (France, 94) · Friday 19 November
More info to come

Manchester (United Kingdom) · Sunday 21 November at 2:30 pm
Screening organized by Fight Racism Fight Imperialism as part of the “Palestine Resists: Film and Music Festival”
Dulcimer Bar, 567 Wilbraham Road M21 0AE Manchester
Facebook event

Carcassonne (France, 11) · Monday 29 November
More info to come

Avignon (France, 82) · Thursday 2 December
More info to come

Niort (France, 79) · Saturday 11 December
More info to come

If you wish to organize a screening of the film, do not hesitate to contact us at vacarmesfilms@gmail.com

The documentary has already been screened in France in Paris ( Festival Ciné-Palestine ), Paris XVII ( Librairie Résistances ), Tremblay-en-France, Marseille , Port-de-Bouc , Aix-en-Provence , Tarbes , La Bâtie-Montsaléon , Foix ( Festival off Resistances ), Entraigues-sur-la-Sorgue , Port Leucate ( Summer University of the NPA ), Avignon, Nantes, Bordeaux, etc.

But also abroad in Tunis – Tunisia, Geneva – Switzerland ( Festival “To film is to resist” ), Naples – Italy ( Festival Bassai Dai ), Cluj-Napoca – Romania, New York City – United States ( The People’s Forum ), Neuchâtel – Switzerland (Le Minimum Cinema), Zürich – Switzerland, Berga – Catalonia, Barcelona – Catalonia, Granollers – Catalonia, etc.