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Palestinian student Nizar Issa Qaddoumi forcibly kidnapped by Israeli occupation forces

Israeli occupation forces abducted Nizar Issa Qaddoumi, 26, on the evening of Monday, 31 August, 2020, as he worked at the Al-Natour gas station in Tulkarem. Nizar, a student at Kadoorie – Palestine Technical University, is the latest Palestinian student to be seized by occupation forces in a violent kidnapping.

In the video below, Israeli occupation forces, driving a civilian van and wearing civilian clothes, drive into the gas station. When Nizar approaches them for service, they spring out of the van, attacking, grabbing and beating him over the head while brandishing handguns, presumably threatening Nizar’s Palestinian coworkers. They force Nizar into the back of the van and drive off toward an unknown location – another example of the daily injustices and violence imposed on Palestinian life by Israeli colonialism.

There are currently over 200 Palestinian university students in Israeli prisons, and Israeli occupation forces routinely invade Palestinian university campuses and students’ homes, interrogating them and imprisoning them – either in administrative detention without charge or trial, or by dragging these civilian students before military courts for participating in student activities like campaigns, book fairs and demonstrations on campus.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges student organizations and people of conscience around the world to organize for the freedom of Palestinian student prisoners – and all Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli jails by putting pressure on governments to end their support for the Israeli occupation regime and escalating the boycott of Israel and the corporations that profit from colonialism, such as HP and G4S.

Freedom for Nizar Issa Qaddoumi and all Palestinian students!

Samidoun: Declaración de solidaridad con los republicanos irlandeses y palestinos detenidos en las cárceles británicas

Samidoun Red de solidaridad con los prisioneros palestinos, denuncia las recientes detenciones de nueve republicanos irlandeses y un palestino por parte del MI5 británico, el Gardaí irlandés, la Policía de Escocia, la Policía Metropolitana de Londres y más de 500 agentes del Servicio de Policía de Irlanda del Norte (PSNI) en la llamada  “Operación Arbacia”.

Entre ellos se encuentra el médico palestino Issam Hijjawi, destacado líder de la comunidad palestina en Escocia, ex presidente de la Asociación de Comunidades Palestinas en Escocia y representante del Foro Democrático Palestino en Europa.  Los republicanos irlandeses son todos miembros de Saoradh, el partido socialista republicano revolucionario irlandés.  Exigimos la liberación inmediata de todos los presos políticos detenidos en el norte de Irlanda, todavía ocupado por las fuerzas británicas.

Únase a nosotras para tomar medidas firmando esta declaración de solidaridad colectiva: https://bit.ly/saoradhsolidarity

En este momento, los diez han sido acusados ​​y enviados a prisión, a la espera de su juicio y recluidos en aislamiento, un proceso descrito por los republicanos irlandeses como “internamiento en prisión preventiva”.

La política de internamiento, llevada a cabo oficialmente en Irlanda del Norte de 1971 a 1975, es una práctica similar a la detención administrativa de prisioneros políticos palestinos por Israel, que permite a las potencias ocupantes encarcelar a irlandeses y palestinos sin cargos ni juicio.  Los presos políticos han estado recluidos durante años bajo estas prácticas, que fueron introducidas tanto en Irlanda como en Palestina por el colonialismo británico.

Si bien el internamiento terminó oficialmente, continúa persistiendo en la realidad, como lo destacaron los organizadores contra el internamiento y los republicanos irlandeses.  Los republicanos irlandeses y otras personas arrestadas por cargos políticos suelen ser detenidos antes del juicio en lugar de ser liberados y recluidos en aislamiento, a pesar de la debilidad de los cargos en su contra.  En algunos casos, los detenidos republicanos irlandeses son puestos en prisión preventiva basándose únicamente en la palabra de un oficial de policía británico.

Sin embargo, los prisioneros republicanos irlandeses continúan luchando y proporcionan un liderazgo continuo al movimiento, al igual que el papel de los prisioneros políticos palestinos en el movimiento de liberación.  Uno de los prisioneros irlandeses, Joe Barr, declaró durante una entrevista hace dos años: “Lo que sea que el gobierno británico planee y quiera hacer conmigo, no importa, nunca cambiará lo que yo creo”.

Los arrestos parecen haberse producido después de un largo proceso de infiltración oficial británica en Saoradh, dirigido al activismo político de los republicanos irlandeses para su vigilancia y espionaje.  Se han utilizado infiltrados y agentes provocadores en casos de represión política en todo el mundo en un intento de atraer a los activistas para que digan o hagan cualquier cosa, sin importar cuán insignificante sea, que pueda ser retorcida y usada en su contra, a menudo acompañada de múltiples grabaciones de audio y video.

En este caso, parece que los organizadores palestinos fueron el blanco específico de los esfuerzos de infiltración para instrumentalizar el racismo antipalestino, la criminalización y la propaganda mediática sensacionalista contra las luchas de liberación de Irlanda y Palestina juntas.

El Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, que fue detenido el sábado 22 de agosto, es un activista de larga trayectoria por la liberación de Palestina.  Nacido en Palestina, anteriormente se desempeñó como presidente de la Asociación de Comunidades Palestinas en Escocia y representó al Foro Democrático Palestino en Europa.  En el tribunal, señaló que el infiltrado Dennis McFadden lo había “insistido” para que se reuniera y fuera a su casa, un intento de convertir la solidaridad natural de los pueblos oprimidos y los movimientos de liberación en una intriga sensacionalista para documentos policiales e informes de los medios.

En su mensaje al Ard Fheis más reciente de Saoradh, el Dr. Hijjawi señaló algunas de las tácticas represivas que había experimentado recientemente, casi con certeza causada por la misma serie de ataques contra el movimiento republicano irlandés, antes de entregar un fuerte mensaje de solidaridad anticolonial:

Siempre, las potencias imperialistas lidiaron con la legítima aspiración nacional de los pueblos ocupados desde una perspectiva de seguridad, donde el movimiento Nacionalista que lucha por determinar su futuro y destino se empaña como movimiento terrorista, esto sucedió en todo el mundo, desde el movimiento pacifista en India  – Gandhi – al movimiento armado de Nelson Mandela … desde el levantamiento de Pascua del pueblo irlandés en 1916 hasta la revolución palestina en 1929 y la ejecución a sangre fría de los líderes de ambos a manos del poder imperialista del antiguo imperio británico  …

Mirando hacia atrás en los acontecimientos internacionales durante los últimos 30-40 años, podemos ver la imagen clara: el fracaso del Acuerdo del Viernes Santo, el fracaso del Acuerdo de Oslo… y por lo tanto todos los acuerdos que pretendían traer un final pacífico a la lucha nacional.  En diferentes partes del globo, y además de eso, lo que estamos presenciando ahora en el Medio Oriente y América Latina, donde la gente común se rebela en las calles de Beirut, Bagdad, Argelia, Palestina, Chile, Colombia, Brasil, todos estos  acontecimientos históricos demuestran un hecho claro: mientras no se aborde el tema central de las causas nacionales, la gente seguirá rebelándose a pesar de la brutalidad de los regímenes corruptos o colonizadores.

Camaradas, tengan la seguridad de que estamos en el lado correcto de la historia, ya sea en Palestina o en Irlanda, la lucha de casi un siglo por la libertad, la autodeterminación, la dignidad y la justicia social prevalecerá, y las potencias imperialistas y colonialistas tarde o temprano lo harán, serán derrotado, es sólo cuestión de tiempo “.

Saoradh emitió una declaración sobre los arrestos, declarando: “falacias  pagadas, pruebas fabricadas, pruebas circunstanciales, insinuaciones y sugestiones de” mal carácter “basadas en una participación de larga trayectoria en la Lucha Republicana han dado lugar al internamiento en prisión preventiva de nuestros camaradas”.

Continuaron: “Saoradh permanece firme, comprometido y solido frente a este último ataque al partido.  No seremos censurados, intimidados, acosados ​​o encarcelados para que desaparezcan”.

Existe una larga historia de lucha colectiva y compartida entre los movimientos de liberación nacional irlandeses y palestinos.  Ambos se enfrentaron directamente al colonialismo británico, que también fue la fuerza, a través de su notoria declaración Balfour y el armamento de las fuerzas sionistas para reprimir los levantamientos palestinos, que alimentó y desarrolló oficialmente la colonización sionista dentro de la Palestina ocupada.  Ese vínculo histórico de lucha ha continuado a lo largo de los años, expresado a través del arte, la organización política, el apoyo mutuo y los vínculos entre los presos políticos que representan sus movimientos de resistencia y luchas de liberación.

En 1981, los prisioneros palestinos emitieron una declaración en apoyo de los huelguistas de hambre republicanos irlandeses, un documento que conserva su claridad hoy:

“Extendemos nuestro saludo y solidaridad con ustedes en la confrontación contra el gobierno terrorista opresivo impuesto al pueblo irlandés por la élite gobernante británica.  Saludamos la heroica lucha de Bobby Sands y sus camaradas, ya que han sacrificado la posesión más valiosa de cualquier ser humano.  Ellos dieron sus vidas por la libertad… Nuestro pueblo en Palestina y en las cárceles sionistas está luchando como su pueblo está luchando contra los monopolios británicos y ambos continuaremos hasta la victoria.  En nombre de los prisioneros de Nafha, apoyamos su lucha y causa de la libertad contra la dominación inglesa, contra el sionismo y contra el fascismo en el mundo”.

En 2017, los prisioneros republicanos irlandeses en la prisión de Maghaberry, donde ahora se encuentran los 10 republicanos detenidos, emitieron una declaración de solidaridad con  los prisioneros palestinos en huelga de hambre masiva:

“Independientemente de los intentos de normalizar la existencia del Estado sionista;  no tiene derecho a existir y, por tanto, no tiene derecho a oprimir, encarcelar y torturar a quienes se resisten legítimamente a su ocupación de Palestina.

El apoyo al sionismo y los intentos de pintar al pueblo palestino como los agresores en este conflicto quedan expuestos por el trato inhumano a los prisioneros por parte de los sionistas.  Dada la larga historia de prisioneros republicanos y huelgas de hambre en Irlanda, la lucha en las cárceles palestinas resuena particularmente en nosotros”.

Desde Irlanda hasta Palestina, la lucha continúa, y la lucha por la libertad de todos los presos políticos es esencial para lograr la justicia y la liberación.  Samidoun Palestina Prisoner Solidarity Network expresa su más firme solidaridad con los detenidos irlandeses y palestinos y con todos los prisioneros republicanos irlandeses.

Exigimos la liberación inmediata de los detenidos y sus compañeros presos políticos, al igual que pedimos  la liberación de todos los presos palestinos en las cárceles israelíes, y nos hacemos eco del compromiso de los presos irlandeses y palestinos a lo largo de los años con la lucha conjunta, la solidaridad mutua y una visión  de liberación colectiva del colonialismo, el sionismo y el imperialismo.

Samidoun saluda a todos los luchadores irlandeses que han seguido al lado de la lucha del pueblo palestino por la liberación durante muchos años de resistencia colectiva al colonialismo.  ¡Libertad para los pueblos de Irlanda y Palestina!

Únase a nosotros para tomar medidas firmando esta declaración de solidaridad colectiva: https://bit.ly/saoradhsolidarity


Monday, 31 August: Join the Twitterstorm #MacronLibérezAbdallah

Translated from the French at Collectif Palestine Vaincra:

On Monday, 31 August, join the campaign to free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in French jails for over 35 years, by participating in the Twitterstorm: #MacronLibérezAbdallah (Macron Free Abdallah)

The Twitter campaign coincides with the occasion of the arrival of French president Emmanuel Macron in Lebanon; his last visit was marked by colonial demands for a “new political pact” in Lebanon. France is the former colonial power in Lebanon that was responsible for creating the sectarian political system that persists to the present day.

When campaigners for Georges Abdallah’s freedom confronted Macron in the streets of Beirut during his previous visit to Lebanon following the port explosion, he responded with a mysterious phrase, “He must sign.” Abdallah, imprisoned in France since 1984, has been eligible for release since 1999. His release has been blocked by high-ranking French officials – hand in hand with U.S. officials, who have openly intervened in the case – on several occasions.

In a recent statement, the Unified Campaign for the Release of Georges Abdallah in Ile-de-France noted, “If there is one critical signature on this file, it is that of the Minister of the Interior. Despite being granted release successfully in 2003 and 2013 by the sentencing court and a written affirmation of his favorable reception in Lebanon, the release of Georges Abdallah remains contingent on the Minister signing an expulsion order from France. In January 2013, Manuel Valls, Minister of the Interior, refused to sign it; on 5 November 2014, his new request for release was declared “inadmissible” because he had not previously been the subject of an expulsion order. So yes, today, if there is a signature to be made, it is that of the President of the Republic ordering the Minister of the Interior to sign off on the document so that justice may finally be served and Georges Abdallah is released. He must sign!”

During the new visit of Macron to Lebanon, we must mobilize widely and make the release of Georges Abdallah more topical and relevant than ever. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins with the Collectif Palestine Vaincra to invite all to join the campaign on Monday, 31 August at 9 am Pacific time, 12 pm Eastern time, 6 pm central Europe/central Africa, 7 pm Lebanon time on Twitter.

To participate:

  • If you already have a Twitter account, tweet several times calling for freedom for Georges Abdallah. Use the hashtag #MacronLibérezAbdallah and tag @EmmanuelMacron and @GDarmanin.

Here is one sample tweet:

Emmanuel Macron au Liban ? Assez d’acharnement ! Libérez Georges Abdallah, communiste libanais emprisonné en France depuis 1984 et libérable depuis 1999 ! #MacronLibérezAbdallah
@CollectifPV @EmmanuelMacron @GDarmanin

Click here to tweet it automatically

  • If you don’t already have a Twitter account, it is easy to make one at twitter.com. Even if you have a new account with only a few followers, your tweets can help support the campaign.
  • If you won’t be online during the storm, use Tweetdeck to schedule your tweets (a free option).
  • Follow these accounts in support of Georges Abdallah for material to retweet:  @CollectifPV@FreeGIAbdallah and @SamidounPP
  • Use the graphics below to accompany your tweets:

Call to Action: Stop the Desecration of the Shinnecock Hills

After centuries of land theft under colonial encroachment, today Shinnecock sacred burial grounds are again under attack of desecration by private development. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all friends of Palestine to stand with Shinnecock Grave Protection Warrior Society in upholding their sovereign rights. We are reprinting below the Call to Action from the Shinnecock Grave Protection Warrior Society: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hg-bl5eAhP4Vyb7iuuhqFDJavDuofduGz9XO4PZ_q4c/edit?usp=drivesdk

The Shinnecock Hills are the sacred burial grounds of the Shinnecock Nation.



After postponing the vote numerous times, the Southampton Town Board plans to vote on theGraves Protection Act and the proposed moratorium on September 8 after seven days of accepting public comment. 

This means we have ONE WEEK to flood the Board with comments and calls as they end their acceptance of additional written submissions in preparation for the vote! And we’re going to do it all at once on Monday! But you don’t have to wait until then to take action. Use this toolkit to make calls now:

CALL TO ACTION—SOLIDARITY to Preserve Shinnecock Hills 

Background Information:

Patch, Conscience Point Film, Shinnecock Indians and Property Rights, Scores Join Rally to Save Shinnecock Ancestral Burial Grounds, Other Tribal nations join Shinnecock Graves Protection Act Protesters Demand Action on Burial Sites Shinnecock Indian protest development at unmarked graves and allege Southampton inaction Shinnecock Indian Nation Demands Burial Site Protections at Southampton Rally  

Immediate Support


Letters and Calls to – 

*Southampton Town Supervisor*

Jay Schneiderman,  jschneiderman@southamptontownny.gov Phone: 631-283-6055

  • What to say
      • It’s so crazy how it took the Town and State probably less than 30 days to put a stop to the construction of the Billboards on the Shinnecock land, on the highway. Folks said that it “disturbed the natural scenic landscape.” Now the tables have turned. What about the disturbance of the sacred land? I guess scenic landscape trumps sacred land.”
      • “There needs to be a mortarium of any further building/clearing/land disturbance in the area known as the Shinnecock Hills, effective Immediately. You need to respect the sacred Shinnecock Hills. 
      •  The protection of burial sites and funerary objects is a universal tenet. This goes for Native American sites. It’s public knowledge that the Shinnecock Hills are ancient burial grounds for not only the Shinnecock Indian Nation and surrounding tribes. Why is the town dragging their feet to pass legislation to ensure this doesn’t happen again? 
      • Why is taking so long for a stop work order to be placed on the 513 Montauk Hwy Shinnecock Hills, NY property?

*Southampton Councilpersons*

John Bouvier, jbouvier@southamptontownny.gov 

Rick Martel, rmartel@southamptontownny.gov 

Julie Lofstad, jlofstad@southamptontownny.gov 

Tommy John Schiavoni, tjschiavoni@southamptontownny.gov Phone: 631-287-5745

  • Southampton Community Preservation Fund (CFP)
  • What to say
      • “Purchase the allotments and allow the Shinnecock Indian Nation to be. One of the parcels that was identified as a sacred site to the Shinnecock and agreed to be preserved by the CPF was cleared and a hole was dug for the development of a new home. This is unacceptable. Why is it taking to long to fix this problem”
      • Do the current residents and prospective buyers know that the Shinnecock Hills are ANCIENT BURIAL GROUNDS and that there have been remains found over the course of the most recent years? 
  • Southampton Town Democratic Committee
      • 631-709-5022
  • What to say
      • “Why hasn’t anyone held Jay Schneiderman (Southampton Town Supervisor) accountable for creating a Stewardship committee with the Shinnecock Indian Nation regarding Native American burial sites and not implementing anything that the committee agreed upon?
      • “Did you know that the Shinnecock Hills are Ancient Burial grounds, and that there have been continually desecration of these burial sites even after the Shinnecock Indian Nation has tried every avenue to make this a priority to protect?”
  • Letters to the Editor and opinion pieces in local papers



  • The Shinnecock Hills are the Shinnecock Nation’s most sacred land. The Shinnecock Hills were illegally stolen from the Shinnecock in 1859. Since then – and especially in the past 50 years – a development boom on the East End of Long Island has led to the rampant desecration of these sacred burial grounds. 
  • In 2018 the Shinnecock Nation and the Town of Southampton created a Joint Committee to identify and preserve all vacant parcels in the Shinnecock Hills using CPF funds. This week one of the parcels that was identified as a sacred site to the Shinnecock and agreed to be preserved by the CPF was cleared and a hole was dug for the development of a new home. This is unacceptable. 
  • We also learned that building permits have been issued by Southampton Town without consultation with the Shinnecock Nation. We demand that a moratorium on building and construction in the Shinnecock Hills be issued at this time. Furthermore, we ask that the CPF purchase and preserve this site. 
  • To learn more, please watch Conscience Point, available online through PBS and other streaming platforms.

Samidoun: Statement of solidarity with Irish republican and Palestinian detainees in British jails

Read this statement in Spanish: https://samidoun.net/2020/08/samidoun-declaracion-de-solidaridad-con-los-republicanos-irlandeses-y-palestinos-detenidos-en-las-carceles-britanicas/

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network denounces the recent arrests of nine Irish republicans and one Palestinian by British MI5, the Irish Gardaí, Police Scotland, London’s Metropolitan Police, and over 500 officers of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) in the so-called “Operation Arbacia.”

Among them is Palestinian doctor Issam Hijjawi, prominent Palestinian community leader in Scotland, former chair of the Association of Palestinian Communities in Scotland and representative of the Palestinian Democratic Forum in Europe. The Irish republicans are all members of Saoradh, the Irish revolutionary Republican socialist party. We demand the immediate release of all political prisoners held in the north of Ireland, still occupied by British forces.

Join us to take action by signing on to this collective solidarity statement: https://bit.ly/saoradhsolidarity

At this moment, all ten have been charged and remanded into prison, awaiting their trial and held in isolation, a process described by Irish republicans as “internment by remand.”

The policy of internment, officially carried out in northern Ireland from 1971 to 1975, is a similar practice to Israel’s administrative detention of Palestinian political prisoners, allowing the occupying powers to imprison Irish and Palestinian people without charge or trial. Political prisoners have been held for years under these practices, which were introduced in both Ireland and Palestine by British colonialism.

While internment was officially ended, it continues to persist in reality, as highlighted by anti-internment organizers and Irish republicans. Irish republicans and others arrested on political charges are routinely remanded before trial rather than released and held in isolation, despite the weakness of the charges against them. In some cases, Irish republican detainees are remanded based on the word of a British police officer alone.

Nevertheless, Irish republican prisoners continue to struggle and provide ongoing leadership to the movement, much like the role of Palestinian political prisoners in the liberation movement. One of the Irish prisoners, Joe Barr, stated during an interview two years ago, “Whatever the British government plan to do with me and want to do with me it doesn’t matter, it will never ever change what I believe in.”

The arrests appear to have come after a lengthy process of official British infiltration of Saoradh, targeting the political work of Irish republicans for surveillance and entrapment. Infiltrators and agent provocateurs have been used in cases of political repression around the world in an attempt to lure activists into saying or doing anything – no matter how minor – that can be twisted and turned against them, often accompanied by voluminous video and audio recordings.

In this case, it appears that Palestinian organizers were specifically targeted by the infiltration efforts in order to instrumentalize anti-Palestinian racism, criminalization and sensationalist media propaganda against the Irish and Palestinian liberation struggles together.

Dr Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, who was arrested on Saturday 22 August, is a longtime activist for the liberation of Palestine. Born in Palestine, he previously served as chair of the Association of Palestinian Communities in Scotland and represented the Palestinian Democratic Forum in Europe. In court, he noted that he had been “pestered” by the infiltrator, Dennis McFadden, into meeting and going to his home, an attempt to turn the natural solidarity of oppressed peoples and liberation movements into sensational intrigue for police documents and media reports.

In his message to Saoradh’s most recent Ard Fheis, Dr Hijjawi noted some of the repressive tactics he had recently experienced – almost certainly caused by the same series of attacks on the Irish republican movement – before delivering a strong message of anti-colonial solidarity:

“Always, the imperialist powers dealt with the national legitimate aspiration of occupied people from a security perspective, where the Nationalist movement fighting to determine their future and destiny are tarnished as a terrorist movement, this happened all over the world, from the pacifist movement in India — Gandhi — to the armed movement of Nelson Mandela… from the Easter uprising of the Irish people in 1916 to the Palestinian revolution in 1929 and the cold-blooded execution of the leaders of both by the hands of the imperialistic power of the old British empire…

 Looking back on the international events during the last 30-40 years, we can see the clear picture: the failure of the Good Friday Agreement, the failure of the Oslo Agreement…and so all agreements which meant to bring a peaceful end to national struggle in different parts of the globe, and more to that, what we are witnessing now in the Middle East and Latin America, where the ordinary people revolting in the streets of Beirut, Baghdad, Algeria, Palestine, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, all these historic events do prove one clear fact: as long as the core issue of national causes are not addressed, people will continue to revolt despite the brutality of the corrupt or colonising regimes.

 Comrades, be assured that we are on the right side of history, whether in Palestine or Ireland, the nearly century-long struggle for freedom, self-determination, dignity and social justice will prevail, and the imperialist, colonialist powers sooner or later will be defeated, it’s just a matter of time.”

Saoradh issued a statement on the arrests, stating, “Paid perjurors, manufactured evidence, circumstantial evidence, innuendo and “bad character” insinuations based on long standing involvement in Republican Struggle has resulted in the internment by remand of our comrades.”

They continued: “Saoradh remain steadfast, committed and disciplined in the face of this latest attack on the party. We will not be censored, intimidated, harassed or imprisoned out of existence.”

There is a long history of collective, shared struggle between the Irish and Palestinian national liberation movements. Both directly confronted British colonialism, which was also the force – through its notorious Balfour declaration as well as the arming of Zionist forces to repress Palestinian uprisings – that nurtured and officially developed Zionist colonization inside occupied Palestine. That historical link of struggle has continued over the years, expressed through art, political organizing, mutual support, and the bonds between political prisoners who represent their resistance movements and liberation struggles.

In 1981, Palestinian prisoners issued a statement in support of Irish republican hunger strikers, a document that retains its clarity today:

“We extend our salutes and solidarity with you in the confrontation against the oppressive terrorist rule enforced upon the Irish people by the British ruling elite. We salute the heroic struggle of Bobby Sands and his comrades, for they have sacrificed the most valuable possession of any human being. They gave their lives for freedom… Our people in Palestine and in the Zionist prisons are struggling as your people are struggling against the British monopolies and we will both continue until victory. On behalf of the prisoners of Nafha, we support your struggle and cause of freedom against English domination, against Zionism and against fascism in the world.”

In 2017, Irish republican prisoners in Maghaberry Prison – where the 10 detained republicans are now held – issued a statement of solidarity to Palestinian prisoners on mass hunger strike:

“Regardless of attempts to normalise the existence of the Zionist State; it has no right to exist and therefore it has no right to oppress, imprison and torture those who legitimately resist its occupation of Palestine.

Support for Zionism and attempts to paint the Palestinian people as the aggressors in this conflict are exposed by the inhumane treatment of prisoners by the Zionists. Given the long history of Republican Prisoners and Hunger-Strikes in Ireland, the Palestinian prison struggle resonates particularly with us.”

From Ireland to Palestine, the struggle continues – and the fight for the freedom of all political prisoners is essential to achieving justice and liberation. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its strongest solidarity with the Irish and Palestinian detainees and all Irish republican prisoners.

We demand the immediate release of the detainees and their fellow political prisoners, just as we do the release of all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, and we echo the commitment of Irish and Palestinian prisoners through the years to joint struggle, mutual solidarity and a vision of collective liberation from colonialism, Zionism and imperialism. 

Samidoun salutes all of the Irish strugglers who have continued to stand side by side with the Palestinian people’s struggle for liberation over many years of collective resistance to colonialism. Freedom for the people of Ireland and Palestine!

Join us to take action by signing on to this collective solidarity statement: https://bit.ly/saoradhsolidarity

Samidoun mourns hunger-striking lawyer Ebru Timtik, martyr for justice in Turkey

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network mourns the loss of people’s lawyer Ebru Timtik of Turkey, who carried out a hunger strike (death fast) for 238 days to demand justice in her case and those of her fellow wrongfully imprisoned people’s lawyers who were subjected to lengthy prison sentences for defending fellow political prisoners in Turkish prisons. She follows Helin Bölek, İbrahim Gökçek and Mustafa Koçak as a martyr for justice and liberation.

Her colleague, Aytac Unsal, is continuing a hunger strike of 208 days. By the time of her death, she weighed only 30 kilos – and yet the justice system in Turkey continued to deny them a fair trial, seeking to break their strike rather than recognize their demands for justice. Ebru Timtik is a martyr of the international struggle for justice and liberation for political prisoners and of the global people’s movement. She remains an immortal representative of justice, and we join with all of those who continue on her path of struggle and dedication to the people.

Freedom for all political prisoners in Turkish prisons!

Samidoun participated in previous protests, solidarity campaigns and demonstrations to demand freedom for Ebru Timtik and her fellow political prisoners, including her fellow imprisoned lawyers of the Progressive Lawyers’ Association (CHD), the musicians of Grup Yorum, and thousands of others.

We republish below the following statement of the Anti-Imperialist Front/People’s Front Greece:

Today, 27/8/2020, our comrade, a member of the People’s Law Office, Ebru Timtik, martyred in the 238 days of a death fast hunger strike . He was assassinated by imperialism and fascism because he resisted the injustice, exploitation and oppression imposed by Erdogan and AKP to the strugglers and peoples of Anatolia.

She fought  for the right to a fair trial, which is the main demand of the great Resistance of the Death Fast. A fighter for justice, always on the side of the poor, the working class, the people and the youth.

That is why she was imprisoned and killed by the fascist regime of the AKP, because she never stopped, not even for a moment defending the oppressed peoples of Turkey, either as a lawyer or as a struggler. Because together with the rest of the death fast hunger strikers, she put her body against the repression, the injustice, without hesitation in the face of torture, assault and imprisonment.

The accusation for which she was convicted as a “terrorist”, like the rest of her colleagues, lawyers of the People’s Law Office, was that she defended as a lawyer, the family of Berkin Elvan and Dilek Doğan, assassinated by Turkish police, Hasan Ferit Gedik, murdered by mafia, fighting against drugs, 301 workers killed by capital in Soma mines, fired teachers, Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça, who fired by state of emergency, as well as other cases of social and class injustice.

The People’s Lawyer, Aytaç Ünsal, continues the death fast hunger strike for 207 days and the political prisoners Didem Akman and Özgür Karakaya for 191 days. Comrade Aytaç’s health is deteriorating as he is being held in hospital, under the threat of forced feeding, physical and psychological torture.

The great resistance of the Death Fast has highlighted to the world the injustice and terrorism that prevails inside Turkey. But at the same time it has developed a huge movement of solidarity in all parts of the world, which gave strength to the struggle of the hunger strikers. From Turkey to Europe and from Latin America to the Middle East, the struggle against fascism, injustice, imperialist and class exploitation knows no borders.

Four of our comrades, felt martyrs in Death Fast Resistance,  Helin Bölek, İbrahim Gökçek, members of the revolutionary music group Grup Yorum, comrade Mustafa Koçak and People’s Lawyer Ebru Timtik. We swore revenge on their behalf, the fight continues.

Ebru our immortal comrade, brave woman of Dersim,  fighter for justice, we promise you, from the AKP we will demand an account.






Anti-imperialist Front

People’s Front Greece

Stop PA political repression: Free Abdel-Rahman Daher

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the call for the immediate release of Abdel-Rahman Daher by the Palestinian Authority security services, reiterating the demand for an end to political persecution and imprisonment by the PA and security coordination with the Israeli occupation colonial regime.

Abdel-Rahman Daher, 38, has been held since 19 August by the PA’s Preventive Security; he was seized as he left Al-Najah University in Nablus, where he works in the media department. His wife, Rasha Daher, and their two children, were unable to learn where he was being held or who had taken him until the day after he was seized. His family home was invaded by PA security forces, who confiscated notes and other material related to his journalistic and artistic work.

On 25 August, his detention was extended yet again and he was accused of “defaming the Palestinian Authority” for publishing material critical of the PA, including posts on Facebook criticizing Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh as well as art he had produced while living outside Palestine.

Lawyers for Justice called for his immediate release, noting that his detention violates the PA’s own Basic Law, which guarantees freedom of opinion and expression, noting that even the allegations against Daher reflect “the natural exercise of opinion and expression….his arrest is arbitrary.” Daher has been active in the media field for many years, having produced multiple documentaries and TV programs. He worked as executive producer of TV programs for the Ruya satellite channel and Director of Artistic and Media Production for Wattan TV.

Mohannad Karajah, a lawyer with Lawyers for Justice, said that Daher was repeatedly interrogated about satirical TV programs produced years ago while living abroad that highlighted corruption and bureaucracy in the PA, as reported in Quds News.

When he was brought into the Nablus court on 25 August, he was only allowed to speak with his lawyer for a few minutes and was entirely blocked from speaking to his wife.

This is only the latest example of activists against corruption and defending Palestinian rights have been arrested by PA security services. On Wednesday, 26 August, anti-corruption activist Nizar Banat was released by the PA’s Dura court on bail of 2000 Jordanian Dinars ($2,800 USD), based on his criticism of Palestinian Authority corruption and security coordination with Israel. He has been frequently detained in by PA security forces in order to suppress this criticism.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemned the detention of Daher and Banat in a statement on 25 August, demanding their immediate release and an end to political repression targeting activists challenging corruption, noting that the matter “requires serious investigation into the corruption cases in question, not a cover-up by the Authority.”

It must be noted that political repression by the Palestinian Authority, including arrests and persecution of activists for posts on Facebook, demonstrations and media activities, come hand in hand with the continuing policy of PA security coordination and normalization with the Israeli occupation. Despite repeated verbal pledges to end security coordination, it continues on a daily basis – and the Palestinian people continue to face repression on all sides as a result.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges the immediate release of Abdel-Rahman Daher and all political detainees in PA prison and an end to PA security coordination with Israel. Samidoun sent the following letter (below) to PA Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh on 26 August, urging an end to the injustice.



#IsraelApartheidNation promoting colonialism at Tour de France 2020: Protest and join the Twitterstorm!

The following content was mainly translated from the French at Collectif Palestine Vaincra:

The Tour de France is a major international athletic competition that draws millions of spectators to watch the cyclists along the roads of France. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tour de France was rescheduled for 2020 between 29 August and 20 September 2020.

This year, a “Brand Israel” team designed specifically to promote the apartheid state in occupied Palestine has joined the Tour. Named “Israel Start-Up Nation,” the team is funded by Canadian billionaire Sylvan Adams, and it has an overtly political agenda to put a sporting cover on the face of colonialism, racism and occupation. Join us to take action and confront #IsraelApartheidNation!

Adams said in the French newspaper Le Monde, “The members of the team are ambassadors of the country of Israel, which is the basis for the team. Sport is used to create links and promote the image of the country.” Indeed, Israeli prime minister – and notorious war criminal – Benjamin Netanyahu has actively participated in promoting the team, clasping hands with Adams at a promotional event.

By welcoming this team to participate in the Tour de France, the tour’s organizers are complicit in a marketing campaign to promote an apartheid state. As the Campaign BDS France noted in its statement, “The Israeli state views this as a new opportunity to divert attention from its criminal policies, especially in the context of growing protests after the announcements of its annexation plan..”

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins with our member organization in Toulouse, France, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, and many other organizations in France, including the Campaign BDS France, Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP) and the Parti des Indigènes de la République (PIR), to call for action to challenge this apartheid-promoting team in the Tour de France!

As an increasing number of organizations have taken a stand against the apartheid-promoting Tour team, the extreme right and the Zionist movement in France have attempted to silence criticism and boost the team. The notoriously racist Jewish Defense League framed opposition to the team as “hate,” while member of parliament Meyer Habib, known for his support of the Israeli right wing and his anti-Palestinian rhetoric, has also attempted to frame this marketing campaign for colonialism as a victim of online challenges.

Take a stand against the normalization and marketing of racism and colonialism and the promotion of a racist state that has been built on ethnic cleansing and apartheid since its creation in 1948 in occupied Palestine. Confront the presence of these self-proclaimed “ambassadors” of apartheid throughout the Tour de France route!


1. Join the Twitterstorm on Friday, 28 August at 9 am Pacific/12 pm Eastern/6 pm central Europe or central Africa/7 pm Palestine time. Use the hashtags #IsraelApartheidNation and #TDF2020. Click here for an automatic tweet to join the storm!

2. Go to the route of the Tour and protest along the route to stand up for Palestine and against #IsraelApartheidNation. Use the posters below. Join the Facebook event to show support for Palestine at the Tour de France. The Tour schedule is:

1st stage: Nice -> Nice – Moyen Pays – Saturday 29 August
2nd stage: Nice -> Nice – Haut Pays – Sunday 30 August
3rd stage: Nice -> Sisteron – Monday 31 August
4th stage: Sisteron -> Orcières-Merlette – Tuesday September 1st
5th stage: Gap -> Privas – Wednesday September 2nd
6th stage: Le Teil -> Mont Aigoual – Thursday September 3rd
7th stage: Millau -> Lavaur – Friday September 4th
8th stage: Cazères-sur-Garonne -> Loudenvielle – Saturday September 5th
9th stage: Pau -> Laruns – Sunday September 6th
10th stage: Île d’Oléron Le Château-d’Oléron -> Île de Ré Saint-Martin-de-Ré – Tuesday September 8
11th stage: Châtelaillon-Plage -> Poitiers – Wednesday 9 September
12th stage: Chauvigny -> Sarran Corrèze – Thursday 10 September
13th stage: Châtel-Guyon -> Puy Mary Cantal – Friday September 11
14th stage: Clermont-Ferrand -> Lyon – Saturday 12 September
15th stage: Lyon -> Grand Colombier – Sunday 13 September
16th stage: Villard-de-Lans -> La-Tour-du-Pin – Tuesday September 15
17th stage: Grenoble -> Méribel Col dela Loze – Wednesday September 16th
18th stage: Méribel -> La Roche-sur-Foron – Thursday September 17th
19th stage: Bourg-en-Bresse -> Champagnole – Friday September 18th
20th stage: Lure -> La Planche des Belles Filles – Saturday 19 September
21st stage: Mantes-la-Jolie -> Paris-Champs-Elysées – Sunday 20 September

3. Join the social media campaign against #IsraelApartheidNation. Use the visuals below on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, or add the Facebook profile frame. On Twitter, tag the French cyclists who are cycling for the apartheid team and call on them to pull out: Alexis Renard (@alexisrenard_), Hugo Hofstetter (@hugohofstetter), and Rudy Barbier (@rudybarbier75).






Social Media Graphics

Video: Samidoun’s Mohammed Khatib, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free”

On Sunday, 23 August, Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, joined Free Palestine FFM, based in Frankfurt, Germany, for a webinar: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free.”

Topics covered include the attack on Palestinian rights and Palestinian activism in Germany, racism and anti-Palestinian repression, the right to resist and a vision for a liberated democratic Palestine from the river to the sea.

Watch the full video online:


#Action4Return September 18-26: Palestinian Return and Refugee Rights: Confronting Normalization, Towards Liberation

Palestinian refugees’ call: “We will not forget – we have rights and we will return!

Call to Action September 18-26, 2020

Marking the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres, we call for global action for the rights of Palestinian refugees and for the liberation of Palestine from September 18-26, 2020. These days of action aim to protect the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in Palestine through struggle, with unified and popular participation, confronting normalization and all attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause. 

We invite your organizations to get involved:

This call is initiated by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Al Naqab Center (Bourj al-Barajneh Camp). Palestinian Chess Club (Shatila Camp), Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, Palestinian Youth Movement, Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization, the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine, National Students for Justice in Palestine, Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine, Collectif Palestine Vaincra, NY4Palestine, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network-Canada, Internationalt Forum – Middle East Group, American Muslims for Palestine NJ, Actions4Palestine, Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine, Independent Jewish Voices-Toronto, Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism, Women in Solidarity with Palestine-Toronto,  and Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland.

These days of action will mark the commemoration of the Sabra and Shatila massacres, the September 1970 massacres in Jordan and the signing of the Oslo agreements, all attacks on the rights and struggle of Palestinian refugees for return and liberation. They are days of Palestinian, Arab and international action to affirm the adherence of the Palestinian people to their national, human, political, economic and cultural rights – the right to return home, reclaim stolen land and property and complete the comprehensive liberation of Palestine. 

These days of action also come amid intensified attempts by the U.S., Israel and Arab reactionary regimes to liquidate Palestinian rights, particularly the latest normalization drive by the United Arab Emirates. We note that these normalization efforts have been built on the devastating Oslo project of the Palestinian Authority, which continues to engage in security coordination with Israel.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have given their lives and have been jailed within Israeli occupation prisons for their struggle for return and liberation, for a democratic Palestine on the entire land of Palestine. Today, the true, trusted leadership of the Palestinian people, at the heart of the resistance, continue to be imprisoned and struggle within Israeli prisons, confronting all such attempts at liquidation and calling for action.

The nature of these normalization “agreements” as a pretext for yet more war on the Palestinian people is made clear by the continuous bombing of the Gaza Strip on a nightly basis by the Israeli regime; over 70% of the Palestinians of the Strip are refugees denied their right to return home for over 72 years.

This is a time for urgent action to protect Palestinian rights. We urge all supporters of Palestine, international boycott committees and organizations, Palestinian community organizations, youth and student groups, Palestine solidarity organizations and progressive social movements to join us in this call. 

Join us to take action to: 

  • Defend Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their homes and lands throughout Palestine, reclaim their properties and ensure restitution and reparations
  • Confront all normalization projects pushed by the United States and other imperialist powers in league with Arab reactionary regimes that aim to legitimize the ongoing Nakba
  • Uphold Palestinian refugees’ rights – the right to remain, the right to return – and support the steadfastness of Palestinian refugees in the camps and in exile around the world
  • Oppose U.S./Western sanctions that aim to isolate and weaken resistance to Israel, Zionism, imperialism, and reaction, and ultimately to liquidate the Palestinian national movement and the refugees’ struggle
  • Demand freedom for Palestinian prisoners and defend Palestinians’ right to resist colonization, apartheid and occupation
  • Stand together for the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

To join the days of action, here are examples of actions your group can take

  • organize a demonstration or protest, especially protests outside embassies of countries involved in normalization like the UAE, Egypt and Jordan
  • distribute flyers about Palestine, Palestinian refugees and the struggle for the right to return
  • hold a lecture (in person or online via a webinar) on Palestinian refugees and the struggle for the right of return
  • join in social media actions to memorialize key days and highlight Palestinians’ right to return as the key to liberation
  • put up a table with information about  Palestinian refugees and boycott campaigns
  • highlight the history of Palestinians in Lebanon and their ongoing resistance
  • organize an action for the Palestinian prisoners and for Georges Abdallah, jailed for over 36 years in French prisons
  • take action to boycott Israel and complicit corporations like HP, G4S and Teva – and the boycott of the “Israel- Start Up Nation” propaganda team in the Tour de France, continuing until 20 September
  • escalate boycott campaigns in your university, union or other institution
  • poster walls in your community with signs
  • organize actions to support refugee rights in your community, especially refugees from Palestine, Lebanon and Syria who have been forced to migrate to Europe, including confronting racism and oppression, fighting against exclusion and upholding the right to remain and the right to return
  • join with fellow supporters of justice in Palestine to post your solidarity and support for the Palestinian people and their ongoing resistance for return and liberation, from the river to the sea, on social media

We invite your organizations to get involved:

Use these posters – and more – for your activities. We urge you to use the #Action4Return hashtag for your social media posts: 

Palestine Right to Resist – Right to Return: Download PDF


Palestine Right to Resist – Right to Return – Download PDF
