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Today, 21 August: Online Event – Khaled Barakat on Palestinian Political Prisoners

Friday, 21 August
11 am Pacific – 2 pm Eastern – 8 pm central Africa/central Europe/9 pm Palestine
Watch online on Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/Africa4Palestine

Palestinian writer and activist Khaled Barakat joins the Africa for Palestine webinar series tomorrow (21 August) at 8 PM (Central African Time) to speak about the plight of Palestinian political prisoners. This webinar will be streamed live on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Africa4Palestine

19 August, Online Event: Indigenous, Black and Brown Liberation – Abolition, Reparations and Resistance

Wednesday, 19 August
10 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern, 7 pm central Europe/central Africa, 8 pm Palestine
Online Event
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2844506909151861/
Register for Zoom: https://sfsu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fYYUZkHtRT6vUf6A5-O0_Q

Please join Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas (AMED) Studies Program and Al-Adab Journal in the roundtable on “Indigenous, Black and Brown Liberation: Abolition, Reparations, and Resistance” on August 19, 2020, 10 am – 12 noon PST (1-3pm EST, 8-10pm Lebanon and Palestine).

This second “US in Depth” roundtable will focus on resistance to settler colonialism, white supremacy, anti-Blackness and imperialism, from the Trail of Tears, Fugitive Slave Patrols, and COINTELPRO to contemporary mass incarceration; and from racial, gendered and sexualized violence to invasions and detention of protesters and activists on the streets of Portland, Seattle and Palestine.

Movement leaders will also share historical accounts of strategies of resistance from different struggles, including Alcatraz; Wounded Knee; the Black Panther; Movement for Black Lives; Chicano Moratorium; Raza Education; Puerto Rican Independence; reparations; and the abolition of the prison industrial complex.

We are honored to host such distinguished leaders who need no introduction:

* Guadalupe (Lupe) Carrasco Cardona, Co-Chair, 50th Chicano Moratorium Committee & Chair, Raza Educators LA
* Charlene Carruthers, Founding National Director, Black Youth Project 100 & Executive Director, Chicago Center for Leadership and Transformation
* Emory Douglas, Revolutionary Artist & Minister of Culture, Black Panthers Party, 1967-1980s
* Oscar Lopez Rivera, Longest held (35 years) Political Prisoner in the history of Puerto Rico; Initiator, Fundación OLR Libertá
* Claude Marks, Co-founder, Freedom Archives & Co-Director, “COINTELPRO 101”
* Madonna Thunder Hawk (Oohenumpa Lakota), Lakota People’s Law Project & American Indian Movement

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Eyewitness Palestine
Haiti Action Committee
IFCO/Pastors for Peace
Jewish Voice for Peace, Bay Area
Jewish Voice for Peace, Boston
Jewish Voice for Peace, UCLA
Palestine Legal
Palestinian Youth Movement
Release Aging People in Prison/RAPP
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
The Association of Raza Educators, Los Angeles
National Boricua Human Rights Network
National Students for Justice in Palestine
US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
Workers World Party
Yalla Indivisible
David Klein
Richard Becker

Register in advance for this webinar:

This roundtable will be simultaneously streamed live on the AMED Studies and Al-Adab Journal, and Dar Al-Adab publishing house Facebook Pages.

23 August, Online Event: From the River to the Sea! with Mohammed Khatib

Sunday, 23 August
9 am Pacific – 12 pm Eastern – 6 pm Germany/central Africa/Europe – 7 pm Palestine

Online Event
Facebook Live
Join here: https://www.facebook.com/freepalestine.ffm/

EVENT: From the River to the Sea

Join us for an online event with Mohammad Khatib from Samidoun Network.
Mohammad will give a talk that deals with the common phrase that is shouted during Free Palestine demonstrations „From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!“

What does this phrase mean and what greater meaning lies behind it? What does this slogan have to do with the one-state solution? What role does it play for Palestinian refugees?
Why is it anti-imperialist, anti-racist and important for the Palestinian struggle for freedom?

*The Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is an international network of organizers and activists working to build solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom.*

When? On August 23rd at 6 pm
Where? Facebook Online
With who? With Mohammad Khatib, the European coordinator of the Samidoun Network

A discussion will be possible in the comment section

Organized by Free Palestine FFM

“From the River to the Sea”

Kommt zu unserer Online Veranstaltung mit Mohammad Khatib vom Samidoun Network!
Mohammad wird darüber reden, wie der Spruch „From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!“ der so oft bei Free Palestine Demos gerufen, von zentraler Bedeutung für den palästinensischen Freiheitskampf ist.

Was bedeutet dieser Satz und welche größerer Sinn steckt dahinter? Was hat diese Parole mit der Einstaatenlösung zu tun? Welche Rolle spielt sie für palästinensische Geflüchtete? Warum ist es antiimperialistisch, anti-rassistisch und wichtig für den palästinensischen Freiheitskampf?

*Das Samidoun Palästinensische Gefangenensolidaritätsnetzwerk ist ein internationales Netzwerk von Organisator*innen und Aktivist*innen, die sich für die Solidarität mit palästinensischen Gefangenen in ihrem Freiheitskampf einsetzen.*

Wann? Am 23. August um 18 Uhr
Wo? Facebook Online
Mit wem? Mit Mohammad Chatib, dem europäischen Koordinator des Samidoun-Netzwerks

Eine Diskussion wird im Kommentarbereich möglich sein.

Die Veranstaltung ist auf Englisch.

Justice for Zara Alvarez and Ka Randy Echanis! #StopTheKillingsPH

Zara Alvarez

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the people’s movement of the Philippines and international voices of solidarity in demanding justice for the murder of Zara Alvarez, a human rights activist, paralegal and a member of the Negros Integrated Health Program. She was shot down in the street in Bacolod City tonight, 17 August, by “unidentified perpetrators,” the latest victim of the extrajudicial killings of the fascist regime of President Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines.

Zara Alvarez is a former political prisoner – while imprisoned, she wrote a public letter to her family, concluding with the following words: “Still, one voice is a noise, but more voices is a voice of freedom, soon we realize, everybody are singing the song of the people, taking a stand to end political persecution and demanding justice to all victims of human rights violations. Time will come that no amount of fear can stop us in cultivating everybody’s freedom.”

Zara Alvarez was beloved by her family, friends and comrades in the Philippines around the world who cherished her warmth, dedication, commitment and love for the people. A longtime activisit, she was the chair of Anakbayan-Negros, the progressive youth organization, and previously served as deputy general secretary of BAYAN-Negros as well as campaign and education director of KARAPATAN Negros. Imprisoning her on trumped-up charges did nothing to lessen her resolve and her commitment to the people.

The extrajudicial killing of Zara Alvarez comes just one week after the torture slaying of land defender and peasant leader Ka Randy Echanis, chair of the Anakpawis Partylist and a former political prisoner three times over. As noted by the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (of which Samidoun is a member), “Ka Randy was also a great internationalist and anti-imperialist. His more than five decades of dedication in fighting for land reform in the Philippines include his active involvement in the peasant movement in Asia. He was active in international work with the Asian Peasant Coalition, an Asia-wide peasant coalition of farmers, agricultural workers, Indigenous Peoples with more than 15 Million members representing 21 organizations.”

Ka Randy Echanis

Ka Randy Echanis was also the deputy general secretary of the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (Peasant Movement of the Philippines) and a consultant to the National Democratic Forces of the Philippines (NDFP) on land and agrarian reform. He was found brutally murdered in his home on 10 August, his body covered in stab marks and shot twice in the head in his home in Quezon City, extrajudicially executed for defending the land and rights of the peasants of the Philippines from huge multinationals and feudalist landlords.

We join with the people’s movement of the Philippines in demanding freedom for all political prisoners and justice for Zara Alvarez, Ka Randy Echanis and their fellow victims of extrajudicial killing and assassination at the hands of the US-backed Duterte regime, in league with imperialism and multinational corporations in the exploitation of the land and people of the Philippines.

The mass funeral of Ka Randy in Manila

While the so-called “Anti-Terror Law” in the Philippines imposes yet another threat upon people’s rights defenders and activists struggling to defend the land, workers and people from imperialism and exploitation, these same human rights defenders are subjected to a vicious campaign of state terror. Duterte has aligned himself with all of the most extreme right, fascist forces in the world, from the military might of U.S. imperialism to the Israeli occupation regime.

Indeed, Duterte carried out the first visit of a president of the Philippines to Israel, deepening the economic, agricultural and scientific relationship between the Israeli occupation regime and the Philippines, and thanking Israel for its “critical assistance” in the so-called “war on terror.” In reality, the “war on terror” in the Philippines consists of violent repression of workers, peasants and human rights defenders. There have been thousands of extrajudicial killings in just the past three years, including over 50 lawyers gunned down, with no justice or accountability.

Duterte even initiated joint “counter-terrorist training” programs for the Armed Forces of the Philippines under the direction of the Israeli Occupation Forces, enhancing the oppression of people in the Philippines through tactics learned and tested through war crimes, crimes against humanity and creeping genocide targeting the Palestinian people. This includes the false labeling of resistance organizations, people’s movements and strugglers against colonialism as “terrorists,” in Palestine, the Philippines, the United States and elsewhere. As the Israeli occupier stands with its fellow war criminal Duterte, the people’s movements of Palestine stand with the people’s movements of the Philippines in a collective struggle for justice.

We pledge to continue to honor the profound memory and powerful legacy of Zara Alvarez and Ka Randy Echanis by continuing to stand together, from Palestine to the Philippines, in a common struggle against imperialism, oppression, exploitation and injustice, marching together towards liberation.

Junk the terror law! Stop the killings! Stop the U.S.-Duterte war machine, from Palestine to the Philippines!

Samidoun joins Boykot Israel protest and meets with parliamentarian in Copenhagen

On Tuesday, 11 August, Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, joined Boykot Israel-DK for a protest in front of Superbrugsen Supermarket in Nørrebro, Copenhagen.

Activists distributed hundreds of flyers calling for a boycott of all Israeli products so long as Israeli apartheid, occupation and colonization of Palestine continue. Customers and passers-by welcomed the flyers, and inside the market activists found many Israeli Medjoul dates, which were adorned with “Boycott Israel” stickers.

Two store managers came out, claiming it was illegal to put stickers on their products – activists responded that it is illegal to sell these dates, which are mostly produced in illegal Israeli settlements. After a discussion, the store managers returned inside and the activists remained in front of the store.

Join the next action in Copenhagen with Boykot Israel on the first Saturday of every month – next meet-up on 5 September at Nørreport station, Copenhagen .

This event came shortly after multiple actions for the Days of Resistance in Copenhagen, organized by the Internationalt Forum Middle East Group and Stop Annekteringen af Palæstina 2020.

Prior to the protest, Mohammed Khatib joined Johnna Mortensen and Irene Clausen of the Internationalt Forum to meet with MP Christian Juhl of the Enhedslisten, the Red-Green Alliance, at the Danish parliament.

Mohammed provided detailed information on the situation of Palestinian prisoners and emphasized the importance of international support for the liberation of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and for all  Palestinian rights, including a liberated, democratic Palestine from the river to the sea.

Photo by Omar Said

Earlier, on 7 August, Mohammed Khatib addressed a “people’s kitchen” in Copenhagen. The event was attended mostly by youth activists and included a comprehensive discussion of the Palestinian struggle as well as the situation of Palestinian prisoners. A massive banner highlighting the campaign to free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and Ahmad Sa’adat framed the room.

Photo by Omar Said

On Sunday, 9 August, the events continued in Copenhagen, as the Internationalt Forum hosted an event remembering the legacy of Ghassan Kanafani’s revolutionary cultural work and commitment to Palestinian resistance.

The event was attended by Anni Kanafani, Ghassan Kanafani’s widow and the founder of the Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Foundation, which runs kindergartens and children’s programs throughout the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, as well as Fayez Kanafani, Ghassan Kanafani’s son. Anni Kanafani introduced Mohammed Khatib, noting that Mohammed, as a child, had attended summer programs organized by the Foundation in Ain el-Helweh refugee camp.

Photo by Omar Said

In his speech, Mohammed shared the story of Abu Samre Younis, a longtime Palestinian activist in Copenhagen, talking about his journey as a youth to become part of the Palestinian revolution.

Photo by Omar Said

The event was moderated by Irene Clausen of the Internationalt Forum, longtime Palestine organizer and author of the book, “The PFLP and Palestine” (published in Danish.)

No to normalization, escalate the boycott: Confronting the US-Israel-UAE agreement

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its clear rejection of yet another sham of injustice, repression and capitalist exploitation, the so-called “diplomatic breakthrough” between the United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates. In reality, this provides no peace and no justice, just a plan for continued collaboration between the forces of imperialism, Israel, Zionism and Arab reaction, along with escalated war on the Palestinian people and all people of the Arab region.

We stand firmly together with the Palestinian people and all progressive and anti-imperialist forces in the region against every form of normalization with Israel, including those of the Palestinian Authority. 

We also stand with equal strength and commitment with the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, which has clearly rejected normalization. The prisoners’ movement’s clear position is a compass that directs our struggle and our political commitment. 

The camp of aggression – imperialism, Israel, Zionism and Arab reaction – has dismantled the unity of peoples in the region and opened its people and resources for exploitation by local and global capitalist forces, to the benefit of the Zionist project and imperialism globally. The statement from the UAE, the U.S. and Israel is perhaps the clearest expression of the forces confronting the Palestinian people and all forces seeking justice and liberation throughout the region. 

The triangle of normalization: An assault on the Palestinian people

This is only another part of triangle of normalization, represented by Camp David, Wadi Araba and Oslo, the so-called “peace” agreements brokered by the U.S. with Egypt, Jordan and the P.A., at the expense of the Palestinian people, the Arab people and the people of the region and the world. It is not only this latest agreement with the UAE that must be brought down, but this entire mechanism of injustice that falsely gives the name “peace agreement” to alliances for further colonization, war and apartheid. The UAE’s clear complicity in ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people is only made clearer through Trump’s announcement.

All of the reactionary Arab regimes that engage in these normalization projects – now including the UAE, as well as the P.A. – claim to pursue them for the benefit of the Palestinian people. In reality, the Palestinian people share a broad consensus in rejection of all of these normalization projects that come only at their expense. This agreement does not even pretend to stop the ongoing annexation and Zionist colonization of Palestinian land, merely to “suspend” it, attempting to provide Arab legitimacy to an illegitimate settler-colonial entity in Palestine. 

On one hand, this announcement reflects the petty interests of the Trump administration in boosting a sagging re-election campaign. But it also reflects the long-term commitment of U.S. imperialism to divide, repress and exploit the people of the region and their resources, with the Israeli settler-colonial project forming the sharp edge of imperial domination while local agents, particularly monarchies, reaped personal wealth from their deals with imperialism. 

The UAE has long been engaged in overt and covert normalization with Zionism, just as it has played a reactionary role throughout the region. The UAE remains directly involved in the so-called coalition waging war on the people of Yemen in an attempt to maintain imperial domination in line with the interests of fellow reactionary regimes, such as that of Saudi Arabia.

The UAE has played a dominant role in the manipulation of Egyptian politics, propping up the Sisi Camp David regime, which imprisons thousands of political prisoners in Egyptian jails while hailing the latest move toward normalization. This is not to mention the enrichment of the UAE ruling class at the behest of imperialism while engaging in the most brutal practices of super-exploitation of international migrant laborers and attempting to silence all criticism, let alone organizing efforts.

While the public announcement reflects a new step toward official normalization, the relationship between the U.S., UAE and Israeli state is nothing new. UAE and Israeli officials met in 2016 to undermine the Iran nuclear agreement and reimpose sanctions, building on previous alliances for the sale of advanced U.S. military technology to the UAE with the full support of the Israeli state. As noted in The Electronic Intifada, “These secret relations have included military and intelligence cooperation and even joint military exercises. The ground for Thursday’s announcement was laid in recent years with athletic competitions and business cooperation. Just weeks ago, an Emirati firm struck a deal with two Israeli arms giants…”

Such normalization projects represent only the narrow interests of the reactionary ruling class of these regimes, not the people of the Gulf. It is the responsibility of all forces that stand with the resistance to make clear that the masses of the people stand firmly against colonization and imperialism, and to escalate all forms of boycott and isolation of the Israeli regime and its partners in colonization. 

Further, we note that as the U.S. announces this latest attack on the Palestinian people alongside the UAE and the Israeli state, we see that it is also ramping up its sanctions on Syria through the “Caesar Act” while threatening even more sanctions on Lebanon, only one week after the devastating Beirut explosion, in an attempt to enforce total compliance with Zionist colonialism and imperial domination throughout the region. 

The U.S. and its partners also continue to escalate their war threats and brutal sanctions against Iran, a project in which both the Israeli state and the UAE are fully engaged. This represents not only a threat to Iran but to all forces in the region and internationally that chart any course independent of imperialism. One of the most important responses to this latest attack on the peoples of the region at the hands of Israel, Zionism, imperialism and Arab reaction is to fight to end all sanctions on Lebanon, stop new sanctions from being imposed, end the sanctions on Syria and end the war drive and sanctions on Iran. All of these unilateral coercive measures are part of an illegal imperial war of aggression being carried out through economic means as well as direct military attacks.

Confronting the Attack, Escalating the Boycott

This announcement further makes clear our responsibility to take action and intensify the boycott campaign against Israeli products, cultural institutions, academic institutions and complicit corporations. Normalization of colonialism must be met – and can be defeated – with popular anti-normalization, boycott and confrontation, and the international isolation of Israel. By building the boycott campaign on a popular level, as well as the official one, we can elevate solidarity with the Palestinian people and undermine these destructive normalization projects.

There is a powerful international example – the Plurinational State of Bolivia, under legitimate President Evo Morales, cutting ties with Israel, expelling its ambassador, and formally declaring the settler-colonial entity “a terrorist regime.” A key part of the strong support for Palestine and its national movement shares by progressive governments and popular movements across Latin America, this clear declaration of sovereignty and rejection of colonialism was almost undoubtedly a factor in the U.S. support for the coup regime that targeted the Morales government in November 2019, alongside the Bolivian government’s commitment to sovereign resource development and rejection of U.S. domination. Indeed, only weeks after the coup, its self-proclaimed officials announced their renewed ties with the Israeli regime. 

The people of Bolivia have not given up and continue to struggle to bring down the coup regime. Standing in solidarity with the Bolivian people’s fight against the coup and against imperialism in Latin America is part and parcel of building a meaningful boycott movement for the international isolation of Israel. 

Further, we urge all supporters of Palestine around the world to organize demonstrations and actions outside U.S., Israeli and Emirati embassies to hold them accountable for their ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people and denounce their active participation in the violation of Palestinian rights, including the detention of thousands of political prisoners, the demolition of homes, extrajudicial executions, the siege on Gaza, the confiscation of land, the construction of settlements, the apartheid regime ruling over Palestinians in ’48 and the denial of the right to return of millions of Palestinian refugees. 

The boycott of the masses is stronger than the normalization projects of Israel, Zionism, imperialism and Arab reaction. This agreement must only strengthen our resolve to mobilize, organize and act to defend Palestine, confront imperialism and uphold the resistance. 

Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is an international network of organizers and activists working to build solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom, and for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. Samidoun’s chapters and affiliates in Palestine, the United States, France, Canada, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Greece and elsewhere work together to build this movement. We invite you to contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net to share your actions, responses, or get involved with Samidoun. 


Open letter to progressives: The ADL is not an ally

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is one of the signatories of this call to progressive organizations and social justice movements, especially in the United States, to Drop the ADL100+ racial, economic, and social justice organizations and coalitions have issued an open letter with an accompanying primer encouraging community institutions and organizations to rethink their relationships to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The letter comes in response to the ADL’s history of targeting and co-opting movements for justice—particularly those led by communities of color—and advancing Islamophobia, policing, and global militarism while projecting a false badge of progressivism:

We are writing to ask you to reconsider the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as a partner in social justice work.

Many organizations in our communities find themselves in spaces with the ADL, using its anti-bias education materials, or counting on the ADL to support our political goals. In light of a growing understanding of the ADL’s harmful practices, many progressive groups are rethinking those relationships.

Even though the ADL is integrated into community work on a range of issues, it has a history and ongoing pattern of attacking social justice movements led by communities of color, queer people, immigrants, Muslims, Arabs, and other marginalized groups, while aligning itself with police, right-wing leaders, and perpetrators of state violence. More disturbing, it has often conducted those attacks under the banner of “civil rights.” This largely unpublicized history has come increasingly to light as activists work to make sense of the ADL’s role in condemning the Movement for Black Lives, Palestinian rights organizing, and Congressional Representative Ilhan Omar, among others.

We are deeply concerned that the ADL’s credibility in some social justice movements and communities is precisely what allows it to undermine the rights of marginalized communities, shielding it from criticism and accountability while boosting its legitimacy and resources. Even when it may seem that our work is benefiting from access to some resources or participation from the ADL, given the destructive role that it too often plays in undermining struggles for justice, we believe that we cannot collaborate with the ADL without betraying our movements.

This primer lays out some of the ADL’s practices. We hope this can open conversations about this important issue.


  • American Friends Service Committee
  • American Muslims for Palestine
  • Arab Resource & Organizing Center
  • Asian American Advocacy Fund
  • Association of Raza Educators LA (ARE LA)
  • Black Alliance for Just Immigration
  • Black and Pink, Inc.
  • Causa Justa: Just Cause
  • Center for Constitutional Rights
  • Center for Political Education
  • Christian Peacemaker Teams
  • Coalición de Derechos Humanos
  • Council on American-Islamic Relations
  • Critical Resistance
  • Democratic Socialists of America
  • Detention Watch Network
  • Dream Defenders
  • DRUM – Desis Rising Up & Moving
  • Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
  • Highlander Research and Education Center
  • International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
  • Jewish Voice for Peace
  • Jews Against Anti-Muslim Racism
  • Jews for Racial & Economic Justice
  • MediaJustice
  • Methodist Federation for Social Action
  • Mijente
  • Movement for Black Lives
  • Movement Law Lab
  • MPower Change
  • Muslim American Society
  • National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression
  • National Lawyers Guild
  • New York Collective of Radical Educators
  • No Dakota Access Pipeline Global Solidarity Campaign
  • Palestine Legal
  • Palestinian Youth Movement
  • Project South
  • Queers Against Israeli Apartheid
  • Rising Tide – North America
  • School of the Americas Watch
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)
  • South Asian Americans Leading Together
  • Southerners on New Ground
  • Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
  • Teachers 4 Social Justice
  • The Red Nation
  • United We Dream
  • US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
  • US Palestinian Community Network
  • Veterans for Peace
  • War Resisters League
  • 5 Elements Youth Program
  • About Face: Veterans Against the War
  • Action Center on Race and the Economy
  • Adalah Justice Project
  • Adalah-NY: Campaign for the Boycott of Israel
  • Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)
  • allgo, a queer people of color organization
  • Alliance for Global Justice
  • Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine
  • Alliance of South Asians Taking Action
  • American Association of University Professors (NYU Chapter)
  • Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights
  • Arab American Action Network
  • Arab American Civic Council
  • Arab Jewish Partnership for Peace and Justice
  • Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance
  • Art Forces
  • Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta
  • Berkeley Copwatch
  • Black LGBTQ+ Migrant Project
  • Cafe Palestina
  • Catalyst Project
  • Columbia University Students for Justice in Palestine
  • Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine
  • Dallas Peace and Justice Center
  • Disciples Palestine Israel Network
  • Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Palestine Israel Network
  • Equality for Flatbush
  • Eyewitness Palestine
  • Faculty & Staff for Justice in Palestine at UMass Boston
  • Freedom to Thrive
  • Friends of Sabeel – North America
  • GABRIELA Oakland
  • Grassroots International
  • Hilton Head for Peace
  • Holy Land Ministry at Spirit of Grace
  • Interfaith Action Group for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine
  • International Action Center
  • Islamic Center of San Diego
  • Islamic Circle of North America Council for Social Justice
  • Islamic Scholarship Fund (ISF)
  • Islamophobia Studies Center
  • Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
  • Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council
  • Jews Say No!
  • Labor for Palestine
  • LAGAI – Queer Insurrection
  • Los Angeles Muslim Professionals
  • Majdal Community Center
  • Middle East Children’s Alliance
  • Muslim Justice League
  • National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild
  • National Students for Justice in Palestine
  • Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights
  • New Generation for Palestine
  • North Coast Coalition for Palestine
  • O’odham Anti Border Collective
  • PACT- Palestine Action Committee of Texas
  • Pan-African Roots
  • Participatory Action Research Center
  • Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans
  • Peace Action
  • Progressive Jews of St. Louis
  • QUIT! Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism
  • Racine Coalition for Peace & Justice
  • Release Aging People in Prison/RAPP Campaign
  • Researching the American-Israeli Alliance
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  • San Francisco Rising
  • Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York
  • Southsiders For Peace
  • St Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee
  • Stand with Kashmir
  • Stand with Kashmir
  • The Palestine Solidarity Committee -Austin, Tx
  • The Queer Palestinian Empowerment Network
  • Trans Liberation Collective
  • Tufts Arab Student Association
  • UAINE United American Indians of New England
  • Unbought Power
  • United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network
  • United Methodists’ Holy Land Task Force
  • US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
  • Vigilant Love
  • Women In Islam Inc
  • Women Watch Afrika, Inc.
  • Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US

Read the primer:


13 August, Online Event: Joe Catron on the Palestine movement in the United States

Thursday, 13 August
10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 7 pm central African/European time – 8 pm Palestine time
Over Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/Africa4Palestine/


Hear Joe Catron, the U.S. coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, a longtime international solidarity activist and freelance writer, speak on the growth and current state of Palestine activism in the United States.

Thousands around the world join the Days of Resistance for Palestine: Global report on actions

The Days of Resistance for Palestine between 7-9 August 2020 brought together thousands of organizers and supporters of justice for Palestine around the world to stand with the Palestinian people, their resistance to colonization, annexation and occupation and their struggle for justice, return and liberation throughout Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Despite attacks from high-level Israeli officials that aimed to suppress these actions, noting that they had “warned Western governments” about the protests, over 100 organizations joined Samidoun’s call for the Days of Resistance, with an array of diverse actions taking place around the world. These events included protests, car caravans, art and cultural interventions and public educational events, all in support of the Palestinian people and their right to resist.

Read on for a detailed report on the events and actions around the world.


This video for the Days of Resistance was created by the Collectif Palestine Vaincra in Toulouse, France, a member organization of the Samidoun network, which also organized several events and actions. It highlights the over 100-year history of Palestinian resistance to colonialism, Zionism and imperialism.

Thursday, 6 August – Confronting Elbit


The Days of Resistance kicked off with a powerful direct action on Thursday, 6 August, organized by new British network Palestine Action at the office of Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems in London:

Activists covered the reception and outside the Elbit offices on the 6th floor in paint, using stencils and spraying graffiti stating “Shut Elbit Down”, “Tested on Palestine, used in Kashmir” and “We will be back”. They declared, “Your profits are covered in Palestinian blood!” Elbit supplied 85% of the Israeli military’s drones used in the bombardment of Gaza in 2014 and markets them to the world based on their “success” in use against Palestinian civilians.

“We will not stop, and we will continue to escalate our actions until Elbit Systems complicity in war crimes and apartheid here in the UK are shut down,” Palestine Action organizers declared.

Friday, 7 August – Taking the Streets


Photo by Omar Said

On Friday, 7 August, the Days of Resistance officially launched as Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, addressed a “people’s kitchen” in Copenhagen at an event organized by the Stop Annekteringen af Palæstina 2020 (Stop Annexation of Palestine 2020) coalition, including the Internationalt Forum.

Photo by Omar Said

The event was attended mostly by youth activists in Copenhagen, and included a comprehensive discussion of the Palestinian struggle as well as the situation of Palestinian prisoners. A massive banner highlighting the campaign to free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and Ahmad Sa’adat framed the room.

Photo by Omar Said


Also on Friday, 7 August, activists with Alkarama: Palestinian Women’s Movement, Unadikum International Brigades and Samidoun called for a protest that marched through the streets of Madrid in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their resistance.


Marchers carried a banner demanding freedom for political prisoners as well as highlighting Palestinian prisoners, including student prisoners like Mays Abu Ghosh and Ruba Fahmi.

“Our struggle against Zionism and colonialism continues, until the return of all Palestinian refugees to our homeland, the liberation of the land and the people and the construction of a democratic society in all of Palestine, a society of justice, freedom and equality,” declared Jaldia Abubakra of Alkarama, presenting the statement of the demonstration.

New York City

In New York City, the NY4Palestine Coalition, led by Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine alongside member organizations Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition; American Muslims for Palestine – NJ; Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and many community endorsers, organized a massive Day of Resistance protest, marching through the streets of Brooklyn from the heart of the Palestinian community in Bay Ridge.

The rally drew together hundreds in the Arab and Palestinian communities as well as an outpouring of internationalist solidarity from youth representing other neighborhoods and struggles.

Las Vegas

In Las Vegas, Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights joined with Jewish Voice for Peace – Las Vegas and Las Vegas Democratic Socialists of America to organize a rally and car caravan for the Days of Resistance, headed by a large mobile billboard truck carrying bright messages in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and the Days of Resistance.

Saturday, 8 August – Actions Around the World


The actions continued on Saturday, 8 August as the Palestinian Youth Movement came together with Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition for a rally and car caravan in Anaheim, California. Protesters highlighted Palestinian joint struggle with liberation movements around the world, especially the Black Liberation Movement, and emphasized the demand to defund and abolish the police:


Also, on Saturday, 8 August, the Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine protested in Porter Square, Cambridge, to raise awareness and attention against Israeli apartheid, focusing particularly on the recent arrest of Palestinian human rights defenders like Mahmoud Nawajaa of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee in Palestine.


Photo: Ramsey El-Qare

In Berkeley, California, the Palestinian Youth Movement organized a banner drop at the 1-80 Bike Bridge over the interstate, which included participants on foot, bikes and cars, carrying the message of a free Palestine from the river to the sea. Dozens of Palestinian youth and their supporters participated in this action that caught the eyes and the attention of thousands of motorists.


Photo credits: @ heidiuhlmanray, @ vltrr, @ theother_twistedsister_photos

The Days of Resistance march in Dearborn, jointly organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement and Detroit Will Breathe, brought members of the Arab, Black, Indigenous and Filipino struggles for justice together to march against Zionist land theft and the global fight against racism, colonialism and the military industrial complex.

Photo credits: @ heidiuhlmanray, @ vltrr, @ theother_twistedsister_photos

As the PYM noted, “From Dearborn and Detroit to Palestine, Lebanon and beyond, we stand firm against imperialism.”

The powerful march reflected collective resistance to all forms of oppression and injustice.

Photo credits: @ heidiuhlmanray, @ vltrr, @ theother_twistedsister_photos


In Vancouver, Samidoun joined the Canada Palestine Association, BDS Vancouver Coast Salish Territories, Independent Jewish Voices UBC and more, including Queers Against Israeli Apartheid Vancouver for a protest march and action highlighting international struggles against imperialism and collective resistance against Zionism and imperialism.

Speakers emphasized the ongoing struggle for freedom in Kashmir, the movement of the people of the Philippines, Israeli complicity in repressing people’s rights in Colombia, as well as the settler-colonial anti-indigenous alliance between Canada and the Israeli state.

The protest also marched to London Drugs and the BC Liquor Store to highlight boycott campaigns, specifically targeting Teva Pharmaceuticals, HP technology products and Israeli settlement wines, sold in provincial stores despite being produced on the occupied lands of the Palestinian West Bank and Golan Heights.

Speakers emphasized that many of the same officials and companies responsible for the repression of Indigenous sovereignty on Turtle Island are also involved in profiting from the colonization of Palestine.


On Saturday, 8 August, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra organized a stand for Palestine at metro Jean-Jaures in Toulouse as part of the Days of Resistance, distributing hundreds of flyer and leaflets highlighting the boycott of Israel and corporations profiting from the colonization of Palestine.

Participants also raised 270 EUR to support the Al-Naqab Center in Bourj al-Barajneh camp in Lebanon after the devastating explosion in Beirut on 4 August. They carried signs and placards calling for the liberation of Palestinian political prisoners, especially Ahmad Sa’adat and Khalida Jarrar, and carried Palestinian and Lebanese flags.


On 8 August, activists from Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa – Auckland/Tamaki Makaurau organized an action for the Days of Resistance to demand an end to New Zealand’s complicity with Israeli war crimes, calling for New Zealand officials to put an end to military coordination with the Israeli occupation. They received many honks of support from passing cars before marching to New Zealand army headquarters to demand that NZ stop purchasing weapons from Israel.


In Gothenburg, Sweden, organizers with Samidoun Gothenburg joined with a number of Palestinian and solidarity organizations to hold a protest, “Palestine will never give up!” at Gustaf-Adolfs-Torg in central Gothenburg.

Protesters highlighted the case of Palestinian child prisoners as well as supporting Palestinian resistance, especially amid ongoing annexation threats by the Israeli colonial regime.


Protesters also took to the streets in Malmo, Sweden, gathering at Stortorget in a rally against annexation organized by the Palestinska Rättvisecentret i sverige. They gathered to demand justice for Palestine and stand together against ongoing Israeli colonization.


In Copenhagen, activists continued their actions for the Days of Resistance, as activists organized a “Free Palestine” banner drop in the city center on 8 August.


In Manchester, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! organized a protest and stand highlighting solidarity with the Palestinian resistance, especially the Palestinian prisoners.

Activists gathered in Piccadilly Square to distribute information, highlight anti-imperialist struggle and build solidarity with the Palestinian people, including campaigns to boycott complicit British corporations like Marks and Spencer.


In London, Protest for Palestine and Victory to the Intifada organized a demonstration in Kensington as part of the Days of Resistance.

Protesters also expressed solidarity and support for fellow liberation struggles, with speakers from the West Papua movement showing solidarity with Palestine and building joint struggle at the protest.


In Liverpool, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! organized a stand and protest action in a busy area of the city, joining the Days of Resistance with a call for freedom for Palestine and all revolutionary political prisoners around the world.


Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! in Glasgow and the Revolutionary Communist Group took to the streets to join the Days of Resistance on 8 August.

Participants cheered: “Long Live Palestine! Victory to the Intifada! Freedom for all Palestinian political prisoners! Zionism is racism!” They highlighted the cases of Palestinian prisoners, including Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

The action also highlighted the struggle of Irish political prisoners and those being persecuted by British imperialism in Ireland, demanding justice for Liam Campbell, Ciaran Maguire and Zack Smyth.


The Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign organized an action in Brighton’s city center on Saturday, 8 August for the Days of Resistance. Participants carried massive Palestinian flags and banners declaring: “No Annexation, No Occupation” and “Justice for Palestine.” They highlighted the cases of Palestinian political prisoners and human rights defenders jailed by Israel, calling for freedom and justice for Palestine:

Several additional actions also took place on 8 August, with XR Peace organizing a workshop on annexation and resistance in Palestine as part of a peace and solidarity fast remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Knighton, Wales, while activists in Long Beach, California, organized a solidarity stand at the roadside on 8 and 9 August calling for justice in Palestine.

Sunday, 9 August – The Resistance Continues


On Sunday, 9 August, the resistance continued as the Culture Work Collective and For the People Bloomington in Bloomington, Indiana, collected and distributed for postering around the city a number of posters and images created to support the Days of Resistance and the Palestinian people’s struggle for liberation.


Photo: Document Everything

Many organizations and activists in Montreal, including the Fondation canado-palestinienne du Québec, Independent Jewish Voices, SPHR McGill, SPHR UdeM, Academics for Palestine and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, joined together in a mass demonstration on Sunday, 9 August to call for an end to the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement.

Photo by Abdelali Essaouis

Hundreds joined the march, which included a massive Palestinian flag that stretched down the street alongside Metro Jarry.



In Toronto, the Palestinian Youth Movement organized a youth art-focused action on Sunday, 9 August as part of the Days of Resistance, first at Yonge and Dundas Square and then moving to the steps of Ryerson University. Participants distributed information about Palestinian political prisoners and the threatened annexation of Palestine, spoke out about the ongoing attacks on Palestine and the Palestinian people’s continued resistance and created signs and banners.

Participants also shared Palestinian culture, including plants, food, embroidery, music and dance, and linked the Palestinian struggle with liberation movements globally, including the Indigenous struggle for sovereignty and self-determination and the Black Liberation Movement.


The Days of Resistance continued in Toulouse as the Collectif Palestine Vaincra created a mural to salute the Palestinian resistance on Sunday, 9 August. With the word “resistance”/muqawama in Arabic at the center, the mural also highlighted various Palestinian figures of resistance: Ghassan Kanafani, Samira Azzam and Basil al-Araj alongside a map of Palestine from the river to the sea.

Participants carried Palestinian flags and banners for Samidoun and the Collectif Palestine Vaincra as they created the mural collectively.


Photo by Omar Said

Further actions for the Days of Resistance continued in Copenhagen, where the Internationalt Forum – Middle East Group hosted Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, for an event remembering the legacy of Ghassan Kanafani’s revolutionary cultural work and commitment to Palestinian resistance.

Photo by Omar Said

The event was attended by Anni Kanafani, Ghassan Kanafani’s widow and the founder of the Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Foundation, which runs kindergartens and children’s programs throughout the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, as well as Fayez Kanafani, Ghassan Kanafani’s son. Anni Kanafani introduced Mohammed Khatib, noting that Mohammed, as a child, had attended summer programs organized by the Foundation in Ain el-Helweh refugee camp.

Photo by Omar Said

The event was moderated by Irene Clausen of the Internationalt Forum, longtime Palestine organizer and author of the book, “The PFLP and Palestine” (published in Danish.)

Photo by Omar Said


In Amsterdam, Samidoun Nederland organized an action for the Days of Resistance on Museumplein, which included a discussion of the revolutionary cultural and political legacies of Ghassan Kanafani and Naji al-Ali. Participants carried signs in support of Palestinian political prisoners, including Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

They also joined the large action for Indigenous Peoples’ Day, alongside Makibas Foundation, Free West Papua Campaign, Building the Baileo and several Kurdish organizations to express anti-colonial and anti-imperialist solidarity.


Midwest SJP and the Palestinian Youth Movement organized a Day of Rage in Cleveland on Sunday, 9 August for the international action days, marching from Public Square to defend Palestine against colonization and annexation.

Online Events Continue the Resistance

The Days of Resistance also included several online events and actions. Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine, along with Palestinian Youth Movement, Al Naqab Center and the HIRAK (Palestinian Youth Mobilization in Berlin) hosted an online webinar with Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat and Bir Zeit University professor Amira Silmi on Saturday, 8 August, discussing the lives, struggles and revolutionary legacies of Naji al-Ali and Ghassan Kanafani (in Arabic).

Watch the full video below:

In Brazil, the Frente em Defesa do Povo Palestino organized an online event remembering Ghassan Kanafani and expressing their commitment to continued struggle as part of the Days of Resistance on 8 August. Participants also expressed their solidarity with the people of Lebanon, especially workers and refugees, amid the explosion in Beirut and its aftermath. Watch the video (in Portuguese)

BDS Bahrain organized an online event for the Days of Resistance, “Boycott as a Duty,” in which Prof. Abdel-Rasoul Ashour spoke about the importance of confronting normalization, especially in the Arab region. Watch the full video in Arabic:


The We Rise Podcast created a podcast, with interventions, music and more, for the Days of Resistance, with the theme, “No to Annexation.” The creators noted, “Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network has called for all organizations in support of Palestinian liberation to endorse the “Days of Resistance”, in occupied Palestine and internationally, August 7-9, 2020. In response, Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) chapters and many organizations across the nation are participating in actions throughout this weekend.”

Listen to the podcast:

Listen to “Days of Resistance, No to Annexation” on Spreaker.

BDS Boston also organized online cultural interventions as part of the Days of Resistance and Black August, highlighting Palestinian and Black writings of resistance. The BDS Boston campaign has featured works by Ghassan Kanafani, Kamal Nasir, George Jackson, Fadwa Tuqan and more, including a video of “Here we shall stay” by Tawfiq Zayyad:

A new organization in Munster, Germany, Palästina Antikolonial Munster, launched during the Days of Resistance after organizing a protest on 25 July against annexation and colonization in Palestine. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes Palästina Antikolonial Munster and its clear anti-racist, anti-colonial vision and commitment to the liberation of Palestine.

Samidoun Stockholm also issued a statement for the Days of Resistance, emphasizing: “This weekend’s mobilizations show that another world is possible. Samidoun Stockholm claims with the utmost clarity that we also have to intensify our conscious struggle against imperialism and its lackeys. We extend our warmest greetings of solidarity to the struggling peoples around the world and we extend our promise to strengthen practical international solidarity. We demand:

Freedom for all Palestinian prisoners! France and the USA out of Asia! An end to the Israeli occupation and a free, unified Palestine!”

As the Days of Resistance come to a close, the Palestinian resistance – and our actions of struggle – move forward, continue and grow stronger. We must continue to stand with the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance in all of its forms, to defend Palestine from colonization, annexation, occupation and apartheid. Together, we organize to confront imperialism, Zionism and the reactionary regimes that continue to collaborate with these forces of oppression, and to struggle for liberation. Internationalist struggle that recognizes our firm connections of unified struggle against our common oppressors is central to our movement, including to the struggle to free revolutionary political prisoners.

We salute all of the endorsers, organizers, activists and communities involved in building these protests and actions, and we look forward to continuing to struggle, hand in hand, for Black liberation, Indigenous liberation, Palestinian liberation and the liberation of all peoples from imperialism and colonialism. Every victory of the peoples in struggle against these forces is a victory for Palestine and for our collective liberation.

To join Samidoun or find out more about how you can get involved with our work, organize a chapter, or volunteer to support our organizing: contact us via email at samidoun@samidoun.net or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Samidoun’s existing chapters are below. We invite you to join us to stand with the Palestinian prisoners, the Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian people, with an internationalist vision of struggle, for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.

Below are several of the posters developed by people in Palestine and around the world as part of the Days of Resistance:

Days of Resistance begin with events and actions around the world – join in your city!

The Days of Resistance for Palestine – 7 through 9 August 2020 – are beginning with events and actions in over 25 international cities, online webinars and lectures, with many listed below. As the Days of Resistance have approached, Israeli colonial officials have ramped up a campaign of attacks against the protests with smears in the Jerusalem Post, the New York Daily News and Israeli TV  in an attempt to suppress and vilify those taking the streets to stand with Palestine. These attacks only make clear the importance of strong, loud protests and actions throughout these days of organizing!

Over 100 organizations around the world have come together to join Samidoun in calling for the Days of Resistance, Friday through Sunday, 7 through 9 August 2020. Events are being organized in New York City, Boston, Madrid, Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Belgium, France, Brazil, Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Las Vegas, Manchester, London, Brighton, Knighton, Glasgow, Auckland, Phoenix, Berkeley, Anaheim, Dearborn, Liverpool, Amsterdam, Cleveland and more, with further events to come.

We encourage organizers of these events to show solidarity with the people of Lebanon – including Palestinian refugees, migrant workers, Syrian refugees, and the over 50% of Lebanese living in poverty – affected by the devastating explosion at the Port of Beirut. At the same time, Lebanon is being targeted for yet more colonial exploitation, sanctions and economic devastation by the U.S., France and other imperialist powers. Whether holding a moment of silence, raising the Lebanese flag or collecting donations to support people in Lebanon, the Days of Resistance are also days of solidarity.

Attend and invite others to the events below! If your event is not listed:

To participate in the Days of Resistance, you can take many diverse actions. Here are a few examples, depending on your area and resources. Of course, keep safe and take proper protections for COVID-19:

  • organize a demonstration or protest
  • distribute flyers about Palestine
  • put up a table with information about justice in Palestine and boycott campaigns
  • take action to boycott Israel and complicit corporations like HP, G4S and Teva
  • poster walls in your community with signs
  • join with fellow supporters of justice in Palestine to post your solidarity and support for the Palestinian people and their ongoing resistance for return and liberation, from the river to the sea, on social media

Online Event (in Arabic):

Ghassan Kanafani and Naji al-Ali: How to restore their path?
Saturday, 8 August
10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 7 pm Europe – 8 pm Palestine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/334711407919981/
Join over Zoom or watch on Facebook Live
Organized by Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine with Palestinian Youth Movement, HIRAK (Palestinian Youth Mobilization in Berlin), Al-Naqab Center for Youth Activities

Online Event (in Arabic):

Boycott as a National Duty
Sunday, 9 August
10:30 am Pacific – 1:30 pm Eastern – 7:30 pm Europe – 8:30 pm Palestine
Watch on YouTube Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gy1i0HQDEg
Organized by BDS Bahrain

Online Event (in Portuguese)

Day of Resistance for Palestine
Saturday, 8 August
10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern 2:00 pm Brazil – 8 pm Palestine
Online Event on Facebook Live
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2725066504379134/
Organized by Frente em Defesa do Povo Palestino

New York City, NY:

DAY OF RESISTANCE Demonstration to Defend Palestine
Friday, 7 August
4:00 pm
72nd St and 5th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NYC, US
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1155028838189165
Organized by NY4Palestine, led by Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine

 Copenhagen, Denmark:

Stop Annexation in Palestine – Palestinian People’s Kitchen with Mohammed Khatib
Friday 7 August
5:30 pm
Folkets Hus
Stengade 50
Copenhagen, Denmark
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/298446194730505/
Organized by Stop Annekteringen af Palæstina 2020

Las Vegas, NV: 

Day of Resistance Demonstration and Car Caravan
Friday, 7 August
7:00 pm
737 N Main Street
Las Vegas, NV
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/events/s/day-of-resistance/691968751358813
Organized by Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights, Jewish Voice for Peace – Las Vegas

Madrid, Spanish State: 

Demonstration in Solidarity with Palestine
Friday, 7 August
8:00 pm P
Atocha to Sol
Madrid, Spain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/610593346525768/
Organized by Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization, Samidoun, Unadikum

Boston, MA:

Stand Out for the Days of Resistance
Saturday, 8 August
11:00 am
Porter Square MBTA Stop
Cambridge, MA
More info: https://samidoun.net/event/boston-stand-out-for-the-days-of-resistance/
Organized by Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine

Anaheim, California:

Days of Resistance Car Caravan
Saturday, 8 August
11:30 am
1151 N La Palma Parkway
Anaheim, CA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/589957935215093/
Organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement; Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition; Yalla Indivisible

Berkeley, California:  

Day of Resistance Bay Area No to Annexation Banner Drop!
Saturday, 8 August
12:00 pm
I-80 Bridge
Berkeley, CA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/222402215705454/
Organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement

Dearborn, Michigan:

Day of Resistance
Saturday, 8 August
5:00 pm
William Ford Elementary
14749 Alber Street
Dearborn, MI
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3377794328949210/
Organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement

Phoenix/Tempe, Arizona: 

Car Caravan for Palestine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/291325265286953/
Organized by Students for Justice in Palestine at Arizona State University

Long Beach, California:

Witness for Palestine
Saturday, 8 August
12:00 pm
Corner of 2nd street and PCH
Long Beach, California
More info: https://www.facebook.com/People-for-Palestinian-Israeli-Justice-112553376225283
Organized by People for Palestinian-Israeli Justice

Manchester, England:

Speak Out for Palestinian Resistance
Saturday, 8 August
12:00 pm
Piccadilly Gardens
Manchester, Britain
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/806939446504580
Organized by Victory to the Intifada and Fight Racism Fight Imperialism

London, England: 

International Day of Resistance for Palestine
Saturday, 8 August
12:00 pm
Kensington Gardens
Then march to Israeli Embassy
London, England
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/290621975595518
Organized by Protest for Palestine and Victory to the Intifada

Liverpool, England:

International Day of Resistance for Palestine
Saturday, 8 August
12:30 pm
Church Street
Liverpool, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/290466158875569/
Organized by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!

Brighton, England: 

Solidarity with Palestine and the Days of Resistance
Saturday, 8 August
12:00 pm
Clock Tower
Brighton, UK
Learn more: http://brightonpsc.org
Organized by Brighton and Howe Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Auckland, New Zealand:

Rally for Palestine
Saturday, 8 August
1:00 pm
Western Park, Ponsonby
Auckland, New Zealand
More info: https://samidoun.net/event/auckland-rally-for-palestine/
Palestine Network Aotearoa – Auckland Tamaki Makaurau

Glasgow, Scotland: 

Long Live Palestine! Protest
Saturday, 8 August
1:00 pm
Outside Lidl
Victoria Road
Glasgow, Scotland
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/722899948493778/
Organized by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!

Vancouver, Canada:

Defend Palestine and Boycott Israel! Protest
Saturday, 8 August
2:00 pm
Broadway and Cambie
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/3444171322281377
Organized by BDS Vancouver, Canada Palestine Association, Samidoun and IJV UBC

Gothenburg, Sweden:

Palestine will never give up! Protest
Saturday, 8 August
2:00 pm
Gustav Adolfs Torg
Gothenburg, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2427427610881051/ 
Organized by Samidoun Gothenburg

Malmo, Sweden:

No to Annexation
Saturday, 8 August
2:00 pm
Malmo, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/288683195737750
Organized by Palestinska Rättvisecentret i sverige

Knighton, Wales:

International Fast for Peace – Workshop on the Annexation of Palestine
Saturday, 8 August
3:00 pm
Knighton War Memorial
Knighton, Wales
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1389941944532500/
Organized by XR Peace

Montreal, Quebec:

Demonstration for Palestine/Manifestation pour la Palestine
Sunday, 9 August
2:00 pm
Jarry Station
Montreal, Quebec
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/283616929403882/
Organized by a broad coalition of Montreal groups including SPHR McGill, Independent Jewish Voices, Academics for Palestine, Imaging Apartheid and more

Toronto, Canada:

Day of Resistance – Resurgence through Art and Education
Sunday, 9 August
3:00 pm
Yonge-Dundas Square
More info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CDkdVnDg1EC/
Organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement

Copenhagen, Denmark:

Commemoration of Ghassan Kanafani and the Struggle for Palestine
Sunday, 9 August
3:00 pm
Griffenfeldsgade 41
Nørrebro, Copenhagen, Denmark
More info: https://samidoun.net/event/copenhagen-sunday-cafe-remembering-ghassan-kanafani-ongoing-struggle-against-zionist-colonialism/

Amsterdam, Netherlands:

Days of Resistance – Honoring Ghassan Kanafani and Naji al-Ali
Sunday, 9 August
6:00 pm
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/220642382587092
Organized by Samidoun Netherlands

Cleveland, Ohio: 

Day of Rage Protest for Palestine
Sunday, 9 August
4:00 pm
Cleveland Public Square
Centennial Park
Cleveland, Ohio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2770679799877493/
Organized by Midwest SJP

Long Beach, California:

Witness for Palestine
Sunday, 9 August
12:00 pm
Corner of 2nd street and PCH
Long Beach, California
More info: https://www.facebook.com/People-for-Palestinian-Israeli-Justice-112553376225283
Organized by People for Palestinian-Israeli Justice

If you are organizing an event, would like materials for your action, want us to promote your action, or have questions, please contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net or message us on Facebook.

Join us to take action:

Today, the program of Israeli annexation continues to threaten Palestinians in the West Bank, including the most fertile agricultural land of the Jordan Valley, which is still slated for Israel’s latest land grab. Of course, this is simply the continuation of over 72 years of land theft, dispossession, apartheid and genocide – but it requires continued mobilization and action to confront, alongside the siege on Gaza, the mass imprisonment of Palestinians, the demolition of homes, the denial of Palestinian refugees’ right to return and further war crimes and crimes against humanity.

On this occasion, we salute all of the victims of Zionist colonization and we rededicate ourselves to struggle for everything Ghassan Kanafani lived and fought for: the liberation of Palestine and the liberation of humanity. The memory of his martyrdom is a Palestinian, Arab and international rallying cry for revolutionary change.

In this context, we call on all Palestinian communities and those who stand for justice in Palestine to join together to organize the Days of Resistance on August 7, 8 and 9, 2020. We urge all Palestinians inside and outside Palestine, and all of the national forces, popular institutions, youth, student and women’s movements, social justice movements and solidarity organizations to participate actively in “banging on the walls of the tank” – as in Kanafani’s Men in the Sun – to break down the walls of silence. Join in marches, popular activities, demonstrations and remind the world that the Palestinian people will continue to rise and confront all attempts of liquidation and destruction of the cause of Palestine and resist dispossession, exile and genocide – and that all people of conscience stand beside the Palestinian people in this critical moment. 

Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine and in the diaspora urges all to consider the days of Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 7 through 9 August, as days of comprehensive struggle, resistance and popular organizing against Zionist colonization throughout occupied Palestine, days of organizing demonstrations and political, cultural and media activities throughout Palestine, in exile and diaspora and everywhere around the world. These actions confront the ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, including the Zionist “annexation” project and the deadly siege on Gaza, and aim to strengthen international solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and with the Palestinian prisoners’ movement inside Israeli occupation jails.

We urge all organizations in support of the Palestinian struggle, inside occupied Palestine and around the world, to raise the Palestinian flag and the images and words of the revolutionary writer Ghassan Kanafani in these marches and popular events.

Read the full call to action: https://samidoun.net/2020/07/call-to-action-days-of-resistance-for-palestine-august-7-9-2020/

If you are organizing an event, would like materials for your action, or have questions, please contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net or message us on Facebook.

You can also add your event at the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNaThNLE4IvJkYBt_NidTS8goYdvJsDXq_rHKrPWjCRq9QWg/viewform?usp=sf_link

The posters below can be used in your actions and activities! Feel free to use and modify for your local group:

Support Palestinian Resistance (Download PDF):


Free Palestinian Prisoners – Free Palestine from the River to the Sea (Download PDF):


End Administrative Detention – Dismantle the Israeli Prison Regime (Download PDF): 


Zionism is Racism (Download PDF): 


Palestinian Resistance for Black Liberation (Download PDF): 
