On Monday, 28 September – the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Intifada – Samidoun Netherlands organized a symbolic action outside the British embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands. The action came in support of detained Palestinian doctor Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and his fellow Irish republican prisoners. Over 50 prisoners have joined Issam on a hunger strike to demand he be released from isolation and held with fellow Republican prisoners. We republish below the report from our comrades at Samidoun NL:
Solidarity and support for Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and the over 50 republican prisoners on hunger strike with him in the British occupation prisons in the north of Ireland!

Today is the 12th day of hunger strike in protest to the prolonged isolation of Issam in the dilapidated Foyle House facility. Issam began his hunger strike on being returned to isolation following a hospital visit for an MRI scan (which was also delayed by the prison administration despite Issam’s deteriorating health. the administration are claiming the isolation to be in line with corona protocols however it is worth noting that non political prisoners have been brought to hospital appointments and returned to the main prison population without undergoing isolation. The misuse of corona protocol is further illustrated by the simple fact that they could have placed Issam in isolation in Roe House , the correct location for political prisoners. This has been reiterated by the republican prisoners in Roe House.

The past week has seen more and more prisoners join the hunger strike in solidarity with Issam including some non affiliated prisoners. Solidarity fasts have also been held at the camp outside Maghaberry prison in Antrim and Kilmainham Gaol in Dublin camp held by Republican activists.

We showed our solidarity this morning by holding a symbolic action outside the British Embassy in the Hague. We held signs carrying slogans in support of the hunger strike, for the liberation of Palestine and unification of Ireland. A representative of Samidoun read out a statement. It was a simple act of solidarity to uplift and show support for the ongoing struggle against colonialism and imperialism from Ireland to Palestine.

This simple solidarity action was enough to trigger the police to attempt to harass the activists as they left the Embassy and made their way home.Two activists were stopped by police who reported they had been watching us on CCTV and demanded to see our signs and ID. They made threats to confiscate them and fine the activists for the action but backed down as we know they have no grounds to infringe our rights like that. At least we know our message was received by the colonisers inside the Embassy!

We will continue to show our support and solidarity with the republican prisoners in the occupied six counties in Ireland and Issam Hijjawi Bassalat in their struggle for justice and liberation!

From Ireland to Palestine!
Tiocfaidh ár lá

Two days prior, on 26 September in Nijkerk, the Netherlands, Revolutionaire Eenheid also organized a symbolic action at the Israel Products Center in Nijkerk, calling on progressive youth to act to end Dutch support for the occupation of Palestine and to support the Palestinian people in their struggle against exploitation, oppression and Israeli apartheid.

The action further expressed support for the hunger strike of Dr. Hijjawi Bassalat and his Irish comrades in the north of Ireland, calling for freedom for the hunger strikers. They urged: “Support the Palestinian Resistance, boycott Israel! Free Palestine, from the river to the sea!”

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
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