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Confronting normalization and the role of the Palestinian Authority: Statement from Palestinians in Europe

Statement issued by the Union of Palestinian Communities and Institutions in Europe:

We emphasize the unity of our Palestinian people everywhere and the unity of all Palestinian resistance forces in confronting Zionist colonialism. At the same time, it is important for us to emphasize our position on the meeting held in Ramallah and Beirut under the auspices of Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, as well as our position on the Arab League draft resolution at the meeting of Arab foreign ministers dropping its condemnation of the normalization agreement between the UAE and the Zionist entity, and, finally, the announcement of the bilateral Bahrain-Israeli agreement.

The meeting that brought together the forces of the Palestinian Authority and the forces of resistance in Ramallah and Beirut on 3 September 2020 did not reach the level necessary to deal with the current national challenges facing the Palestinian people inside occupied Palestine and in exile and diaspora. It also came in accordance with the “political ceiling” that still hovers above the Palestinian people: the so-called “two-state solution” and the concession of 78% of the land of Palestine.

This meeting did not go beyond a festival of rhetoric for the powers of the Authority and the Palestinian factions, at a time when our people need a real and serious review and a clear program of struggle that breaks with the previous era and the disastrous Oslo path, which has been taking place for 27 years.

In light of these challenges, the Palestinian people will remain united in their national goals and aspirations. Accordingly:

1) We renew our call to the Palestinian resistance forces and popular institutions in Palestine and in exile to form a united national front outside the path of Oslo and its limitations, in order to mobilize our people, their popular forces and their great potential energies for the field of comprehensive resistance to the Zionist entity, on the way to reclaim the project of liberation and return that will ensure all rights for the Palestinian people in their homeland, Palestine, from the river to the sea.

2) We call on the progressive forces and the people of our Arab nation, with all of their parties, trade unions, federations and Arab resistance forces in the region, to shoulder their responsibilities and raise their voices loudly against all forms of betrayal and dependency, and block the path of normalization projects and the collaborationist reactionary regimes in the region.

3) The decline in Arab and international official support for the Palestinian cause, and the rush of some countries to normalize with the Zionist entity, is at least in part the result of the utter failure of the so-called Ministry of Foreign Affairs, its embassies and the leadership of the Authority, and it is a natural repercussion of the destructive political approach of the hegemonic Palestinian Authority leadership that contributed to opening the gate of normalization by continuing to adhere to the Oslo agreement and its obligations, first and foremost, security coordination with the Israeli occupation.

4) The Arab League’s decision not to condemn the UAE’s acions was simply more evidence that this institution is a corpse hijacked by the tools of Arab reactionary regimes, and we did not expect them to take a stance in support of the Palestinian cause and rejecting normalization. Those who commit massacres and promote foreign interference in the affairs of Arab countries cannot stand in support of the Palestinian cause. In recent years, this institution has turned into a tool for implementing U.S. and Zionist agendas.

statement issued by Dr Fawzi Ismail
President of the General secretariat of the Union of Palestinian Communities and Institutions in Europe
11 September 2020

Video: Online rally for Gaza raises international voices against the siege

This online rally for Gaza was organized on 7 September 2020 by the 16th October Group, based in Gaza, Palestine, to highlight the current situation and the siege on Gaza and urge international action to bring it to an end.

Organizations around the world participated in the event, including Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. Charlotte Kates of Samidoun spoke about international struggle to end the siege, as well as the case of Mohammed al-Halabi, Palestinian charity worker and political prisoner. Organizations participating also included Palestine Action, the International Solidarity Movement, Palestine Speaks, Daarna, Ship to Gaza, Friends of Palestine, Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights. Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance, Solidarity Rising, GW Law Students for Justice in Palestine, Palestine Network South Asia and the IHRC/UK.


7 September, starting soon – Online Rally for Gaza

Monday, 7 September
9 am Pacific – 12 pm Eastern – 7 pm Palestine time
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/online-rally-for-gaza/1087260368337126
Join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89357099768

Samidoun will be joining this event along with many people and organizations around the world! 

You are all kindly invited to attend an Online Protest Rally to demand an immediate and permanent end to the blockade on Gaza.

We, human rights activists, are hereby inviting and making a loud appeal to Human Rights Organizations, Politicians, Congress members, Parliament members, and other pro-Palestine stakeholders, to pressure Israel to end the 14 years of blockade on Gaza.

📆 Date: Monday 07 September 2020
⏰ Time: 7 pm Palestine time / 4 pm GMT / 9 am PT / 12 pm ET

Zoom Link:

We hope to be honored by the presence of a massive audience, and we thank you in anticipation.

Video: Interview with Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat on Palestinian national unity and the road forward

In this video (Arabic audio with full English subtitles), Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat speaks with Samidoun about Palestinian politics today, the question of national unity, confronting normalization – and what these have to do with the “factions meeting” that took place on September 3, 2020 in Ramallah and Beirut.


Full transcript:

Question 1: What is your opinion of the Palestinian factions’ meeting in Ramallah and Beirut on 3 September?

Khaled Barakat: I think the correct question is why this meeting took place now in Ramallah and Beirut and why it was convened in this way. Was this meeting for the forces of the Palestinian resistance? Or was it a meeting called by Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), President of the Palestinian Authority and the forces of the Authority, and the factions were present?

Because this raises a very important point – and that is, how many times such meetings with the factions have taken place and nothing has come from it?

We know that before this meeting, there were meetings in Mecca, Doha, Cairo, Beirut and more than one capital. Why would this meeting be different, and the results be different?

The truth is, the Palestinian people, who are being targeted on a daily basis by the hands of the Israeli occupation with prisons, siege, dispossession – they know that such meetings will not result in anything, Simply, because this meeting was not for Palestinian resistance. This meeting was attended by forces that are against the resistance and hostile to the resistance, and some persons who attended and delivered speeches, are part of the path of Oslo and normalization and, at the forefront of them, is Abu Mazen himself.

The essence of this meeting and the framework under which it was convened, and the program it was based on – all of these issues are very important and determine the outcome of any meeting or conference.

Question 2: Some say that the meeting of the factions was positive in itself, as it may lead to national unity. What is your view?

Khaled Barakat: The meeting in itself is not important. People do not convene just for the sake of meeting, unless they already decided that nothing will come out of it. It will not produce anything, and there will be no real decisions that have value.

Inside the forces of the resistance, we can disagree. We can have different points of view as much as we want. We have differences on all various issues here.

But amongst them is not treason. Amongst them is not to concede 80% of Palestine. Amongst them is not security coordination with Israeli occupation, justifying the continuation of the path of Oslo and the Palestinian official recognition of the Zionist entity (Israel).

Therefore, the point is not to meet for the sake of meeting. There must be a reason for a conference. Frankly, this is an Israeli way of convening meetings, and they have practiced it with Palestinians for 30 years. Saying let’s meet, just to talk, no problem! And that the mere meeting in itself is important and is positive, and so on.

This will not deceive the Palestinian people. Palestinians are a people who are wise and smart and understand it instantly. And that meetings must have real decisions that have value and that Israel must also see it as such, otherwise it is a waste of time.

Question 3: Some say the final statement had positive elements, like fighting normalization, supporting popular resistance, and rebuilding the PLO. What do you think?

Khaled Barakat: The Palestinian people did not stop their confrontation of normalization or their resistance.

The final statements that were produced, talking about fighting normalization. Who is going to fight normalization?

Ahmad Majdalani? And others who are frequent guests at the Zionist Herzliya Conference? One of those who delivered a speech in the conference just arrived from the Knesset, the parliament of the enemy. He is coming to lecture us about fighting normalization? And he wants to fight normalization?

Who are they trying to fool? There are figures, like Mohammed Madani, a member of the Central Committee of Fateh. He is leading a committee called the Committee for Communication with Israeli Society, a committee that has no task but normalization. He was also present in the meeting.

Here is the problem. The severe contradiction between message and messenger.

Because the most important thing: Palestinians have to present a model, confronting normalization and resisting occupation. And they do, but not the ones attending this meeting. Many of them are a bridge for normalization with the Israeli occupation. That’s why nobody believes them.

The Palestinian people did not go out in the streets celebrating that we have national unity. Because they understand that this is not national unity. If Palestinian national unity were really materialized, in words and in deeds, because the Palestinian people want to see actions and not rhetoric, even statements. Anyone can write a statement, even an excellent statement. At the end, there is no value for this unless it is truly practiced with serious actions that the Palestinian people will feel.

Today, our people, whether in Palestine or in the diaspora: They do not want to read statements, they want to see actions.

Question 4: What is the alternative for the Palestinian resistance?

Khaled Barakat: The alternative is known. All Palestinians know the alternative – ask the Palestinian people, and they will tell you the alternative in details:

The Palestinian people regain their collective decisions and national institutions, and liberate them from the class of Oslo, and banks and security agencies. That is the alternative.

And when the Palestinian prisoners’ movement regains its natural place as a decisive force in Palestinian politics, that is the alternative.

And when Palestinian refugees and the Palestinian refugee camps have a voice and a decision. They want the camp to be an audience. Well, the camps did watch them. What did they come up with?

The alternative is the path of liberation and return. The alternative is the path of Ghassan Kanafani, Kamal Nasser, Yahya Ayyash and Dalal al-Mughrabi. That is the alternative. The alternative is known!

And if we cannot today achieve liberation and return, at least to consider this a stage of steadfastness and resilience. We consider that the scrapping of the Oslo accord will be an achievement. If we end the Palestinian official recognition of the Zionist entity (Israel), this will have a value.

The Palestinian people must raise their voice and participate. Frankly, without the participation of the Palestinian masses, going out into the squares and streets and raising their voices and participating, and saying that these are our national institutions and we are going to liberate them from the 1% and the merchants of Oslo.

Otherwise, we will not be able to move forward, and the Palestinian people will not be able to regain its voice and liberate the national institutions, to liberate the Palestinian national charter, and regain it as the constitution that determines the relationship of Palestinians with each other.

We will not be able to mark one real step forward, unless it cuts with the entire stage of Oslo, the illusions of Oslo, and all of the path of Osloization that destroyed our people and cause, and shredded the rights of Palestinians, and even our people themselves.

And without Palestinian resistance forces realizing these issues, it will be very hard to move forward on the front of national unity.

The Palestinian internal front – the unity of the Palestinian internal front is a very vital and important issue. But the side that is blocking this unity, this class in Ramallah that is dominating all aspects of Palestinian national institutions, hijacking them and turning them into a private farm that benefits a certain class in occupied Palestine.

Apelo Global para Refugiados Palestinos: Não esqueceremos nossos direitos … Estamos voltando | 18 a 26 de setembro de 2020

Lançamos esta declaração na véspera da dolorosa memória dos massacres de “Sabra e Shatila” e os massacres de setembro na Jordânia [setembro negro], a fim de organizar um movimento popular palestino, árabe e internacional entre 18 e 26 de setembro de 2020 para proteger os direitos dos refugiados palestinos no caminho para a libertação da Palestina do rio ao mar. Defendendo o direito de retorno às suas casas e lares na Palestina por meio da luta, resistência e ação popular unificada, e tudo o que for necessário para enfrentar os projetos de normalização que visam liquidar a causa palestina.

Convidamos organizações, associações e partidos para aderir a este chamado e movimento popular palestino internacional. Solicitamos que assinem a declaração, assim como as demais que já fortalecem a convocação para a organização do movimento popular entre 18 e 26 de setembro / setembro de 2020, como:
Rede Samidoun para Defender os Direitos dos Prisioneiros Palestinos, Centro Negev para Atividades Juvenis no Campo Burj Al-Barajneh (Líbano) Fórum de Xadrez Palestino no Campo Shatila (Líbano) Aliança pelo Direito de Retorno (EUA) Movimento Juvenil Palestino (América do Norte), Movimento das Mulheres Palestinas – Dignidade (Espanha) Campanha Internacional pelo Direito de Retorno, Estudantes pela Justiça na Palestina (filiais dos Estados Unidos) Organização em Nossas Vidas – Unidos pela Palestina (Nova York) Liga Palestina triunfará (França) Aliança de Nova York pela Palestina, Euro Palestina (França) Rede Internacional de Judeus Contra o Sionismo (Canadá) Fórum Internacional (Dinamarca) Muslims for Palestine (New Jersey) Action Network for Palestine, Forum Palestine – Charlua (Bélgica) Independent Jewish Voices (Toronto) Amigos da Palestina Contra o Imperialismo e Sionismo, Organização de Solidariedade Feminina Palestina (Toronto) Rede de Ação contra o Imperialismo (Irlanda) Movimento Juvenil Palestino (Berlim) União Árabe Palestina Democrática (Itália).

Esta campanha popular prevista para acontecer entre 18 e 26 de setembro vem a celebrar os mártires da Palestina nos campos de Sabra e Shatila de 1982 e os mártires dos massacres de setembro na Jordânia em 1970, assim como para denunciar os traiçoeiros Acordos de Oslo (13 de setembro de 1993) e as tentativas de atingir os direitos do povo palestino e sua luta legítima por retorno. Estes serão dias de ação palestinos, árabes e internacionais – para reafirmar os direitos políticos, culturais e econômicos dos refugiados palestinos em todos os lugares, principalmente o direito de retorno às suas casas na Palestina e o de recuperar suas terras e propriedades saqueadas – no caminho para alcançar a libertação do povo e da terra palestina.
Este apelo surge no meio de uma escalada de campanha raivosa americano-sionista em andamento e em estreita cooperação com os regimes árabes reacionários da região para liquidar os direitos palestinos, especialmente com o anúncio de um acordo para normalizar as relações bilaterais entre a entidade de ocupação e os Emirados Árabes Unidos, e em face do colapso e fracasso do projeto de liquidação de Oslo e as políticas da autoridade.

Além disso, há a desastrosa Autoridade Palestina que segue cooperando e coordenando a segurança com a entidade sionista.

Centenas de milhares de palestinos e palestinos sacrificaram suas vidas e foram encarcerados nas prisões da ocupação em luta pelo direito de retorno e da libertação. O fizeram pelo bem de uma Palestina democrática em todo o solo nacional palestino, e hoje a única liderança nacional confiável é a resistência palestina e o movimento cativo palestino nas prisões da ocupação, que confrontam e enfrentam políticas diárias de opressão e liquidação e nos chamam a cumprir nosso papel e nosso dever em todo o país e na diáspora.

A normalização desses “acordos” com a ocupação são pretextos e justificativas para expandir o ataque criminoso ao povo palestino e seus direitos, coincidindo com a escalada dos bombardeios quase diários e a contínua agressão sionista na sitiada Faixa de Gaza. 70% dos palestinos no setor de resistência são refugiados que foram desenraizados de suas terras e que têm seus direitos negados há 72 anos.

Este é o momento para uma ação urgente e ampla em todos os cantos do mundo, para proteger os direitos palestinos. Apelamos a todos os apoiadores da Palestina e convocamos as campanhas de boicote internacional contra a entidade sionista, associações e organizações populares palestinas, jovens, estudantes, mulheres e as forças de solidariedade com o povo palestino para se juntar a este esforço e participar ativamente desta campanha que acontece na semana de 18 a 26 de setembro.

Vamos trabalhar juntos para proteger a Palestina: o povo, os direitos e a causa.

Vamos nos unir em nossos esforços comuns e em todos os lugares. Vamos levantar nossa voz contra os projetos de fechamento de capital, normalização e liquidação da Palestina e dos direitos dos palestinos.

Llamada urgente para firmar: ¡Rechazamos el discurso de Abbas y pedimos la unidad palestina en la lucha!

Llamada urgente para firmar:

A las fuerzas, instituciones y asociaciones palestinas en la patria y la diáspora.

Para firmar la declaración: correo electrónico shatatstatement@gmail.com o usa el formulario: http://bit.ly/shatatsignaturees

Arabe: https://samidoun.net/ar/2020/09/shatat-statement-ar/
Inglés: https://samidoun.net/2020/09/sign-on-statement-we-reject-abbas-speech-and-call-for-palestinian-unity-in-struggle/

Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, instituciones, asociaciones y fuerzas palestinas y árabes en la patria y la diáspora, rechazamos lo expresado en el discurso del presidente de la Autoridad Palestina, Mahmoud Abbas, en Ramallah el 3 de septiembre de 2020 en la reunión de las facciones, y expresamos nuestra posición ante la opinión pública palestina y a través de la siguiente declaración:

El reaccionario proyecto de liquidación estadounidense-sionista requirió reacciones palestinas excepcionales que reunieran a todas las masas de nuestro pueblo palestino en la Palestina ocupada y en el exilio. La posición tomada por el Presidente de la Autoridad Palestina en este último discurso no es más que una repetición estéril de posiciones anteriores que no cumplen con las aspiraciones y objetivos mínimos de nuestro pueblo y no responden a las tareas de ordenar la casa palestina, conseguir nuestros derechos nacionales, políticos y organizativos sin demora, y la elección de un nuevo Consejo Nacional Palestino.

En un momento en el que algunos esperaban el anuncio de la anulación de los traicioneros y desastrosos acuerdos de Oslo y la retirada del reconocimiento oficial palestino de la entidad sionista; y que este anuncio lo hiciera precisamente quien diseñó y firmó personalmente el acuerdo de Oslo en la Casa Blanca el 13 de septiembre de 1993, pidiendo disculpas al pueblo palestino y a la nación árabe y asumiendo sus responsabilidades políticas e históricas y el fracaso de un camino erróneo en el que se ha manipulado, negociado y dilapidado los logros de nuestro pueblo durante un período que duró alrededor de un cuarto de siglo y más.

Este enfoque oficial corrupto que controla todas nuestras instituciones nacionales insiste una vez más en presentar su proyecto de rendición en el que cede el 78% de la tierra histórica de Palestina y continúa su apego a las ilusiones de las negociaciones y la llamada iniciativa árabe, y la continuación de la coordinación de seguridad y persecución a la resistencia a través del espantapájaros del “caos de seguridad” en Cisjordania, además de un claro escape a las obligaciones nacionales utilizando una terminología laxa, los convierte en rehenes de las decisiones de un equipo que domina la organización actual, que no representa un consenso nacional y popular y no fue designado por libre elección popular.

En consecuencia, nuestro pueblo militante palestino y con él sus fuerzas patrióticas no pueden avanzar hacia una unidad nacional sólida que haga frente a los grandes desafíos históricos, sin dar la vuelta a las tornas y bloquear la conspiración estadounidense-sionista, y sin adoptar posiciones radicales que confronten la postura reaccionaria árabe oficial y establezcan una nueva etapa de lucha en palabras, hechos y posicionamientos claramente en contra de las políticas de Trump – Netanyahu – Bin Salman, y el eje del campo estadounidense en la región.

Nuestro pueblo palestino, a pesar de todas las grandes dificultades históricas y desafíos que enfrentaba, estuvo en el pasado y seguirá pudiendo reanudar su proyecto de liberación, retorno, restauración de sus bienes y ejercer su derecho natural a la libre determinación en su suelo nacional mediante el establecimiento del Estado de Palestina en todo el territorio nacional palestino y la liberación de su capital eterna y unificada, la Santa Jerusalén. Este es el proyecto de liberación nacional en el que está unido todo nuestro pueblo, y es el proyecto humano revolucionario que, bajo su bandera y por su realización, fueron martirizados cientos de miles de mártires, entre los que se encontraban los que lucharon durante las últimas décadas y enfrentaron el proyecto colonial con armas, piedras, palabras y toda forma de resistencia.

Nosotros, las instituciones, asociaciones y fuerzas palestinas y árabes en la patria y la diáspora, en respuesta a esta reunión, afirmamos que la verdadera salida nacional para la actual crisis palestina y el estado de desintegración y fragmentación solo puede alcanzarse atendiendo a lo siguiente:

Primero: La declaración inmediata y clara del fracaso del plan y la experiencia de Oslo, la retirada del reconocimiento oficial de la entidad de ocupación y el cese de la colaboración con ella, empezando por el cese de la “coordinación de seguridad” y el reconocimiento explícito de la necesidad de abrir un nuevo rumbo de lucha basado en la adhesión a los firmes principios nacionales, el enfoque de resistencia y liberación, y la construcción de instituciones nacionales que unan a nuestro pueblo.

Segundo: Formular una estrategia nacional unificada, alternativa a los programas de Oslo y a la llamada “solución de dos Estados”, destinada a activar todas las formas de resistencia popular y armada, empezando con el fortalecimiento de las capacidades de resistencia armada en la Cisjordania ocupada frente a las medidas de ocupación, sus manadas de colonos y los planes de liquidación, saqueo y anexión.

Tercero: Abordar la normalización y las conspiraciones de los reaccionarios árabes requiere, al principio, la disolución del llamado Comité de Comunicación con la Sociedad Israelí de la OLP. Ya no es aceptable enfrentar la normalización mientras continúan las relaciones de la organización con la entidad sionista, y no podemos abordar la normalización árabe oficial con la entidad antes de presentar primero el modelo ideal palestino.

Cuarto: Abordar los desafíos y peligros actuales requiere retirarse de todas las políticas y procedimientos injustos que han agravado las condiciones de nuestro valiente pueblo en la Franja de Gaza, que sufre bajo asedio y agresión, y poner fin a las políticas de abandono y descuido de los derechos de nuestro pueblo en la diáspora, especialmente en los campamentos de refugiados en todas partes.

Quinto: Así como considerar el derecho al retorno, los derechos de los refugiados y presos, y el logro de su liberación, como prioridades nacionales que no se pueden postergar.

Dirigimos esta declaración / mensaje a todas las fuerzas de resistencia palestina y, a través de ellas, a las bases y partidarios del plan de resistencia y liberación en todas partes en aras de la convergencia y la unidad; y trabajamos para elegir un nuevo Consejo Nacional Palestino que restablezca el respeto por la Carta Nacional Palestina y la unidad de nuestro pueblo y sus instituciones nacionales en la patria y la diáspora, para que así los libere del robo y dominio  de la corriente  de Oslo y el alegórico  proyecto de autonomía administrativa.

La responsabilidad es histórica, y el tiempo es de sufrimiento y sangre.

Y la victoria es el aliado de nuestro pueblo palestino que lucha, tarde lo que tarde.

Para firmar la declaración:

correo electrónico shatatstatement@gmail.com

o usa el formulario: http://bit.ly/shatatsignaturees

La declaración se emitirá a nombre de todos los signatarios en los días venideros

Fuerzas, instituciones y asociaciones palestinas en la patria y la diáspora


Sign on statement: We reject Abbas’ speech and call for Palestinian unity in struggle!

Call for Signatures to Palestinian and Arab associations in Palestine and in Exile

Your signature is invited!

To sign the statement: email shatatstatement@gmail.com or fill out the Google form: http://bit.ly/shatatstatementen

عربى: https://samidoun.net/ar/2020/09/shatat-statement-ar/
Declaración en español: https://samidoun.net/2020/09/llamada-urgente-para-firmar-rechazamos-el-discurso-de-abbas-y-pedimos-la-unidad-palestina-en-la-lucha/

We, the undersigned Palestinian and Arab institutions, associations and organizations in Palestine and in exile and diaspora, reject the statements of the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, in his speech in occupied Ramallah on 3 September 2020 at the meeting of the Palestinian factions. We hereby express our position before the Palestinian public opinion through this statement, and we hope that the largest number possible of Palestinian institutions, centers and societies will join us.

We reject this speech for the following reasons:

The U.S.-Zionist-Arab reactionary liquidation project mandates an exceptional Palestinian response to bring together all of the Palestinian masses in occupied Palestine, in diaspora and in exile. The statements and positions taken in the speech of the President of the Palestinian Authority are nothing more than a sterile repetition of previous statements that do not meet the minimum goals and aspirations of the Palestinian people. They do not respond to the necessity of putting the Palestinian national house in order or any of the other national, political and organizational challenges that must not be subjected to further procrastination and delay, first of which is the election of a new Palestinian National Council.

This came at a time when some expected, instead of this mere repetition, an announcement of the cancellation of the treacherous and disastrous Oslo accords and the withdrawal of the official Palestinian recognition of the Zionist entity! Some even may have expected that those who engineered and personally signed the Oslo agreement at the White House on 13 September 1993 would apologize to the Palestinian people and the Arab nation for this treacherous action, and assume their political and historical responsibilities for the failure of the negotiations maze, and for squandering the achievements of our people during a lengthy period of over a quarter of a century.

This corrupt official approach that controls all of the Palestinian national institutions once again insists on promoting its project of surrender, relinquishing 78% of the historic land of Palestine and continuing its reliance on the illusions of negotiations and the so-called “Arab initiative,” continuing the practice of “security coordination” and the targeting of resistance through the pretext of preventing “security chaos” in the West Bank.

Further, this approach continues to evade all national obligations (such as rebuilding the Palestine Liberation Organization, electing a new Palestinian National Council and ending security coordination) by using broad and vague language, holding these fundamental rights hostage to the decisions of one group  that dominates the Palestine Liberation Organization at present, but does not represent a national or popular consensus or respect the free popular will of the Palestinian people.

Accordingly, our struggling Palestinian people, and with them, their national forces, cannot advance toward a meaningful national unity that will confront the great historical challenges of this stage except by turning the tables and blocking the U.S.-Zionist schemes and by adopting radical positions that confront the Arab reactionary regimes’ positions. It must establish a new stage of struggle –  in word and  in deed – against the policies of Trump-Netanyahu-Bin Salman, the axis of the American camp in the region.

Our Palestinian people, despite all the significant historical difficulties and challenges they have faced, have in the past and will continue to be able in the present and the future, to resume their project of liberation and return, restore their land and property, and exercise their natural right to self-determination on their homeland by establishing the state of Palestine on the entire land of Palestine and liberating its eternal and unified capital, sacred Jerusalem.

This is the national liberation project that unites all of our people, and it is the revolutionary project that, under its banners and for its achievements, hundreds of thousands of martyrs have struggled, among whom are those who fought over the past decades and confronted the settler-colonial project with weapons, stones, words and all forms of resistance.

We, Palestinian and Arab institutions, associations and organizations in Palestine and in exile and diaspora, and in response to this meeting, confirm that the true national exit for the current Palestinian crisis and the state of national disintegration and fragmentation is through the following:

First, the immediate and clear declaration of the failure of the Oslo approach and experience, the withdrawal of official recognition of the occupation state, ending “security coordination,” and the explicit recognition of the need to open a new path of struggle based on adherence to national principles, the path of resistance and liberation, and building national institutions that unify our people.

Second, the formulation of a unified national strategy as an alternative to the Oslo program and the so-called “two state solution.” Its goal is to activate all forms of resistance, including strengthening the capabilities of the armed resistance in the occupied West Bank, the popular struggle, and the international boycott movement, to confront occupation attacks, colonialist settler hordes and plans for liquidation, plunder and annexation.

Third, the dissolution of the so-called Committee for Communication with Israeli Society of the PLO, as a first step to confronting normalization and Arab reactionary schemes. It is not acceptable to claim to confront normalization while the official relationship with the Zionist state continues, and we cannot confront the Arab regimes’ official normalization without first confronting the Palestinian model.

Fourth, to end all unjust policies that have exacerbated the suffering of our brave people in the Gaza Strip, suffering under siege and aggression, and ending the policies of neglect and exclusion of the rights of our people in the diaspora, especially in the camps and among refugees everywhere.

Fifth, centering the right of return, the rights of refugees, the rights of the prisoners and the achievement of their liberation, as national priorities that cannot be postponed.

We address this statement and message to all of the Palestinian resistance forces and national institutions, and, through them, to the supporters of the path of resistance and liberation everywhere, in order to come together, unite and work for the election of a new Palestinian National Council that will restore respect for the Palestinian National Charter, consolidate the unity of our people and their institutions in Palestine and in exile and diaspora, and liberate them from the domination and hegemony of the Oslo clique and the devastating “administrative self-rule project. “

This is a historical responsibility at a time of torment and blood. Victory is inevitable for our struggling Palestinian people, in the long term or in the short term.

To sign the statement: email shatatstatement@gmail.com or fill out the Google form: http://bit.ly/shatatstatementen

The statement will be issued in the names of all the signatories in the coming days.

Palestinian organizations, institutions and associations in the homeland and diaspora

4 September 2020

Samidoun mourns the passing of Palestinian prisoner Daoud al-Khatib

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network mourns the death of Daoud al-Khatib from Bethlehem, who died of a heart attack in Ofer prison after over 18 years in Israeli prisons and with just less than six months remaining in his sentence.

His imprisonment itself was fundamentally unjust, like that of his over 4,700 fellow Palestinian political prisoners, imprisoned for their just resistance to colonization, occupation and oppression.

Daoud al-Khatib’s death also reflects the systematic policy of medical neglect practiced against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, the denial of adequate health care and the damaging conditions of daily life.

Over 225 Palestinian prisoners have lost their lives in Israeli prisons, many due to medical neglect and mistreatment. All of them are martyrs in the struggle for justice and liberation.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins with his fellow Palestinian prisoners and the Palestinian people in our anger and our demands for justice and the liberation of all of the prisoners – and of all of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

The following calls of protest were recorded in the Negev desert prison: 

Demonstrators confront Macron in Beirut with the call: “Free Georges Abdallah!”

The following report is largely translated from the French at Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network:

On Monday, 31 August and Tuesday, 1 September, French president Emmanuel Macron once again returned to Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, as part of France’s campaign to impose “structural reforms” on Lebanon – according to the requirements of the International Monetary Fund, in exchange for humanitarian aid after the devastating 4 August explosion at the Beirut port.

Macron’s visit was met with mobilization by supporters of Georges Abdallah, Lebanese Communist and struggler for Palestine, imprisoned in France for over 35 years. On Monday, 31 August, a Twitterstorm around the hashtag #MacronLibérezAbdallah by various committees, including the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and the Samidoun Network, generated thousands of tweets that reached over half a million people. The campaign denounced the relentless repression directed against the imprisoned Lebanese activist, who has been eligible for release since 1999 but has faced repeated interventions from the highest levels of the French state, refusing to allow his release and return to Lebanon.

On Tuesday, 1 September, the Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah in Lebanon organized a rally outside the French embassy in Beirut at 6 p.m.

Dozens of supporters of Georges Abdallah, including his family members, gathered to denounce the French state’s refusal to release the Lebanese Communist. Banners and posters carried the slogans: “Macron, liar!” and “Free Georges Abdallah!” Other signs denounced the normalization agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, facilitated by the United States.

For over two hours, demonstrators spoke and chanted against imperialism and support of Georges Abdallah, one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe. “Georges Abdallah resists!” “We are here to tell France: We will not forget Georges Abdallah!” “We will not rest before his release, we are his comrades, we will continue to fight!”

As the demonstration came to a close, Lebanese police fired tear gas against the crowd who tried to march past the roadblock, preventing access or even a close approach to the French embassy.

These mobilizations and the continuing call for the release of Georges Abdallah – especially in response to Macron’s colonial and neo-colonial machinations in Lebanon – illustrate the growth of the campaign for his freedom in Lebanon, France and internationally.

We urge all supporters of justice in Palestine and opponents of colonialism to join the annual demonstration in Lannemezan, France, in front of the prison where Georges Abdallah is held. The protest will march at 2 pm from the Lannemezan train station on Saturday, 24 October.

Die Aufrechterhaltung des palästinensischen Widerstands in all seinen Formen – Khaled Barakat

Photo: Oren Ziv/ActiveStills

Übersetzt aus dem englischen Artikel von Electronic Intifada

Von Khaled Barakat

Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Niederländisch | Italienisch

Vor 50 Jahren bezog der palästinensische Intellektuelle Ghassan Kanafani eine klare Position bezüglich des Boykotts von Israel. Zu dieser Zeit war Kanafani nicht nur ein angesehener Roman- und Kurzgeschichtenautor, sondern auch der Sprechführer der bewaffneten Revolution im Namen der Volksfront für die Befreiung Palästinas (PFLP).

„Unserer Boykott basiert auf keinen emotionalen Standpunkten, sondern er ist viel mehr ein natürlicher Teil unserer Konfrontation gegen unseren Feind. Boykott ist an sich ein Standpunkt.“, schrieb Kanafani damals.  Diese Bemerkung war Teil der Antwort Kanafanis auf eine Debatte zwischen israelischen und palästinensischen Studenten in Zypern in Rahmen einer Fernsehshow von BBC. „Mit seinem eigenen Feind zu sitzen, auch in einem Fernsehstudio, ist ein großer Fehler in unserem Kampf, den wir nicht als kleinen Fehler abtun können.“, sagte Kanafani. „Wir befinden uns im Krieg und zumindest für die Palästinenser ist es eine Frage über Leben und Tod“.

Kanafanis Worte wurden im August 1972 in der Zeitschrift „Palestinian Affairs Magazine“  („Zeitschrift für palästinensische Angelegenheiten“) nach seiner Ermordung durch den israelischen Außengeheimdienst Mossad veröffentlicht. Kanafanis eigenes Leben repräsentierte ein allumfassenden Ansatz des palästinensischen Widerstands: Bewaffneter Widerstand, Kulturarbeit, internationale Solidarität und Boykottaktionen, die sich alle gemeinsam Richtung Gerechtigkeit, Befreiung und Rückkehr richteten.

Einheitliche Vision

Das Verständnis dieser historischen Vision einer internationalen Befreiung, lehrt uns wichtige Lektionen, die den heutigen Aktivist*innen für Befreiung und Gerechtigkeit in Palästina helfen die neuen Repressionen zu konfrontieren. Diese einheitliche Vision des palästinensischen Widerstands wird heutzutage regelmäßig mit bösartigen Attacken durch israelische Propagandaorgane, wie dem „Ministerium für strategische Angelegenheiten“ bekämpft. Bis Anfang des Jahres wurde dieses Ministerium noch von Gilad Erdan geführt. Gilad Erdan ist ein Politiker der rechtsextremen Likud-Partei und ist bekannt für seine Politik der Verwahrung der Leichen von ermordeten Palästinenser*innen ohne diese den Angehörigen zurück zu geben oder für seine Maßnahmen der Einstellung der Wasserrationen für palästinensische politische Gefangene in seiner Nebenrolle als Minister für innere Sicherheit.

Zurzeit kandidiert Erdan als Kriegsverbrecher als israelischer Botschafter in den USA und der UN.

Die Anschuldigungen der Propagandisten haben oft keine Basis, sind schlecht recherchiert und irrsinnig verschwörungstheoretisch. So behaupten sie zum Beispiel, dass palästinensische Menschenrechtsgruppen, die Klagen beim Internationalen Strafgerichtshof eingereicht haben, Mitglieder oder Gruppen von verbotenen politischen Parteien wie der Volksfront für die Befreiung Palästinas (PFLP) wären. Israels Verbündete in Europa, der USA und in anderen Teilen dieser Welt, die selber eine lange Geschichte von rassistischer Kolonialisierung, Siedlerkolonialismus und heutigem Neoimperialismus haben, reagierten positiv auf diese Anschuldigungen.

Palästinensischer Widerstand in all seinen Formen, selbst die harmloseste Form des Boykotts und die Verweigerung eines Handels, der auf Ausbeutung durch eine Kolonialmacht basiert, wird in der Öffentlichkeit verdreht und als unakzeptabel, kriminell und fanatisch verleumdet.

So hat die Europäische Union zum Beispiel die Finanzierung von palästinensischen NGOs beschränkt. Nach den neuen Bedingungen müssen alle Individuen, Mitarbeiter*innen und Partner*innen der NGOs vorzeigen und bestätigen, dass sie und ihre Projekte in keiner Weise mit  einer der palästinensischen politischen Organisationen, die durch die EU als „terroristisch“ eingestuft werden, in Verbindung stehen. Gleichzeitig belohnt die EU Israel für ihre Verbrechen. All diese Vorgehen haben die Absicht die Boykottbewegung gegen Israel zu kriminalisieren.

Ein weiteres Beispiel ist die Anti-BDS Resolution durch den deutschen Bundestag, sowie die Finanzierungsbeschränkungen von palästinensischen NGOs in Dänemark, Holland und in weiteren Staaten, die mit der BDS Bewegung in Verbindung gebracht werden.

Diese repressiven Kampagnen sollen den Palästinensischen Widerstand und seine politischen Organisationen kriminalisieren. Durch Unterbindung von finanzieller Unterstützung solcher Organisationen, sollen Aktivitäten und Maßnahmen wie z..B. der Versuch Israel für seine Kriegsverbrechen anzuklagen, die Bekämpfung der und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zu der ethnischen Säuberung Jerusalems oder die Verteidigung von Menschenrechten der palästinensischen Gefangenen, die unter Folter, Misshandlung oder Administrativhaft ohne Grund leiden, verhindert werden.

Darüber hinaus zielen diese Beschränkungen und Repressionen darauf die internationale Boykottbewegung und den palästinensischen bewaffneten Widerstand von internationaler Unterstützung zu isolieren und so einen Keil zwischen die beiden Formen des Widerstands zu installieren, sodass sie als unkombinierbar und sich gegenseitig ausschließend erscheinen, um sie schließlich beide zu vernichten.

Beginnend bei dem sogenannten „Dörferbündnissen“ („village leagues“) bis hin zur Palästinensischen Autorität (PA) und ihr Sicherheitsabkommen mit Israel im Rahmen der Oslo-Verträge hat Israel und seine imperialistischen Partner immer wieder versucht die palästinensischen Organisationen und Bewegungen  dazu zu zwingen sich selbst im Interesse der Kolonialisten zu transformieren.

In diesem Fall wird von der Boykottbewegung, den Zivilorganisationen und Solidaritätskampagnen erwartet sich von den genuinen Bewegungen und Kämpfer*innen, die den palästinensischen Kampf und ihr Volk am Leben gehalten haben, zu entfernen und diese abzulehnen.

Die Aufrechterhaltung jeglichen Widerstands

Um diese Attacken auf den palästinensischen Freiheitskampf effektiv zu verhindern ist es nicht nur nötig falsche Anschuldigungen aufzudecken, sondern ihre ursprünglich Produktion zu verhindern. Verbindungen zum bewaffneten palästinensischen Widerstand und seinen politischen Parteien ist kein Grund zur Scham oder eine Rechtfertigung für Repression.

Ein Beispiel dafür ist die palästinensische Kampagne gegen Unterstützungen oder Finanzierungen, die an Bedingungen geknüpft sind. Um diesen Standpunkt klar und deutlich zu machen, haben palästinensische Organisationen Millionen von Dollar verweigert.

Ein anderes Beispiel finden wir in Libanon. Samah Idriss, Gründungsmitglied der Boykottbewegung gegen Israelunterstützer in Libanon äußerte sich diesbezüglich wie folgt:

„Boykottaktionen sind Teil des „allumfassenden Widerstands“, der auch bewaffneten Widerstand beinhaltet. Beide Formen des Widerstands, der zivile und der bewaffnete, ergänzen sich gegenseitig und sollten nicht als sich gegenseitig ausschließend betrachtet werden“.

Die scheinbare Erleichterung die eine Distanzierung zum bewaffneten Widerstand angeblich mit sich bringt ist im besten Fall eine kurzweilige Erleichterung. Der mehr zu beachtende Teil dieses Diskurses ist, dass man mit der Distanzierung die Menschen an den Frontlinien des Befreiungskampfes delegitimiert, kriminalisiert und isoliert. Israel und seine Verbündeten haben nie jemals irgendeine Form des palästinensischen Widerstand geduldet und Boykottkampagnen und zivile Organisation sind keine Alternative zum bewaffneten Widerstand, sondern gemeinsam interagierende Taktiken für den Befreiungskampf.

Jede ernstgemeinte Verteidigung des Palästinensischen Volkes muss das Recht des Widerstands gegen Kolonialismus mit allen Mitteln, den bewaffneten Widerstand eingeschlossen, befürworten. Ebenso wie sie dafür zu Sorgen hat, dass palästinensische Widerstandsgruppen von der „Terrorliste“ entfernt werden. Politische und mediale Kampagnen müssen bewusst daran arbeiten, die Legitimität  des bewaffneten Widerstands und seine Normalisierung zu fördern.

Die Legitimität des bewaffneten Widerstands zur Befreiung von Kolonialismus und Besatzung ist sogar im internationalen Recht anerkannt. Die selben europäischen Staaten, die heutzutage versuchen den palästinensischen Widerstand zu delegitimieren und zu kriminalisieren, sind die selben Staaten die ihre eigenen Widerstandskämpfer im zweiten Weltkrieg als Helden gefeiert haben. Offiziell erkennt die Europäische Union auch Nelson Mandela, einen kompromisslosen Praktiker des bewaffneten Widerstand, als Helden an.

Schwedens aktuelle Verfassung äußert explizit und sieht es als öffentliche Pflicht „in bestmöglicher Art sich zu verteidigen und Widerstand“ im Falle einer Besatzung zu leisten.

Auf welcher Basis, wenn nicht auf einer rassistischen, wird nur den besetzten Menschen durch Israel dieses Recht verwehrt ?

Kanafanis klare Vision und sein beispielhaftes Leben geben uns einen bedeutungsvollen Ansatz die Repressionen zu bekämpfen und die Freiheit Palästinas zu verteidigen.

Der zivile Widerstand, der bewaffnete Widerstand, die arabische und die internationale Boykottbewegungen und die internationalen Widerstandsbewegungen und Freiheitskämpfe fließen wie Wasserströme durch die verschiedenen Länder und auf verschiedenen Routen um am Ende gemeinsam in eine reißende Flut einer revolutionären Zukunft für Palästina zu münden.

Khaled Barakat ist ein palästinensischer Autor und Aktivist. Er bekam in Deutschland ein Verbot sich politisch zu engagieren und wurde aufgrund seiner politischen Aktivitäten und Einstellungen aus Deutschland verwiesen.